17 January, 2025


Exclusive – Warning Disturbing Images: Issapriya’s Naked Body With Tied And Untied Hands

By Colombo Telegraph

A new video shows the LTTE media TV announcer Isaipriya’s naked body lies with the hundreds of dead bodies, but this time her hands are untied. The security forces officer speaking in Sinhala language to a female says, “here,  here, Voice of Tiger announcer.” (Watch at 2.56mins in the below video) When her dead body was photographed first time, her hands were tied behind her back and allegedly raped.

Click here to see the untied photo

The video clearly demonstrates a pattern of woeful consistency of the Sri Lankan forces. Most of the female armed and unarmed combatants, and civilians are always stripped naked or their underwear and down to their knees and the bras are either missing or near their neck, exposing the breast of teenage girls or young women. Only a few men are stripped naked.

Click here to watch the video

Check more related images here

Disturbing Images Of war Crimes: Rape And Killings


Latest comments

  • 21

    Sickening to say the least.The past is gone and irretrievable.The government should not continue being a racist outfit now and do justice by the Tamils in north and east.

  • 6

    @Servila; You are right that all Sinhalese are not Sinhalese Buggers.
    This is what I wrote of Sinhalese buggers and Sinhalese fellows. Quote”

    I am not here to do the dirty work of the Sinhala buggers who are simply lazy.

    They can also complain to the Silva commission aka LLRC. Now after missing the bus there, you fellows want me to detail some thing LTTE had done, which you thing needs to be investigated or prosecuted? You are out of your damn mind if you think that I will do it.

    You fellows also have KP, Karuna and Pillaiyan to complain about and ask the Police or LLRC to take action. What were you all doing all these bloody years. -End quote.

    I refer to those Sinhalese who expect me to go to the international bodies and complain about the LTTE who have alleged to have killed 1,000 Sinhalese civilians in 33 years. I also wrote you “fellows” can complain about Karuna, KP and Pillaiyan. Strange you all are not doing it. Why???

    Don’t give me the reason like the Gypsies – I don’t know why?

    I stand by what I wrote to Romesh and others who asked me to complain about the LTTE. Rajapakses have enough money from the people of Sri Lanka to hire their well paid attorneys and lobbyist to do that. You all have the Sinhala diplomats and Tamara Kunanayagam in Geneva and Cuba to do that.

    • 4

      Donald J Gnanakone.

      You quote, THAT
      “I am not here to do the dirty work of the Sinhala buggers who are simply lazy.”
      But I Suspect That YOu are Doing some dirty work for Third Party also,
      And You are asking Blood For blood Like Muslim Extremists.
      The agenda you are fallowing is affiliated with so many ????????.

      WHY don’t You think that, you People Made This bloody soup and
      got into it and put others into it.
      Like it Or NOT YOU HAVE TO DRINK IT.
      Imagine that Thousands Of innocent Humans perished not on their faults.


      When Your Pet LTTE were doing atrocities to your Tamil people, Why Didn’t you make any shout, any protest in front’s of U N H Q as You are Domicile in U S A,
      WE think /believe you are agents for this a dirty game playing by few countries including INDIA.
      As i mentioned Before we BUDDHIST SINHALESE never approve killings or indecent activities like these .
      Because We Buddhist Sinhalese Feel very very sad of those who suffers and suffered/died.

      PLEASE tell me how many of your own children,your own brother or sisters sent to liberate this Utopian TAMIL EEZAHAM.
      I think none of yours, but so many many from others.
      they were the cat’s paws of you people.

      It Is Correct that Rajapakses have enough money robed from the people of Sri Lanka.
      As per my Little education and Knowledge, a little advise.
      Don’t Expect to seek any truth or fair deal from Rajapakses regime, as still, We ,Sinhalese also did not get any relief as there are lot of discriminations,HR violations .

    • 7

      Donald. I did not ask you to “complain” about the LTTE. I am merely suggesting that you share all the evidence you have of war crimes, in an unedited, uncensored way, rather than drip feed what you and your lawyers think will lead us in the direction you want. I am not asking to see the evidence myself – I find such images as you have shared with us extremely disturbing. Rather, I am asking you to cooperate fully with international efforts to understand the truth about ALL the crimes and mistakes that were made during the war. I think the people of the world have the right to know what happened so they can judge, reasonably, who was responsible for what. I think you should make all your information available to the authorities in the USA, Canada, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Australia (and maybe the UK too, especially since the LTTE organization seems to have been based in the UK). Let the police do their job, and cooperate with them fully.

