By Suranimala –
Sri Lanka is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, If standard accounting practice is applied the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is not a going concern. Fact.
The world at large and the arms that are collaborative do not allow a country to go down the pipe. Why? The knock-on effect it will have on other nations. The resultant chaos and misery on a populace who follow democracy by a simple act of placing a cross on a ballot paper and handing over untrammeled power to a set of rogues (for a loss of a better word) to chart their future has stunted generations since Independence. A bailout for Sri Lanka will have to come from people’s taxes of other nations. Natural disasters, acts of God can be justified as a principle for assistance, but looting by its elected leaders will not be tolerated indefinitely. Sooner than later taxpayers of other nations are bound to object to assisting countries that do not hold their rogue leaders to account.
The present set of Rajapaksa’s has sunk Sri Lanka to depths never imagined. Their greed has spawned pseudo businessmen who accept paying filthy lucre as a way of life. They may masquerade as “Good Buddhists, Good Christians, Good Muslims or Hindus”. But they are rogues too. The people too have accepted this as a way of life to loot. Down the ladder, the people’s needs also fall in line with the system. A government job, entering a child to a school, a small contract from a government department to fixing a public water tap, and so on.
Reams of paper and millions of social media posts have been published recording corruption, bribery, and looting by politicians. Nothing happens, Sri Lankans talk about it, laugh about it and forget it. If that status quo remains Sri Lanka will never develop nor change. Everyone knows the problem. How does Sri Lanka fix it?
There is no shortcut. Lessons have to be taught and learned. There is absolutely no purpose in opposition parties haranguing publicly about corruption in government. The need of the day is to have a united front from the opposition parties to hold to account the looters and punish them legally. Pointing out corruption and not following up to a satisfactory conclusion has only exacerbated the levels of looting to what is today.
What is the value of the Rajapaksa family? Only two members have ever done a job in their lifetime. One as a Police Officer and the other as an Army Officer. Just chew on that. There are many other politicians of a similar hue.
Time has come for a joint operation of all opposition parties to launch concerted worldwide scrutiny to unearth the stolen billions of dollars. It must be a unanimous national effort. It can be done and must be. There is no other shortcut for Sri Lanka. Such an effort WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. There would be willing assistance from many institutions to locate such hidden, laundered loot.
If the political parties in the opposition simply use such accusations to come into power, lessons will never be learned and the current system of bribery and corruption will continue unabated. Do not worry about new constitutions et al. Have a joint opposition agreement to scour the world to locate the looted funds and even check if they have been re-routed to buy up legitimate venture back in Sri Lanka. Nail them, jail them and throw the keys across the Port City into the sea. It can be done as mechanisms exist worldwide. Here’s what will follow;
If the entire opposition gets together into this project sans the colour of ethnicity, religion, or other separations, ethnic harmony would follow. Building a Sri Lankan identity as a united and proud nation would be a reality. A nation led by honest politicians thereafter will command a commensurate package as a salary. None will grudge it.
If Sri Lanka misses this opportunity woe be unto the following generations. We may as well say Hip Hip Hora, Hip Hip Hora, Hip Hip Hora till thy kingdom come.
Easton Scott / January 30, 2022
The author says: “What is the value of the Rajapaksa family? Only two members have ever done a job in their lifetime. One as a Police Officer and the other as an Army Officer. Just chew on that.
Correction – three have.
Mr Percival Mahendra Rajapaksa, Attorney-at-Law, LL.D., was a highly regarded university employee; at Sri Jayawardanapura University to be specific.
He was Professor of Janitorial Oversight, Book Stacking and Shelf Cleaning. I hear that he was awarded Emeritus status and later conferred a hora doctorate of laws degree on himself.
His specialty was to surreptitiously tear high value pages from books (for a small fee of a few guineas), and was later known to have paid someone to write his exams at Law College, when Madame B opened up the privilege of entry to Law College even for duffers.
