11 February, 2025


Jaffna VC Bans Academics From Discussing Dr. Hoole’s “From Rajani To War’s End”

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna Prof. Vasanthi Arasaratnam has banned the discussion on Rajan Hoole’s new book Palmyra Fallen: From Rajani to War’s End to be held on Friday, 24th of April at 2pm at the Library Auditorium of the University of Jaffna.

In her letter to the organizers, she has stated “[t]his type of actives are not allowed within the University [of] [p]remises.” Under the new dispensation promising good governance, the Vice Chancellor’s unprecedented attack on academic freedom has sent a wave of shock and disappointment through the progressive sections of the academic community in Jaffna and the country. The organisers, however, are confident that there will be no change in the programme.

VC bans Book release


Book Discussion Invitation

Latest comments

  • 16

    Why is this woman still the VC of Jaffna university? She was a political appointee of The paramilitary leader Devananda and has done a lot of damage to the university. The education minister must sack her without delay.

  • 9


    Why does this VC fear this type of activities?[To use her own fractured English!]
    I salute Rajani Thiranagama.

  • 7

    It seems that the VC has disallowed the request to hold the discussion within the University of Premises and not within the premises of the University of Jaffna. :D

  • 11

    It shows how progressive this chancellor is and she does not belong to the academic elite who try give the right turn to the progress of the society. How can the Tamils then ask for reconciallation and accountability from the Sri Lankan government. She actslike one of the proxies who bend to undemocratic forces, which put all the misery on the Tamils of Sri Lanka during the last 35 years.

  • 5


  • 9

    The anti-thesis of what a university should be!


  • 9

    It is really disgrace and denial of right for disseminating knowledge and information which are the VERY core values of a higher Education institution! and hence it should be condemned by the fellow academics who pretend to be asleep happening surrounding them. It is ridiculous while many books written by outsiders (writers and scholars) are being launched using different Student/Academic bodies as a platform within the university, Hoole being in the service has been denied the right to have a discussion on his recent book among the academics? What is the logic behind? Legal action should be taken against this absurd activity of the VC of Jaffna University. Wake up academics of Jaffna University and fight for the fundamental rights of the fellow academic! Dr Hoole should file a case immediately to the University Service Appeals Board and a detail investigation should be commenced without delay.

  • 11

    The lady is fit only to be the VC of the University of Premises. Her letter is not even written in good English that an O level qualified person would be capable of. It is a premise that she has the basic qualifications to teach at a university. What is the government doing keeping this moron on as VC?

  • 7

    Why doesn’t she organize a book burning day and destroy all the books she disapproves of?

    • 5


      “Why doesn’t she organize a book burning day and destroy all the books she disapproves of?

      Most probably she is awaiting orders from Gamini and Mathew.

  • 9


    Better not give Ideas.She may set fire to the University.

  • 7

    When one has drunk criminal Rajapakse sperm for a long period of time and got used to getting screwed only by a hench-aiya Douglas Devananda, then one continues to function according to such biological values. This letter by the VC is a result of that.

  • 8

    Still this lady stays in the university? Lecturers don’t have Backbone to kick her out. They don’t have the capacity to make a good change within the university but they protest and fight for Tamil rights. Ultimate Imprudent Academic community………………..

  • 1

    Please read the book to understand why it is a problem for many people.

    • 8

      OK then go to the seminar, speak against the book (or its excesses or inaccuracies) and let us see if the assembly gives the critic a fair and adequate hearing.

      If Yes what’s the problem? If No the organisers will stand better exposed than any VC imposed ban can do.

    • 0


      You suppose to be the high IQ one; may be you think that the Jaffna people do not have the IQ levels to debate this book! What is your point?

    • 3


      “Please read the book to understand why it is a problem for many people.”

      If the book Palmyra Fallen is not good for the people let them discuss the health benefits and nutritional facts of Palmyra.

      In case you didn’t know here is some good news about it:

      A natural coolant for the body.

      Known to contain Vitamins A, B-complex and C.

      Known to contain essential minerals like zinc, potassium, iron and calcium.

      Also known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

      Has been used in the treatment of nausea and vomiting and also worm infestation.

      Has also been used as an expectorant and as a laxative.

      The pulp of the fruit is known to cure a number of inflammatory conditions of the skin.

      The sap is used as a tonic, laxative, for treating ulcers and liver problems


      The VC should have guided the organizers to slightly change the title from Palmyra Fallen to goodness of Palmyra.

      The speakers could talk around the title if they are creative.

  • 9

    The first error is to appoint such a person as Ms. Vasanthi Arasaratnam as Professor. Second error is to appoint her as VC. A disgrace to the University, UGC, the Min of Higher education and to the President’s Office. Mr. President please take action.

    She does not understand what a university is and should be. The phrase Academic Freedom is not in her thoughts. I hope the staff and the Science association went ahead and held the Forum. If I had been in Jaffna I would have attended it.

    If the Science Association is having a protest march to remove Ms Arasaratnam I will be with them.

