9 September, 2024


Immediately Detain Sri Lanka’s National Intelligence Chief: Diaspora Tamils Tell Swiss Authorities

Tamil Diaspora organisations have today called on the Swiss authorities to immediately detain and prevent Director of Sri Lanka’s Centre for National Intelligence, Sisira Mendis from leaving Switzerland until there is a thorough investigation into the serious charges of torture against him.

Sisira Mendis

Sisira Mendis

Sisira Mendis is currently in Geneva as part of a delegation to defend the government of Sri Lanka’s adherence to the Convention Against Torture before the UN Committee Against Torture.

“According to the report of the UN’s OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka, Mr. Mendis had command responsibility over police units known to routinely practice torture during the final period of the Sri Lankan civil war.” the BTF said in a statement.

“While USTPAC and BTF are encouraged by the government of Sri Lanka’s decision to engage the UN Committee Against Torture, we are dismayed that Mr. Mendis represents the government before the very UN Committee charged with ensuring governments stop torture,” Dr. Karunyan Arulanantham, President of US Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC), said. “His attendance in Geneva deeply disrespects Sri Lanka’s torture victims and mocks the esteemed work of the Committee Against Torture.” he said.

Mendis served as Deputy Inspector General of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and was also responsible for the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) from March 2008 to June 2009. Both organizations are known for their routine use of torture.

“…[Mendis’] attendance in Geneva deeply disrespects Sri Lanka’s torture victims and mocks the esteemed work of the Committee Against Torture”. On the basis of universal jurisdiction, Dr. Karunyan Arulanantham added, “we call on the Swiss authorities to immediately detain and prevent Mr. Mendis from leaving Switzerland until there is a thorough investigation into the serious charges of torture against him.”

“The government’s brazen decision to send a known torturer to Geneva is a particularly egregious example of the culture of impunity that stubbornly persists in Sri Lanka. We strongly endorse the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ recommendation in September 2015 to establish a hybrid court for Sri Lanka with international judges, prosecutors, lawyers and investigators,” said Ravi Kumar, General Secretary of the British Tamils Forum (BTF). “Mr. Mendis’ participation in Sri Lanka’s torture review, and indeed the fact that he is now Director for National Intelligence, demonstrate that an internationalized court is needed now more than ever.” the BTF said.

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  • 21

    Dr. Karunyan Arulanantham, President of US Tamil Political Action Council (USTPAC), said.

    Looks like another Dalit has become a big mouth because Free educattion in Sri lanka.

    He has forgotten what he would get if he were in Tamilnadu.

    • 4

      He called you a big mouth ? That’s not nice of him

    • 10

      Elsewhere it says that the “Reporters Without Borders” has made the

      • 1

        [Edited out]

      • 0

        punchinilame aka Antany Peter

        Its hard swallow in case you missed it MR and his hole bandwagon doing fine in Sri Lanka without any hindrance. Wonder what happen to the WCOJ?

        • 3

          You need to see a mental doctor, unfortunately Colombo Telegraph is entertaining you.

    • 12

      You had the same free education but was too stupid to use it. So don’t complain.

      • 7

        Everyone in the country had free education and it was paid by the peoples’ taxes! So what is free?

        This is just a myth and a wrong interpretation. Education is never free. It is education for everyone with equal opportunity paid by the taxation which is people’s own money. In other words we pay for our own education!

      • 0

        You had the same free education but was too stupid to use it. So don’t complain.

        that is why propagating Tribalism while holding a doctorate.

    • 10

      Expect more noise from BTF, GTF, Transexual Tamil Govt of Peelam and other pro LTTE terorist fronts since they backed their one-legged horse Hilary, who lost as badly as they did.Hilary, Samantha Power, Camel jockey (Prince Rizad or whoever the head of UNHRC) are destined to the dustbin under Trump.There will not be any threats from US for Sri Lanka. Time for reasonable Tamils in Sri Lanka to come forward with their suggestions to form a society free and fair for all. Mr Mendis has diplomatic staus and cannot be held by Swiss authorities.

