By Kumar David –
By all accounts the JVP’s star is rising; everybody says so. We have had similar scenarios before where it seemed the JVP was at peak but the outcome in the subsequent election was disappointing. Will it be the same again? No one can say till the results of local government (LG) or provincial council (PC) elections, due early and later this year, respectively, are known. The regime like a headless chicken is scampering to foil elections; it fears the JVP or SJB, or both will do well while pro-government entities will flop. But election forecasting is black-magic; let us watch. If the government does badly at LG or PC polls a new game begins. Or before that president and regime may scrap elections; this danger is real but I will not pursue that line of thought today though Burkina Faso became the latest domino to fall to the military on Sunday. Still, unbelievably all Sri Lankas’ entities, political and civilian are sleep walking into the abyss. The political and economic situation today is reminiscent of January 1962 at the time of the attempted coup.
Back to my topic. The SJB must sell to the people the conventional liberal-democratic, market-economy; the conventional capitalist development strategy. People are accustomed to it; this has both advantages and disadvantages. The big obstacle is that Sajith will not agree to dump the presidential system though a majority of people of all races and faiths are fed up with it. The JVP-NPP has a harder sell despite belief that a new broom will sweep cleaner. There are two things to do; one, better present the alternative state and economic strategy, the key word is alternative; second, convince people that the wild old ways are gone. The bad old days are heavy laden with two problems; a proclivity to foolhardy violence and an unsound position on the national question. I have said my part, for now, about how it can spruce up the alternative constitutional and economic outlook in my columns of 2, 9 and 16 January on the NPP manifesto, therefore will give that a slip today. I will comment on the “bad old days” conundrum in this column.
There is a reserve of voters who would like to vote JVP-NPP but remain reluctant because of recollections of 1971 and 1989; either personal recollections or they know all about it. This means that not only one-foot-in-the-grave old folk but younger voters too are put off by the gonibilla stories. How can the JVP change this? It’s not going to be easy; words, apologies and promises cut no ice in the cut and thrust of practical politics. But a point to note is that this stain has not rubbed off on the NPP which did not exist in those bad old days, and more important, now includes people who at risk to life and limb fought that madness. Were they to wield authority now, they will not permit anything of this sort to recur. Hence one adjustment that will help reassure voters is if the NPP wields significant power in the alliance with a degree of authority to veto decisions. Does this sound as if I am whistling for the tail to wag the dog? Maybe it does, but cross transfer of leading personnel will be reassuring. There will have to be an NPP presence in the leading bureaus and committees of the JVP. If the JVP says “No” it needs to explain how it intends to win public confidence that the ultra-left excesses of yesteryear will not be repeated.
My suggestion of cross-fertilisation of personnel will provoke dissent but the JVP leadership needs to face facts. Recently the JVP established a Consultative (or Advisory) Council of significant people; three of them of long Marxist political vintage I know well (Lal Wijenayake, Prof Vijaya Kumar and Dr Michael Fernando). I am sure there are others who are important. Such persons can serve a better purpose if they are not on peripheral advisory councils but in JVP ‘hard-core’ decision-making bodies. I say this bearing in mind the future of the JVP not the NPP. The former not the latter is the crucial element in the relationship and balanced power sharing is needed for the benefit of the JVP. JVP leaders participate in NPP gatherings and no doubt report back to the party but this is not the same thing.
I had an email from an ex-LSSP comrade Jumpy who is in a sense an ally of the JVP-NPP alliance. He said “I read your piece on Sunil Handuneththi in Colombo Telegraph with interest. The JVP has not changed and is using the NPP as a mask. I know you will not agree”. True, I do not agree with Jumpy but the perception of lurking post-election left-authoritarianism in the mind of the electorate and democratic leftists must be addressed. The JVP must take structural steps to change the perception. This is a more general need than simply promising not repeating 1971 and 1989 type ultra-left excesses. The examples of Nicolo Maduro and Daniel Ortega renew such fears in the public mind at every turn.
The SJB does not suffer from perceptions of internal power imbalances, although the ex-UNP wing is predominant. The role of other partners is clear and the Front is seamless to outsiders. The presence of influential leaders with clout who do not have the same organisational genesis as Sajith – Champika Ranawaka for example – establishes a more equitable power distribution. The JVP will not gladly accommodate my suggestions for changes in power relationships, but honestly, I don’t see a way forward for the NPP and more significantly for the JVP except by opting for a less-closed, less old-fashioned semi-Blanquist structure. I hope for constructive comments from others; there is time enough for reconsideration and discussion.
