By Asoka N.I. Ekanayaka –
In recent years ever since the “aragalaya” Sri Lankans have cried out for something called “System Change” as if such a radical transformation will be the long awaited awakening, the great revival and panacea to all the ills that currently afflict this dismal failed State. System change (whatever it is supposed to mean) is longed for as if that is the final solution to all our problems which will in some wonderful way transform a country that to many in now a debt ridden hell reeking in corruption, into a heaven on earth. That there should be this universal yearning for the imagined Shangri-La of “System change” is understandable. In one sense it is a cry of anguish enabling a beleaguered population to release their pent up frustrations and momentarily find some comfort in some distant ephemeral hope even as they bitterly echo the opening words of Shakespeare’s King Richard III “Now is the winter of our discontent . . .”
This article is not about the reasons for such universal discontent. Those require only the barest summary here. Sri Lanka has progressively perished in nearly all spheres of national life leading to widespread public cynicism and distrust of all authorities institutions and organisations. Over the years people may have pragmatically come to terms with the traditional selfishness and greed of the exploitative business classes. But sadly in this day and age the corrosion has also permeated the learned professions which have become increasingly mercenary with notions of service and sacrifice receding into the background. It is also evident in a grossly inflated bureaucracy which reeks of cringing mediocrity political subservience and incompetence. The heavily politicized intelligence and security services are hated as persecutors by the common people rather than loved and trusted as their protectors. And even in academia where university admissions are no longer based on pure merit, and an intractable campus culture of systematic torture and brainwashing of new entrants has been endemic for decades, there has been an explosive proliferation of professors who (unlike their illustrious impoverished counterparts in generations past) receive extravagant remuneration although many seem to lack intellectual stature and are poor role models to their students, .
As for the three branches of government which form the bedrock of the Constitution the less said the better. In the Legislative branch politicians are by and large regarded with undisguised contempt by the public, and parliament as little more than an exclusive protectorate where a corrupt power hungry manipulative human species who pretend to be the people’s representatives regularly exercise their vocal chords. Nor does the Judiciary inspire much confidence in a country where the rule of law has broken down, a judge threatened to the point where he was forced to resign and flee the country, and where police officers can be promoted to the highest rank in callous contempt of supreme court judgments finding them guilty of criminal offences. Finally the pantomime of governance is most vividly seen in the executive branch where a deeply unpopular unelected individual who notwithstanding being routed in the previous election and with no moral authority whatsoever to hold the highest office, now struts around blissfully oblivious to the absurdity of his position, having been hoisted to it by despicable erstwhile political opponents in parliament with whom he has formed a precarious alliance for purposes of mutual survival.
It is against this dismal background that Sri Lankans call for “system change”. Such demands are no doubt well intended. But the question is do those who call for “system change” understand what the term really means? More importantly even if they did how many are ready to buckle down and accept the profound implications of such a revolution for their own lives and families? Are people ready to abandon many of the lifelong irrational beliefs, blind prejudices, bad attitudes, selfish ambitions and narrow loyalties that real system change might compel for themselves and their families? From the perspective of a cynical idealist now in the 8th decade of life who has seen it all the answer is surely ‘No’. Consequently this article is intended to submit that the way we are as a nation, despite starry eyed hopes there will be no true system change in Sri Lanka for the foreseeable future!
Systems change has been pedantically defined as “shifting component parts of a system — and the pattern of interactions between these parts — to ultimately form a new system that behaves in a qualitatively different way”. According to another verbose jaw breaking definition it is “Confronting root causes of issues (rather than symptoms) by transforming structures, customs, mindsets, power dynamics and policies, by strengthening collective power through the active collaboration of diverse people and organisations . . . rooted in shared goals to achieve lasting improvement to solve social problems at a local, national and global level”!!
One would imagine that for most ordinary people who look forward to system change as they envisage it such obfuscating academic definitions might sound like a meaningless load of gobbledygook! More instructive is an analysis by Basil Fernando last year for the Asian Human Rights Commission where he outlined the way in which system change has meant different aspirations for different groups from the 1940’s to the present.
These have included early starry eyed Marxist (‘Sama Samagist’) visions of an egalitarian socialist state, followed by the chauvinistic aspirations of Sinhala Buddhist linguistic nationalism that permeated the 1950s. On the heels of such aspirations for system change came the constitutional reforms of the early 1970s representing the impetus for systemic political change by establishing a Republican system of government sweeping away the stable British model of parliamentary democracy enshrined in the Soulbury constitution. This in turn led to the radical innovations of the 1978 constitution where system change was seen in terms of a major right wing shift to a free market capitalist economy. driven by a powerful executive presidency while strengthening the power of the ‘political party’ thus reducing individual politicians to mere pawns in the party apparatus.
Finally in a popular reaction to the monumental corruption nepotism high crimes and misdemeanors, contempt for the rule of law and the widespread politicization which characterised atrocious governance during and after the ethnic war, in 2015 the longing for system change manifested in a yearning for good governance ie.“Yahapalanaya”. And when this too turned out to be a mirage the monumental stupidity and ignorance of the Sri Lanka polity was revealed when millions naively sought system change in handing back absolute power to a notorious family oligarchy and a party of their diabolical cringing minions under whom the country finally hit rock bottom its economy in tatters. It is from the darkest depths of this rock bottom that the cry for ‘system change’ yet again reverberates in our own day and age.
In this situation we can see that current expectations from system change are dominated by the demand loud and clear to (a) Wipe out corruption and waste, (b) Eliminate the curse of politicization (c) Create a true meritocracy and (d) Ensure the rule of law. justice, equity and accountability throughout the land. These are fine words indeed and no doubt laudable goals which all political parties, professionals, and ordinary people will wholeheartedly support in calling for system change as elections approach.
So far so good. But the problem is whether Sri Lankans might have second thoughts about system change when confronted with the specific outcomes and radical practical implications that system change based on such lofty principles and noble objectives will necessarily entail! Therefore if this time system change is to be real and not another vague slogan that will momentarily raise hopes only to dash them, it will need to be reflected in down to earth tangible actions and measurable outcomes involving clearly visible dramatic indications that will be living proof that a true system change has actually taken place. Otherwise extravagant promises of system change with fine words couched in broad generalities will only turn out to be a sham. When the dust has settled, people will wake up to the realisation that nothing has really changed. Extravagant hopes of system change will end up in the dustbin of history with a betrayed nation lamenting the ancient words of the ‘preacher’ as quoted in the biblical book of Ecclesiastics “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecc.1:9).
Obviously there are hundreds of highly visible tangible changes that will be indicative of true system change. Whether major or minor, simple or sophisticated, trivial or revolutionary, impacting the entire population or specific groups, – they will all in one way or another be tangible indicators of true system change as would be apparent to ordinary people.
Consequently it is interesting to challenge politicians who glibly promise and the public who actively demand system change with a few illustrative examples of such tangible indicators that will signal true system change in Sri Lanka were it to ever take place. Such selected examples may not in and of themselves amount to system change. Rather they should be seen as simple examples of the signs that society is indeed moving in the direction of system change. The reaction of both ordinary people and politicians to some examples of such provocative implications will reveal their sincerity in seeking system change. It will show whether they know what they are going in for and are ready to make the sacrifice.
1. Firstly true system change will be reflected in a transition to a firmly secular state. That means a complete separation of governance from religion. People will be free to observe their own religions in all sincerity. But there will be no state funding subsidies or concessions whatsoever for religious activities and dignitaries. Religious establishments will need to be sustained solely by the generous giving of their respective adherents. Monks and priests of whatever religion will be discouraged from dabbling in politics. Neither would religious dignitaries be entitled to special privileges nor governing politicians and officials be required to pay ritual homage to them in their official capacity and seek their advice on matters of state. All this will put an end to the mutually corruptive interrelationship between politicians and religious authorities. Instead politicians and bureaucrats will get on with the business of government while clergy will strictly confine themselves to the noble task of making people lead righteous lives and so ensure that they finally attain to eternal life however that blissful state is conceived of by their particular religion.
That is the stuff of transformative system change in society even if for aesthetic reasons it does not go so far as to tamper with that little problem of Article 9 (Chapter 2) of the Constitution! On the other hand in so far as that Article is a complete contradiction of a truly secular society it will of necessity have to be repealed.
Such are the outcomes that will signal true system change. But are the people of Sri Lanka and their politicians ready for system change on this scale? That is the question!
2. Secondly, true system change will involve the complete abolition of the executive presidency, the restoration of parliamentary democracy, and reversion to a 100 % ‘first pass the post’ constituency based system of parliamentary elections where individual MPs are narrowly accountable to the voters in their own electorate. All this and other connected reforms will of necessity entail recapitulation to a new constitution very similar to the original Soulbery Constitution under which Sri Lanka prospered in the early years after independence. The connected reforms will include a reduction in the number of MP’s, minimum educational qualifications and evidence of good character to be a candidate, a cabinet size not exceeding 30 ministers and deputy ministers and the abolition of State ministries! Most importantly the abomination of political secretaries to ministries will be replaced by highly qualified permanent secretaries who will be part of an elite independent civil service composed of the most brilliant graduates who pass out from our universities as in times past.
Such are the outcomes that will signal true system change. But are the people of Sri Lanka and their politicians ready for change on this scale? That is the question.
3. Thirdly, true system change will involve all elected politicians from the Prime Minister downwards being regarded as just another category of public servant. In this new political culture they will be entitled to no more perks privileges and security than any other average public officer whether in service or in retirement. For example a cabinet minister will enjoy no more material benefits than any head of a government department. Consistent with such a policy of equity the special privileges and emoluments enjoyed by past presidents and their families will be withdrawn forthwith. There will be no more security convoys for VIP’s. On the contrary they will have to use their own vehicles or public transport to get to work. Needless to say presidential mansions all over the country will be shut down and their facilities harnessed for other purposes.
Such are the outcomes that will signal true system change. But are the people of Sri Lanka and their politicians ready for system change on this scale? That is the question!
4. Fourthly true system change will signal more than eloquent rhetoric about eliminating corruption. It will involve the introduction of harsh, even draconian punishments for public servants and politicians guilty of bribery and corruption. In a country where corruption has become so ubiquitous and intractable as to be a way of life desperate situations require desperate remedies. Obviously eliminating corruption will involve manifold interventions. But a good place to start would be making bribery and corruption by politicians and public servants punishable with the death penalty as in China, Thailand and Vietnam. That is not to say that such punishments must necessarily be carried out. Indeed in most instances legislation may allow their substitution with for example long terms of imprisonment and confiscation of property. But the very existence of fierce laws making corruption a capital offence will instil fear and demonstrate the commitment of people and politicians to wiping out corruption in public life as part of system change.
Such are the outcomes that will signal true system change. But are the people of Sri Lanka and their politicians ready for system change on this scale? That is the question !
5. Fifthly, true system change will involve drastic measures to eliminate waste in public life in addition to corruption. One recalls the definition of corruption by that incomparable judge the late great Justice Mark Fernando who asserted that beyond simple bribery and nepotism “corruption extends to extravagance, waste, neglect, and every form of malpractice, dishonesty, and abuse, misuse and unreasonable exercise of power …” The elimination of such waste must surely begin with slashing the whopping annual expenditure of Rs. 539 billion on defense and public security which seemingly gobbles up nearly 50% of all expenditure on state salaries. According to Wikipedia the three services have around 346,700 active personnel and as of 2021 constituted the 14th largest military organization in the world with 1.5% of the Sri Lankan population actively serving in the Armed Forces. It would appear that defense sector expenditure as a % of GDP exceeds that of regional peers. Sustaining such a gargantuan defense establishment is ludicrous given the absence of any terrorist threat from within or any danger of attack by a foreign power from without. As for the nearly 100, 000 strong police force it is probably feared and detested by many people for its cruelty corruption unfairness, and political bias. Accordingly it would seem that the only purpose served by perpetuating a bloated defense and security establishment in an economically bankrupt country is as a vain pompous ceremonial exhibition of national pride and as a bulwark protecting corrupt governments from the legitimate protests of its angry citizens. In this situation slashing expenditure on defense and security by at least half would be a visible and tangible sign of true system change.
