14 February, 2025


Is The UNP-Led Coalition In Crisis Or Is It ‘Fake-News’?

By Vishwamithra

“Any idiot can face a crisis – it’s day to day living that wears you out.” ~Anton Chekhov

Those who are greedily awaiting the comeback of the Rajapaksas are intensely engaged in this campaign- one of gossip and rumor-mongering. Their wish that the current parliament led by the United National Party (UNP) could be defeated by this method or that has gained currency at many a quarter, especially amongst the Colombo-based commission-traders whose only ambition is to facilitate a return of the Rajapaksas to power. These ugly and avaricious merchants of political power seek no limits; they seem to be answerable to no one; their thirst for illegitimate commissions and ill-gotten money is unquenchable and the insatiable desire of the fairer gender of this commission-cabal has overtaken the commonsensical pursuit of a ‘place in the sun’ among the elite of Colombo. Their sarees and jewelry purchased in the Indian marketplace cannot be left to gather dust. Attendance at the various cocktail parties hosted by the Rajapaksa allies is a must for that obscene ride to the top of the elite.

In order to topple the current coalition government, crossover of a sizable UNP parliamentarians is indispensible; in the context of Ranil Wickremesinghe’s unchallenged leadership in the Party it is unthinkable that, leave alone a sizable number, possibility of even one single parliamentarian crossing over is far too remote. If there is one political party that is united today is the United National Party; it is not owing to the genius of its leader but due to the fact that what is in power is a UNP-led government. It is never or highly unlikely that any member of the government would leave power in search of or a mirage of position in a ‘coming’ administration. It doesn’t happen, period. Most of these pundits and so-called intelligentsia do not understand that simple truth; political power is enormously attractive and its aphrodisiacal powers are unmatchable. There is only one incident in our post-independence history that a number of parliamentarians crossed over from government ranks and joined the then Opposition and that was in 1964 when CP de Silva and some of his SLFP-clan did the political summersault. As was related to this writer by JR Jayawardene himself, the architect of that political coup de grace, the only concession CP de Silva demanded from Dudley/JR duo was that his crossover would result in the toppling of the then Sirimavo-led SLFP government. And it did happen.

Therefore, in the absence of such a defection of UNP parliamentarians from the Party, it is inconceivable even to theorize that the ‘dream’ of the Joint Opposition (JO) could come true. Much trust and faith has been placed on Basil Rajapaksa, the younger brother of Mahinda, to negotiate a deal between the parties. This inglorious character whose interest in politics had been sparked by his one-time close associate Anura Bandaranaike when both were young and gay, in the sense of being carefree; Basil’s performance as the virtual second-in-command in the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime, has come into question since the fall of that regime in 2015. His reputation now is one of suspect, to say the least. Being in charge of allegedly uncountable and unaccountable stash of cash, he, during the 2015 Presidential Election campaign, had apparently attempted to literally purchase the votes of an unsuspecting public. And he failed. Once again, it is this character who is supposed to have come forward to negotiate a deal between the opposing parties. What is even more astonishing than anything else is the inclusion of President Maithripala Sirisena as a piece in the proverbial political chess game.

Whether President Maithripala Sirisena would willingly take part in such a diabolical political dynamic is anybody’s guess. What seems to have left the curious minds of all those who are grossly engaged in the current stream of politics is Sirisena’s pledge at the time he took oaths as new President of Sri Lanka on January 9, 2015 that his Presidency would be limited to one term. As was reported in the breaking news at the time, ‘newly elected President Maithripala Sirisena says he will not contest for another term. Addressing the nation soon after being sworn in as the sixth President of Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena vouched he has no intention to run for a Presidential Election for the second time at the end of his first term’.

We are notorious for having rather a very short memory; what is broadcasted from atop a political platform is, more often than not, considered frivolous and short-lived. Yet at a time when one dictatorial President, who Mahinda Rajapaksa was, was dethroned and a new Master is enthroned, the people would undoubtedly take the term of office as one of grave character, not only of the nature of the pledge, but more so of the man who is making such a pledge. It is still not officially known whether Maithripala Sirisena has any intention of offering himself as a candidate at the forthcoming Presidential Elections in 2020. But what we must essentially bear in mind is the corrupting character of the institution of political power. Political power, among its debasing features, has the total capacity to corrupt its holder beyond all imagination. The political power, as much as its capacity for corrupting its holders, also has that intrinsic ability to being an obsessive charm of luxurious life; its glories have been penned and stored in history books so that the readers themselves get glued to its riveting nuances and society-changing appeals. However, to place Maithripala Sirisena among such dregs of politics is a disservice to the man.

