17 January, 2025


Video: MIA Wants Rajapaksa Face A War Crimes Trial

Maya Arulpragasam (MIA) tells Channel 4 News that she still wants to see former president Mahinda Rajapaksa face a war crimes trial, but the priority is peace and basic needs for Sri Lanaka’s Tamil community.


Latest comments

  • 26

    Does MIA stands for;
    Muṭṭāḷ (ட்டாள்) Icai (இசை) Araciyalvāti(அரசியல்வாதி)
    In English it means ‘Stupid Musical Politician’

    • 13


      “Does MIA stands for;
      :Muṭṭāḷ (ட்டாள்) Icai (இசை) Araciyalvāti(அரசியல்வாதி) In English it means ‘Stupid Musical Politician’”


      Most of the :Muṭṭāḷ (ட்டாள்) are outside Sri lanka, and there are fewer and fewr of them in Sri Lanka,

      That is why Mr. Matripala Sirisena, won, because the biggest (ட்டாள்) :Muṭṭāḷ (ட்டாள்) , and the other :Muṭṭāḷ (ட்டாள்) follers whosupported Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2005 and 2010 all went kaput.

      • 3


        Correction, the M was missing in Muṭṭāḷ (ட்டாள்)

        Corrected Muṭṭāḷ(முட்டாள்)

        Does MIA stands for; Muṭṭāḷ(முட்டாள்)Icai (இசை) Araciyalvāti(அரசியல்வாதி) In English it means ‘Stupid Musical Politician’”

    • 2

      I wish to know why Mahinda Rajapakse is fearing to face a war crime Tribunal. The International community knows well that MR committed grave crimes against Humanity and they have all the evidences of the Genocide committed by him and the Security forces against the innocent Tamil civilians at Mullivaikkal in the Mullaitivu district of Sri Lanka.


  • 17

    I think Singhalese should not mix two different things one solution within unified srilanka and second war crime investigation, both are two different issues. Stopping tamils from obtaining justice is like a thug killed some one and threatening his relative, not to go and make a complain to the police. The independent war crime investigation will happen soon or later but it will only affect Gotha & co and few individuals carried out crime without the knowledge of their heads. Apart from the punishment from law, there will be a punishment from nature/God. The punishments to Sarath Fonseka and MR are from nature. Is any one guessed that MR will get punished this soon. Likewise they will be punished by Law as well, writing few comments will not stop.

    • 6

      As I have often commented – When LTTE thugs were killing innocent Sri Lankans – these innocents had no police to complain – now when the LTTE thugs were annihilated – remnants are trying to ruin the people who ruin LTTE thugs out of vengeance – what a joke

    • 4

      what about the justice to sinhalese?

      Should sinhalese keep silent about those who funded terrorism on its people? SHould not very tom and dick who sponsored terrorism from western countries charged with war crimes and persecuted?

      what about the TN politicians who funded cross border terrorism?

  • 0

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  • 2

    Sri Lanka needs to entrench the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights into the constitution and also subscribe to the International Criminal Court.
    All countries which believe in democracy have done so.
    The new regime should consider this seriously.
    It is not a requirement that the new regime should protect the old regime from consequences of their actions.
    Even now, hundreds of civlians are being held incommunicado, in secret prisons under the PTA.
    They should be charged in courts of law, or released.