    • 4

      Dear Dr. Arulanantham and Mr. Kumar where were you when the Tamil armed groups were mercilessly gunned down each other group members; and assassinating political leaders and intellectuals far more than any other terrorist groups in the world? You blindly support foreign powers and do dirty politics for your own benefits and perks. That is why Tamils have nothing after thirty years of brutal war.

      You have eliminated your own leaders and intellectuals more than any other race in Asia. That is why I call you as the most dangerous creatures of Asia. Therefore, I have urged the Sinhalese leaders and the other Asian leaders to watch your moves very carefully; because, you have the ability to destroy Sri Lanka and South Asia, as you have done for the last three decades. The West has an intention to use you to dominate Indian Ocean and South Asia; as it has been using the Jews to dominate the Middle East.

      Do you feel any remorse whatsoever for your evil acts during the brutal civil war for more than three decades? Do you see evolution among yourselves who assassinated far more leaders and intellectuals than any other terrorist organization in the world? The answer is no. You are still under the firm grip of the foreign powers which transformed young Tamils as ruthless terrorists in the world. You are not smart enough to find a solution. Therefore, you won’t find a solution.

      It doesn’t matter whether you cry to Indians or to the Westerners; nothing will change. You will get zero answer; if you multiply anything by zero. Likewise, Tamils will get zero results, if they continue to keep you as their leaders. Tamils won’t go anywhere by avoiding smart Tamils; they will continue to go backward. Tamils have achieved nothing by conducting the Asia’s longest brutal civil war for three decades with the help of the foreign powers. Tamil leaders don’t learn, but blindly follow the foreign powers. Therefore, Tamil leaders need to be watched and guided carefully.

  • 21

    Working with the UN is a joke – a smoke screen and spin for the International Community to consume.

    Impunity and immunity for war crimes and financial crimes for criminal and corrupt politicians and their cronies is rampant in Sri Lanka today, and growing with hate speech and financial crime proliferating under the Ranil-Sira Jarapalanaya govt..

    Not a single criminal politician has been charged and jailed for war crimes or financial crimes.

    The international Community is also going along with the GoSL charade and turning a blind eye given much tougher situations elsewhere!

  • 26

    “Immediately Detain Sri Lanka’s National Intelligence Chief: Diaspora Tamils Tell Swiss Authorities”

    Where were these so called anti-torture activist [Edited out] when that animal Pirabaharan was torturing and killing both Sinhalese, Muslims and even Tamils in the country?

    • 13

      The language you have used describes your character. Nowhere near acceptable,(Samma Vaacha).
      CT must be banned and blocked for allowing this type of language users on the WWW internationally.

    • 14

      And where were you Silva when your own regime massacred more than 70,000 Sinhalese in the 70s? A dumb-wit like you should have raised and resolved this but sadly your dick is impotent enough to turn your face the other way and look at the wrong side.

      • 13


        Where were you when hundreds of Tamils were butchered by the army and police for the only reason that they were Tamils?


        • 2


          Exactly where you were, with a whip to whip you.

          • 2

            Ha ha so jansee finally admits he is a mistress just like his foolish name.

    • 6


      You have a point there.

      Was Sisira Mendis the torturer in chief at Martin Torture Camp in Vavunia?

      Was he the sidekick to DIG Udugampola in the late 1980s and early 90s?

      • 1

        If Nikki Hayley is appointed as Sec of State today then the tiger flag could be archived.(the same way she had the confederation flag) Then how about the lion flag?

    • 4

      Wasn’t protecting the citizens the responsibility of the govt. Where were they? They reneged on their responsibility and labeled every Tamil a terrorist. So how do you expect them to stand-up.

      They are just minded but they are not stupid.

    • 2

      Silva, STFU

      Where were you when our Tamil brethren took a whacking in May 1958. Did I see you in Negombo? Did I see you in Maradana? When the Maradana chandiyas hammered innocent Tamils with iron bars (even poor Muslims ran down Panchikawatte Road breaking their sarongs and shouting “api marakkala”)

      AND where were you in July 1983 when that evil scoundrel Mathew ran amok? Were you his ath-udaw’wa?