That person is known to have subsequently suffered the fate of a premature death.
No connection between the two events is implied, of course.
leelagemalli / January 30, 2022
“That person is known to have subsequently suffered the fate of a premature death.
No connection between the two events is implied, of course.”
Is that some signs of ” Karmic Retribution ” ?
Dinuk / January 30, 2022
The Rajapakse brothers are US citizens and are following the US example of bankrupting countries with the Covid narrative..
Of course US is the most Bankrupt county on the planet having printed USD 10 trillion in the past 2 years as Covid bailouts.
This is why the US citizens Basil and Goat are following the example of their Califonian dream Motherland and looting and bankrupting Lanka while flooding it with Pfizer mRNA Injections to kill as many people as possible… having spent billions on these killer shots to benefit US corporations…
leelagemalli / January 30, 2022
Let me recap Gota aka MANDASENA s politics from Nov 2019 to present:
1. He promised not to appoint anyone from his family circles but going beyond his brother s adminsitration, today, Mandabuddhika Nandasena, let s call him „Mandasena“ has been disrespecting all what his lips droped down loudly as he could on but on his campaign only.
2. He also promised that the qualified candidates would be given a chance; not even his VIYATHMAGA team members are not given due chances, as of today – let alone how can we expect the qualified be ever appointed in the future ?
3. Manure instead fertilizer was promised to settle on long term, however, naively set ups introduced risking the livelyhood of the peasants, his adminstration has ruined the nation today. If his actions would have been wiser, things would not have resulted in that way.
Not even Germany and Australia have not achieved their aims at turning inorganic to organic proved the world, that it is not an easy task for a developing country.
Nevertheless teenager politician/Mandasena to risk on that project, made him a king of „ all laughter stocks since independence“
to be continued
Manel Fonseka / January 31, 2022
“”His specialty was to surreptitiously tear high value pages from books (for a small fee of a few guineas)”
Really, Easton?
Can you please check if he had a relative who was a library assistant in Peradeniya, cos I also used to find crucial pages missing from books in the campus library there, years ago.
nimal fernando / January 30, 2022
I’m a Sri Lankan to the core! ……….. To hell with reality, what keeps me happy and contended is the visuals: what I see is what I get.
The great man Mahinda’s un-greying hair and eternal youth.
Even though, he can’t now live up to the adage “The good die young” ………. he will die looking young.
Giving Lankans what they want and keeping them happy ……….. to the end.
What a guy!
punchinilame / February 1, 2022
Hip Hip Horu, Hip Hip Horu…………….
Thiru / January 30, 2022
“Such an effort WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. ” you say.
There are several dozens of corrupt countries in the world. How many of them have been cleaned up by their people? Can you think of any?
“The people too have accepted this as a way of life to loot. Down the ladder, the people’s needs also fall in line with the system. A government job, entering a child to a school, a small contract from a government department to fixing a public water tap, and so on.”, you say.
If so, do you think the opposition politicians are saints aloof of corruption?
Forget it mate, there needs to be an upheaval to clean up the society. A Sri Lankan Revolution?
Ratnam Nadarajah / January 30, 2022
Yes you are spot on. But the electorate is silent. What choice you have
It’s an Hobson choice . We are between the devil and the deep blue sea.
To the regime it’s business as usual. No one cares of the sufferings of the 99.999 percent of the population
It’s a very sick society to say the least. Very self centred society. I bet my bottom dollar
Tomorrow some one shouts “ Kottiya Avila” the scenario will change.
