24 April, 2024


Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! Gnanasara Tells The President Where The Problem Lies

By Mass L. Usuf

Mass Usuf

Mass Usuf

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ~ Adolph Hitler, a man who learned how to lie effectively.

This person Gnanasara (with my highest regard to those sincere and respectable monks) is incredible. How on earth, I wonder can a person in robe who everyday takes the pledge of pancha sila (the five virtues) and who also administers it to the laymen, utter blatant lies. The fourth of the five virtues states:

Musāvādā veramaṇī, sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from false speech (lying).

The Judaeo-Christian commandment is “Thou shalt not lie”. The Quran states: “…surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.” (Chapter 39 Verse 3)

At a recent meeting with H.E. The President Maithripala Sirisena and several others, matters relating to the preservation of archaeological sites were discussed. At this meeting was also present Galagoda Atthe Gnanasara among the other members of the Buddhist clergy and Officials. The President said that the problem of archaeological preservation is not a new one and has been there for quite some time. He acknowledged that the Department of Archaeology could not provide adequate security because it is understaffed. He further said that it is necessary for the places especially in the North and East be given priority in addressing this issues.

Polowa Pelena Boru

Gnanasara who was also present at that meeting had this to say, among other things. This is the English translation.

“Have we ever harmed any mosque or kovil or any other place of worship in the South anywhere? The Tamil people very rarely lay their hands on an archaeological site. However, Muslims are not like that. For them, in their religious teachings it is instructed to destroy such places. That is where the problem is.”

In my view, this statement of Gnanasara clearly points to the:

  1. Continuation of his meaningless vitriolics against Muslims;
  2. The spreading of blatant lies about the religion of Islam;
  3. Providing false information with regard to no harm done to mosques and other places of worship.

The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL) has documented 241 anti-Muslim attacks and 69 anti-Christian attacks in 2013. These include attacks on places of religious worship of the Christians and Muslims. Against Gnanasara himself there are around 40 Police complaints pending investigation in relation to his role in the Aluthgama riots. There are also several other complaints against him which are not related to Aluthgama.

His lie that Islam teaches Muslims to destroy archaeological sites is aptly describable using the Sinhala phrase, ‘polowa pelena boru’. I do not know the English equivalent of this. A literal translation, I guess, would be “earth sundering lies”.

Quran And Archaeology

Quran is rich with several references being made to history and archaeology. I wish to refer to one Quranic verse only which amply demonstrates the importance of archaeological sites.

“To every nation, We sent a Messenger who told its people: Worship Allah and shun false gods, idols. Then some of them God guided, and some were justly disposed to error. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for those who rejected the truth!” (Chapter 16 Verse 36)

The implication of this verse is that to every nation a Messenger has been sent. For example, the advent of Prophet Abraham was around five thousand years ago. Obviously, predating even Buddhism. Such Messengers/Reformers appeared at different times and, to different peoples living in different regions. They had been sent with the message to worship Allah and shun other gods, idols.

If Islam instructs the Muslims to destroy archaeological sites, how can the Quran ask mankind to travel in the land and see the consequences of what had happened to the people who lived thousands of years ago? How can Gnanasara, sitting face to face with the President of this country, tell such humongous lies to the President of the nation that Islam teaches the Muslims to destroy archaeological sites?


His success depends on people believing his lies. Lies ranging from the “little white lies” to huge, “pants-on-fire” lies to deceive the innocent and peace loving Sinhala people. Especially, the youth. Lying is Satan’s primary weapon against the people. He uses the tactic of deceit to influence people away from the truth. There is a beautiful description of Satan in the Bible, where speaking to a group of Jews, Jesus says,

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

The Satan also “masquerades as an angel of light” or “the saviour”, so that what he says and does sounds good and seems reasonable. But it is nothing more than a false appearance and deceit.

“Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.”
(2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

Gnanasara is a person who donned the robe to seek the path of enlightenment. Is he not aware of the Maraya (demon) who is described as “the personification of the forces antagonistic to enlightenment? (Thera, Nyanaponika (2008). The Roots of Good and Evil). Is he not aware of the three daughters of the Maraya identified as Taṇhā (Craving), Arati (Aversion/Discontentment), and Raga (Attachment/Desire/Greed/Passion)?

One wonders if Gnanasara is in the fold of Buddha or Adolf Hitler. In his book, Mein Kampf (1925) Hitler tells about the use of a lie. A Big Lie always has a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted. A Big Lie will be believed by many since it will not be considered as a lie. The repetition of such lies over time will make it the truth and, then, even the real truth will be doubted.

It is an explicable tragedy that H.E. The President is involving such a person to discuss issues relating to the preservation of archaeological sites.

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Latest comments

  • 19

    Idol worshippers are destined to hell ,even if you like them or not.
    Islam doesn’t accept any idol worship.Therefore Muslims don’t claim any stone or building
    In Sri Lanka to worship. Every inch is permissible for Muslims to worship.
    President entertaining a criminal who was responsible for aluthgama, shows where this country
    Is heading to.
    Gnanasaraya should be in jail for aluthgama.
    Buddihst accepting any donkey in monk cloths is the problem here.
    An idol which cannot even defend itself against a dog shitting on it, how can it protect humans.
    There is only one Allah and Prophet Mohamed is the messenger of Allah.
    Gnanasaraya should be reminded what happend in France to who ever insults the prophet will happen to him.

    • 26

      Jehan – Please remember Gnanasara and his followers are crack pot idiots – certainly they do not represent majority of Sinhalese of all the other religions – We Sinhalese were living with Muslims and Tamils peacefully for many generations in this country – the best solutions to this epidemic is to ignore this mentally sick monk – and Gov. should issue strict orders to all media outlets banning any information about this idiots speeches – a complete news black out on him and his activities – in the same way if any Muslim radical try to do foolish act to add fire to racial hatred – they also must be punished in the same way – Gov. should act ASAP

    • 12

      See what Islam has done to jehan. I know him and he used to be such a nice person. And now he has been transformed in to a raging Jihadi thirsty for blood.

      He calls a Buudhist priest Gnanasaraya twice. These are people who do not accept even a cartoon to depict their Prophet. What if I also deformed the name Mohammed and called him ……. No I will not say it for 2 reasons, because CT will not accept it, secondly because the Muslims will kill me and try to step in to heaven over my dead body.

      Look jehan, we may accept donkeys as monks but surely not creatures like you who have a lower IQ than a donkey suffering from Down’s Syndrome.