  • 12

    The Tamil people and leaders are angry because of the President Maithripala Sirisena did not mention our leader’s name as a reason for the victory in the swearing ceremony.What I feel is, the country got a genuine leader and the people want to live with out racism. However, what is happening here, before they start to talk racism, we have started to express our racism like Tamil and Sinhala. Because this is in our blood. This is the style of our politics. Out political leaders also have nothing to talk other than racism. My kind request to the Tamil leaders and people, the country got a very genuine leader who is expressing good signs toward a good lawful governance after long time. Don’t start the racism yourself at the very first day. Mentioning the names is not a big issue now. There are several other big issues to be sorted out in the country. Anybody can make mistake. He would have forgotten. Give him some period. At least the hundred days. He has to change the whole ruined and corrupted system in this country. He has to do some good constitutional changes in this country. Imagine, how good if an independent police commission, independent election commission and an independent law and justice are there in this country. How good if a prime minister ruling is implemented in spite of executive president ruling. What issues we have? Do we need a Tamil Ealam any more? If a genuine government in the central and a self governance in the province through election will be far better than nothing. Therefore, give him a chance. Give him some time to relax from the election rush. Don’t have the habit of criticizing anybody at the very first day before giving him a chance and before knowing his character. If we are starting to talk racism, no meaning for the unity of the people happened for the democracy. The Rajapaksha team will be succeeding in their racist activities. Still they are continuing that even after their defeat. Don’t give him a chance any more in the politics to cultivate the racism and separatism. We have suffered enough because of the racism and separatism. Even after the all suffering, we are starting to talk like Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim. The diaspora has nothing to talk other than racism and separatism for their betterment and survival. they need to talk racism and separatism for their identity in the western countries like what the Indian leaders are doing. All political leaders in the India are talking about Tamil Sinhala separatism not for the betterment of us. Just for the identity and survival of them. Do you thing if the government is giving you a Tamil Ealam here, the diaspora will come and live in this country? Mr.Ruthrakumaran will come here and serve as a Prime minister here? Never. I am not telling to leave the dignity of the Tamils and live without dignity. I wish to emphasize, don’t spoil this opportunity to build a Srilanka with out racism and separatism. Forget the past trauma for some period. More than forget, forgive. Then you will be in a higher place. We have united against the corruption and dictatorship. Like that we will unite for the dignity of Tamils in the future. My kind request to all, please don’t express racism and separatism in any form for some period to give the President a chance to repair the severe damage of the country’s democracy and reconcile the rift in between the communities. Mentioning the names of our leaders is not the matter at all. Addressing the issues of our people is the important matter here. Because, the north and east people have decided well before our leaders take a decision and announce their support to President Maithripala Sirisena. We did not go behind the leaders. The leaders came behind our decision. Because they have no choice. That is also the people’s power. Leaders are there for the people. Not for their own dignity or well being. That’s why the very popular President Mahinda Rajapaksha was thrown away by the people. Because, he was not for the people. First is the national concern. Then only the regional problems. Co-operate with the leader you voted and given power to do some thing for us. Am I right. Please express my concern with every body you know. Share this post if you agree with me. Criticize me and give your comments in case of disagreement.

    • 9

      Dr M Mathurageethan you are not a doctor neither you are a Tamil

    • 2

      Respect Dr M Mathurageethan, please keep raising your voice of reason and sanity. – peace.

  • 18

    have three requests. First is for M. I. A., Dear, MIA I am a Srilankan tamil living in Srilanka. I am a higher professional here and very active in internet and social net works. However, I don’t know who are you until now. There fore, there is very remote chance of an ordinary Srilankan Tamil knows about you. Other thing. Do you know how many years old Srilanka? Do you know there was a recent election and the Srilanka got a marvelous leader here to make the Srilanka the pearl of Indian ocean? How can you talk these nonsense in a public media if you don’t know the Srilanka uptodate? Do you want to seek publicity and popularity among the diaspora or the asylum seekers? You have gained a position and popularity there. You are living very higher standard life there. Do that well. Live your own life. Why the hell you are talking about unknown and unwanted things about Srilanka? I kindly request you to avoid these racism talks from there? Final question, If we have a Tamil Ealam here, will you come and live here? Second for the diaspora. Most of you people have gone there not because of life intimidation here. Very few may be. Most of you have gone abroad for your well being toward the greener pastures in the name of asylum seeker. If your are earning well and living a good life there, do that well and live your own life there. Why do you talk separatism and racism from there. As far as I know, nobody speaking those here in Srilanka. We want to live as unity here. Then what is the need for you to talk these nonsense? I know you have some needs. You need the separatism and problems in between communities here for your survival there. Otherwise your asylum claim will be canceled or not accepted. You peple wish to live on the dead bodies of the Tamils here. You wanted to earn some money and have a good life there. For that, if you can do whatever odd jobs there under white skin people, do that very well. Why are you promoting separatism here? If you can live with out dignity there, whats the problem for you to live here? Why are you all shouting for a Tamil Ealam? You people are very very inferior than the people here who is earning daily for his three time meal. Because, he is living his own dignity here. Please shut your bloody mouths there are live your own life. Don’t disturb the unity of communities here. Third is for the Srilankan Sinhala community who is commenting here. Dear brothers and Sisters, ignore the nonsense shouting of these bloody asylum seekers. They are total selfish people. Why do you have to waste your time to consider these meaningless guys? We are here united for a good reason. We have given power to a good leader to rule us. We believe on him and we will sort our problems ourselves within the united Srilanka. Because of these diaspora’s talks don’t allow the racism build in your minds. We will make oue mother Srilanka as the pearl of the Indian ocean. Forgive them. They are talking these racism and separatism for their mental satisfaction. Because they are living a life after loosing their dignity there. If any body come to Srilanka and talking for their rights here, we will consider them. We have our own leaders here. They will talk about our rights here with our Hon. President and we will live our own life.

