18 February, 2025


Lasantha Assassination And Upali Attack: Army Intelligence Officer Further Remanded

Army Intelligence Officer Premananda Udalagama has been further remanded till September 9.

Udalagama who was arrested last month by the CID in connection to the assassination of Founder Editor of the Sunday Leader Lasantha Wickrematunge, subsequently faced fresh charges in the attack against Upali Tennakoon, who was the former Editor of the Rivira Newspaper.

Last week, during an identification parade, Tennakoon identified Udalagama as the person who attacked him and his wife in Gampaha in 2009.

Udalagama has also been identified as the person who abducted Dias, Wickrematunge’s driver after his death. It is reported that Udalagama had kidnapped Dias because the late Editor’s driver in his intoxicated state had gone around making allegations to the effect that former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was behind the assassination.

Latest comments

  • 39

    Trillion Dollar question???? Who gave the orders to assassinate lasantha. Get the shark not the haal massos.

    • 25

      All VARIOUS ropes being set around the nexk of Meeharaka Rajakshe should slowly find its tighten mode sooner than later.

      MR behaves like a crab in hot water – his future is already destined to go to prison for all the high crimes deliberately mastered – that is also fair to my eye.

      Wait and see,

      a) Lasantha and or othermurders that are not even reported

      b) Wasim Thadjudeen s carried out by his blood

      c) All the money laundering issues – Peacock mansion or other has been put aside on others name – evidences are being mapped


    • 23

      Mudson Silva

      “..Who gave the orders to assassinate Lasantha”?

      You have to pose this question to Medamulana Meeharaka, Mahendra Percy Rajafucksa !

      • 10


        Lasantha W was murdered by – Gotabaya Rajakaspkshe

        Wasim Thaju was murdered by – Yoshita and Namal Rajakashes

        Sarath Fonseka – was about to murder by Gota to please his brother but that ended in vain.

        These are the truths.

        Blood suckers of the kind have proved many a time the way they carried out high crimes. TOday, publicly Rajakashes add all blatant lies. No shame at all. Very same folks nodd stupid heads, as punnakku eaters did it after their meals.

    • 22

      Every man and his dog knows the filthy little Gota behind the attacks so get the vermin arrested?

    • 11

      Mudson Silva.

      “It is reported that Udalagama had kidnapped Dias because the late Editor’s driver in his intoxicated state had gone around making allegations to the effect that former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was behind the assassination”

      So, it must have been true, and wanted the driver to keep quiet, and perhaps sober!

      Connect the dots..

    • 9


      David Blair By David Blair6:44PM BST 18 Oct 2013
      Few editors take over from a man who was murdered. Frederica Jansz became editor of “The Sunday Leader” in Sri Lanka after her predecessor was ambushed by men on motorbikes who shot him through the head.
      Lasantha Wickrematunge had printed a series of stories on official corruption, many of them focusing on Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the president’s younger brother who serves as secretary of defence.
      In his last act as editor, Wickrematunge had written a leading article predicting his own death. “When finally I am killed, it will be the government that kills me,” he wrote in the piece that was published after his murder in January 2009.
      Soon after taking over “The Sunday Leader”, Ms Jansz began receiving threats. “I received one letter in red ink, saying ‘I will chop you up if you don’t stop writing this’. It was in the same handwriting as a threat delivered to Lasantha three weeks before his death,” she said.
      Last July, Ms Jansz found herself in a public row with Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. She rang for his comment on a story, only for him to respond with a tirade of abuse. “Ninety per cent of the people in this country hate you – they hate you,” he bellowed over the phone. “You come for a function where I am, and I will tell people this is the editor of ‘The Sunday Leader’ and ninety per cent there will show that they hate you.”