      It was the egregious element of our Sinhalese community who in the years 1950 to 1978 created Prabhakaran. What you sow is what you reap.

  • 21

    For almost 30 odd years Diaspora funded LTTE goons to torture Sri Lankans – now these same Diaspora guys demanding to take action against the Senior security officers who worked diligently to save many Lankan lives from Brutal terrorist attacks – what joke ?? We should demand UN to take immediate action against these terrorist supports who are responsible for many Sri Lankan lives lost during last few decades due to LTTE atrocities – Mr Mendis is a honest ,efficient officer with an unblemished record and diligently worked to save the nation from brutal LTTE terrorist attacks – we Sri Lankans respect him and demand the Gov. to take immediate steps to ensure the safety of Mr. Mendis

    I think it is high time for the Gov. to tell diaspora who is Governing this country

    • 7

      Robok, your wrong. Diaspora know the SL govt is dancing according to their tune. OMP is such 1 example. Pro-tigers were instrumental to bring this spineless, good-for-nothing govt into power. So, the demands from them are obvious.

    • 5


      Is the Govt really governing?

      • 6

        Current Gov.is run by Puppets manupulated Diaspora and many International actors – however the scenario will be different when Donald Trump assume duties as President of USA – Diaspora’s ” Tamils for Hilary” goons who openly campaign against Trump will find it difficult to gain undue sympathies from his Gov. – Trump had already declared that he will work with Russians to destroy ISIS – So his approach towards traditional enemies and freinds of USA will be different from many previous Presidents – The era of Washington think tanks running the country from behind and the elected President acting as a Cover page or rather a mouth piece will be over – Diasport idiots will have much less influence on Washington bureaucracy

  • 21

    Do these diaspora SOB’s understand that they are responsible for the killing and maiming of many thousand of innocent Sri Lankans who were living in South / East / North and West of SriLanka ??? – do these rascals understand, each and every individual innocent Sri Lankans killed by LTTE goons have families , friends and relatives who are silently suffering due to the lost of lives of their dear ones ?? — do these bastards understand these suffering people will never forgive either LTTE goons or their ardent supporters – Definitely never – UN must not under estimate the sentiments of these people – UN must understand many Sri Lankans will not tolerate harming any of their Armed Force personnel – because they were the people who made personnel sacrifices to annihilate LTTE completely – UN – remember Mr Mendis is one of the heroes of many who suffered due to LTTE atrocities –

    • 21

      Do you know bloody state terrorist raped,tortured, killed hundreds of thousands of Tamils including women and children from 1956 and continuing still,says UN. Not diaspora. What LTTE did was insignificant number of civilians and many soldiers. You speak for state terror agent. Shame for Lord Buddha

      • 5

        During the war many Tamils perished because the war happened in North where the Tamil population is more – But the Diaspora funded LTTE goons killed innocent Sinhalese , Muslims and Tamils (who do not want be a part of LTTE killing machine) just because they happened to live within their imaginary EElam , you say the numbers LTTE killed are insignificant ?? They physically killed many thousands of young ,old ,men and women and mentally killed many many thousands related to the killed ones – We know who supplied information to UN reports – Let’s stop arguing about it

    • 15


      “Do these diaspora SOB’s understand that they are responsible for the killing and maiming of many thousand of innocent Sri Lankans who were living in South / East / North and West of SriLanka ???”

      I am happy to hear that there were zero killing and maiming of innocent Sri Lankans who were living in South, East, North and West of SriLanka before the advent of Diaspora.

      Thanks for the information.

      • 5

        If the war was won by the LTTE, I would love to see this transgender die ass poras asking for accountability and war crimes tribunal from the Sun goat!

        • 3


          “If the war was won by the LTTE, I would love to see this transgender die ass poras asking for accountability and war crimes tribunal from the Sun goat!”

