19 September, 2024


Impeachment: US Embassy Urges Transparency And Due Process

By Colombo Telegraph

The United States Embassy remains very concerned about the state of the Sri Lankan judiciary and the impeachment process of the Chief Justice

“We urge that the Government of Sri Lanka and the Parliamentary Select Committee investigating the Chief Justice ensure any investigation be conducted transparently, guarantee due process, and is conducted in accordance with the rule of law.” says US Embassy Colombo.

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    “Rule of Law” = The King’s Wish
    “Due Process” = The process the King Orders
    “Transparency” = The state media and island wide (mud) posters

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    The bedrock of our democracy is the Rule of Law and that means we have to have an independent judiciary, judges who can make decisions independent of the political winds that are blowing. While we citizens are concerned that our government has put forward baseless chargea against Chief Justice, has used State Media to spread canard and espouse a premeditated verdict, and continues regardless with its cavalier attitude toward due process and the rule of law. Transparency is only a mere word, robbed of its glory, soon after the arrest of the opposing Presidential candidate. The government has under estimated the peoples capacity to judge and see for themselves, right from wrong, truth from falsehood, justice from injustice and fair play from unfair practices. It gives us great courage that the whole world is watching this spectacle of lunacy being enacted by a dictator President, gone currupt with absolute power, and has even placed family nepotism at a new level. fit for a Guiness record. God save our country Sri Lanka.

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    These jokers dont know what rule of law means. Text book used in Sri Lankan Parliment is ‘Law of the jungle’ by Koparage Vermin and Modawanse. First of all the President who claims to be a lawyer must know what rule of law means.

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    What moral stands US has gotsay this. When the Tamils were fighting against this Tyrant, US named them Terroists and help to murder them. Support Idiotic Bush gave created this Tyrant. If they are really seraious about rule of Law they shoudl MarA and his clans to ICC and charge sthem for War Crimes. Atleats that coudl be companesattio for eliminatinga true Liberation Movement and indriectly supporting a terrorist State to murder innocent civilians and freedom fighters. Mere lip service is not enough

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    Has the readers ever given thought why only the Americans express concern on matters of importance here and yet do nothing and not the British, the Germans, the French, the Australians, the Indians or anyother Country. The truth is MR is supported by the Americans from the time he was elected with the help of VP. Then the Drama of the War. Now the Americans realising the blunder caused by MR in dealing with the CJ fearing the tables will turn, the Americans shoots their mouth in case a change occurs to score brownie points with the Sri Lankans, as if they were the ones responsible in getting MR ousted. Crafty Buggers still trying to poke their finger!

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    Who cares for the Americans. We now have a King, loved by the people. This is the King that I was waiting for all my life. This dynasty will take the country to prosperity. After MR will come Namal. What is wrong with dynasties? India, China had great dynasties too.

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      A CAPITAL…..FUC….in front of king.

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    Will the Americans go and preach about transparency to The Chinese or the Indians. No , because they are too big and would not care a damn for the US. Further, the US lives on loans taken from China. The US will attack countries like Vietnam who are weaker. But still finally they ran away from Vietnam. We had Clinton who had sex with and’Intern’ and denied about this. This is the type of people who ruled the US. They should look at their own back yard. We do not want in Sri Lanka corrupt Judges who takes bribes. Eg. Rs. 1.6 million discount for an apartment and sit on judgment in a case for Ceylinco.
    Once President Premadasa sent the UK Ambassador back for criticising his govt. President Rajapaksa should do the same !

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