Attorney-at-Law Dharshana Weraduwage has filed a Fundamental Rights Petition seeking an order directing Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka to investigate the recent incidents in the North where Buddha statues were vandalized.
In the petition, the petition had cited Ratnayaka, Attorney general, Norther province Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran, Norther Province Governor Reginald Cooray, and Buddha Sasana Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe as respondents.
Weraduwage has also through the petition called on the Buddha Sasana Minister to rebuild and restore all statues which has been damaged.
In his petition he has said that the main objective of the petition is to protect and safeguard the Buddha Sasanaya and to take steps to protect Buddhism from all threats including local.
According to the petition several Buddha statues including one in Mankulam was vandalised on August 29. He said this was not an isolated incident because in recent months there have been demands to remove Buddha Statues in the North as well as to stop constructing new shrine rooms in the province.
Related posts:
Building More Viharas In The North-East Will Negate Reconciliation Efforts
Thiru / September 6, 2016
I ask this idiotic Attorney-at-Law Dharshana Weraduwage:
In the first place why, and who have erected the Buddhist statues where there are no Buddhists?
Is it to show the world that the Sinhalese have conquered Tamils to the world?
So long as we have educated racist idiots like this man, there is no salvation to the people in the island.
mahaa sudhu Johnson / September 6, 2016
[Edited out]
Damma Asoka / September 6, 2016
Building viharas is a land grabbing strategy of the SL military and Sinhala politicians widely practiced in the time of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
Later this land will belong to Gota or Basil..This has happened not only in the north east of Sri Lanka but also in Colombo 7 on Wijerama Mawatha, where small Tamil and Muslim shops were displaced and Buddha statues and bo trees planted.
This is part of the strategy of ethnic cleansing and the ABUSE OF BUDDHISM by the Sri Lanka armed forces under Gotabaya. The Rajapaksa brothers have destroyed Buddhism in Lanka.
Today Sinhala Buddhism which is highly politicized and militarized is an insult to What the Buddha Taught. Buddhism should be rescued from the greedy and corrupt and criminal Sinhala politicians and military.
Native Vedda / September 6, 2016
Damma Asoka
This island is cursed with many things, building Vihares, Temples, Mosques, Churches are among the few.
I see these least utilitarian building serves no purpose and increasingly becoming the eyesore of this country.
Every 10th plot of land has either, a Vihare or Temple, Mosque or a Church, growing in numbers, height, and width.
Those who want to build places of worship they should start building them in their back or front garden, not in public spaces.
Many of us used to admire the aesthetically pleasing buildings, not anymore.
The Viharas have become the ceremonial centres of the state (including the war criminals) which the rulers believe legitimises their rule over the country.
Now it seems the crooks are using Buddha statues to hide their sins.
Preserving public spaces is far more important than pleasing the politico-religious nutters/zealots.
Does Dharshana Weraduwage have anything to hide? He can hide behind his women folks if he is in trouble with the law or his partner (if he has one) not behind Buddha statue.
I can now see the reason as to why there have been too many Buddha statues popping up every junction. Is it because there has been substantial increases in the number of crooks?
S.Modaya / September 7, 2016
Quite right Native and Dhamma Asoka. Thanks!
Sri Lanka is a godless, war torn and blood stained land
It is a country full of yakkas, boothayas and PERETHAYAS/ politicians, like the corrupt and criminal politicians who LEAD the Sinhala Modayas.
Rather than bringing the criminals to justice the moda Sinhala masses keep indulging in endless RITUALS (which the Buddha was critical of), and follow the politicians who DISTRACT the moda masses from their corruption and criminality by building temples, and hate speech and racist attacks on minorities.
Perethayo politicians first steal, then kill, drink the blood of the masses, and then build temples and mosques to pretend they are pious.
Lanka is full of empty religious ritual and edifices to cover up the lack of true SPIRITUALITY.
The govt. should ban building of Temples, Mosques and Churches.
Native Vedda / September 6, 2016
mahaa sudhu Johnson
“[Edited out]”
Thanks for keeping it brief
mahaa sudhu Johnson / September 7, 2016
“”brief?? “”
you mean lanka ambude??