The relationship of the JVP to the national minorities is also tricky. It appeared from Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s statements that the JVP was reassessing its reactionary position on the national question and close to admitting that its association with state forces that brutalised Tamil civilians during the civil war was wrong. However, that apart from Anura no other JVP leader has said anything similar or attempted to mend fences with the Tamils, Ceylon or Upcountry. (Forgive me if I am ill informed). Sunil Handuneththi’s interview with Sirimantha Ratnasekera, Sunday Island, 16 Jan seemed to confirm my fears. His topic was opposition to “India’s plan to capture the Trinco oil tank farm and to take forward its expansionist intentions”. This is not a matter on which I have views; I have not studied it. What startled me was his next comment.
“The government has been compelled to sign this agreement. It is Déjà vu of the Indo-Lanka agreement which was pushed down the throat of Lanka on July 29, 1987. India got the JR Jayewardene government to sign the agreement by coercion. They dropped ‘parippu’ here, violating our air space. They sent an army of 150,000 while Sri Lanka’s army had only 72,000 cadre strength. This time they have used economic means for coercion”.
Let’s take a long view. I think it is correct to say that this is the opinion of four in five of Sinhalese people. However, I am also certain that four in five of Tamils distrust and fear the military and are pleased with the ‘parippu’ drop. (Many, from unpleasant experience however, are livid with the IPKF). Now I am not asking which view is correct; that’s not my point at all. The crucial matter is that there is not one uniform consciousness or common stance of the two communities on an event as serious as this. There are two different consciousnesses! And this is so in respect of much else of the conversation about ethnicity. A left party needs to take the fullest cognisance of this.
This puts a certain onus on the left about how to navigate these waters. I think the LSSP from the inception up to about 1960, and the Vama Samasamaja movement from its inception and the NSSP in its early days (I have no idea what the NSSP stands for anymore) did navigate this issue with leftist, liberalist and Marxist common-sense. However, it is difficult to believe that a conversation of depth and seriousness has taken place within the JVP on the “national question”. This perhaps is why the views of different leaders are disjointed and at times discordant. The JVP would do itself a favour if it set aside a goodly period of time and commissioned a thoroughgoing discussion of what its theoretical stance on the Tamil minority question is. What the NPP’s manifesto says is perhaps adequate for electoral purposes but a serious-minded party must have a thoroughly worked-out understanding, not bitty comments by this leader or that. The JVP needs to evolve from a robust and radical political party and reach the stature of an alternative government.
In other countries, say in North and South America and India there is vigorous dialogue among thinkers and activists about race. In the United States it is framed in terms such as critical race theory, the legacy of slavery and reparations, “black lives matter”, the case made by white supremacists, the looming Trump-Republican threat to curtail voting rights for people of colour, poverty and race, and so on. There is no dialogue of even remotely comparable depth or sophistication in our country. The SJB is sterile and has nothing new or old to say on the matter. The JVP must perforce move forward from a formula position to lively, no-holds barred open internal dialogue; the more open and the more outsiders are invited to participate the more productive it will be.
siri / January 30, 2022
There is a reserve of voters who would like to vote JVP-NPP but remain reluctant because of recollections of 1971 and 1989; either personal recollections or they know all about it. This means that not only one-foot-in-the-grave old folk but younger voters too are put off by the gonibilla stories. How can the JVP change this? Not by more political TALK but by engaging in social/voluntary work to give people practical help like Sarvodays. Transform the JVP-NPP into a movement like Sarvodaya rather than a mere political organisation. Help the needy wherever they are in small ways. Take a sick person to a hospital, help a farmer in the field,in constructing a thatched house/hiut,digging a well,repairing a bund or road. Help those who come to cities to learn,nedical consultations or to go to hospital. If the JVP-NPP transforms into a voluntary help organisation like this,people will change their attitude.
Nathan / January 30, 2022
Your good intentions notwithstanding, you are theorising. Do they have the time and the men. Timeliness is off the essence. Hope that KD would show me that I am wrong.
Nathan / January 30, 2022
‘off’ is a typo of ‘of’.
Agnos / January 30, 2022
That is a good suggestion, but it will require organizational and financial muscle and a transformational mindset. I have doubts JVP/NPP can accomplish it within the short time left to challenge the current regime in power.
I suggested a similar transformation for the LTTE and the military during the ceasefire period in 2003-2006, particularly in the aftermath of the tsunami. Despite some initial signs of hope, it didn’t happen.
old codger / January 30, 2022
“(The parippu drop and 13A were forced on Sri Lanka)…
I think it is correct to say that this is the opinion of four in five of Sinhalese people.”
But, strangely enough, four out of five Sinhalese will NOT vote for the JVP , the prime mover of the idea.
If the JVP is to make any difference, it must take 5/6 of Parliamentary seats. Only then can it avoid deal-making and do the hang-them-on-galleface thing.
But I don’t think even AKD expects a victory of that size.
a14455 / January 30, 2022
The Great Sri Lanka Eugenics expert Old Codger. racist Tamil. I suggest you change your avatar to something more appropriate, like Old C ….
