17 September, 2024


Increasing Military Involvement In Sri Lankan Business Ventures

From contributing to changing the landscapes of the Colombo city with its rapid remodeling and ‘beautification’ to growing vegetables in the North and East, Sri Lanka’s military is systematically increasing its grip on the economy and business activities.

GotaWithArmyImplemented under strict supervisions and instructions of Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the increasing role played by the military in mostly the hospitality and tourism sector, has obviously made a significant impact on private ventures that are in competition mainly due to the cheap labour of service men and women the Defence Ministry has been freely exploiting.

Among the projects initiated by this new wave of military business ventures include:

  • Marble beach – a resort located in China Bat and managed by the Air Force
  • Eagles’ Golf Links – an 18-hole Golf course located close to the Trincomalee Harbour
  • Eagles’ Heritage Golf Club – An Air-Force managed hotel in Anuradhapura
  • Eagles Lakeside Banquet and Convention Hall – located in Attidiya and manged by the Air Force
  • Eagles’ Lagoon view banquet Hall – Managed by the Airforce and located in Katunayake
  • Sky Pet Animal Services – veterinary services offered by Air Force personnel
  • Laya Hotels: a hotel chain managed by Sri Lanka Army
  • Clippers – a beauty salon run by the Air Force located in Borella

Sources have revealed that not only has the military invaded the local business space but also issued threats to businesses engaged in similar fields to refrain from raising issues with their involvement or turn competitive with the businesses run by the Defence Ministry.

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  • 10

    We the People find this very disturbing.

    Why continue retaining and coddling with all manner of perks, such vast numbers of military service personnel five + years after the LTTE threat was effectively crushed? Is there is a hidden reason for this, and is this reason to keep a tight grip on civic activity including the democratic right to protest non-violently in the face of mis-governance, corruption and other vile activity of those who have been elected to administer the country for a defined time period?

    Is there a more sinister strategy to use the strength of the forces, which are now permeated into the very fabric of society, to bully voters and suppress or influence the expression of the universal franchise during election time?

    In which other Democratic, Socialist Republic in the world does this occur?

    We the People call upon the government to respond to these questions in a democratic and sensible manner.

    • 4

      I remember, when the UDA under GR first started its beautification act by refurbishing the Old Dutch hospital in Fort, detractors cried foul saying its ‘a waste of money’. Today, one time eyesore is an eyecatcher and a popular place place for tourists as well as for locals to relax and spend the evening.

      Colombo was a place that flooded frequently for the slightest rain. When dirty smelly canals and channels in and around Colombo and up to Meegamuwa were cleared detractors cried deploying heroic forces in menial jobs. Today, channels and newly dug tanks is preventing Colombo from routine flooding. It also fast becoming places for boating for pleasure.

      When ugly fences and old walls that surrounded the Victoria Park and public buildings nr independence square was removed detractors cried “GR is a fool for he is opening room for vandals.” Today, both the the young and the old take pleasure stroll in all those areas.

      The list of good work GR has done and that benefited the public at large is too long to list. To say it all in short, Sri Lanka is fast becoming a wonder of Asia. The way to go GR. Good luck.

      • 3

        Can not agree with you more mechanic. The ‘commission crows’ are crying foul for the lost opportunities to swindle

        • 4


          “The ‘commission crows’ are crying foul for the lost opportunities to swindle”

          You mean Basil.

          Don’t be stupid. Basil knows how to rope in Gota or work around him.

          • 1

            You surely haven’t lived through JRJ, Premadasa, Ranil and CBK days in SL. I did.
            As for Basil, prove your allegation and publish his wealth. Then I will add his name to the list.

            • 2

              PhD- Pakistani Healing Dance
              You might want to try P4P before you add his name to the list of nonracial pipsqueaks.

            • 0


              “As for Basil, prove your allegation and publish his wealth.”

              Ask Namal, he has all the details.

    • 1

      The paranoid Dictator in waiting – Gotabaya Rajapaksa the white van goon is following the Pakistan military business model..

