9 February, 2025


In Defence Of MIA

By TU Senan

TU Senan

TU Senan

This is the second time I am writing to ‘defend’ MIA. The first time was in 2009. When she spoke out against the war, instead of getting a warm welcome as a major public figure using their fame to bring attention to the plight of Tamils, she received a rebuke. A Tamil ‘economist’ based in Sri Lanka decided to give her a ‘maths lesson’. Apparently she didn’t understand numbers – according to him she exaggerated the number of people being killed! That same ‘economist’ had claimed (in a meeting in 2008 as I recall) that the world economic crisis was nothing and would pass quickly – that’s another story. I had to defend MIA then because like many Tamils I felt powerless and forced to watch in silence when ‘millions of Tamils were being killed’.

It feels like every time MIA speaks out against the Sri Lankan government, people volunteer to correct her. They advise her to stick to ‘what she does best’ and avoid politics or they attack her as an ignorant maniac. What makes these people uncomfortable is what makes me and others want to defend her. Sure, many of us could do a ‘decent’ in-depth political commentary – and then be forced to sit on it forever. How many media outlets are out there which would publish the views of the oppressed sections in society? (Hats off to Colombo Telegraph on this). This is why at times we do seek ‘celebrity endorsement’. Accusations that millionaire Russell Brand is only trying to make more money out of talking ‘radicalism’ or that MIA’s trying to boost her own ratings do not concern us. Instead it is what these celebrities say, what side they take, and the audience they bring to such matters that is most important. If we argued they were a substitute for mass action that would be another matter. We don’t. It’s worth noting that those who don’t hesitate to criticise MIA are not arguing for any strategy for the fightback.



That she brings a larger audience’s attention to the plight of Tamils is the key factor here. Yes, it is true that media channels like Channel 4 could have given opportunities to other ‘intellectuals’ and ‘political commentators’ as well. But that’s not a realistic expectation within the capitalist media. It is Alan Keenen, mouthpiece of the ICG and the whole of western establishment who gives lectures to Tamils on what they should and should not do. When Callum Macrae stood up to tell the truth, he also faced an avalanche of accusations that he is not impartial.

In the face of the massacre how can one be impartial? MIA could have been ‘inaccurate’ on some facts and figures. Lefties always strive for accuracy – but does that render her comments useless? At a time when the president and the defence secretary of Sri Lanka were claiming that ‘there are no minorities in the country’, ‘not a single person has been killed’ and that the war was the ‘biggest hostage rescue operation’ – how can people be not expected to cry ‘genocide’ and ‘massacre’. At the time of the war, how many of you ‘intellectuals’ – ‘artists’ clearly came out against the war? There are those who wanted to be ‘neutral’ – there are those argued like Romesh Hettiarachchi that the LTTE should have stepped down and released the hostages to save the Tamils! (I have written a polemical book on this for those who can read in Tamil).

We don’t accept the ‘hostage rescue’ arguments and pretended ‘neutralities’. Leon Trotsky once pointed out that in the time of major social upheavals “standing on the wall involves great danger. Moreover, in times of alarm the priests of ‘conciliatory justice’ are usually found sitting on the inside of four walls waiting to see which side will win”.

In this light there is nothing more irritating than hearing that the war could have been avoided or the massacre could have been prevented only if the LTTE decided to lay down their arms. In response to the interview with MIA on Channel 4, thambi Romesh Hettiarachchi argue that: “Many lives would have been saved if the Tigers laid down their arms in February 2009”! This is mentioned without any hint that it justifies the brutal onslaught of the Sri Lankan military. The 2009 massacre was not brought down on the Tamils by their own actions but by the brutal chauvinist regime. This slaughter, though much more brutal than previous times, is not entirely new. There is a long history of discriminations, and attacks against the Tamils in Sri Lanka. The birth of the LTTE and their growth as a military organisation must be seen as a by-product of this ongoing attack and the geopolitical situation.