          Well, you are rest assured there are few of us still be demanding an independent credible war crime investigation into all crimes covering the period from 5th April 1971 to date.

          Perhaps you ought to be worried about your past.

    • 17

      Rabok, your logic and the logic of some of the commentators here is that the man has done so much good so we should ignore the wrongs he might have done!?

      Even if a good man commits a crime it is still a crime!!

      But no you don’t want to accept it do you!?

      It is people looking like you defending possible war criminals who are preventing our nation from celebrating our true war heroes…

      The ones who gave their lives to bring peace.

      The ones who did the right thing when it was tempting to go the wrong way.

      • 7

        Anonymous – Mr Mendis is a Senior Intelligence Officer – so it is his prime duty to keep a watchful eye on the State enemies – and catch them before they can act and destroy many innocent lives – Now you are talking about the crimes committed by this dedicated officer – who provided you solid proofs of these crimes – Diaspora Tamils ?? – please do understand Diaspora idiots will never say anything good about our Intelligence Officers simply because these Intelligence Officers played a major role in completely annihilating LTTE from Sri Lanka – So it is against any logic to name these dedicated Intelligence officers as war criminals – War criminals are the Diaspora idiots who funded LTTE goons

        • 4

          In 90s , many Sinhalese leaders were killed using bombs placed in public places in Colombo. Had your honest, intelligent intelligence offices found conclusive evidence of any of these murders? Rumors said, lot of political leaders and even businessmen whose names started with ‘W’ or ‘V’ (in Premadasa time) were killed by Snhalese Gov supreme leader and credited to LLTE account. (Malayalam fortune tellers advice? ) Where were those honest intelligence offices at that time?
          Rajiv Gandhi was killed in similar pattern and Indian intelligence offices unearth all evidence , caught all directly relavent people in India and proved it in courts within 2 years. Has that ever happened in SL? Do we really have honest, intelligent intelligence officers in SL?

    • 19


      Sorry to point out to you. The diaspora SOBs nor the LTTE would have come to being if not for the Sinhala Buddhist pogroms against the hapless Tamils. The Sinhala Buddhists of Sri Lanka who you so vehemently protect are the ones who created LTTE. Now you are blaming everything on the monster that you yourself created.

      • 5

        BTF is looking for cheap publicity. BTF GTF would never achieve anything except its leaders cherishing in their new found glory.
        Nothing is going to happen to Mendis as he has visited the UN and above all Obama is going to approve his safe return.

      • 3

        My Dear BBS – You are reading the history of Tamil terrorism wrong
        The first seeds of Tamil terrorism was swan by Senior Chelvanayagum
        He was a violent radical orator who could not tolerate his party (Tamil Congress) leader GG Ponnambalam’s less violent political views – GGP maintain very cordial relationship with Sinhalese Politicians – Chelva always used to paint Sinhalese in the south as enemies of Tamils and rouse them to do things like painting black on “Sri” on CTB buses running in Jaffna – and organized Sathyagrha campaigns in front of Gov. Agent office in Jaffna – Both Bandaranayke and Dudley tried their best to develop a working relationship with Chelva but could not acheive, due to pressure exerted by Sinhale extremist – Tamil Politicians who came to power after Chelva – conveniently used Tamil nationalism as a tool to increase their voter base – So it is not only Buddhist extremist but Tamil extremist also

        • 2

          Lanka Buddhism equals Wahhabism. All schedule caste morons.

        • 3

          BBS Gnanasara is one of worst extremist in the recent time (Perhaps you have doubts on this, but almost all Lankan Tamils and Muslims have no doubts on this). So is this an excuse for Tamil and Muslim public to kill and burn houses of thousands of Sinhalese citizens? Because of Gnanasara, do Tamil and Muslim Lankans get rights to burn me alive using tires????
          Rabok, you have to go back to primary schooling again and improve your analytical skills?

      • 1

        danna magulak katha karanna BBS Rep. LTTE is a creation of a its God fathers like SJV, Rama bros and so on. Your logic is so poor and it has no value after 60s’.