Comet, M.L.O, he is a tatte twist from sinhala shady side.
a tamil traffic PC can prosecute a driver for having a dusty number plate. do they do it??
ct can get boringly absurd;)
Mudiyanselage / September 7, 2016
2D Lalloo a loo,
don’t you get bored self praising `excellent`??
Aia / September 7, 2016
In 1956 we had sighted a sign in front of a vandalized temple reading “thana theaiyo naanda geeya”. Those thugs who did this the damage didn’t want people guessing as to where the God Vinaygar stature went missing. These temples as I knew not something planted overnight, but worshipped by all races. Worsening animosity between the parties saw hindu temples being erased from the South, but no cases had been filed against anyone. Maybe we didn’t have a Dharshanam Werawagu with a LLB, pity.
Ravi / September 6, 2016
You want to go to hell like your Sun Gaot (Pirabaharan)????????Don’t surender like him.
Dim _Sum / September 7, 2016
psycho ubala ge de kada,
Stop jumping the gun all the time, every time,
sinhala speaking one has had anything for always its just an illusion-
Shiva / September 6, 2016
Did this minister or any other Sinhalese ever investigated vandalizing Hindu temples by Sinhalese in Sri Lankan?
Did this guy ever investigated tear down of Christian churches and Muslim mosques by Sinhala Buddhist Apartheid monks and chauvinists?
Minister’s statement simply expose Sinhala Buddhist Apartheid and racism is in his DNA!
Amarasiri / September 6, 2016
Attorney-at-Law Dharshana Weraduwage
RE: “Investigate Vandalising Buddha Statutes In North” – Lawyer Files FR
//”Weraduwage has also through the petition called on the Buddha Sasana Minister to rebuild and restore all statues which has been damaged.”//
//”In his petition he has said that the main objective of the petition is to protect and safeguard the Buddha Sasanaya and to take steps to protect Buddhism from all threats including local.”//
The Sinhala “Buddhism” you are advocating is An Insult To The Buddha!
To begin with, let us be clear about the facts.
1. This Land is the Land of Native Veddah Aethho’s Land.
2. Everybody else is a Para, Para-deshi,Hora-Oru, Kalla-Thoni, Illegal-Boats. This includes the Para-Sinhala, Pata-Tamils, Para-Muslims, Para-Portuguese, Para-Malays, Para-Dutch, Para-English, Para-Indians, Para-Chinese etc.
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people:
3. These Para have no legitimacy to be in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
4. Furthermore, the Para-Religion of the Paras, Para-Hinduism, Para-Buddhism, Para-Jainism, Para-Islam, Para-Christianity and other Para- beliefs have no legitimacy, and the State is NOT obligated to Protect the Para Beliefs and Myths. Many of these Para beliefs and Myths are distorted from the original beliefs.
For Example Buddha never claimed to be GOD or LORD nor did he want Statures to be made, small and large, and to be housed or erected at street corners or below trees to be worshiped.
What are asking for the state to do is to promote the distorted and corrupted Buddhism, which the Enlightened Buddha never preached.
4. What you should be doing is follow Buddha’s teachings and get the Sinhala “Buddhist” Monks stop abusing boys and girls, in the name of Buddha. Remember Alter boys and the Catholic Church?
Child Abuse by a Buddhist Monk in Habaraduwa
Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!
PS. Why is the National IQ of the Land of Native Veddah Aethho occupied by Paras 79?
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
words / September 7, 2016
It’s crystal clear that YOU are a racist as is this yahapalanaya regime.. never have racial tensions been so high in our country… full ells by the likes of you and yahapalanaya for political advantage !
Rohan / September 7, 2016
I don’t like destruction. But, can we find out who authorised those structures, and whose lands they are????
Native Vedda / September 7, 2016
“I don’t like destruction. But, can we find out who authorised those structures, and whose lands they are????”
It has been going on since early 1950s. The Sinhala/Buddhist establishment insist on Sinhala/Buddhisation of the entire island.
Wherever they see a Bodhi Tree they erect a Buddha statue underneath it as if all Bodhi Trees belong to Buddha statues. The current pace of Sinhala/Buddhisation is being managed by the armed forces.