The methods of the LTTE are well known since their fight against the Indian army. We are not ready to buy the propaganda that the government did not know in advance of the war how the LTTE would strategically move among the people and aim at the military – after all they are known as guerrilla fighters. In my understanding and experience, the majority of Tamils don’t support any attacks on civilians by the LTTE. Despite ongoing discriminations, the majority of Tamils are not prepared to tolerate attacks on the Sinhala population either. They never condoned attacks in civilian places in the south. This contributes to the relative low level of such attacks in Sri Lanka in comparison to other conflicts. Almost all the diaspora groups now accept that the LTTE hierarchical control collapsed during the last phase of war, and they carried out a number of attacks against the fleeing Tamils. The Tamil diaspora groups always accepted the war crimes investigation against both parties – but to treat both the same would be absolutely ridiculous. Government personnel knew all too well that the war would more or less be over by March 2009. What took place for the next two months was a brutal hunting of the wounded Tigers with no regard for the refugees. There is ample evidence available and enough has been written on this.

But the point is this – even if the LTTE carried on with their military actions, the government should have stopped the war and refrained from massacring tens of thousands.

What MIA is saying now is shared by tens of thousands of Tamils in the diaspora. Apart from the empty shells such as the GTF (also note here that, it is their ‘moderate’ view that gets media attention regardless of the fact that they don’t have any support on the ground), the majority of the diaspora organisations express no trust in Maithri. But our position did not draw out people like Romesh, because we don’t get enough audience. But MIA should be silenced because she brings the embarrassment of Sri Lankan state to millions.

In the south, people are led to believe by the Sinhala ruling elite that all their problems boil down to only one thing – that it is the existence of the LTTE. Unfortunately the arguments such as above add to this ignorance. A huge number of Tamils stopped flying the flag of Sri Lanka for a long time – a phenomenon that started before the LTTE came to be. It is all too easy to brand those who raise these problems as ‘terrorists’ or sympathisers of terrorists’ actions. This is the line that the former Sri Lankan government took when they banned people from entering Sri Lanka. MIA cannot go to her country for this reason. But it’s not just MIA. I was banned from going to Sri Lanka last year by the defence ministry. What was my crime? Did I ever hesitate to oppose the faults of the LTTE (or any movements for that matter)? Or did I advocate terrorist activity of any kind? Or did I brand all Sinhala people as enemies. No. I spent most of my life arguing the contrary. And yet the ban came. The only reason, I assume, is that I dare to oppose the brutal regime and that I am a Tamil. I expect my experience is not unique and it’s no surprise then if you have a myriad of Tamil activists and artists (including MIA) speaking out in total mistrust of all governments of Sri Lanka.

Besides, the argument of ‘I have Tamil friends so I know what they think’ argument is so silly. Romesh, you don’t need Tamil friends to understand the suffering of Tamils in general as much as I don’t need ‘Sinhala friends’ to understand the poor and oppressed masses in the south of Sri Lanka. It reflects your squeezed view of politics – personalised experience in itself is not enough to understand the laws that govern society and the dialectical motions of history. We must do away with these sorts of ‘identity politics’ if we are thinking about creating a just society in which all can live without fear of discriminations and divisions.

Latest comments

  • 27

    What is Tamil about her except born to Tamil parents and her name ?

    • 9

      What is her name?

      • 5


        Mia Farrow

    • 18

      TU Senan –

      RE: In Defence Of MIA

      Correction: In Defense Of MIA

      “This is the second time I am writing to ‘defend’ MIA”

      This is not 2005 or 2010. This is 2015.

      MIA and other remnant Muṭṭāḷs(முட்டாள்)lives in 2005 and 2009.

      Does MIA stands for; Muṭṭāḷ(முட்டாள்)Icai (இசை) Araciyalvāti(அரசியல்வாதி) In English it means ‘Stupid Musical Politician”

      Have you heard about Realpolitik?

