By M. Zulkifli Nazim –
On 12th February 2013, at the TNL studios, where the debate between the Bodu Bala Sena and the representatives of the Jamiathul Ulama, the General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena, Venerable Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero, a very significant and valid remark was made, which caught the attention of the general public, where he referred to a specific financial problem faced by the Muslim community as a result of them depositing their hard earned monies and life-savings with the Ceylinco Profit Sharing & Investment Corporation Ltd., (This includes the Ceylinco Global Profit Sharing & Investment Corporation too) where the members and representatives of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama (ACJU) were in the so-called Shariah Council and who are visibly missing from the scene now. Where is the “halaal” aspect of this deception and what have they got to say now? He asked.
A statement very valid and well grounded in logic.
I would like to contribute something further to this. When Ceylinco Profit Sharing and the Ceylinco Global Profit Sharing had their opening ceremonies to open their offices as well as their branches in various locations the main people on stage and who preached, spoke, encouraged and advocated to invest in these companies, were the members and representatives of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama (ACJU).
The majority of the Muslims generally and especially those in remote areas, did not know of Lalith Kotelawala, the Chairman, they did not know who K.A.S. Jayatissa, the Deputy Chairman was, but they knew and placed their full reliance and trust on the members and representatives of this All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama whom they respected and believed without any doubt whatsoever, that these sacred and religious personalities will not represent this institution if there is anything wrong with it.
That was the confidence and faith the Muslim community had.
The majority of those who had invested were poor people and retired persons who had invested their life savings so that they may be able to get some returns for their survival. What did the members and representatives of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama do? The first thing they did was to obtain personal loans to the tune of millions of rupees, compromising their position as members of the so-called Shariah Council.
It looks as if though they lured the unsuspecting Muslim community and those of other communities to deposit in this disastrous and chaotic institution for them to obtain their loans. We too ask the same question from the representatives of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama, what the Venerable Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero asked. Vis-à-vis – The ACJU who are talking of halaal certificates, can they tell us how they were able to deceive the community at large, who had placed their trust in this supposed organization of religious scholars? Is this attitude and behavior which had caused so much misery to hundreds of people come within the ambit of the doctrine of halaal and halaal certificates?
The Monthly tabloid of the Muslim community in Sri Lanka, “Al-Islam”, in their December 2012-January 2013 issue had written an open letter, calling for explanation and challenging the President, of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama, Rizwi Mufthi, on this issue, which had disastrously affected the Muslim Community financially and mentally. He remains silent to this day.
It is quite apparent, what the members and representatives of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama had done, was to involve themselves with these companies in the Ceylinco Group in aiding and abetting this fraud plotted against the communities at large, where they benefited the most. Therefore, it follows that it is not only the two companies of the Ceylinco group who are to be censured severely, it is the members and representatives of the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama who had been the principal element in instituting this fraud too should be taken to task, berated and chided socially and legally for enticing and tempting the incognizant and unsuspecting members of the community, who are in dire straits today.
We can conclude without hesitation that the main cause and problems facing the Muslim Community in Sri Lanka today, is because, whatever the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama (ICJU) did. They went overboard, to extremes and naturally there has been a backlash and an adverse reaction to both political and social scenarios. The repercussions created an explosive surge targeting the Muslim Community and they are still, unbelievably, very dogged about it.
Safa / March 6, 2013
We can conclude without hesitation that the main cause and problems facing the Muslim Community in Sri Lanka today, is because, whatever the All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama (ICJU) did. They went overboard, to extremes and naturally there has been a backlash and an adverse reaction to both political and social scenarios.
This is a rather naive statement to take one incident at ceylinco and condemn the entire clergy. Islamic banking just like any other bank has its risks. Whilst ACJU would have only overseen the religous aspects, the investment and management of funds would have been in the hands of the officials.
However it is better for ACJU to withdraw from such activities which tend to bring them into the front line of fireing which causes a problem to its religous role. It is better to leave such activities to professionals in the field without unduly publicising their involvemnt in the advisory role only. Public can judge what is halal for themselves.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
This so called clergy, is in the first place, not competent or qualified enough to serve as Ulemas, good Islamic scholars come from Arabic background and most of them are Arabs. We yet don’t know where this ACJU guys acquired their knowledge from, may be from some unknown Pakistan madrasa or a shia funded organization. Nazim said it with credible evidence. To your point SAFA “Public can judge what is halal for themselves”, sounds ridiculous after all the facts Nazim has given, looks like there is vested interested for you with ACJU. Any average person can rightly say without reservation that ACJU is a bunch of rogues, that is only hijacking Islam and putting the Muslims of SL in jeorpardy.
Safa / March 7, 2013
What are your credentials to judge?
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
you trust a surgeon, only if he holds an FRCS or something similar to that from Ireland, US, Canada or Australia or from a reputed Overseas institute of learning with proven clinical experience, I don’t say the surgeons locally qualified are not OK, but they still yearn to hold a degree from one of the above as mentioned even if they do have one locally, and once they have it their reputation and trust will be greater and then they will be accepted in any part of the world. One should have that kind of a credential.
Safa / March 7, 2013
I am talking about you not the surgeons. Do you know arabic. Have you studied Hadith and Quran?
Fahim / March 8, 2013
The Ceylinc Islamic banking system was approved by ACJU, what was the approval about? it was the system they follow and the money they invested was not on interest related that’s the approval was about. Approving financial credibility is not the duty of ACJU, It completely goes on a different rating system.
AYMAN / March 11, 2013
Ahamed Zaman / March 7, 2013
I think Safa does not know what she/he is talking about. The Entire clergy has to be condemned, because they were making the most of everything and like the article says, compromised their position by obtaining massive loans, which they have not paid. And I know, they were in the front line encouragin the muslims to invest. You may be “henchiah” of Ceylinco or someone who is in the field who has been benefitting by these Halal Certificates.
We do not need Halal Certificates. We know what is halal. These fellows made the muslims in haram ventures and these are the Ulama who made the muslims even eat haram food. So we think that you are part and parcel of this jamiathul ulama.
Marwan / March 7, 2013
Some, like you believe the theory that ACJU has taken massive loans and cannot repay, some others say the ACJU is charging 175,000/= per Halal licence and multiply that by 4,000 products. All revolving around money, inherrent jealousy that is in man against others who they percieve as being filthy rich throwing their weight around. The truth is far from it. The ACJU doesn’t have even a decent building to call their own, struggling with funds. You know very well that they were doing a service to the Muslim community thru the issuance of Halal certificates, to help them identify what is permissible to eat. Charging a fee from the product manufacturers for this service is nothing wrong, as nothing comes free tese days, and the amount charged is very nominal compared to the business revenue. Sincerely, haven’t you ever checked if a product is Halal before buying it? If you haven;t then the chances are that you could have been trapped with a Haram product. There are so many products out there today to lead Muslims astray, like the bacon with the halal label. Allah specifically says that Muslims must eat only of that which is lawful (permissible – Halsl), or else our Duas will not be answered.
May be, if what you say is true, ‘they were in the front line for Muslims to invest in Ceylinco’, I will dare to say that they promoted the concept of Islamic banking concept in Ceylinco, which had gained approcel from Central Bank who were the underwriters. It just may be that ACJU was used by Ceylinco to get deposits from Muslim investors, but ACJU did not benefit in any way through commissions or kick backs and therefore absolves itself of the many frauds, embezlements and thefts that took place, since they had no say in the administration and execution of Ceylinco’s affairs. I consider is very unfair to apportion blame on ACJU for Ceylinco fiasco.
But now we see many Banks (local and foreign) going the way of Islamic Banking, and they have caught on and are doing well. But I am sure ACJU will never fall into this trap again. They have learnt their lesson.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
Marwan, ACJU is not bothered about having a decent building for their rogue affairs, but each individual has a comfortable house in Colombo and elsewhere. It is very clear now with Ceylinco affair the role ACJU played and eventually played out the investors, if ACJU have no idea of what Islamic Banking or financing is about, they should keep their distance from such issues, Marwan, don’t defend these guys too much, people will think you are part and parcel like Safa, to this whole rubbish. You said “inherent jealousy”, so you’re asking anyone to bank on the religious sentiments and make his/her money, if one is clever. Remember no one is jealousy with Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, it is the opposite because they’ve contributed to the world with technology and in some way to mankind. Muslims have no problem in SL having access to Halal edible products decades ago or even now or in the future.
Mohamed Marzook / March 8, 2013
Woodpecker, your seem to be quite sure that each individual Ulema has a comfortable house in Colombo and elsewhere. Leave elsewhere (you meant in the outstations I believe)as it would be difficult for you to have gone round and counted. Can you at least say how many you have counted in Colombo. Why do you just grab something from the air and use it to attack someone who is defenceless. I am proud of the ACJU Ulemas who have shown absolute patience in facing all the attacks aimed at the using the Halal certification issue, not forgetting the words ‘Ula Mottawaru’ used by the Secretary of the BBS in the recent telephone discussion he had with the TBC Radio, London. So much so for a religious person to abuse another. If such a language was used on this Buddhist Monk what would have been the repercussions.
