By Kusal Perera –
“Ini Avan” the film has many firsts to its credit. It is the first Tamil film in post war Sri Lanka. The first post war film to be shot in Jaffna and entirely in location there. The first Tamil film by a Sinhala Director in post war Sri Lanka. The first Tamil film with an entire Tamil cast from Sri Lanka. “Ini Avan” also is, Asoka Handagama‘s first Tamil film. Definitely, camera director Channa Deshapriya’s first Tamil film too.
The film has many serene and beautiful renditions that keeps the audience with it and along with it, as it rolls out on the screen. Camera direction of Channa Deshapriya as often, is a soothing treat to the mind’s eye, to say the least. Music by Kapila Poogalarachchi adds ripple with quiet discipline. Actors and actresses, Dharshan Dharmaraj, Subhashini Balasubramaniam, Niranjani Shanmugarajah among others, are not the hyped and celebrated lot in Sinhala society. Perhaps they are almost unknown even in Tamil society. Its a cast nevertheless that deliver Handagama’s script without blemish and with poignant portrayal of life, in post war Tamil society. I did enjoy all that in Handagama’s film, as a screen version of post war life in Tamil society. But then, when the lights come over again to tell you life outside the cinema hall that all who watched the film would walk out to, is real, its more than a tinge of sadness that I felt.
Sad, for the film brings forth a focus on post war Tamil life with warped and squinted interpretations, the majority would accept as perfectly real, watching it on screen. Handagama can have his own interpretation of events that unfold in the Vanni, in the Northern Tamil society, as he wish to formulate for himself. He may have his own self censorship in developing the story and the script to go through official taboo areas too, without much grumble. That’s his personal discretion and dilemma too. No. That is not right for one who wants to discuss his creation in public domain as a public media intervention. That does not justify a story which has a festering pathos in life, than what it really is.
Asoka Handagama’s “Ini Avan” is about a LTTE cadre who had survived the war, had presumably been arrested or surrendered and returns from State crafted “rehabilitation” after a period of time. Handagama is right. This rehabilitation is just stupid. It does not provide any opportunity for a so called “rehabilitated” youth to get back to a worthy stable life on return to society. That is arguably without dissent. In real life, they continue to live under the military intelligence scanner. Some have even disappeared, from what is at times reported in the media. An aspect that is never even hinted at in Handagama’s interpretation of post war “rehabilitated” life. Let’s say, that aspect is not what is discussed by Handagama in his film, “Ini Avan”.
Yet, how right or responsible is Handagama to project a post war Tamil society that totally rejects youth who had previously been LTTE cadres ? His portrayal of social rejection of this former LTTE cadre takes turns from elderly villagers to boutique owners to even a little child. With every frame he captures on the return of this “Avan” he instils in the mind of the audience a notion that the whole village despises and rejects former LTTE cadres. This portrayal or interpretation of post war Tamil society that Handagama projects as rejecting the LTTE lock stock and barrel, is false and wrong.
IF Handagama was nosy enough in finding out what really takes place in post war Northern Tamil society before he sat to write his script, he would have known the present day Tamil society does not reject their own youth, rehabilitated or not. A war battered and mutilated society that has to continue living 24 x 7 under military occupation and is ethnically oppressed too, would be naturally inclined to nurture a feeling of longing to those youth who opposed such brutality. Or else, there is nothing human in that society. Handagama’s whole effort in trying to project a human side to this former LTTE cadre contradicts his very projection of the LTTE cadre, if that same humanity is wiped out from his own village. The contradiction goes still further, when a LTTE cadre who is insulted and turned off by the village grocer as a former “Kappam” man, is projected as having returned from rehabilitation with much humanity, that is absent in the village.
This absence of humanity stands out much larger than the film itself, in a post war Northern society that in Handagama’s film has absolutely no interference from State security. Except for just a fraction of a minute when a fleeting moment of a Sinhala policeman uttering a few words in Sinhala, the whole film runs without any glimpse of security personnel and without policemen too. Busy streets of this Tamil city centre provides no clue that it had gone through three decades of war and is still controlled by government security forces. Such total absence of police or security forces in any town or city kerb in present day Sri Lanka, would look a miracle. Long drives and a still longer motor bike chase, never weaves past a single security barricade, a single military post in this battle worn terrain. Even the beach captured in cinematic beauty, was empty in its entirety of Naval presence, something the Northerners know, is impossible in their real life.
On the contrary, IF Handagama had cinematic prudence to portray this Tamil life as still under military rule, his first and major observation of a Tamil society rejecting their “fighter sons” would not hold any human logic. The portrayal of a post war society, now peaceful all by itself as Handagama visualises without any security forces, contradicts the return of former fighting cadres and the political need that society had, in challenging the Sinhala State. A battered society that accrues everything a free market society tries to make quick money from, can not crop up that easily and without contradictions as a simple flat society. The society that Handagama has in Ini Avan, where any expatriate Tamil could roam about trying to scout pimps for illicit business. Unless the security forces have a benevolent role to play.
Therefore his projection that former LTTE cadres has only such vices for a living is not acceptable, even if one argues that Handagama may have wanted to say, “in the absence of social acceptance, though rehabilitated, they have little or no options”. No war torn society settles for such simple, plain life without complexities and contradictions, with the oppressive State going totally absent as in “Ini Avan”.