      MIA is being used by Muṭṭāḷs(முட்டாள்), Madus (மாடு ),Water Buffaloes ( எருமை மாடு) Fools., Modayas for their own ends, and the ground situation of Sri Lankan Tamils is different. They need solutions.

      Tamil conversion apps


      • 1

        Ama, in Tamil Buffaloes are called only ‘Erumei’ (எருமை) not suffixed with ‘Maadu’ (மாடு). ‘Maadu’ means ‘Cattle’.

    • 11

      What makes this gorgeous girl more Tamil than the lot you have got accostomed to hate is that she abides by key Tamil saying யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளீர்

      • 0

        Muttal Rights Suppository,

        And she never sings the same slogan.

    • 9

      Jim Softly,
      Classic case of attacking the messenger rather than the message. If possible counter the context of her interview, I know that’s not possible after all truth cannot be countered by lies. People like you make no difference to MaRa’s boot lickers like Wimal who attack the messenger whenever MaRa is criticized.

  • 21

    she is a just a racist who wanted to bully the regional sinhala – minority and she forgot her tamilness when she got hooked up with a wealthy Jew.

    • 24

      Sinhala Buddhist rascist JIM softy (English parents?)!

    • 27

      Is fighting for the right of Tamils make her a racist?

      • 20


        “Is fighting for the right of Tamils make her a racist?”

        The most cruel and inhumane thing to do to a sex starved frustrated loner ask a question on humanity.

        You should be charged for committing mental cruelty on differently able person.

      • 12

        all men are mad or they should be arty farty; one is on gangster rap and the other following on gangster journalism like the nation.
        Now she is trying to don the Jewish where one cannot insult them in the eu or usa- kalla koli and the money they make doing it is raj rajaratnam double.

    • 14

      “she forgot her tamilness when she got hooked up with a wealthy Jew”

      Doesn’t this say that she is not a racist? She saw her partner as a human being and not as a Jew. Which your finding very difficult to do. As far as wealth is concerned she does have more than what she needs.

      Defending people victimized because of their race does not make a person a racist but justifying or ignoring victims because they belong to a race other than your makes you a racist.

    • 5

      Hi Jim softy, “she is a just a racist who wanted to bully the regional sinhala – minority and she forgot her tamilness when she got hooked up with a wealthy Jew”. Below belt punch-This just shows your up bring. Stop being a racist! It seems from your comments,that you are unable to comprehend the article and unable to comment on it, Just showing your communal/racial hatred. Get out of your parochial thinking box. This is 21 century and a period where we all are living in the global village. Sinhala people should start to understand the true history and forget the myth which was created to grab the whole Island as theirs. Twisted and misleading Sinhala historians used this Mahavamsa myth to claim the Island as it belongs to the Buddhist Sinhalese. Rationalise and work out If Buddhism was brought to Lanka by Mahinda and Sangamitha 242 BC on the instruction of King Asoka of India. There was some religion that had existed and being followed by the People of Lanka at that time. The oldest religion and even Buddha himself was born into a crown family who were practicing Hindu religion in Nepal. Even if you want to forget this fact/truth. Today Srilanka is made up of Multi ethnic and multi religious people. Let all live as equal citizens. Thank you.

  • 21




    • 26

      Capslock bro, not cool. Let your argument stand out for itself and not the font ;-)

      • 11

        they are just beetlejuice;bad as can.

  • 31

    “Many lives would have been saved if the Tigers laid down their arms in February 2009”

    If Sinhalese would have agreed for Banda-Chelva pact in 1956, many thosands of lives would have been saved. Many lives would have saved if Sinhala would have had a referundum in the North East whetrher Tamils want to have a separate state you would have saved many thousands of Sinhala and Tamil lives and billions worth of economic damage.


    The fact is that there was a genocide of Tamils happening since 1958.

    • 11

      So in other words if sinhalese agreed to what LTTE wanted many lives will be saved….

      So to pursue their objective killing people by LTTE is perfectly ok?
      So to pursue SLG’s objecive killing people is ok ne?

      • 13


        “So in other words if sinhalese agreed to what LTTE wanted many lives will be saved….”