With all his shortcomings, one cannot discard his simplicity in character and being ever ready to be identified with the ‘commoner’, Maithripala Sirisena in fact is a blessing that befell our nation in 2015. The fastened bond that put President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremasinghe together has apparently loosened and it’s not too late to bod them together once again. Yet what must be emphasized is the term of office President Sirisena talked about in the wake of his being sworn in on 2015 January 9 as the new President of Sri Lanka. But if President Sirisena has changed his mind about the term of office, due to whatever reason, it is his responsibility and burdensome duty to declare it to the country with valid and legitimate arguments. If such arguments are forthcoming and they appear to be authentic and credible, then it’s up to the electorate firstly and the coalition partners secondly, to accept or reject those arguments. Keeping the whole electorate in limbo is neither favorable to the current political equilibrium nor is it acceptable in a real sense of morality and ethics.

Taken in such a dubious context of political uncertainty, the rumored discussions among the trio of Sirisena and Rajapaksa brothers do matter. It affects the marketplace badly. The most effective way of affecting the economy of the country, especially its equity market, is this lingering uncertainty among its key players. It seems to have had its repercussions; coupled with the depreciation of the rupee, our currency, the ballooning prices of essential commodities, this uncertainty needs to be exiled in a hurry. If not, the worse material conditions to follow would result in a crisis the current administration doesn’t look to be equipped to handle. Ranil Wickremesinghe, with all his reputation and experience in governance, seems to have lost his grip on priorities. His abject failure to be realistic and down-to-earth is being exploited to the fullest by the JO and its chief propagandists. What is even more appalling is Wickremasinghe’s failure to be decisive when it is of crucial significance. His failure to recognize the enormity of the ramifications of the infamous Bond-Scam has had its ill effects running to the core of the United National Party. What could have been nipped in the bud by asking the responsible arties to leave their respective offices, such as Governor of the Central Bank and the Minister of Finance is now coming to haunt not only Ranil Wickremesinghe himself, it is affecting the UNP and its parliamentarians in a thoroughly adverse way.

Dwelling on what has happened is of zero value unless one learns the lessons it teaches us. The UNP and its leadership seem to have lost their way down in the middle of their governing stretch. Political power, as was repeatedly enunciated in this column itself, is a maddening dose that could either cleanse the whole system or act as an obsessive drug that can destroy very adventurous cells in a body. Right throughout history, its destructive powers have shown their ugly way. It has produced such cruel leaders like Hitler Stalin and Idi Amin, to mention a very few in our post-industrial revolution times. Although Ceylon has not had the misfortune of being cursed by such demonic leaders, we have also not being blessed with truly great ones whose moral compass had not being broken. The real tragedy is not realizing the nuanced characteristics of our own history and trying to follow them.

The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com 

Latest comments

  • 3

    Vishwa Satru,

    Is the economic morass this crowd is incaused by advice of old UN hack economists like you? It is nearly half a century of capitalist neoliberal economic ‘advice’ from old hacks like you that has sent our economy to hell in a hand basket. It is not F++K news. Its before us.

    For heavens sake Gee- Dirick, kick the bucket now without giving us more sins.

    • 1

      Noneconomist assessment that ‘our economy has gone to hell’, can be challenged with difficulty – if at all.
      Did the language/religion-divide contribute to this?

    • 2


      “It is nearly half a century of capitalist neoliberal economic ‘advice’ from old hacks like you that has sent our economy to hell in a hand basket. “

      Is there any evidence to suggest that the economy was doing extraordinarily well before JR started to restructure the economy?
      What exactly is “capitalist neoliberal economic ‘advice’”?