Similarly system change signaling the elimination of waste will be reflected in slashing a bloated inefficient public sector of 1.5 million employees (roughly one public servant for 14 people!) down to at least half that number – a reduction that would have been justified even before the dazzling technological advances of the digital informatics revolution had significantly augmented the potential for individual employees to dramatically increase their productivity.
Such are the outcomes that will signal true system change. But are the people of Sri Lanka and their politicians ready for system change on this scale? That is the question !
Above are some of the dramatic outcomes signaling true system change in the country. However one can visualize numerous other outcomes particular to various institutions which though trivial by comparison nevertheless have far reaching implications and are a good indication that system change has seeped down to the learned professions and academia.
6. In the health sector for example there will be a clear separation of the state and private sectors with the latter encouraged to have their own cadre of full time doctors in the various medical specialties. In turn Government doctors (especially those in outstations) will be rewarded with handsome salaries incentives and other privileges but without the right to private practice or strike action so long as they are employees of the state where they will be required to dedicate their whole life 24/7 to the health facility in which they serve. That will put an end to the current chaotic system where patients are neglected and doctors lead a physically exhausting frenetic lifestyle with the inevitable ethical compromises that are forced on those who have one foot in the state sector and another in private practice.
And in the higher education sector in the 1950s the unitary University of Ceylon was one of the best universities in the world. Not so today. In the Times Higher Education global university rankings for 2024, two Sri Lankan universities are ranked in the 1001 – 1200 bracket and two ranked 1500+. The rest evidently failed to meet the eligibility criteria to receive a rank! Reversing this humiliating decline will involve radical system change affirming the importance of quality over quantity and restoring the preeminent elitism of university education as the pinnacle of higher education. This will entail closing down useless universities that were created to serve political agendas and confining university education to an intellectually brilliant minority above other higher educational institutions like technical colleges that will provide high quality mass vocational training for the talented majority.
The consequent implications for changes in the way students are selected for admission to state universities are beyond the scope of this analysis. But they will need to include 100% student selection based on pure merit abolishing the district quotas that have for years compromised the quality of student admission to universities, insistence on English language proficiency, and the assessment of attitudes motivation and personality by various means including in depth face to face interviews. In the case of academic staff there will be an end to the proliferation of dime a dozen mediocre professorships. Merit professorships will be based on two simple stringent criteria alone, namely (a) the number of papers in peer reviewed international journal where the applicant was the principal author and (b) excellent ratings by students for being a dedicated teacher. As for Vice Chancellors they will no longer be presidential appointees nominated by cringing politicized university Councils, but selected by a suitably constituted body of distinguished independent academic intellectuals.
This article has touched on a small fraction of the specific visible measurable tangible outcomes that will be living proof of true system change in Sri Lanka. Anybody who closes his eyes and imagines a Sri Lanka in which at least the above seven outcomes have been realised will get a sense of the transformed society denoted by true system change. But as the title of this article suggests to expect system change on that scale in this country is pure fantasy, the pleasant day dreams of an obsolescent idealistic generation represented by this writer which having seen better times is now passing away !
Does that mean there is no hope for this country? Not necessarily. At best 2024 may hopefully see the emergence of better governance by more decent politicians compared to the wretched governance of corrupt criminal unscrupulous loud mouthed self serving politicians under whom the country has progressively perished. But that would be a far cry from genuine system change! But then from a philosophical perspective we should not be surprised. In a morally degenerate fallen world of sinful humanity alienated from its creator, to imagine that nations under divine judgment might undergo that kind of radical social and political regeneration is surely a forlorn hope.
Sinhala_Man / December 23, 2023
Dear Professor ANI Ekanayake,
Your article reads well, and I agree with almost everything that you say. A system change is definitely on the cards, but this certainly is not going to be a heaven on earth, because our Economy is in tatters, and there is a degeneration in the World at large with two major, “unnecessary” wars.
I won’t say much now. I’m tired and sleepy. I saw this article soon after I had answered your email, which in turn was in response to an email that I sent to many drawing attention to the links that I had provided to recent NPP activity. That was below this article by Sarath de Alwis:
I have not interacted directly with Sarath, but I feel that the difference between the two of you is your unfortunate obsession with good English. That doesn’t come through in this article, but it was clearly there in you email. I’m sorry that I didn’t interact with you more whilst I was in Peradeniya. Let me hope that this article by you leads to intelligent discussion.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Cicero / December 23, 2023
A fine article written in beautiful prose pouring out the frustrations of a man who has seen eighty years of progressive ineptitude in the governance of the state. It combines invective with suggestions for change. The change is more like a return to the past, the era that existed at the time of independence when we were left, sad to say, with coldnial values of meritocracy, judicial independence and administrative rectitude. A return to the past, in the semblance of a system change is impossible. Secularism cannot be restored in light of the entrenched privileges of the “Maha” Sangha. Meritocracy is a thing of the past, with rampant corruption as a way of life. The government is does not move to recover stolen public assets though simple procedures exist for this. The 6.5 million who voted for Gota are still around. Accountability in public life is a matter of the past. So, despite, AKD, the only star that may promise change, such change may never come. AKD and NPP have not yet disclosed a credible programme.
old codger / December 23, 2023
“Firstly true system change will be reflected in a transition to a firmly secular state. That means a complete separation of governance from religion. “
A most commendable proposal, as are the others. But are any political parties willing to risk their necks by promising to downsize the Forces and State employment, throw out Standardization, etc.?
No, not even the NPP/JVP. If any of their torch-bearers can prove that AKD of the many speeches is explicitly willing to do all the above, I promise to vote for him.
Sinhala_Man / December 23, 2023
Dear old codger,
The respect that I used to have for you is getting exhausted; sorry. I cannot tell you lies on that score.
You’ve issued a challenge to the “NPP torch-bearers“. I have provided a response to the decent Cicero whom I respect for his honesty. Please read that.
This has been your final sentence: ” If any of their . . . I promise to vote for him.”
Sorry; your promises are no longer believed!
old codger / December 24, 2023
I still have great respect for your timekeeping skills. But you disappoint me today by not telling me the time in Bandarawela. Did you forget to wind your watch?
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Spot on. His time keeping skills ?
Why do some deliberately think that their bed times, little boy room times etc should be made known to the CT readers rather 🤔 than focusing on the subject 🤔?.
Answer: Mulleryawa and Angoda theraists will reveal.
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
I reveal everything to the illegitimate murderous President. Note that even Asoka protests against his cheating.
I don’t want to die; some deaths are inevitable. I’m selfish enough to not want to be one of them, but que sera sera.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Answer: Mulleriya and Angoda therapists will reveal.
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
I’m not in Bandarawela; I’m in Maharagama.
But don’t you know that the World is divided into time zones, so that the time throughout this island is the same.
We supporters of the NPP rebuff even feeble jokes of this sort. Just have the elections. The people’s votes will come to us this time, even though not for the most enlightened reasons.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
“No, not even the NPP/JVP. If any of their torch-bearers can prove that AKD of the many speeches is explicitly willing to do all the above, I promise to vote for him.”.
Unfortunately those 🔦 bearers are far from undestanding the deficiencies of JVP/NPP. Their koheda yanne malle pol answers just abuse the webspace.
SJ / December 24, 2023
“throw out Standardization”
It was out a few years after it came . It was followed by District Quota and what exists now is district based minimum entry requirement.
Positive discrimination in the US and even India have greater significance.
Sinhala_Man / December 23, 2023
Dear Cicero,
Your comment also is written in “beautiful prose”; I liked it, and yet I gave it a “RED DISLIKE”. Why? I will tell you.
There can be no doubt about the quality of Professor E. and his family. Please see this article on Colombo Telegraph:
Note, however that there has been only one comment on that article. By whom? More will be said about the pianist when I hear from you.
Let me now counter what the Professor whom we both like and respect has written. Listen to what is said in Good English here by a 40 year old. Only 7 comments, but the most recent has been made today by a man whom you know.
This is older, but the same “politician” in English; I’m listening to it for the first time:
Something that I can’t account for is why both videos last 28 minutes; and no comments here – shame on English speaking Lankans.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela, now in Maharagama
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
Dear Cicero,
Note how Asoka ends this article, which is written well enough:
“In a morally degenerate fallen world of sinful humanity alienated from its creator, to imagine that nations under divine judgment might undergo that kind of radical social and political regeneration is surely a forlorn hope.”
He’s not very secular in his own thinking, is he?
Read carefully, and see for yourself how he wants to introduce the Death Penalty. The demand fits in with one of his pet subjects – the horrible inhuman ragging in Universities that gets worse because of the ham-fisted approach he advocates.
True humaneness is to be seen in what this NPP Parliamentarian says in fluent English.
Face to Face | Dr. Harini Amarasuriya; 21st November 2023; 29 minutes in English.
This nice polite man, Professor ANI, advocates even worse barbarism than the raggers. If he has his way, no mercy will be shown to those who oppose him. The NPP has disclosed their programme in detail; this man doesn’t listen. Terrible inconsistency is to be seen here:
Panini Edirisinhe (483111444V)
old codger / December 24, 2023
“This nice polite man, Professor ANI, advocates even worse barbarism than the raggers.”
Does everyone who disagrees with the craven political opinions of some commentators have to be “barbaric”, “dishonest”, etc? Even if they are fellow Anglicans writing perfect English and having pretty piano-playing daughters?
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Narrow attitudes do not widen their eyes. It is thoughts and ideas that help anyone come forward and achieve their goals. Small “software programs in a form of an app” are revolutionizing today’s world by focusing on some patient care.
The Internet can revolutionize their knowledge. However, they seem to be making no effort. In addition, these people have no foreign experience of living in Western or other cultures. They attack around the clock. These people do not sleep on each other’s comments. These days, Maharagama area may be filled with dark clouds. Their limited knowledge makes them pundits to Sri Lankans. I can laugh at them every time we are forced to read such statements. Brain patients are stuck in their own little world
nimal fernando / December 23, 2023
A ”government change” is a possibility if not a ”system change.” ……. Then poor AKD has to very carefully handle/manage zealot supporters and rabid detractors in the forum/country. Not an enviable task.
I’m waiting for a fortunate accident/coincidence ……… like a wayward nuclear bomb …….. the way things are, that’s the only hope.
Lankans are a special breed. …….. This is who we are. ……. Unimaginable stupidity is our forte. ……… And that’s the only thing that guides us: nothing else.
Mercifully the animals in the Udawalawe National Park is not stupid ……. how did they escape the fate ……. they are Lankans too.
Point to ponder.
nimal fernando / December 24, 2023
“It is possible that a Myanmar type military solution is more likely than a democratic return to a Parliamentary system.”
That’s why I’ve always said Prabakaran fought – inadvertently – not only for the Tamils.
Our enemy is not the Tamils or the other minorities ……… our enemy is, and always been, the ”Sinhalese” rulers and the ruling class.
The Sinhalese have been fed a load of bull by the freeloading pols and the clergy.
nimal fernando / December 24, 2023
Sinhalese masochism has developed an “ethnic/racial bias.” They will tolerate any hardship if it’s meted out by a “Sinhalese” ruler/leader ……. but would complain loudly if Prabakaran even let off a fart.
So here we are facing hell unleashed by our own ”Sinhalese” rulers ……. that Prabakarn – inadvertently – tried to save us from!
How Prbakaran saved us from India …….. Native will relate ……. but the inadvertent/unexamined ultra Sinhalese he is, going all the way back to his uncle homeless Anagarika …….. will never even offer a word of thanks to the great unintentional patriot Prabakaran!
chiv / December 23, 2023
Yes it’s a fantasy. Better governance is 75 years of waiting game.Hoping for a better new year
Ajith / December 23, 2023
Yes, I don’t see any signs from the people to politicians to go for a minimum change towards better governance. It is true that we all thought the “aragalaya” will have some hope but we found later that it is another political coup for a negative hope because it resulted further deterioration of governance.