    • 9

      As Minister of Justice made it clear if those sites with achiological values are demolished by the mediation of Muslims of the region, investigations should be carried out for each and every issue.
      Those investigations will clear as to why those parties carried out them.
      Just becasue some extremist elements keep on shouting and sending message across the nation that Muslims are born to stand against such statues or the like archilogically important structures- the state must not put the entire blame on the muslims.
      That can only create new form of hatreds within the nation.
      If tamils did so – they are also srilankens
      If Sinhalese did so – they are also srialnkens
      If muslims did so -they are also srilankens.
      All these men are subjected to srilanken law order.

      Why was the archilogical dept silent in previous sessions ?
      What could they have done in this regard ?

      Why could not the responsible authorities do their job in terms of setting boards identifying archilogical values. Had they done their job – anyone should have to respect the marking boards depicting that nobody is allowed to demolish any sites with higher archilogical values.

    • 9

      If one would question about GHANASARA, nobody would agree to see him being a human.
      This gorrilla in Safran robes should be hung by his balls to leave peace and harmony in this country.

      I wonder why our minister of Justice or any other responsbile came up asking no hate speeches should be made against anyone.

      It is right to stand strictly against destruction of archilogically important anything – but we also have to make it clear that Ghanasara et al mustnot be given any respect for anything what he has been upto.


    • 8

      If anyone woudl be questioned, us being normal born buddhists what we think of BBS head, we will at once join them saying, BBS lead has no right to insult anyone. The manner he has been upto over the last few years – is no means acceptable. Actually, he should have long been jailed and subjected to therapies introducing him how human association should be.

      Until he is so aggressive, like poisonous snakes are kept away from human association, Ghansara men should be kept away. Basta.

    • 8

      Jehan Muslims don’t worship idol because MuhaMAD was suffering from Schizophrenia and delusions and never had any true GOD except created by his own madness Allah. He copied everything from Christianity and Judaism so this murderer who killed thousands of Innocent Jewish Men, women and children for his mad satisfaction and took 7 year old Aiysa as his wife so can’t have an idol. Look around the world how the Allah’s created Muslims doing including Mullahs. Go to Gampola Babile road and see what Allah’s created Mullahs are doing. Go to Akurana and see what these Allah’s created Muslim satans disguised as human doing to Sinhala people who welcomed and protected them when British chased them out of Sri Lanka. The most ungrateful idiots are the Muslism not only in Sri Lanka but around the world. Look what they are doing to European countries where they were given refuge when their Muslims were killing them. If you want I will support these from the Koran which I have. Muslims can’t stand if anyone talks about their wrong doings.

    • 5

      Do you want to try that ? You fellows cant keep peace within your religious factions!Where is your Allah!

    • 1

      If you are brave, please write in your own name. You are blaming others for preaching hatred, but what you are doing is also hate mongering and you could be charged for blasphemy. Do not worry about idol worshipers going to hell, as they are not bothered about it, certainly they prefer not to end up in your so called heaven. If you ask Buddhists in Srilanka they would say that they do not believe in an omnipresent and omnipotent God and Buddha is the greatest individual even above Allah. However much a Buddhist in Srilanka insults Allah, you cannot do much about it, rather than to keep on barking. So please accept this reality and do not try to think or behave like extremists in Muslim countries.

    • 0


      We know Muslim’s Plan is to make Sri lanka a Saudi Arabia. But,
      that will not happen. Muslim’s will learn a lesson. You won’t live that long. You will understand.

  • 20

    The Panch seela(Lord Buddha) or Quran (Allah) or Bahabath Geetha (Lord Krishna) are not relevant in Srilankan politics. Lies, Cheats, Violence are the true chracteristics of Srilankan politics. Burma and Sri Lanka are the only to two countries where continued violence and destruction exist without any break. Why? Is it wrong with Buddha’s teachings? No, Buddhism is in the wrong people’s hand.

  • 19

    All Religions are meant to be understood by Intelligent Humans!

    – Not by Neanderthals like Gandassara, just on the Verge of Evolution to Humans!

  • 20

    “Gnanasara is a person who donned the robe to seek the path of enlightenment.”

    Wrong. Gnanasaraya donned the robe to unleash hate and vengeance, to become rich, to become popular amongst the modayas etc.

  • 4

    “Quran is rich with several references being made to history and archaeology.”

    Nice take Mass Usuf but not true. Islam has no say whatsoever on matters of archaeology. In actual fact if idol worship is banned in Islam then admiration and preserving artefacts related to idol worship should also be banned.

  • 10

    The Biggest Lie

    “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” ~ Adolph Hitler, a man who learned how to lie effectively.

    I sure agree with Hitler. For example If you chant 3 times a day that Michael Jackson is the greatest he will become the greatest in your mind.

    This is why all religions makes it mandatory for their followers to say the same thing 3, 4, 5 or at least once a day. And to ensure that the stragglers are brought back in line they have a special sabbatical day every week to say it. For bigger crowd effect they also have special religious (holy) places to do something that they can do equally well at home.

    In these, all they do is to say that their God is the one and only, there is no other God, and if anyone does not believe it he will go to hell, so help me God! With all those threats and the crowd effect they will sure believe it. Not only would they believe it but they would also do anything to ensure that only those who believe so continue to live in this world.

    First Law of the Theory of Religion: The IQ of the followers is inversely proportional to their faithfulness.

    Corollary: The IQ of humankind will go down gradually with time.

    As a result of this, the mean IQ of the population will decrease until on a certain day it reaches a limit called the ‘Amarasiri Limit’ (in honor of the IQ expert Amarasiri). That day is called the Judgment Day.

    In the next comment I will explain how to start DIY religion.

    • 10

      Dear Edwin, I am very disappointed that you are mocking our great God. According to our Bible he created everything and then seeing that it was good, he created Light. Do you realize the importance of this? He did all that creating in the dark!

      No wonder He got it so wrong. Ever since then, men and women have been creating in the dark, usually at night. However a couple were recently arrested for trying it in Central Park (NY) at 1430 in the afternoon.

      Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to switch the lights on.

      • 7

        Taraki, you say “Ever since then, men and women have been creating in the dark, usually at night.” Not me though. I like bright lights. You ought to try it some time. It is always good to know where you are going.

        Night is more expensive here. There are extra overnight stay charges. daytime with all lights on is for me.

        • 7

          Edwin the know-all (lanken sexaganarian) – who is BELIEVED to be imprisoned in ME.

          Please respect non-buddhists equally. From what you utter we know you are from SL which is a buddhist domination nation. Buddhists in general respect almost everyone and their life styles.