        Tamil racism funded, Gobbels like Native Vedda and the likes will happily embrace your moda choon, but not those who know the history with proofs.

        • 2

          Let me send you more Punnaku – please. You the ilk will never learn it.

          You seem never sensing it. Kepuwath MR supporter mentality will never allow you to sleep well.

          Sinhala racist and racism promoters of your kind are plenty in this country, but MR men will learn it sooner than later. Be ready to face it.

          • 1

            Leela, If we do not look after our race and religion, We will be ended up in the Indian Ocean!

            • 4


              “Leela, If we do not look after our race and religion, We will be ended up in the Indian Ocean!”

              You are already sinking anyway, without the being drowned in the Indian ocean.

              If you really want to save the people of this island make sure they are not caught out in the next Sinhala/Buddhist tsunami. The last time Pancha Maha Balavegya tsunami came it left a trail of destructions from which the country hasn’t recovered yet.

              By the way, what is your race and what is your religion?

          • 0

            There is no bound to your stupidity Leela. How on earth I be a racist when I say the truth. All you idiot woman knows is repeat one word – MR – like a parrot. (Sorry beautiful creature parrots. My intention is not to insult you by comparing this stupid woman to you).

            Where I have said above anything about MR?

            I cannot do anything to your unlimited misery state of mind.

    • 6

      Rabok, they ask you the same questions about Sinhala state terrorism which preceded the birth of LTTE. Remember, it’s sinhala state terrorism that created this resentful diaspora community by looting, raping, massacring and displacing them. They experienced firsthand what sinhala terrorists were capable of and they felt the responsibility to provide means for their brethren back home have an effective self-defense against a terrorist state armed with the might of modern weaponry. It’s a well-recorded fact the state did not only fail to provide protection for Tamils in the several recurring anti-Tamil pogroms but was actively complicit in them. By the way, your military men are genocidal war criminals, sexual predators and necrophiliacs. There is no heroism in bombing your own citizens by the thousands; raping and mutilating surrendered unarmed girls; executing a harmless child just because you didn’t like his father.

      There was no just cause to your war; it was was a pure genocidal imperialist aggression from the outset. If you valued human life so much like true Buddhists would you would have respected Tamil aspiration for political self-determination but for you forced territorial unity mattered more for which you were willing to pay with the slaughter of Tamils on a genocidal proportion.
      The Tamils have only replaced White colonialism (which was much more civilized) for a barbaric Brown colonialism of the so-called people of the lion who are as bloodthirsty as the marauding lion with a sword representing them.

      • 3

        During the war many Tamils perished because the war happened in North where the Tamil population is more – But the Diaspora funded LTTE goons killed innocent Sinhalese , Muslims and Tamils (who do not want be a part of LTTE killing machine) just because they happened to live within their imaginary EElam , you say the numbers LTTE killed are insignificant ?? They physically killed many thousands of young ,old ,men and women and mentally killed many many thousands related to the killed ones – We know who supplied information to UN reports – Let’s stop arguing about it

        • 5


          “But the Diaspora funded LTTE goons killed innocent Sinhalese , Muslims and Tamils (who do not want be a part of LTTE killing machine) just because they happened to live within their imaginary EElam”

          Irrespective of race, religion or region innocent people had been killed by armed forces, JVP and Home guards, etc through out the island since 5th April 1971.

          Who did fund them? Pick one most appropriate answer:

          The state (taxes levied from people Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils, additional fund raising)

          Foreign aid/grant (funded by Hindia and foreigners)

          Loans from Hindia and other countries (repayable by Sri Lankans)

          The actual physical war against people started on 5th April 1971, there is no end in sight.

          Think about it if at all possible.