Sinhala_Man / December 23, 2023
Professor ANI,
I have already told you, that I agree with all that you have said. The problem may be that although proficient in Sinhala you don’t listen to Sinhalese programmes:
Please listen to this 40-year-old whose English and Sinhala are both excellent.
That’s the next generation of NPP leaders, in no hurry to take over; for now AKD is the best possible leader, and I have been told by a 51-year-old proficient in English and Sinhalese that AKD’s English is good. I can’t tell you that because I have not heard him speak English. However, I asked the NPP office (their telephone is picked up any time of day or night) for this “51-year-old’s” telephone number and asked him. His name is Harshana Nanayakkra, an Attorney-at-Law, and the NPP organiser for Moratuwa. He lives in Templar’s Road, Mt Lavinia, and when we joked about the spelling of the name of the road (even the name board has got it wrong!), he knew what the correct spelling was, and says he uses it! The result may well be that some so-called-Colombo-elite may end up saying that he doesn’t know English!
whywhy / December 23, 2023
Dear S M ,
Thank you for the link . My view on this guy Chathuranga Abeysinha’s
English is , it is better than Harini’s in many angles . He is going to
improve a lot with the passage of time . And as for AKD , I do have a gut
feeling that says , AKD is going to face an English interview at a very
crucial moment , any time before the president election , if held ! That
could be a Master Blaster for him . Back to the article , any change needs
short and long term plans that brings immediate relief and builds long
term trust for long term plans such as an education reforms that start
at grade eight to bring results in ten years with the exit from university .
Immediate reforms can happen in public transport and health care in a
revolutionising manner . One thing here is very clear . If people go for
NPP , that will mean they are ready to face tough and corrective
measures .
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
Thanks, whywhy,
The task before us is to select a better government, not go into the question of who will win an English oratory prize.
Here’s Dr Harini Amarasuriya’s English: 29 minutes on 21st November 2023: The known devil or the unknown Angel?
Since I’m an English teacher, I’ve heard habits that she has which she herself may be unaware of. After I point them out, you may find it either comic or irritable to count the number of times she says “Right?” in schoolmarmish style. She makes a statement, and says, “Right?”
As for Chathuranga, he keeps using singular verbs with plural subjects in sentences and clauses. Under normal listening conditions, we usually shut our ears to these idiosyncrasies. I’ve emailed Prof ANI asking for his phone number, so that I may analyse his speech. We can’t do it for ourselves! I’m sure that I have my own idiosyncrasies.
All beside the point. They succeed in communicating thoughts on complex subjects; that’s all that matters.
Panini Edirisinhe
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Dear WW,
WW, what nonsense do you share? It is not the English skills that is important but the skill of the leader. Be honest with yourself, does AKD have the leadership skills to run this nation?
AKD (or Mr. Harida (Mr Right) in other words) would be good at pointing fingers at everyone, but he’s still not good at bringing all the forces together.
Even today, AKD has failed to create some common viewers under one single umbrella.
NPP alone will lose for sure. They should better join hands with other parties. Besides, if they would radically oppose the thoughts of some sentiments, they would again be rejected as usual. Besides, JVPrs are not new to lanken politics. They are in that business for more than 5 decades.
Whether they are convicts, criminals, rapists, drug dealers, black marketers or other criminals, their representatives will always be there until a real social revolution cleans the society completely. srilanken parliament composition is the mirror image of the very society.
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
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whywhy / December 24, 2023
L M ,
Spot on . Yes , it is not English skill but leadership skills that is
important . Where do you think you find me saying it otherwise ?
I don’t talk here about AKD’s leadership skills but limit myself to
AKD’s and some o his party men’s English knowledge which they
are trying to demonstrate to match their opponents , whether it is
important or not . The matter of fact is , I haven’t seen a single guy
in parliament , in recent times , speaking in fluent English . They
speak either Singlish or Tinglish (TamilEnglish). As far as AKD
leadership skills are concerned , I remember once Anura
Bandaranayake stated from Speaker’s chair that ” they (JVP)come
well prepared to parliament ” meaning , ready to engage in a
meaningful debate . L M , I believe , that is leadership skill . They
may not be perfect but they have what it takes . One may like
them or not , that is a different issue . They may succeed or not .
I did my comment with 12 lines to S M and he chose only the first
three lines to reply to me ignoring the most important other lines
that present some ideas about plans that should be made .
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Well, WW. As someone who has lived in the West for so long, yours couldn’t be more different than mine. However, I know SM grasps things differently. And so you will see, he will chase me like a cat chases a mouse. He is unique to his own theories. Poor chap. He will never grasp it.
Merry christmas AND happy holidays to you and your family !
whywhy / December 25, 2023
L M ,
Thank you and wishing you the same .
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Dear whywhy,
What you wanted me to comment on was this, presumably:
And as for AKD , I do have a gutfeeling that says , AKD is going to face an English interview at a very crucial moment , any time before the president election, if held ! That could be a Master Blaster for him
He’s faced many such situations, and come through without any problem. He will respond in Sinhala, and if need be, will get it translated. many World Leaders do it. Accuracy is important for such people.
He will not get flustered; and that’s something very important for a leader. I have seen many instances of him correcting the translator when the latter mistranslates.
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Dear “leelagemalli”,
AKD (or Mr. Harida).
That’s a sharp observation, and will win you friends.
Criticisms that are both clever and good humoured get appreciated.
However, when you say things like Panini Edirisinhe does not know Sinhala, then I certainly get angry, you lose credibility.
Already, most people ignore what you say. They also know that descriptions like “convicts, criminals, rapists, drug dealers, black marketers or other criminals,” are much more appropriate if used about the supporters of other Parties.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
“Already, most people ignore what you say. They also know that descriptions like “convicts, criminals, rapists, drug dealers, black marketers or other criminals,” are much more appropriate if used about the supporters of other Parties.”
Are you sitting on your little head ?
Who reminds them on and on that I posted you chocolates and other goodies?
As if no one sent you you in entire life? In retrospect, would things have worked out better than getting you back to normal if I had posted “Tanacola Packets” instead?
I doubt, what makes you a dangerous person is the idiotic thinking you have fallen into. May the spirit of invisible forces be upon you to see it right. It’s not too late, it’s up to you to change your attitude.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / December 23, 2023
How grandiose is it, of this author to assume that his definition of “system change” is indeed what a system change is? No, a system change can range in scope and depth through any mechanism that fundamentally changes how things are done within a set of operations or processes.
The Aragalaya was a fine opportunity to tun the tables on the parasitic scum that ruined and continue to ruin this island paradise due to their unbridled greed and evilness. However, when the basic needs of the people were again facilitated, the lotus eaters generally went back to their pathetic existence saying “karumey” and they keep paying through their noses for their sins. It will indeed be commendable if people collectively decide to set aside their comforts and take a firm stand for at least their future generations to have a livable country.
nimal fernando / December 23, 2023
”However, when the basic needs of the people were again facilitated, the lotus eaters generally went back to their pathetic existence saying “karumey” ”
Unfortunately, this is what I’ve observed so far. People have become complacent and resigned to their fate …….. again.
leelagemalli / December 23, 2023
Professor Ekanayake, unfortunately it is true and it is limited to people’s fantasy. Who is to blame if not the people?
Thanks for your valuable article. I call this a timely article.
In general, our people in Sri Lanka are lazy and not logical enough to understand how other countries achieved “real change” for their development.
It became clear to me during my recent trip to home country that our people never get proper guidance, be it on the street, in the market, in the temple or anywhere. They do not respect international norms. This has nothing to do with being poor or weak but with their complete ignorance.
They are forced to believe that political leaders in Singapore, South Korea and the like have made real difference.
It is a collective that succeeded after hard work in those countries.
So did Germany after World War II. My professors explained to us how they worked for a cup of soup in those days. Retired teachers volunteer for productivity. In the early 80’s some doctors work in rural corners of Germany and Switzerland.
leelagemalli / December 23, 2023
Vietnam is now fastly growing economically. They have proper national policies. But our idiots are just fighting that they are wasting funds in Parliament. Members of Parliament are the mirror image of society. Even on a common issue they cannot come close to a consensus.uNVERISTy staffs are more or less divided. Beast-mentality is ingrained in humans from their nursery stage.
Southeast Asians (indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea etc) compared to south asians (Srialnkens, indians, Parkistanies, Nepalese, Bangaladesh, Myanmar etc) are very hard working compared to our average who easily beg on the streets.
I feel compelled to read about some of our retired teachers who have done nothing but keep busy with “gossip” and “hero worship” throughout retirement.
Many of them speak highly of “real change”: to reach the level of a “poverty-free South Korea,” we need every citizen to work and contribute to productivity. Most of those countries in Europe and Southeast Asia are real hardworking people.
leelagemalli / December 23, 2023
I’ve shared my student dorm with some of them and I know what I’m talking about. Many of them regularly work hard to clean the environment. Today’s YouTubers from Sri Lanka are not interesting, but many from South East Asia are full of commendable content.
My recent visit to my mother country made it more clear to me that our people work for nothing but expect everything from a government.
old codger / December 24, 2023
“They are forced to believe that political leaders in Singapore, South Korea and the like have made real difference.
It is a collective that succeeded after hard work in those countries.”
True, one person cannot do it alone. The people must be willing. Sri Lankans see everything through a web of religion, superstition, and social prejudices. We have “democracy” pasted onto feudalism.
The JVP too, if it is voted in, will not be able to do anything without killing many more people than the last time.
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
What norms of civilised behaviour does Ranil Wickermasinghe DISPLAY?
At least Prof ANI recognises his unacceptability.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
To me RW is more civilised than hired men of Bandarawela man s nature. .He is silent and do the due to come out of anarchial state of the society.
AKD and SP are miles away from the skills. We don’t want 89- barbarians be leaders for the youth of this country.He ll be another MaRa for sure.
Frankly speaking, Thanks to RW et sl , they are given a chance to celebrate their Christmas this time. Whole lot of our people are beasts in human disguise 🤔 .
They don’t what they are talking about. Best example is JOKER Panini the bread maker.
whywhy / December 25, 2023
S M ,
Ranil didn’t care even to bringing down UNP to zero but not
his party position . He was even ready to sit under a former
G S in exchange for some power . People chased him away
from public life through their voting power and he chose to
teach the people a lesson by becoming a back door M P .
What happened after that is still continuing . I love to be
wrong but his past journeys give us some clue as to where we
are going to end up . He started with a small area called
Batalanda and he had enemies in politics at the time called
CBK and MARA Company . Where is he standing today with
those enemies ? There is a Supreme verdict that is historic
against those who bankrupted the country but that burden
has been passed on to the citizens to pay off and you are asking
for elections ! Already we have seen you didn’t GET some
elections ! But you are announcing results on your platforms .
Will you do the same about the next elections , no elections and
announcing results of 2030 on your platforms ? Is that the way
forward for them ?
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Dear WW,
It is the opportunistic actions of our past politicians to divide the nation. That is in the genes of our poltiicians. See how they act also NPP stages with YELLOW pets and other religous dignatories today. Why on earth cant our idiots relinquish the religious men from politics ?
Are they not the real cancer of this nation and its politics being beaten ?
Narrow advantages are in their blood, whoever they are. NPP is not different. Bloody NPP dont even explain about their BHIKKU fronts.
Don’t you think so? This game is still in active as no times before. Also on the 15th December what was displayed was one another “drama” of Rjapakashe political games.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
For ethnic issues, CBK has implemented a set of good plans with federal solutions, however, then UNP unanimously opposed it. The interpretation of lankens on FEDREALISM is totally biased and false than to that of civilized european cultures. They permamanetly planted it as implementation of federalism resembles to ” offer the full cake to minorites”: Yellow pets, that did the role of HIRED pimps in sex industry in europe, they did the job infavour of their racists politicians such as Mahendra Rajapakshe. Blatant lies were spread like a wild fire prior to each of MaRa-led elections.