    • 13

      No doubt Gotabaya Rajakashe is behind the killing of Lasantha Basta

      • 6

        Yes this is 99.99999999999999999999999999%

        The hard talk master from BBC proved the aggression energies GOTA

        in that ” HI HI HU HU INTERVIEW”…few years ago

    • 10

      It is believed and there are also enough proofs that prima facie indicate that Gotabaya Rajaakshe was so furious being unable to digest the writings of Lasantha before him being shot dead. In the same time, it was reported that the relationship between Mahinda and Lasantha was very close. However, the most aggressive man OF the nation Gotabaya never tolerated the spreads of Lasantha being against to MR activities. To that time, it was no secret that Army men were involved in state killings – Defence secretary was Gotabaya – he made any decisions arbitorily for his purpopses, revengeful agendas. Today, his behavours beofre the temples being so tremoured give the feeling to anyone sane to see Gotabaya has reasons to behave so.

    • 0


    • 7


      Lasantha W was murdered by – Gotabaya Rajakaspkshe

      Wasim Thaju was murdered by – Yoshita and Namal Rajakashes

      Sarath Fonseka – was about to murder by Gota to please his brother but that ended in vain.

      These are the truths.

      Blood suckers of the kind have proved many a time the way they carried out high crimes. TOday, publicly Rajakashes add all blatant lies. No shame at all. Very same folks nodd stupid heads, as punnakku eaters did it after their meals.

    • 4

      No where in the world does a leader completely rejected by the people continue to pretend that he is still in power and enjoy benefits and perks from the current government, at the same time denigrating that government and gathering a number of “yakkos” behind him to continue to cause disruption and opposition to the process of government.

      No where in the world are there so many from the defeated government with charges of fraud and corruption against them, roaming around the country totally unconcerned and unashamed, with no indictments, and/or where processing of the numerous charges against them is extremely slow,

  • 14

    Srilanka is famous for having astrologers who could predict unimaginable things Cannot get the authorities to get their assistance.

  • 20

    Everyone knows who gave orders and white vans intimidation these guys carry out the orders of the masters

    • 23

      Today even the head of state is being criticised, but MR days, not even the kind of videos or tapes were found in circulation.

      Journos including some goodies to commend as unbiased should make it clear ot the nation adequately.

      Not yet the ground level informaton is passed to the grass root levels, so people staganate with their brainwashed mind sets. They have no idea as to why we dont hear any kind of billas, electric chairs being set to kill the former…

      They are far away from knowing the fundementals as ot why the current regime needed to go up with VAT –

      They are far way from getting it as to why Rajakshs are being called for investigations – they might feel it was the revenge..

      But the very same journos seem not differentiating it the way highly abusive revengeful acts of MR work – exampling the way FORMER ARMY COMMANDER Sarath Fonseka was abducted and put in jail for 3 years – the way FORMER CJ Dr SB was sacked etc…. Journos sleep on their brains.

      Today, instead PM and President are given blame publicly for anythign and everyhting…. they duo continue with a patience – alone their I myself see the GREAT passion of GOOD GOVERNANCE

  • 18

    Our Buddhist Sinhala village folks have been brain washed for the past 10 years of Rajafucksa regime media coolies worst is Hiru and Derana.

    Disaster ahead if things are not done properly by the Yahapalanaya folks.

    • 8

      How can they the good governance folks do the job properly ?

      Even today I notice when Rajakashes is lying to them – most of the audience nod their dumb heads… saying yes yes…

      Knowing all these, Mr Sirisena hasbeen very patient. So ist Mr. RW.
      They have no other options than moving by snail pace.

      It is the vulnerable folks who are the majoirty in this country to be accountable for all the mess to date. They let any IRC man to manipulate them.
      MR is the most abusive thug in the country.
      He even adds all blatant lies in the line of rabble rousing. That is his focus for a while. Devious men behave so. He has not the least Mahathma characteristics.

  • 16

    Gotabaya R appears to be the ‘sacred cow’ which cannot be touched.
    Is he under ‘special protection’ by the powers that be ?
    Media were excluded from courts when he gave evidence in the MIGs purchase scam.
    Documents related to the case are reported ‘missing’.
    Udalagama was his handyman.

    FCID appears to have NO cases against him.
    Even KP abducted & brought from Thailand is running free, after divulging details of LTTE funds overseas & the 21 ships.
    TID ignores.