      Today Sri Lankans need to find an EXIT STRATEGY for the Rajapakse military dictatorship. We need Madam Chandrika Kumaratunge to contest the next Presidential elections to get rid of Jarapassa clan. Ranil Wickramasinghe is useless and will NOT win.

      The US should stop promoting Ranil Wickramasinghe as the opposition candidate and giving him free trips to MIT. Ranil is a big reason why sri Lanka is in the current mess because there is NO effective opposition to the Rajapaksa military dictatorship..

    • 2

      We the People

      “From contributing to changing the landscapes of the Colombo city with its rapid remodeling and ‘beautification’ to growing vegetables in the North and East, Sri Lanka’s military is systematically increasing its grip on the economy and business activities.”

      Is there a hidden reason for it? Is it economics as well?

      It will be good to use the ,military instead of sitting in the barracks and polishing guns , to service the productive economy Hotel services, growing vegetable,, growing paddy etc. it is moire productive, However, it reduces the opportunities for non-military civilian workforce.

      Can they do the same thing with Sinhala Buddhist monks? They do nothing useful and chant all day long, participate in riots an destruction of property and killing and and molest young boys.

      can you make then grow vegetable or grow paddy? Do they want slaves to do that?

  • 12

    The Rajapakses are headed towards their own self-destruction. Once this phase is over the the Medamulana Rajapakse name will be nationally detested. It is just as well.


  • 6

    The police and the army are an extension of the Rajapaksa Mafia.

    From drug dealing, casinos and other nefarious activities the Mafia is moving into so called legitimate business. And any opposition to its nefarious activities or so called legitimate business will not be tolerated.

    This is how Mafiosi do business.

  • 5

    It’s an oversimplification that the military is using cost as a competitive strategy. They are competing for a niche in the leisure industry catering to the middle class who can’t afford the prices charged by the larger hotels and resorts. They are in effect filling an existing ‘gap’ in the market.

  • 6

    Employing Army, Air Force and Navy men and women are not come under the CHEAP labour category. When Projects are costed all labour expenses including supervision and other charges should be taken into account , but the Service personals don’t come free.

    All service personals are paid salaries, uniform allowances, accommodation , transport and medical in addition to their leave entitlements. If you consider a soldier,Airmen or Navy Rating they get the Services pay allocation with all above allowances come little over Rs.53,000 per year and the pension is not included. If a Project is estimated for around Rs. 5 Million, the cost of labour will be around 40 to 45 PC of the total amount. If the service people are used this cost may increased by around 40 to 50pc of the total Project Cost.

    Then the total Project Cost will be Rs. 7.5 million and this cost need to be recovered during the operation duration of the business or write off as CHEAP labour. Most civilians or the normal law abiding people never count the Salaries and other perks the TAX payer pays for these people.

    Very good example is the FOOLISH action taken by GOTABAYA RAJAPAKSA as the MOD Secreatry during the construction of IPPOLOGAMA RANAWIRU housing contracted for Rs. 1.4 million to the Sri Lankan Major Construction Association to employ Navy personal to complete the balance work after Contractors abounded the work due to various reasons. The ultimate cost per house exceeded over Rs. 3 Million per house and all the occupants of those houses are not happy with the pricing of the cost for a house in a 10 perch land.

    All other projects undertaken by the MOD come under the same cost escalations as a normal labourer is paid around Rs. 700hundred without any perks and a Tradesmen is paid around Rs.1,200 to 1,300 per day without perks and they work only for maximum 28 days. No transport, No pension, No medical or any other perks like satisfactory accommodation.

    This is something the all mighty Treasury Secratery should look into without misleading the Sri Lankan to say that The NPA Guidelines are ver cumbersome and if use Rajapaksa Regime and himself may not become millioner and billioners soon.

    OPEN you eyes people of Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    As I fly about our beloved island. I do see the strangest things.

    No soon the war ended, there were ‘soldiers’ offering for sale action videos and pictures north of Negombo.

    About that time, an army deserter was offering guns for sale in St John’s market in Negombo.

    In 2010 I saw a corporal selling pathola from an army vehicle in Dehiwela.

    Uppata udu! From HEROs to ZERO’s; what a come down!

  • 5

    It should be a world’s first.

    Financially, self-sufficient army.

