14 February, 2025


Investigations Into Killings Of Tuskers To Be Handled By CID

Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka has directed Acting IGP C.D. Wickremaratne to place the investigations into the killings of Dala Puttuwa and other tuskers under the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), with immediate effect, minister Ratnayaka’s media unit said.

The move comes in the wake of the killing of Dala Puttuwa, the famous tusker in Galgamuwa. Its tusks were recovered from the Polpithigama area.

Another tusker was also killed in the Thabbowa forest recently.

In a separate incident, a baby elephant tethered to a tree was also found by the Police in the Katagamuwa area, Kataragama.

Minister Ratnayaka ordered the Acting IGP to launch a comprehensive investigation into all these incidents and ascertain whether an organised criminal network was behind the chain of events.

“We condemn these heinous acts as the Law and Order Minister I must state that we will take stern action against everyone responsible for this crime. We want to conduct these investigations efficiently and impartially – which is why we entrusted the CID with this task,” the Minister explaine

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    • 0

      This is not the fir and wont be the last, the criminals as usual escape. Its time a new policy is adapted. Criminals such as this must have their homes demolished. This design of punishment will effect and make a huge difference. This kind of crime will stop overnight.

  • 6

    To see or hear this kind of things are very disturbing and heart breaking. I just can’t understand how they killed this beautiful creature? Maximum punishment should get the killers. This clearly shoes that where our society is heading.

    • 0

      Can those Paras killing the Native tuskers, be sent back to theit Native Para Homeland, India, Bharat, Damba-Diva, after they are caught?

  • 8

    The Buddhist clergy take pride in sitting next to body parts of elephants – tusks.
    Tusks are on display in temples too.
    Some laymen too take pride in owning elephant tusks.
    There is a huge market for elephant tusks.
    All this may be encouraging the killing of these animals, only for their tusks.

    • 0

      Justice, do you really think monks take pride in sitting next to tusks? Don’t you think they have better things to do such as interfering in politics? At least they are not sacrificing animals as in the Hindu kovils.

  • 2

    Sagala is putting on a baby mask in directing the Police to investigate as to whether a criminal gang is behind the poaching of elephants. Elementary Sagala. Why are they going for tuskers?
    The tusks of Dala Puttuwa was recovered in Polpitigama. Unable to track down the person/s who brought the tusks?
    A criminal gang is behind this but they have political connections.

  • 3

    It is unfortunate that human greed overcomes compassion for animals, and the need to preserve precious wild life. People forget the tenants of Buddhism, and the rule of not harming even a fly. What kind of nation have we become?

  • 0

    Why this KOLAI VERY?

  • 1

    More animals have been killed by humans rather than humans being killed by animals. we go in search of them to kill- sports? Why are the animals so humane and humans so inhuman.

  • 0

    We demand the Sri Lankans authorities to immediately take measures, form a taskforce involving police and military investigate the elephant murders and prosecute those with the heaviest arm of the law to deter crime syndicates they are wiping out the elephant populations across Africa and Asia for the Chinese market. He elephants need the protection they deserve and let there be action not just false words.

  • 0

    It’s always a case of “closing the gate after the horse has bolted “.

  • 0

    Excuse me, could the CID please finish finding the killers of Lasantha and Thajudeen before they turn their attention to the pachyderms?

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