21 January, 2025


Kidnapping Of 5 Year-Old Reflects Rajapaksa’s Failure To Protect Citizens: AHRC

Kidnapping of the five year-old child from Galgamuwa is a clear indication of the Rajapaksa regime’s failure to execute its primary duty of protecting its citizens and reflects the President Rajapaksa’s failure to comprehend the primary function of a government.

Damindu Yasen Kumara

Damindu Yasen Kumara

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) issuing a statement today on the kidnapping of the child has pointed out that although three days have passed since the kidnapping and Police investigations have failed to uncover any news on the whereabouts of the child or about the identities of the kidnappers.

Five year-old Damindu Yasen Ekanayake was attacked by a group of four masked men on Monday from his home in Katugampalagama village in the Meegalewa Division.

“This incident exposes the failure of the government to carry out its primary duty of providing protection for its citizens,” the AHRC statement reads pointing out the prevalent plight is resulted by the   government itself dissolving the most important institution – Sri Lanka Police Service, that is supposed to carry out the duty of protecting the citizens.

Recalling a recent statement made by the President of the Bar Association of  Sri Lanka, Upul Jayasuriya where he expressed disconcert over the IGP becoming increasingly powerless to lead his own institution, the AHRC points out that growing influences of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) on the operations of Sri Lanka Police Service has resulted in this situation.

The statement asserts that the Police has lost its institutional capacity to work within a basic organizational structure and notes that paramilitary groups such as the STF or the military cannot replace the a functioning Police system.

The AHRC has stressed on the fact that the present situation has arisen as a result of a fundamental change in the control of Sri Lanka Police Service following the 1978 constitution, which the Rajapaksa regime has further continued through the implementation of the 18th amendment.

Furthermore, the statement notes that due to the institutional paralysis of the Sri Lanka Police Servicem, the crimes have increase and the MoD has turned into a major agent of causing failure of policing and therefore has hindered any REAL development in the country despite the propaganda of the Rajapaksa regime concerning the rapid infrastructure developments in the island nation.

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  • 6

    First of all my thoughts and prayers are for the safe return of that child and for his family

    Secondly we cant fault the Government for all crimes that occur as these type of vile acts happen in all countries

    but the point that the Police is demoralized due to past Goverment interference in solving crimes is a very valid one (remember the SP who raided the Salaka regino gambling den was reprimanded and the entire team transferred at the behest of the Govt officials who didnt like the raid!)

    Any ideas as to why this happened was it for ransom? or family enmity or business rivalry or some vile act of child sacrifice?

    • 4

      Kidnapping Of 5 Year-Old Reflects Rajapaksa’s Failure To Protect Citizens: AHRC

      “Kidnapping of the five year-old child from Galgamuwa is a clear indication of the Rajapaksa regime’s failure to execute its primary duty of protecting its citizens and reflects the President Rajapaksa’s failure to comprehend the primary function of a government.”

      An extension of the likking and intimidation of Journalists, Opponents, Muslims etc, and even young Children not spared by the Para-Sinhala “Buddhist’ called FAKE Buddhists.

      This is the Sinhala “Buddhist” Culture, the Fake culture.

      An Alternate View was expressed by Kumari Balasooriya’s statement. http://www.lankatruth.com/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7366:kumari-balasooriyas-statement-a-threat-to-presidents-life&catid=42:smartphones&Itemid=74

      “No other president will be appointed as long as President Mahinda Rajapaksa lives and it is definite like the sun and the moon says the Governor for Southern Province Ms. Kumari Balasooriya speaking at a ceremony held at Ambalangoda.”

      “The charges against the moves by the present president are going up daily and among these charges are obstructing prospects for democratic moves, torching media institutions, murder of journalists, failing to increase salaries of state and private sector employees and slashing of public welfare. What Ms. Kumari Balasooriya hints while a public opinion is developing against these moves is that President Mahinda Rajapaksa could be defeated only if he doesn’t exist.”

      “According to Ms. Balasooriya’s statement there could be a threat to President’s life and it may be that she is aware of some conspiracy say political analysts.”

  • 5

    There have been unresolved kidnappings taking place all over the world including the US and UK. And this is not the first time that this type of child kidnapping taken place in Sri Lanka. So, I just cannot understand how this writer and AHRC blame Rajapakse for not apprehending the culprits. After all such kidnapping is not a daily, weekly or even monthly occurrence like in Colombia. It is absurd this writer giving a lecture on policing.