    Except for the elite battalions all other soldiers involve in country’s economic activities.

    Excellent idea.

    • 2

      Jim softy

      “Financially, self-sufficient army.”

      Should be made the same way fotr Monks. Make them work, instead of Chanting all day long, giving Saturday night Sil, for Sunday night Kill, destruction of properties, spewing lies, and whitewashing the lies and destruction.

      PS. Can you ask your whitewashers, Lorenzao, Leeka, aka Sumaranaerkara and Avtars, at Lankaweb why Amarasiri’s posts are diving indigestion and constipation for the whitewashes?.

  • 3

    We the people? Yes. But they are the rulers! If MR loses in the Presidential Election, Gota will take over with the help of the Army. It is going to be another 1000 Year Reich!

  • 5

    “Silent Military Coup” has taken place in Sri Lanka. Wait until President Rajapakse looses the Presidential election, you will see the “Silent Military Coup” becoming an “Open Coup”.

    • 1


      Even under Dudley Senanayake in the late sixties,army was
      used in construction works,especially road construction.
      What’s happening now is,going without limit and trying to
      monopolize state construction works,killing private
      businesses.Whatever their objectives,there is serious
      harm to the private sector,people’s lifestyle and to the
      democratic traditions of the country itself.Question is
      simple.Why should army take over the opportunities of
      civil society? This can give rise to serious consequences.

      • 2

        Its running exactly like Peoples Liberation Army of China but the irony is with American assistance.
        Even today most party men in China (around 30 million) are the PLA and relatives. They also operate in the west unknown- because Chinese are anti social.

  • 3

    Actually our War expert, Chaiman White Van Company, studied this system while he was studying in 7/11 Military Academy in USA for 15 Years. He used his knowledge to defeat Terrorists and now being used for other things as well like creating Balu Sena, White Van Company, Motor Cycle Brigade, Grease Yakku and so on. Recently there was problem in supplying water Colombo and that was due to his vast knowledge in water supply and drainage system.

    My feeling is the same.

  • 0

    Armed forces should cut down / freeze be recruiting. Existing staff may be allowed to remain in service until retirement. Retrenching could be harmful for national security in many ways. While in service, their labour and expertise must be put to good use. And this include construction and beautification projects. Private sector interests may be affected. I put it to collateral damage.

    • 5

      this is exactly like the saying `sakkili padi aragena`(when there is a filthy street brawl) but the ultimate extension of a society that was grown on free education, free food, free medicine, foreign scholarships to the select few and that includes civil servants.

      Lankian Genes are showing!

      • 1

        Your comment is racist, irrelevant and dare i say not very intelligent.

        • 0

          I bet your IQ is below 50.
          you ever heard of Ethnic.
          Before you try refering an encyclopedia try kissing (@)

          • 0

            “I bet your IQ is below 50. you ever heard of Ethnic. Before you try refering an encyclopedia try kissing (@)”.

            Yet another meaningless barb or outburst from you proving my point.

            Ever heard the saying “Put your brain into gear before putting the mouth – in your case fingers- into motion”?

      • 3

        Javi says
        “ultimate extension of a society that was grown on free education, free food, free medicine”

        Usual CRAP which deserves a TRASH. An Ideal society should have Education, Medicine, Food and Accommodation to everyone. It is not one’s fault for the inability to afford these but the society itself.

        To be more clear, it is not the fault of a NEW BORN CHILD for the inability to get food, medicine, education and accommodation but it is the fault of the society itself.

        The Human race should make sure that everyone gets these basic needs paid/ free.

        • 5

          Go kick the idiots who spawned you douche bag than blame others or society.
          Classic case of Assmosis.(@)

          • 3

            javi says..”Go kick the idiots who spawned you douche bag than blame others or society. Classic case of Assmosis.(@)”

            A cheesehead born out from a can will not know Humanity and social responsibility. Yourself a Chicken shit to the society.

            • 6


              “Yourself a Chicken shit to the society.”

              Small scale fresh water fish farmers feed Chicken shit to fish in their tanks.

              Are you saying Javi is great use to fish.

              • 1

                “Are you saying Javi is great use to fish.”

