14 February, 2025


IMADR Wants Government To Take Immediate Action To Combat Racial Discrimination By Implementing UN Recommendations

The International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) has urged the Sri Lankan Government to fully implement the recommendations from the UN human rights body to combat racial discrimination, while emphasizing that lasting peace and human rights in Sri Lanka cannot be achieved without addressing the causes for the ethnic and religious polarisation which affected inter-religious and inter-ethnic harmony in the country.

Dr. Nimalka Fernando - IMADR President

Dr. Nimalka Fernando – IMADR President

In a statement, IMADR said, “We urge the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) to fully implement the recommendations from the UN human rights body to combat racial discrimination. On 15th and 16th August, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) met the Government delegation to assess its efforts to eradicate discrimination in line with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). It was 15 years after the last examination which took place during the time Sri Lanka was facing the protracted armed conflict. Today, for the first time after the conclusion of the armed conflict, the CERD issued a series of recommendations to the GoSL that would assist in the compliance with treaty obligations in its fight against racism.”

With the Asia Committee, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) submitted a report to the CERD to provide alternative information on racial discrimination in Sri Lanka with a focus on the conditions faced by the Tamil population in the plantation regions, minority communities and the rise of religious extremism.

The recommendations from the CERD cover a variety of issues in Sri Lanka, namely: Statistics;

Definition of racial discrimination; Domestic application of the Convention and complaints; National Human Rights Institution; Prevention of Terrorism Act; Hate speech and hate crimes; Freedom of religion of ethnic and ethno-religious minorities; Tamils of Indian origin or “Plantation Tamils”; Situation of the Adivasi/Veddah people; Situation of internally displaced persons; Situation of minority women in war affected areas; and Truth and reconciliation[3].

The CERD Country Rapporteur for Sri Lanka, Mr. Jose Francisco Cali Tzay, stressed in his concluding remarks at the dialogue with the Government, “We very much congratulate the country for the commitment to peace in the country. And that’s why we would urge you to pay attention to the situation of racial discrimination. Various bodies confirm that this underlied the armed conflict in Sri Lanka.”

“I recall the historic moment when the Citizenship Act was adopted following the previous recommendations in the year 2001. Similarly the recommendations of the CERD have to be linked to the overall efforts of reconciliation. The challenge now is to incorporate the recommendations into the on-going Constitutional reform process, thereby demonstrating the political will of the Government to uphold human rights of all, affirming non-discrimination, pluralism and equality.” says Dr. Nimalka Fernando, Co-Chairperson of IMADR and a human rights defender from Sri Lanka.

“Lasting peace and human rights in Sri Lanka cannot be achieved without addressing the causes for the ethnic and religious polarisation which affected inter-religious and inter-ethnic harmony in the country. Reconciliation and peace initiatives have to address racial discrimination which is deeply rooted in the society. We urge the Government to take swift and effective measures to eliminate racial discrimination based on the recommendations from the CERD. In doing so, the Government must work with civil society including victims, human rights defenders and NGOs in a transparent and inclusive manner. Finally, the Government needs to strengthen its partnership with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR),” IMADR said in the statement.

Latest comments

  • 12

    There is no point in supporting UN’s recommendation for hate speech bill. Under the hood of 6th Amendment this is will function more than PTA on the lives of the Tamils.

    The biggest drama taking place is Lankawe parliament is to cheat UNHRC in March 2017, they are drawing up a new constitution. The new constitution is not to solve any problems. It is not meant to devolve any power that will be eventually implemented. As per the senior ministers like Rajitha, it is meant to stop the call by UNHRC to investigate criminals. That mean the only purpose of the new constitution is to save the Old Royals from the UN electric chair. As a matter of fact, the New King was one of the most reliable,senior cabinet member to Old Royals and party secretary of SLFP during the Old Royals. So, there is an undeniable need to defuse the call to investigate the criminals. The current effort of constitution making is mammoth operation to fool IC with a mutimillion rupee money being wasted on it. Yahapalanaya is doing everything in its hand to prevent Old Royals forming a party. The want the Old Royals, especially the Old King, to stay in the government, not ready to let him go alone. This will be ineffect, with all the cover up Yahapalanaya is doing of the crimes committed, Old King personally will have his influences on the investigation as he is part of the ruling party.

    We have no point in going for peace with Lankawe in any angle.

    • 18

      This one to impress paymaster of europe that they seem to be doing something to be funded for the next few years.