    • 13

      Dr Muthu,

      I really don’t know who you are either. Do you really know the history of Sri Lanka. MIA is not only known quite well in Sri Lanka but she is well known around the globe and even among people who are not of Sri Lankan origin. MIA made a lot of pertinent noise during the last stages of the 2009 war. So much so the infamous GOTA requested her to shut up at that time with veiled threats of retaliation.

      MIA has every right as any one in Sri Lanka or from any other part of the world to demand justice. The horror that took place against civilians during the last stages of the 2009 war must be investigated so that we all know what happened, who ordered to do what horrible things and find ways that such horrors will not occur again.

      MIA is doing her bit and you need to do yours as well. Thanks.

      • 3

        If you need mia’s help for your cause, then you really need help.

    • 11

      Dr M Mathurageethan

      Your ignorance is no excuse. In January 2010 Time magazine named her one of the world’s 100 most influential people.
      As you ought to know this entire ‘regime change’ is a Western orchestrated project to counter China’s influence and bring it under Western influence. M.I A is appealing to the West where she resides and still has some influence to not let the Sri Lankan State get away without addressing the situation of the Tamils. It is logical that she should appeal to the West the architects of the regime change and not Sirisena who is unprepared to acknowledge Tamil contribution to his victory and more importantly is silent on the Tamil national question in his ‘100 day ‘program.
      You ask not to’disturb the unity’ here what unity? True unity between the Tamil and Sinhalese people can only come about after acknowledgement that the ‘conflict’ is the direct consequence of actions by Sinhalese governments to consolidate Sinhalese dominance and subjugate Tamils.

      You speak of ‘bloody asylum seekers’, why did they seek asylum? You should know that asylum is sought when living in that country with dignity becomes impossible.And asylum is given when other governments recognize this to be true.

      It will indeed be very good if the new President

      As for the Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka they are quite aware of the significance of the diaspora and their influence in the West with opinion makers, think tanks and even sections of the Governments, hence their visits to countries with large Tamil diaspora presence and direct engagement with them.

      For someone who claims to be a Tamil your views are pretty strange indeed

      • 3

        Great, now the tamil diaspora can buy the times magazine and feel even more important – a win win situation for the magazine and the diaspora.

        As for me, just looked her selection up, alas, I am none the wiser as to what influence she has nor on whom.

        But judging from her ‘interview’, which I forced myself to watch till the end, she is full of blabber. Kylie Minogue might make a better presentation on australian macro economics policies than mia does on tamil issues.

    • 8

      “Do you want to seek publicity and popularity among the diaspora or the asylum seekers? “

      It takes long to be young but never spun.

      Her pop grew up in the ghetto like her pop blood of a pseudo tiger.delhi bombay europa todo buena G.Civil.

      Ghetto – hip hop picked up at london ghetto housing hip hop to erk a living and like mr big she used the stupid `werewolf` concept as in the porriki custom but not in the blood or is it Pandyan cultura?

      To make a living and wants to extend it to life like 50cent with terror psycho.!

      You know what happened to the genius who just saw a man play a guitar for 5 mins and he immediately played it- the reggae boy supreme Peter Tosh, Bob Marley had to learn from it and school.

      This woman must even dream of being Gaga which is better than terror at the present moment in time and the near future.
      channel 4 its business as usual but she can not get into tele cinco because its all in the blood.
      The golden balls island is cosmopolitan in language and can never be bygone classical.

      Sinna mami ye aen??

    • 8

      “I am a higher professional here and very active in internet and social net works. However, I don’t know who are you until now.”

      you must be busy visiting porn sites then!

  • 10

    … ‘ Sirisena, something ! is this how she addresses a President of a Country .. and she claims to be a srilankan! Channel 4, i beg to differ on your choice of personalities to talk about a head of Country .. no doubt your station and the diaspora must have sent her to the alter .. however , the voice suits to dish out rap crap and lip synch and gesture the fingers to where they should be ……. up !

  • 10

    MIA who?

    When channel 4 interviews young brats like MIA who is known for running half naked on a stage in front of hundreds of thousands of people screaming foul mouthed so called music and then shows her middle finger in public in the US TV for whole world to see who takes scum bags like Channel 4 and MIA serious.

    Even though born a Hindu to very respectable Tamil Brahmin parents over the years her she has shown that may be she few screws lose. So anyone who takes her serious needs a lot to be desired.

    • 9


      “Even though born a Hindu to very respectable Tamil Brahmin parents”

      Does that give her additional brain or added social status for being born in a Brahmin family?