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
You shameless piece of shit.
Why don’t you tell us your real name.
Anyone who is reasonable is a Tamil, right?
Do you think all Sinhala people crawled out of the gutter like you?
You don’t represent us Sinhala people. You are a scavenger looking for a dollar from your treacherous overlords Mara and Co. who are plundering Sri Lanka of its final few dollars left.
The day Mara pays the price, we will have your head on a stick. BASTARD.
If you know you are not a piece of shit, tell us your name instead of your prison number.
old codger / January 31, 2022
“Old Codger. racist Tamil”
Have you nothing constructive to say? Didn’t you go to those free literacy classes in prison?
Of course you didn’t complete the geography classes. Otherwise you wouldn’t claim to be able to get from Dematagoda to Kadawata in 8 minutes. Miserable loser.
SJ / January 31, 2022
There is no point in defending one’s self against personal abuse.
Few accept disagreement. Of others a few too many are plain nasty.
a14455 / January 31, 2022
This is not abuse but the truth, This guy like Wiggy writes what can only be construed as utter racism and nonsense.
if these things he writes were written by a German or an Italian people would be up in arms.
SJ / February 1, 2022
Surprisingly for a non-Tamil, OC sides with Tamils. He could be wrong at times, but he also laughs at Wiggy.
Let us not see a direct correlation between one’s views and one’s identity.
Do not get angry, and take matters easy.
a14455 / February 2, 2022
Tamil non tamil this guy’s comments are smacking of racism just like Brian Senivirathna. Just simple garbage and myths propagated by the English to rule the country.
old codger / February 2, 2022
Pinheads are just that, even if their parents wasted their money getting them refugee status. Pinheads simply don’t have the smarts to survive here, but they do make a virtue of being US citizens. Just like their bosses of course.
chiv / February 2, 2022
“Let us not see a direct correlation between one’s views and identity. Do not get angry. Few accept disagreement, ” Look who is talking ???
old codger / February 1, 2022
I suppose claiming to travel in a tuk at 180 km/hr is the truth.
Your employer must be even dumber than you.
a14455 / February 2, 2022
OC my bakki karatte goes faster than your tuk tuk.. speed of light idiot speed of light
old codger / February 2, 2022
Be man enough to admit that you wrote this:
“a14455 / December 12, 2021
0 2
I was travelling from Dematagoda to Kadawatha in a pick me. I have the video to prove it. It is sad these monkeys are probably living in another country talking crap. laughable.”
You are so incompetent . You can’t even lie properly. I don’t believe you’re living in the US either.
leelagemalli / February 2, 2022
It is high time to send an anatomist to check A144b55 – the bugger is proving to have anatomical changes to that of a donkey…
Very likey the bugger belongs to cleaning staff of Medamulana meeharak (buffaloes).
Please listen to Basil the 10% …… I think A14455 is blood related to BR
a14455 / February 3, 2022
OC Burger
I may have exaggerated a bit. But isn’t it a fact that the drive from Colombo to Kadawatha has improved many fold because of the new Kelani Bridge?
let me ask you why you don’t believe I am not living in the US. is it because in your burger mind a Sinhalese could not be good enough succeed in the US ? As this is what your eugenics say ?
I don’t have to prove who I am and what are my credentials to a monkey like you. I don’t have to plaster my NRIC number of Social numbers like the fools on this site. I have not only lived in US but I also have lived and been a Green card holder in Singapore and Australia (burger heaven) before that.
I know your type very well . I went to school with many of your type fools . No brains anywhere to speak of.
old codger / February 3, 2022
I don’t care really whether you are are Sinhalese or not. If you are an apologist for an idiot who saves x $ on fertilizer and then imports 3x $ worth of rice, a jackass who claims publicly that he used black money for weapons deals, a crook whose bank account is twice as much as his salary, then you are either an idiot or you are paid for it. All the above are Sinhala Buddhists. Is it wrong to criticize them?
I will respect you when you learn to respect others. I know there lots of pinheads even in Singapore and Australia.
old codger / February 3, 2022
“I know your type very well . I went to school with many of your type fools . No brains”
Oh, how nice to hear you went to school. So, did you learn anything there, apart from getting colonic irrigation from the big boys?😁😁😁
leelagemalli / February 2, 2022
Remember Mafia was making clear that the Vehicle of Thadjudeen to have driven with a speed of 180 km /h ? .
That and this backlicker of MARA – A14455 seem to have much in common right ?
Who knows that the bugger carried his OWN TUK-TUK from US or Congo while visiting the country last time ?
leelagemalli / February 3, 2022
A man who cant guess the speed of a Tuk tuk to have worked as Engineer in Singapore and far corners in the US?
God bless to the emloyers
chiv / January 31, 2022
Admin Svenson, where are you ??