It is such a fascist society we are living in
That’s my piece
Ratnam Nadarajah
Thiha / January 30, 2022
Well Said. Now here are some facts that prove the hopeless state this nation has got itself into. In 2021 the repayment for loans borrowed by all governments from 1948 to 2004 is 14% of the whole amount settled. 8% paid back in 2021 was loans borrowed by the previous UNP government. The rest i.e. 78% are loans borrowed by the Rajapakshes. In the period 2004 to 2014, 24 Billion USD was borrowed. Of this amount 19 Billion USD was traced by international monitoring organizations leaving the country. This is the black money i.e. kick backs from the so called mega projects. The kick backs vary between 400% to 2000%. of the cost of the project. Every Highway thus constructed for example requires between 6 to 12 times the revenue they make from toll charges to repay the loans. Since The Rajapakshes murdered their way into power two years ago 69 suger importers were denied their permits and one permit was given to a Muslim businessmen as the sole importer of sugar. Th resulting fraud is mind boggeling. Similarly some 200 ceramic tile importers had their import permits cancelled. Instead, 2 importers both Rajapkshe henchmen were issued permits thus creating a sugar monopoly and a tile monopoly to rip the consumers and pile up the wealth.
Sinhala_Man / January 31, 2022
Dear Thiha,
The Highway robbery was exposed long ago by this guy whose field it is:
Professor Amal Kumarage of Moratuwa University.
It’s much worse than that now. We have hardly any food to eat, but yet the talk is about constructing Highways and fly-overs, with commissions to Ministers far outstripping the real cost.
Mallaiyuran / January 30, 2022
” Sooner than later taxpayers of other nations are bound to object to assisting countries that do not hold their rogue leaders to account. “
Two days ago media reported that Indian Ambassador was challenging that he will bail out Langkang in all occasion. Deciding who bailing out Langkang is not Go[al Bag Lay’s job; it is Chinese Ambassador’s job. Ambassador Gopal is talking not knowing his capacity. It looks like evry ant and termite running Indian government because PM Modi has gone as male model to Delhi cloths shows. This guy sounds like more corrupted than Royals’ relative Shiv Sankar Manon. Langkang has promoted him in its soil over to their Fiance Minister, because Finance Minister is Tamil.
Mallaiyuran / January 30, 2022
“Langkang has promoted him in its soil over to their Fiance Minister, because Finance Minister is Tamil.”
I meant here Dr Jaysankar, Gobal Bag Lay’s boss, not Nirmala Sitharaman.
Thiha / January 30, 2022
The plight of the voters seems to be an engineered act of revenge by a known nasty vengfull family who came back to power to grab it and suck the life blood out of Sri Lanka while engineering a dictatorship where all those who challenge it are harassed locked up or murdered. While there is a need for the opposition to come together this project was torpedoed soon after the Wickremesinghe government fell. This was done by first luring a bone headed son of a former president into a little known party registered under decoy Diana Gamage who crossed back into the fold as soon as the deed was done. The gullible and disgruntled UNP members followed this imbecile with no intelligence into a trap. Even now an illegal and bogus commission sits deliberating on whose civic rights to ban thereby further eliminating the ability of the opposition to unit. The moment a leader with talent emerges this commission sits in wait to cancel that leaders civic rights. The cunning which is not to be equated to intelligence of the ruling family has spawned so many tentacles that hold the opposition in a death grip.
Thiha / January 30, 2022
One final note. Why does does Niverd prioritize repaying the sovereign bonds over issuing LCs to importers of food, medicine, cement, etc. The answer to this question is another merciless act of sucking blood out of a dying patient. The original international investors of these bonds dumped them when the ratings agencies down graded Sri Lanka’s ratings to junk status. Bonds are bought and sold in the international markets. When the original investors sold Sri Lanka’s bonds their Dollar value had already declined to appoximately half their original value owing to the down grading of Sri Lanka’s credit rating. Thus the new buyers made a whopping 100% profit by doubling the value of their degraded bonds when Niverd settles them at full price. Now Niverd was advised
not to give priority to settling these bonds but instead to restructure them thus saving Sri Lanka a boat load of dollars. This advice came for none other than our own chamber of commerce. So why is the advise rejected and why are the people made to suffer while all available Dollars are used to settle Sri Lanka’s bonds at full price. To answer that question one has to ask who the new bond holder are?? The answer is black money looted from the country now being washed but at a 100% additional profit while the countries citizens are starved of their daily needs.