                What I came to say was Javi – the butthead was useless to the society.

                • 4

                  I am not your stupid Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser and Sirimavo Rattewatte who took the society for a spin that you are now experiencing at top gear.

            • 6

              Hey Camembert,

              Those smelly feet and bat breath from wowla breeding would never take you anywhere but back into the folds of fat_imam the demon queen.

              Ribbon take a book and read the sky may fall on you and company.

              • 1

                Did not know what was my religion from my comments. You are such a crappy.

                • 4

                  Sounds like a Meth Mouth with Amyoyo syndrome- Alright
                  you’re on your own IS!!!

                • 4

                  Kabi – you call Javi crap. Is it a pot calling a kettle black? Your comments are just as crude, vulgar and insulting. You are a racist.

  • 2

    See what the new rich Diasporians miss?..

    Golf in Marble Beach only USD 25 for 18 holes,

    Superb rooms over looking the first Hole only USD 50 for two.

    Cold Beer in the fabulous Bar and Club Rooms is less than 2 bucks,

    Now even our travellers on a Budget can live like the Colombo Elite and their Diplomatic friends who kept these simple pleasures to themselves since 1815.

    • 1

      USD 25 for 18 holes is unbelievably cheap.

      Here the membership along is USD 40,000 etc.,

      Get some professional golfers there to tour. that will popularize it.

    • 1

      Why not try to get them to build some houses under the LEE POTTER Phase 2 project?

      as if you get the army boys at a cheap rate you make more bucks ;-)

    • 0

      Lankian Ociólogos Jimbo and Sumana the new found `goo`ta’s caddies,

      Roses are Reeeed!
      Violets are Bluoooo!

      What you have is definitely Microdeckia from much too much `Goo`ta worship.

      What is on offer is nothing but as lankian chino would say
      “cheap things no good”

      What a NRL would say is the world is a bigger place where quality of life can be found in many a place to the discerning traveller.

      To an NRL your offer is like Coo-coo for Co-Co Puffs by `Goo`ta & `Boo`ts.

      • 0

        That USD 25 includes the caddy and a ball boy as well..

        Diaspora probably too busy to find time for Golf, in between work and LTTE protests.

        Perhaps they are waiting for Sambandan to build Vellala only courses, once the Rajapaksa is forced to hand over the Government land.to the TNA…

  • 0

    Sri Lankan infrastructure is run by 2 parties…
    1.China ..they involve Chinese labour in all their projects.
    2. The Ruling Clan..THE PATRIOTIC CONTRACTORS OF THE NATION involve the now redundant Army in all the Government projects and continue to label them as Patriots…the eye wash..
    Who makes the money…? Contractors of the Nation..
    As a result there is no circulation of new money among the massess of this
    Country and they are being pushed into poverty day by day …

    • 0

      That USD 25 includes the caddy and a ball boy as well..

      Diaspora probably too busy to find time for Golf, in between work and LTTE protests.

      Perhaps they are waiting for Sambandan to build Vellala only courses, once the Rajapaksa is forced to hand over the Government land.to the TNA…

    • 0

      We know the British , American, and EU slush funds are lying idle.

      UNP financiers and Ravi’s mates haven’t see any commission cheques since 1990a . according to my elders.

      Recent call by Mr Obama for immediate Air Strikes in every part of Iraq to rescue Christians , makes us wonder whether it is a good thing to engage them to build our valuable Infrastructure.

      I mean poor Iraqis at least have the oil money to keep re building them again and again.

      Where can our peasants find money to even build them in the first place even , if we didn’t have dear friends from China.

      We would have been still on pot holed Galle Matara track in old Red CTB buses belching big diesel smoke and choking our poor Sinhala Buddhists and their kidddies all the to Vellala Gardens and beyond.

  • 0

    Last week I was at Thal Sevana run by the Army and the hotel was excellent. It is at PPD

    I don’t think the private sector will invest in PPD at this stage and glad that Armay has stepped in.

    It was clean and reasonably priced.

  • 0

    Ah hallo what oncenz are these… what are you thinkin off. Let Air force make it. Tey are well desiplind.

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