The indented conversion takes place at gun point, a victors crude justice, and those ceremonial Buddha centers provide the crooks and war criminals good cover, legitimizes their misrule, hegemony, .. and other sins.
trunket / September 7, 2016
“” The current pace of Sinhala/Buddhisation is being managed by the armed forces. “”
The Big boy nuclear bomber President Harry Truman’s legacy to the `creepy sarong folk` of the island.
The tree huggers of the island got a hindu saffron cloth without headgear for free and that too 8 pieces so they sat on the 7th path.
`Baldies Imperialism`
Hambantota Hijackers shoot peacocks so the choice hasn’t fallen on the peacock but on the common crow.
excreta of the crow and the `useless shady tree`- “Bodhi Tree”-
maath ve la de? soft terrorism of the majority citizen voter.
Bodhi Tree Crusaders in partnership with Muslim crusaders- 90% patriot population. How does one solve it after arming them to the teeth.
Only Trump has the positive card to bring that change while all others are waffel, waffel,
republican hindu congress.
Taraki / September 7, 2016
Maybe it is to show that Buddha was a Hindu.
Ikarat / September 7, 2016
Doing the HeeHaw HeeHaw like Kim Jung Un the Puddu.
“Buddha was a Hindu”
Puddhu is a Sinhalaya Yodeya,
Higakanna dakshaya (brilliant at begging.)
There are no buddhist but sinhala terrorist with ISIS as subset.
(Dalai Lama the voice of the buddha and he is no hindu but lives by the grace of 95% hindus of the world)
Hamlet / September 6, 2016
This is like Holding a Red Rag in front of a Mad Bull! What else would the Bull do?
Raja / September 6, 2016
Is this the only one.
How about so called National Media.Daily Mirror reported the incident of vandalism. But conveniently omitted the that the statue was erected in private land robbed and occupied by the occupation army STF. When they left the land went back to the original owner. I do not think anyone has the right other than the owner has the right decide what should be there in the private land.
while STF occupied the place it is understandable that they need one statue, but when they left they should have taken it back. But DAILY MIRROR online omitted all these details so as to create dis harmony. Even the comment I wrote, they did not publish which showed it was intentional omission and not ignorant. May be the thinking of Defence Minister
Was reflected. I could not believe that media institutions with people like Sinha will do these sort of mischiefs.
Joe / September 6, 2016
Find or plant a boo tree, erect a statue ans commence Colonization along with standardization, Sinhalization (Sinhala only)….organize communal trouble kill or chase owners from their homes or businesses grab land and hard earned wealth as if things are nobodies business.This has been the situation of the Patriotic Sinhala budist parties/political thugs since independence.
cholan / September 6, 2016
Why the hell they erect Buddha temples in places where there are 100% Hindus ? What purpose.?
So tomorrow your card board Army will enter Tamil homes and erect Buddha status..?
Or some fanatic become President change the constitution as ask Tamil to become Buddhists?
But Tamil should keep quite for all your comedy ?
What else you can expect from a Mahavamsa minded ..Sinhala media educated people ?
Lone Wolf / September 6, 2016
“Why the hell they erect Buddha temples in places where there are 100% Hindus ?”
100% Hindus? Pure Hindus?
Mankulam has at least one Catholic and one Church of South India church.
Kilinochi has many churches and at least one mosque. Mullaithivu has Christians and Muslims. Google for more.
Is not about 25% of the population of NP Muslim or Christian with even some Buddhists? Look at the names of the NPC members.
BTW the prayer room of Muslim students of Jaffna University was vandalized again yesterday. Maybe the efforts of the “100% Hindus”?
Peter / September 6, 2016
Why the hell they erect Buddha temples in places where there are 100% Hindus ? What purpose.? BECAUSE BUDDHA WAS 100% HINDU!!!
Perisappu / September 8, 2016
but the world is full of fat chow buddha followers.
laughing buddha- he gives money but does not ask for it.
cholan / September 6, 2016
For this racist Daily Mirror if a Sinhalese arrested at a foreign airport he is a Sri Lankan but when it is a Tamil …soon bark Sri Lankan Tamil …
Wonder how Sinhala press describe this …maximum racist way possible .
Stupids still not learned lesson after 30 years hammering?