    I came to live in Sri Lanka in early 1983. It was a quiet and a peaceful place to live. But soon I realized that tranquility has vanished and the country has transformed to become a violent place. Between 1987 to 91, during the peak of the JVP insurgency, living in Sri Lanka has became a nightmare when compared to our neighbouring countries. Kidnappings and killing by either JVP cadres or bandits or government goons had been daily occurrence.

    Things became a little better after the UNP manage to eliminate the frontline leaders of the JVP. Still people dying at every election has been a routine matter for the then UNP government had official and unofficial thugs to disrupt opposition campaigns and drive fear psychosis on the average man. We never had the kind of peace like today.

    A bogus peace prevailed for a short while after 1994. Soon, LTTE put Sri Lanka in the worst ever position with their roadside-bombs and human-bombs placed at will and wherever they want. Neo-Cons didn’t bring peace to Sri Lanka. MR brought present peace to Sri Lanka.

    Wherever Neo-Cons went they carried division and infighting to countries. Hillary Clinton said; “I came, I saw, AND he ‘s dead.” True, it’s all misery to Arabs since. Did Neo-Cons brought peace to Afganistan, Iraq, etc? NO.

    I feel Sri Lanka has gradually become a very safe place to live after 2009 for we kept the Neo-Cons out. Lets be honest: Sri Lanka is a far better place to live than India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or any of our neighboring countries.

    • 3

      You must be a ‘Kallathoni Banda’. The ‘Bandas’ that I know have been living in this country for generations, for an example, Gongalegoda Banda, M.D.Banda and so on. One thing I am sure of is that you are on the Jarapassa payroll.

    • 5

      I am not sure what this AHRC is about. Kidnappings occur just about every country, to accuse Rajapakse for not protecting each and every citizen is down right stupidity. 3 women were kept in captivity in US for 20 years; would this AHRC group blame presidents Bush senior, Clinton, the other Bush guy and Obama? A young woman was kept hostage by her father in Austria and fathered several children with the girl (his daughter). Would AHRC blame the Austrian presidents? A six year old British was taken six years ago from her family’s holiday apartment in Portugal and yet to be found. Who would AHRC blame? Is AHRC another LTTE front that blames Rajapakse for whatever misfortune that befalls on unfortunate people? Did AHRC have anything to say about thousands of Tamil children kidnapped by LTTE and forcefully conscripted into a terrorist killer machine? I don’t think so.Who is behind AHRC? Navi Pillai?

  • 10

    Banda, You are right. Neo cons never brought peace to any country, but MARA did to Sri Lanka.Let me tell you the peace and freedom we have in Sri Lanka now.
    1.We have all the freedom to REMAIN SILENT.


    • 2

      How can you say there is no freedom of speech in this country. Just count how many weekend journals are there. The most well to do publisher in Sri Lanka ‘Wijaya house’, is owned by Ruwan Wijewardena, next in line to UNP leadership. Its ‘Lankadeepa’ is the best selling pepper. Surely, they can write what they want. But Lankadeepa is very neutral whereas Times is anti government. It is obvious ‘Wijaya house’ knows what readers want.

      There are so many private TV channels. Politicians, both Opposition and the government not only debate for at least two hours every week in all private TV channels but also have fisticuffs openly.

      Only last week Ranil visited a huge tuition class (Sannasgala) gathering to give a speech. He also visits village fairs temples etc looking for venues to give speeches. Likewise, other leaders too look for a chance to address the public at large. The problem is opposition parties cannot gather crowd to their venues. Is it the fault of the government that the opposition is not popular among mass?

      Even when President stops his motorcade at a small town on his way somewhere, I have seen people come running to him and flock around him. You guys do not like to accept the reality. That’s the problem.

      • 2

        G.A.L Banda,

        You are right. We have a freedom and freedom of s speech. we got that because of our Sanwedee, Nihathamani and Palapurudu Nayakathuma. Our Gen.public are very happy about that and always they used to remind Sanwedee Nayakathuma’s Mother for the freedom that they got.