    • 4

      Bondscam Ranil and his Royal College Mafia that have crashed Lanka’s economy with falling rupee and rising fuel charges must be impeached for mega fraud and corruption. The rupee crashing means that poor folk have to pay for the corruption of the Royal Mafia and their rich friends, as cost of living sores, also with petrol prices shooting up..
      Corruption is the reason the Ranil protects Mahinda Jarapassa and family – this bi-partisan UNP=SLFP\PP corruption racket is brokered by Bondscam Ranil’s Washington handlers and economic hit men at IMF and MCC who work for Global 1 percent and America First.
      They are now playing with crashing the rupee in order to buy strategic assets cheap with strong dollar. This is the art of Trumpland’s deal:

      Thus Ranil was in London to so “We’re going through the legal hoops of preparing (the sales),” State Minister of Finance Eran Wickramaratne said in an interview. “It will maybe take six months to get over that.” the dodgy Hedge fund Texas Pacific Group Hedge funds wants to re-bid for Sri Lankan Airlines!
      The government began a search for investors in January for the Grand Hyatt Colombo and for a 51 percent stake in a five-star hotel in the capital Colombo that Hilton International runs under a management contract.
      Sri Lanka would also reopen bidding for national carrier Sri Lankan Airlines, probably in a few months, Wickramatne said.

  • 9

    Lots of fake news these days.
    The murder plot is a diversion.

    • 2

      The murder plots are real drama played by Mahinda family. They do this time and time again to fool Sinhalese? Who wants to kill these coward power greedy creatures. We all know how did they run away during the last phase of war.

    • 6

      The fake news is spun by the US Peace Corps that is teaching English with diplomatic immunity and playing on Face book to weaponize religion (anti Muslim riots and hate speech). to divide, distract Lankan people, and advance Trumpland’s strategic security and business interests in Sri Lanka in its New Cold war against China in Indian Ocean!

  • 9

    Ranil planned and executed the bond scam with his best friend Mahendran.. It misfired .

    The UNP has got a leader , a lawyer, who thinks he is a master economist and a administrator. Don’t know why he thinks like this . It is a ego out of shape and inconsistent with what he has actually done in his life. Cunning is not intelligence.

    He loves to travel to Developed countries. Recently he ate chocolates in Belgium. Now he is watching Robots on Norway.

    The next election will be the greatest defeat for the UNP . Then the working committee will begin to reorganize under Ranil for the year 2030.

  • 3

    I think it is fake news by looking at the “amount of trouble” Maithri is taking to stay away from Ranil (at functions, wedding, etc.) to convince people that he doesn’t support Ranil anymore.
    I think they are acting.
    In 2015 they deceived everyone in style, didn’t they?
    Maithri knows people dislike Ranil. Therefore he wants to maintain contacts with JO to show people that he is not with Ranil.
    Both Maithri and Ranil are done. Now they only think of their own future i.e. finding ways to survive in the aftermath of the next Presidential election.
    Maithri keeps a good rapport with Gotabhaya and Basil despite his (concealed) hatred towards Mahinda. He is clearly behind Gotabhaya and will give his full support to Gotabhaya’s Presidential bid, if he contests, to keep Mahinda away from politics.
    If Maithri gets the support of JO (which is unlikely, but let’s say) to contest for the second time, he will couple with Ranil again for votes, after handing over nominations.
    If he doesn’t get JO’s support, he will not contest but persuade whoever who are with him to support Ranil’s candidate for Presidency provided that he is someone acceptable to him like Karu or Sajith.
    Anyways, nobody knows who Mahinda’s candidate is. Depending on that person, things will change big time.

  • 0

    Answers to Vishwamithra’s question are “Yes, the coalition is in crisis. We find it written all over”
    and “It is not Fake News”.
    For some seventy years we sleep-walked in the wild. The ‘coalition’ was indeed a way out. It had checks and balances. Though not perfect, it was quite good – the best way out.
    But the ‘coalition’ partners MS/RW team, unwittingly or otherwise, have allowed the MR team to hijack. Self preservation is the driver of both teams.

  • 0

    BREAKING NEWS. THE SAME JUDGE WHO JAILED AND BAILED VIJAYAKALA IS HARING THE COURT CASE of Ravi the LIAR. SLBS sys there are no one coming to say give evidence agains the RAVI THE LIAR. Tjat is Ramil’s govt. So, he needs Maithripala Sirisena’s help as UNP alone won’t be able to win the electon. On the hand, Sri lanka”s democracy means RECYCLING OF THE THREE GROUPS OF PALHORU. So, pal horu group three even though they the pal hor group one, maithripala has to help Rail. On the other hand, what ever happens Rajapkese aand Ranil should be in different camps inorder to continue the development. Ranil will start again saying Bread is expensive but his question, everybody says I am most the qualified and suitable but no one proposes me.