          So, I dont think you are above any supernatural powers to look down upon the gods being held high by non-buddhists.

          It is up to you to be atheist, but why to attack those who respect gods. I am a born buddhist (not a sinhalabuddhist belonging to babaric monks and their movements or Rajapakshe extremists) so I respect everyone equally until they are no extremists.

        • 7


          ” It is always good to know where you are going.”

          Or coming.

          “Night is more expensive here. There are extra overnight stay charges. daytime with all lights on is for me.”

          Animals do not hesitate to act it out on the open or in broad daylight.

          • 5

            Bravo Native,

            I wish Dr RN could help Edwin accordingly. His seems to be going beyond all margins.

            • 4

              As I know Dr RN is a vet.

              • 0


                I do not know whether there is a God. However, we believe in various concepts we have inherited from those preceding us. Tamils use the word ‘Kadavul’ when referring to a God. ‘ Kada’ means beyond and ‘Ul’ means within. The two roots in combination mean’ Beyond and Within’. What is beyond and within iare the wonders of nature . The Tamils very likely wondered perceived and contemplated on the marvels of nature, both within and beyond them. With time this concept was lost and Gods were substituted, which represent many aspects of nature. We worship animals and trees . We consider many aspects of nature sacred. Our rituals are centered around many aspects of nature.

                However, this nature also includes the ‘ Comings, goings in and creating’ , Edward seems to be engrossed in. If not for this aspect of nature, we will not be around to read Edward’s thoughts.


      • 4

        I said before “It is always good to know where you are going”.

        Correction: “It is always good to know where you are coming”.

        • 2

          I can only guess you are ALWAYS cumming (not coming): That is why you sound so twisted… (Frech grins)

      • 3

        You dont need to be disspaointed. World is filled with various kind of thinkers. Among them, there are also more of EDWIN nature for sure. They often behave like that most ridiculous astrologer of the country- Chandrasiri Bandaras or the man who assulted Rajiv Gandhi or the like. World is diverse. Equally, being fallen down with all blindness being intoxicated by gods is also not okay. I have met myself up with a set of religious men incl black american chrstian pastors that made every efforts to convince me each of their beliefs. As one who grew up in a buddhist culture, I could not realize why people to be that blind with religions. Some muslims from nothern africa behaves as if they personally met with gods. But in the same time, they had secret pvt agendas in their night lives. All in all, all what I want you to know is, the world and people are diverse.

    • 6


      1. “First Law of the Theory of Religion: The IQ of the followers is inversely proportional to their faithfulness.”

      2. “As a result of this, the mean IQ of the population will decrease until on a certain day it reaches a limit called the ‘Amarasiri Limit’ (in honor of the IQ expert Amarasiri). That day is called the Judgment Day.”

      Two good hypotheses, but need data, empirical data, observations in support of the the above two hypotheses. Copernicus and Kepler, came up with data in support of theur hypotheses of the Heliocentric models.

      Currently, the Sihala “Buddhists”, who call themselves Buddhists, and follow the Mahawamsa, that is an Insult the Buddha, AND the Wahhabites ( Wahhabis, Salafis, “Tawheed -per Iblis”, ISIS, Taliban, Boko-Haram, etc.). who are an Insult to Allah, are providing empirical data for the above two Hypotheses.

      The Wahhabites are providing more convincing data, given below.

      Quick Post: L&V’s National IQs predict GMAT scores across 173 nations


      Regression Plot: The regression plot for GMAT scores and L&V’s (2012) Estimated National IQs is shown below. Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, lowest in the World, around 320.


      To reverse the trend, it requires education of the Monks, Theologians and Ulema who misguide them.

      The biggest problem the Muslims face now is the Wahhabite*, Iblisic-Satanic Ideology that must be exposed, BEFORE THEIR IQ’s REACH THE AMARASIRI LIMIT, and they end up with 48 Chromosomes, and the Theologians and Ulema must be kept informed and guided properly. In the 12th Century, it was Al-Gazali, who elevated Revelation above Reason, that started the decline of Islamic Science, Philosophy, Reason and Critical Thinking. The Theologians, won, got to keep their hegemony, and the Muslims and the women lost.

      Wahhabite*: Wahhabi, Salafi, Tawheed, ISIS, Taliban, Deobandi, Boko-Haram and similar ideologies, that follow Iblis, Satan, Devil, contrary to the knowledge given in the Quran.

      Well. Who is going to go after the Wahhhabi-Isis Ideology.

      It has to be done by the Orthodox Muslims, and others and point out that Wahhabism and its Clones, do follow the Devil, Satan Iblis and will end up in hell with Satan, per Islamic Theology.


      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


      Najd: Exposing Horn of Satan 1


      Exposing Horn Of Satan 2


      • 3

        The Second Law

        Amarasiri, Thanks for all that supporting data. I am glad that you have so far agreed that I am more or less on the right track. So let us proceed to the next theorem. Dogs may bark and kalaveddahs may urinate in the ceiling, but the caravan must roll on, even if heads roll.

        Second Law of the Theory of Religion: The Effective Index of a Religion is inversely proportional to the Mean IQ of its followers.

        Definition 1: Effectiveness Index of a religion = (Mean IQ of the whole population / Mean IQ of its followers)

        Since Mean IQ of the whole population = 100 by definition,

        Effectiveness Index of a Religion = (100 / Mean IQ of its followers)

        Example 1: If the followers of Religion A have a mean IQ of 50, then, Effectiveness Index of Religion A = (100 / 50) = 2

        What this means is that, the more effective a religion is, the less will be the mean IQ of its followers and vice versa.

        Example 2: If the followers of Religion B have a mean IQ of 200, Effectiveness Index of Religion B = (100 / 200) = 0.5

        We can conclude that Religion A is doing its job properly, while religion B is not.

        Corollary: The job of a religions is to make its followers as much stupid as possible.

        To be continued….

        • 4


          1. “Corollary: The job of a religions is to make its followers as much stupid as possible.”

          At least the Wahhabies are succeeding in that effort, supported by the data, closely followed by Sinhala”Buddhists”spearheaded ny BBS Ganasara, Wijedasa Rajapksa and even Sirisena, the ….

          2. “Definition 1: Effectiveness Index of a religion = (Mean IQ of the whole population / Mean IQ of its followers) “

          Based on the citations Amarasiri provided, you can estimate the Index for Wahhabies in Saudi Arabia, assuming that the Mean IQ id the Whole population is that of a neighboring country with the same ethnicity, and back calculating from the GMAT scores. Amarasiri expects the Index to be greater than 1. How great, you should figure out.