Safa / March 7, 2013
My dear speak for yourself. If you lost money by trying to make big profits please admit. You think everyone does things for money like your good self. You can eat what you like for all I care. Dont judge others by your standards.
The author too seems to be very bitter about ceylinco and takes it out on the ulema. Being the former MD of AIG Insurance he should have known better than to invest in Ceylinco. Big or Small Ceylinco had them all. Hard luck since you dont believe in destiny.
Ceylonese / March 7, 2013
Author as a former AIG employee should refrain from creating a conflict of interest. As a student of Shariah the statement {The majority of the Muslims generally and especially those in remote areas, did not know of Lalith Kotelawala, the Chairman, they did not know who K.A.S. Jayatissa, the Deputy Chairman was, but they knew and placed their full reliance and trust on the members and representatives of this All-Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama whom they respected and believed without any doubt whatsoever, that these sacred and religious personalities will not represent this institution if there is anything wrong with it.} should bother the placing of the trust in the Creator rather than the creation.
An Islamic institutions sole purpose is to wet the transactions by confirming that they are in line and in accordance to the Shariah and if any officials received a loan that could be viewed as an inducement.
Kapila / March 8, 2013
Shariah is nothing but Bullshit. We can see what your stupid shariah is doing to the world. Everything is Shariah – Killing people is shariah, suicide bombers are shariah and a host of other destructive notions and actions that is pervading the world is shariah. and you yourself do not know what it is. What we can see is under the name of Shariah, the world is turned into utter chaos.
Shariah indeed!
Ceylonese / March 8, 2013
One is free to take his/her ignorance to their grave. However before one takes their last breath they should look at its phenomenal growth specially in economics. Ignorance is a self inflicted handicap.
Mohamed Marzook / March 7, 2013
Nazim’s employment was in the Insurance sector, including the Insurance Corporation of Sri Lanka, perhaps at a time when he was not aware that Insurance is Haraam in Islam, but he continued to work in the Insurance sector while delivering lectures and writing about Islam. Being that it is strange that Nazim is joining the Boda Bala Sena to accuse the ACJU citing an unrelated matter.
Ceylonese / March 7, 2013
Unethical wages earned eventually aids the enemies of Islam.
Peter / March 8, 2013
So you are saying that everyone is earning unethically except you? Ask your own conscience. do you have insurance or does your company business does not deal with insurance. Are you importing without insurance and protecting yourself without insurance?
If not you too are involved in unethical earnings – this is according to your standard of degenerate thinking.
Moreover, why stay in a country where you consider the entire Buddhist, Hindu and Christian as enemies Islam. Why don’t you go and live in the so-called Muslim countries and leave us in peace?
I have never seen and heard such hostile and perverted thinking. The best part is you call your self a Ceylonese.
Ceylonese / March 9, 2013
A deceptive mind assumes (1) everyone is earning unethically except you? (2) why stay in a country where you consider the entire Buddhist, Hindu and Christian as enemies Islam. Never said and never have uttered these words. We live in a world that compels us to recognise risk and make adequate provisions to meet it’s requirements through ethical means. There is interest based ‘western style’ insurance and there is a Shariah based risk management. Those who are familiar with the Bible will know that the only time Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) lost his temper was with the “money changers” at the temple. Today’s “money changers” are the bankers who have, through their own greed, brought the entire world to the brink of financial collapse in the name of Capitalistic Democracy.
The concept of risk management in the Islamic Shariah is spelled out in detail and guess what it’s Halaal and works and meets the needs of all those who implement as prescribed.
One displays their pathetic personality by ‘either you will like me or get out’. Life on this pathetic earth is limited and we all will depart whether we like it not. So enjoy your short stay.
Nazim / March 8, 2013
Dear Mr. Marzook I have been in the Insurance field for over 44 yeara, looks like you know me and moreover, if Insurance is haraam, then you are totally unaware of many facts in Islam. Some person wsuld have told you that and you are presenting it and opening an avalanche of attacks. Like the Quran Says, do not say this haram and this is halal if you do not know. I think Mr. Marzook, you are going off the track and such comments will pull in more attacks than anything else
Marwan / March 8, 2013
What is your take on the 207 millionm swindle at Insurance Corp. now exposed. Your 44 years service in dealing with Insurance products may have been good for you personally, but not by Halal standards. That was all that Marzook was implying. Don’t get upset, just accept it as correct.
ahmad / March 8, 2013
Dear Br.Nazim,
Please highlight the stupidity of ACJU, so called swollen headed enemies of peace loving muslims.
Buddhika Lokubandara / March 8, 2013
Hey Marzook, Everything is Insurance. If the insurance sector is bad as you have purported it to be, then why should you be citizens of a country where there is insurance. In that case,you cannot go anywhere in the world – Insurance is everywhere. The Plane and the vehicles that you are travelling has insurance. Stop going for Haj and other travels as you are boarding a plane that has “insurance”. I am sure you have a vehicle, try taking the vehicle out without insurance? You cannot live, you cannot import of export, In fact you must be heavily involved in your profession in insurance. You people must b utterly stupid to come out with that just because you have nothing to say. By the way who would you like to join, Al-Qaeda? Or are you a representative of Al-Qaida and a henchman of the Jamiathul Ulama?
Safa / March 8, 2013
This is what your insurance companies are up to. This is the way the govt is ripping off the people nadd funding the BBS etc.
(TheIndependent) – A large sum of money amounting to 207 million rupees at Sri Lanka Insurance has been swindled as a result of the selection of an insurance broker whose license had been cancelled, Transparency International reports. This has occurred in connection with the reinsuring the properties of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation. This allegation is being made by the the Coalition against Corruption.
The Coalition states that as a result, the assets of the Corporation have no insurance protection. An investigation on the matter has already been conducted by COPE – the Parliamentary Committee on Public Enterprises.
The Coalition alleges that the reinsurance broker concerned is an Indian named Suresh Balakrishnan who had been involved in a similar fraud while serving at M.F. Insurance and Reinsurance and the Indian authorities had cancelled his license. At an investigation by the Auditor General’s Department it has been revealed that he had not paid the premium Rs 92 million that had to be paid for 2009/2010 to the reinsurance companies in respect of the assets of the Petroleum Corporation. The broker had done the reinsurance under Transasia Management Advisor FZC from United Arab Emirates.
Subsequently, the Rs. 116 million (Rs. 116,850,000/-) reinsurance premium for the Petroleum Corporation for the year 2010/2011 has been paid to Suresh Balakrishnan on 02.07.2010 by the officials of Sri Lanka Insurance on a request made by Balakrishnan the previous day. Thus the total amount of reinsurance is Rs. 208 M.
It is the general practice worldwide to insure highly valuable property among several reinsurance companies in order to ensure that any liability is distributed among them. For this purpose the service of reputed brokers are made use of.
The total value of the assets of the Petroleum Corporation which presently have no insurance cover is estimated to be Rs.75.39 billion (75,97,909,813/-). These include the Sapugaskanda Oil Refinery, oil stocks stored at the refinery, the Sapugaskanda boiler, Orugodawatta terminal, oil stocks at the terminal, property at the Katunayake International Airport and oil stocks there, and the oil stocks at Muthurajawela.
Ceylonese / March 9, 2013
We can do all you have mentioned in a Shariah compliant risk management structure and more. The Islamic financial services industry in thriving and with an estimated growth of AED 162 Trillion Islamic assets and a Shariah complaint annual growth conservatively estimated at 15%. (Source Faith In Finance – Bloomberg Documentary). Either we join the tide or get left behind.
Buddhika Lokubandara / March 8, 2013
Mr. Nazim’s profession is not under dispute here. How stupid can you people get.
AYMAN / March 11, 2013
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
Safa, thank God never have I invested in any such scams nor lost anything as you may think, I am sharing my views because we see Ulemas are in finance and strange things happening that’s the concern, my profession and the way I earn is Halal, no probs.
Safa / March 7, 2013
Strange things are happening all over this country but your attention is only on ACJU.
Bodu Bala / March 7, 2013
I am a supporter of Bodu Bala Sena and I can very proudly say that our Sinhala-Buddhist Nationalist Patriotic government and specially our defense secretary are with us. We will not demand or do anything without our Sinhala-Buddhist Nationalist Patriotic government’s blessings. We are grateful to our Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa who opened the new Buddhist Leadership Academy to train our Bodu Bala Sena members. The Buddhist clergy in the Eastern countries is well known for martial arts. They learned it for self defense. As long as the present Defence secretary is with us we have no fear but to defend ourselves in Sri Lanka in the future, we may have to form our own Bodu Bala Sena regiment/saffron brigade, a separate army to protect the Sinhala-Buddhists from non- Sinhala-Buddhists who gets help from several countries that are hostile to us. Our Sinhala-Buddhist clergy entered into politics in order to protect Buddha’s blessed Country and the Sinhalese people whom he chose to protect his doctrine (Dhamma).