Then the Oxford-educated GLP was the architect of the drafting of those agreements with CBK admin. The same person, for certain reasons, fell for the easy tricks of mlechcha MARA politics driven by racism. MaRa has always sided with the minorities and worked against them. And yet he grabbed votes in every election by sowing RACIAL agendas and any popular cheap talk to the gallery who are easy prey for Rajapakse predators.
The JVP misinterpreted that the CBK administration wanted to give the northern and eastern territories to the LTTE. Looking back, all these lies were done to gain advantage for their each party. Wimal Weerawansa’s dirty mouth was used as a condom by the Rajapaksa clan to mislead the Punnakku-drinking majority of the nation. In retrospect, what was not lied to grab voters ?
Aiyooooooooooooo… how stupid our people should be ?
Lester / December 26, 2023
“Why on earth cant our idiots relinquish the religious men from politics ?”
You need to expand your knowledge. Religious interference in Sri Lanka is far less than in other countries. Indian politics is extremely casteist. Sunak is also a Brahmin, in his own words, he doesn’t care about the welfare of the lower classes. Even in the US, one of the parties is controlled by fundamentalist Christians, who are supporting Israel 110%. This support is based entirely on some interpretation of the “Bible”, claiming a big war will be fought in the last days in Israel, and the Jews will be “converted.” In Sri Lanka, the monks just advise the politicians. As they have been doing for 2K years. That is a long time.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Elections should be banned without further notice and a commission should be appointed to rule this nation for 3-4 years.
Those who spread divisive views should be publicly banned. We are caught in a special situation that did not exist before.
We are not funded by the Maastricht Treaty or similar bodies. Germany’s comeback after World War II was a reality through strict laws and hard collective work. That’s what my professors shared with me about their boom.
YouTubers should not be allowed to spread any kind of divisive thoughts. Law should be enforced against pranksters. They seem to be destroying the entire culture today. #
We do not move forward by blaming the past. We should act now.
We cannot expect complete democracy from anyone, for so long people have no basic rights and minimal knowledge of law and order. That we should change within those 3-4 years.
Even former and current teachers don’t seem to differentiate between good and bad. The basics are out of their minds. So how do they teach their students in schools?
As in earlier days, there should be INSPECATION bodies on top of teachers and their performance. We must all contribute to a program of hard work for a common cause. Anyone’s erratic behavior should be severely criticized and they should be brought to the right path.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Above all, revival of the economy should be the motto for a better future for the youth. Tourism, agriculture and software can play a leading role in earning foreign exchange.
Such a commission may be represented by one member of the common parties. This country is full of heterogensous thinkers. Therefore, each of them should be representatives of that commission.
Not all politicians are corrupt. Those who use tricks to get the power, they are all 225 branded as very corrupt. And all politicians are not corrupt. That is false perception. Good and honorable voices are not heard.
It is wrong to interpret NPP as the only clean force left in this country. They have also contributed to the destruction of national assets after the “Aragalaya riots” of the past year. It increased in 89-90 and earlier. Fairy tales cannot reshape the deluded mind, but must be avoided for the common good of the people.
And this country is not a two-party society. All parties should join for this. After these 3-4 years criminals and looters can be punished, hidden wealth can be brought back to the country. At the same time, as Germany did, they must implement strict laws to rebuild society.
Murder, drug trafficking, rape and child abuse are punishable by mercyless laws (death pentality). Only then will the nation rally to respect law and order to the letter. Period !
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
When you are deep down in the ocean, talking about walking on the land freely is nothing but fantasy. So, it looks like Protest 2022 time’s dream of systemic change is now imprisoned by Evil. That is what Old Rowdy King had said in his recent media statement. Because the Evil emperor has very efficiently defeated the Protest, UNP leadership needs to be protected. People selected the Old Rowdy’s team, defeating UNP without even one seat, hoping the Old Rowdy team would protect them from Yahapalanaya created monsters called Jihadis. But now all criminals are saved, no cases against Jihadis, but people’s protest is defeated by the UNP who was handed over the mandate given to Old Rowdies to save the country. People didn’t elect the UNP. Only Old Rowdies selected UNP Evils to protect them from the people’s protest. Then how now somebody can expect the people to be taken care of by the UNP. But Old Rowdy said Evil is a destructive force in the Economy, but he discounts the urgency of fixing it until the election comes so they can pull the carpet underneath the UNP partner, but now UNP has to protect from the anger of the people! What a sincere, honest, open deal between the legacy UNP-SLFP crooks to destroy the country in the possession of protecting their wealth.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
While husband and wife killing each other without food due to family poverty, school kids wandering on the roads with sex addiction(in Kandy, within last three weeks, 150 kids under 16 were spoiled) and rapist security system introduced narcotics, priests are transforming the monasteries into bawdy houses, police system rampaging in prison killing and encounters, male politicians are spending fortunes on makeup products and plastic surgery, some rascal are portraying their pets’ dicks decorated with 900 sovereign gold. The elected government has a need to hand over that mandate to the UNP for their pension confirmation and evade any actions against their crimes, to use Evil Emperor’s leadership. The Nude emperor who lost even his Amude in the last election, now has nothing to lose, bravely crushing the people’s rights as well their life. For the time being, Langkang’s educated people have to suspend the thoughts of Systemic change with up raising. Main hurdle for that is Ceylonese who received the Universal Franchise 12 years after British Citizens got it is not developed or mature or advanced enough to bear the load and cost of the true democracy cast on them. They need time for them to prepare them for democracy with Universal Franchise.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
In Tamil they say, “Don’t beat an infertile woman to bear a child.” She may bear the pain but cannot bear a child. Universal Franchise has proved it is not for Ceylonese. Even the democracies like America India are only trying to use Langkang’s bankrupted economy to deter China out of Langkang, but not to retune the failed political system with external pressure, using IMF or Federal Reserve Bank of India to re tune the country economic policies and thus guide it to Human right and democracy. From 2009, for 15 years there are resolutions in UNHRC about Langkang government’s human right violation and genocide. These mighty countries are pretending that they never heard about it. They are showing much urgency in protecting Hamas in the name of aid to Palestinians. After Britain left in 1948, this is the first time the Western world, hand in hand with the rogue local governments, tried to abuse the Langkang’s masses’ intellectual deficiency to hedge the international problems. Israel needs 100,000 farm workers. It appears that America negotiated the 10,000 Langkang Sinhala Buddhist farm workers for Israel, while the country is facing exodus from the human right drain. They are plugging out an important resource from Langkang to help Israel farming but no serious help has come to revitalize the damage done to Langkang farming by the Chinese Poop Import.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
Like hitting on the burned wound with the spear, additionally, the able-bodied farming workers are leaving the country. Israel is a very, very intelligent and powerful country. If the exported 10,000 Afghani asses are any good for anything, Israel will easily grab the whole 100,000 from Langkang. In Tamil they say, if you lie one time, to cover it, you have to say another 9 and make them all together the 10. Langkang started with deporting estate Tamils in 1948. From that time UNP-SLFP union took 999 turns and have come into deporting the country’s last resource, the Sinhala farmers. The Evil Emperor is fooling the Sinhala Buddhist Mondays that he is only exporting unwanted farmers, but he is creating the Asian technological miracle to his 2048’s 100th the year celebration, by introducing AI. “Pichchai Veandam Nayai Pidi Aiyya”. (No longer I am begging for alms, but begging you to restrain your dog, it is tearing me off). Evil twisted his famous Secret Solution negotiations with Tamils in too many thousand dimensions and have coupled a Tamil Diaspora Modaya to reel on the Secret Solution with Kandy, Ayatollahs, not with the even the unelected Sinhala’s politicians. Every time when he called Tamils to restart the Secret Solution negotiation, it was never taken to the Sinhala Community, for an open discussion, but always introduced a new technocratic dodging.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
If the Iron is molten only it can be poured into the mold and it can be cooled into the new useful shape. Until the UNP-SLFP union keeps turning off the Sinhala masses to go for a meaningful change, systemic change can only be a fantasy talk. This has been a good experience now we all learned during the Protest time. No international country helped the Langkang masses to win the Protest, unlike many countries that were active in materializing the Arab Spring in many Middle Eastern countries. One of the very powerful matters retracting Langkang’s advancement in economy & politics is the China element. It is a two-sided coin. One side is, it is draining the country’s resources through white elephant projects and managing the country’s governments through loan leashes. Then it is lying through the teeth “I don’t interfere into countries’ private matters”. The other side of the coin is China elements inducing the West only engaging in “Balancing Activities to China Element” using the utterly corrupted political crooks, but not willing to establish any real relationship with the people. People may remember Global Baglays’ disastrous failures in the past few years in pushing Langkang to act against China. Now the new ambassador is coming with the same words, that is “We will help Langkang’s Aanduwa in all ways it needs to stay in power (but not the people).”
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
That is the same wording IMF started with, and this month IMF is giving a loan without any condition. And they are charging these debts on all Ceylon’s Communities’ heads, while Evil’s administration has not honestly promised to fulfill any condition even in the coming future to improve the economy or the internal race relation. Why is the IMF dragging the Ceylon masses into this disastrous activity? China is the only reason! Harsha said the Central bank showed a loan of $4B received as the foreign reserve at hand. Borrowing more by an already financially bankrupt country is the recovery the Evil administration achieved? Come on man! Please, please don’t cheat Sinhala masses like this because Evil thinks that they are only a bunch of Modayas. That is why we say that the protest and rebellion in Langkang has to take a different route to survive through this onslaught of the master mind Evil Emperor. The lesson learned in July 2022 is that it is not easy for anybody to beat the world’s 7th largest army, with 400,000 soldiers strength and funded with 15% of the country’s GDP by the UNP-SLFP Union. So, the next common-sense alternative is to resurface from the ocean floor in order to walk on the real land with your legs.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
Get rid of the UNP-SLFP union which defeated the protest, only to protect their looting from law enforcement agencies and people’s eyes.
Mallaiyuran / December 23, 2023
We said earlier, if you have only two alternatives and the known one is jumping into a 200 feet pit, jump into the depth unknown pit, because it cannot be any worse than jumping into a 200’ pit. But if the unknown is only 6’ deep, you will be able to walk out of it with few scratches on the skin. You don’t need any guarantee about Anura because by voting for him, you are only trying to avoid jumping into the same old 200’ cesspool pit, the UNP-SLFP union. When the middle-class school teachers meet the kids’ parents to talk about their children, tell them “I take care of your child’s future, please can you take care of the country’s future in the coming election?”. When the workers depart in the afternoon, after a long work day, instead of saying “BYE BYE, see you tomorrow! say “BYE BYE, take care of the 2024 election”. Change your new year’s wishes to your friends and families in English, Sinhala & Tamil to something like “Bye Bye to Old UNP-SLFP legacy, welcome the 2024 election for the view of a new Horizon.
If King Robert Bruce and his little spider can chase away mighty England, protesters can unseat the united thieves’ union of UNP-SLFP. That is the only way to open the path for Systemic Change.
Pandi Kutti / December 23, 2023
In an entirely different note. ” Seasons Greetings and Happy Christmas to everyone.”
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
Thanks; I made comments on both carols, but they stayed on only after I clicked on “Subscribe”.
What is disturbing about that is that it probably has something to do with royalties, etc.
Am I beginning to sound rather like Scrooge in Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol?
Happy Christmas!
Panini Edirisinhe
Douglas / December 23, 2023
What do the people mean in asking for a “SYSTEM CHANGE”?
Don’t we already have in place “SYSTEMS”? Yes. All the “Systems” that affect our day-to-day living PLUS all that look after our future well-being are in the records through various Laws, Legislations, Rules, etc. together with the Establishments and Institutions that are tasked with implementation. In addition, those “Systems” are being regularly updated from time to time depending on the situations that call for changes.