      Mankolle mankolle.

      • 0

        Have they ever implemented the previous constitutions please?

        • 1

          Nimo Nangi, Why do not you and Vasu talk of an end to Financial Crimes and demand a special court to investigate financial crimes against people of Sri Lanka. We need lots of UN experts fro this. We want end of impunity for WAR CRIMES AND FINANCIAL CRIMES and accountability and transprency?!

          After all Vasu is a leftist and they like to talk about Economic Rights and justice?!

          Is it because you Nimo, nangi are merely playing to the international donors who fund your Geneva jaunts just like the time you went with Vasu and MR?!

          Sri Lankans want economic justice today! In addition to war crimes trials.,.
          We want accountability and transparency and an end to impunity for politicians who commit FINANCIAL CRIMES and we want help from UN and international lawyers for a Special Financial Crimes Court in addition to war crimes trails.
          Please try to speak for what the people of Lanka want, not just your foreign paymasters? ok Nomo Nangi?!

        • 1

          Nimo Nangi just to say that Anti-Hate Speech is very important and you have 100 percent support for this one here!

  • 11

    It is true that racial discrimination deeply rooted in this island. The politicians and religious leaders are in the front line in the descrimination. If you want to address this issue, first of all the cleaning process should start from the President to parliamentarians. There should be a code of conduct for all parliamentarians including President. First of all President, Prime minister and Ministers should openly declare that they are not representing any race or religion. For example, President should represent the people of this island not Sinhalese. President should not tell that I am a Buddhist Sinhala and I will protect Buddhism. We all know well that some Ministers were behind the burning of Jaffna library. We all know that LTTE attacked Dalada Maligawa. Both are punishable crimes. Both should have get the same treatment under a common law. In reality, one was punished, the other was never investigated purposely. This is a racial discrimination. Even now it is not late to bring those criminals into the justice system even though the criminals don’t live now. This is what reconciliation.

    • 28

      “”It is true that racial discrimination deeply rooted in this island. “”

      there is only one race and we have ltte bums like you playing the classic offshot- Hingannage Thuwale

      thick headed village demala even colombo wiggie is unable to help.

      (europe had black slaves to say race)

      • 20

        The core cause of the issue for all this blood and gore is `faith faux pas` buddhism & islam vs rest.The symptoms is ethnic violence.

        pongal time in the north you have addu, maddu, kolikuttu `race` for kalede. There is no other race in that island except the highland horse races no dog races.

  • 22

    Sri Lanka should take urgent steps to enthrone two principles in our public life – merit and assistance to the those who are handicapped for various reasons. The talent of the best have to harnessed to take this country forward in all aspects of public life, while those rendered who weak for whatever reason should be enabled to contribute in whatever way we can . This should transcend birth, ethnicity, language , religion, family and wealth considerations.

    If we are to achieve these objectives, hate speach and deed; and discriminnation in any form, should be defined in the new constitution as severe criminal offenses.

    I consider these the most impotrtant aspects of national reconciliation.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 4

      Tamils come and preach.

      They can not stop their own spreading racism based biolence and speeches.

      else where, they should be just tax payers hiding inside the house.

      • 13

        Jim Shit wrote: Tamils come and preach. They can not stop their own spreading racism based biolence and speeches. else where, they should be just tax payers hiding inside the house.

        TFN: own spreading racism? biolence? else where they should be just tax payers hiding inside the house?

        Ado Jim Shit, where did you learn to write? Did you write in English or some other language? Nothing you wrote here makes any sense, all completely messed up. Who was your teacher? Basil Parayapaksa?

        • 5

          Tamil from the North:

          You look like a [Edited out].
          Even your own in Jaffna treat you dalits like thrash. You people are used to it.

          Bug the south asking best you can get[Edited out]

          • 9

            Jim Shit wrote: Even your own in Jaffna treat you dalits like thrash. You people are used to it. Bug the south asking best you can get.

            TFN wrote: ‘thrash’ – how does this word jive with your sentence?
            ‘Bug the south asking best you can get’ – is this Mandarin or Japanese?

            Ill educated buffoon from the south has found a keyboard attached to a computer, so idiot is typing away his stupidity. Dumb clown!!!

            • 2

              In 1545, Tamils in Jaffna were 18%, muslims were 20% and the rest were Sinhalese.

              Now Sinhalese population in Jaffna is NIL except the focres people.

              Who is discrminatiing who ?

