15 January, 2025


Kandy Forum Vehemently Condemns Attacks On Buddha Statues In Mawanella: Urges Government To Take Stern Action

Kandy Forum vehemently condemned the recent attack on Buddhist statues in Mawanella and urged the government to pursue strong action against unruly elements preventing the possibility of such a heinous act in the future.

Prof. M A Nuhman

“Religious extremism and exclusivism are destructive for entire humanity. Respecting other religions, culture and values is very vital and fundamental requirement for a pluralistic society like Sri Lanka. Cultural pluralism really means coexisting and interacting different cultures without conflict and confrontations,” Kandy Forum said stressing that all Sri Lankans should come together to strengthen national integration.

The full statement issued by Kandy Forum is as follows:

Religious Harmony and National Development

Statement of Kandy Forum on Recent Mawanella Incidents

Kandy Forum is seriously concerned about the recent incidents of damaging the Lord Buddha’s statues at the Mawanalla areas allegedly done by some misguided Muslim youths who, we believe, if it is so, do not have proper understanding of Islam and the serious consequences of their action. The incidents are really shocking and unbelievable for any person who loves peace and coexistence. 

We, the members of Kandy Forum, vehemently condemn these types of irrational and unlawful actions and urge the Government to take necessary steps to curb such elements and to prevent such incidents in the future.

We all witnessed the emergence of religious hatred and violence among different religious communities in the recent past mainly because of prevailing socio political and economic disparities and lack of value based education in this country and also due to the impact of global politico-religious developments. 

Religious extremism and exclusivism are destructive for entire humanity. Respecting other religions, culture and values is very vital and fundamental requirement for a pluralistic society like Sri Lanka. Cultural pluralism really means coexisting and interacting different cultures without conflict and confrontations.

Islam by definition is a religion of peace. It preaches religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence with the people of other faiths. Qur’an categorically says that “there is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). The constitution of Medina or the Medina Charter, a written document prepared by the Prophet himself in 622 AD, was the first political document in the human history that encouraged cooperation and solidarity in a plural society consisting Muslims, Christians, Jews and other tribes. This spirit of Islam continued throughout the Islamic history. Muslim religious and cultural organizations must take necessary steps to spread this rich Islamic tradition among their younger generation.

Everyone must understand that, it is a fundamental right of every citizen to follow what his or her faith. Others have no right to disregard this by violence or force in the name of religion. All religious faiths and cultures have to be given due respect in Sri Lanka.

Religious segregation and hatred are very much harmful to the national integration and development. In this context we wish to propose that the government, educational institutions and the civil society organizations should seriously involve in promoting religious harmony and multiculturalism in this country starting from the schools. The existing religious curriculum should be broaden accordingly. Comparative religion must be introduced as subject in all the religious and higher educational institutions to cultivate a better understanding of religions. Interreligious and cultural activities should be promoted.

We appeal to the concerned people of all the communities to jointly work together towards religious and ethnic harmony, social integration and national development.

Members of Kandy Forum

Prof. M A Nuhman

Prof. M A M Sitheeque

Prof. M S M Anes

Prof. M I Mowjood

Dr. A S M Nawfal

Dr. A L M Mahroof

Mr. M M Niyaz

Mr. A J M Mubarak

Mr. U M Fazil

Mr. J M Niwas

(163, S W R D Bandaranayeka Mawatha, Kandy)

Latest comments

  • 4

    Thank you so very much Kandy Forum. For your understanding

  • 0

    The Kandy Forum is a one off formed to issue this press release.
    The Forum has not said one word about the genocide of Rohingyas by the Burmese Junta. Why?
    Rohingyas are the poorest of poor Muslims and to the said Forum, their lives do not matter. Further Rohingyas differ racially from the Myanmar Master race, the Burmans. The Burman Muslims remain safe for the time being but are not allowed into the Myanmar Armed Services.
    How about the Uighurs in China? Too much to ask?

    • 2

      Pillai, better late than never! Give them a break. However the points you raised are salient enough, to be discussed. The other point is to expand the membership to others otherwise as readers have pointed out, it will be an exclusive club which will require a name change. Of course they will have the right to restrict the membership to people of a certain intellectual standing, otherwise it will end up like CT giving the freedom to mariakadde types spewing out hogwash!

  • 6

    I am from Kandy surrounds but not a Muslim but a Sinhalese. Can I join this esteem club please?

  • 4

    Bigots come in many forms, shapes and sizes. Here is a forum called the “Kandy Forum”which identifies members with all Muslim names and the bigots are going crazy. The intolerant cant watch the numbers of many qualified professionals grow within that community. As a result, the bigots cannot control their emotions, jealousy, ego and envy with what this forum has put out. Had the forum associated “Muslim” or “Islam” with their forum identity, most of the bigots would then target hatred for associating this Kandy Forum with a race or religion. Some of our idiots are asking why a delayed response from this forum to the Mawanalla incidents with Buddha statues or why was the forum silent on other international matters of concern to Muslims. All these arguments are irrelevant. The bottom line is that the Sri Lankan species are never pleased or content with themselves. This is a common trait true no matter from what race or religion one identifies with because we have lost our spirituality in whatever faith or system of belief. What Prof. Kumar David wrote in a different op-ed in the CT titled “Hindutva Exposes Its Fake Idolatry” is the truth.The link to that great article is the following: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/hindutva-exposes-its-fake-idolatry/. Furthermore, the factual evidence is shown by the bigoted and arrogant comments right here in response to what this Kandy forum has released. What professor David refers to with Hinduthva, fake idolatry, myth, charlatans, meaningless worship and cornucopia of blind and hollow adherence is common to all faiths. Except for idolatry, it is true even among Abrahamic religions as well. Even though our country boasts of a high literacy rate, what is proven by this fake adherence, narrow minded and bigoted comments is proof that a majority of our people whether local or domiciled abroad, literate or erudite, the majority is made of “MATTAYA’s” no matter what the level of qualification.

  • 1

    Why Kandy Forum (is this an offshoot of Friday Forum?) silent on the murder of the rugby player
    Nizam Muthalif?

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