I think we have failed to understand the call of the people, in that, a mix-up is made in “System” change to a “SYSTEMIC” change. What is FAILED is not the “System” but the “SYSTEMIC” need. What is not happening is that the EFFECTS of the “Systems” that are already in force, are not EQUALLY, TRANSPARENTLY, and JUDICIASLY spread across the public. That is a “SYSTEMIC” failure that the people have elected to call for a “System Change”
Therefore what is needed is the POLITICAL WILL to spread that “Systemic” need across the country.
Raj-UK / December 24, 2023
I agree with Prof. E. A no holes barred article which conveys the current voter dilema. System change is a fantasy because we are not ready, yet.
Lets take point 1 of Prof. E. We are all aware of the role of political monks but offending monks is taboo in our society, so we tolerate them, despite our disgust. Buddhism has been re-written & those who have ammased wealth by unlawful means or exploitation, contribute generously to the ‘upkeep of Buddhism’ & are blessed by these monks. In my understanding, a monk leaves the material world to lead a simple life, the objective being providing spiritual guidance, not ‘save’ the country by dabbling in politics. Yet, all political parties are aware of the influence monks have over the larger vote base, the Sinhala Buddhists, & dare not be seen as ‘insulting’ the religion. Even the NPP have a ‘Bhikku Front’ in their coalition.
Raj-UK / December 24, 2023
The 2nd & 3rd ponts, abolishing the Presidency & reforming the nomination process. SL can’t afford an all powerful, yet, ceremonial President, as well as, a PM. Even developed countries do not provide such perks & privileges to serving politicians, whereas, we even provide generous pensions & perks even after retirement. In UK, the number of Ministers are 22 who help the PM to manage the country. The PM is paid about £80k & a Minister about £70k, from which they contribute to a state pension as everybody else & pay tax. Ministers are entitled to a vehicle provided by the Ministry with a chauffeur & police body guard. The PM is provided with a backup vehicle & about 4 bodyguards while ordinary MPs are not provided with vehicles, nor, bodyguards, despite 2 serving MPs being murdered in recent years. If I am not mistaken, the Presidential fleet during the Rajapakse regime consisted of 12 or more bullet proof BMW saloons & SUVs while RW & Sira enjoyed the comfort of custom built Maybachs each, which even the German Chancellor is not privileged to have. How does that compare bankrupt SL with developed countries?
Raj-UK / December 24, 2023
4th point. I think corruption is now in our DNA. There was a generation which took integrity seriously but in the 21st century, it’s money that talks. As (fictitious) Gordon Ghekko said, ‘Greed is Good’. In SL, I have been solicited by a Municipality clark for a few thousand Rupees to expedite a plan to Rs 3.2m by Electricity board officials to move a pylon erected during my grandfather’s time but the actual cost quoted by Elect. board was Rs 1.8m. In UK, apart from the fact that it is illegal to offer a bribe, which would be likely to be enforced, an official would find it offensive. I am against the death penalty, so I wouldn’t go for such a harsh penalty but I would certainly recommend a jail period & confiscation of assets in relation to the bribe taken.
I don’t want to continue with other points highlighted but as Prof. E states, how serious are we in expecting drastic changes from the current bunch of politicians? If any political party is willing to take the challenge, lets hear in detail how they set about it.
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
Dear Raj_UK,
All that has been said by Prof ANI has been said by AKD in his stump speeches. The trouble clearly is that you’re not listening to much that is produced in Sinhala.
Raj-UK / December 24, 2023
My question has always been ‘HOW’? We hear of promises by politicians all the time but unless the strategy is revealed with an action plan within a time frame, it’s just pie in the sky. It’s all well & good to talk about a ‘social revolution’ but for those like me, it is ambiguous, so why not spell it out, not by speeches but as an official statement in the political manifesto. If I am not mistaken, Mao carried out a ‘social revolution’ too. Is it a similar kind of revolution? Prof. E talks of political monks. Does the NPP have a ‘Bhikku Front’? If so, what is the NPP stand on political monks? These are just a few questions that bothers me.
Supporters & non supporters of the NPP need not split hairs over policies. Whether it is the NPP or any other party, it’s up to them to convince the public to make an independent & educated decision.
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Raj, I agree that it’s up to them to convince the public to make an independent & educated decision.
But it is also important for us to recognise that some guys who are not going to vote in any case, need not be bothered about.
You’re not a bad guy, but you’re incorrigible, and not worth bothering about.
Constant ditherers ought not to distract us from our mission. In practical terms, how well thought out a vote is. doesn’t really matter.
Raj-UK / December 26, 2023
If I am not worth bothering about, just don’t respond to my comments.
FYI, I am not a ditherer but I want answers before I make up my mind & if I don’t, I don’t bother to keep following up. In this case, the NPP doesn’t get the benefit of my doubts. Unlike political cronies, I am sure you are not expecting to benefit personally if the NPP comes to power (but they may offer to employ you to give a crash course in English to some of their members) & you may genuinely think that you are doing a service to the nation by promoting a political party perceived as honest & capable to power but what if you are wrong? This is why I say that we should vote with our heads, not hearts & ask questions to eliminate any doubts. Even MR is advising the same.
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
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leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
Dear Raj,
The NPP is now somewhat divided over that lawyer’s change of heart. He was a strong candidate of NPP. So the torchbearers don’t even talk about it.
The NPP strongman should have thought twice if he strongly supported the movement.
Lawyer Upul Kumarapperuma has not denied his new promotion and there has been some disturbance in the party. There are various stories about that appointment. Some comedians like Sepal Amarasinghe and Satana RADIO man speculate completely opposite thoughts.
LankaScot / December 24, 2023
Although I am a resident of Sri Lanka and have a Sri Lankan wife, I am not yet a citizen. It is up to the Sri Lankans to decide how and when they make changes in their country. Having seen the backlash against the “aragalaya” and the failure to bring the Rajapaksas including Ranil to justice despite the courts having decided they were responsible for the country’s bankruptcy and the subsequent serious problems facing the population, I share the author’s misgivings that “System change” will take place soon.
It is possible that a Myanmar type military solution is more likely than a democratic return to a Parliamentary system.
Where I disagree with the author is in his suggestion of instituting the death penalty. only barbaric countries have the death penalty (including the USA). The current crackdown on Drugs etc. smacks of Duterte’s solution in the Philippines, which led to thousands of extra judicial killings. There is no creator so don’t look there for help.
Best regards
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Contrary to yours, I fully agree with the imposition of the death penalty. Strict rules will do the job in no time. They should confiscate all illegally collected wealth from everyone including the Rajapaksa brothers. In this endeavour, they should also seek support from the US, UK and other countries. Basil’s assets should be investigated as to how a man became untouchably rich, even though he is said to have a chit clerk for petrol sheds in the United States.
For a better future, the Sri Lankan society should soon put its right place. The manner in which they have now begun to clean up the underworld should be commended by people of all walks of life who seek peace in society.
Nov. During my short time in Sri Lanka, some drivers behaved like thugs, not allowing my driver to take a turn. Even though we were clean, they pointed the finger at us. Muscles rule Sri Lankan society today. I agree with Tyran Alas that he would punish the criminals on the spot, if he found them.
Sinhala_Man / December 24, 2023
The NPP will hunt for the hidden treasure, but they are too humane to institute the death penalty.
Wasn’t Tiran Alles the first fellow to be named for cheating? No such charges against NPP’s National Executive Committee Members.
I won’t be so irresponsible as to claim that there are no criminals among the supposedly respectable who are now thronging to claim to be supporters. My being a supporter is no secret in rural Bandarawela; now I’ve had genuine grassroots guys phoning me, and telling me that there are supporters among the white collar criminals who live in my area.
When asked, I spare nobody; see the last comments here:
And Asoka’s Protestant Churches are also terribly corrupt (they are grouped together as the National Christian Council). That has to be handled carefully; Courageous Professor Jeevan Hoole has been writing a great deal about it, but he brings unnecessary issues like caste into it. This is not easy work.
But no death penalty; thanks to “LankaScot” for his thoughts on that.
Ameer Ali’s article has come in;
He told me it had been sent, but of course we don’t know how CT handles matters. Ranil has been invited to Gurutalawa for the hundredth anniversary of the Muslim school there on the 27th, where Ameer’s father was Principal for ten years. Will the Dictator fly in at our expense? No money for elections, though!
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela; from Maharagama @ 4.33 PM.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
“The NPP will hunt for the hidden treasure, but they are too humane to institute the death penalty”
Fairytales one behind the other from a man 👨 who is hell bent on a leader whose external affairs is far below that of even Sajith Premadasa..
Those hidden and stolen assets are on the names of their kith and kin. So it can take 2 decades 🤔 or more to confiscate them. Besides hidden wealth alone can’t help economic recovery. .
I am in full agreement 🤝 with Dr Harsha de Silva who talks sense on this issue.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Fairy tales are easy. Panini, or his carelessness and stupidity would fall for easy tricks, but we have brains to see the facts.. That’s why his comments are treated with “red thumbs” by many. Maybe he thinks I’m the regulator to reject his ideas.
That hidden wealth is not unique to the Rajapakses alone, but to a group of African and other Asian leaders who have kept it in banks outside the country in the name of their relatives.
Dr. Harsha de Silva talks about the issue ANALYTICALLY
.. Today I respect him more than before. Many other economists reveal the truth. And with those funds alone, we cannot pay even a small part of the debts owed to the countries.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
If you don’t pay on time, the debt will double and triple. Although AKD’s thoughts on converting graphite to graphene could bring in a lot of foreign exchange, we will never know because at the moment Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and some African countries are making it easy for any foreign investor to get started.
Most of the countries mentioned above and their national policies facilitate foreign investment. The next hurdle for investors not to come to Sri Lanka is the cost of electricity in Sri Lanka. How will the NPP government deal with it? By Aladdin’s lamp-style magic? AKD will have to explain it to the nation.
So it will take 2 decades or more to discover the hidden wealth. NPP is full of newcomers like Chanturange who talk highly of their abilities, but it is not true. We are grown men and know what can and cannot be done.
And further, the bank will not agree to cooperate in disclosing the fund owners. Banks generally want to make a profit on money regardless of the source. It is common in Switzerland or elsewhere. They earn crores from this hidden wealth.
Lester / December 25, 2023
“That’s why his comments are treated with “red thumbs” by many.”
If you haven’t understood thumbs yet, many thumbs up or down are one individual using a VPN/proxy server. Look for posts with the word “Chingkalla” if you want to know who it is. If you want to award yourself 1K thumbs, you can follow their method. Though it’s a waste of time.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Honestly, I’m not interested in thumbs. SM keeps questioning about red and green thumbs. However, so long you stick to RAJAPAKSHE mafia politics, I would never give you “green” thumbs.
In fact, SM spends sleepless nights at persecuting on others. That has become the hobby of him today. THat is how some senior men behaves in our hell.
Almost everyone with a smart phone self-proclaimed to be an expert to even unknown fields in that society. It is all because they overate themselves. We are just another begging nation, pushed by a bunch of thugs produced by Beliatta.
Why should not be bold enough to realize it ?
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
Dear Readers,
This is about NPP.#
Please use them for your discourse.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
another POV.
I am speechless, how about you ?
LankaScot / December 24, 2023
Hello Leelagemalli.
I am getting the pictures in my head of Tyran Alas arresting himself and then pronouncing sentence (hopefully not the Death Sentence) for his own illegal activities.
Have a look at this article from the ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ Pandora Papers)
“Sri Lankan public security minister used shell companies to own London flats
Tiran Alles, a businessman and politician, is the latest Sri Lankan official identified in the Pandora Papers data trove.”
Isn’t it strange how some of the most corrupt people get themselves into Law & Order positions?
Best regards
LankaScot / December 24, 2023
Sorry Leelagemalli,
Wrong link – this is the correct one
The other one is also very interesting.
Best regards
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
Dear LS,
Thanks a lot for the link. I am totally speechless.. There were also several other reports in the middle of the Gota government that Mara’s cousins and close relatives were recaptured by stashing stolen state money in Panama or elsewhere. There were also speculations, that MARA et al exported some dollars in huge amounts to UGANDA by a plane etc.