        If you (21 Million of you) stopped being very, very, ….stupid not only many lives could have been saved but many forum sharers could have saved lot of their time from educating you, putting sense into your blockhead, ………..

        • 10

          Native Vedda

          “If you (21 Million of you) stopped being very, very, ….stupid not only many lives could have been saved …..”

          support for your augment is given below in the IQ scores.

          Sri Lanka 79

          National IQ Scores – Country Rankings

          • 13

            Amere and N.V,

            Better singers like the lark and better dressed like the peacock- murgan

            The beauty of Tamil artist in the modern era.

            “Appadi Podu” | Ghilli (risk taker) |

            `In Defence Of MIA” –
            balu senator.
            Ennen konyam venuma (need more nectar from non traitors)

        • 7

          So when did anyone become stupid? 56? Is that what you say stupid?

          The only idiot in this thread is you. Are you ashamed of your ethnicity that much? CT’s aswer

          • 9

            Such, and you…expecting a different result- insanity!

      • 8


        The comment is not valid because the objective of the SLG was killing civilians. The outcome of that is the birth of LTTE after 20 years of suffering.

        • 7

          then why did SLG fed tamils held in LTTE area for 30 areas?
          why did tamils live in South among sinhalese through out the war?
          why did tamils migrate to colombo to safeguard themselves from war?
          why did tamils lead a good life in Colombo before war break out?

          How come Tamil schools, cultural centres were maintained by SLG?
          Why did SLG sponsored and protected tamil dramas in south while LTTE chased Tamil artists?

          How did tamil population increased in 34% from 81 to 2011 even with war and emigration?
          How did Colombo become 35%tamil, Nuwara Eliya 50% tamil and now we have tamils in Galle as well…

          And finally why did tamils crossed defence lines and came towards SL army when LTTE was shooting?


          • 9



            ….Palayan Yakkoooo….

            Why do you feel you have to hold on?
            Imagine if you let go

          • 5

            What happened to your brain Sach? You should ask these questions to your rulers? Ask them why SLG kept its 100% Sinhala force in the Northg East. You should ask British rulers why they merged Tamil Nation with Sinhala Nation? Do you what UN says? Your military killed over 40,000 civilians? Your military bombed hospitals, schools, churches, refugee camps…….. and so on?

      • 2

        The recent Election results are an eye opener to the Buddhist Sinhala Majority living in the island of Sri Lanka, that the Minorities cannot be kept under slavery conditions forever. The Tamils should be treated as same as a Sinhala citizen.

        The war is now over and the Military should be withdrawn from the North and East without any pre conditions and civilian rule should be allowed a Federal system should be allowed.

  • 10

    Well said TU Senan – M.I.A is without question the best ambassador Tamils have got!

    • 10

      Was it her attempt to display the greatly valued Tamil culture that got her booed of the stage at one of the biggest public events in the USA ?

    • 14

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

      “Well said TU Senan – M.I.A is without question the best ambassador Tamils have got!”

      Unfortunately for MIA, the Tamil Muṭṭāḷs(முட்டாள்) have used AIA for their own ends, and destroyed her partially by turning her into another Muṭṭāḷs(முட்டாள்).

      What a shame.

      Fortunately, in Sri Lanka there are fewer Tamil Muṭṭāḷs(முட்டாள்)and that also helped Mr. Maitripala Sirisena win.

    • 9

      Lost the plot revert to Gangster like Beetlejuice by the dancing girl who married into the respected Vellala justice Sri-Skanda-Rajah family.
      What a waste of space in the land of immigrants. tomorrow ask for tamilistan in canada.

      Can anyone expect more from fascist??

    • 4

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

      “M.I.A is without question the best ambassador Tamils have got!”

      Is she like the best Chief minister of Tamilnadu Tamils never had?

      • 1

        she must be in her 80’s please leave her for mumas sake- remember queen Victoria and her chariot.

        adios hombre!