Mahila / January 30, 2022
the new owners of the bonds are no doubt the original owners who had got the interest due in advance when they sold at the time of Ratings downgrade and when the original bond value is paid at maturity, they have got their investment too back!
And they have laundered the Graft money “clean as and white as ever” it could be!!!!
You want to guess who?
Your guess is good as mine considering the Cabaal Cabral’s interest in the matter!!.
The grapevine tells me that they want it back before the tide turns!
Simple Mr Watson!!!
Sunil Abeyratne / January 30, 2022
Voters should elect Ranil Wickremesinghe as the President with Arjuna Mahendran as the Governor of the Central Bank. Perpetual securities will provide the necessary skills to the new government to investigate how bond auctions have been conducted.
With the long experience, Mahinda Rajapaksha should remain as the Prime Minister.
Basil, although relatively inexperienced has the ability to chase where the stolen money is and hence, should continue as the Finance Minister.
They will nail and jail all corrupt politicians.
Nathan / January 31, 2022
Sunil Abeyratne,
Your lesson on Sarcasm is painful. It is like fiddling when the country is burning.
If you promise that Basil will be chasing his family for the stolen money, I am willing to forgive you!
Sunil Abeyratne / February 1, 2022
Excellent way to demonstrate an oxymoron!. Basil chasing stolen money!!
Gus / January 30, 2022
Both major parties in sinhale land have ALWAYS been involved in corruption lining their pockets and as such there will never be unity in rooting out cot corruption in sinhala land which in their PIPE DREAMS think they wanna be the next singapore!!! If the LTTE had won the tamil areas would have become the next Singapore!!!! This was the fear of the sinhalas! Now sinhale land exports to singapore and the world are sinhala servants who prefer to wipe the bums of chinese than allow the tamils to flourish and despite all endeavours made by sinhala’s to this effect by standardisation, discrimination, periodic killings, rapes, looting and burning of tamils and their assets the TAMILS HAVE FLOURISHED! while the sinhalas have descended into beggars!
chiv / January 30, 2022
Suranimala, you are absolutely right. I have heard plenty of unbelievable corruption like Marcos couple, Jeya’s nephews wedding and many others. But none are as obnoxious as Rajapaksas Mafia family which continue even after decades unabated. What makes it more disgusting is the fact millions of immortals enabling them.
Jit / January 30, 2022
Chiv, as long as a vast majority of voters descend from a cattle ranch, preached by corrupt saffron robed poo heads, nothing is impossible for a mafia family in this banana republic!
Mahila / January 30, 2022
Hi Suranimala,
“Have a joint opposition agreement to scour the world to locate the looted funds and even check if they have been re-routed to buy up legitimate venture back in Sri Lanka. Nail them, jail them and throw the keys across the Port City into the sea. It can be done as mechanisms exist worldwide”
Agreed. Very well enunciated.
If anyone for good reason or bad, decides to back off or go back on the undertaking, they should be treated as TRAITORS, should be made outcasts (as untouchables in society for all time) and must give an undertaking they will not venture into politics in all its formats for ever thereafter
These people who protect the scoundrels and robber barons are worst of the worst of Scums and should be weeded out for all time.
At the same time people must be aware of those “Lying through their teeth”
There is a famous stanza from Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukkural, “That of all the evils in Humanity, lying is the worst and most deplorable, because that is the evil that acts ‘Guardian Angel’ for committing all other evils in this world”
Mahila / January 30, 2022
(Part II)
If lying is scooped out, then all other sins, such as Robbery, Graft, Rape, and Bigamy will cease as it be hard to hide.
It does not matter who it is, possible future PM, or the incoming presidents’ wife, they should not lie!
That’s the Cardinal Sin of all time. Never forgiven. Even if you lie by accident or without intent, have the gumption to accept ‘Mea Culpa’ and rectitude to apologise for having committed such sin.
