17 September, 2024


Mahanayake “Asserts Unity”

Making the first statement by a Chief Prelate, Ven, Dawuldena Gnanissara thero, the Mahanayake of the Amarapura Chapter, denounced the violence and stance of the Bodu Bala Sena stating that ” We were a country that lived together without any racial religious hatred” and asserted that ” Sinhalese Tamils and Muslims should all live together ”

Ven, Davuldena Gnanisssara thero, the Mahanayake of the Amarapura Chapter

Ven, Davuldena Gnanisssara thero, the Mahanayake of the Amarapura Chapter

In a handwritten statement the Mahanayake thero said that the incidents in Aluthgama and Beruwala are unfortunate.

“We were a country that lived peacefully. If there is an issue that should have been settled through conversation not by violence to persons and property. I assert that the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims should live together”

The statement titled “peace through the Buddhist philosophy” is construed as a direct contradiction of the actions and sentiments of the Bodu Bala Sena.

The statement comes over 48 hours after the riots. There has been no denouncing or condemnation of the riot by the Mahanayake, or by the Mahanaykes of the three other chapters. The Asgiriya and Malawathu Mahanaykes are yet to make any statement regarding the riots which left 3 dead and scores injured.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa nor the Sri Lankan government has not issued a statement regarding the riots to date except for an initial ‘tweet’ by the President.

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  • 10

    Sadly, there has been no denouncement of the violence from the Catholic or Christian leadership either.

    • 5


      If Catholics or Christians had denounced the violence, you would have been the first to call them names! You guys create violence and attack the minorities, and remedy for your ills must come from within you guys. It needs to start with you first!

      • 11

        This is like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. But better late than never. Gotabaya Rajapaksa who is the funder and protector of BBS must be forced to resign and held accountable for the failure of the massive military machine he has built to prevent the BBS attack and now to arrest the Sinhala Buddhist BBS MOB leaders.

        There is NO Buddhism in Sri Lanka today. All the Mahayanayakas are Rajapaksa regime supporters who are living in luxury and promoting the MILITARIZATION and POLITCIZATION of a peaceful philosophy.
        The corrupt and greedy Buddhist establishment needs a massive REFORM, demilitarization and de politicization.
        The Buddha would NOT have smiled!

    • 5


      “Sadly, there has been no denouncement of the violence from the Catholic or Christian leadership either.”

      Took 2 days. Better late than never.

      “Making the first statement by a Chief Prelate, Ven, Dawuldena Gnanissara thero, the Mahanayake of the Amarapura Chapter, denounced the violence and stance of the Bodu Bala Sena stating that ” We were a country that lived together without any racial religious hatred” and asserted that ” Sinhalese Tamils and Muslims should all live together ”

      Welcome to the land of Native Veddah, occupied by paras with their hate and Myths.

      “President Mahinda Rajapaksa nor the Sri Lankan government has not issued a statement regarding the riots to date except for an initial ‘tweet’ by the President.”

      Why should they? They were behind it, and released 12 arrested suspects and ring leaders. That was the plan.

    • 4

      Organize one week protest with arm bands of black, yellow or whatever colour that suit all communities. Try to get all peace loving Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Moor and Christians to participate, aim to start with 10,000, and end up with at least 100,000.. This must be possible.. Slogan should be “If you like to be respected and loved, you should respect and love others”….
      AVB –Anura Vidiya Bandara-

    • 3

      Ven, Dawuldena Gnanissara thero,

      “Making the first statement by a Chief Prelate, Ven, Dawuldena Gnanissara thero, the Mahanayake of the Amarapura Chapter, denounced the violence and stance of the Bodu Bala Sena stating that ” We were a country that lived together without any racial religious hatred” and asserted that ” Sinhalese Tamils and Muslims should all live together ”

      Looks like you are the only Buddhist Mahanayakas in Sri Lanka,

      The others are the Mahanayakas of the Mara.

    • 2

      The Rajapaksa regime must be held accountable for the Pogrom in Aluthgama or Al Qaida will arrive in Sri Lanka and create the Muslim equivalent of the LTTE.

      It was the anti Tamil pogrom of 1983 that set the war going in Sri Lanka. At that time too Jayawardena did not make a statement against Sinhala Buddhist TERRORISM.