          Didn’t you say that you did engineering at Peradeniya University?

          The relationship between countries’ belief in a god and average Intelligence Quotient, measured by Lynn, Harvey & Nyborg


      • 3

        Theory of Religion – III

        Amarasiri, you say “The biggest problem the Muslims face now is the Wahhabite*, Iblisic-Satanic Ideology that must be exposed, BEFORE THEIR IQ’s REACH THE AMARASIRI LIMIT, and they end up with 48 Chromosomes”.

        Sorry, contrary to what people think, I am highly objective in the formulation of the Theory of Religion. Therefore, I refrain from naming names. I have to be very fair in analyzing all the religions without favoritism, nepotism, chauvinism, misogyny, racism et al.

        A word about the AMARASIRI LIMIT: As explained before, when the mean IQ of followers reaches 50 (The Amarasiri Limit) we have the judgment day. All followers with IQ’s below 50 go to heaven and those above 50 go to hell.

        With no followers left to follow it, the concerned Religion collapses like a star collapsing under gravity, when all its fissionable materials are exhausted. If the mass is above the Chandrashekar Limit the star becomes a black hole.

        Thus we see that the AMARASIRI LIMIT is very similar to the Chandrashekar Limit.

        Whether that means Amarasiri and Chandrashekar are equivalent is debatable though.

        To be Continued…..

        • 2


          “A word about the AMARASIRI LIMIT: As explained before, when the mean IQ of followers reaches 50 (The Amarasiri Limit) we have the judgment day. All followers with IQ’s below 50 go to heaven and those above 50 go to hell. “

          Going to heaven hypothesis, has no support, only belief. You need to come out with data and observations or credible reports from there.

          However, when they reach the AMARASIRI LIMIT, they gain two additional chromosomes, and go back in time in evolution, reverse evolution. At that point their IQs may be 50 or even lower, and they reach their ancestors, the Primates. When they become Primates, the concept of Heaven, Hell, Nirvana, and Apaya disappears. Is Ganasara “Thero” on the way to reaching that point?

          Ken Miller on Human Evolution

          Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.


          The Collapse of Intelligent Design – Kenneth Miller Lecture

          This is Dr. Kenneth R. Miller’s hour long exposé of the claims of intelligent design and the tactics that creationists employ to get it shoehorned into the American school system.
          Judgement Day: Intelligent Design on Trial (documentary on the Dover trial):


          • 3

            Amarasiri, “Going to heaven hypothesis, has no support, only belief. You need to come out with data and observations or credible reports from there”.

            Our great teacher, Buddha, has spoken about Deva Lokas and Brahma Lokas he has visited. Don’t you know that he visited these Lokas on a routine basis to preach sermons?

            Then, there are highly credible reports of Devas descending from heavens to ask Buddha silly questions, which were the inspirations behind many great Suttas like Maha Mangala, Parabhava Sutta etc.

            What about Prince Nanda, who was taken to one of the Deva Lokas by Buddha and was shown angels of incomparable beauty?

            Do you not find these eye witness accounts credible, considering the fact they have all come from the Buddha’s mouth, memorized by Rev Ananda and later recorded in the scriptures.

            He speaks of the different durations for days, years etc. in different lokas. Highly scientific ideas, which proves his descriptions to be true. The man has been there for sure.

            Last but not least, we have Rev Gnanasara who is already destined to go to the 5-star Thavthisa Deva Loka. Why do you think he is so confident? Because none other than MS is sponsoring him. MS is the agent who is behind this new development and all the talks etc. are just a smoke screen to hide the truth.

            Just think. If MS can get places in the cabinet for thieves, murderers and bribe takers, surely it needs just a little more effort to get a berth in Thavthisa for a thug in robes.

            Don’t be too sure and say stupid things like me. If I get in to trouble and get arrested, at least I have supporters in CT like Taraki who will collect signatures.

            If you go to hell, no amount signatures is going to bring you back and don’t expect MS to come to your rescue. He helps criminals only.

            Thanks for the URL’s that you gave even before. I saw them and found them to be great.

            • 3

              “Just think. If MS can get places in the cabinet for thieves, murderers and bribe takers, surely it needs just a little more effort to get a berth in Thavthisa for a thug in robes”

              Edwin, what do you think was his options, if he did not allow those men to join the cabinet in the current govt (Grand coalition almost simialr to that of current day Germany).

              In a world almost every second is proved to be highly abusive/corrupted and corrupt supporters, leaders have to appoint less corrupted men to run their business. That is what I noticed in srilanken issues.
              Dont you think so ?
              Even today, whoever whatever being said and done against Rajaakshes, numbers go after Rajaakshes are still as had been prior to last elections. – percentage wise – over 45%.

              I have no doubt, you will have to agree with me that the media mafia is to be blamed FULLY for all the mess created in the country, not passing truths to the average about the ground realities. EVEN today, the average has no whatsoever knowledge how deep the entire folks have been fallen, in terms of HIGH PROFILE FRAUDs carried out by Rajaakshe family.

              Derana AND Hiru are spreading their usual lies about Rajaakshes on a non-stop mode.
              Please listen to them and check it by yourself.

              • 2

                Dan, You say: “have no doubt, you will have to agree with me that the media mafia is to be blamed FULLY for all the mess created in the country, not passing truths to the average about the ground realities”.

                I blame them partially – not fully.

                Perhaps the situation is not so bad as the picture you paint. At least I hope so.

                I don’t have any solutions. I am only an onlooker.

            • 1

              I think you guys underestimate the issues back in Home country.

              I am though full blood anti-Rajaakshe but no proxy current regime. But I have seen some developments in various areas after MS came to power.

              Let s also praise where it is due. We are no means comparable to any other nations in terms of our issues in srilanka. Almost every one is somehow in to corruption/abusive natures than the other way around.

              Saudi authorities have reduced a Sri Lankan woman’s sentence for adultery from death by stoning to a three-year jail term after an appeal, Colombo’s foreign ministry has said.

              The woman, 45, who is married and had worked as a domestic helper in Riyadh since 2013, was convicted in August of adultery with a fellow Sri Lankan migrant worker. The man was given a lesser punishment of 100 lashes because he was not married.

              Sri Lanka’s acting foreign minister, Harsha de Silva, said the appeal against the death sentence was taken up by the Saudi court on Tuesday and he welcomed the outcome.