Nallasamy - Talawakella / September 6, 2016
How about the destruction of hundreds of Christian churches, Muslim Mosques and Hindu temples in the North & East by the Sri Lankan Army.
VELLASAMY / September 6, 2016
Army and other forces are kept to do these Destruction as part and partial of their duties in addition to all sorts of criminal activities.
jim softy / September 7, 2016
That is a good idea to do.
Rajash / September 6, 2016
The crows are shitting on them and the stray dogs are peeing on the.
The Buddha statues not just in the North but every where are becoming a health hazard.
FR should investigate
KA Sumanasekera / September 6, 2016
Soften the Buddha, before Buddhism is expunged from the Constitution.
That seems to be Batalnda Ranil’s strategy..
This dude has no time to look in to these activities of the UNP ally TNA in Yahapalana Government.
Sagala must be busy helping Mangalana to write the legal clauses pertaining to the LGBT, in Batalanada’s new Federal Constitution.
Tasmanian Devil / September 6, 2016
Kussi Amma Sumana – Trust a dedicated bigot and racist like you to jump on any chauvinist bandwagon and stir communal emotions!
Get a life you miserable old hag!
Native Vedda / September 6, 2016
Tasmanian Devil
“Get a life you miserable old hag!”
Mind your language.
You have no idea that he is the official b***s carrier to MR.
cholan / September 6, 2016
Remember Sinhala SRI on car number plates introduced by oxford educated crack SWRD Bandaranayaka to appease fanatic buddhist ayatollah of Asgiriya and Malwatte took 40 years for Premadasa realized that this holy word is covered with dirts on street ..and droped it.
It is the time Tamil should file court case against this ready made Buddhist temples in and out their lands …and challenge this.
Constitution says Buddhist religion to be guarded ( from whom? ) but never authorized building buddhist temples in 100% Tamil areas whenever they like .
This is purely rowdy action can’t be tolerated.
AJ / September 6, 2016
Mosques and churches often burned in the south. Muslims and Christians don’t any file petition. So Muslims and Christisns must be more tolerable than the Budhist.
senthil / September 6, 2016
Looks like this man have no other case to make money. If MR is in power now, this man and MR could have made big bugs out of this case which is not worth for a penny. Lets see how many idiots behind him to make money – every one like free money but should not sell bhudda for that. Poor Bhudda caught between these idiots and suffering – may be his bad time.
shankar / September 6, 2016
” recent months there have been demands to remove Buddha Statues in the North as well as to stop constructing new shrine rooms in the province.”
this is the stupidity which is going to result in hindu shrines being affected.Wignesvaran seems to be a goat with a goatee beard.he should have immediately condemned the bhuddhist shrines being damaged and also not stat all these protests etc.It is better if he goes back to his law books where he belongs,because he seems way out of his depth at this job.
This job requires practical ability,patience and shrewdness which supreme court judges won’t have,but uneducated like thondaman senior had in abundance.
A degree from the university of life is a much better one for jobs such as these than law degrees etc.It was a whole bunch of lawyers in the TULF after independence who put the tamils in current days mess.Someone very practical has to come and clear up this mess for the tamils and wiggie is not one of them,i can see from the time he became the CM and said prabha was a hero.
Funlover / September 6, 2016
Atoeni at Low Weirdo’s photograph should have been published with the non-story. I wondered what his stupid face looked like. Also wondered what kind of fundamental rights idols made of wood and plaster could have. Is Weirdo a toolsucker of Reginald Cooooray? Is he a briefless barrister doing a PR stunt?
Aiyo Sirisena …. I feel so sorry for you – soooo lost! Looking like the guy who fell from the tree and then was gored by the bull.
Kettikaran / September 6, 2016
Vandalism of items of religious sensitivity of any religion in this lawless island should be immediately investigated and set right. That lawyers, trained and taught to uphold the law, take the lead to set matters in order is laudable. But what did Weraduwage and his over-enthusiastic lawyers do when thousands of Buddhist statues were set up post-2009 in haste in equal number in junctions in the Tamil NEP where there are hardly any Sinhala Buddhists. That too while Tamils, including the lawfully elected Chief Minister/NPC in the area, protest vigorously? Are sources within the army encouraging the disorder so that they can continue to enjoy the huge benefits of an occupational army against an utterly powerless civilian population of over a million.