SJ / January 30, 2022
The JVP’s credibility issues may have sources elsewhere.
It gathered more votes years ago when memories of 1988-89 were fresher in the minds of people. Even the UNP has survived public memory of its 17-year saga.
The JVP has destroyed its rural base, and has no programme to rebuild it.
t seemed, however, to make some headway with Muslims and Hill Country Tamils, but that too had faded out.
Their backing for Mahinda in 2005 and their conduct during the same year in competitive camaraderie with the JHU are not things to sweep under the carpet.
JVP’s more leftist elements left the JVP to form the FLSP, which has to work hard on its Marxism.
Somawansha Amarasinghe was an ideological liability, thankfully now forgotten it seems, but his impact lingers.
The author is a new convert to the faith (in the JVP) and, as with new converts in general, its is not easy to make him see the reality.
soma / January 31, 2022
Whenever I say that in standard democracies Left polls less than 5% you come with a couple of God forgotten countries in South America as exception to counter the point.
I always believe that the real discussion must centre around this fact that in Parliamentary democracies left is less than 5% before we try to take the JVP youth down the garden path.
SJ / January 31, 2022
S, the countries I have named are less god forgotten than out little piece of land in the middle of sea water. Some many times more populous than ours.
Please look at the latest election results in Central & South America. For last year its is 5 — 0 against US imperialism.
Native Vedda / February 1, 2022
Why are you maintaining a deafening silence on Chinese activities in this island? Are you prepared to allow Chinese swarming this island, grab land, …. force you to accept “Yìyǒngjūn Jìnxíngqǔ” as your national anthem, buy all your assets, marry your women, (104.9 males to 100 females thanks to Mao’s one child policy), Yuan may become official currency, ….. China in 2019 exported $4.08 Billion and Sri Lanka exported $391 million, with that sort of trade surplus China could buy this island in about 10 years.
Are you willing to accept/tolerate this island becoming another Autonomous region of peacefully rising middle kingdom?
Don’t worry about other people, worry about your Sinhala/Buddhist bigots. What is going to happen to them? Do you think your armed forces are capable and will eventually fight China and get rid of it just like your brethren VP did to Hindia?
I doubt Shavendra could lead an army after sitting on his bum and head for the past 13 years.
chiv / February 3, 2022
Soma, you got this.
Simon / January 30, 2022
Siri: What you say is GOOD but not the NEED of the hour. All those “Social” activities are now viewed with a pinch of salt by the “Young” voter. Those activities are good and viewed by the “Older” voter as “God’s Blessed”. That is what the UNP, SLFP, and now the SLPP were doing traditionally and continued to the present. Just see what Sajith is doing with what he recently received from China. Have you not observed what Sarath Fonseka and Champika openly say about what Sajith is doing and talking about. Did you see what Basil is doing? He has allocated Rs. 16 million to each of the MPs to start “Project” work from Feb. 5th and finish within three weeks. What those “Projects” only God knows. I hear and see the “Reaction” of the “Young” voter about all these “Projects” (distribution of cash) and “Sajith’s distribution projects of “Gifts” received from China. Sarath F and Champika have openly criticized “Sajith” over this receipt of “Gift” from China.
What I simply tell you is: The Ground Situation and the Playing Games have changed and the “JVP/NPP” has to change the “Strategies” and the “Games” in tune with the “Environmental Situations” in the political field. Hope you understand. Thanks.
Jit / January 31, 2022
Simon, I totally agree with your first sentence that there are many other high priority actions desired currently to salvage the country from these robber barons. However, the essence of your comment is highlighting Sajith getting donations from China which Fonseka and Ranawaka have recently found fault with. My question is does not JVP have very close and warm relationships with China? In the event they becoming the government, will they reject donations/aid from China? Or not pushed to a position to do so? Given their traditional opposition to ‘Indian invasion’, my point is, China has a huge financial vested interest in SL already and also where would they get the funds because SL need overseas $$$ urgently to establish the basic utilities going on and feed the 22m people at least for a short-term. Then only we can talk about the medium to long-term self-sufficiency free from the influence of any superpower.
leelagemalli / February 3, 2022
Media makes every effort to hide that bp MaRa is not in serious health conditions.
Why is the media keeping the truths away from the people/ with DalasAlahaperuma being the minister of media?.
Not even Mufabe s last days were kept secret this way.