Otherwise they are not political material to represent Sovereign People in this country!!
Remember the people of this country are electing you and you hold the position in trust and SERVE!!
Definitely not their Master to treat them so indifferently
Please also remember, when you lie to the journalist, who are the4th estate of the republic, you are indirectly treating the people of this country indifferently!! That is definitely not On!
Sarath / January 30, 2022
Don’t target the Rajapaksa family alone. Look at the cabinet. Racketeers, criminals, murderers, petty thieves, major robbers. But we love them, don’t we? We vote for them. We will vote for them again.
Mahila / January 30, 2022
The target is not the Rajapakse family. No.
Target is all those involved in robbing Sri Lanka coffers and lying to the voters!!
If they are not culpable, Rajapaksa’s are safe!!!!!
The inqueyr should be open, fair and independent!
No coverups and behind the scene maneuvering
leelagemalli / February 1, 2022
Buddha questioned once to bring him some seeds of mastards from a house where nobody is said to be dead.
Likewise, if you would reach out srilanken families where nobody in such families being connected with bribes, corruption handlings – (minor or mjaor), there you will be helpless
Entire srilanka is highly corrupted – thanks to RECENT leaders.
We cant put the blame on the 3-decaded long CIVIL war, but the people and their repressentives.
Also today, in 2022 – people have not learn to be disiplined. They worship not only PINGUTHTHARAYAS, but also roudy leaders –
Just look at HOW THE VERY SAME PEOPLE tolerate the LOADS of PANDORA stealings and all other money grabs for which the looting family is highlighted today.
Eratne / January 30, 2022
With regard to JVP, I do not agree with the argument that 1971 & 1989 incidents are the reason for its rejection. Main reason is individual voter thinks that a vote for JVP is a waste and it would pave way to the election of the party s/he does not like. That is why they score more when join with one of the main parties. eg. With CBK they won some thirty odd seats even pushing others to second place. JVP cannot increase their parliamentary seats from three (03) to one hundred and thirteen (113) to secure a majority. If they attract votes usually go for SLFP/SJB or UNP, ultimate winner would be Rajapakses. That’s where Sri Lankans need to worry. Best thing is all Anti-Rs to join at least till they are defeated and punished for the crimes they have done against the Nation (and individuals).
Sinhala_Man / February 2, 2022
Dear Eratne,
I agree with most of what you say. We now have a three-party race in the South, especially. The NPP (JVP to most Lankans) will definitely poll more than the 4% that they have been polling. If forced to predict, I will say 20%. In terms of the arithmetic, you are right in saying that the Rajapaksas stand to gain owing to the split in the anti-Rajapaksa vote. I don’t see them emerging as the largest party, however cleverly they play the communal card.
I’m determined to vote NPP, as I did in 2019 and in 2020.
To talk about the extent to which strong showings by both the NPP and the SJB will help the Rajapaksas, we have to analyse Parliamentary and Presidential elections separately. Unless we are sufficiently sophisticated to analyse them separately, we shouldn’t dabble in this theorising.
My gut feeling is that what we now call the SJB will emerge as the largest single party, but I don’t think that it is a foregone conclusion.
leelagemalli / January 30, 2022
Time has come to chase and beat – as ones robed the power behave today as if they did nothing but people empowered them. They promised sky and earth, not even thrivial issues being resolved today. Their empty rhetorics has been declining their popularity as no country leader ever faces.
70% of srilankens live not urban but far distant remote areas. Buddhagama which is not the real buddhism as taught by buddha, but being manipulated so that srilanken kind of thugs could live up their propensities being close to political crooks.
Sinhala buddhism is filled with myths- as said above being far from real buddhism, causes anyone to naively believe not taking time to thimns. In the same time, so called astrologists and media fraudsters put the icing cover to the all lying stories picked up from ” jathaka stories”: Political crooks make use of this to targetly achieve their poltiical agendas.