Whether the others like it or not, Sri Lanka is a SinhalaBuddhist country and the SinhalaBuddhists are the majority. If you are living in SinhalaBuddhist country like Sri Lanka then you should follow the SinhalaBuddhist way of life. Buddha blessed Sri Lanka not once but thrice before introducing Buddhism to Sri Lanka (a Buddhist country). It was none other than Buddha himself who chose the Sinhalese as the sustainers of Buddhism. That is because he knew that only SinhalaBuddhists can protect it from others. Therefore the Sinhala-Buddhists should always be the majority in Sri Lanka and only a Sinhala-Buddhist should rule Sri Lanka (King/President).
As SinhalaBuddhists who follow the Buddha’s teaching, we are always very peaceful and compassionate towards others and that is the reason why we allowed others to live in our country but they are also supposed to be calm and compassionate towards the SinhalaBuddhists. They should Never Ever even dream of retaliating under any circumstances if we try to discipline/moralize them to our way of living. We will not tolerate if they do not obey us.
All the ancient archeological artifacts found in Sri Lanka are only Buddhist and Hindu. Only the Buddhist and Hindu statues are found in all our ancient places of worship such as the Kandy Dalada Maligawa, Anuradapura Sri Mahabodi, Katharagama, etc. The others such as the Muslims and Christians are aliens to Sri Lanka. The colonial invaders forced the Buddhists and Hindus and converted them to Christianity. Similarly, the Arab traders who came to Sri Lanka married Buddhist and Hindu women and converted them to Muslims and even today they are doing the same. There are several cases of Sinhala-Buddhist women marrying Muslim men; they are forcefully converted to Muslims.
Our main problem today is the Muslims. If you see the population growth in Sri Lanka from 1981 to 2012, the Sinhalese have a growth of 38.2% and the Tamils have a growth of 20.3% where as the Muslims have a growth of 78.6%. The Tamils were only asking for a piece of land by waging a war (it was open so we very easily crushed them) but the Muslims will take over the whole country very secretly and peacefully if we allow them to grow at this rate. We cannot allow the Muslims to become a majority in Sri Lanka. At any cost we have to stop it. We SinhalaBuddhists sacrificed our lives in tens of thousands in freeing our country from the LTTE not to hand over to the Muslims on a platter. Birth control should be enforced only for the Sri Lankan Muslims and it should be banned for the Sinhala-Buddhists. In this regard, the government agreed to ban family planning methods that control birth. We have also started a programme to educate the SinhalaBuddhists the importance of being the majority and the advantages of producing as many children as they can. We are working on introducing new laws to legalize Polygamy so that there will be no legal restrictions for Sinhala-Buddhist men and women in taking multiple partners with the objective of producing more and more children. It is Buddha’s wish that we Sinhalese should multiply to be the sustainers of Buddhism in this world.
Muslims have been living in this country since 7th century and now only they want to have Halal food in Sri Lanka. Population wise they are only 5%. If we allow Halal, next time they will try to introduce circumcision on us. We have to nip these in the bud before it becomes a custom. We should never allow the Muslims and Christians to control anything in Sri Lanka. What is Halal to Muslims is Harem to SinhalaBuddhists. Slaughtering cow and eating beef should also be banned in Sri Lanka. Instead, we should promote pork. We are glad that the parliament has re-introduced pork in their menu. Hijab, burqa, niqab and purdah should be banned in Sri Lanka. The law and the legislature should always be under the control of the Sinhala-Buddhists and our Nationalist Patriotic president. After all, Sri Lanka is a gift from Buddha to the Sinhalese. We know what the Muslims have done to countries that were Buddhist once upon a time (Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and so on). We do not want that to happen in our land. This is the only way we can protect our SinhalaBuddhist country, our SinhalaBuddhist religion and our SinhalaBuddhist race from these aliens.
We are very grateful to the present Nationalist Patriotic government for giving us full support and strength to carry out our programmes very smoothly.
Unicorn / March 8, 2013
@Bodu Bala
you live in your own little dream world filled with unicorns and other magical animals the people are fed up with your publicity stunts and attempts to gain fame and prominence ! people who were nobodies are now somebodies and a have turned arrogant that will be your downfall int he end! our politicians feed us bullshit on daily basis 24/7,365 and make a mockery of us all. we don’t want our religious clergy joining the bandwagon. get life and do something productive for this country ! good day
Ahmed / March 8, 2013
Afham / March 8, 2013
BB… hear hear… bravo… and whilst at it why not propogate polyandry that was anyway an available option? maybe the problem is with the men you know. Better try all options, no?
Ramzeen Azeez / March 8, 2013
I am an English teacher in NCP whose students are 100% Buddhists. What I teach them has improved not only themselves but even their children. Like many of us there is no hatred or communal feelings amongst us. Ref your statement that the main problem is “Muslims’ increase in population” let me tell you what the problem is. Sinhala families bring up their girls for employment and NOT to be somebody’s wife. Every parent wants their daughter to be professionals. Hence they get married in their late 20’s or early 30’s and they have time only for a single child. When the parents reach old age only they regret their decision to have a single child. Lots of my adult students have said this. When the parents of single kids reach old age,they become a burden on their son/daughter as there is no one else to share the burden of looking after the parents. The single children are prevented from following their own paths due to this. In the area where I work many women have been deserted by their husbands or they have succumbed to kidney disease. Many of them cannot write Sinhala but now can sign their names in English. I take great pride in being able to help them to some extent ( they can even sing 2 English songs)and almost all of them have told me the most beautiful words in the Sinhala language “GODAK PING”
Muslims men get married in their youth: mid 20’s and the girls in their late teens or ear;y 20’s. When married in their youth they enjoy life and become young parents. However, Muslims too have curtailed their number of kids to 2 due to the problem with schooling.Although you may not believe me, there’s absolutely no “secret plot” to take over Sri Lanka. Do the Math on the population figures. Like everyone else, we are all busy struggling to make ends meet: even in our mid-60’s like me! What have the Muslims to gain?
If indeed there are “extremist elements” plotting something in our Island, then its your PATRIOTIC DUTY to immediately inform the CID, CDB or the NIB. Otherwise, its just scaremongering and waving red flags at a peaceful bull.
Although the Constitution doesn’t describe Sri Lanka as a SinhalaBuddhist country, we all realize it has become one.My President regularly goes to the Temple and does his Buddhist duties, my hospitals have pirith over their PA systems in the morning, every junction has an illuminated Buddha statue, every Bo tree is a potential pansala and even my bank BOC has banners on Wesak day stating “Budhu sasuna babalewa”.
I feel all religious activities should be in private with the exception of certain accepted rituals like Poya days, the Kandy Perahera, Friday for the Muslims, Vel, national festivals etc. All leaders and office holders shouldn’t bring religion into their offices. I hope you understand what I’m aiming at.
Sri Lanka is the only country without any strife. There’s no doubt that the entire planet is jealous of that fact. Arms dealers and war material suppliers including medical suppliers, have no market here and that is a powerful mafia. We have to be aware of these possibilities and tread carefully. Everyone in this forum is educated and surely there is a gap between us and troublemakers?
Marwan / March 8, 2013
Very well put. Totally endorse your views.
Hade Sheriff / March 14, 2013
@Bodu Bala
Dont even think about implementing your ideas by force,You defense secretary will bite the dust for supporting your thuggish violent BBS, regime will collapse like an effigy, it wont take long for Muslims to adopt the same tactics witch you brag, The Tamil Diaspora eagerly waiting for an opportunity to entice the Muslims , upto now we have shunned them, it could be the plan by them via Norway where all evidence is pointing towards BBS sinister campaign to fool the innocent ignorant Buddhist.
Marwan / March 7, 2013
The element of risk in loosing is always present if that income is to be considered Halal. If it is guarenteed income (by way of fixed interest), then it becomes Haram. It is totally acceptable to promote Islamic Banking and its concepts to people who are looking for Halal investments. But that does not mean in any way that those investments are guaranteed, since the promoters are NOT part of the Management of those Institutions who are the main decision makers. They are Ulamas (men of religious knowledge – theologians) not financial wizards. The regulatory authority for all financial institutions in Sri Lanka is the Central Bank which gives these Institutions the Licence to operate. If at all they should be the ones to blame, not ACJU.