      I am not concerned with the race, religion or language spoken by the people, many now dead, who suffered during the war years. My concern is to understand the CAUSES of this suffering, more than to apportion blame. I want to know, in particular, about the LTTE’s use of medical, chemical, psychological and biological warfare to kill and maim people while making lots of money (including who provided the cyanide and trained the young Tamil-speaking people to kill themselves rather than surrender). Responsibility for crimes is important, and justice should be impartial. It also helps if Tamils show concern for Singhalese lives and Singhalese show concern for Tamil lives.

      Your comments, trivialising the number of Sinhalese civilians killed by the LTTE, and completely failing to admit the TAMIL civilians killed by this organization reflect poorly on you.

      Regarding the videos you have asked us to watch, why are they in low resolution and black and white? Tim King, who posted these videos on his SalemReporter website told me that this is the way they received the clips. I am not aware of mobile phones that record in black and white. What’s the story?

      • 6

        @Romesh. You wrote:
        Regarding the videos you have asked us to watch, why are they in low resolution and black and white? Tim King, who posted these videos on his SalemReporter website told me that this is the way they received the clips. I am not aware of mobile phones that record in black and white. What’s the story? Unquote.

        Your line of questioning is nothing but sickening. Well what do you think happened in this case? Like the Bandaranayake’s we went and got some video from the moon? All we know is that the films and photo’s were obtained from the Sinhala-Buddhist murderous soldiers.

        The owner of the phone does not know, and did not give permission to copy the data, either. Yes, his/hers copyrights have been infringed. But in war crimes it does not matter.

        You seem to be a technical expert, which I am not. I only know the facts of how it was obtained and this time we have freaking live bodies to explain. Sinhala LIARS have no chance arguing this, and all details will be provided to the appropriate US authorities (Not UN), to investigate further. You can be rest assured that was done by me personally.

        This is all about the “Command responsibility” where a few US citizens are involved. Go read about that subject, or I will be happy to give you some links for your own knowledge. I have no interest whatsoever, as the saying goes, to debate this matter, “by crossing swords with the peasants”.

        This matter will be decided eventually in the US, by the US courts, The War Crimes Dept., and Dept of Justice, and DHS. (Homeland Security). There is a preponderance of this evidence and tons of other evidence to suggest that war crimes and crimes against humanity. It is the duty, and responsibility of the US to investigate such alleged crimes. The US criminals should be given the benefit of the doubt, and should be given a fair trial after proper investigations which has been promised.

        The wheels of justice take a lot of time and delay. So idiots like Rajiva Wijesinghe, and racist like Malinda Seneviratne (NO relation of yours than god) and Ambassadors Dyan J, Tamara K (Cutie Pie of you know who) can shout as much as they want. This is really not about cheap publicity, which people like Brian S, seek with DVD’s and long essays which nobody reads, but this is about the LAW and Justice.

        That is why there is an absolute need for independent international investigations in addition to US investigations, which is different, as that is the US law. US has full jurisdiction over that, and they do not need anyone’s permission. Even without that, US courts are wide open, where US citizens have no immunity there.

        How in your expert opinion, did such videos, photographs came about, which also vindicates Channel 4’s,2 documentaries including Issaipriya’s naked body.

        As for providing complaints of LTTE killing a thousand Sinhala civilians in 30-33 years, I have no objection in that too being investigated. But it is the Sinhalese who are preventing such investigations. I have said it on Al Jazeera TV a couple of times that Tamils have no problem with that, but you fellows and the GOSL, US citizens who are accused of such war crimes need to bring it to the investigators. Not me.

        Good question. Why don’t they bring real evidence to the UN, UNHRC, and the US DOJ? Bring the whole LLRC and AG’s dept. and come with the evidence. No problem mate. Stop barking at us when we discover horrible war crimes and pick hairs on the resolutions of the film? That was NAZI TACTICS which failed in Nuremberg.