      I suggest you take a closer look at Hindu temples and Sigiria before condemning this girl bearing her bosoms.

    • 9


      Wake up man and come down to earth.

      When one walks on the streets of Sri Lanka it is not uncommon to hear the words, ‘UGE AMMATA HUKANDA HUTTHIGE PUTHA’ or invective to such effect. Our last president was well known for such epithets.

      There are enough half naked people in Sri Lanka also. Keep your eyes open, and not only along the Hikkaduwa beaches. The amude was a national dress until recently.

      Sri Lankan Sinhalese are Buddhists and just take a look around how they behave. Just take a look at BBS. Being an offspring of a Brahmin and acting out on stage and yet be a humanitarian is far better than running around in Saffron robes driving murder and mayhem in Sri Lanka.

      Please wake up.

  • 10

    Whatever MIA says . Criminals must stand trial and if they are guilty they will be punished. You cannot brush it aside. You cannot kill thousands and get away with. There was another killer Karuna who is was appointed by MR as the Vice President of the SLFP where is he. He too deserves the same treatment. Its the case of one criminal protecting another criminal..

  • 10

    If Basil Rajapakse and Gota Rajapakse can come to Sri Lanka and screw the future of this country and get back to America, surely Maya can also demand whatever she wants. That is her freedom. I surprised to see so many racists write against her.. Whereas no one bothered about the billions of the country’s wealth that has been looted by the Rajapakes.

  • 5

    Dear MIA,

    If you really cared for the lankan’s or the Tamils you should appreciate the fact that war has ended. If you are blaming the lankan army by watching some video’s LTTE forged with SLArmy uniforms that’s your call, and it’s stupidity. As you were supportive of the LTTE we should be bringing you to courts for the crimes commited by them.
    It’s a pitty that you use these to get attention from media without helping the reconciliation efforts.
    Also appreciate if channel4 can look into the war crimes in middle east don by the Coalition forces.

    All the “pain” is for the once who used the war to seek asylum in the west to have ta better life. I don’t see any complains from the ones in SL.

  • 2

    And we want MIA to Sing… NOT prance in hideous underpants.

  • 5

    How did South Africa rise from the ashes of an Apartheid Regime?
    Through forgiveness and reconciliation!
    Nelson Mandela never went after any of the Leaders of the Apartheid regime!

    • 5

      In responding to Gracien Balendran, may I be permitted to say in South Africa the majority, lead by two believers in God (Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu) forgave the smaller but dominating white minority and successfully took the entire plural country towards reconciliation. Here the majority, lead by Mahinda Rajapakse and similar cabal of the Galabadda Aththe Gnanassara variety, are, in different words, provoking the majority to turn the country into a river of blood.

      R. Varathan

      • 2

        In responding `too to the two` because 3 is charming.

        …and Nelson Mandela took what was placed on the table.

        That’s the present you live in.

        dank U wel

      • 2

        There was no aparthied in SL. But there was an attempted aparthied.

        Aparthied on the sinhala people by english speaking tamil domination. But Sinhalese were not black south africans…they demanded their rightful status in their own country.

  • 5

    How about you push for George Bush to face war crimes first?
    Long Live MR for wiping out the PEST that was the LTTE.

  • 1

    Dr Muthu,

    According to your name you may not be from North. The rule of law was corrupted recently, before that it was fantastic but even then Tamils had problems with various Sinhala governments. Don’t you think the Tamils problem will go back to square 1, once rule of law is established this time as well. It is very difficult to straighten dog’s tail.

  • 4

    MIA or whatever you call yourself, word of advice.

    Stick to your singing with lyrics has no sense or meaning, half clad on stage you will attract a crowd, politics keep out of it, so far you have not uttered anything that makes community sense. You obviously has a platform from Channel 4, not sure any other credible media organisation will want to interview you. You allege to have Brahmin background, perhaps you may not have been taught Brahmin principles by your elders!! My advice is your music will not be welcome in Sri Lanka, so please avoid contaminating the culture.

    • 1

      Since several commentators mention this it is good to know if Arular Arulpragasam, father of MIA, a Brahmin??? The name sounds more Christian.


  • 7

    Dr Muthu
    You are living in Sri Lanka, so far how many mothers of disappeared children you have met?
    How many of those who had an encounter with the “White Van” you have met?