However, Tiran Alles is not the only person who can amass wealth illegally. As far as I know, he is a rich person since ancient times. Tyran Alas runs the Daily Mirror or not?
As a whole, this country is full of big criminals. So this is the reason I always say, I am pessimistic about the future of Sri Lanka. I hate Sri Lankans no matter how some psychopaths interpret it. In fact, I will continue to help some poor people in my home country for a long time.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
Dear LS,
thank you. thanks also for the links, I will check them laters.
As a foreigner, you may know that this country is full of people who hold higher responsibilities also in the parliament regardless of them being charged for their high crimes.
. People worship them in public no matter the charges are announced. .Buddhist monks (yellow pets) line up to do prayers for them becoming easy prey.
Unfortunately everything is upside down in this hell created by a bunch of thugs born to Hambantota.
People are like deaf and blind.
They are trained to do so. Mercy cows at temples behave better. Not only Tiran, but what about Mehendra Rajapaksa, Basil, Gotabhaya and their henchmen who were accused in a recent Supreme Court decision?
None of them are yet arrested by the country’s police. If that was the announced in Germany or Singapore, before 24 hours is goine, the police and the legal authorities would do the job to the letter.
Merry christmas and happy holidays to you !
Lester / December 25, 2023
“but what about Mehendra Rajapaksa, Basil, Gotabhaya and their henchmen who were accused in a recent Supreme Court decision?”
What about CBK, Cousin Lohan, and the rest of the clan? Also investigate Fonseka for Lasantha W’s murder, as Moda Ranil named him the chief culprit. Before Lasantha, there was Joel Pera. Killed in a nightclub with chief suspect yes, Lohan! Mr. Leela, Joel Pera family still waiting for answers. Report to them ASAP, that is the German/Singapore way.
By the way, Leela, the human rights champions are accusing your other hero of war crimes: “”Sri Lanka’s Tamil political parties on Monday called for an immediate probe into a report of mass graves in northern Jaffna, where international human rights groups have said about 600 people disappeared during a military campaign in 1996…”
Leela, if this is true, there should be a trial at the Hague for Chief Defendant CBK. Shavendra & family were given visa ban after eliminating real terrorists.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Dear LS,.
“Isn’t it strange how some of the most corrupt people get themselves into Law & Order positions?”.
U talk about law and order position. ?
MaRa became the finance minister even after numerous court cases were filed against his mismanagement from 2005 to 2015.
Besides, this is not india where I believe their political appointments are not just handpicked .
And incumbent president can nt give the order to GMO companies such as Monsanto to create most appropriate ones, but have to rely on the bunch already in the parliament .
Minister of justice, Dr Wijedasa R was removed from good governance govt for being not neutral on Gota s court cases.
This country is in a real mess after Rajapakse brothers grabed power in Nov 2019.
SJ / December 24, 2023
“The current crackdown on Drugs etc. smacks of Duterte’s solution in the Philippines, “
That is a little over the top.
LankaScot / December 24, 2023
Hello SJ
When Duterte started his campaign my Phiippino friends and colleagues were all in favour and said I was being “over the top”, Over time and with mounting deaths, they gradually, with exceptions, softened their support for Duterte. For one of my friends the final straw was the assassination of his Brother in Law after being dragged out of his house in the early hours of the morning. This man had no convictions and had no connection to drugs. However he had been known to be critical of Duterte’s campaign.
Of course these sort of things couldn’t possibly happen in SriLanka, ask Lasantha Wickrematunge’s family.
Best regards
whywhy / December 25, 2023
LankaScot ,
I fully agree with your thinking that a Myanmar type military
solution is more likely . Crackdown on drugs could be a
precursor to demonstrate what’s in store for those who are
shouting for change . Yes , a system change that will tell the
people that they are not qualified anymore to elect a government .
ramona therese fernando / December 24, 2023
Prof. E.,
You do realize, don’t you, that only the NPP can take up this challenge. Only they have the educated democratic social values to make this come to fruition.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Was It not that u and 6.9 mio of lanken voters were made believe that Diyasena aka Nandasena [Gota] was the only alternative for the country ?.
I wish I could know how come NPP was forgotten in Nov 2019? .
What changes they NPP made in their ideaoloy since 2019? All these should be made clear to the people will help understand them better. 🙏
ramona therese fernando / December 26, 2023
I thought Gota was going to work in NPP style. The moment I realized the Gota deal, I was against it. He went with the likes of Howard Nicholas’s way of doing big commercial venture by consolidating the monetary base of a few billionaires BEFORE investing in the people. Now those billionaires do not have a clue on how to disperse the money for productivity, for if they do, they will lose their billionaire status and their political power, prowess, and privilege . Now the people have to pay for the lost billions. Better if the money is rightfully returned to the people, and the intelligent, educated, and democratic NPP begins the intricate tasks of developing the people potential.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
Oh, Grandma Ramona, you’ve added somewhere, you and your other supporters will forgive me, like I’m the beast and criminal here, unfortunately, I couldn’t get it back to where you had added it, . However, I respond to that here.
Your thoughts are more or less like “KOHEDA YANNE MALLE POL”, completely irrelevant.
I do not at all believe that I sinned willfully, however, I cannot accept you superficial Sri Lankans whom I do not know, except to accuse me of being a monster. Either you suffer from a rare cognitive disorder or you are too stubborn to see it right.
Your pro-Trump environment may have made you even sicker. Some of my German Americans living in Petersburg behave like you. That is the nature of some people. You also had to see how the stupid WOMEN (SLPP supporters) who were brought to Colombo like cattle behaved on that very shameless day on December 15th.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
I work with Americans almost every day but none of them point a finger at me. They know that I am a fair person in all respects. We have good cooperation with American-German in our business life.
Your objection against acting DIG Deshabandu is understandable, but for me, I will not attack him alone as I know the entire police force to be highly corrupt and undisciplined.
I went on to say that if a country’s political leaders, police, lawyers, judges, doctors and other professionals are so corrupt, you won’t find “clean” candidates for any position. It is easy to understand even for small children. However, some seniors don’t like to see it that way.
So for me Prasanna Ranthuga (that man is under heavy charges but in parliament), the current Prime Minister, MP Mahendra Rajapaksa (Pattapal hora of the nation)and all others are beyond ethics and morals but curse to the 69 lakh stupid voters, they were all elected in to the parliament.. If those stupid voters used their brains , the current parliament would not have been formed. ist not that so ?
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
From what you constantly add on CT, we realize that many of your own interpretations are far removed from the ground reality of the Sri Lankan nation.
I feel you don’t visit Sri Lanka regularly. I could be wrong. My cousins in LA (they are in their mid 70ties) feel the same.
They have lived in that part of America for more than half a century. They have lost their close ties with the typical srilanken day today life.
This is not the same with me, because I travelled back home 1-3 times almost every year.
– i do it for the sake of my late mother. I work for charity down there.
Indeed, you the educated Sri Lankans supported a man (The nation’s looters) whose political greed almost resembled that of a tribal leader in poor Africa. Mahendra Rajapaksa-factor is to blame for all the chaos in our island. even today, there is a huge human shield around his political wing which would stand against on the way for a real change for the youth of this country.
Mahendrarajapakism is similar to Zimbabwe’s emergence of Mugabe through racism.
I’m not going to waste your Christmas vacation, however, be aware, what you add here is far from reality. Happy holidays !
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
From what you constantly add on CT, we realize that many of your own interpretations are far removed from the ground reality of the Sri Lankan nation.
I feel you don’t visit Sri Lanka regularly. I could be wrong. My cousins in LA (they are in their mid 70ties) feel the same.
They have lived in that part of America for more than half a century. They have lost their close ties with the typical srilanken day today life.
This is not the same with me, because I travelled back home 1-3 times almost every year.
– i do it for the sake of my late mother. I work for charity down there.
Indeed, you the educated Sri Lankans supported a man (The nation’s looters) whose political greed almost resembled that of a tribal leader in poor Africa. Mahendra Rajapaksa-factor is to blame for all the chaos in our island. even today, there is a huge human shield around his political wing which would stand against on the way for a real change for the youth of this country.
Mahendrarajapakism is similar to Zimbabwe’s emergence of Mugabe through racism.
I’m not going to waste your Christmas vacation, however, be aware, what you add here is far from reality. Happy holidays ! x
ramona therese fernando / December 26, 2023
It’s all about you isn’t it Leelagemalli. What a sad and sorry situation. You must change the attitude if you are to be heard. You must not demean those who are of the same viewpoint as you. You must not be misogynistic. Important thing is, you must not to demean the suffering masses.
ramona therese fernando / December 27, 2023
Also Leelagemalli, you’ve been to Sri Lanka many times. You’ve done a lot of good work. They don’t appreciate it. You are angry. So you take it out on others.
Sometimes the people you try to help are jealous and angry that you are doing better than them (I presume you didn’t take money out of the country and are now benevolently doling it back). Best is to work with ideas so our people can have the strength to change to a more honest, educated, caring and considerate government.
leelagemalli / December 27, 2023
It’s all about you isn’t it Leelagemalli
All this is not about me, but about the POOR people of our country.. You have no knowledge at least of how the people of that country suffer by keeping them as human shields. You seem to have no understanding of the situation in that country. Period.
ramona therese fernando / December 27, 2023
Quite useless….Alas…..
shankar / December 24, 2023
you won’t have system change as long as you are having the same old wine packaged in new bottles and new brands.System change ill only come if we have a fresh crop of politicians.We must see why most people who are suitable are not putting up their hands.Then we a have to fix that defect so that everyone who is suitable put up their hands to do the job.maybe it is because the salaries are low but the opportunities to make money indirectly using your position is high.Not everyone’s cup of tea.
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
A social revolution is the need of the hour. Even NPP does not bring miracles. How can they do magic if they cannot build a coalition of some common viewers? No single party has won elections in our country. AKD knows this but his predecessor read it right, AKD will remain far from achieving the goal.
They are like crying babies. Today I am very pessimistic about the future of Sri Lanka. I never feel that making Sri Lanka a developed country is easy.
The recent “struggle” could become a real revolution.
Later, some politicians tried to provide birth certificates, but it emerged with the lead of the wealthy class of Colombo. They are the ones who suffered without cooking gas and fuel for vehicles.
Had the struggle been better organized, it could have transformed into a real social revolution.
How to teach people the truth and respect the law to create a better society ?
leelagemalli / December 24, 2023
People misinterpret law and order in favor of their behavior. It must be stopped. People behave like animals on the highway. Bus drivers commit heinous crimes in front of your eyes. People are passive and powerless to act against them.
I thought all the bad guys would be punished by the covid crisis, however, not a single person accused of illegal amassing of wealth was caught in the covid deaths. Divine power is another illusion. Myths and lies destroy and mislead the easy targets of many countries in the South Asian region.
Lester / December 24, 2023
As I said before, Sri Lanka is in a bad state because of a 26 year civil war fomented by ethnic terrorists. I don’t think 1956 was a pivotal event as some people claim. Tamils were willing to learn English under the British rule, the Diaspora has no problem learning French, Dutch, etc. They would have learned Sinhala as well. The pivotal event was 1983, namely, the race riots. Even with this, the damage could have been contained, if India had not interfered. But India interfered, forcing a diplomatic and military solution on SL, which prolonged the civil war by at least 20 years. So if you want “system change”, you have to undo the damage caused during the civil war. Start by confiscating any assets of the Tamil diaspora (who financed the war) in Sri Lanka or abroad. Use them to pay off the national debt. There should be more emphasis on English education. As well as greater cooperation with China and Russia in the technology spheres. Invest more in manufacturing.
LankaScot / December 24, 2023
Hello Lester,
Before I came to Sri Lanka I worked in Qatar for 11 years where I met my Sri Lankan wife. I also met many other Sri Lankans and discussed with them what made European countries relatively rich. My answer then was – European countries were major manufacturers, that had exploited their colonies, by stealing (or obtaining cheaply) their commodities//minerals etc. and selling them manufactured goods.
