17 September, 2024


Krisna Saravanamuttu On Tamil Sovereignty Cognition And War Crimes

Krishna Saravanamuttu, a 26 old Tamil Canadian, who is a winner of Queen’s Jubilee Medal. In all the forums he spoke he emphasized the need for an independent international investigation into the war crimes and genocide of Eelam Tamils by Sri Lanka. Saravanamuttu called on Canada to support the eviction of Sri Lanka from the Councils of the Commonwealth. He has also also been demanding a referendum among the Eezham Tamils on the basis of historical, earned and remedial aspects of Tamil sovereignty as the only means to check the protracted genocide of the Eelam Tamil nation. This is in sharp contrast to some of the wavering stand taken by some of the older Tamil leaders.

It is about time the various Diaspora and Eelam Tamil leaders merge together and put up a common stand on the question of sovereignty and Eelam statehood. For a million Tamil Diaspora a dozen Tamil parties is just too much. It is also about time the older generation move the youth to the forefront and they take a back seat.

Glen Murray, the Canadian cabinet minister in-charge of universities, who nominated him for the award, told TamilNet, “Krisna has provided outstanding leadership in Canada’s student movement, in his advocacy with the United Nations for justice for Tamils around the world and his leadership in building youth organizations committed to social justice and human equality.”

“He is one of our countries emerging leaders and demonstrates the personal integrity that has earned him the trust of so many and allowed him to accomplish so much,” Glen Murray further said. A Canadian minister cannot be far out of mark. Please listen to the tube to find out what he has to say.


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  • 2

    Had the Sri Lankan Govts given equal recognition to all it’s citizens, then there will not be homeland demands today or the need for this senseless war, where so many have lost their loved ones and property. There would not have been War Crimes. The country would have been spared of the riff raff from coming in to Govern. Buddhism would not have been prostituted by a bunch of buggers claiming protection to have disgraced it’s teachings. Most of all there would have been Law and Order and all the citizens protected.

  • 0

    Tell me honestly did your talaver give the freedom you speak of with so much vigour.
    it was you cowards who rearmed while under a cease fire truce.
    It was you coward talawar who sacrificed other peoples children while his own brats were sent overseas far away from the fighting.
    Lead by example.
    You speak of genocide of 2009.
    You moron if your talawar did not hide behind women’s skirts during the end days he would not have caused the death of his own people.
    With less people he hope to get more, rather than share. Of course. you will say that he sacrificed more therefore he should get more.
    Have you taken the time ,before opening you big mouth,
    to see how he lived & ate while others were.in the field & how his brats had every thing while others had only guns & death.

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