              “The government of Sri Lanka is very happy to announce that the appeal for clemency on the sentence was successful and the Sri Lankan national will have to serve a reduced term in prison,” De Silva told reporters in Colombo.

              Foreign employment minister, Thalatha Atukorale, said the woman’s sentence had been reduced to three years.

              There was no immediate comment from the Saudi side. The woman’s name has not been disclosed by Saudi or Sri Lankan authorities.

              Saudi Arabia executes maid accused of murdering baby
              Read more
              The death penalty sparked uproar in Sri Lanka, from which hundreds of thousands of men and women migrate to wealthy Gulf Arab states every year to take up jobs as maids or drivers. Their remittances are an important contributor to the south Asian nation’s GDP.

              Saudi Arabia has been criticised by western human rights groups for the number of crimes that carry the death penalty there, including adultery, drug smuggling and witchcraft.

              In 2013, the Saudis beheaded a young Sri Lankan housemaid for killing an infant left in her care, rejecting repeated appeals by Sri Lanka against her death sentence. Colombo recalled its ambassador from Riyadh in protest.

              Saudi Arabia, currently chair of the UN Human Rights Council, has executed more than 150 people this year, mostly by public beheading, the largest number of executions in 20 years, Amnesty International said last month.

          • 3

            I am a born buddhist as all other 99,9999999% buddhists liiving in the island. But I doubt if our start is through a creatism. As a researcher, I believe more in followings as Dr Eugene McCarthy postulates it.

            Immediately, I happened to read Amarasiri s thoughts, I was so curious to know who is this partiuclar Dr. Miller:

            Followings could help readers furthers:

            Who is Dr. Miller:

            1)Kenneth Raymond Miller (born July 14, 1948) is an American cell biologist and molecular biologist who is currently Professor of Biology and Royce Family Professor for Teaching Excellence at Brown University.Miller’s primary research focus is the structure and function of cell membranes, especially chloroplast thylakoid membranes. Miller is noted as a co-author of a major introductory college and high school biology textbook published by Prentice Hall since 1990. Miller, who is Roman Catholic, is particularly known for his opposition to creationism, including the intelligent design (ID) movement. He has written two books on the subject: Finding Darwin’s God, which argues that acceptance of evolution is compatible with a belief in God; and Only a Theory, which explores ID and the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District case as well as its implications in science across America.

            2)’Humans evolved after a female chimpanzee mated with a pig’: Extraordinary claim made by American geneticist, Dr Eugene McCarthy

            The human species began as the hybrid offspring of a male pig and a female chimpanzee, an American geneticist has suggested.
            The startling claim has been made by Eugene McCarthy, who is also one of the world’s leading authorities on hybridisation in animals.
            Dr Eugene McCarthy pointed out that while humans have many features in common with chimps, we also have a large number of distinguishing characteristics not found in any other primates.

    • 5

      My dear Edwin, be careful – dont abuse your mouthpiece underestimating the place where you are located (it is arabic world with a possibility to face all unexpected) We have read enough about the fates of poor housemaids – being sent back home having faced all unexpected inhuman treatments (some without fingers, ears, or visible and invisible body parts).

      In your case, if you would continue so, you could easily be victimized being to a gonadectomy/penctomy (removal of your sexual organs)
      We only want you to be delivered safe back to the home country – not need to face any missing anatomical parts on your return.

      • 2

        Thank you for the concern. Yes I have to be careful though I do not target any religion in my theory. My theories are applied uniformly.

        But, though I am fair, I don’t know what my hosts would think.

        • 3

          Dear Edwin I collected many signatures for that poor girl Rizana Nafeek to no avail. I don’t want to have to collect signatures for you too.

          • 2


            “I collected many signatures for that poor girl Rizana Nafeek to no avail.”

            It is nice of you.

            Why aren’t you collecting signatures to demand the release of many who are being held at various prisons/army camps without trial, some held for more than 20 years?

            • 1

              I was very concerned about this but the Tamil leadership are not interested in the welfare of their own people. The sole exception was VEKR Thondaman.

              • 0

                You collected Signatures, I myself collected funds in order to help the Tsunami victims. My colleagues from Texas, Berlin and several other destinations did all what they could on behalf of me SINCE that was only what we could do since I heard the way tsunami waves swallowed the innocient people in my country.

                But just few days ago only, I happened to know those sums trasfered to the country had not been used for the victims proper manner. Most of the houses built by various companies are not strong enough to stand anymore – not even 12 years passed. Can you imagaine ?Rajaakshe were accussed of having embezzeled those funds for their own use – however, that former Judge only later made clear, it was his wrong verdict allowed Rajaakshes to become leaders of the nation. All in all looking back I feel, it is the nature of them – they are abusive by all means.

          • 2

            Yes point taken. Thanks a lot for your concern.

  • 6

    whatever, That monk used the term ‘Muslims’ not Islam(I am not saying that Islam is good or Bad). We all know and need not to be lair to say how Muslims treat statues…..etc. This Kind of Article is unimaginable in a Bengali News Paper in Bangladesh.

  • 4

    Based on the Islamic principle of Taqyya one doesn’t know a Muslim is lying or not.

  • 4

    Non Muslim: Your behavior is based on the Islamic principle of Taqiyya?

    Muslim: Of course not.

  • 6

    Mass Usuf:

    It looks the target ever article written by a muslimisGalaBoda Atthe Ghanasara.

  • 11

    Mass L. Usuf

    RE: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire! Gnanasara Tells The President Where The Problem Lies

    “This person Gnanasara (with my highest regard to those sincere and respectable monks) is incredible. How on earth, I wonder can a person in robe who everyday takes the pledge of pancha sila (the five virtues) and who also administers it to the laymen, utter blatant lies. The fourth of the five virtues states:..”

    Why are you surprised about the lying? Amarasiri sees 4 liars in the picture. Sirisena, is a Turncoat, Traitor, Gona(Colloquial Sinhala) and Mala-Perethaya ( to those who were killed by Rajapaksa and cronies), and that is what most of the 6.2 million who voted for the Turncoat, sees as well.

    Sinhala “Buddhism” including Sinhala “Buddhist” Monks is an insult to Buddhism.

    Mahawamsa is an insult to the Buddha.

    This is the Sinhala”Buddhist” Tradition, and is being followee bt the Monks and the Politicians.

    Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!

    “Wonder if ours might have been a wiser, and a more ‘humane’ society, had our ‘ancient’ history, been based on Aesop’s Fables, instead of the Mahavamsa. For if not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese may not have been endowed, with the reputation, of “Sinhalaya Modaya (The Sinhalese are Fools)”!”


