21 January, 2025


Mahendran Continues To Mess Up Central Bank As He Replaces Top Officials With His Catchers

Arjuna Mahendran continued to take arbitrary decision in his final days as Governor of Central Bank, by transferring the Bank’s Director of Human Resources, among several other top officials for not heeding his orders.

arjuna mahendranThe Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that Mahendran had instructed the Director of Human Resources to come up with a scheme so retired employees of the Central Bank can be absorbed back to work at the bank, however the Director of HR had objected to this decision, resulting in him being transferred out, while another pro-Mahendran was appointed in his place.

In another incident, Mahendran has also transferred the Assistant Governor who functioned as the Secretary to the Monetary Board and the officer who functioned as the Deputy Secretary to the Board, and filled those positions with staff members who are known to bow down to the Governor’s orders.

It is believed that Mahendran was looking to recruit and promote a certain retired bank employee who has been writing articles for English newspapers defending him. “It is more like a thank you gesture,” a source said. Recruiting retired bank employees is against the practices of the bank.

A highly placed source said that Members of the Pensioners’ Association have being boasting claiming that they can get Mahendran to do anything for them at Central Bank.

The member who Mahendran is trying to bring back does not hold any position in the association and is only a member of it. It is learnt that even the office bearers of the association have joined hands to support Mahendran’s decision to absorb retired officers to work again at Central Bank.

Latest comments

  • 5

    the last supper.

    • 5

      Attacking AM this way will be a failure. At least later the party men will realize is my hope. Those hypothetical sums they believe to have lost should be put to end. The kind of handlings were secretly managed by AM s predecessor, there no body was even aware of. Today, every simple simon regardless of them being hypothetical,.. further criticises and attack CBG.
      Former COPE high man – one another dried pumpkin says alone going thorugh the IMF report isenough to dismiss CBG s position. But paradoxally, CBG was the person to handle GOVT to get IMF loans and other loans that save the country since last few months alone. Who is telling the truth here ? Speculations of all low levels regardlless of dignity and respect should be put to end. I think like in some developed countries, we need ne harder laws to punish anyone spreading wrong and devious views for their political propaganda rather than addressing the issue solving them.

      • 2

        take,eat,this is my body.

  • 3

    CT is now playing fast and loose. Prior to the general election , when all evidence pointed to the Governor’s hand in the massive fraud in Bond Auctions, Colombo Telegraph spent every sinw to decent Ranil wockramasinghe, Arjuna Mahendran, and UNP counter- propaganda.
    Now having that the UNP headed by the authoritarian , Ranil has been exposed as the Emperor without clothes, CT is dragged crying and screaming to unfold the truth

  • 7

    Economynext is not a news paper of or for our Dalit inhabitants… Right..

    But its latest issue says even the 3 UNP Lawyers who were appointed by PM Ranil didn’t give all clear to Mahendran..

    But PM Ranil is determined to protect the son of UNP stalwart Charlie Mahendran.

    Was this Charlie a real Srilankan patriot, who save the Nation from Terrorism or something?….

  • 4

    Former Boss of COPE, Dew Gune says he got rid of big Mouth Rajitha, when he tried to steam roll others, while sitting as a member of the COPE Committee.

    That is remarkable.

    Dew says he told Dr Mervyn a Minister then, to Fuck Off and chased him away ,when the Minister came to check on one of their investigations.

    That is incredible.

    But poor Handunnetta from the JVP threatens to resign, because he is being pushed by the fellow members of COPE and their heavy hitter mates in the Government to white wash Singapore Mahendran,

    We know Batalanada Ranil will do a hara kiri before he he will sack old Charlie’s son.

    But who are the other heavy hitters and their stooges sitting in the current COPE who are forcing poor Handunnetta to kill himself .. Sorry resign ..

    It can’t be the “Wig”..because he doesn’t like Batalanada giving even car permits to poor MPS to make a few quid on the side..

    Surely the “Wig” wouldn’t like to see Charlies son giving the son in law Billions of Yahapalana tax money to transfer to Singapore..

    Wonder who are the other mates of Batalanada and Charlies son, who are there..

  • 6

    Where did these jokers find this fool?

    • 1

      This blood sucking hound was one of the two legged K9 family sniffing holes at 5th Lane. Obviously since it (he) know all the orifices well, he was appointed!!!

  • 2

    A question of frying pan or the fire, which is worse?

    Medamullana rouges or Yahapalanaya rouges? Imagine the fortune of rouges who has / had a footing in both gangs!

  • 6

    This man maybe the best in the world for the job but is he worth it, considering the problems and troubles he is causing? Why on earth Ranil is risking everything to keep him? If he is innocent of all accusations and Ranil wants to keep him, why not appoint a committee headed by a respected banker with lawyers and other experts to investigate. Only then the independent minded people will support you. I for one, will not vote for you again if at least something similar is not done.

  • 4

    Prime FCID Material for the next government. Sri Lanka should sign an extradition treaty with Singapore quickly when Mongols goes that way.