Christians and Muslims suffer the same fate from Buddhist fanatics – not only in the NEP – but in the South as well. What has Weraduwage and company do when criminals and thugs in robes like Gnanassara of the BBS, the blood hounds of the Ravana Ravaya and other lunatic-fringe outfits rowdy and threatening-like roam the streets of Colombo and the island to the shock of ordinary people. Buddhism is a religion centred in peace of mind, tolerance, compassion, mental tranquility – all features total alien to the violence-prone Sinhalese of Rakshaka origin(with due respect to thousands of good and pious Sinhala Buddhists)
When you borrow a great religion from a neighbour you must either follow it faithfully or if your people are not up to it, give up. Why is that Sinhala Christians are better citizens – more lawful, well-behaved, tolerant of others and remarkably religious? That comment should satisfy any one doubting these are anti-Sinhala Buddhist comments.
It is true the hierarchy of the Maha Sangha fostered, nurtured and protected the religion in the centuries gone by. Several of them laid the supreme sacrifice to save Buddhism and the Motherland. But, sad to say, the Sangha from the post-1950s has fallen to the hands of capricious, politically leaning charlatans – today being no different, with few exceptions. Why have not the Mahanayakas – of the various Chapters – not issued a public rebuke against rowdy politically-active Buddhist monks in recent years?
Native Vedda / September 6, 2016
Though the Buddha statues may appear to be the symbols of hegemony those very statues have lost their meaning and sanctity.
The proliferation of Buddha statues, Hindu temples, Christian Churches and Mosques are the latest eyesore of the country. It used to be Mahinda’s portraits.
Don’t the stupid people have anything better to do in their life?
I suggest Attorney-at-Law Dharshana Weraduwage be advised/forced to build his Buddha statues on his back or front garden leaving the commons and public spaces to common people. If he is too concerned about the state of those statues, he should wheel them to his own house, erect them there and protect them as he pleases.
Lanka Watch / September 6, 2016
This is totally the fault of the govt. There should have been a law
in place that prior approval must be obtained from the appropriate
religious authorities and the build a place for worship but
army in the North took the upper hand and erected Buddha statues in
nooks and corners of Jaffna town just to provoke the people of the
area and at the same time ,insulting the religion by not having worshippers to keep the Viharas & statues clean and well maintained.
A place of worship must have devotees visiting every day and poojas
held at given times. Naga Vihara in Jaffna existed for many years
and served the Sinhala Buddhists living in Jaffna and there is no
demand for more Viharas, unless for political reasons.
Govt.brags about promoting reconciliation among the major communities
to the International community and the UN but turning a blind eye to
provocations like this is not very conducive for inter community relationship.
Lone Wolf / September 6, 2016
Lanka Watch,
“There should have been a law in place that prior approval must be obtained from the appropriate religious authorities and the build a place for worship.”
All new places of worship need a permit but many are built illegally.
Lanka Watch / September 7, 2016
Lone Wolf – Still its not too late for the govt. to introduce the
law and Police have to ensure nobody flouts it,as religion should not be allowed to be politicised.Religion is sacred to the people whether they are Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims or Christians.
Jalil / September 7, 2016
Disgraceful religious bigots are trying to plant Buddha statues everywhere. This is actually disgracing Buddhism and Buddha. First of all Buddha wants harmony and peace. He would have hated the concept of deploying a Government Military to spread His statues and thereby force “Buddhism” in places there are hardly any Buddhists. Northern people are now tired of war and looking towards a peaceful life. The Military is trying to rub salt in their wounds by erecting Buddha statues in their lands like planting mushrooms.
jim softy / September 7, 2016
I heard in KAthankudu, one town alone has 45 mosques.
I think all those are legal. Because, muslims said so.
Muslims conver many businesses to mosques. that also should be legal because those places existed even before Mohomad.
Only sinhala buddhists should Tamil – christians and the govt.
jim softy / September 8, 2016
Religious intolerance by Tamils and Christians.
Buddhists allowed you guys to build churches every where.