        First and foremost come to the table of investigations, then we can talk. Not on this blog my friend. Good Day. Sri Lanka is spending millions of dollars on lawyers and lobbyist already. They have the money and resources to do it. So why are all the Sinhalese so terrified about investigations? Also whatever happened to the bones of the dead?

        Also the live POW’s, as you would have seen the first article written by me? The father does not know the whereabouts of his 19 year old son for 3 years? You think that is fair? That is on Audio interview…

        • 4

          Hi Donald. You ask me questions publicly, but then assert that you do not want to debate publicly in this “blog”. I don’t really think of Colombo Telegraph as a “blog”, and prefer to debate with you here rather than having private email conversations with you. This matter of war crimes should be discussed in a public forum.

          I do not think it sick or sickening to ask you why these videos are in black and white. It does not require technical expertise to ask the obvious question. My line of questioning, as you may suspect, is to ascertain whether or not the video footage has been doctored. As it is, they look like rows of dead LTTE fighters, not prima facie evidence of war crimes.

          Your faith in the United States justice system is not shared by me. I do not believe that the USA deserves a role as the global policeman, either. That is why I think all evidence regarding war crimes and crimes against humanity should be forwarded to the United Nations and International Criminal Court, as well as to relevant governments, including those of Sri Lanka and India. Not that I have great faith in either of the UN or ICC to pursue and achieve justice rather than pandering to the geopolitical needs of certain nations.

          Once again, Donald, you are ignoring the fact that the Tamil Tigers killed and maimed lots of Tamils and Tamil-speaking Muslims. To keep repeating the lie that they “only” killed a thousand Sinhalese civilians in 30 years sounds rather like Goebbel’s propaganda strategy. I hope you don’t regard this as “barking” at you or “splitting hairs”, but I think, Donald, that if you care about Tamil people, justice and law you should be concerned, at the very least, about young Tamil people who were trained to kill themselves with cyanide rather than surrendering in a war every sensible person realised the LTTE were losing.

          • 3


            ‘My line of questioning, as you may suspect, is to ascertain whether or not the video footage has been doctored. As it is, they look like rows of dead LTTE fighters, not prima facie evidence of war crimes.”


            WE NEXT HAVE PICtures showing her dead. in them she us wearing a white underskirt dragged down to her calf muscle area. no panty.
            but she is also wearing a soldier’s obviously large sized trouser..also dragged down below her knees.Her bra is still on.
            now then, i’ve not heard of a rapist removing a victim’s skirt or underskirt. But many do pull off the panty, especially in frenzied gang rape. she is ued and then asked to get into a trous r. My guess is that was for a last word with a senior officer, to get the order to kill.

            why pull the trouser down an bra up to expose her body for photographs ? because that’s the kind of pic a sick rapist killer would want for his collection. did you noT notice one pervert even pushing her nipple up WITH HIS BARE FOOT WHILE COLLEAGUE PHOTOGRAPHS IT FROM OVER HIS SHOULDER. STUDY THAT SHOT WELL.


  • 3

    SERUVILA says

    “So Any body can buy land and live in Tamil dominated Areas Also.”

    Have you carefully studied Thesawalamai Law and understood it in its entirety?

    Thesawalamai does not prevent other races buying land in the North. It was a custom to keep away the undesirables from the Tamil community out of the “Real Estate” market. In this case read caste/class for undesirables.

    This was a custom practiced in the North to deter Tamils buying land from upper caste/class Tamils. The practice was not designed to exclude other races buying land in Tamil dominated areas.

    This is another myth.

  • 2

    Does anyone realise that Lanka has taken the cap off VP for being a killer etc and Lanka has donned this cap since May 2009? It’s Lanka that is in the dock,got the bad name now however much ranting & raving is done.And,all this for the actions of a few,the Country and her people suffer.
    Most countries (the ones we really need)treat a human life with value,concept of right and wrong is taken seriously too.

    Does anyone realise that not many (now don’t be “patriotic”,be honest)consider or have respect,admiration for army,police etc.Is it because they are rude,arrogant,indulge in all sorts of crimes,contract killings including rape.
    Soldiers that won a war are not held in esteem in the village let alone Colombo.