        Not only freedom of speech we are also enjoying other kind of freedoms under the Sanwedee Nayakaya’s Government.
        1. Freedom of eating Bullets free of charge.(Freely available from Ranaviru Forces)
        2. Freedom of taking eyes out of sockets free of charge ( If anybody needs that service just contact Oldest Policeman in the History of Police Dept. – D.I G Anura Senanayaka)
        3. Freedom of learning Rugby – Specially for School Girls. (From Mal Baby – Lanka News web)
        4. Freedom of Importing Ethanol and Drugs. ( by Jhonny, Arundika Fernando, Lakshman Wasantha Perera)
        5. Freedom of Destroying National Wealth. (Only by Rajapaksha Family)
        6. Freedom of Spreading hatred among Communities. (Courtesy Galagoda Aththe Gaanu 5 Bebadu Nanasara/Grease Piya)
        7. Freedom of having Night Car Races near Dalada Maligawa. ( Son of Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi)
        8. Freedom of Protests. (only for Rajapaksha henchman’s)
        9. Freedom of Disappear. (By Grease Piya’s White Van Brigade)
        10.Freedom of getting murdered- (By Grease Piya’s Killer squared)
        11.Freedom of Movement in High Security Zones with bogus number Plates. (More Details can be obtained from Ajith Rohana – Police Spokesperson)

        There are some more and our future Generation will have to pay heavily because of G.A.L Banda kind freedom.

  • 3

    It is indeed deeply depressing that the Rajapaksa government that has descended to this level of inefficiency is not able to get the security forces to act on such a loss or to have prevented it. This is a new phenomenon of impunity. The loss, which we hope is temporary, is also a reflection of the Sri Lankan society.Bensen

  • 3

    Banda, Ya even when Saddam, Ghadafi and Milosevic went to town side lot of people flocked the streets and you know what fate befell them.
    All tyrants will face the same fate . Sorry Banda your MARA perfectly fits that category. You are also a deceitful dodger just like your Master. Never answer any points raised just go round the mulberry bush.Talk some sense without talking nonsense.

  • 0

    Although the Rajapakses pretend all is well in the country and that the economy is sound, kidnapping for ransom is now becoming far too common. Army deserters being the culprits – in most cases. It began with kidnapping and harassing the rich. Now it has come to kidnapping children going to or returning from school, killing old rich women (many instances in the Ratnapura District) for money drew wide protests from people in the Sabaragamuwa. People find it
    difficult to find the resources to meet daily expenses at home. They resort to crime – having no other alternative. A Police system that has virtually collapsed and the general security situation continue to worry ordinary. Decent Sinhala citizens outside the vortex of the political class and their henchmen live in fear. The plight of Tamils and Muslims among the Sinhala majority in the circumstances is a matter of great worry.

    The country is in dire straits.


  • 1

    these people were silent and not where to be found when LTTE was recruiting child soldiers and kidnapped school girls to be trained as suicide bombers.

    where was AHRC those days ?

    Screaming for political solutions to LTTE ?

  • 1

    Who gives funds to AHRC ?

    How much ?

    What is the annual budget of AHRC ?

    • 1

      Who gives funds to AHRC ?

      The emmanuels and in Denmark some foreign office branch

      What is the annual budget of AHRC ?
      Sorry… nobody knows. Even F’dos salary did not appear in their website.

      • 1

        With salary, accomodation and perks just under US100,000 a year…..

  • 1


  • 3

    Thank God that the kid is now safe

    It also shows that the SL Police are very good if allowed to operate without interference from the Govt in control (be it UPFA or UNP)

  • 0

    This is the first time a 5 year old has disappeared or kidnapped from a home in the world.
    It is quite in order to demand the resignation of the country’s head of state for this callous breach of trust and misdemeanour.

  • 2

    super drama ,super script ,super screen play, super ending ,just like MGR movies , my foot,,

    when will you guys train your mind to think clearly ? how come ,so many people have kidnapped ,even children and to date not even a clue ? how come this one so fast?

    well good way to build confidence overseas and prepare the local lambs for slaughter for the coming elections including Presidential where Gotabaya is going to the candidate (confirmed 100%) next defense secretary is Gnanasera ..

    The Big boys The Three bothers and the sons of His Royal highness is going to relax and enjoy life behind the scenes.

    Be prepared to be governed by a powerful 400,000 strong Military personal supported Junta regime from 2015.

  • 2

    Now that the kid has been rescued I’m looking forward to AHRC’s next statement congratulating the government and Raja for carrying out their primary duty of providing protection for citizens with great skill and success :D

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