In the same time/ following
donkey s public statements/ Indian press make it clear if bps used black money in purchase of weapons from North Korea/why cant we speculate that lot more contacts should have been with them those days 🐃😉🐕☹🤥
Simon / January 31, 2022
Siri: In addition to my comment, please watch the following link:
There is an answer to your request to get engaged in those social services. This is very specifically answered by Lalkantha. Watch this along with my comment. Thanks
Mallaiyuran / January 31, 2022
Ariyaratne is rated as hypocritical fraud. Welcome the Lion, Anura covers his body with cow dung like Ariyaratne. My suggestion for Anura is to shave the head and wear Yellow Thavani to fool the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas. I doubt, instead of cow dung or Yellow Thavani, if Anura wear the Tamil King Kaimunu costume, it will work for him as much as for Old Rowdy King. This is a shameful suggestion man! Is this a way of political recovery to the country or for the political party’s leadership to carry fake ID to fool Modayas? Does the JVP have a political philosophy to propagate to Masses? If not quit in time instead of fouling more the already smelling Lankawe Diyawanna Lake, politics- Don’t invent one more costume to fool Modayas! Langkang has been bankrupted by Vedathariyal (Costumers) for a long and needs a statesman who has capacity to employ some real economists and manage Langkang.
One thing I am not just praising, but thanking JVP, the guys caught the rowdy Royals’ egg throwers with their hands. No way this time Aanduwa’s Rapist Police saying that JVP employed Tamils terrorists to throw eggs into its own get together. JVP still showed some bravery left in them to face the Old Rowdy’s Royal family. Bravo JVP!
Native Vedda / February 1, 2022
“How can the JVP change this?”
By telling the truth about their past, present and future.
By accepting their past mistakes and honestly apologizing for everything they caused including their murders, racist ideology, …… and promised to correct them.
It is going to take another million years.
Unlike other failed leaders they must stop visiting Saffronista’s for votes and rely on their own policies. Recently Sunil Handunetty an old guard begged Sanga Nayakas to intervene and fight Hindian expansion, like SJ conveniently forgetting Chinaman’s real expansion.
Even their young recruits have been slowly brainwashed, as a consequence they just parrot what the hierarchy has fed them. They refuse to think critically. They stop questioning their political gurus. The JVP novices are losing touch with reality. They are very clear about LTTE’s terrorist past however they don’t want to accept JVP’s terrorist past. Here lies the problem.
JVP needs to look within themselves, within the party, an internal revolution perhaps, before they launch en external one. In the process if they could kick all the old guards dead woods from the party, it might help them a party perestroika.
Sinhala_Man / January 30, 2022
Thanks, Kumar, for yet another article full of valid, commonsense observations. The significant point here is that you have your misgivings about the NPP as it now shows itself, but nobody in that organisation is in any doubt that if an election is conducted tomorrow morning you will vote for the NPP.
This is not the case with many who see faults in the NPP, and refuse to endorse them as the party most suited to receive our votes. I get the feeling that nothing will satisfy these arm-char critics.
The only comment visible to me is one by “siri”. He must be taken seriously because of the trouble taken by him over this translation:
Translating is very difficult work. That translation was far from perfect. Yesterday I had the speech running in one tab, and was following the translation in the other. Lots of things were missing in the translated version. However, there was no distortion; many who would not have been aware of the on-going debate within the NPP would have looked at/ or listened one or the other – or both separately.
Those who comment here, idly, may succeed in confusing in confusing would-be-voters.
Panini Edirisinhe
Simon / January 30, 2022
Sinhala_Man: The first paragraph of your comment is commendable. I am certain that this writer will not vote NPP for the simple reason that he is considered by NPP as a “Curator” attached to a “Musume”. All these pandits are the ones who live and remind the black historical events and build monuments of 1971 and 1989 and expect the “Young” to believe and live with those epitaphs. They don’t know those days are gone.
Do these “Pandits” follow many programs where the JVP leaders show up and explain in detail the “Visaduma” (Solution) that NPP offers? I refer to the “District” and “Village” level meetings among many other “TV” discussions. Of course, all those are conducted in Sinhala. Have they seen the “Question & Answer” session in Matara? That is the NEWEST strategy by NPP that has attracted the inspiration and enthusiasm of the “Middle and Young” aged voter who never “Saw” but “Heard” of 1971 and 1989. I urged these “Historians” and “Pandits” to keep off. Let the voter be “Informed,” and given the “Freedom” to choose.
a14455 / January 31, 2022
lol Simpleton
It is becoming patently obvious that the Sagathaya and the farming crisis is just the creation of the JVP and the SJB and some authors who have been against Gota regardless.
The whole idea that there is a JVP movement if just a visual and auditory hallucination, The Same was visible in 1989 – 1992 .
Simpletons like the author and Simon will come back to reality soon,
Sinhala_Man / January 31, 2022
Thanks, Simon.
However, it is not clear to me whom you mean by “this writer”. You surely can’t mean either Professor Kumar David or Dr Siri Gamage. They have been writing tirelessly in favour of the NPP.
They have also been analysing the effects of some of the things that important members of the JVP (those whom we think of as leaders) have been advocating. That is what must be done.