  • 6

    As you can see from this video and some commence , singhaleese still not gown up, still like Animals. All Animals need to be locked in side. Heart less people. There is no Singhleese or Muslim people killed like this . This government Brian washed all people. Only way they will know the truth if you look things from side the box. Any one raise the voice for Tamils been branded with LTTE, it doesn’t matter even their Tamil, Singhlese or White. One Day when you go to Hell you will know the Truth.

  • 7

    Obviously most of these dead appear to be combatants who died in battle unlike the hundreds of noncombatants who died in the Central Bank and Dehiwala Rly station bombs.


    • 1

      sugath samarasinghe

      “Obviously most of these dead appear to be combatants who died in battle unlike the hundreds of noncombatants who died in the Central Bank and Dehiwala Rly station bombs.”

      I deduce from your comment that the women combatants managed to strip naked just before they fell dead. Did they also ask the armed forces to take photos of their naked bodies from different ankles using long shots as well as close ups posing like models showing their best sides?

      I know Sri Lankan are stupid irrespective of their race. However I did not expect them would stoop to so low, I wonder whether their parents ever taught their stupid children the meaning of human dignity and decency.

      I know it is too much to expect from these little islanders. Human decency is not derived from being a Sri Lankies. It precedes it.

      • 2

        Native Vedda, the LTTE has a history of planting bombs on dead bodies. That is why the bodies have been stripped. Photographing them is important for identifying the bodies, which is why I have been asking Donald Gnanakone about the problems with resolution and colour in the photos and videos (not because I have any interest in watching such disturbing images). Contrary to what you and Donald Gnanakone are implying, these photos and videos do not show evidence of sexual perversion by Sri Lankan soldiers or anyone else (except perhaps yourselves).

        What do you mean by “little islanders”, by the way? If you are indeed a Vedda, you too are an islander. Sri Lanka is an island and the people of Sri Lanka are indeed “islanders”. They are little, as well, by Northern European standards. What part of the world are you a “native vedda” of, if not Sri Lanka?

        • 2

          Romesh you ae writing rubbish and I have no time to deal anymore with Tom, Dick, Harry, Percy or Banda.
          Let there be an international investigations and Ameican investigations on their citizens.
          It does not matter you have faith or now. Who cares about your faith?

          This is American Law, duty and responsibility.
          Period. Good bye for now….

          We will deal with the people who matter in a different forum. Not here. I feel I have discussed enough. There will be answers to the questions asked by the investigator…Too bad if that does not meet your expectations…
          It does not matter…

        • 3

          That’s right, Romesh. Both sides routinely stripped the dead to search them, not just for weapons and explosives, but also hidden documents and other items of value to military intelligence. Sometimes the bodies were redressed before being photographed and disposed of, but not always. There’s nothing sinister about this.

          Donald Gnanakone seems to be upset by objective questioning and reasoned observations. A particular sore point is that the pics show no sign of sexual abuse. The latter is simply assumed due to the nudity. Another question that there seems to be no answer to, and which is inelegantly dodged by the likes of Gnanakone is this: why, amongst all these pics of dead bodies to which sexual abuse is attributed for lack of evidence, is there not a SINGLE picture or frame of film of anyone being sexually abused. Surely if these pics of the dead were being taken for someone’s perverted titillation, it would be even more gratifying to have pics of the acts being carried out. The same goes for the charge of killing civilians: why is there not a SINGLE picture or frame of film of a civilian actually being killed deliberately?

          These are uncomfortable questions to which people like King & Gnanakone prefer to draw a veil of bluster and abuse rather than explain publicly.

        • 0

          Do you agree that during the 90s when GOSL was fighting the JVP, the SLA routinely raped and killed young ladies? Why are you so incredulous that the same SLA did not rape and kill the Tamil women?

  • 1

    It’s not a bad thing that the anti SL/Sinhalese/Buddhist campaign is led by vile, utterly discredited LTTE stooges like our fellow here. So people can see it for what it is and not make the mistake of thinking it’s an actual quest for justice and human rights.

    • 1

      that campaign is run by the ‘greats’ of the ‘great-job’ in the picture and the ponnayas who cover for them and want to become Sinhala Buddists’s slave.