              • 2

                [In 1545, Tamils in Jaffna were 18%, muslims were 20% and the rest were Sinhalese.]

                Before the settlement of deported Vijaya, that hybrid population was nil.

              • 1

                Softie Jim, the more the Sinhalese get soft in their pants, the population in the South too will diminish. Tell us please, how many have you produced? Eventually Lankawe will have to import humans from Kerala like it was done before. Or get the assistance of LTTE leftovers.

              • 3

                in 1539 Muslims were 12% and Sinhalese were 0.0012% and rest were Tamils in Jaffna. After that as Jim suggested ethnic cleansing has begun, evidenced by Jim’s statistics

              • 2

                jim softy

                “In 1545, Tamils in Jaffna were 18%, muslims were 20% and the rest were Sinhalese.”

                Probably Sinhala merceneries known as Lascarins from south who fought along with Portuguese against the natives in Jaffna Patnam numbered only 3000. You have included them in your census.

                Those Kallathonies from Madurai numbering about 1000 fought for Rajasimha against the invaders in up country. You should be proud of your kallthonie ancestors who seemed to have contributed to the defense of Kandyan kingdom.

                Could you cite reference for your population count of Jaffna in 1545.

                There had been several Erivirapattinam in South India. Could you tell us where exactly did your ancestors come from?

    • 10

      Well said. If we apply fixes to the fundamentals then that would solve the problems. Everything else is patchwork fixes that makes things worse.

    • 1

      But if all what you have said in your comment, is regarded as a thin end of an insidious wedge to promote federalism in the country which is not conducive for national reconciliation. What do we do then?

      • 3


        “But if all what you have said in your comment, is regarded as a thin end of an insidious wedge to promote federalism in the country which is not conducive for national reconciliation.”

        I have asked many in this forum as many time as I could remember for a good explanation as to why federalism is not conducive for reconciliation nor not good for the country. I have had no rational explanation from our paranoid forum sharers.

        Federalism is not synonymous with separation. It would be the Hindians who would be responsible for policies which could “break or make” this island, as we have seen them over the past 30 years or so, through their action and inaction.

        A highly centralized state cannot and will not serve the purpose especially the diverse people of this country. The net result has been a country was/is being run by a gang of despots made of hoodlums, murderers, war criminals, … for their own benefit and not for the many. The state and government could not be held accountable when a few enjoy absolute power.

        Inertia, corruption, nepotism ………… are in control through both politicians and the state instead of real and caring people.

        Therefore any alternative structure that is completely different to the one we have now is far more better than a centralising state, and need to consider the idea of breaking this structure and building a new democratic state by peaceful means, all the more relevant.

        • 6

          “” It would be the Hindians who would be responsible for policies which could “break or make” this island, as we have seen them over the past 30 years or so, through their action and inaction. “”

          nothing exist as wholes and parts in their natural context.

          lankawe people are holier than holy- did not lanaka tamils seduce indian ex servicemen and move upward of the political ladder with backing of the church?

          Higganno nation is dependant on India as Nation for its imports and a small way for its exports.

          When you are economically free please tell us the `hindians` are harassing us- till then vaya muddu.

          Imports – partners:
          India 24.6%, China 20.6%, UAE 7.1%, Singapore 5.9%, Japan 5.7% (2015)
          Exports – partners:
          US 26.1%, UK 9%, India 7.2%, Germany 4.3% (2015)

          Your doubt about central state- madras presidency governance was central governance up until 48. Union territory of India. If Trump wins do not expect any help for 10 years – cannibal country can then curse the moon too.
          The need is culling of dynasties and monkee’s.

        • 1

          I am on the same page as you on this subject and entirely agree that a centralised state structure should be rid to build a New Democratic state by peaceful means, but the ordinary voters deliberately and knowingly elect the corrupt repeatedly and gain no benefit hy doing so.
          They pay more taxes directly and indirectly, suffer delays getting to work and back, suffer getting proper treatment in hospitals, endure poor education for their children, live in poor conditions, suffer exploitative working conditions and yet they vote for the same corrupt rabble, Why is this?

          • 3

            Uthungan ,
            “”Why is this? “”

            disenfranchise the voter for they know not no confidence in motion neither their super delegates.

            wipe the island off the map Then bring in fresh settlers who are non faith based. then it’s possible to have ethnic 52/48 like belgium, malaysia.

            Clean up the cancer.know the symptom and track back the cause.- faith stupid faith gullible free education of no value to negotiate values.