It is easy to clump all the ill-wills of this country that is presently undergoing and criticize and blame it on the ACJU. Armchair critics who don’t care a tuppence for the community, what have they or the Organizations they represent done for the Muslim community at large. The ACJU is a body made up of 3,000 Ulamas from all over the country. We respoect them and we need them for our religious guidance. Lets not try to destroy there sanctity amongst our own community. Others of other faiths may try to do so through ignorence, but we need to stand firm by them.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
Marwan again, 3,000 or 30,000 they’re cash-trapped luxury loving, hoodwinking bunch of rogues, how do you look up to them for religious guidance when they don’t know how to interpret certain things in Arabic even in the Tamil language they speak?????, sporting long beards and turban doesn’t mean they’re scholars. When some scholarly Ulemas from the Arab world want to come to Sri Lanka, these ACJU and other cronies are objecting why????? Marwan have you ever heard or seen any Arabic Scholar(s) most of them are well-versed in English giving sermons, that means you haven’t seen an Islamic Scholar.
Safa / March 7, 2013
From your statement I can now discern your background. If you want to talk, talk straight. Please let us know who these well versed arabic scholars are and from what school of thought. We dont want wahabis and salafis coming here to create problems. Please name a few.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
There are plenty they preach TAWHEED, not wahabis or whatever as you claim, are not heard in our part of the world, these are terms that are often coined by zionists, shias & enemies of Islam.
Safa / March 7, 2013
My guess is correct. You are the people who caused bloodshed in Beruwala and in the east.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
stupidity at its peak.
Hussain Fahmy / March 8, 2013
Disunity among the Muslims bound to cause disintegration. After Prophet Muhammed’s (PBUH) death due to Power Politics; the Muslims labelled themselves with Sunni, Shia, Sufi, lately Wahhabi. All these Labels are the Handy work of misguided Muslims. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) predicted that the Islamic Nation will split and only one group will enter Paradise. Those who follow the Noble Quran and his authentic Hadiths. They Just Call themselves Muslims. Humanity’s natural disposition is to differ among his brethren, community, country and has the God given free Will to form his own opinion and follow his own desires.
And lo! this your religion is one religion and I am your Lord, so keep your duty unto Me. (The Noble Quran 22:52) But they (mankind) have broken their religion among them into sects, each sect rejoicing in its tenets. (The Noble Quran 22:53) So leave them in their error till a time. (The Noble Quran 22:54)
Muhammed Abdul Wahhab made every effort to purify Islam by returning Muslims to the original principles of Islam, as exemplified by the Salaf (Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) First and Second Generation in Arabia) and rejecting what was regarded as corruptions introduced by Bid’ah (Innovation of new practices) and Shirk (Attributing Partners). Although all Muslims pray to one God, Muhammed Abdul Wahhab was keen on emphasising that no intercession with God was possible without God’s permission, which God only grants to whom He wills and only to benefit those whom He wills, certainly not the ones who invoke anything or anyone except Him, as these would never be forgiven.
ahmad / March 8, 2013
what do you know about wahabi philosophy! It is totally against the teachings of the Quran hadees and the pious ancestors..they are so idiotic in all their explanation! wahabis are in kufr because they give anthropomorphic explanation to Allah and his attributes..they give literal meaning for everything and they think they are preaching pure islam..I CAN CONCLUDE THAT THEY ARE NOT PROPAGATING PURE ISLAM THEY ARE PROPAGATING A NEW RELIGION!
Kapila / March 8, 2013
Why don’t you people get out of this country and let us live in peace. You and your stupid shariah. You always consider the people of this country as enemies of your religion. Please find refuge in the so-called Muslim countries. Ah ha ha. The Entire Muslim World is in utter chaos. They are killing their own people and why don’t you go there and support them in the name of Shariah.
If you wish to live here, people like you, Marwan, Mohamed Marzook and others of illogical thinking, keep your traps shut.
We want peace and we live in peace until you stupid came out with all types Halal Finance companies, Halal certificates and halal whatnots.
Please Get out!
Safa / March 8, 2013
Why dont you tell this to your BBS / JHU / SR thugs.
Nabil / March 8, 2013
Kapila, Native Veddha thinks you are an imposter yourself. Your ancestors came here on a boat! He calls you a Kallathoni! :)
Hade Sheriff / March 14, 2013
Hey Kapila
Thats the sinister plot created by Mossad & CIA to divide an make the Muslims fight each other, very soon we will break that barrier & join together, the chaos is a creation of the west.
Its your BBS who dont like peace in SriLanka, trying to imitate RSS Hindutva & other antiIslamists fooling you.
Marwan / March 7, 2013
You have no idea of whats out there. There are Shiites who want to come, offer scholarships to young and poor Muslim students to go to Iran and get brainwashed with their ideologies. There is Wahabis, an extreme sect of Muslims, Salafis and many other such off shoots who come to disturb the mindset of our young students, who when grown up can become social misfits like those BBS fellas.
You cannot pass judgement on what you don’t know about Islam and its teachings. In this day and age, all the Islamic discourses conducted the world over is available in any language (English, Urdhu, Arabic, Tamil, Sinhalese) all over the internet. Your so called ‘Islamic Scholars’ (of which you accuse me of being unaware of who they are – thank you Mr. Scholar) need not be physicallly present in country. What is important is not to listen to their scholarly discourses, but to bring it into practice in our everyday lives.
Your rambling of ACJU members private lives living in in luxury is only either hearsay, or figment of your imagination which bears no truth. Looks may appear deceptive but what is important is what is it they are saying. Dont judge a man by the clothes he is wearing, nor the flowing white beard of those with wisdom.
sumaiyya / March 8, 2013
Ah Ha – Factions once again. No wonder our people cannot come to a consensus on anything. Shiite, Sunnis, Borahs, Shaziliyah, Qadiriyah – Tabligh, Tawheed, ooohhh what a multitude of divisions.
Marwan / March 8, 2013
Yes Sumaiya, they are out to exploit our differences and you too are not helping our cause by exposing it. Please pray and ask Dua for us to unite under one banner, for if this situation gets out of control, it will affect all Muslims irrespective of what sect they belong. That is the reality.
Kapila / March 7, 2013
There is no question of unduly publicising their secrets. The Jamiathul Ulama is an open secret. They have exploited the citizens of Sri Lanka, both Muslim and Non-Muslim. It is a good and rational person, who likes justice is the person who wrote this article. People like you Safa and the Jamiathul Ulama are the cause of problems in this country. You think that by not publishing your disgusting and nasty works that you are involved in this country will make it go away. Your disgusting works are stinking to high heaven and everybody knows it. Kudos to Zulkifl Nazim.
Safa / March 7, 2013
What is nasty, disgusting and stinking to high heaven is the actions of the BBS / JHU / SR thugs. They are demeaning the teachings of the Buddha who brought the message of peace and compassion.
Since you are so concerned about being exploited why dont you expose the corruption and wastage by the govt. Helping Hambantota Tsunami scandal, Hambantota Port, Mihin Air, Sri Lankan, Norochcholai etc. All failed projects which every citizen of this country must bear the burden. Not only us but even future generations.
Your BBS / JHU / SR thugs are just a side show for MR and Gota to hide the looting of this country.
Buddhika Lokubandara / March 8, 2013
Why don’t you people get out of this country and let us live in peace. You and your stupid shariah. You always consider the people of this country as enemies of your religion. Please find refuge in the so-called Muslim countries. Ah ha ha. The Entire Muslim World is in utter chaos. They are killing their own people and why don’t you go there and support them in the name of Shariah.
If you wish to live here, people like you, Marwan, Mohamed Marzook and others of illogical thinking, keep your traps shut.
We want peace and we live in peace until you stupid came out with all types Halal Finance companies, Halal certificates and halal whatnots.
Please Get out!
Safa / March 8, 2013
Tell this to your BBS / JHU / SR. They are the people who cant live peacefully.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
WOW Kapila, I subscribe to your view.
Safa / March 7, 2013
Tawheed man joining BBS.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
re-word it BBS together with you will join TAWHEED.
Peter / March 7, 2013
Ulamas in Arabic Means Scholars. You do not find a single scholar in that Organization. All the fellows who pass out from Madrasas are called Ulama – A complete misnomer. And one thing, my moving with the Muslim community has made me understand there is not a single chap who fails the maulavi examination – everybody passes and everybody jointly are called Ulama. It should an organization of maulavis not Ulama.
The Muslim community was living in peace until these chaps started their halal fiasco.
I know of a certain Muslim lady who had lost her husband and has two children. She has no way of income, so she starts making sweets, jujubes to sell for her sustenance. She has gone to this Jamiathul Ulama explained her situation and asked for a halal certificate as it would be of great help. They had, without batting an eyelid, asked her to pay Rs.100,000/- The lady nearly fainted. Today she is still continuing without the stupid halal certificate.
This is the great Jamiathul ulama you are talking about.
I think it is better you people shut your mouths trying to defend the Jamiathul Ulama, instead of aggravating the already worsening situation.