  • 13

    Why do the Tamil People need some one like MIA to speak for them ?

    Your Jaffna culture is conservative, Mia is the opposite !

    Why don’t the Tamil people use your educated representatives, who have worked in places like the United Nations (Radhika Coomaraswamy springs to mind) and build a proper case for autonomy if you really need it.

    • 7

      MIA reaches out to different audience, the international entertainment world, a massive audience of all,nationality and age group.

  • 5

    Channel 4 is not going to waste their live air time on anyone less than
    celebrities. Whether you like it or not MIA certainly is one. She
    handled herself splendidly, was relaxed and answered all questions
    coherently. She genuinely did not remember President Sirisena’s name
    and had to, I believe reluctantly, say Mr. Maitripala “something”
    I don’t think she had any intention to disrespect the new President.
    She is passionately interested in the plight of the Tamil Nation in
    Sri Lanka, and, despite more lucrative opportunities in Hollywood, she appears to be spending time to help her people back in the “occupied” home. I see nothing wrong in her campaign. Clearly, Tamil politics must be central to the Arulpragasam family. No wonder Maya had taken to this early.

    Maya will note, with the appointment of a civilian Governor and a few other welcome developments, the long besieged Tamils can look for some peace and normalcy in the coming months. But the Rajapakses can be expected to rake up the communal cauldron in association with the available surfeit of anti-Tamil Buddhist priests to set the island on fire – again; considering the Sirisena-Ranil Govt. is, by all accounts, a minority feature. Within the next two years, Sri Lanka will, very likely, be back as the divided and violence-prone country it has been since the late 1970s. Believe me, that is not my wish. It is the inconvenient truth.

    R. Varathan

    • 4

      MIA may have been confused about the new President’s name.
      But I think she should learn and update herself on facts about the new civilian Governor in the north from her dad or perhaps Kirubakaran the activist who features in this forum very often, in case the conflagration that the said comment prophesies in another few years becomes real.

  • 8

    She is unqualified, and ignorant, about matters in Sri Lanka. She has not lived in the North, nor anywhere in SL for years, and knows nothing about the situation here. She is simply spewing words she has been told without any knowledge, which does not give her any credibility. She should stick to her trade, rapping, and leave such matters to the adults. It is a waste of time to even write about her. There are other credible Sri Lankans Tamils who should be given attention.

  • 16

    TU Senan,

    Millions of Tamils were not killed but closer to the truth is hundreds of thousands. I am sorry to correct you thus. We must try and be credible at all times.

    There is absolutely no question the Tamils had been at the receiving end of the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist stick since independence. Absolutely no doubt that tens of thousands of Tamil civilian deaths could have been averted in 2009 if the Rajapaksa regime had not had such callous disregard to human life. Absolutely no doubt summary killings, torture and rape of Tamil women were committed in huge numbers. Value of human life in Sri Lanka had systematically eroded since independence. Even the monks joined the fray to kill, rape, maim and plunder.

    I admire MIA not only for her performance ability, her fine looks but also for her humanity. However if she can extend her humanity to all suffering masses in Sri Lanka, Sinhalese included I think she can become greater than she is. With the monstrous Rajapksa brothers toppled an attempt must be made by all concerned to forge a new kind of unity away from the destructive confines of cast, creed, colour, religion and language.

  • 6

    Hey man,
    Thanks for the call out. A quick response:

    1. I dont think MIA needs you to defend her. MIA is one of the most talented artists on the planet… As MIA herself says, the Tamil community doesnt look to her, but they are the best shes got.
    2. With respect, I dont think you should defend the indefensible. Her view that the Sri Lankan government is the same is simply incorrect.
    3. My comment “Many lives would have been saved if the Tigers laid down their arms in February 2009” was not written in response to MIA. The letter was written to the Sri Lankan Akka.
    4. I never made the argument “I have Tamil friends, so I know what they think”. My statement was “My experience with the Tamil Diaspora is limited as it is based on my interactions with my friends. I can’t speak outside that experience.”
    5. Like you I wish we can do away with identity politics. Problem is thats not the world we live in; these identity politics matter. There are differential experiences between different communities that other communities either devalue or marginalize.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Best regards,

    • 8

      `MIA is one of the most talented artists on the planet… As MIA herself says, the Tamil community doesnt look to her, but they are the best shes got.`

      If only you could pull out the cultivated parasite brain (lawyer) and use just your eyes may be you would not pass judgement.