      Aluthgama is state terrorism and the Rajapaksa brothers are responsible and must be forced to get out. Gota the goon has militarized Sri Lanka to such an extent and is spoiling for a new war – the Muslims have been chosen this time. This war criminal must be put away.

    • 3


      “Sadly, there has been no denouncement of the violence from the Catholic or Christian leadership either.”

      Its sad that they haven’t issued a statement denouncing the violence. However any statement would be used as an excuse for BBS to open another front to attack the Christians.

      “Damned if they did, damned if they didn’t”

  • 10

    The reason nobody is denouncing this is due to fear of the Terrorist organization Bodu Bala Senawa which is most definitely backed by goata… Obviously nobody dares to speak against any terrorist organization due to the consequences they will have to face.

    • 3

      Organize black or yellow band week to show our support to minorities in SL. Aim to start with thousand and finish with 100,000…

    • 3

      Small issue of hundreds of duty free car permits also may have played a part !

      They never denounced or condemned the actions of BBS, if they took a strong stand we would not have been in this situation today.

  • 2

    “We were a country that lived together without any racial religious hatred” and asserted that ” Sinhalese Tamils and Muslims should all live together”

    Samawenna Sadhu.

    HE President has already stated that there is no minorities in Sri Lanka. BBS is just executing it. Please clap and celebrate if you like this. Otherwise, just stay out of the noble duty of BBS and just limit yourself to alms and meditation.

  • 7

    With all respect 72 Hours & 4 Deaths late response.

  • 7

    The Ven. Mahanayaka of the Amarapura Chapter earns the respect of all peaceful citizens of the country by his open and principled stand.
    The core features of Buddhism, that came from Bharath soil, is compassion and non-violence. The mad monks that rioted violently bringing Buddhism to shame in Aluthgama and Beruwela that went against these fundamental Buddhist teachings. Once again the Mahanayakas of the Asgiriya and Malwatta Chapters fail the nation in its quest for peace and unity. The Rajapakse regime cannot run away from its responsibilities for the loss of lives and property of innocent Muslims – whose only crime appears to be they worked hard to create wealth for themselves, the country and provided badly needed employment to many Sinhalese of the area. Sri Lanka continues to gain a negative reputation in the world.

    R. Varathan

  • 5

    ” The Asgiriya and Malawathu Mahanaykes are yet to make any statement regarding the riots which left 3 dead and scores injured.”

    The above two Mahana Yakas are paid sycophants of the Maha Eka Jarapassa. They were bribed recently with 57 duty free luxury car permits to sell in the market place and make money. After accepting the bribe they shut their stinking mouths regarding the Casino Racket.

    • 2

      What Andare writes is shocking. No wonder Buddhism, that great religion from India, whose calm and peaceful message is followed in many countries and individuals, is in such a parlous state in Sri Lanka.


  • 2

    R.Varathan”The Rajapakse regime cannot run away from its responsibilities for the loss of lives and property of innocent Muslims “>>>the regime killed more tha 70,000 Tamils carpet bobmbed entire Tamil towns and villages and refuse ti face up to to UN Investigation and running away from it. This is lose change for them.

  • 2

    Where was this Mahanayake all this time?

  • 1

    We salute most rev. maha nayake thero.. others already politisization thats why they are silenec.. we should separate politics from the religion otherwise we cant get the peacefull enviorment in this country…

  • 6

    Unfortunately all buddhists are ashamed of what has happened! I have decided not to worship a monk unless I am convinced he is devoid of hatred! I will not offer daane unless I am sure that the temple has no BBS supporters in it!
    However the lower strata of Society will not think like this since they do not understand Dhamma, and do not know the duties of the sangha!!

    As for the Jarapassa brothers, they have no concience! The big bu….g..r is fiddling in Bolivia courtesy of Sri Lankan Airlines and our money, while Rome (Beruwala) is burning.

  • 3

    Hats off to this monk for talking out for justice

    but what happened to the infamous Asgiriya and Malwatte Mahanayakes?
    tongue tied? or watching the mayhem with glee????

    as after all this is the way of life of the majority inhabitants as claimed by K A Sumansekera (LEELA) and ably supported by that gallant gentleman Ella Kolla who was trained by the greatest pervert of all Fathima Fukushima (Lorenso of Lankaweb)under the watchful guidance of Jim Softly

  • 3

    Let all the Sri lankans who really care for rhe motherland unite to defeat the evil within. To not to act will be a big mistake that our children wil have to suffer.