Kapila / March 7, 2013
Marwan says: “The promoters are NOT part of the Management of those Institutions who are the main decision makers” . I think he is really stupid. As the article of Zulkifli Nazim says : The people did not know Lalith Kotelawala or his deputies but they trusted the Ulama. So these Ulama should be charged for aiding and abetting. Marwan, how much are you getting from the Jamiathul Ulama for promoting them? Halal certificates had been very lucrative and I know your top man of the Jamiathul Ulama is running in an intercooler – but not with his maulavi’s salary.
Marwan / March 7, 2013
What this writer says cannot always be the gospel truth as he too has an axe to grind. Furthermore, people are not stupid not to know where they are putting their monery, than to trust some Ulemas who had no say in fiscal management. You can argue for the sake of arguing and judge anothers stupidity, while exposing your own which is completely bereft of rationsal thinking.
As for my receiving anything from ACJU for standing up for them, I dont get nor expect anything, but I make this effort to put things in the right perspective. With people like you and the writer of this article already prejudiced against ACJu for all your personhal reasons, investors who lost out on their investments could go balloistic by reading such insinuations, and turn their wrath on a Organization who had nothing to gain financially, and whose only enthusiasm was to see Islamic Banking flourish in this country. It could turn out to be another case of misguided injustice by you blurting out such fallacies.
I know that you see nothing, hear nothing of all what has been said on the Halal Certificate earnings repeatedly by ACJU, and mouth what your BBS/JHU/SR miscreants say to arouse national feeling, in spite of all your arguments being dismissed with scant respect.
Kapila / March 8, 2013
I think People like you Mr. Marwan, should leave this country which you think is Kafir and enemies of Islam. You should go and live in places like Saudi Arabia and get your heads chopped off.
Please get out of our country and find a country to suit your shariah needs and let us live in peace. You who have decided to Attach the Buddhists and their clergy because you have nothing to answer and so are others like you who are hostile to Buddhists and other religionists.
Marwan / March 8, 2013
Hey, just take it easy man. No one is going nowhere without any valid reason. Oh, so you are expelling me from ‘your’ country, depriving me of my birth rights? Just reflect on from where your ancestors came. May be it will make you reconsider expellig me. Sorry. No place to go. No one wants me. This land is the only place I know and is my home. May be I try jumping into the sea. Silly. I just can’t understand why you feel so threatened when we are just akmost only 10 percent of the total population, whereas you have a whopping 70 percent majority. May be God has put fear in your hearts when you see the speed of migration of non-Muslims into Islam in the rest of the world. There must be something amazing that they see that you don’t. Isn’t it worth trying to understand what is going on with all these crazy people?
Sumaiyya / March 8, 2013
Marwan has become a soothsayer. He knows that the writer has an axe to grind. I think you are too stupid comment intelligently. When you have not words, you imagine things. Saasthrakaraya
Marwan / March 7, 2013
Furthermore, for your information, the top man of the ACJU is a Mufthi, much higher in education than a Moulavi. A person authorised to give Fatwa (ruling in ambiguous situations). A leader most ideally suited to hold that high post. The intercooler stuff that you espouse may be a figment of your imagination, for he is not a man of strappings, who doesn’t aspire greatness amongst his own humankind, but rather seeking the pleasure of his Creator, Allah Almighty through being a just and pious leader. A far cry from those unworthy BBS/JHU/SR monks.
Kapila / March 8, 2013
What a laugh – Mufthi, who doesn’t aspire greatness amongst his own humankind? Ask the Majority of the Muslims and they will tell you about him. By the way, are you an LTTe-er who is trying to create a confrontation of the Muslims with the Sinhala community by trying to insult the Buddhist Clergy or are you really an extremist who is lusting for blood?
Safa / March 8, 2013
BBS are angels. Are they the Buddhist Clergy you boast about.
gh serasinghe / March 7, 2013
I don’t think the acju has exploited the citizens of Sri Lanka.
As individuals if they have taken loans and not paid them back- then they are subject to the legal system
Not a criticism of the organization they work for.
If i take a conventional personal loan from HSBC today and not pay it back, I am responsible and not
the charity X that I work for, nor is it company Y that I work for full time. It is an unfair accusation.
Sri lanka has far far bigger problems and corruption that happens on a completely
different scale to what’s being debated here. Perhaps stand up to the regime in power? the
huge amounts taken from the hotel projects? the tender agreements given out to their friends?
Sri Lankan airlines is to lose over some where along the lines of $200 million this year alone-
where is the accountability?.. over Rs 50 million everyday, Over Rs 2 million an hour. Tax payer money ladies and gentlemen.
Sumaiyya / March 7, 2013
What Safa said: “Public can judge what is halal for themselves” is the only acceptable statement.
Safa talks about the one incident at Ceylinco. Looks like she is totally unaware of all the incidents which led to this chaos. You are not the one who is suffering from the wrong action of the Jamiathul Ulama, I presume. Ask those who are in dire straits today because of the Jamiathul Ulama. They will enlighten you.
Marwan and Safa are finding fault with those who bring to light the ills and the problematic causes of the Muslim community.
You should not respond to this fine article with emotion and sentimental feeling. That is what you are all doing. Religious Sentiments and emotions have nothing to do with it. It is the facts and the truthfulness of the suffering of the people that count.
If these people have been doing the correct thing, Allah would have protected them from the large-scale insults they are facing on a daily basis. The Muslim Community is also facing disaster because of the actions of the Jamiathul Ulama. All those who write, be rational and impartial when making comments.
Safa / March 7, 2013
Every person is responsible for ones own actions. If people ran and invested in Ceylinco, they are suffering the same fate as Golden Key and other companies in the group which collapsed due to the fraudulent activities of a few top managers.
Islamic finance or banking is about putting your money to work, not to put it into a bank and sleep at home enjoying the profits. So when you invest please select a known and solid investor whom you can trust. A few ulema sit on the advisory committees of all these institutions. They will be held responsible for their actions before god as well as any depositor can file legal action against them, you know their names. So dont attack the entire clergy for the actions of a few.
Also be a bit more specific regarding the other issues you speak about. Otherwise we cannot comment.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
from the rebuttal it appears Marwan and Safa are the same person, to comment on a burning issue anyone can, for the thrill of it you need not be an investor,I used to share my views on varied topics not just this one. These Pyramid and Ponzy scams started long time ago, so the public should have been kept in the know, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. now CBSL is running ads and alerts in the media warning the public, it should have been done long time ago. Just to summarize, see where greed can lead, it has brought disrepute to a religion and its followers.
Safa / March 7, 2013
Stupid. See how deceptive you can get. I dont know Marwan from Adam.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
with my last comment you will see in a while if the moderator approves and with that I will stop commenting any more on this subject as I have said what I felt should be told, have a good day.
Marwan / March 9, 2013
and I don’t know Safa from Eve either. It just may be it is getting too hot for you to bear.
Reza / March 7, 2013
[Edited out]
Anyhow my view on any Ulema(clergy) is a non entity,The Religion Islam has no Clergy as been Understood now.Each of us should know our religion and personally responsible.
Yes Islam has Religious Scholars, Research Scholars, Prayer Leaders in Mosque etc but They werent considered Clerqy like ACJU with a special dress,Special Seating etc etc.
Marwan / March 7, 2013
O yeah! We Muslims are a minority within a minority. What is it that we can do in secret that you claim to be now in the open? You really have to be dumb asses not to know what is happening around you. The ACJU was only looking after the interests of the Muslim community by giving them guidance and leadership, when the Muslim Affairs Minry was scrapped, or brought under Buddhist Ministry by this government. What you are now possessed is an unwarrented fear physcosis of being taken over (run over) by another faith, due to your own feeling of insecurity, based on what is happening in the rest of the world. If not for the guidance of the Ulamas, more Muslims will be indulging in liquor, gambling and addiction to drugs, womanizing and prostitution. They taughts us to live with dignioty, respect and abidence by the laws of religipn, registering Muslim marriages, adjudicating in separations, deciding on moon sightings for start and end of Ramazan fast, reaching out to help Muslims on all aspects of their lives including food they consume (Halal certification). Probably, you know absolutely nothing of what they have ccommitted themselves to, and that is why your tirade against them. Whenever Sri Lanka as a country is affected in international fora, they do their part willingly as the minorities contribution towards dfispelling doubts on co-habitation and assimilation. You (as a member of the majority) show no appreciation no goodwill whatsoever for for those acts. What you like o see is not peace, tranquility and prosperity in this country, but blood, gory, suspicion, hatred, subjugation of minorities and the likes. Probably this is what gives you and ilk, the most joy and pleasure.
Peter / March 8, 2013
And they have created enough problems too and the entire Muslim Community is heavily divided.