Remotely living piyadasa and balawathie tatooed the body parts of mlechcha rajapakshes, on their faces and chests and any other body parts not because they knew the true face of them, but being blindly caught by the tricks.
hanchopancha / January 30, 2022
Paksas represent the Singhalese mindset. To the mini minds of the Singhalese cheating means one-up-man-ship in psychological terms.
leelagemalli / January 30, 2022
Paksa represent the singhalese mindset ????
I think Pakshes are representing the – stupid masses in the country.
Just imagine, there were punnakku eaters that got RAJAPAKSHEs penises on their chests just because srilanken media fraudsters misled the nation.
Elephant is in the room, nobody talks. The deadliest virus in this country is nobody else but mlechcha media (Hiru TV and Derana TV) People should come forward to destroy the two TV stations if anyone would want to see a better future for the youth in this country.
leelagemalli / January 31, 2022
There are signs that milk rice eaters will have to make an uturn soon.
MARA is said to be struggling to kick the bucket. All is kept secret by the mlechch a media as the system are made allow them to paint only SELF-GLORIFICATIONs of the family.
Now or in a couple of day snow, we will hear the outcome of KARMIC RETRIBUTION program how it is being set on MEDAMULAN alfa animals.
Let s wait patientely. !
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
This is the bitter truth.
The damage done by the rouge media services is irreparable.
They have lead the stupid unsuspecting down the garden path, into the hands of the treacherous thieving bastards – the rajapaksa family.
The rest is history…
When things go south for the Rajapaksas, and their scavenging ass lickers, we should not forget to include the like of Chutara Alwis and his bosses.
They all should be brought on the streets and publicly mobbed to death.
Never again should someone try these crimes against our people again.
I think that time is very near.
I will start making the list of those that need to be dealt with.
I think it will not exceed 200 traitors we need to hold responsible for our predicament.
Minus these animals, we should start our recovery.
leelagemalli / January 31, 2022
Dear HT,
I know “Delete Jayaweera” from Galle from his schooling days on. He went to St aloysius college and the bugger the manner he then bahaved provided us with a finger print about his mlechcha future- he is unscruplous also those days.
If auditor generals of this island nation did their job properly, these men would have been spending their days in a prison cell.
Media mafia and people s indifference nature paved the way the kind of king of high crimes be mushroomed. MaRa has been close to the breeding of the kind of criminals.
I also know Chathura ALwis and his connections. The guy would do anything and everything to be in the good books of DERANA. These men should be conceieved inthe wombs of their mothers by accidents. All these men came into being through so called moderations for SINHALA BUDDHIST poya day acitivites (telecasts being continued by so called highly abusive TV channels). I am against SIRASA TV was attacked then, but if mobs would attack HIRU and DERANA TV today, I would not stand against the kind of vandalists. In contrary to the silent majority, the kind of of mobs are then doing a great job.
leelagemalli / January 31, 2022
In a country srilanka s amtha bachchan – Vijaya Kumarathunga was shot on his face – hurting AKD is not even worth questioning.
Avangarde, srilanken army, Prasanna Ran athunga are the words we hear in the video
Raj-UK / January 30, 2022
The picture of a tattooed arm with an image of MR made me wonder the mindset of the average Sinhala Buddhist, the vote base of the Rajapakses. Obviously, in this case, it is a display of deep respect & eternal loyalty but didn’t we hold a foreign visitor in remand & deport her for disrespecting Buddhism by having an image of Buddha tattooed on her body?
For 6.9m voters (maybe less now), the eternal gratitude to the saviours of the Sinhala race & Buddhism, blatant corruption, mismanagement & nepotism are probably ‘collateral damage’, the resulting poverty & destitution are a price worth paying for racial & religious supremacy. They are not alone, from Trump’s white christian middle America to Brexiteers of UK who wanted to ‘take back control’ from Europe, every country have them, maybe, not as passionate as in SL. So, lets face it, the Rajapakse dynasty is likely to continue & if by any chance they lose the election, despite the rigging & voter intimidation, to the loyal supporters, it would be a ‘stolen’ election, just like in the US. Will we ever come to our senses, in which case, anarchy & civil unrest the writing on the wall?