  • 1

    Get lost you stupid Bitch. Who cares for what you think or what you say. You are trying to get cheap publicity. I cannot understand why our stupid Media and Newspapers give unwanted publicity for this type unworthy characters. Once a Buddist Monk in a television discussion said it is the Media who give prominence to this type worthless, useless characters. If the media does not highlight this type people like Wimal Buruwansa, Machan Nanasara, Mervyn silva, Gembanpila they will automatically fade away from the minds of people. Bankcrupt Media Trying to get coverage from this type people.They should realise that they are doing a great harm to the society. Now that sanity had prevailed in this beatuful island let all of join hands for a bright future.

  • 1

    Time to look for another trophy husband.

    • 0

      gonaa, she has married rich – very smart thalla thel.

    • 3


      “Time to look for another trophy husband.”

      Is it illegal to look for trophy husbands? Since when? We know you are frustrated.

  • 4

    Dear Maya, Please don’t talk about the conflict as it is clearly evident that you don’t have all the facts.If MR has to face a war crimes trial so be it.Now you can use your celebrity status to bring about peace and harmony to the country, so use your energy towards achieving that Goal!

    • 2

      it’s not her type of music to do the opposite. –
      hers is black music ghetto hip hop.
      Same like Mara, never a peace time executive.

      In appe bashawa- Wanga Macha ( Black Slash )


    • 1


      “Now you can use your celebrity status to bring about peace and harmony to the country, so use your energy towards achieving that Goal! “
      TRUTH and reconciliation

  • 5

    Mia you do not know what you are talking about as you do not live in SL and disgracing the Tamils expressing your ignorance. The Tamils, Muslims and all others are part of SL and they will now unite under one flag and stand together. The best thing you could do is to shut up and organise a concert in Jaffna and help the country and people. You are an attention seeker and the rubbish media is giving you full coverage as they do not know either what is happening in SL. Frankly you are a waste of space. It is people like you who created the division Why don’t you talk about the existing major cast problem between the Tamils? Is it not the underlying issues that created the 30 year war??

  • 3

    Just to make it clear, I am not a sexist. But this Mia girl comes across as utterly unintelligent, incoherent, and talking through the proverbial.

    She is just throwing key words around randomly, staring into empty space frequently, and struggling to coin a proper sentence, let alone an argument, and frequently making emotional pleas, hoping that people will actually believe that tamils in sri lanka are in such a bad state.

    Shame on the Tamil diaspora to prop this woman as their spokes person. They are still continuing their drama queen – cry wolf strategy, that ensured decades of bloodshed in Sri Lanka.

    And Shame on Channel 4 for airing this as a serious interview. Is there anything coherent in what she is saying? The interview has the gall to suggest that she is ‘the eloquent tamil spokesperson’ – my foot.

    For anyone interested in watching a proper, eloquent speach by a woman, watch Rania Masri, as a matter of fact, if you have kids make them watch this and learn how to make a confident, comprehensive argument with facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHAmAULY23U


    • 0

      ” But this Mia girl comes across as utterly unintelligent, incoherent, and talking through the proverbial. “

      Is that because she is ?

  • 1

    Just to make it clear, I am not a sexist. But this Mia girl comes across as utterly unintelligent, incoherent, and talking through the proverbial.

    She is just throwing key words around randomly, staring into empty space frequently, and struggling to coin a proper sentence, let alone an argument, and frequently making emotional pleas, hoping that people will actually believe that tamils in sri lanka are in such a bad state.

    Shame on the Tamil diaspora to prop this woman as their spokes person. They are still continuing their drama queen – cry wolf strategy, that ensured decades of bloodshed in Sri Lanka.

    And Shame on Channel 4 for airing this as a serious interview. Is there anything coherent in what she is saying? The interviewer has the gall to suggest that she is ‘the eloquent tamil spokesperson’ – my foot.

    For anyone interested in watching a proper, eloquent speach by a woman, watch Rania Masri, as a matter of fact, if you have kids make them watch this and learn how to make a confident, comprehensive argument with facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHAmAULY23U


  • 2

    MIA before you talk about Mahinda Rajapakse send your [Edited out] & relatives who were LTTE cadets killing many tamils (leave the sinhalese out) to Den Haag for trial.
    You are a failed mucision, horrible singer (if your yelling can be called so) and a so called one night star (if you were ever one) stop trying to ride on Sri Lanka ticket to get cheap publicity. That won’t work (other than in Colombo Telegraph) because you have nothing in common with Sri Lanka

  • 0

    Miya don’t go after cheap popularity. You are almost unheard. Raising racial sentiments is not the best way to counduct your propaganda. Concentrate on your music and improve that. Your short sighted views about what is happening in SL shows what an immature woman you are.Don’t waste any more time.Work hard and produce quality stuff in your field. You are a waste of time and waste of space at the moment.

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