Marwan / March 9, 2013
They are not the cause for division, which comes from the freedom inherent in Islam. Same as one country, but many political parties, all going before tha people asking for votes to govern them, promising all good when they come to power. Is that difficult to understand?
Junior Citizen / March 7, 2013
All Ceylon Jamiathul Ulama or ACJU never participated in any debate one on one with Bodu Bala Sena on TNL or any other television up to this point. It was a Muslim representation not an ACJU representation. Please correct it
Mohamed Marzook / March 7, 2013
Where were my good friend Nazim and Al-Islam when the ACJU as a body or individual Ulemas adviced the Muslims to invest in the Companies referred. Why did they keep silent then without exposing those who were responsible and helped the Muslims. The current issue is Halal Certification and Nazim has nothing to say about it or find any wrong-doing on the part of the ACJU on the matter. Why is he is now writing about an unrelated matter? Is he trying to grind an axe on the ACJU for some grouse he has with them? Could he explain?
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
Marzook, this is common sense, with Kotalawala and all that gangsters, if Nazim had voiced against it, ACJU would have resorted to the “White Van” with a false allegation against Nazim for runining the economy of SL, ACJU will stoop to any low. Many people in Sri Lanka had knowledge of pyramid and ponzy scams at its infancy, we know in Lanka a normal Sarong man cheated hundreds of pensioners and investors through this scheme, anyone objected had to bite the bullet. By the way I am not defending Nazim I don’t know him until I read his nice article, anyhow if he was in Insurance business, no one is accusing him of any mal-practice, so far so good.
Mohamed Marzook / March 8, 2013
Woodpecker, if you are reasoning that Nazmim kept shut then fearing “White Van” by the ACJU, then why is he not having the same fear now. Your insinuation that the ACJU are some sort of unruly elements like the BBS it is sheer ignorance. Surely there is no accusation of Nazim being involved in any mal-practice in his insurance engagement.
Similarly what is the mal-practice did the ACJU resort to in the Halal Certification matter. Can you see that the BBS is backtracking and finding other issues to attack the ACJU in their anti-Muslim campaign.
What the BBS, etc. is upto should be clearly understood by you and Nazim.
Nazim / March 8, 2013
Are you the Mohamed Marzook of Fulgar Lanka?
Have you anything against me? I do not know you from Adam.
Safa / March 7, 2013
We observe that now there are some experts in Islam and Quran like Champika Ranawaka, Wood Pecker etc. Their target is ACJU where there are learned scholars who have devoted their entire lives to the learning and teaching of Islam. No doubt they will fail in their efforts to create contreversy and divide the muslims.
woodpecker / March 7, 2013
It is ACJU and their stalwarts like Safa are sowing the seeds of divisions among an otherwise peaceful people, to a certain extent controversy and divisions have already been caused by them and the innocent muslims are already bearing the brunt, I am never part of any factions or transgressors. We seek refuge in Almighty through TAWHEED and pray for the true believers to be rightly guided including you Safa and may be Marwa Ameen.
Safa / March 7, 2013
All muslims believe in Tawheed. No need to affix a lable. By being TAWHEED are you some kind of super muslim?
Mohamed Marzook / March 7, 2013
Are the TAWHEEDS, the agents of the Saudi Wahabis, not responsible for the division within the Muslim community. It their, TWHEEDS, arrival, their aggressive methods of spreading their concept, the wealth that they have to promote themselves are the main causes of the problems the community is facing now.
Shyara / March 8, 2013
Tawheed is the basis of our religiOn.
MGR / March 7, 2013
ACJU should stop issuing halal certificates altogether. I don’t want another ethnic riot like 83′ because of this Halal certificate. Yes this will affect our export (e.g: Tea, Food items…etc) to Middle Eastern countries, but i don’t care saving at least one innocent life is like saving whole humanity and more important than profit .
Muslim’s know what is Halal and Haraam they can take responsibility for what they eat . If they don’t know(Haraam Halaal) then they should read the Quran for themselves and should not depend on scholars to read for them .
Ayesha Arambepola / March 7, 2013
ACJU got into utter mess by issuing Halal Certificate and Shariah Advisors to Banks. They should not have involved in commercial activities of Banks, no banks or Financial Institution functions according to Shariah guidelines. They cheat the ordinary investors. They must know one day they are Answerable to their God.
Nabil / March 7, 2013
My submission is that the writer is taking a simplistic view of Islamic Banking and erring in attributing the debacle that was the Ceylinco Group to misdeeds of people outside the group. Let me try to put the whole issue in perspective so that CT readers can make an objective and dispassionate call on the merits of Islamic Banking.
The global Islamic Banking Industry (IBI) is flush with funds, estimated to be more than US$ 01 trillion and is expected to grow at 20% YOY (Source S&P). It is important to understand that the Islamic Banking Industry (IBI) is at a very nascent stage of development despite its size and thus has rudimentary yet evolving regulatory, tax and compliance frameworks. It is said that there is consensus among conventional bankers that the IB concept has a good balance between “risk and reward” and is a credible alternative to the chaotic financial markets of today.
The two biggest IBI markets, the GCC and Malaysia do not have enough experienced professionals; thus it is not surprising that they too are learning on the job. I have had the privilege of working with some of those holding IBI leadership positions. Most are from the conventional banking industry and are non-Muslims. Naturally to compensate for the paucity of the legal and regulatory structures Sharia Councils have been co-opted to advice them. This is done to legitimize the practice and give credibility to sources of funds which have (please don’t get too excited) to be Halal, not tainted ensuring Sharia compliance.
Local businesses saw the trend picking up in Asia and clamoured for Central Bank approval for Islamic Banking in Sri Lanka, despite the scarcity of knowledge and experience in the IBI. With the CB approving the setting up of IB, more Businesses owned by Non-Muslims began offering Islamic Banking products than Muslim owned enterprises! This is the classical “making hay while the sun is out”.
It is well known that Sri Lanka is notorious for weak institutions and regulatory structures. Thus financial markets, be it conventional or Islamic are not well administered, the reason why so many institutions fail. Islamic banking therefore has nothing to do with the failure of IB unit of Ceylinco Group.
In the absence of proper guidelines, businesses needed the ACJU to advice them, and to ensure that the products they offered were Sharia compliant. Muslims would not invest in a banking product which is not legitimate in their eyes. Again in their enthusiasm the ACJU may have naively got caught up in promoting the institutions instead of the concept. I am certain that they do not benefit financially from their involvement in promoting IB products.
It is important that the CB steps in and sets the regulatory framework and also defines the role of the advisory councils that GUIDE financial intuitions are Sharia compliant, as is done in Malaysia and GCC. Other areas of compliance which are in the realm of taxation, safe guarding the investors etc must be within the common banking law of the country.
My fervent appeal to the writer is to take cognizance of the current stressful climate and be objective in his writings, as we could do without ill advised controversy on subjects we know little about.
Buddhika Lokubandara / March 8, 2013
Islamic Banking, what the hell is that other than a term used for deception. We do not want it in Sri Lanka. By the way, it is dying natural death in Sri Lanka, as expected.
Nabil / March 8, 2013
My response to you sir is that none is so blind as the one who refuses to see!
Safa / March 8, 2013
You can put your loot wherever you want. We will have Islamic Banking. Try Sakvithi, Golden Key, Danduwam mudalali, NSB etc
Shyara / March 8, 2013
Your comment is very enlightening on the subject matter. It helps to Put things in persPective rather than diSplaying utter ignorance with comments such as of some others.
Senguttuvan / March 7, 2013
Banking is a function coming under the financial industry and is run on experience and dynamics that has been improved upon and perfected from around the 15-16th centuries in Western Europe. It has made the world a better place in which all countries benefit. Trying to give this a religious identity is one more disastrous move that will end up in failure – like our own ill-considered Halal fiasco.
Apparently, this divisive move has come up from countries out to disfigure the existing global financial industry. These are countries that made their incredible fortunes without exercising a muscle in their bodies. It was merely there beneath the surface. These nouveu riche, who were living stone-age lives, ruined much of the world – and notably poor countries like ours – in sending the price of petrol from its original price in the region of $3/50 pbl – even on which they made astronomical profits – to the over $100 pbl presently ruling. It is in a way poetic justice that the two stalwarts responsible for this conspiracy committed on the whole world – the Shah of Persia and Gadaffi of Libya – came to their ends tragically. The proof of the pudding is most of these adventurer-financiers have most of their funds invested in the “rapacious” and Zionist-influenced West – in the safe and reliable hands of Jewish-controlled interests.
Nabil / March 8, 2013
I hate to get into an argument with you, but I believe a response is warranted here.
Islamic Banking- It has come to stay and will not go away because a few in Sri Lanka wish it away. There are a Billion Muslims who think there is merit in it. Banks like HSBC, SCB, CITI anD LLOYDS TSB Bank PLC etc. would not get involved if they subscribed to your point of view, since as you mention in your comment, and I quote “improved upon and perfected from around the 15-16th centuries in Western Europe”- these are European Banks and they know their onions!