Handagama’s “Ini Avan”thus comes to an end not as Ini Avan, “Him, Hereafter”, but as the Tamil lingo understands, “Iniavan” where “Avan” the LTTE cadre is a “sweet and a nice human being”, with warm humanity, still there after rehabilitation.
That, I would not debate nor argue against.
Silva / January 22, 2013
Given the militarization, impunity, suppression, human rights violations, inhuman treatment meted out to Tamils in the North and the general chauvinistic and racist mindset of the regime I think not Ini Avan but a slightly watered down version of the famous Sri Lanka Killing Fields would be the ideal choice if anyone takes the pain to portray the real situation in those areas! Through this film the regime may have harboured hopes of staging an LLRC type of show piece to the outside world, a lightly better picture than 2009 Nandikadal, a fake signal that we are moving away from it, a fake hope dangled that during the coming years we will resolve everything-but factually everything stagnating! As long as there is regime’s censorship and the very regime itself no true picture of anything would ever come out through any electronic, cinematic, dramatic or other forms of media! Everything is under the Jack Boot!
K.A Sumanasekera / January 22, 2013
According to the account here, surely ,the producers had no intention of screening this among the Diasporians in Toronto and Oslo.
His intended audience doesn’t want to see the LTTE cadre becomes the “Kolla” who rescues the Girl from the villain Army dudes.
After all it is a commercial venture to make a buck.
I have seen one where the poor,naive innocent Tamil girl who was trained to be a suicide bomber abandons or rather aborts the mission because of her humanity.
Not sure whether it made any money.
If the Mr Perera wants a movie with a different take on the LTTE, he should commission one himself.
Financing wouldn’t be a problem with the Diaspora funds and it will be a surefire Box Office hit among the Million diasporians spread around the first world.
At USD 15 a peep,which is cheap, it will not only rake in Millions but will be the best ever earner for a Lankan movie , when the takings are converted to LKRs.
Gabriel / January 23, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera,
Sri Lanka Killing Fields remains one among the top ranked Box Office Hits among all time war crime mass-slaughter films while LLRC remains the worst post-war reconciliation fakes! No film of whatever sort would ever move the Diaspora an inch away from killing field memories so long as there is no permanent solution to the problem.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / January 23, 2013
K.A Sumanasekera ;
gaje / January 22, 2013
Money is the main objective with a squinted eye. We saw this when he produced a film (aksharaya) with child porn a few years ago with a squinted focus on Sri Lankan culture!
kokuvilan / January 22, 2013
Jayantha / January 22, 2013
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Jayantha / January 23, 2013
Mr.Kusal Perera,
I know few weeks ago you sent a letter to Speaker requesting him to publish all the Parliament Members Assets Report.
I sent a comment in it for Speaker to Publish Parliament Members Asset Report and Annual Salary, stipend and other incentives such as Utilities, rent, Gasolene, car permits etc.. everything that are given to parliament Ministers, MP’s and opposition Members in the Parliament Website. But I don’t see any of these.
I request if Mr.Kusal Perera could follow this up so we readers know ezactly how much our representatives worth and earn in the Supreme Parliament.
Thank You.
TropicalStorm / January 24, 2013
The permanent solution you seek is an ethno-ccentric, racist and aparthied regime. It will never materialize in Sri Lanka and will lead only to further marginalization of the Tamil or any other community who follows that line of thinking.
Towards the last stages of this war, there was an understanding among the Sinhala hardliners that by dragging the war on for another 5 – 10 years the Tamil culture could have been undermined qualitatively and quantitatievly to the point of disappearance. The war which vanquished the LTTE, without a doubt brutal and decisive, nevertheless is leading towards foregiveness and integration.
Sri Lanka will not be allowed to disintegrate. The lunatics in the Tamil diaspora may try yet again to kindle the fires of racist segregation, but they will again do so at the cost to other people’s children.
I personally think the modern day Tamil youth are well aware of this angle and they are leary of that rhetoric. They are freer in Colombo, even though a lot more could improve in the North and other areas. Undoubtedly these changes will occur, gradually nevertheless as we see progressively happening. It would take a lot more to incite the remaining intelligent Tamil youth of this country to die for some far away lunatics’ blood lust. I know. I live and work among them.
Gabriel / January 25, 2013
“..The permanent solution you seek is an ethno-ccentric, racist and aparthied regime. It will never materialize in Sri Lanka and will lead only to further marginalization of the Tamil or any other community who follows that line of thinking…”
“.. The war which vanquished the LTTE, without a doubt brutal and decisive, nevertheless is leading towards foregiveness and integration..”
What a load of crap is this? The rightful demands of Tamils will not go away just because you write a load of bullshit in cyber mythology. This Tamil problem is now on Bank Ki Moon’s table, Tamils have set up a virtual government consisting a prime minister and others in the parliament, they continue to build very close relationships with powerful western countries, they have a genuine case and grievance here in Sri Lanka where they are subjected to every sort of degrading and inhuman treatment by the army, paramilitaries and a rogue government which has earned the condemnation and ire of every civilized nation in the world. The lunatics here in the regime will maintain the status quo and the unresolved problems too would continue and one fine day the UN might say, “well, enough is enough, it is time we carve out the latest country in the world!” by which time you may have dead buried and gone underground with your crap and it is the future generations who will have to pay for your moronic BS