  • 16

    “It is an explicable tragedy that H.E. The President is involving such a person to discuss issues relating to the preservation of archaeological sites.”

    “Explicable” indeed, if you look closely at the President’s words and actions that prove he is anything but trustworthy – not to mention totally immune to whatever this bogus thug and in robes his BBS goons do.

    The Sangha is equally guilty of ignoring the actions of this thug and the BBS and bringing disrepute to Buddhism.

    Sinhala Buddhism is indeed a creature that has become the antithesis of what the Buddha preached!

  • 8

    A lie becomes dangerous only if it is believed to be true by the listener.
    A lie is readily accepted by a listener only if it resonates with his existing beliefs about the subject.

    In the presence of a body of lies, a responsible listener (especially a leader) is expected to be impartial in making his final judgement on the matter and if necessary to seek further information on the subject from both sides before doing so.

    So then who is the more dangerous person – the pernicious liar or the irresponsible listener ?

    Ha, ha, ha, ha !!

  • 8

    Quran and archeology “We sent a messenger to every land Worship Allah not other false Gods”
    Is that the reason They destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha statues

    • 5


      “Is that the reason They destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha statues”

      Bamiyan Statues and many other historical statues stood for 1,400 years, until the Taliban embraced Wahhahbism-Salfism, and became Wahhabites, the Satanic, Iblisic beliefs, by the Satanic Trick.

      Look at what ISIS, a clone of Wahhabism, the Wahhabites are doing in Iraq and Syria. They are even destroying statutes in the Museums.

      Isn’t this circumstantial evidence they they all are followers of the Devil, Satan, Iblis, Shaytan, who abhors human civilization?

  • 5

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 17

    I do not understand how the President has conclaves with well known thugs! Gnanasara should be handled by the police and the judiciary and not the President or the minister of Justice.

    Mr.President, if you cannot uphold law of law & order, and justice with an even hand, because of your political imperatives and prejudices, please GO. If you want evidence of his criminal utterances and misdeeds, check the mass of evidence in the ‘youtube’. Do not continue to insult those who placed our trust in you.

    We voted for ‘ Good governance’ and not for the type of misgovernance,you and your government are increasingly providing.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 3

      Further to the above comment,

      Did the President call for a report from the Archeological Commissioner?

      Considering the circumstances and ‘put on purring’ of Gnanasara, why does not the President appoint a Commission of Experts to inquire into the issues mentioned? The Commision should call for submissions from the public and experts on the subject and related subjects. The final report should be published for scrutiny.

      Is Wijedasa Rajapakse the counsel for Gnanasara? I appears so in the video. His comments on a purpurted Buddhist temple in Senkaladi, necessitates an immediate indepth inquiry and report with details of evidence.

      If what he- Wijedasa Rajaoajse- alleges is proven to be true, let all Hindus and Muslims contribute towards rebuilding it.

      As much as archeological evidence should not be tampered with, they should also not be falsified.

      Will also the President restore the old place names, to preserve the authentic history of Sri Lanka? Example, Paalaviya should be Paalaavi, Uddapuwa should be Uddappu, Thopuwa should be Thoppu and so on. There are thousands of place names that have been tampered with over the decades. This mischief is yet on-going with State sanction.


      • 2

        Dr. NJ,
        The policy is ‘If it is them, it is okay; if it is others, it is not so’. Is it not better for the MR lot to be brought again so that we would at least know the devil.

    • 4

      I fully agree with you Dr. N.

      I hope President and PM will come up with an explanation when they will celebrate CHASING AWAY OF former dictator upcoming 8th Jan 2017. They will have to. There are numerous questions unanswered remain.

      I really dont undrstand how could both ignore all thuggish like behaviours of the two monks in the recent past. Before having a get together with these highly abusive monks, as leaders of the nation, should have asked the criminals not to repeat the kind of acts in the future.

      I think President, PM and other ministerial candidates should talk to Malawathu chapter theros pointing them clear about the timeworthy actions necessary in terms of code of ethics for MONK behaviours.

      We waited decades to see happening any kind of rigorous disiplinary any monks who would abuse SIVURA. But nothing has reached it yet. Why ?
      Born buddhist like me in this country are so fed up not seeing any reforms being added to buddhist behaviours.

    • 0

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran You look like a christian who does not care about the invasion of judeo-christian.

      • 0

        Jim Softy,

        I do not care about the religious labels we inherited. If any label we are adorned with fails us, we have the right to change it. If the new label gives more meaning to our life, so be it. It only means that the old label failed to serve us.

        Incidentally, I am a Hindu, who does not believe anymore that there is a God. I believe in the power of nature and its different manifestations in form,structure, function, maleability and continuity.

        I believe the images the Hindus worship represent the many forms in which many aspects of life manifests in us, for us, around us and we aspire to. In one Tamil film song the following question was posed,” Kalviyaa, Selvamaa, Veeramaa?” (What do we desire, education, wealth or bravery?). Make your choice and pursue your goal. The task becomes easier , when there is an image to focus. Add any amount of goals to this list and you will find an image represented in Hinduism. If you don’t, make one. I am comfortable with any religion and believe that every individual should have the freedom of choice or invention. If money power is at play, good. It helps those who receives it lead a better right.

        When there is a vacuum, it will be foiled by air- clean or putrid- very quickly! Avoid creating a vacuum in a putrid environment.

        My favorite quote, which with slight changes will apply to all religions is, ” There was only one Christian and he died on the cross”.


  • 12

    In a civilised nations the Head of State will never meet a quoted, committed rabble roused no matter what! Sri Lanka, despite our claim to a rich history is not such a country today.
    Just the other day another monk claims the Peraheras and it’s associated abuse of Elephants are 1000s of years old. Even of he got his numbers mixed up, Peraheras ARE NOT part of Buddhism but money machines for individual temples.
    Did anyone question the money wasted the recent birthday celebrations of Podi Hamuduruwo. Notice the gushing ladies in close proximity. Where were their husbands? Let us not be blind anymore!

  • 4

    Gnanasara and even Samantha-badra are modern day Devadatta’s. The number of Devadatta’s will only increase as the Buddha Sasana ages. Everything goes through “Anicca”, including the “Buddha Sasana”. Buddha himself gave the “Buddha Sasana” 5000 years at most. We are well past the half-way mark.

    If you want a more Scientific parallel, think of Entropy (order and chaos) at a social level. When the Buddha lived “Buddha Sasana” was “in-Order” (least amount of chaos) but as he passed and as time progressed, amount of Order reduces and Chaos increases. Eventually chaos will reach maximum.