    I hope the President removes her from the Office of the Vice Chancellor immediately for such stupidity and violating the right to Freedom of Assembly and speech.
    If the Council does not recommend such action they should be removed too. It is time for the Univ of Jaffna to step into the 20th Century. It will be too much to ask them to step into the 21st Century.

    • 5

      Nagalingam Ethirveerasingham or fondly called “Ethir’ – You brought fame to the country as a high jump record holder in Asia in the 60s
      (I presume) and surprised that you cannot fathom why the V.C Jaffna Uni.is still kept in her job, while the govt. has almost weeded out all the undesirables in the Govt. sector. The reason behind this is that she was brought in by para military leader Douglas Devananda and govt. does not want to antagonize him by removing her from the Jaffna Uni. as, if TNA does not fall in line with the govt.,they need his help to silence the Tamils. You may have noticed that educated Rajiva Wijesinghe, who was the past state minister for education, also supported her stay and it is obvious that there was pressure from the govt. for him to keep off the V.C problem and this could be one of the reasons, this gentleman resigned his post. This is the very reason Douglas/Pillian/Karuna trio are left free to roam in the country even after committing crimes against humanity as they are needed, if the Tamils agitate for their rights, again. This is again a discrimination that the students of Jaffna Uni.(including the Sinhala students) are deprived of good education for political reasons.

    • 2

      She is like the ex- Colombo VC, who was everybody’s keep

  • 8

    V.C. your using English is o.k but see that you don’t make a mistake. Jaffna university is prestigious institution and the V.C has to live up to guard it’s reputation.This in reference to the line before last in your letter “University of premises”

  • 7

    This is a classic example of many activities Mr.Devananda was carrying out to destroy the educational standards of the people of Jaffna. He manipulated every aspect of functioning of the Uni. including the appointment of academic staff from the level of a part-time lecturer to Faculty Deans to the VC. As a layman politician with a terrorism backround, Douglus never understood the role played by a uni in the development of social well-being of the community. He used his cronies to control the functioning of the Uni. Vasanthy Arasaratnam is not personally capable of making any decision on her own as she is so illiterate on administrative matters and her appointment to the Faculty of Medicine is highly questionable. She is using the “I don’t know that “ line of expression so often so that she can escape from the allegations of rampant corruption and financial irregularities taking place on massive scale. [Edited out], Agriculture) Mr.[Edited out] Management) and a building contractor[Edited out] are the main cronies the lady is depending upon for advice to do all the corruption.
    [Edited out]is said to have sent e-mails to academic staff that the VC didn’t want to any of them attending the function.
    Appointing his cronies and destroying the proper functioning of the Uni. is the best service Doulous Devananda did to the Jaffna University and to the people of the North.

  • 0

    BI and Native

    I support the book and was waiting for the discussion. I would really like to know how the VC can defend her decision.

    After reading the book I recommend it to all outsiders and the youngsters in Jaffna. It is an attempt to describe what happened in an objective way.

  • 1

    Obviously, it is an academic institution every one in this region to look up for, but her response didn’t live up to that expectation. What she refers by saying this “type of activities”, maybe she will not permit any discussion which might fall into the category of ” type of activities” she define on her own discretion. Very vague indeed and sets a bad precedent.

  • 2

    This VC is Doglas woman

  • 1

    Lanka watch.

    I Agree.What is very tragic about University education in the North and the East is that HOODLUMS like Douglas,Karuna/Pillaiyan have a say in the appointment of the VC!

  • 2

    Rajan Hoole winner of the Miller Mathematical Gold Medal was by no means in the good books of the LTTE.

    I am aware of of his personal sacrifice due to his stand on the issue.When most people were mum on the atrocities of the LTTE he brought this out to the Public domain!
    It is ironic that hurdles are still placed for him.

  • 2

    Shameful to keep a VC in The University of Jaffna of this calibre.
    She should be relieved of this post and instal a learned academic.

    This is the result of Swabasha medium for the last 57years to be exact in the pearl of the Indian Ocean , The wonder of Asia, Ect ect.

    The war the national feelings the corrupt politicians created this generation.

    The only solution is to get rid of the corrupt politicians and welcome to Yahapalanaya.

  • 1

    There was a time when Tamils took pride in claiming that the Jaffna university was bastion of learning and free thought. Even in the dark years of the late eighties, when universities in south remained closed for long periods, Jaffna university remained open and served as an important centre of thoughtful criticism. Rajani, whom the book is largely about, was key to making this happen then. Well, now we have a university where “this type of activities” (meaning discussing books) is not allowed in the “university of premises”. And many of us Tamils, still claim we are a learned race.!

    • 3


      The VC wants to remodel Jaffna uni into a moron producing large factory in her same image.

      Free thinking, freedom of speech, debating contrarian views, exchanging ideas are part of learning.

      Please pass this quote to the Morons who run this Uni,

      “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”


      It appears Morons will continue to defend their right to ban “Free thinking, freedom of speech, debating contrarian views, exchanging ideas, …..”

  • 0

    Anybody know what happened to the planned discussion? Another time and place? Did anybody ask for an explanation from the VC?

  • 1

    She is a so called professor of biochemistry in the medical faculty. Poor medical students at university of Premises.

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