Halal Fiasco- You perceive this as a fiasco because there is mistrust and unwillingness to see that Halal makes good commercial sense. Nestle Lanka has issued a public statement saying that it is their policy to cater to all consumer segments and their needs and do not intend to drop Halal products. This is purely a commercial decision by them.Recently the Chairman of Vendol Lanka has said that he will be compelled to retrench 200 staff if he has to give up Halal certification.
For Muslims it makes good religious sense. So whether a few thousands in Sri Lanka like it or not Muslims worl over will look for Halal. Its better if Sri Lankans become magnanimous and accept Halal is deal breaker as far as Muslims are concerned.
Muslims will not be influenced by vitriol; we will continue to do what we see fit as Muslims. If they ban Halal, all you will succeed in doing is building walls and limiting the choice of mainly food products.
Here is an apt quote by Mahatma Gandhi for all those of you, who think they must will Muslims to their way of thinking
” You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind”.
Being free to think and act as we please is the essence of the human spirit! My wish is that all Sri Lankans will think that Muslims too fall into this category of people who want to be free of influence by others and think and act as they please.
The question is are Sri Lankans open to this?
Ceylonese / March 8, 2013
In capitalism the customers fix the price of commodity. Thus the customer is king. In some countries the price of fizzy drinks are more expensive than petrol.
lankanese / March 9, 2013
I am going to start issuing certificate, so that I will be known as certificate-king like the one time rubber-king, but will the kingmakers safa, marwan & marzook will give a helping hand?
Thambiya K / March 8, 2013
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Curious man / March 8, 2013
“good Islamic scholars come from Arabic background and most of them are Arabs”.
I am not a Muslim but I was amused by Woodpecker’s identification of Arabs as good Islamic scholars. With my respect to Woody’s other views, as a student of Islam, I thought a non _Arab countries like Iran for example, have produced some very good Iislamic scholars. Is it because of institutions like the Al Azara University in Cairo that Arabs are supposed to be good Islamic scholars?
When Iranian scholars want to come here to recite the Quaran,why is that our local Muslims have been objecting? As a non-Muslim I would love to hear these Iranian Quaran reciters read the Quaran except that I do not like their bringing suitcase filled with money as the Wahabis do? For information, I love to listen to the Quaran when it is recited beautifully, just like I like to listen to Pirith.I think Pirith recitals show some influence of Quaran recitals. I used to go listening to good Quran recitals on Fridays overseas but what i hear in Sri Lanka is someone ‘brihan denawa’ from a Mosque at the top of voice through a “belek kata” which is so jarring. What the listener hears is more the crackle of the b/k exceeding the decibles that the b/k can produce rather than the message.
Can someone comment on this?
Zameen / March 8, 2013
Nearly 5,000 readers have like Mr. Nazim’s article. It is the minority of minorities, in the Muslim Community who support the Jamiathul Ulama who is showing opposition.
Those Muslims who are opposing are responding with abuse, attacks and ill-use of words against the writer and others – Their responses are not with knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, they are highly sentimental and emotional, which is indeed counter-productive
Nabil / March 8, 2013
Zameen, 5000 likes means nothing! A false statement does not change because there are more and more likes. All it means is that there are lots of people who would agree with the writer than consider the facts as they are and they are most welcome to their point of view.
Afham / March 8, 2013
The powers that are kindle fires so that the real woes of sri lankans due to mismanagement and corruption are diverted to the back burner. Sadly, we also have the likes of Mr Nazim and some others who miss the point by miles. This is not X against ACJU. Note the subtle shift of topic from Halal to Hijab. Note the references being made to France and its intolerance to even the head scarf? If Mr Nazim and his followers cant actively, peacefully, intelligently, decently counter this disaster in the making, the least they could do is not insult the religion by playing into the hands of these zealots. I would advise Mr Nazim to read Lasantha Wickremetunge’s last editorial titled “and then they came for me”. Has profound meaning and relevance.
Mohamed Marzook / March 8, 2013
When the Buddhist Extremist BBS, etc. are attacking all aspects of Muslim life are you reasonable in finding fault; without any clear reasons, with ACJU who are facing the extremists.
Ifthicar Ahamed / March 8, 2013
I do agree with Mr M Z Nazim and my worry is why he was silence all this time until this Halal issue was crop up and It is sad to say Mr Nazim too supported Ceylinco Profit Sharing by participating in the seminars and had close link with Deputy Chairman Mr K A S Jayatissa and C E O Mr Razick.
Zameen / March 9, 2013
Looks like you have been attending these seminars too in support of Ceylinco. Good to know. You people have taken a totally negative attitude and attacking the individual instead of responding to the article intelligently. People like you think that attack is the best form of defence. That is what I see in most of the responses by Muslims. Cant you see, that he is forcing the hand of the Jamiathul Ulama to intervene so that the innocent depositors would get back their money by their intervention?
Think my dear Muslim brothers and sisters. All of you are highly emotional. None of you are looking at the subject in an intelligent way – Amazing how one completely diverted response can take every one in that direction – The herd instinct. You people are intelligent people but use your wisdom. Thank you.
Afham / March 8, 2013
Mr Zulfiki Nazim seems to be subscribing to his 15 minutes of fame. ACJU may have its flaws. But it does not give a license to this gentleman to say that ACJU is all wrong and BBS is all right!
Can Mr Nazim comment on how he cannot find fault with the following unverified, unverifiable BBS claims and unjust actions ?
1. Islam prohibits donating blood ?
2. ACJU is funding Al Qaeda ?
3. The illegal raid and harrassment on an abattoir at Dematagoda
4. Claims that Muslims in SL and other muslim nations opposed the US leds sanctions only because this was an Israeli concoction?
5. Harrassment of businesses such as No Limit
6. The feeble attempt to disassociate themselves from all the hate campaigns being unleashed. The most ridiculous claim that is doing the rounds in that No Limit is retailing underwear that renders the wearer infertile. It suggests that there is a way of targeting buddhist ladies and ensuring only they purchase the imaginary items!
Mr Nazim. Unity is one of base tenets of Islam. Violation of which is a serious problem. A mistake does not warrant branding and ridiculing. Rather it calls for engagement and guidance.
Each one of is answerable. What we sow we reap. So lets be vary of holding a candle to unscrupulous elements and creating a(nother) sad chapter in this land of ours.
sumaiyya / March 9, 2013
Mr. Afham you are right. The Jamiathul has sowed and the entire Muslim Community is reaping. From what I can see, Mr. Nazim did not start this issuing of Halal Certificates. Why is that the Muslims have an attitude of Kohaydha Yannay – Mallay Pol response?
Regis / March 8, 2013
Bodu balu, why don’t you bring back all the house maids from Middle East ?you are eating from the money they a hero bring them back.otherwise shout your mouth
Regis / March 8, 2013
Bodu balu, why don’t you bring back all the house maids from Middle East ?you are eating from the money they a hero bring them back.otherwise shout your mouth.20percent of the budist woman working in Middle East , out of 1 million 90 percent are sleeping with Arabs. Your not shame ?
Regis / March 8, 2013
Bodu balu whether you like it or not , Christian are majority in Sri Lanka now if not next 10years. (Think about Tamil and Sinhala Christian .example ,Sri lankan cricket team captain and deputy are both Christians .we rule the world. Don’t mess with us. May Jesus bless Sri Lanka
Dr, Roshan Greenwich / March 8, 2013
ACJU insepects the policy on the basis of sharia compliance and they can’t be held responsible for the internal affairs or future occurances of any institution. All of Srilankans trusted Ceylinco for the past 40 years and the same way it applies to ACJU. Nobody can predict future to the exact. There are commentators who comment silly without the in depth knowledge.There are no conditions that Ulemas should come from Arab mother tongue.There are many qualified ulemas in Srilanka and in many parts of the world whose mother tongue is not Arabic.
Ceylonese / March 8, 2013
Imam Bukhari was not an Arab. The criteria for an Islamic scholar is so stringent, most Muslims believe there are only a few live at any given time. The true scholars will shy away from calling themselves an Islamic Scholar.
Muliyawaikkal / March 8, 2013
Jihad Sri Lanka.
lactos / March 8, 2013
Mr. Bodu Bala Sena, do not try to label a decent and a neutral leader of defense as one-community racist.He is a gentleman so is his family. I think you must be a one of the political groups who usually mud-slings and tries to entitle ruling MR government a RACIST One, in fact, truth is not that; they are the saviors of our island nation: mother SRI LANKA.