  • 2

    Ben Hurling says:

    “There is an incredible lack of respect for human life in our country.”

    If I may I would like to make a small correction, the island may be your country now, but please remember it will remain my ancestral land. This is a serious historical truth (as opposed to myth) which both the stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese have been trying very hard to systemically erase from the island’s history.

    The active denial of my people’s existence will not rob our claim to the land as you would have learned recently a team of archaeologists has unearthed a skeleton of my ancestor in the South.

    I know the Tamils and Sinhalese wish the Veddas to disappear into thin air but we refuse to go away, we are well entrenched underneath the soil.

  • 1

    Veddah, machan, you might want to rephrase this “…. we are well entrenched underneath the soil.”

    Isn’t it better to be “well entrenched” above the soil? :)

  • 2

    Issapriya was a LTTE Tigress. She may not have carried a gun but through her broadcasts urged others to crush and kill SriLankan forces. She was more than a Tiger Fighter but someone who urged destruction of opponents to her way of thinking. In war, those who carry drums flags and bugles to urge the battle are more dangerous than the fighters themselves. Issapriya was the voice of Tigers, she was then more ruthless than the ordinary fighter. What was she doing on the midst of the last lot of Tigers during the last days of the war? She was urging her fellow terrorists to kill. She was not raped but it was a requirement to remove clothes of all dead Tigers because many of them carried bombs on their person. It was sad to see the destruction of life be they Tamils or Sinhalese. The eighty thousand lives lost because of the acts of the Tigers. They came into the Sinhalese villages in the dead of night and hacked to death hundreds of men women and children. They grabbed crying children from their mothers arms and hacked them to death. They bombed trains busses and even those who were worshipping in temples and mosques. Why don’t the world cry for them and cry only for a woman who urged fellow terrorists to kill and destroy. What are the so called grievances the Tamils are talking about? They are more privileged than the majority SriLankans. If the Tamil Diaspora wants the war to continue they will be responsible for another generation of Tamils been killed. Learn to love in peace as citizens of one unitary country, Sri Lanka

  • 2

    Where are the videos of LTTE raping young sinhalese girls as young as 9 yrs. and hacking them to death with manna knives. Where are the Dravidian Christian LTTE rebels hacking infants, young ones, old people, priests, fellow Dravidians of other casts and non-supporter to death brutally and most inhumanly. In 1955 world famous astrologer Nostradamus predicted that the world’s most brutal terrorist organization will be born from a small island in the middle of the sea. I could not decipher this until I saw the Dravidian Christian LTTE sent to India for training and got back and fully supported by the Jaffna Diocese Church.

  • 0

    Remember all other Dravidians supported General Kobbekaduwa (an Aryan) when he intelligently over powered only the Dravidian Christian community of the LTTE. It was a relief for them more than the Sinhalese. Also know that the Salagama and Karawe cast people against whom most of the war crimes are leveled at are Dravidians who came from India from the same village Prbhakaran’s people came from and about at the same time. Ruthless Dravidians killed ruthless Dravidians – so what? We Aryan Sinhalese to whom this country belongs to have nothing to do with it. Sinhales and Tamil are only languages not races. There are people of both type who use both type of languages in Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    A war crime is a war crime, whoever commits it. But I cannot summon much sympathy for these Tamils. The Tigers committed many atrocities, and were one of the worse terrorist groups ever. They brought misfortune upon themselves. Just as most people have little sympathy for Nazis killed by the Soviets, I have little sympathy for the Tamil Tigers – who were much worse than the Nazis.

    • 1

      Yes !!

    • 0

      “I have little sympathy for the Tamil Tigers – who were much worse than the Nazis.”

      How did you work out that the LTTE were “much worse” than the Nazis?

      Please explain I am sure the Jewish lobby would have something to say about this!

    • 1

      Thank you Johnc . well said.

    • 1

      JohnC..nice white ma’ns picture and a whit eman’s name
      It’s the Sri Lankan Govt that is being compared to Nazis and the Aparthied South African White Regime

  • 1

    Lt Col Isepriya who used to sing songs glorifying suicide attacks is found dead in war.

    I don’t know but it looks like scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I think is very sad never the less.