Last Tuesday, I found Sunil Handuneththi’s mobile engaged when I called him, but he called me back. He said that the differences within the NPP were not fundamental, and that on certain issues they must “agree to disagree”. You remember this article:
It was precede by many less direct attacks on Handunneththi, so much so that I established mobile and email contact with Handunneththi a few days BEFORE Kumar’s article. I try not to take too much of the time of these key people, but we must constructively criticise certain aspects of the Party, but end by affirming that
“We will vote for the NPP”.
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
Dear SM
You are a very sincere and kind human being, in fact I consider you a tribute to our Sinhala people.
However let me appeal to you to reconsider your fixation with the NPP.
Yes they are a different party from the two ruling parties. But remember their principal the JVP have been in and out of the two parties as time can remember.
They have not really contributed anything positive and they have not really changed anything for the better. They have mostly been dead weight most of the time.
Another thing we should consider is that they are very conventional characters who are still living in the past. The world has moved by leaps and bounds over the years.
Most importantly consider this, by default they are Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalist by their very nature, and by now you and many others should have realised that it is this ideology that has kept us down.
Anybody with a Fundamentalist ideology should forget about political power. It will only sink us deeper.
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
We need people who are savy with what is happening with the rest of the world. Because we are a tiny tiny country with a small population that depends on the rest of the world for everything, this is inspite our bloated egos.
Let us look at things practically, we need tourists, we need our people to work and send in fx, we need the world to buy our tea, garments, and our services, and at the same time we import practically everything we need from medicine, to fertiliser to even down to ball point pens, talk less of things like vehicles or machinery.
We need to interface with the world. Hence we need people who are able to do that favourably. Get my point. It is not the JVP or harini amara… that can do that for us now. Kapish?
Let us look at other options objectively.
Sinhala_Man / January 31, 2022
Yes, HT, keep discussing.
But don’t start supporting charlatans.
Btw, we were discussing how important the concept of re-incarnation is to the Buddha darma. How is it that you have said nothing here? Well, you needn’t say anything; I hope that you have read it:
Simon / January 31, 2022
Dear HT: I think the Greatest Change I see in JVP was their decision contest under NPP on the symbol “Compass” and identify as NPP MPs in Parliament. That is a big sacrifice and a change. Next, you have doubts about the capacity and capabilities of NPP members. I would suggest for you listen to some of the speakers at those “District Level” meetings. You referred to Ms. Harini. Have you listened to her presentations in Parliament as well as some of the Media discussions? She far exceeds even some of the so-called “Veterans” in Parliament. There are many such persons in NPP. How NPP is going to frame the “Foreign Policy” is well spelled out and in that, I urge you to listen to AKD’s presentation at Matara and recently at Gampaha. Thanks.
Jayasiri Samarakoon / January 30, 2022
Prof. David knows but is reluctant to admit that the JVP has not changed. It is still anti-Indian as it was. It does not accept that there is a national question to solve. It is for decentralization, not devolution. It does not know what to do with the economy. Is the JVP going to run Srilankan as a state-owned airline? Is it going to the IMF or not? ‘What will it do with the bloated and inefficient public service? What is its policy on loss-making SOEs? Talking about corruption is not enough. Minimizing corruption alone is not going to solve the economic crisis. The JVP cannot be trusted. If it comes to power, it will be another Pol Pot regime. People like Kumar David will not be listened to.
leelagemalli / January 30, 2022
If you and others repeatedly say that JVP has not changed, please come with proofs.
Today I happened to watch the following video where Lalkantha, one of the senior candidate of JVP answering all the questions in a dialogue made with Sepala Amarasinghe.
Srilankens in general are easily manipulative. Please dont repeat the mistak again.
In the election campaign of Gota, people were misled by the MLECHCHA media by feeding them with self-adulations about Gota. But as of today, even little one would agere with you – that GOTA is nothing but a PUPPET born to that uncultured, criminal family.
If you have got better arguments, please add the links so that we could better discuss them on CT. There are enough good commenters that can help you seeing it right.
Sinhala_Man / January 31, 2022
Dear Jayasiri S.
How sure are you that the JVP has not changed?
Consider the fact that the NPP was allowed to nominate Dr Harini Amarasuriya, who is not a member of the JVP to Parliament, remembering how so many in this country are dying to get there.
Count me, LM, and Professor Kumar David as people who will fight to ensure that the NPP will not become the JVP of 1971/1988/1989. Trust us to tackle that task. But, please, don’t say things that will scare off others from supporting the NPP.
There are two dangers for the NPP. One, that fear of brutal tendencies. Two, is the many voters who say that they will vote for no one, or spoil their vote.
What will the future be under the NPP (or anybody else)? Pretty grim. I don’t think that you realise in what dire straits we are in. We’re impoverished; our people will have to work long and hard for low wages for quite some time.