    • 0

      All that is not surprising , if you remember the reply My3 gave on the first day after the Oath ceremony to the question to a question by a journo “What action will be taken against the leaders of the previous MARa regime”

  • 7

    the investigators of these murders closing in has been the frightening thing MR and Co are concerned about right now. Will the ones end up in jail spill the beans making them to be in a check mate position. Although MR makes visit to see these guys in prisons, not because he feels sorry for them but to give them a hope that he will be back in power soon, expecting them to be patient. Will they?. How long?. Realizing actions needed from both sides, MR organized the Pada Jathira expecting an opportunity which will lead him to power, but it has been fizzled out. So, guys in the prisons have to bite their teeth and kept the hope alive.

    MR & CO seem to have at ease with protecting the money they amassed and if in doubt the money trail being followed by MY3, MR himself make a visit to countries where they have had these shady deals done, counties like Japan, Uganda, Korea, etc. ensuring layers of protection provided are still in tack.

    The murders might bring them down if not they pump some sum to the families left behind the ones that in prisons. Should not we see yet another Pada Yathira soon?.

  • 9

    It has always very obvious that MR and Gota had a direct hand in the killing of Lasantha. Isn’t this report a further confirmation that they had a direct hand in this killing and many others. For how long will the JO and 48% of voters hide he fact that their leader and his brother were cold blooded killers? For how long can the people wait for justice from this government to bring these killers to book? Is this what you call politics in Sri Lanka…..playing with other people’s lives all for the sake of money. Fail us now and the people will fail you at the next election.

    Same situation with Thajudeen’s case.

  • 6

    The uneducated filth realized big stink after killing Lasantha better attack one of our own stooges and his wife two weeks later?

  • 5

    By the way….
    Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksha, mastermind and godfather of crime, seem to have been given a back seat!
    Prison attack…Fredrica Janz…Extortion…White van abductions…Threatening SDIG for carrying out orders….the list goes on!

    We need closure on all these..we need to set an example for the future generations that Money and power cannot break the law.

    There will be no Peace till man gets equal rights & JUSTICE! – Peter Tosh

  • 4

    In a Western democratic country these information will be classified.

    Sri lanka does not have discipline, no rules, laws. Rulers are brain dead from birth and are idiots.

    • 4

      Hey Jim Shit, you stated ‘Sri lanka does not have discipline, no rules, laws. Rulers are brain dead from birth and are idiots’.

      TFN: I thought you defend these wonderful rulers when it comes to minority issues. That tells me you are one racist screw up who was discarded by parents who could not stomach to see your stupidity as a child. So Jimmy boy, when it comes to minority issues these very leaders are brilliant, but otherwise stupid. Ok I get it now.

      • 0

        Kallathoni from the North.

        Sri lanka is better than your motherland, Tamilnadu.

        • 3

          [Edited out] Jim Shit the vermin off a kallathoni, of course Lanka is a far better place than Orissa where you come from. Get back now to Orissa or we might have to beat you and chase you out.

  • 0

    Maybe the culprit who gave orders is not the one everybody thinks.

    • 2


      “Maybe the culprit who gave orders is not the one everybody thinks.”

      Then must be then you, as you seem to know it all!

  • 2

    Fonny must be perspiring. Ask Fonny about Keith Noyahr as welk. Fonny knows, Fonny orders. Will RW frame only GR and cover up for Fonny? That would be funny but it’s not funny. Everyone knows whodunnit

    • 3

      He would never…

      if it is Gota to be convicted, SF would sacrifice his life to reveal the truth. That honest he has been. He is the honest person as I know going through all the lanken spot light politics.

      Wait and see, Jaya niyathai, All Rajas will be prisoned sooner than later.

      We the peace lovers will come to street dancing but in a soft manner not harming the way Meeharaka led peopel did ..

  • 0

    This indeed will be classified information with at least a 35 year moratorium in the USA. ASK FONNY. You Eelam donkeys and burros don’t have a damned clue. Ask Fonny what he ordered his people to do to Keith. Same people worked together. K

  • 0

    Some idiots who commented here thinking Rajapakshas’ are in power. They still talk about previous government. Think about Ranil who killed thousands in 88/89. Where is he now, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. What kind of idiots selected this weak moron with puppet Sirisena. All those will be suffered when they complete 5 year. Lasantha’s was murdered by Sarath Fonseka. It’s not a secret.

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