  • 0

    The winning team should comprise Rani,, CBK and Mangala. so, it is fair for that team to ask it is we who elected you toi represent both the us and the country. Ranil’s campaign manager from the embassy of that most poor country think Maithripala sould involve in their side. rajapakses also think in order to be successful ranil and Rajapakses should be two different camps (They are all relatives, two leaders can not be in the same camp)..

  • 4

    Vishwa, “It’s the Economy Stupid!

    While you and your ilk are distracted and confused with a fake news story of MR’s corrupt family’s return to govt. with Sira (not so coincidentally following MR’s visit to Delhi), the rupee is being crashed so Lanka may be asset stripped and sold off by US and Japan’s Namura Economic Hit men.

  • 1

    Ceylon -Sri Lankan politically democracy was destroy by ruthless Tamil chauvinist of Federal Party of SJV,TULF of Allwapilla Amrithaligam and TNA Sampatana are political dictators who had been build
    anti-establishment political class & Party inside frame-work of democracy……Sri lanka?
    In spite that all the fact of ” myth of Tamil Eealm” in our island has undermined principle norms of democracy of Parliamentary governances for shake for the interest “Tamil speaking race that Rough State” to be established in an Island.
    LTTE is/was unleashed WAR of Tamil Eealm on behalf political concept originated by FP, TULF and TNA aim of achieve and fulfill Tamil Eealm for Tamil speaking in living throughout the world .
    UNP political class who was the party an initiated Federalism later since 1960 !

    Since 1977 UNP political line has encourage Tamil Terrorism by unleashed attacked Tamils living in south.
    The Age of current writer who has been forget past UNP democracy of undermined reconciliation between Sinhalese and Tamils of 1977 to 1994. Is not that MR of SLFP , but UNP was accountability of Ethnic unrest in Island……1977,1979,1981 and 1983?!@ Then 1987 JRJ -RG accord .

  • 1

    Dear Vishwamithra,
    How do Sri Lankans decide who to vote at an election? What is the criteria put forward by a politician to get the Country back with integrity? Can you foresee any politician or a party coming forward to bring recognition and put back the Country along a productive and non racial future? Ceylon was at the top of all other Asian Countries during independence from Britain and soon after. Is there anyone canvassing convincingly with reliable and believable roadmap to turn around? Can any of the existing Leaders give up their friendship with well known criminals and swindlers of your Country and do the needful promptly to safeguard the future from crimes. Apart from canvassing for the good of the Country, is there any sign the notorious politics of Sri Lanka will stop at any time? If so how come a Tamil woman Minister is unable to be emotional in the event of a brutal rape of a 6 year old infant girl in the North? What is the purpose of all the Sri Lanka forces and Police entrenched in the North when the victims of war need relief from those who massacred their loved ones? Are they expected to change their thinking towards the Tamils whom they arrest even when they get emotional without showing any sign of aggression? Is it not yet obvious what their purpose is? Is it not obvious what is the purpose of allowing well known criminals to come back to power? This is a well known cycle of events in Sri Lanka for the purpose of depriving the Tamils which is driving the dignity of the Country down to the extent of opening the Country to be exploited by opportunists until sunk to the bottom..

  • 2

    Unholy alliance from the start. Naive fellow MY3 was taken for a good ride by two kindergarten friends; Ranil and Chandrika. So what do you expect, it is a failure right from the night they met with another scrupulous dirty rascal Rajitha Senaratne at Chandrika’s home in Attanagalla. These guys or the schemers wanted to prevent the movement lead by Ven. Sobitha thero. Not only they manage to ensure the untimely death of this Ven. Thero. Who knows when he was taken to Singapore at the last minute, trio Ranil, Chandrika ans Rajitha may have enjoyed a drink to celebrate.

    Hi Visamithra;
    “Although Ceylon has not had the misfortune of being cursed by such demonic leaders, we have also not being blessed with truly great ones whose moral compass had not being broken”

    The legacy and impact of people like Hitler and Idi Amin, did not last that long. People in those countries recovered and prospered in a short time. But the destruction, economic mayhem, societal disorientation, thievery and murders committed in Sri Lanka by Bandaranaikes, Ranil, Jayawardene, Chelvanayagam, Amirthalingam and Rajapaksas have exceed what Idi Amin, Hitler and other dictators combined have done in the world.