Analyse what the various parties are saying. I don’t know whether the NPP forecast is as grim as I think that it should be. That can’t be done in politics. However, they are not making unrealistic promises, but most others are.
Please desist from making these anti-NPP noises.
Panini Edirisinhe
old codger / January 31, 2022
Jayasiri S asks a very pertinent question. What is the JVP’s policy on SOE’s? Say Srilankan Airlines, which loses at least 14 Billion a year? Or the CPC, whose refinery is now so over-staffed and outdated that it’s cheaper to import refined fuel? Or the CEB, burdened with overpaid engineers, resulting in the highest electricity rates in South Asia?
The JVP seems to still believe in some sort of paternalistic economics. All you have to do is listen to the speeches of their union leaders like Lal Kantha or Namal Karunaratna. They want more wages and facilities, but don’t talk about working harder and longer.
Do you seriously believe that the JVP is going to make people ” work harder and longer for low wages”. Not if they want to survive politically.
Jit / February 1, 2022
Mr Panini Edirisinhe,
“…..Please desist from making these anti-NPP noises…..”
I believe SL is still left with some of the democratic characteristics, which were very much more abundant few decades ago. One such ‘dying’ prime democratic rights of the people is, at least we can express what we feel frankly about the politics of the day to ‘some extent’ in these forums. Because ALL governments since 1970s, except a very few, tried to SUPPRESS what free thinkers try to say about governments and political parties. You read your statement you just wrote which I highlighted above. You are NO DIFFERENT to any of those politicians who tried to rule the country with that tyrannical attitude, just because you are so PASSIONATELY following one particular political movement just because you want to wipe out another party which was given power by another similar PASSIONATE 6.9m people! There is NOTHING different between the reasons why they did it for or you do it for!! What missed/missing in both situations was INTOLERANCE to constructive criticism. My last question is, Mr Edirisingha, how dare you dictate people in this forum to stop criticizing ANY political party not only in SL but in the whole world??
a14455 / January 30, 2022
I dont know about the pole. but I think they are both on the grease polla
leelagemalli / January 30, 2022
BP a14455
An idiot of your nature cant know even thrivial things.
Why not you ask your little ones in your circles to teach you. NO matter minors could teach you better.
Yours is the best example that even one s eyes could see it, brains could not see beyond it going by the germs that your adolesence planted in you or the srilankens.
Simon / January 31, 2022
Dear LM: Why waste your time on “a14455”? You know what happened to the “Donkey” that took over the job of a “Dog”.
leelagemalli / February 2, 2022
You are right bro, I thought of using my time to go to feed free pigs.
Thanks. This bugger would do anything and everything to Rajapakshes, but boasting him to be living in the US.
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
You know that they call your type – oxygen thieves.
You have nothing good to contribute.
You only have a false ego, which at is as useless as your serial number.
Desperate scavenger.
Karma is waiting with a noose to put around your neck and set you free from your misery.
leelagemalli / January 31, 2022
” You only have a false ego, which at is as useless as your serial number”
Bro he calls us idiots/ all because he feels / US citizenship could make him another Gota.how pathetic?
As of today/ Gota is In a real big problem not being able to see in the eyes of anyone/ he is not the leader that 6.9 mio s ever expected/ even the little ones attack him today looking at the manner he fails to settle even thrivial things/ let alone what more talks about system changes/☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
I know the pole you deserve, in the days of the Kings, your type were given a nice pole up the bum.
It was called Puka Ula thiannawa.
You get my drift?
I don’t know how much Mara and Co are paying you to write rubbish, but I have told you what you deserve.
Hope you like it. Bastard.
Eratne / January 30, 2022
I repeat my comments made elsewhere. With regard to JVP, I do not agree with the argument that 1971 & 1989 incidents are the reason for its rejection. Main reason is individual voter thinks that a vote for JVP is a waste and it would pave way to the election of the party s/he does not like. That is why they score more when join with one of the main parties. eg. With CBK they won some thirty odd seats even pushing others to second place. JVP cannot increase their parliamentary seats from three (03) to one hundred and thirteen (113) to secure a majority. If they attract votes usually go for SLFP/SJB or UNP, ultimate winner would be Rajapakses. That’s where Sri Lankans need to worry. Best thing is all Anti-Rs to join at least till they are defeated and punished for the crimes they have done against the Nation (and individuals).