    Gnanasara is one of those elements of Chaos. But he is just one. There are many others and some of the others are not so easily visible like Gnanasara.

    • 2

      Some experts in Buddhism expound the theory that Buddhas arise only when the Entropy (order and chaos) at a social level is very high. Or it is possible that they arise under those conditions and then they manage to calm things down, (i.e.) get entropy down to a low level.

      But once they go, entropy starts to increase again, until another Buddha appears to calm things down. And so on the cycle continues.

  • 4

    I wonder whether the author is aware of this:
    Obligation to destroy idols – https://islamqa.info/en/20894

    • 7

      When are they going to destroy the idol of Satan, the ka’aba at Mecca?

    • 5

      I like that “And Allaah knows best” at the end. Thanks Hussain. That settles it.

      I will send it up to Gnanasara and the President. They are going to have a good laugh!

    • 2


      “I wonder whether the author is aware of this:”

      Obligation to destroy those who follow Satan, Shaytan, Iblis, Devil and their followers called Wahhabites*, stemming from Nejd, Saudi Arabia.

      * Wahhabites: Those who follow the Ideology of Abdul Wahhab, who was misled by Sayan, Iblis, called Wahhabies, Salafies. “Tawheed” believed by Satan, ISiS, ( Iblisic State )Taliban, Boko Haram etc., contrary to the knowledge given in the Quran.

      Hadith of Najd


      It requires education of the Theologians and Ulema who misguides them.

      The biggest problem the Muslim faced now is the Wahhabite*, Iblisic-Satanic Ideology that mist be expose, and the Theologians and Ulema kept informed and guided properly.

      Well. Who is going to go after the Wahhhabi-Isis Ideology.

      It has to be done by the Orthodox Muslims, and others and point out that Wahhabism and its Clones, do follow the Devil, Satan Iblis and will end up in hell with Satan, per Islamic Theology.


      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted


      Najd: Exposing Horn of Satan 1


      Exposing Horn Of Satan 2


  • 2

    All Religions are born with a lie, continue to exist and grow with more lies and finally go extinct due to the truth being realized. Mas Usuf being a follower of such a faith is surely an expert on the subject of lying.

    I agree with Rev. Gnanasara that Muslims hate idols as was amply demonstrated with the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddha Statue in Afghanistan. Our Aukana Buddha is a similar standing type statue. The name Aukana is derived from Avakana a name used for Afghans in the past in Sri Lanka. So it is quite likely that the Aukana Buddha is in the same Afghan carving tradition as the Bamiyan Buddhas.

    Mas Usuf tries to assure us that Muslims do not hate statues. but can we trust him? It is very clearly stated in the Quran that idol worship is taboo and those who continue with such acts are infidels. And I don’t have to tell you what Muslims do to infidels. So what assurance is there about some Jihadi not destroying the Buddhist artifacts one day expecting to be propelled to heaven by that meritorious act? I know that the response of Mas Usuf’s and other Sri Lankan Muslims would be to say that those Jihadists are not Muslims. They cannot fool us with that stuff. So, may I suggest that they try to convince a Chinese with hair in plait (Konde Bandapu Cheena) with such talk.

    Rev. Gnanasara has said, “Have we ever harmed any mosque or kovil or any other place of worship in the South anywhere? The Tamil people very rarely lay their hands on an archaeological site. …”.

    This is true. So far, he has been using vitriolic language but has not done any physical harm. It is very unwise and insensitive of Mas Usuf to say such things against an ordained monk, in a Buddhist country, however bad his reputation may be among even Buddhists. As long as he is in robes such things are unacceptable. If it comes from a Buddhist it may be tolerable but not from a Muslim, who have managed to build a very bad reputation among the intelligent people of the world saying one thing and doing something completely different. So leave it Usuf. Don’t try that stuff again on any Buddhist priest even though he may be a Satan in robes unless you want all hell to break loose. Let the President and others control him. Don’t barge in and spoil things for everybody.

  • 6

    Gnanasara is a drunken, foul-mouthed impostor who dresses in saffron robes as an alibi for his evil deeds.

    It is an insult for this low-life to be sitting at top table alongside the Mahanayakes; credit Wijayadasa Rajapaksa for this shitty state of affairs.

    Sadly, the BBS and their like are infected by news from the rest of the world. When they hear, for example, the destroying by ISIS of the 1400 year-old monastery in Mosul, and the destroying of the Bamiyan statues by the Taliban , they cite that as licence for them to take revenge on the Muslims in Lanka. This is not right and cannot be condoned as the Muslims of Sri Lanka cannot possibly be accused of having played any in those atrocities.

    I say a thousand curses to all those who go down the route of violence and atrocity!

  • 13

    Can this kind of discussion take place in a Muslim country.

    There is none as blind as those who refuse to see.

    Fanaticism and extremism are the curses of humanity.

    It is rationality not blind faith we need.

  • 2

    We still remember the ‘malic acid’ story this Joker and his acolytes came up with no. That and his claims that there were al Qaeda training camps in the east, to which he insisted he had “proof”. We’re yet to hear about said proof several years later.

    This is a bloody cursed country. Just had a look through Champika Ranawaka’s Facebook page to have a look at updates from his ministry, and all I see are random yokels asking him about why he’s gone all ‘sarvagamika’ and ‘abandoned’ the Buddhists of the country. In a country where people rank their petty ethnic power struggles over actually creating a country that their children can live in comfort, what talk about aascharyas and regional hubs?

  • 4


    Just look at the face of this thug, do you see a resemblance between a wild Hog and this face. people who lie and are dishonest has this problem, the face becomes dark compared to the color of the body. Whatever that is in the heart is reflected on the face.

    The sad part is our president have become so bankrupt that he thinks that he has to go so low to apease murderous, low level, hypocritical thugs like these to safeguard his vote base. Such a shame!

  • 3

    It’s all about the next elections…both the UNP and the SLFP are not certain about the outcome so we are seeing different alliances being formed and/or threatened.

    In the meantime, a few people might get hurt or killed. So what? This is Sri Lanka after all! Were you expecting paradise?