  • 4

    UNP will not breakup. Ranil never had it so good. He will manipulate to make Sirisena President again – sick Gamarala only craves for glory(imaginary) , has no idea of REAL power, happy with zero voter base. Do not let him hear the four letter references to him by the ordinary UNPers.
    Vishvamitra has nothing to fear other than the Sinhala voters. Minority of majority and ALL of minority formula might work again. Let Sampanthan aiya dangle the Federal carrot for Tamils while you keep mum on that and Thoppi team will harp on Aluthgama genocide. Work hard on keeping racial /religious disharmony, minority -majority division intact. Get help from Tisaranee Gunasekara and Sarath de Alwis and enlist the expert team led by Navite Vedda on CT for that purpose.


    • 1


      “sick Gamarala only craves for glory(imaginary) “

      It is just like the one the clan and cronies sold to the unsuspecting stupid public, Mahinda won the war single handedly, Dr Go won the war single handedly, …. army won the war decisively, Army saved 300,000 innocent people, fought the war one hand tied to its back and other hand holding UN human rights charter, ……………… this is a Sinhala Buddhist country, ……………

      Why hasn’t this country won any of the Nobel Prizes since 1901?

    • 1


      You are rest assured you will be given a 10 square miles to build your Sinhala/Buddhist mutant homeland for the noisy fascist minority.

      I am sure once we isolate you and your fellow fascists from rest of us we will have peace, harmony, unity in diversity, absence of riots, destruction, devolved governance, accountability, ………………… human rights, freedom, … thriving economy, equitable redistribution of wealth and income, …flourishing culture, language, innovation, creativity, ….

  • 1

    Not sure why Vishwamithra is so worried if UNP is so united. They can easily retain power with the help of TNA for the foreseeable future……….What is VM not telling us?

  • 0

    Vishwa, MS now is like a currency note which has no worth. It is just a piece of paper with a denomination but of no real value now. He has no one MP who will stand by him and he has not enough supporters to make any political impact.He him self is not sure of voting on his behalf. So he is a liability to any one or party. It is back to same old two party system and it will be SLPP and UNP. MR has seen the end of SLFP. That is revenge paid back to Chandrika and MS. Also it the end of MS. He can either be a silent spectator in SLPP or call it quits to politics. MR may be satisfied with the outcome for now but may have more things for MS because he dosent let go people who have wronged him ( in his view). The rest of the so called JO/SLFP ( who pulled the rug underneath of MS/RW) will be duly awarded with position/titles/money and others.

  • 0

    As said above by the columnist, it is unlikely that any UNP MP will defect. What you see now is the but poor givernancemplementation of a carefully planned out strategy of destabilization of the Government by the JO which will gain momentum during the next 14 months in various ways including General strikes, protests and the spreading of disinformation to the public with a view to bringing the masses to vote for them in December 2019.

    It is not the Rajapakses who will defeat them, rather it will be their poor governance and inability to walk on the economic tightrope without falling into the net all the time.

    The Government is compounding matters by and lack incompetence and lack of political acumen in balancing all sides of the equation. Their economic vision cannot be rammed down the peoples throats. It is not the Rajapakses who will lead to their defeat

  • 1

    There are some greedily awaiting MR’s coming back & some are greedily holding to MS/RW for their advantage.

    That’s the truth.

    In 2015 MR was identified/forced to be identified as strong- bad & RW was identified as weak- good.

    To minimize his weak the prop MS was installed.

    Today’s context MR maintains strong-bad but RW has developed to weak-bad so the prop is shaking now.

    GG failed to challenge MR’s bad.

    So don’t sing the songs of jealousy, that for MR it’s still possible a landslide.

  • 1


    “sick Gamarala only craves for glory(imaginary) “

    It is just like the one the clan and cronies sold to the unsuspecting stupid public, Mahinda won the war single handedly, Dr Go won the war single handedly, …. army won the war decisively, Army saved 300,000 innocent people, fought the war one hand tied to its back and other hand holding UN human rights charter, ……………… this is a Sinhala Buddhist country, ……………

    Why hasn’t this country won any of the Nobel Prizes since 1901?

    • 0

      How can a vedda know the agenda and politics behind Nobel Foundation?

      • 0


        “How can a vedda know the agenda and politics behind Nobel Foundation?”

        Because I am neither a Sinhala stupid nor a Tamil stupid.
        You do not have wise Elders to teach you what is right and wrong, ……………………

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