        • 2

          stupid vedda,
          Don’t you get it? Stop asking stupid questions about federalism. Just because 10% of the population wants federalism it should be given to them??
          When does your air head get that there will be no reconciliation with any group. Who suicide murdered over 100,000 innocent Sri lankans? Explain why, not a single Tamil asked for reconciliation prior to waging a terrorist war against innocent SL civilians?
          Tamils like you who supported terrorism should beg for pardon from people of Sri Lanka!

      • 9

        the cause is faith and symptom is ethnic.

        • 1

          why not you try to start it from Kindergarten.In Japan even elderly people go to Univesities. NOt universities but you should learn the basics incl. good English. you are no too late.
          Else, readers would not get what you really want to say.

          • 12


            “Else, readers would not get what you really want to say.””

            Fido thinks the world is flat and learning stops after campus because he is a vegetable.

            learning is a process that never stops until you become stupid to see japan but not the world that is learning in their late years.

            “‘I don’t know’ had become ‘I don’t know yet.’” when on R&D.

    • 2

      It is all good way of thinking. Do you really think in every other country such principles are practiced? Take for example US, Canada and UK who claim as the champions of democracy, equal opportunity and non discriminatory laws. Do you think what you preach for Sri Lanka happens in those countries? You need to have a deep look at those countries and investigate how “merit and assistance to the those who are handicapped for various reasons” is practiced.
      I guess you are preaching all this to make Sri lanka squeaky clean. Good for you but that will never happen with humans.
      By the way, with all these discrimination etc. against minorities how did you become who you are today? You should give your experience with hard work as a young Tamil to other Tamils who keep doing nothing to improve themselves but complain of discrimination as the root cause for all their problems.

  • 6

    What do you think of the effect of Srilankan Budha Sasana based on Srilankan Budhism has on combating discrimination and promoting reconcilliation ?

    When the two Sinhala Buddhist (SB ) “Mudalali” parties take turns to claim SB ownership of the whole country and occupy the lands of the minorities using almost 100 % SB armed forces , what can powerless IMADR and UNHRC do except fooling the victims.

    • 6

      I think the question is out of scope. Religion is outdated when it comes to fixing the problems of the society. Those who rejected corrupt religious institutions as their rulers moved forward and achieved peace. Unfortunately the world seem to have forgotten this today.

      • 8

        “I think the question is out of scope. Religion is outdated when it comes to fixing the problems of the society. “

        Do you understand the meaning of foundation and the forces that it has to take into consideration to plan and design a foundation?? I doubt it.
        To float is advance civilization.

        faith based ethnic violence is at the core of lanka’s problems. Madras presidency governed it without that stink.

      • 11

        in the west we spend less time with god and are prosperous.
        in the east there is more of god, poverty, and communism.

        mind you 60% of the whites of UK do not have a religion.

        faith is the cause` of lanka’s suffering and the symptoms` are ethnic.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    [Edited out]

    • 3

      Jim Shit – [edited out] – thanks for keeping it brief.

      • 3

        Tamil from the North: Kallathonis don’t like it. If you are Tamilnadu, your favorite language is mixed english. They kill their own because of caste. No human rights there. Because animals don’t understand those.

        • 3

          Jim Shit – We came on a thoni and your ancestors arrived on a kallathoni. Remember the fact about how your great uncle and his hoodlum friends were chased away from India by the King.

          Oh sorry Jimmy boy, how could I expect an uneducated fool like you to understand history. You will only understand if you have attended classes.

          But most of the direct descendants of the arrivals (Tamil and Sinhala) 3-4 thousand years ago turned out well. But a small percentage of the arrivals such as you, Sumanaya, ela kola, Laloo, balla, Patriot and buggers like these TGTE fellows have turned out a disaster.

          Best you go and hang yourself, before you carry out that wonderful task of hanging yourself, do unto others what you want done unto you…………hang Sumanaya, ela kola, Laloo, balla, Patriot and buggers like these TGTE fellows first and then take care of yourself. We are all behind you Jimmy boy………….go Jimmy boy Go!!!!!

        • 2

          Oh it’s just ok to kill somebody because they are different race or religion. If you kill in the name of Lord Budha, you are a messiah. But never never kill somebody because of caste. If you kill somebody in the name of caste , you are an animal. The great logic of the south.