Jit / January 31, 2022
Eratne, my gut feeling says otherwise. Average voter may think the only option is JVP/NPP because everybody else has done their part of ‘demolition work’ already. There was a huge hope for the sensible voter in 2015 with the dawn of yahapalanaya but both Sirisena and Ranil despicably betrayed that genuine hope by making deals with Rajapaksha gang. Most anti JVP people have questions about 71 and 88/89 but JVP has not cleared those doubts in an effective way. Some JVP supporters in this column repeatedly say they have shown remorse but definitely the message has not gone to the masses in a prominent manner. Such as declaring it in a major occasion – their annual conventions or in a parliament speech. Their biggest baggage is 71,88/89 baggage which produced so many victims. Therefore, a high prominence should be given to clear that situation. Advising the reader to read their every meeting briefs and go through the ‘small print’ will not help. So the distrust continues….
GATAM / January 30, 2022
JVP and SJB have divided the opposition.
Unless they join forces, the next parliament will be a totally hung parliament.
UNP/SJB has an advantage in presidential elections. If the new constitution scraps executive presidency it will be difficult for the SJB.
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
At this time we have to forget about brand names, party names, casts, creeds, race or religious divides, etc.
We need to look for selfless individuals to volunteer and lead us out of this predicament.
If someone has a good track record, this is the time to help his or her motherland.
The citizens must forget about silly sentiment and wisenup.
We don’t have another country where we can call home.
This is the time to come out and help.
SJ / January 31, 2022
Please tell us what is in common between JVP and SJB , except desire to capture power.
Mallaiyuran / January 31, 2022
Need of the hour is Singapore- Malaysia for Tamils. A bloodless french revolution to Langkang. Then load in multiple boats all UNP Vijaya lion pride, SLFP Vijaya lion pride, JVP Vijaya lion pride, Slap Party Vijeya lion pride, and Vaalaiththodam party’s lion pride to Siberia labor camps to work for President Putin.
Plato / January 31, 2022
For the JVP, and SJB it would not be a simple High Jump or Long Jump to capture the reigns of State Power in the foreseeable future.
Its going to be a High Jump, Long Jump and Pole vault all in one go………
Mallaiyuran / January 31, 2022
Rare, unusual, but solid poliical discussion from Prof. Kumar. The weak part is his whole discussion was on washing, wiping, and placing JVP in a glass case for the Museum visitors. Is that how a failed country’s political system rehabilitation should take place? If JVP’s past is tarnished and people don’t like it then what is the point of this hard selling of JVP, while openly suggesting on the public media how to cover and hide JVP’s past? Is there an angel hiding in JVP or Prof. Kumar’s philosophy is “Lotus can be nurtured only in mud, so I am selecting the JVP Mud with an attitude that all are mud, lets select just one mud”? In Prof. Kumar mind, is Anura in vision or he is seeing Asoka there? Losing the wood for the tree is a solution to. i.e. is educating JVP to save it, not educating the country to save it? If the country has learned, by resisting change, what do you think JVP may hope to achieve? Out of all Langkang cesspool pigs, JVP is the lowest denomination that can be taught of any civilized politics of the modern world. In that condition, how will the washing of JVP fix Langkang’s completely filthy politics?
Mallaiyuran / January 31, 2022
One time before Prof. Kumar, without knowing what politics is, suggested for a CC to clean the Diyawanna mud and that fault has seated a rapist junta on the throne. Does that not have taught the Langkang intellectuals that if you put the rot deep, the reactor only catches fire and doesn’t cool down? Ideas are a dangerous thing with Sinhala Buddhists! Remember the British’s Universal Franchise?
Will the cleaned Ruby JVP attract enough constituents for itself by posing as astute and pious when everyone else in the Langkang political circus is high criminal, murderer? Unless the policed Ruby JVP is ready to share the 6.9 M Hitler Seekers, who with ravenous hunger, roaming on the Island roads for biryani & arrack, where will JVP’s future in Langkang Politics? There is a common compromise within all opposition parties that they do not attack Royal’s Crimes because it may tarnish his Old Rowdy King’s Dutugemunu image and will weaken him in the IC’s eye which is calling for responsibility & accountability for his War Crimes. This is my simple call to the Langkang’s overly smart consultants: “When a king is ruling, subjects are on the path King is; when there is democracy, rulers are on the path of citizens” Thus you pick your party that you want to educate to correct Langkang’s burned out politics. Jayaweva Langkang!
Good Sense / February 1, 2022
Is Prof. Kum within his senses when he states that “The SJB must sell to the people the conventional liberal-democratic, market-economy; the conventional capitalist development strategy.”? If so, what would be the difference between the SJB and the UNP? The SJB, may practice that after coming to power, (perhaps with appropriate alterations) but telling that before elections would be suicidal. Chaps are bound to say, “This fellow broke of from the UNP just to grab power. He and Ranil are one and the same”. Hence SJB would get the same treatment as the UNP. Remedy of JVP to forget the 1971 and 1988 incidents? Very, Very Hard. The fellows don’t even apologize for that but say “යුද්ධයක දී ඔහොම තමයි”. OMG! What balls! I know that the fellows are experienced whistle blowers. But running a Government???