Now that I live in Sri Lanka I can see some of the problems that prevent a thriving manufacturing environment here. It’s not just a question of investing, but first you need an Education System that promotes and caters for working class trades like Electricians, Toolmakers, Quality Control Engineers and the ancillary trades. But you cannot have a thriving Industrial base without a professional IT industry. The shambles called Ceylon Electricity Board is probably the most pressing obstacle in the way of a successful manufacturing industry. Here in the Central Province we have interruptions to the supply nearly every day. How can you possibly run a computer system for your business with this abysmal record? Even with a UPS you cannot sustain your system for long.
Best regards
Lester / December 25, 2023
Yes, much of the wealth of Western European countries comes from exploiting so-called “3rd world” nations. The same European countries want to investigate Sri Lanka for ending a brutal terrorist insurgency. Where is the investigation into colonialism, in which millions of indigenous peoples were killed or enslaved?
You are correct that the infrastructure (IT/transportation/electricity) is in bad need of an upgrade. This is why technology transfer with countries like China & Russia is necessary. Workers can be trained quickly and efficiently on these systems, at a low-cost. But then you need some kind of incentive, in the form of higher wages, for the workers to stay in the country. You also need to implement discipline in the youth, as well. For this purpose, one year mandatory military training could be one solution. The military can be at the forefront of IT development, as is the case in Israel. This training will also curtail the development of stupid ideologies, like JVP Marxism, sharia, and separatism/terrorism. By the way, did you know the Internet was actually created by the US military (Pentagon)?
LankaScot / December 25, 2023
Hello Lester,
Yes you are right, the Internet protocols were invented by scientists working for DARPA (Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency). The World Wide Web was created by a British scientist at CERN – Tim Berners-Lee. This is what most people call the Internet now. I remember being at a seminar in London (either 1993 or 1994) when Bill Gates said that Microsoft had no interest in the Internet. He changed his tune in 1995 and admitted that The Internet was the next big thing. We can all be wrong and to give Bill Gates his due he admitted it. I even said back in 1984 that CDs/DVDs would have no future because you couldn’t record on them!
Best regards
LankaScot / December 25, 2023
Hello again Lester,
I have spent most of my working life in Electronics, the Oil Industry, IT, Teaching in various Government (UK) departments and in training the military in IT/Maritime Surveillance including Radar and DF etc.
I was one of the first in the North Sea Oil Industry to use and maintain an RCV 225 (ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle) for undersea observation and corrosion monitoring. This vehicle was developed for the US to explore inside Russian submarines, but the very first were for archaeological research. The vast majority of military innovation and research is to meet operational needs. They either employ commercial companies or provide the funding to universities etc. Having seen from the inside, the military teaching philosophies and methodologies, I can assure you that they lag behind the Academic and Commercial world and are not the ideal solution to Sri Lanka’s educational problems.
The Israelis most advanced IT product is the Pegasus software used by governments to spy on their citizens. Is this what you want the military to teach?
Best regards
Lester / December 25, 2023
I am not sure what exactly you do (seems speculative), but the US military has invested billions into research partnerships with top universities. Here is one example: ” One example is Johns Hopkins University, which received $828 million in research and development grants from the Defense Department in 2017 alone.” Of course there is the private sector as well, in which SpaceX makes rockets for both NASA and the Pentagon: “Current SpaceX Pentagon business includes ongoing competitive National Security Space Launch contracts. Its Falcon Heavy rocket also has been approved to launch the nation’s most sensitive intelligence satellites”
The US government spent $766 million on defense in 2022, around 12% of the budget.
Regarding Israel, military service is mandatory. Israel produces much more than Pegasus. It is a leader in drones, cyberwarfare, lasers, AI, robotics, etc. A lot of this technology is dual-use (military/civilian), but the innovation is massive, attracting companies like Google, Intel, NVDA, AMD, Microsoft, etc.
Obviously Sri Lanka cannot reach the US in terms of military capability. But it can work towards developing dual-use technologies, and in the long-run, becoming a major weapons exporting, as India and South Korea are in the process of doing.
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
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LankaScot / December 26, 2023
Hello Lester,
Working in Electronics and IT enables you to work in many industries. Personally I have just finished building my IT Classroom (for 8 Students) with HP Server, Cisco 24 port Switch, laptops, HQ Cameras, Headsets projector and sound. When (or if?) the economy improves I should be able to expand to cater for more students.
I can also cater for English Language Learners and hope to join forces soon with a local school to help them develop their IT and English teaching.
Having worked in Electronics in the Middle East, West Africa, the UK and even the USA, I have experience of Military hardware over a long period, starting around 1974 to 2021. The USA is by far the most advanced in most (but not all) areas that you mentioned. As an example look at their dominance in Drone Technology
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
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old codger / December 25, 2023
“first you need an Education System that promotes and caters for working class trades like Electricians, Toolmakers, Quality Control Engineers and the ancillary trades. “
Exactly. But our Universities , since 1956, turn out mostly graduates in such useful stuff as Dancing, Buddhist Civilization, etc. And all these “graduates” expect jobs in state service.
Sri Lankans value white collar jobs and fancy titles over others, even if a skilled job eventually pays more, and doesn’t have an expiry date at 55.
whywhy / December 25, 2023
O C ,
That is why I keep saying this country will never progress .
It is always Hurdles they are presenting to the country . And
it is now built into the culture , making changes a nightmare .
No change , No progress .
leelagemalli / December 27, 2023
I feel you know it better than any other native Sri Lankan.
Can you also speak Sri Lankan (Tamil or Sinhala)? One good Buddhist monk in the UK speaks very good Sinhala.
It is said that he entered the monastic life at the age of 14 and lived in Sri Lanka for 22 years.
How long have you lived in Sri Lanka? Professor Kovoor also lived in Sri Lanka and made an unforgettable analysis of our society. It is unbeatable till date.
I read somewhere that you also lived in the UK and the Middle East.
Thanks for sharing your experience in CT with us. I respect such individuals more.
Happy holidays !
LankaScot / December 27, 2023
Hello LM,
Mama dannava tikak tikak Sinhala.
Sinhala having more than double the amount of characters than the English alphabet, and the convoluted rules for use of flag and cap signs (kodiya and roehoena) not to mention the combua, doesn’t make learning Sinhala easy. Excuse my transliteration. I have only been here for a couple of years, however for various reasons, including friends and family wanting to learn English, I have not yet sat down to teach myself Sinhala properly. I can follow conversations if they speak slowly (impossible for many Sri Lankans😊. As I said before my attempts at speaking Malayalam were met with smiles and sometimes laughter by my Keralan friends. I have the greatest respect for multilingual speakers and I will learn to speak both Tamil and Sinhala. The Nayaka Hamuduruvo from our local Elpitiya Temple is a good friend of the Buddhist Temple Hamuduruvo in Glasgow, Scotland – both speak perfect English. The fact that Leonard Woolf (author of Baddegamma) could learn to read write and speak Sinhala here in the early part of the 20th Century gives me a great incentive.
Happy Holidays to all and “may your gods go with you”
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Dear LankaScot,
Thanks for your intelligent analysis, and for the honesty and decency that are obviously within you.
I’m intrigued by how effective Professor ANI Ekanayake’s writing has been, despite his living in an ivory tower.
I’m wondering how to counter it, because he succeeds (perhaps unwittingly) in confusing so many.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Now, I’m tired. I’ve changed everything below this into bold.
The humourless LM, who couriered chocolates to me, will not be amused! Let me correct it.
Douglas / December 26, 2023
S-M: Are you sure those “Chocolates”; “Vitamins” and “Toothpaste” that were couriered to you contained any chemical mix that didn’t work as desired and expected? I ask this question because the type of animosity that “LM” shoots at you through comments on this page is far beyond what could be expected of minimum standards of Decency in addressing a “Senior Citizen”. I think “LM” has missed his “target” and now getting frustrated day in and day out.
When will this “DUEL” stop?
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
“The humourless LM, who couriered chocolates to me, will not be amused! Let me correct it”
And are you HUMOUROUS?
Also in my recent visit to srilanka, I thought of you, however, I did not trust to POST you anything any further.
Once bitten twice shy u know ?
Besides, noone would love to get hurt by offering anything (those were not bribes) to anyone.
However, some on CT, warned me repeatedly not to courier anyone anything.
LankaScot / December 26, 2023
Hello SM
The professor writes extremely well in English, however although I teach the subject, my qualification is PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) for Teaching. I only have a Scottish Higher Certificate in English so I am not really qualified to criticise anyone’s use of English.
Where I would take issue with him is in his use (or misuse) of Shakespeare’s Richard III quote. The first 2 lines are –
“Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;”
Basically Richard is celebrating the house of York’s triumphs over the Lancastrians and tells how due to his deformities (he does not consider himself as being attractive to women) therefore he is best employed in Villainy and explains his plot to replace his brother as king.
Not the best metaphor for the failed “aragalaya”.
By the way Richard III was recently exhumed from a car-park in Leicester and discovered to suffer from Scoliosis of the spine and probably did look deformed.
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / December 27, 2023
Dear LankaScot,
That Olivier performance was followed by this half hour discussion of that opening soliloquy.
I know the play quite well, but one tends to forget many details. I spent more than six hours over two days focussing on bits of the play. Not the entire play, at my age (75 years), but on the ending in the battle of Bosworth Field. I thought that I put it on, but it may be that I’m mistaken. Getting gaslighted?
The sun is up; it’s 8.32 AM.
Good night?
Panini Edirisinhe
leelagemalli / December 27, 2023
This is a sound comment, though after a long time. I give the devil his due.
Thanks for the link.
Getting gastlighted – is a term for all of us.
leelagemalli / December 25, 2023
Lester the Rajapakshe diehard supporter, If good politicians had been allowed to do the work, srilanka COULD recover from the fall. Malaysian Mahathir Mohammed at his age of early 90ties was reappointed to settle their national issues, because their Premier met with higher corruption charges. – Unfortunately, also in 2015, IN OUR COUNTRY RAJAPAKSHES and their supporters stood against any economic achievements. Rajapakshes should be made responsible for the high damage made to this nation as of today. – Mahinda Rajapkashe has been lying all along. tHIS MAN is the cancer for srilanken nation. He questioned what was being done by the credit taken by GOOD governance govt. – In the same time, he is speechless about what how they wasted the 750 millions by the time, Gota s govt came into being. People and experts and media men stay as if their ears are totally impaired. . Then again they seized power to block the court cases against them. And the country is anarchic. Thanks to RW’s patience, he was able to give life to the completely fallen nation in the last 15 months. withouat being partial, we should hail his achievements. Almost every econmists warned that we dont have any other choice other than going to IMF. Nevertheless, like deaf elephant before the dynamites, they risked it.
Lester / December 25, 2023
Sri Lanka was ahead of China before the civil war began. Lee Kuan Yew said it himself. Try to understand that war is the biggest debt burden a country can take on. Best example is the USA, which is $33 trillion USD in debt. Syria and Ukraine will take decades to recover from the damage. Russian ruble lost most of its value. Sri Lanka is in a similar boat. The country did not go bankrupt because of GR. It would have gone bankrupt with anyone in power, as the COVID-19 caused a global economic recession, decimating the tourist sector in particular.
The good news is that the business climate in Sri Lanka is conducive to FDI. The country as a whole is liberal, meaning there is no casteist politics (India), Marxist bias (China), or Sharia (Middle East). These are the things investors are concerned about. The country needs new leaders, new systems, etc. But not people like Ranil, NPP Marxists, or separatists from the TNA.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
At the end of the war, the Rajapaksas made a name for themselves by so-called eradicating terrorism and destroyed the very nation irrevocably. Believe or not it is the truth to the eyes of masses today.
It should not have happened to a nation that fought a brutal civil war for 3 decades.. This was not the case in Vietnam, Germany or other countries. The aforementioned countries had good heartedleaders to rise from the depths.