  • 1

    Certainly the human rights apply to human beings but NOT to ruthless Terrorists who murdered thousands of unarmed innocent civilians including children and Buddhist monks and so on. They got what they deserve, a terrorist is always a terrorist who deserves no sympathy. They have no right to exist and anyone who defend a terrorist is a terrorist.

    • 0

      Then MR, Gota and the people who elected MR are terrorists as per your logic since both MR and Gota having big fun with Karuna ( When did you absolve Karuna from terrorism)

  • 2

    Al responsible to this crime will pay by Gods hands

  • 0

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  • 0

    No matter which side of the political, religious or ethnic spectrum one belongs to, the pictures are really saddening.

    Well it has been said from the beginning of human history, war must never be an option to settle any issue. Unfortunately it is how the humans have chosen to settle scores. Therefore, you can be sure; such shocking images will keep appearing from all parts of the world, till the human race comes to its natural end.

    Well, who is not guilty? Every Sri Lankan is guilty to have allowed, encouraged and participated in the racial divide which unfortunately led to this bitter end.

    Hmmmm, correction, unfortunately I do not think this is the end.

    With so much hatred, with so much partisan attitudes, with so much screaming for vengeance, the cycle of violence has but one way to go, into perpetuity.

    What more can I say.

    This should never happen in a country where the majority are Buddhists. It is for this reason alone it is so urgent that we get the message of Buddha into the hearts and minds of all people. It is this message alone that can safeguard us from the machinations of politicians. I can see no peace in sight in Sri Lanka unless we all find refuge in real damma.

    • 0

      well said BBS rep for once I agree with you 100% but in reality will other BBS chaps think like you?

      • 1

        Thanks for your appreciation Peacelover.

        Well,like in every organisation we have mad dogs within BBS also. I am ashamed but have to admit we do even have safron robed thugs within BBS. Not easy to root them out. They build up factions and become power brokers within. We began BBS with the agenda of promoting Buddhism. But today we are better known for the wrong reasons. Sad but that is the situation. But rest assured, there are good people within BBS who are trying to stick to the original agenda.

        • 0

          “We began BBS with the agenda of promoting Buddhism. But today we are better known for the wrong reasons.”

          That is because your foundation is weak.If you are indeed truly promoting Bhuddhism then you should ask yourself the question whether the bhuddha would have differentiated between tamils,sinhalese and muslims or whether he would have just considered all as just as humans who need to be enlightened like him. You should know the answer to that better than me because you are the expert on bhuddhism,not me.

          If you don’t promote the correct bhuddhism then the foundation will be weak the walls will start crack and the roof will fall.

          It is a pity that you don’t promote the bhuddhas teachins but your own version of bhuddhism,because the bhuddha was the einstein of his time when people were running around half naked like animals,he towered above them with his intellect.

          Trying to teach people your own versions of bhuddhism disregarding what the bhudda said is like trying to discard all of einsteins theories in physics and teaching differently.

          The muslims and you are peas in a pod.The muslims dutifully follow the wrong teachings in the koran written by a man who claims that god told him all that and the muslims make an ass of themselves with eye for an eye,jihad etc.You bhuddhists on the other hand don’t follow at all what a truly great person says and and make an ass of yourselves.

          • 0

            Shankar my friend,

            I have no argument about most of what you say.

            BBS was never started as an organisation to intimidate minorities. The original idea was to form an army, like the land army, to go out there to dispel ignorance and sow wisdom. But our agenda has been hijacked by an unsavoury lot with close connection to powerful politicians.

            Coming back to real Buddhism, we Sinhalese do not have exclusive rights to Buddha’s message. Buddha was not a Sinhalese to start with. Buddha’s messages will benefit all. I hope all Sri Lankans will find refuge in Buddha’s true message of love and tolerance, whether they be Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher or whatever.

  • 0

    It is a shame that we have such brutes living in our midst today. VP and his gang may be gone but these murderers and rapist live on. Going by their deeds thay do not qualify to be human beings.

    • 0

      Examine the photo’s . Do you see someone wearing rubber slippers on the left of the photo ? DId the SL army fight the LTTE in rubber slippers ?