Human Touch / January 31, 2022
It is good that there are people with Mara tatoos, it will be easy to identify the scoundrels when Maras time is up. The punishment will be easy.
They will also have to be erased from the surface of the earth along with Mara and family.
That time is near.
SL is reaching the boiling point.
Even if Mara and Co should run, we have to find them and carryout the punishment.
After all Rajiv Gandi met his end in India his own home country.
Mara and Co can run but they will not hide. We will hunt them down….
Simon / January 30, 2022
Suranimala: You say: “The need of the day is to have a United Front from the Opposition parties to hold to account the looters and punish them legally”. Good as a “Dream” but not a “Viable” proposal. Why?
The largest “Opposition” is SJB under the Leadership of Sajit. Could you please tell me a single statement made by the Leader of the Opposition who “Demands” that “Accountability” by the ruling “Rajapakse & Co. Inc.” and their cohorts? Does he or has Sajith ever made a statement on public appearances as to how he is going to handle “Corruption” and “Crimes” by the ruling “Rajapakse Clan”? Tell me of one single instance of referring to the “Gotabahaya” regime and accusing him of all the present-day misery by NAMING him? He hasn’t. WHY? Doesn’t that smell like a rat? To put it simply: He has his own closet full of “SKELETONS” to “HIDE”. What a “Common Front” and “WITH WHOM” do you speak of and propagate? Over to you “Suranimala”. Thanks.
leelagemalli / January 31, 2022
Dear beloved Simon,
SJB is becoming a joke of the day — day by day.- I question today why Sajith P stays mum while the govt is making every efforts to paint the blant lies based on govt s so called ” successful vaccination programs” making srilanka the 4th among the world best.
And restrospectively I question today wy SP was dead silent at the time, BARBARIANs set that 52 day lasting fake govt in October 2018 ?
Today I heard Mr Fonseka is making it very clear that SJB leader should stop mentioning his father s so called achievements.
In the same time Harin Fernando – the best among the young politicians is saying that he would not be against NPP/JVP etc.
Clear signs are there now with NPP is polarising as a ray traversing through materie.
Mallaiyuran / January 30, 2022
Sinhala Buddhist are ready to give any price for a man who can annihilate Tamils! This madness started with Anagarika Racist Dharmapala. Every Sinhalese dream is living in a Bungalow in America, Britain, Australia or Canada. But every Sinhalese practices anti-West politics at home. There is no way Langkang can get out of this quagmire. Suppose it was done by a miracle of something somebody dreamt of, then they have no way to escape out from the mouth of Dragon Lion. Royal may face natural death. But the Dragon will not go out for centuries to come. Not one politician in Langkang thinks that the country should be saved from China’s wholesale bids. Rather everybody wishes that if they were the president, that Chinese commission could have been deposited in their foreign bank account, not Royals. This is 100% true for every Langkang politician. The funny Part The head of Yahapalanaya Mr. Clean walked off the interview two days ago because the interviewer implied all politicos in Langkang robs. He demanded the interviewer call him “Mr. Clean ”. Really what was he thinking about people when he saved billions of Royal money in the foreign Banks. Mangala gave the tip to Royals that Foreign Countries watching his big hash being dumped in foreign Banks. Shiva Shankar Manon, Gopal BagLay, Chidambaram like ones too get their pound of flesh from Sinhala Buddhist.
Ratnam Nadarajah / January 31, 2022
Dear Thiha
What does that Cabaral know of economics. Just as well ask the other bigot RW. and most failed politico on the planet
These jokers are vultures who feed on the innocent electrorate and ammass wealth.