  • 5

    Diaspora murderers turned Human Rights activists

  • 3

    If Tamil Diaspora is not interested in reconciliation and harping on action against armed forces personnel, The Government should also look into excesses of former LTTE leaders and cadres rehabilitated and released to the society. Some LTTE leaders who are among the living, were accused of mass murders, fund raising and procuring arms for terrorist activities, abduction of under-aged children for recruiting them for the war effort, bombing places of worship and passenger vehicles etc. Gayan

    • 7


      “Some LTTE leaders who are among the living, were accused of mass murders, fund raising and procuring arms for terrorist activities, abduction of under-aged children for recruiting them for the war effort, bombing places of worship and passenger vehicles etc.”

      Well done much appreciated for your discovery.

      How long did it take you to investigate and come to this conclusion?

      Well done, thanks.

    • 18

      Gayan, if any living LTTE members are guilty of war crimes they too should be investigated for war crimes I don’t think anyone disagrees with that at all.

      It seems that some people have a twisted logic in their heads that all the good done by some of these people accused of war crimes makes it ok for them to have committed a few crimes!!

      A crime is a crime. LTTE or Army they should be investigated and punished so that we can stop tarnishing the names and hard work of our true war heroes who did not try to take the easy way out.

  • 8


    “Diaspora murderers turned Human Rights activists”

    When did Gota turn himself a Rights activist? He should turn himself to police.

  • 2

    I thought the Yahapalana President has already sacked the real Intelligence Chief who helped save the nation from Terrorists?.

    It was under instructions of the Yahapalana PM and the BTF for sure..

    What is this other Organization?.

    Don’t they know that this dude’s boss was hand picked by the Yahapalana PM?.

    So how can he do torture?..

  • 5

    Dear participants,
    This is a sad situation for Sri Lanka and it is bad for the Country to let this kind of situation being seen by all around the world. Bad politics is continued despite Sri Lanka being on spotlight on the process of reconciliation. The extreme incidence of racism, absence of prompt action against racism in public, and lakh of local Legislation to stamp out racism is not seen in Sri Lanka. Instead all we see is nothing but racism. It is also very obvious the present Government allowing these to happen with impunity but talking in favor of reconciliation!
    Here in the forums it appears Sri Lanka has all the reasons to go for an International Inquiry, but it is a mistake Sri Lanka has made by refusing for an International Inquiry. If Sri Lanka accepts the world norms and go for the Inquiry, things would have been a lot better for stopping racism and reigning in the urgently required reconciliation and Prosperity.

  • 17

    God what monsters has our county produced!!?

    It is shocking this government too is still unable to do anything about this…

    Buddhism in Sri Lanka has been systematically destroyed by monks and corrupt politicians who have turned Buddhism into a tool to exploit the people!

    The continued use of this methodology to exploit the people has contributed to this behavior by the state!

    While this exploitation is turning the Sinhalese into Nagas and Yakkas (Snakes and Devils) taking them far away from the teachings of the Buddha. This is what they have done for the Sinhalese people under the guise of protecting and elevating the Sinhalese culture they are sending the Sinhalese people down a path of regression.

    Look at the heartless monsters this exploitation of these people has turned them into!

    By doing so they created the ideal conditions to plunder the nation.

    There was no love of state or the Sinhalese culture. It was self preservation all the way even at the cost of destroying the Sinhalese culture and setting it on a regressive path.

    Will this government and future government continue down this path or put an end to it!?

    Those who defend these wrong doers who are setting our nation down a regressive path are contributing to the destruction of our beautiful nation and tarnishing the names and hard work put in by those who seek to uplift our nation.

    • 14


      Remember the active war criminals and professional torturers are living among the people.

      Who are we going to sacrifice to feed their sadistic cravings?

      Definitely not the crooked politicians’ kith and kin, nor bikkus, nor the kith and kin of the authorities.

  • 18

    This is Sri Lanka.

    Buddhist monks foment hatred, encourage killing raping and pillaging.

    Top class con artists, murderers and fraudsters are voted into power time and again.

    The main weapon of the police fighting crime is use of unadulterated torture.

    Now we send a torturer to talk against torture in other countries.

    This is of course the Sinhala Buddhist Nation. Jayawewa.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 11

    If you investigate the crimes by lTTE it will find all the states intelligencias active involvements in it.