  • 3

    These western backed NGOs are pursuing a western geopolitical plan. The dismemberment of the whole of the ME by western /Saudi backed militia who have backed a racial/religeous conflict whilst the corporations exploit the natural resources of the country with the help of the corrupt. This kind of sectarian violence is what the west wants that is orchestrated by this writer.
    Who in SL are not discriminated. The ordinary Sinhala buddhists are discriminated by the mere fact that jobs are given to UNP/SLFP members the rest have no recourse . Discrimination of Sinhala buddhists go on daily by the corrupt police, Politicians etc. To emphasise it on racial grounds and to imply that the Sinhala Majority buddhists are fovoured is immoral to say the least and the writer is guilty of that.
    Discrimination can only be quelled by proper governance , Rule of Law , justice and human rights. I would agree the governments are guilty of not adhering to those principles but that also is found to be against Sinhala Buddhists which is blartantly carried out by minority ministers.
    Adhering to those principles will create unity . The discrimination theme carried out by NGOs will lead this country to sectarian violence. I suppose the superficiality of the writer is to be condemned. I hope this realistic comment will be published.

    • 3


      You have a few good general points.

      “Discrimination of Sinhala buddhists go on daily by the corrupt police, Politicians etc”

      I just checked the dictionary to understand the right meaning of the word Discrimination. Look what I found,

      “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.”

      Tell us on what basis and by whom the Sinhala/Buddhist are being discriminated? Are the Sinhala/Buddhists being discriminated on the grounds of race, age, or sex by non-Sinhala/Buddhists?

      “Discrimination of Sinhala buddhists go on daily by the corrupt police, Politicians etc”

      What has corrupt practice got to do with discrimination?

      “Who in SL are not discriminated. The ordinary Sinhala buddhists are discriminated by the mere fact that jobs are given to UNP/SLFP members the rest have no recourse.”

      The have been elected by the Sinhala/Buddhists since 1956. Then those voters must take responsibility for electing the corrupt who enjoy absolute power and impunity from crimes.

      Does it occur to you state institutions are manned by Sinhala/Buddhists since 1956, including the police? The corrupt elect the corrupt and corrupt man the state institutions.

      So the problems lies elsewhere with the voters. Go ask them to stop voting for the corrupt and insist on recruiting the best and the brightest with impeccable honesty and compassion.

      • 3

        Native veddah,
        Sinhala Society is not uniform neither is the Tamil. Are not the vellalas not guilty of discrimination against the Untouchables and other lower caste. Isn’t that discrimination. I am sorry you are unable to understand the multifaceted nature of any society.

        • 2


          “I am sorry you are unable to understand the multifaceted nature of any society.”

          Tell us on what basis and by whom the Sinhala/Buddhist are being discriminated? Are the Sinhala/Buddhists being discriminated on the grounds of race, age, or sex by non-Sinhala/Buddhists?

          “Are not the vellalas not guilty of discrimination against the Untouchables and other lower caste.”

          It is altogether a different topic, let us deal with it on a separate occasion.

    • 3

      West is deviding Africa into different countries along the ethnic lines. West have devided former Yugoslovia alone the ethnic lines. They have similar plans for Syria, Afghanisthan, and Iraq. Once divided Middle east looks completely different.

      West Want Sri lanka, burma and thailand embroiled in religion related conflicts. Eventually, they want all three countries devided.

      Can a small country ever become a threat to the world except it is dpenedant always for everything foreign ?

  • 3

    “Lasting peace and human rights in Sri Lanka cannot be achieved without addressing the causes for the ethnic and religious polarisation which affected inter-religious and inter-ethnic harmony in the country.”
    Why was the hate speech bill shelved?

    • 3

      “Why was the hate speech bill shelved? “
      it was meant to safeguard the very perpetrators of injustice- religious fascist.

  • 3

    Thank you NGOs for recognising the plights of the minority around the world and working intensively to restore justice without alterior motives. Go USA. Go Great Britain. God save the Queen.

  • 0

    The best thing the UN or its body can do is to compel/hold investigation on black July 83 because it’s the beginning of serious racial hatred between Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka.

    (There was no (serious) racial hatred between Sinhalese and Tamils previous to that. it was cultivated by stupid politicians.

    How can we expect any progress without starting from the very beginning.
    It is still not late for that.

    I wonder whether the UN purposely avoiding it in favor of the culprits who had been west aligned.

    It was during that time that JR made Buddhism state religion even without demand from the general public.

    Buddhists didn’t and don’t want it.

    Cultural affairs ministry can easily handle all the religion related matters.

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