      Turn on the lights, and feel the ancient rhythm.

      A big middle finger to Messed Infernal Assmosis
      ▂▂▂▂▂▂╭━╮▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂┣━┫▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂┃╭┃▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂╭━┫┈┣━╮▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂╭━┃╭┃╭┃╭┃━╮▂▂▂ ▂▂╲╭┃╯┃╯┃╯┃╭┃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▏┃┈┃┈┃┈┃┈┃▂▂▂ ▂▂▂╰╮▂▂▂▂▂▂╭╯▂▂

  • 12

    As a member of a ‘minority’myself, I found MIA’S interview with Channel 4 quite ridiculous. She has absolutely no idea of the ground realities in this country. The minorities in Sri Lanka have to work out the problems we have by ourselves. Expatriate kids base their views on hearsay. Perhaps MIA would be willing to come and live here, and ‘walk the talk’.

  • 9

    Many things are wrong in this ethnic conflict. From independence the politicians, especially the Sinhalese, have been misleading the Sinhala masses with racial and religious bias. They did nit have any sound policies to develop the country as a whole though the English left the country with a reasonale standard of administration. Both UNP and SLFP who ruled the country from independence have been playing the racial card, alternatively at each elections. They never took any serious steps to solve the grievances of the Tamils but rather aggravated by various actions. All these led to the growth of different groups, in the north and east and eventually turned into terrorism.

    As much as you cannot call all Tamils as tigers or terrorists, it is unfair to brand all Sinhalese as racists. Had the recent government acted with more responsibility, they could have certainly minimised the deaths if several persons in the North. One can realise, how MR’s campaign was carried out with the use of goverment owned print and mass media to cough out racism by showing the vedios relating to the war continuously to mislead the irdinary Sinhalese without trying to heal the wounds. Naturally, public figures like MIA want to show their grievances whereever they have an opportunity to do so.

    This problem, I hope, would be addressed by the new regime, with their experience and the interest of the whole country. Similarly the response shown by TNA and its leaders is encouraging and we as ordinarly Tamils or Sinhalese should help the government to succeed.

  • 6

    MIA is jumping the gun. A new President has been elected and a new PM appointment. Parliament is meeting for the first time today. The first Cabinet meeting is tomorrow. The former President is busy trying to sabotage efforts to establish good governance. Even the TNA has saying let the changes take place. Thereafter the policies can be discussed and arrive at a solution. Keep in mind Sri Lanka comprises no only Tamils. You cannot get 100% solution because of the sentiments of the communities. If can get around 60 to 80% of matters solved and give time for others to be worked out, then it could good. MIA must give the new regime a chance because it is still shaky. Her interview on C4 was biased. Ask MIA to visit Sri Lanka now and see for herself that we are largely living in peace. It does not mean that everything is fine. There is a long way to go, but this is just the beginning of a new innings. How can MIA talk governance when her own life is a double talk having as baby out of wedlock. Where is Tamil culture. Come Senan give me a break.

  • 9

    What did this Tamil woman do when Tamil racists were butchering Sinhala women, children and even babies? Nothing! And her conscious was pricked when it was apparant the Tamils were losing the “war’ they started. The Tamil terrorists and their cheer squads are responsible for deaths, and they can lick their wounds and count the dead (and multiply the numbers by 1000). It’s over, Move on!

    • 4

      lal loo

      “What did this Tamil woman do when Tamil racists were butchering Sinhala women, children and even babies?”

      What did MIA do when Sinhala/Buddhists armed forces and JVP were butchering innocent Sinhala speaking men, women and youth?

