15 January, 2025


Iranian Women Post Pictures Without Hijabs On Facebook

Campaign set up by London-based Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad attracts more than 140,000 likes on social media site

Thousands of Iranian women are taking off their veils and publishing pictures of themselves online, igniting a debate about the freedom to wear or not wear the hijab.

Read more in the Guardian







Facebook Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women

The Facebook page ‘Stealthy Freedoms of Iranian Women’ was set up 10 days ago and has since attracted thousands of photos. Photograph: Facebook

Latest comments

  • 6

    If she post her nude picture she will get million like in a sec. there are people every where to expose them, when no one see them. there are campaign to fad Islam. but the truth is Iran not a main stream Muslim country as they called so.so what is expected from this news CT. come on dear Racist start your comments from here….this buddhist country..

    • 12


      “dear Racist start your comments from here….this buddhist country.”

      The Iranian women are much prettier without the Hijab,and can understand why some of them want to cover to avoid the rapists, which the so called “Sinhala Buddhist” country sees to be full of.

      This is not Sinhala Buddhist Country.

      This is the Land of the Native Veddah Aethho.

      All the other Para, can go back to India, their native land and where Hinduism and Buddhism originated.

      • 3

        well said.

  • 4

    Hijab is a prison that hides the beauty of women. I believe many Muslim girls want to throw their Hijabs away .Yet there may be women who do want to wear Hijab . Why? It is because when one is used to something it is very difficult for him/her to give up. Though Muslim men want their women to wear hijab they secretly wish to see the nudity of other women and have sex with them .The foreign housemaids who work in countries in West Asia (middle East)are sexually abused constantly by Allah followers there .If you don’t believe it just ask housemaids who have worked there.In another hundred years women in hijab will be a rare sight in the world.

    • 5

      wow Punchi Singho! such wisdom ! such foresight ! you are no so punch I assume !

      I would rather advice you to look at the current situation in SL and think about what would be situation in 10 years in lankan mawbima.

      • 1

        Don’t worry about Sri Lanka. You are not part of it. go to a mulsim country.
        You smell so bad., and u have no brain
        I hate muslims

    • 0


      hope your sister , mother and wife also sexually abused in middle east, iddiot , why son [Edited out] going to middle east

  • 1

    This is why Shia Islam is NOT Islam.

    Only true Wahab teachings are Islam. Others are fakes.

    • 4


      “Only true Wahab teachings are Islam. Others are fakes.”

      Interesting. Do you know why?

      The Wahhabi Follow the Devil, Shaitan. Those who follow Islam, Allah’s Religion is called fake by the Wahhabi.

      It is like the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils.

      They call the Land of the Native Veddah, their own Land. They came from South India. Check their DNA.

      Wahhabis, Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils are all misrepresenting facts.

      • 0

        Has anyone checked this buggers dna?

  • 5

    lot better than the stinky, black goni billas living here in SL

    • 2

      Watch what you say EK.

      You will be the victim of a Allahu Akbar attack if you keep badmouthing against Sunni Muslims. OK?


      • 4

        you are another goni billa walking up and down on streets..

        • 0

          Thanks Brother,

          I hate those Muslim women who impose Hijab on us. most of these women and fat, ugly and very dark, smelly. so they are very hypocrite. then need all other girls to cover their body too.

          There are Muslim girls who hate Hijab. But we have no option.
          I my self is An Atheist. I don’t believe in Allah. But I cant say in public that im an Atheist. My parents and brothers will kill me.
          for them Allah is everything.

      • 0

        Our Allah cannot even save his own people who dies in Afghanistan.
        Allah is Fake
        there is no Allah,
        Islam is a fake religion sister.
        Allah is a concept not a person or a God.
        Allah means “Deceiver”., this concept is used to deceive people around the world.

        Get over the Jail sister.

        • 0

          Dear fathima( ex muslim).

          May allah takecare of you and may allah takecare of you.

          You will realize this in the judgement day.

    • 4

      Ela 1 more comment published man! when r u going to thank me !
      and how r u going to do it? for your information I don’t take the Gandasara route!

      But I voted “Dong”

      By the way I am ignoring “Fat Fuka” he/she has no substance. which means I have some respect for you. That’s a compliment !

      And you say stinky goni billa’s looks like u r have experienced every kind of garbage in Sri Lanka (Stinky Goni billa’s are the ones u find in Maradana)

      • 0

        Hey Afzal,
        Don’t bother responding to these racist elements, by doing so, you are giving them more oxygen to continue with their vitriol. Only a sick mind could spew out such venom against another . So do not give them the attention , they are looking for !!

      • 0

        afzal, hope your sisters are not stinky even though they wear goni-billa suit…..

  • 1

    Dear Afzal/Amerasiri

    Please do not waste time on This FuKeshima alias Pukeshima & ella kola alias ellagona , they are both the same gonas ,Just follow carefully the way the two nicks comments…

  • 0

    Finally !!! some Muslims are our of woods…
    When Can we have this freedom ?

  • 2

    Islam is perfect not most of the Muslims “… (so pleas judge the religion upon some one’s act please, also respect each religion )

  • 0

    God tells the believing women in the Noble Quran to cover themselves when they go out with their outer garments and head coverings so that they may be recognised and respected and not molested in any way. No woman would never walk around with her PIN number on display. How about their cash or their most precious jewels? Precious things are kept carefully; that’s what women are in Islam, precious; not to be flaunted cheaply, but preserved under their robes for people whom they choose to share their beauty with. And they know that, when they are dressed in a more modest way, men show them more respect. Have you ever seen a man whistling at a nun or a Muslim woman who is dressed in Hijab? When they dress as God tells them to, people appreciate what they have to say and what their talents are instead of judging them for the way they look.

    • 0

      Your comments show the maximum thinking capacity of a dumb Muslim
      Go Go.. read the Quran and worship ur fake God

    • 0

      Tell me about how God allow old men to treat with six year old girls as women. I like to learn from you.

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