15 September, 2024


Love & Capital: Karl & Jenny Marx & The Birth Of A Revolution

The author of The Communist Manifesto and Capital, Marx was hounded from country to country in Europe before settling in London to further his revolutionary work. With him every inch of the way, physically, intellectually and emotionally was his family.

Few lives have been lived as intensely as that of Karl Marx. And through this book the zeal that his entire family shared is honoured.

His wife Jenny, his collaborator, transcribed his notoriously indecipherable handwriting so that printers could read it. As such, she was fully united with his thought processes and shared his outlook.

Love & Capital: Karl & Jenny Marx & the Birth of a Revolution
By Mary Gabriel,
Little, Brown & Company 2011
707 pages, $39.99

Read the book review in Green Left

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    What Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels failed to realise is that man cannot be appeased by providing food, clothing and shelter alone, although these are his primary needs. Man has an erratic behaviour and his wants are diverse and never appeased. The only thing that he said right is about Religion, being the Opium of the masses.

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      Gamini, the theory of Communism/Marxism/Socialism have become impracticable and have failed with distorted versions being practised here and there; capitalism and western democracy are in crisis; but religions continue to stay strong and are the only source of solace for the suffering human beings caused by the various human made ‘isms’.

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        Lanka Muslim I concede. Religion can not provide the material needs of man but only the spiritual needs.

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          God has provided in the form of nature all material needs of man with religious guidance for the proper use by man of those provided to him.

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          Lanka Muslim, if that be so where Religion provides, what a wonderful world this would be. Nature alone does not feed, clothe and house societies. One has to move his hands for his mouth to be fed, clothed and sheltered. A Religion can not do that.

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          To make it clear; it is not the Religions that provide. The Creator, God, provides viz; sun, moon, water, light, air, tress, plants, etc. etc. and all what man needs for his living. Religions have been sent to guide man to use those resources in an intelligent and useful manner with the help of the five senses God has also provided to man. These senses, provided by God, make man’s physical movements possible.

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          Lanka Muslim, Man made use of his five senses plus, prior to discovering a Religion or a God, what you describe as Nature. This Nature was always there long before man came on the scene.

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          Gamini, God created man and he sent religions for the well-being of man.

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    Lanka Muslim

    Please let us know which religion God follows or belong to?
    Depending on the answer would you then regard yourself a Muslim?

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      It is God (Allah to Muslims) who sent several religions through his Messengers and Prophets for the well-being of man. Islam, the religion of the Muslims, is the refined version and the last of such religions. I follow the the last religion, Islam, and also do respect other religions.

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        Lanka Muslim I do not know about you, but I was created due to the union of my father and mother and am no son of God.

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          If it is the case, yours should be given the highest attention since you sound to be 100% sure of your creation ?????

          How come you be that sure of your being ?

          Why do some face their destinies and end the life tragically while some live over 100 years. Those who live long have lot to do with their genetics – but researchers have proved – that only genetics cant be the reason.

          Why you met with a cancer and why not others ? Why some cancers are incurable even if found at the primary stage of onset ? Have you been able to find solutions to all you faced in your life ????

          Are all these due to by chance ?

          Are all these easily explainable by your knowledge /conscience ?
          I am born buddhist and evolutionist by my nature, but there are also significant fraction of scientists who believe in invisible forces behind the US liviing beings. latter is more interesting to me to the present since, none of us are clear of your being yet.

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          It should be ” None of us are sure of our creation to this world yet”

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          Correct you are not the son of God but God influenced the union between your father and mother and created you in the form flesh, bones, blood, etc.

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          Andre, as I have said before, I too was born to a very Conservative Buddhist family. I have practised and lived like anyother Buddhist. In life you find so many inconsistencies and this has led me to use my own intuitive knowledge to understand some of it. As I find what we all boast as knowing is only a few pebbles in an ocean, and what we do not know is the rest. So what I personally believe is in myself, to live a life and accept whether I like it or not what comes my way, which in Buddhism one attributes to KARMA that has given rise to reincarnation. Here again life instances are such this Karma makes no meaning and leaves one wondering. I believe this Karma will substitute for an answer for those who want to believe so, fine, but not for individuals as myself. The long and short of it is, we all die one day and if one live true to ones conscience, death certainly is not an issue. This is too vast a subject to be discussed here but I trust I have explained in a nut shell of what I believe. That is all. All Religious divisions are man made and so the beliefs. Our existance itself on this Planet is not that important, although we try to ascertain such.

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        Lanka Muslim why has God sent so many Religions to mankind? What is God’s religion? What is the right religion and what is wrong Religion?

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          All the religions were not sent at one and the same time. Each religion is an improvement of the other sent according to man’s response and behaviour to give him the right direction.

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          Lanka Muslim, this Revelation of yours is no different to Prophet Mohamed’s, where he saw Jibreel first on the horizon and afterwrads every where, to pronounce Mohamed as a Prophet. Then it takes twelve years for Jibreel to realise, why Prophet Mohamed can not convince others to become belivers in Islam. Like wise your God Allah has send all other faiths before and lastly Islam. What about the Philosophies? Did he send them too?

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          Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had convinced and there are more than 1.3 billion Muslims now in the world which keeps increasing. Philosophies are the thoughts of man and differ from one philosopher to another.

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          In other words there are 1.3 billion xxxxx in the world, including the blind as those who shot that girl, whom you all discard as not the true Islamists.

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