This is the truth. As an off-island educated person, I can’t even sleep well if I intentionally make some failures in my work. We work with the pharmaceutical industry in vascular medicine. We work with different patients in different clinics around the world. There I repeatedly question, how could Rajapakshe repeatedly commit high crimes by misleading the very same nation ? The kind of brutal leaders should be born sick. They would never be able to close their eyes to have done some thing good to the nation.
The deliberate sin of misleading the innocent people of our country will never be resolved by their future good deeds. I do not expect this God-punished nation to be ruled by rascals again. Let’s see how Mahendra Rajapaksa will take his last breath. It would certainly be worse than Saddam Hussein. I have been studying MR and his fake politics, since the times of the assasnation of late H Minister Kadirgamar. .
Lester / December 26, 2023
Even if we accept there is corruption in the MaRa clan, only a Raja type could decisively end the civil war. Before MaRa, the politicians tried to cut deals with VP. By the time MaRa took over, Norway was in the early stages of dividing the country, with the help of Moda Ranil: JR was prevented by India from ending the war, Premadasa armed the LTTE, CBK lost Elephant Pass, Kilinochi, Mullaitivu, and almost Jaffna . All these people were too concerned about “international opinion” to end the war, fullstop. Meanwhile, Tamil Diaspora was arming and funding LTTE to the tune of millions a month. Do you know Raj Rajaratnam, convicted billionaire fraudster, he was also supporting them. LTTE was also doing drug business, smuggling, and other illegal activities.
MaRa came at the right time. After 2001, no more room for terrorists. MaRa, being a lawyer, did not waste time negotiating. Job finished in 4 years. I don’t care for MaRa family, if Namal runs for President, I will not support him. But MaRa bro’s saved the country, at its lowest point.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
The truth is thanks to external affairs masterd by late honorable minister Kadirgamar of CBK administration, all powerful soil awoke against LTTE activities, that then crushed their political wing activities in London.
The was stolen DARajapkse rascals so as they did it to state funds from 2005.
However, mlechcha Rajapakses painted the picture [Derana TVand Kudu TV Hiru]in favour of RASCAL BROTHER CO. News were often planted so as they did it for incapable Gota and his Viyathmaga in Nov 2019.
Stupid stagnant conditioned mind set seem to be not let the truth be established in the society, they are further supported MEDIA MAFIA governing in this god punished country.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
True stupid South Asian mentality, misled by their weak mentality and not allowed to accept the truth. For them in that region, this is cancer. No matter, the great criminals have deliberately lived out their tendencies at the cost of the innocent public, who are still held above and like gods. That is the unfortunate truth of Mahendra Rajapaksa and his family.
SJ / December 26, 2023
“Sri Lanka was ahead of China before the civil war began.”
That is news.
In what way was it?
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
No matter its truthfness lies aside, Panini has been a fan of Lester. That is the nature of srilanken public perception.
Lester / December 26, 2023
Have you heard of a man named “Mao Zedong?”
SJ / December 27, 2023
l am glad to know that you have heard of at least one name of some significance
old codger / December 27, 2023
“Sri Lanka was ahead of China before the civil war began.”
Let’s be charitable and assume that the little boy is smarter than we think, and is talking about the Chinese civil war…..
old codger / December 26, 2023
“The country (SL) as a whole is liberal, meaning there is no casteist politics (India), Marxist bias (China), or Sharia (Middle East).
What a pompous juvenile analysis! Do you live in a hole in the ground? Never mind the first two, do you even know that Dubai exports tea to China, and Saudi Arabia exports dairy products to Sri Lanka?
Is that due to Sharia law?
old codger / December 26, 2023
I know you are an ignoramus, but this takes the cake:”Sri Lanka was ahead of China before the civil war began.”
Do you even know that China èxploded its first atomic bomb in 1964, and launched its first satellite in 1970?
Which China are talking about?
I have told you before, AI is not a substitute for intelligence.,
Lester / December 26, 2023
North Korea also has an atom bomb. They have ICB’s. I am not going to explain nuclear transfer to someone who never attended a university. Waste of time.
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
Wow 👌 u are genius, my foot
Lester / December 26, 2023
Meant to say ICBM’s (inter-continental ballistic missiles). And they just put a satellite into space.
old codger / December 27, 2023
“North Korea also has an atom bomb.”
So you learnt that at a university, eh? Didn’t they tell you that they did it only in
old codger / December 27, 2023
“North Korea also has an atom bomb.”
So you learnt that at a university, eh? Didn’t they tell you that they did it only in 2006? So, what IS your point, if any? Didn’t they teach you logic at your “university “?
Now, don’t waste your time arguing about things you know zilch about just because you just discovered AI. Go and try it on some toddler.
leelagemalli / December 27, 2023
Lester and his geopolitical knowledge.
Does he create more of his thoughts? Very subjective thinking rather than objective. He refrains from answering any of his counterclaims, and doesn’t provide us with links to his thoughts. I’m dumb, Lester. How dare you continue to do so?I understand Champa’s confusion, but you as a young man?
shankar / December 26, 2023
i enjoyed your discourse with lanka scot.You all have some good ideas but retards in parliament will not even understand what you are talking,their IQ so low.It will be a big mistake to keep harping on the war as the root cause of all our ills and thus supporting these politicians who always looking for a scapegoat.See how japan and germant bult up and prospered after the war.They went through much more hell than us.
Why dont you look at the corruption perceptions index and competitiveness index and see what is the real cause of todays problems.
there is only one MP who can do something about yours and scots ideas and i suggest you visit him .His name is lohan ratwatte.Don’t get put off if he starts to shoot into the air.It is all a act.he is the only one who can understand and implement your ideas.
Lester / December 26, 2023
Sri Lanka is corrupt (pick your favorite lokka), but the amount these buggers make is pennies compared to some Westerners. Look at Raj Rajaratnam, he made $45 million USD just from insider trading tips. In the US Congress, insider trading is legal, meaning the politicians can buy and sell stocks before information is disclosed to the public. Sri Lanka lost, what, $11 million to Ranil’s bond scam? Then you have lobbyists. In the US, the politicians are getting double or triple their salary just from lobbyists: A similar thing in the UK. The fundamental problem for Sri Lanka is not that money is being stolen, it is the lack of money generation altogether.
shankar / December 27, 2023
“The fundamental problem for Sri Lanka is not that money is being stolen, it is the lack of money generation altogether.”
If you steal money from a country that is not generating money,what will happen to the people of the country.Also if you are not competitive especially vis a vis a massive neighbour next door and also vietnam and indonesia what will happen to us.Look at singapore how it became competitive and not corrupt.Why don’t we just implement the singapore mode here.We won’t because then the people will prosper but the politicians won’t because there will be transparency and accountability.
old codger / December 27, 2023
“Sri Lanka lost, what, $11 million to Ranil’s bond scam? “
Not being such a great a financial analyst , I humbly request Your Brilliance to explain how a 10 billion Rupee bond issue can result in a 11 Billion Dollar loss?
No thanks in advance 🤣🤣🤣
leelagemalli / December 27, 2023
Btw, they NPPrs are still talking loudly about the SO CALLED BOND scam, according to them introduced by RW et al.
Sorisena himself revealed that it started in 2008 with the combination of the nation’s greatest criminals Mara and Ajith Cabral (Vandibattaya).
If JVP/NPP is ever able to put it in RW, pigs are likely to fly. All my predictions about GOTA were better than that of an astro man. So, this would be the next.
i will get back to this in future. I am crystal clear, the leak of bonds were made by Rajakashes and it was instrumental to break away UNP cadres.
LankaScot / December 26, 2023
Hello Shankar
Sorry I am out of Bullet Proof Vests, I think I will pass on the opportunity to visit the Minister for Plantations. My Tamil neighbours from the Elpitiya plantation would rightfully accuse me of treason 😢
Best regards
LankaScot / December 26, 2023
PS I forgot to mention his involvement in the 2001 killing of 10 SLMC supporters in Katagustota.
Best Regards
shankar / December 27, 2023
lanka scot
look at the bigger picture.What is 10 killings compared to uplifting 22 million.
shankar / December 27, 2023
lanka scot
i thought the minister of plantations was thondaman,not ratwatte.You are missing an opportunity to put sri lanka on the right path.You have good ideas but you can’t implement them unless you have a politician who will do it for you.
Velu / December 25, 2023
Nimal Fernando, I just came across your comment about Prabakaran. Though you are a Sinhalese you wrote that Praba inadvertently fought for the Sinhalese for their betterment, not against the Sinhala people, as brainwashed by the corrupt and fraud sinhala politicians for the last 75 years. If there were Sinhala leaders like Praba since 1950’s the country would be a real paradise now, not a begging nation as it is now. Let the buddhist monks do their job as monks not to drive around in luxury cars offered by the corrupt, fraud, thugs, and criminals who have less than O/L education but are politicians in the parliament. Most of these guys are real street thugs.
Sorry, now SJ will will come out with a rebuttal for my comments with 1 or 2 words of wise bu…t.
SJ / December 25, 2023
Lester / December 26, 2023
This is one of my favorite moments in the civil war:
Karuna must be thinking, “man, I am glad I escaped before following this bugger to hell.”
Let’s hope the country will not have another VP, regardless of the race. He was not intelligent, just an opportunist living at the right time. Similar to Hitler and Pol Pot.
SJ / December 26, 2023
“Karuna must be thinking, “man, I am glad I escaped before following this bugger to hell.””
What will his thoughts now be about the “buggers” whom he chose to follow?
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
It would be one of my thrills if your Leicester type idiots used human shields and publicly hanged Mahendra Rajapaksa for all the mess he has deliberately made this nation.
On that day, I offer sacrifices to the people of the country and eat milk rice. This I am going to do for sure for the sake of the innocient masses of this country regardless of their race, religion or whatever.
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Dear Lester,
Much as I appreciate what you say, I think that you go too far!
Lester / December 26, 2023
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nimal fernando / December 26, 2023
” “man, I am glad I escaped before following this bugger to hell.” ”
Are you Einstein or what?
Look around ……… it’s the Sinhalese who are in hell …….. with nothing to eat ….. paying taxes through their noses ………. in a hellhole of a bankrupt country.
Good ol’ Prabakaran’s troubles are over, he is in paradise laughing his ass off at the plight of the dumb jackasses the Sinhalese ……..
Is the Christmas for the Sinhalese ……. as Merry for him? :))
leelagemalli / December 26, 2023
Now turning to the balance sheet@.
Who made more harm to this 🤔 nation? .
Even little ones know it but LESTER or the like brainwashed ones ?.
Sinhala_Man / December 26, 2023
Dear Velu,
nimal fernando is a clown!
Yet, he is brilliant, and makes us think.
I never dismissed Prabhkaran as a terrorist pure and simple. Some Sinhalese even call suicide bombers “cowards”. Ridiculous!
We Sinhalese must ask ourselves how the LTTE was able to fight on for so long, despite being out-gunned – out everythinged!
In 2001, I had to handle a G.C.E. (A. Level) General English answer script. The mark went up from 16 to 67. Candidates had been required to write about a person whom they admired. This guy had written about Velupillai Prabhakaran.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Velu / December 27, 2023
Lester: “LTTE was also doing drug business, smuggling, and other illegal activities”. Where/what evidence you have to write the above stupid claim. You are one among the 6.9 million SB moron who will never accept the grievances of Tamil/Muslim minorities. What kind of lawyer was MR can you provide one successful case he appeared and won. What kind of lawyer is his son, your Namal baby? If not for GL he wouldnt have even got admission to the law college. Stop your claim that MR clan won the war ,if not for the 5 military powers your MR clan wouldn’t have, even in their dream, won the war….full stop. Ask MR he fought whose war (for the Italian mafioso lady)?
SJ / December 27, 2023
The LTTE fan club is commendably loyal.
They like the world to believe that the ‘boys’ never indulged in any form of smuggling let alone drugs or any illegal or immoral deeds including cold blooded murder.
They firmly deny that the lord and master (PBUH) did not collect a bribe to get MR elected in 2005.