Lets talk about your personal view; by accepting Polygamy and wiping out the Birth control system; you yourself are agreed to force yourself into self-embraced ISLAMIC guidance; sans out side interference in you, we need you like people understand the truth the way you pinpointed. The book of HOLINESS: AL QUR’AN Muslims believe gifted to all but for a single community; few clips in that you have knowingly or unknowingly agreed to abide by it.Any how, Muslims never want the spirit enjoy by single community but should be tasted by whole of Mother Lanka fellow citizens. We are proud of our fore-mothers A SINHALA AMMA!!! who gifted us to be a part of this beautiful majority BUDDHIST LANKA’s fellow citizen. We want them to gain NIBANA or the PARADISE as Muslims believe. Lord Buddha really taught everyone to enjoy every spirit and never said or lived a life proving or endorsing any DISCRIMINATED TEACHING OR THOUGHTS that Mr. Bodu Bala Sena (Few Members;like the one HERE COMMENTED)boasted in this page. At by and large, Bodu Bala Sena really works to unite the country as ONE bashing those rogue ULEMAS in the ACJU to prevent from personal gaining or making money to lead a posh life.
Hi SAFA OR MARWA; regrettably, you shit speak about SALAFISM and WAHABISM without understanding the fact. Even your leader’s (ACJU) son has been receiving religious thoughts from Madina, Saudi Arabia, a Madrasa that teaches what you repeatedly point out criticizing Wahabism/Salafism. So, understand, they need money for which they will sell their own MOTHER to a BROTHEL. Do you know the undeniable fact who creates and initiated all these HALAL ROW as troublesome ideology; NOTHING BUT “THAMLEAGUISM” who are the dangerous part in the community that misleads whole muslims being systematically averted from HOLY QUR’AN and HADITH into accept Mr. ILYAS – who is called Rahmathullaahi or else – as last PRPHET OF ISLAM; the book they follow rather than QUR’AN AND HADITH is THA’LEEM, a bullshit.These rascals have made whole MOSQUES a HEAD QUARTERS to teach extremism;i.e. not to buy GOODS in SINHALESE SHOP now it has turned to their own soul. THE BANNERS NOW SEEMS; NO BUDDHISTS SHOULD BUY GOODS IN MUSLIM SHOPS; I think it is so appropriate to be displayed such placards right at the moment.
Muslims are living in amongst Buddhist people and their Country who have given such many a freedom, we must be thankful to them. Hi! Rogue Ulemas, please do not try to create divisions in this country by collapsing the unity.
Safa / March 8, 2013
Hi Mr Lactos Salafi Wahabi, you are a wolf in sheeps clothing. We know what you Salafis / Wahabis are upto in Timbuctoo, Maghreb and North West Pakistan. Also killing shias in Baluchistan, Iraq etc. No doubt the Saudi Riyals are pouring into your pockets. So dont try your tricks over here.
Ceylonese / March 8, 2013
Propaganda has successfully brain washed Muslims in creating fantastic ways of disuniting the community. It’s time the Sri Lankan Muslims turn a blind eye to the non Islamic cultural practices and leave judgement to the Creator on the day of reckoning
lactos / March 8, 2013
Mr. Safa or marva, blaming saudi riyals is not an issue here!!! you count every one’s pocket when it comes to the fact, leaving so-called (your masters)leaders, who fill their pockets showing the fish a tail while to the snake a head, behind disregarding every mistake your masters make. One thing is obvious here, that, your master’s son greener pasture riyals in Madina while praising THABLEAGISM here in Lanka. Your masters begging for money from JEWS, SHIAS etc., in many sauce.
Bit for your thoughts; whats happened to RIZANA NAFEEK in saudi Arabia; all your masters went there pretended to be saving Rizana’s life; what they really did was; made their frequent journey to have marvelous excursion and money generating projects, ultimately one of our sisters lost her life in vain. More over your masters volunteered to the Genva; whats happened there? same excursion!!! while enjoying luxury star class hotels to accommodate and being served by beautiful girls sumptuous meals (no matter they were Halal Or Haram) but showing a fake face here literally spells out HALAL CERTIFICATION!!!
Undoubtedly, if this has never been stopped here in, once and for all ; it will go further to the extent to prepare HALAL certificate system to implement on LIQUOR SHOPS, PORK STORES the way they proved HALAL BANKING AMANAA AND ISS so on, by your masters as well.
Try to learn the difference between the trick and the FACT! Do not try to cover up your masters’ double standard policy and money making tricks. Tell them, there are many ways to earn HALAL CERTIFIED money (in their language)leaving these mean job behind. Selling the religion is not an appropriate path for mere earnings of MONEY, a worldly thing for everyone else living in this universe.
Safa / March 9, 2013
You will go to any means to defend you masters. Shed crccodile tears for the singhalese and at the same time build up an extreme fundamentalist movement in Sri Lanka. The dangers of this are very obvious. Your Saudi Riyals come from private sources in Saudi to fund your movement in Sri Lanka. Same sources are funding terrorism throughout the world.
You attacks on ACJU is because they are the main obstacle to spreading your extreme views in Sri Lanka. ACJU represents the moderate views of Sri Lankan muslims whereas you try to impose your narrow doctrine on others. Even minor issues are blown out of proportion like waving your index finger and not wearing caps etc. In your book you are the only right thinking muslims.
Your attacks on Halal is just a smoke screen to hide your activities and funding which will come under the scrutiny of the Govt. Strange that you join BBS / JHU / SR extremist to attack the muslims. Birds of a feather?
lactos / March 9, 2013
Lactos has an identity and will never change its pseudonym in any way, the way you appear once SAFA & again MARWA. Well, Pseudonym is acceptable according to this site’s terms and condition considering PRIVACY policy. READ AGAIN and stick to the policy.
Unlike you guys sitting and writing, we were in the battle field serving in the ARMED forces, we know, how our co-soldiers suffered a lot to save the nation; simply we are PATRIOTIC guys. Do not be inquisitive on others, these are the sermons you guys have been fed by your masters in SHIA sect. Mind it, no one will be funding you to stick to HOLY QUR’AN & HADITH, its our duty to live accordingly. More over, we never need such fund, nor will we accept such a dream fund either to ruin the Motherland or our true Religion. We help destroy OULIYA-SHRINES, its clear you guys are members of one of the BANDIS who promote Canonized-dogma, a worship Prophet Mohammedh (PBUH) termed unislamic.
ACJU is nowhere to a real MUSLIM and the masters you believe & praise are just grade 3 diplom(U)tts, niether know the mother tongue merely, nor verse in HOLY QUR’AN and HADITH.
If a Muslim member is so concerned on HALAL food, it is not a tough job to reach HALAL food in Sri Lanka whatsoever. No more certification needed however. In case,if they collect such funds through unscrupulous manner, that should be sent to the DEPARTMENT OF TREASURIES to handle and utilize on development projects of SRI LANKA.
MR. Safa or Marwa, do not try wiggle your thoughts entering into empty notes; be in the track aiming Mission and Vision. Agree your masters criminal acts. Do not evade anyway.
Safa / March 9, 2013
Before you talk about islam, take a few lessons in english. Also you should learn about decency and humane behaviour. Just because you were in the forces that doesnt give you the authority to trample on others.
Strange that you talk about Islam in one breath and spew out your threats and venom at the same time. Quite obviously you have no understanding about islam or the prophet. Better learn to be a human being before you claim to be a muslim.
Safa / March 10, 2013
Thanks for the tip. Now I got you Lactose. You either import or use a brand of Lactose declared contaminated with non-halal animal origin. Probably not certified by ACJU hence your enmity. Nothing to do with patriotism as you claim. Shame on you. Talk straight without trying to deceive people.
CitizenX / March 8, 2013
opening statement of this article is incorrect, there was no debate between ACJU and bodubalasena.
as stated by others like safa, marwan, nabil i hardly think the ACJU is to blame for wht happened with ceylinco profit sharing. their only role was to oversee the sharia compliance aspect of the banking transactions.
whatever the merits of the author’s allegations , As a muslim, this is hardly the time to raise it. the acju has done a stellar service to the community and given leadership when our politicians have fallen woefully short. this is the time the muslim community needs to unite.
but here we have a fellow muslim trying to take advantage of the situation to further their own interests or personal grudges. as afham says unity is one of the basic tenets of islam. whether salafi, wahabi, sufi, thawheed or tabligh this is not the hour to attack each other.
Mr.Nazim, i can only say.. SHAME on you!!
besoft / March 8, 2013
Except for some objective writings from Nabil and Sengutuvan ( I presume people with some knowledge in Banking), we see in this blog disgusting literature, even accusing countries of the Middle East not related to the subject being discussed. The content is very disgusting at times, we as Sri Lankans regardless of what religion we believe in and practice, should not get carried away by emotions. There are numerous reasons in today’s troubled world for all the ills we suffer and no individual or a group of people or nations can resolve these ills. Stop washing dirty linen in public and do your best to be humble in your ways and behaviour. Enough is Enough, I kindly request CT to close this blog.