  • 9

    The patent DUPLICITY of some of those who claim to speak for the Tamils of Sri Lanka—mostly amongst the Tamil Diaspora– is annoying and reprehensible.

    No one who has, while condemning the atrocities of the Sri Lankan government has not condemned the LTTE for its atrocities has any right ever to speak about humanity or human values or human rights.

    Let us be honest and true to ourselves:

    No one who has not raised their voice against the LTTE when it mercilessly killed the Tamil political, and social leaders,activists, cadres of the other groups, government employees, journalists etc. under the name of and in the guise of ‘Tamil nationalism’ and condemned the LTTE when they exposed the civilians to be massacred while hiding behind them, has ever the right to speak about ‘genocide’.

    No one who has not branded the massacre of the Sinhalese civilians by the LTTE as ‘racism’ and on the contrary justified it, have ever the right to brand the Sri Lankan government or the Sinhalese of ‘racism’.

    There are a few words to describe such people: “‘hypocrites”, “skewed in their thought process” or “just doing it for past time/personal popularity” —It can be MIA or for that matter anyone. They have themselves abdicated any moral or ethical right to speak for justice or humanity.

    But only those who had vehemently condemned both sides at the time of the occurrence have any moral or ethical right to do so.

    If we have to, let us condemn both of them with the same breath but most importantly move on suggesting, contributing and working towards reconciliation and rectification in the context of the current inevitable national and international realities.

    • 5


      You started it mate and we simply avenged your killings

  • 7

    You guys have got to be kidding me, she is just an incoherent blabberer. She just throws in all fancy key words to make is sound like she is making an argument. I don’t want to take anything away from her personal bad experiences and lossess and that of Tamil people, but as a spokesperson she is just putting on a show and continuing the melodrama tactics the diaspora has used for so long – with devastating consequences to the whole of Sri Lanka.

  • 11

    MIA’s father was allocated an overseas scholarship by the Govt of Sri Lanka.

    But joins LTTE and trains in Palastine to fight against GoSL later.

    After that, the guy joins some other Tamil terror group. He then pleads for personal security from GoSL. Special security is given to him by GoSL saving him from the LTTE.

    MIA now claims GoSL committed “Genocide”.

    • 3

      That is the Tamilway.

      when they are in Tamilnadu they are hostages and refugees. they come from Malaysia, Singapore and India because they did not get what they wanted and here they got free education, went overseas made their lives successful and now want EELAM in Sri Lanka.

      MIA is no different. She is not Hindu, she does not behave like a tamil, She is not married to a tamil.

      but provide lip service to Tamil because it is that small country Sri lanka.

      That is their greatness. CHEAP PUBLICITY and REBELLIOUSNESS.

    • 0

      Another example of the all too often alleged ‘discrimination’.

  • 5

    Truth can differ majority opinion. and can differ from majority of the writers. But truth will prevail.
    MIA one day you will be honoured for your stand.

  • 7

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 4

    Killing all tiger terrorist leaders is the right thing to do. They deserve it.

  • 2

    I voted MY3 with the hope that we could live in peace in this country. I mean we all Sinhalese,Tamils and Muslims. But after seeing the comments in this forum and racist articles like this, I am starting to like Mahinda Rajapaksha.I regret that I couldn’t vote Mahinda.You people are helping him to be our Prime minister after the constitutional reforms.I feel like he is the hero who united the country.Hail Maharaja.

    • 0

      It is too late now. As Prabakaran said. Sinhalese people forget soon. They forgot how much MR and team did. We will wait and see the yahapalanaya with a team tried to sell the country and cheated. While looking at a progressing country people betrayed not only MR but Sri Lanka too.

    • 1

      yeah u sound like a MY3 voter…

      DO you know that the writer was for a MR victory?

  • 5

    It looks like MIA is catering to LOW CASTE TAMILS.