      • 1

        “DId the SL army fight the LTTE in rubber slippers ?”

        nope,with rubber condoms.They had a gun in one hand,a human rights charter in the other and a condom on their dicks to use on corpses without getting infected.

  • 0

    Imagine how much this poor soul would have suffered in the hands of those inhuman beasts until she breathed her last. Better CP don’t publish pix like this.

    • 0

      I meant CT.

  • 1

    Utter disgrace for Sri Lanka. It is a crime against humanity.

  • 1

    Absolutely disgrace to humanity to allow such terror by the world, commonwealth and any reasonable state. Tamashas in our soil after slaughter of over hundreds of thousands?

  • 3

    if there are allegations she was raped….we too can make allegations our village women were raped too. LTTE first started this by lining up our dead soldiers stripped naked to their genitals, female LTTE cadres standing over them smiling cracking jokes, taped and passed those videos to ICRC which was aired on national tv in late 80s. So SL Army did the same when they killed the 1st 100 LTTE cadres. LTTE taunted our forces and sinhala n muslim commmunities by sending pictures and videos. I am pretty sure this alleged raped woman did not allegedly care about LTTE employing 9-17 yr old boys and girls to fight the big battles while Charles Anthony was riding BMX and having a pet Tiger.

    Can rape be justified in court system by just looking at cinematic polaroid , noir photographs?

    Besides who has given authority for our army soldiers to have mobiles phones and take pictures..this shows the indiscipline of the Army by our former commander SF and others too? These things would not have leaked. NOW COMMENT about this old elite pension fools.

    I am seriously disgusted with all the senile ppl in our communites about the war. The children of this country shall force their fathers to pay for the crimes they committed on their mothers one by one irrespective of age, color, creed, or social status.

    • 0


      What is your point if there is one?

      • 0

        no point in talking to ghosts.

      • 2

        @Native: It needs no point. Just a universal criticism on “propaganda allegations”. Sri Lanka is drawn unnecessarily into a propaganda war even though its better in not hving a cold war.

        I say that if they need a Tribunal, the defense should be given the right to face the accusers in person aka the source that will b protected. if the so called tribunal is not going to be advantage to either side, it should be held in Sri Lanka. I think SL media should concentrate and discuss publicly in a hypothetical context of a Tribunal and its aftermath.

        The soldiers should be groomed and asked to man up and face the world to make the necessary sacrifices again. AFTER ALL THEY STILL HAVE TO SERVE THE NATION.

        IF these elite Sinhala politicians dont take this decision, then god help SL this matter will go on for the next 30 dammnd years. This is my MATTER OF OPINION. and hope other peace loving citizens share this opinion too.

  • 0

    To Dr Romesh Senewiratne, Dear Doctor, I note with interest the exchanges you had with Donald J. Gnanakone. I know Donald (or Jayantha as he was then called) quite well. Donald J. Gnanakone, his brother Charles (yes, they all have very English first names, even though Donald seems to be amused with names like Percy, Basil and whoever) together with Mani Vasagar ran shipping companies from the early seventies.

    They [Edited out]

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    I’d like to know if these photos have been independently verified because there have been cases with videos shown in the ‘No Killing Zone’ documentary of being montages. With this the case the videos shown had moments where faces were blurred and seconds later their positions changing in the video suggesting parts were skipped. Might I add video taping executions was a common procedure taken by the LTTE during the 30 year war. This is the reason why Channel 4 have not given their videos to the ICC or the UNHRC.

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    The video footage and the underling renewed interest are signs that they want SL to be among the 1st priorities of Modi, and rightly so too because the next door dictatorship of India has been emitting too much stench and piss towards India and SLn citizen’s pampas have long run exhausted. Welcome to Hitler of Aisa! We are ready to learn our bitter lesson.

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    i would like to say a few word on this war that lasted 26 years, when it all came to a closed,i must say that there were wrongs done on both sides,i my self is a mixed tamil( sinhalese mother and a tamil father) grow up in colombo studied in sinhalese, and its so hard for me see these images and also torn between love for both my parents,in a war there is not right from wrong its the innocent that suffers the most, and indeed there were many on both sides, i hope who ever suffered from this war find god in there hearts to move forward, and it will take a very long time for the wounds to heel.

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