  • 2

    Mass L. Usuf very nicely quoted from Quran that Islam is the only Religion and Allah is the only God and those not get this will be wipe out of the earth.
    It is shameful and uncivilised to to highlight these sentences in a public forum irrelevant of in whatever the books they appear and in whatever the context. “Worship Allah and shun false gods, idols. Then some of them God guided, and some were justly disposed to error.” Nobody has the right to “Shun” anybody’s believes or tough anybody’s property in a secular democracy. That sentence is clear evidence of a advocacy of violence irrelevance of the exaggeration of the rest proving any contrary. You can prise your own, but you don’t disgrace anyone’s precise.

    He, Hilmi and some others are showing refined and restrained version of Latheef, Izeth policies, but no respect for other religions or no regret for the faults they commit through MMDA, Sharia, Halal, Qurbani like religious painted cruelties. He too have followed the new trend of muscle flexing that all other Muslim MPs like Hizbullah, writers-like Latheef, and the extremist like SLTJ.

    Their unity is mainly to put the opportunistic Appe Andu at the odd with EU, America. They see EU’s recent references directly going into MMDA. They see New King is talking to going to America by the end of January to deal with Trump Administration. There is an opinion that president elect Trump is pro Israelien. These are the new reason appears to be Muslims activists current outburst of raising their flag against Appe Adnu, rather than for internal issues because it is not just they practically did nothing but that time Justice minister Hakeem even went to site, collected the evidences and hid them when the Aluthgama riots were organized by BBS, but now churning an entire ocean only at some racial speeches of BBS and the current Justice minister Minister Wijeyadasa.

    Tamils has no objections to preserve North-East Artifacts. In contrary to the main opinion exist at the mass level, those who are above average knows these are Tamil artifacts and it is about the Tamil Buddhist civilization. They know they are as old as 1st-2nd century Tamils’ cultural evidences and they disprove the concocted talks of the 6th century Mahavamsa. Tamils would like the archaeology branch of Appe Aandu have the UNESCO involved in that, pay due compensation for the Tamil owners of the lands, put aside the object of colonising the area with Sinhala saffron clad Monk -ies, then Excavate and protect the Tamil cultural remains. But now they know this claim of protecting the artifacts of Buddhasasana minister is a preclude to colonizing the Tamil-Muslims area with Sinhalese, but as soon as the Tamils’ evidences are discovered, anything that cannot be ill-interpreted is not preserved and protected but destroyed by Appe Andu’s goons. The proper action is these matters have to be left to NPC_EPC provincial councils, not with BBS or Managalarama. They are the owners of these lands and the culture that has gone under earth. They will better manage it better.

  • 3

    Venerable gnanasara for muslim point of view may be goon or devil for them as he agitating against malicious intentions of muslim community here. destroy all buddhist heritages and build mosques on them. that was the Islamic concept since mohammed era. if you go through history of mecca and other places in saudi arabia. those places were filled with shrines and idols dedicated to early arabian tribal gods but mohammed himself destroyed all and built mosques. even in Iran situation is same. In India muslims destroyed almost all buddhist worshipping places. Nalanda is the classical example.but in china and far east monks developed martial arts like kung fu, karate base on evasive actions of human bodies when in danger without erroneous thoughts successfully depended Islamic aggressions.

    here too muslim community all of them trying same thing not by arm struggle but by using political bargaining power and deceiving sinhalese politicians.they never disclose what they chant five times a day. they never disclose what their holy book say on people of other faith. when ask just say out of context and ignored.though they try to be paint picture as innocent peace loving lot but their hidden agenda is not innocent one. with the cover of religious coexistence they try to enter into others sacred places and destroy them in order to build mosques on them. Dambulla Anuradhapura and mahiyangana is classical example.monks have every rights to oppose such actions as world history specially Indian History told them good lessons in connection with Islamic octopus.

    Islamic religion prescribed lying for their believers in order to make allah reign all over the world..

    • 0

      Ranjith – venereal (not venerable)BBS man in safron robes is a thug also from our point of view -I am one another born buddhists of the island nation.

      You can never be clean by your thoughts -this could be noticed by even a young child easily. YOu add your thoughts being partial. Please see it right let alone today.
      You guys being intoxicated by some aggressive- 2 legged animals hidden behind the Sangaya constumes are upto create new form of hatred waves in this country left by a 30 long year war.

      We dont have such higher divisions between lanken buddhists and non-buddhists. There may be some extremists in both sides do the job for politicians will that way, but you guys not to have grasped it yet is becoming a curse tot his nation.
      Rajakashe creates all the religious conflicts for his come back.
      Mangalaramaya smoking monk whose cesspits are not second to a IRC thugs of Maradana – betrayed entire buddhist folks before silent tamils lately- was public secret. right ?
      The manner if any non-sinhalaya would have reacted, he or she would have been tortured by your the so called buddhists to the very same manner they did it in 83 and 89 in colombo suburbs.
      I am a sirlanken living in Germany, I know what I am talking about very well. I got to knwo tamils in Germany.
      I consider our men sinahalaya did lot harm to their own minorities.
      At least today we have to accept it.
      Then only we can correct it.
      Even in Batticalo and aluthgama, what BBS and Rajaakshe men have been pto do is an another new kind of ethnic problems.
      Rajaakshes should be jailed for all the high profile crimes done by them… being done by them. Then only we the rest of srilankens can see it further for a better srilanka.

  • 3

    Mas Usuf says: “I wish to refer to one Quranic verse only which amply demonstrates the importance of archaeological sites”. Yes they are important symbols of infidels. So burn them down.

    “Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for those who rejected the truth!” (Chapter 16 Verse 36)

    “The nature of the consequence” happens to be burnt to ashes or shattered to smithereens.

  • 3

    “Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire”.
    Comrade Usuf, please correct your title. Those spreading lies like KUMMBA HORRA-DEAL DASAYA seems to us like wearing “pants” but is not! He wares the ammuday and this too worn kanapitta (on it’s wrong side) if you get my hint. Deal+Dasa is happy that in whatever camp he is in, he is not in the side of “Sullu Jaathikayo” camp but in the majority camp whether in the Sinhala Bauddha extremist camp or else in the Kummba Horra’s camp with Ali Baba and his band of thieves. The T-56 solution and treatment is long over due. this is the solution that t these criminals understand. ‘Sharia’ comrade?

  • 4

    Hambayo’s never like the truth. Take the case of Bhumiyan, cultural sites in Syria. so are the sites in Eastern Province. President is no fool, or blind to see what destruction/ desecration is carried out in the north and East by the Muslim Administrators.
    Don’t Insult the Sangha for coming forth to safeguard our cultural sites. When did you become a Buddhist?, Stick to your teaching in Quran and await Allah to take you to paradise for destroying the so called wprshipful sites of “infidels”

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