  • 1

    Tell MIA to shut her [Edited out]. Then tell her, nay DEMAND that she sends some of the millions of dollars she earns rapping profanity to western audiences, back to Sri Lanka for building hospitals, schools, drinking water wells etc in the Tamil areas of the war zone. She could also give scholaraships and build school buildings instead of spreading hate and separatism.

  • 6

    I understand where MIA comes from. But I also understand that she has a personal vendetta against the Sri Lankan government. Why didn’t she ask the LTTE leader to stop the war, but requested the government to stop it? Wasn’t it the power hungry Prabhakarahn who used the Tamil people, brainwashed them and used them for his own propaganda? Wasn’t he the one who trained child soldiers? If you are really open minded, then you should be grateful for the Sri Lankan government and military for eliminating a ruthless terrorist, who terrorized MOSTLY the tamil population.

    That said, I do realize that the Tamils in Northern areas of Sri Lanka do not have a high quality of life. And the responsibility for that mainly lies within the government and they are to be blamed. Even the southern people suffered under the regime of the former government.

    But, her saying that the current president will still not be a relief for the Tamils, well she just speaks out of her anger. We are yet to see what the current president is to deliver.

    Also, why are we discriminating people by their race? That was the main reason behind the war, and the main reason for people like MIA to hold grudges against the other people. Forget what MIA has to say (for she is very biased). Us Lankans currently residing in Lanka has the power to change, and we shouldn’t waste our time focusing dissing people when we can use that energy on something much more useful! Us Sri Lankas should make the change, be the change and work for change. Start today of being harmonious. The so called Sinhalese majority should demand for the rights of the Tamils. The government should actively provide benefits for the Northern people along with the benefits they provide for the southern people. And then, MIA will be left with her mouth hanging open.

    If she is willing to accept the change she will, but if she would still want to cling onto hurt feelings and nurture sore wounds, she would still see something to whine about.

    But well, then again, why would we care about MIA? We have the Northern tamil people to think about!

  • 8

    She is passionately interested in the plight of the Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka, and, despite more lucrative opportunities in Hollywood, she appears to be spending time to help her people back in the “occupied” home.

    Bullshxt! MIA was kicked out of US for pointing her middle finger (known in the US as “Birdie”) at the American public during the Superball 2013.

    She is a disgrace to the Tamils like me. She has exposed most of her body in public except you know where.

    Just another spoiled brat.


  • 2

    Utter garbage … anyone who gives the “f… u” finger to an entire US and World audience during a Super Bowl half-time show several years ago. With no concern for children, and others this woman brazenly insulted the American public. Madonna who was the lead of the show was jet mad at her – and the American music industry has not forgotten. MIA at best is absolute stinking garbage who needless to say has an axe to grind. The best thing she can do for Sri Lankan Tamils … is to just Shut Up!

  • 2

    I wonder what she would have dobe if MR had offered her a few million bucks to sing his praises???????????

  • 7

    Sri Lanka has same govt with different face: M.I.A

    M.I.A: Stands for Missing In Action. But in reality she is in the Thick of the Action when it comes to defending Tamil Rights through her Biological Connection.
    She has every right to cast a doubt as we are not out of the woods yet but let us hope that she is proven wrong and if that happens I am sure that she will have the humility to put her hands up and say I have got it wrong. After all she is human. Things are moving in the right direction which is a welcome sign we have to be weary of the 51% who voted for MR who are not going to accept Devolution of Power easily and we have a fight on our hands to prove M.I.A wrong.

  • 3

    There is no actual count on people killed in action since 83.So better not exaggerate the numbers. As sinhala Buddhist from south we all have same discrimination from poltians we elected to run the country fir us or political system. Solution to country’s issues need to be addresed with representatives within Srilanka . That does not need wider audience from international. Me as a Lankan trying to understand who genuinely represent Sri lankans(Tamil speaking population)The more you bring wider audience, it distort key issues rather than supporting innocent people but working their own fame and popularity. So rather shouting out come down to the island and fight fir the right of the citizen. If mind your own business.

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