  • 1

    mr.nilan ,
    you are correct. what you have understood should be understood by the powers that be.they have to take firm steps to create confidence among the muslims. this is related to serious nation building effort. growth of militancy is very bad for the minorities and the country at large. this is what we have learnd from tamil militancy.
    sri lanka is becoming getting used to foreign intervention and she creates situations to invite such intervention. the leadership has to do some self criticism and act otherwise we will move towards unspeakable catastrophy.

  • 2

    In no uncertain terms should we entertain Gnanasara’s BBS terrorism. However, I must highlight on an incendiary comment that Gnanasara made claiming that “…..MAHANAYAKE PONNAYA!” In a way, the terror leader is correct. Disrobing the avineetha monks should have stared decades ago.

  • 1

    One thing you need to admire – this brute Gnanasara is not scared calling powerful people all kinds of names.

    Mahanayakes – Ponnayas
    Mun gahanuth nevei pirimith nevei – Sri Lankan Police
    Meeharaka – Basil Rajapaksa
    Apita nayakayek naha – reference to Mahinda Rajapaksa
    Apema sakkili amathila – All Cabinet Ministers
    Me mottayala – GOSL –
    Nivata nayakaya – Mahinda Rajapaksa

    Can others add more of his sayings please.

  • 2

    These mahanayakes of Asgiriya and Malwatte are a disgrace. They think that Buddhism is about getting around in a merc ,accepted as a bribe, and sitting pretty. They should have come out and objected to the establishment of the Balu sena. Buddhism does not need protection from any body else, but the champions of Sinhala Buddhists, like the two fake Hela OORas and the thug Balu Sen.
    The only priest who speaks out about wrong doings is Sobitha thero.
    The Helyas who are dressed in pristine white garb, laundered at our cost, watch while ,obscene amounts of money’s are plundered under their watch,making projects (under their watch) un feasible. Then the make a little noise about a casino while breaking bread with Drug lords, they lie to protect them selves and they keep women here and there. They kill if you speak about these women.braking all five precepts they dress in white and talk cock. So they are better Buddhists?
    They market Buddhism and make a living off it. We Sinhala Buddhists are a disgrace to Buddhism. We are passive people but enmass we vote for these robber Barrons!!! Tsunami thieves temple thieves, nymphomaniacs. Shame on us! Sinhala Buddhist vote for rice from the moon! Bunch of Buffaloos wake up!!!
    The dogs from the Balu sena, together with the boss, should be behind bars.

    • 1

      The Mahanayakes of Asgiriya and Malwatte Chapters are men of straw. They count for less than zeroes. No Image and No Performance either. For all practical purposes both might as well be in a vegetative state.

  • 1

    The government has sanctioned violence. So how can we bring peace?

  • 1

    Statements alone will not serve any purpose when considering the gravity of the present situation,it is only pouring water on a duck’s back. If the government and the Buddhist Prelates think they are the custodians of the country they must take the responsibility to admonish and discipline the political leaders.Truth and Justice are fundamental tenets in any religion and universally accepted in democratic governance.Unfortunately in our country Truth and justice are the worst casualties despite the Government’s statement that it will not permit
    anyone to take the Law into their own hands.This is only a stock phrase we have heard many a time.If Buddhist claim superiority over others it is high time that the Chief Prelates took the responsibility to admonish and discipline the political leaders and the entire Buddhist clergy.I humbly appeal to the Christian Religious leaders to seriously address these public issues with commitment to truth and justice together with other Religious leaders before many more lives are lost.
    Christians believe that Jesus suffered and died for truth and Justice
    for all humanity.

  • 1

    The statement issued by the Mahanayake of Amarapura Nikaya is most welcome. He is perhaps the only Buddhist Mahanayake in Sri Lanka. Those two in Asgiriya and Malwatte are bogus pretenders, who have now lost their stature and influence over the years and very soon will be a forgotten pair.

    The government must now arrest Galagodaatte Gnanasara for the crime of inciting religious violence and for murder. Our demand must be to arrest and charge him.

  • 1

    Seems that the Asgiriya and Malwatte fellows are too busy enjoying carnal pleasures that they dont seem to care……

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