  • 8

    A disgusting man making a living on his glib talk and bullshit. His mentor RW, a mere lawyer who has never studied or worked overseas, thinks that anyone who goes to an european university is a divine figure ( like SWRD, chandrika,lalith etc)

    These guys were all frauds and later found to be very corrupt/immoral/limited/petty .
    Mahendran is a curse on the country

  • 9

    This bloody rogue, should be sacked but like all murderers and thieves are being protected by this govt, much to the detriment of the people

  • 6

    Why is the PM and Finance M, silent on these issues. Yahapalanaya means transparency and accountability! Is Arjun Mahendran a proxy for corruption while PM remains Mr. Clean?

    Corruption may be for self, for the party or to keep others happy!!

    • 6

      Nobody has proved him guilty yet. Let’s wait for the COPE report and then say if he is a rogue or not.

      Where were all these Baiyas when the former governor of the Central Bank Nivard Cabral was responsible for awarding Rupees 2.7 Trillion (Rs 2,700,000,000,000) of Treasury Bonds and Bills to “cronies” and “accomplices” of the former government?

  • 8

    If anyone is to be blamed on this issue it should be none other than the disgraceful prime minister and the disgraceful,shameless and spineless man we appointed as the President of our country. May we all suffer for our mistakes. It is damn disappointing to note that there are no politicians in our Parliament to stop this kind of activity.

  • 3

    OMG -How can a Tamil be so foolish to give up Singapore Citizenship for Sri Lankan ,,, am sorry this does not mean I have sri Lanka, but one has to be practical,
    Not even a Sinhalese Buddhist will do that they will not even give up a Dubai work permit ,,,

    Sri Lanka has no promises for no one yet , yes if things work out with the present government and if they survive another 20 years ,, may be then there could be hope..
    very foolish decision to make by a man of such intellect.
    In Defense Of Arjuna Mahendran | Colombo Telegraph
    Mar 14, 2015 – To take up the assignment, Arjuna Mahendran gave up a lucrative career in International Banking and his Singapore Citizenship. When he …

  • 4

    Really how pathetic, the man is innocent until proven guilty yet he is been hounded . What a sad state of affairs .

  • 6

    Interview with Arjuna Mahendran on Daily Mrror today 29.06.2016. AM reveals his own weak arguments.

    He owns a number of “expensive” Blazers- what a cheap statement? Then why did he forget to take one of them?

    He got a scholarship to study at Oxford… Really, his father did not pull any strings?

    Then he plays the minority card? Oh come on? Tell us more about how you got affected by the war? You were living in the North? Did you spend a day even in a refugee camp? I don’t think so. But your wife was on the News papers every other day attending social functions wearing the latest sarees.

    And then your poor son-in-law is very young indeed. 33 years only. So you are trying to train him to follow the crooked path of your father, his father kattar Aloysius and the like.

    About the BOI, how many of the investors who set up offices are still doing business in Sri Lanka? Some of them would have been ripped off and moved their businesses elsewhere.

    All in all, you have revealed the truth about yourself.

  • 0

    What happen to kabinana Cabiraaal muniyani ya ? became a Gin-ni I suppose and wam -ushed ..lol

    all at Mahendran’s name ..

  • 2

    This crook seems to be no better than that other arch crook Cabbarala.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    All the allegations are because of his ethnicity,nothing wrong he has done.all mere allegations.all these are leveled by senior CB officers,as they don’t like a Minority officer.(moda choon will destroy the country,as did in the past).

  • 3

    These staff transfers I am told are done mainly to control, manipulate or delete the electronic data and vital clues leading to the the bond scandal that could incriminate Arjuna and his lackeys at the Finance Ministry. It is Ravi who is the mastermind behind this and used Arjuna for their getaway after the heist. Even if we leave the bond scandal aside, look how his poor policies have affected the Rupee against main currencies that have weakened globally.

    • 1

      No this is wrong.

      Alone State minister for finances and other expert in the view depriciating Rupee was not a thing done by govt. It should be done that way since previous govt had been playing with deposits to please the nation showing that their ministry would not allow to fall the value of rupeee. However experts say such tricks could only be applicable for limited period. Currently, the govt has no other choice to wait until export and import expenditures improve.
      U cant fool the nation the way Rajaakshe men did for on short terms. This they will get sooner or later.

  • 0

    Good that the whole nation was busy trying to right the wrong about Arjuna Mahendran. All those experts, analysts, forums, Chandra Jayaratne, Yasantha Kodagoda etc.. now do the same thing in the case of Cabraal. Get him now. And when you get him, his industrious wife should also fall into the net.

    We can start the protest tomorrow. The fully black clad guys lead by Namal and Weerawansa should do the same show. I loved the black bands they had :). But make sure you are careful with older ladies. Don’t let them trip and fall like what you did at Mahendrans protest.

  • 0

    Surely he could not have made the decision alone when its in the Billions .. The others who signed off on this alleged scam are as guilty and should be questioned too ,, or is the Central bank a one man show ?

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