What happened to Nadesan fellow. Remember Panama papers? These are the so called goody goody people .It stinks to the core Thiha
Bond scam is a farce of the A grade Everybody is in it. All these creatures had and have their shares and plundering the bankrupt nation.
Haven’t got an iota of conscience. Its like trying to get blood out of stone!
The facts are obvious and even a child of ten knows it’s ALL HORAS. Royal college name is being tarnished.Some of my best mates are products of Royal College, a national institution. One should be proud off
I stopped writing in the local media because for one, it’s waste of my energies and two , in the process you make enemies. For what I ask??
There is no justice
leelagemalli / February 1, 2022
beg to differ…. RW led economy EXPERTS recovered the economy not once but twice- dont attack me that i may be an UNPr, but I dont think it is right to compare – uncultured, uneducated bastards with RW. RW did whole lot of good things, but his was not spread within the nation,….. srilankens be them sinhalaya tamils or muslims would respect only highly corrupted bunch of leaders.
1) 2001
2) 2015- 2019
Bond scam in 2015 was not a RW s problem – it was a system error. System was introduced by Cabral and his Mafia Boss (MAHINDA Rajapakshe aka Nation’s Pinguttharaya – the latest brand name of Mahinda)
If there was a BOND scam under RW-MS, why not current men wait to punish ” Arjuna Mahendran” ?
Btw, Udayanga Weerathunga was brought back – just becasue he is their man, but was known to the world as to have stolen over 7 or millions of dollars through that huge MIG deal.
Why dont you guys question yourself as to why Arjuna Mahendran – is being kept away extradition from Singapore ?
My answer, if AM was extradited, then the truth would have come out…… they would not be able to put the blame on RW further.
Ratnam Nadarajah / February 2, 2022
Dear Leelagemalli
I did not mean to UNP supporters
Yes you have point. But RW has no soft skills of any kind.Thats his problem his biggest shortfall.
The burning issue is the economy LME
The economy needs to be structured to suit the 21st century.
Knowledge based
For that you need patriotic citizens who would put aside their personal whimps and concentrate on the development of the country
Let’s get a group of able people we have a lot in Sri-Lanka get the job started
There are lot of overseas expatriate Sri-Lankans willing to chip in their
Indi / February 1, 2022
As Mr. Ratnam Nadarajah rightly says we are a very self centered society. In addition, we are very short sighted in our patriotism and love of the country, if there is any. Exploitation of state and public services for personal gain is almost an accepted norm in our society.
We are a nation that lacks spiritual and moral virility. Thanks to the media, truth and facts are coated with frills where necessary to hide the truth and pruned elsewhere yet again, to hide the truth. The result is what we have become as a nation; confused in our minds about what is ethically right and wrong.
Take a look at ourselves- minority groups murdered in the name of fostering a unitary state and worshippers of another minority religious group massacred at worship. And the majority of us march on with economic development as our slogan in a blood soaked land while the greater voiceless, marginalized citizenry of the land grind their teeth in hunger and pain.
Yesterday, a woman was crying at our gate; she had rice and small piece of dry fish each for their two girls; just one meal for the day.
leelagemalli / February 2, 2022
The very same woman and the like others that would come to your gate next days will be from “middle class”.
Rajapakshes have twisted it as no any leader in entire developinng world. It is just because they have not the least feeling towards the grievances of the people. To me, if they would have been hung to the manner, that butchers would do with their killed pigs on their displays, could comfort the masses.
srilanken media to let continue is a greater mistake, – drug and varied other mafia can wait, but people should come together to fight ” media mafia”. They have become the easy “prostitutes” of the crook politicians. I can name few names here – Delete Jayaweera of Derana TV, Reno de Silva of Hiru TV – these two men work against – srilankens. They have no true journalists. All varied kind of journalists in Deran TV are cheap uneducated low lives.
They deserve to be punished if not today, tomorrow.
Ratnam Nadarajah / February 2, 2022
Dear Indi
Well said my sentiments echoed in your piece above.
Take care