    • 2

      Bull Shit – Have you done investigations to prove the involvement of State Intelligentsia in LTTE plots Pls. do not let others know that you are a born idiot

      • 2

        Have you done investigations to prove every crime the LTTE has been accused of by the government or pro-gov sources?

      • 16


        “Bull Shit – Have you done investigations to prove the involvement of State Intelligentsia in LTTE plots Pl”

        Have you?

        Let us have your findings, including details of assassinations of

        Lalith Athulath Mudali
        Sarath Muthedugama (1980s)
        Arming and financing LTTE during occupation of North East by IPKF

        During your forensic investigation you would have unearthed some evidences that link LTTE to the destruction of Jaffna Library. Please let us have the details.

    • 0


      What do you mean, LTTE were that dumb and Tamils could not do anything right ?

  • 8

    I am puzzled. If there were an international conference on, say, banking, wouldn’t we send our best banker?

    Similarly, for a conference on torture, we sent our best torturer!

    • 8


      “Similarly, for a conference on torture, we sent our best torturer!”

      I love it.

    • 1


      Torture isn’t a pleasant word but unfortunately it has come to live with us.

      Investigators use torture as a tool to expedite investigations and catch the culprits.
      Humane and lawful way of investigating is time consuming; I think that’s one of the reasons to use torture as an accepted tool.

      Almost all the countries in the world use torture though officially denounce it.

      Even the CIA is blamed for using torture.

      Your comment “we sent our best torturer” hasn’t been proved.

      Isn’t terrorism a torture for peace loving people?

      It’s terrorism that has given recognition for torture as a tool of investigation.

    • 0


      Similarly, for a conference on torture, we sent our best torturer!

      Pottu amman was the best to send. Dalits would had had orgasm on that.

  • 0

    Why do you waste time to investigate former LTTE leaders/caders to ascertain the the crimes they were involved in. There are enough evidence against living members. Look at a few of those.






  • 0

    Truth will burn

    • 2


      “Truth will burn”

      The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off
      – Gloria Steinem

  • 0

    Don’t let him ”escape” from the justice.
    He killed hundreds, aided many thousands to perish under his command.

    • 2

      Hey!Go to hell without talking bull – say things if you have solid proofs to prove your comment- else keep your mouth shut without bull shit

  • 0

    Torture in(police)custody is everywhere (where social conflicts are taking place).

    CIA also has been charged for torture.

    So international attention should be given to the subject and steps be taken for proper torture management as culprits don’t come out with facts without some torture mainly because there’re supported by sympathizers.

  • 0

    Another futile statement made by now irrelevant diaspora. Simply Swiss government has no authority to detain a foreign delegate to a UN meeting. They simply have diplomatic status for the duration of the event.
    Now my question is to Hon. Samaraweera…Did you really think that you have tamed the tiger?

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Raj Bandara , someone should have killed your mum also, so that you would have never been born to this life. You simply are a waste of a sperm.

  • 0

    Stop the vengence and talk sense. When will we ever get the vengence out of our systems or will we take it to our graves????????????????

    “Do you know bloody state terrorist raped,tortured, killed hundreds of thousands of Tamils including women and children from 1956 and continuing still,says UN…..Raja”
    Yes Raja… What the UN does not want to know was Own goals scored by tamils on tamils) how many Tamils were cold bloodedly killed by THAMBI begining with Alfred Duraiappa in the 70s. Uma Maheshwaran…
    Amirthalingam, Yogeshwaran were killed because they assisted in promulgating the Vadukoddai Declaration in 1976?
    Neelan thamby and Ranjan aiya died invain. Diaspora money was more powerful and important?

    What is a lesser crime. Rape or slitting the bellies of expectant mothers, pulling the unborn out and chopping the necks off unborn children?

    Now there is no Catholism in the North as S.J.Emmanuel the Theologian adviser to the Bishops Conference in Asia had once stated that he had no meaning to Bread & wine consecrated at holy Mass to be that of Jesus Christ and Prabakaran was infact like Jesus Christ.

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