President Mahinda Rajapaksa apologised to visiting UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay on Friday for remarks made against her by members of his Government, after one Minister proposed marriage to her and another member of a key ally of the ruling party called her husband a terrorist.
“I was comforted by the President apology on behalf of his ministers,” Pillay told a press briefing at the UN Compound in Colombo at the end of her fact finding mission, she said had been the longest of her tenure.
Pillay hit back against criticism against her by sections of the Rajapaksa Government during her interaction with journalists, saying at least three Government ministers had joined in what she called “abuse” that had crescendoed against her during the week of her visit.
“They claim I am in the LTTE’s pay, that I am the Tamil Tigress at the UN,” Pillay charged.
She rubbished the claims as being both “wildly inaccurate” and “deeply offensive”.
President Rajapaksa told the visiting Envoy during a meeting at Temple Trees on Friday that his cabinet was made up of politicians with different views, the President’s office said in a statement last night.
Pillay also denied claims made by the President that the UN was biased saying that the country claiming to be the most developed in the world had 300 recommendations made against them during their human rights review by the Human Rights Council.
She said independent experts were right now investigating the Guantanamo Bay Prison, Special Rendition Procedures and drone strikes against civilians – all violations the US being accused of.
Pillay said the UN’s role was to hold governments to rules made by 193 governments of countries of the world, including Sri Lanka.
“The Secretary General and I and other officials are civil servants and we operate by the rules and regulations made by Governments. And those rules and regulations if violated is what the UN points out to Governments,” she said.
Some would call that criticism, but that is what the UN does, she explained. “We can’t be praising people all the time,” the visiting High Commissioner said.
“Where there are gaps we then raise a critical voice, but always with the intention to help,” Pillay said.
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hannah.rajaratnam / September 2, 2013
The apology is a farce.
RESPECT for human decency is in shreds.It is even worse when uttered by the president’s his cabinet ministers.In short his cabinet members have blatantly shown their direspect and their CLOUT in the cabinet.
It simplys says -COME GET ME.They know for sure MR will never get them or CANNOT get them.
MR needs them.
It seems that this was done on purpose,designed by MR and Gota so that MR can come out looking a better guy who does not approve of such behaviour by giving a public apology.
MR should have rightfully got them out of the cabinet.Will he?
Doesn’t seem like it.
But Mervin and cohorts- We Sri Lankans and the world know about them their behaviour and the great relationship between the prsident and All his cohorts that he cannot do without.
In short handing out insults is the norm within the cabinet.
hannah.rajaratnam / September 2, 2013
The apology is a farce.
RESPECT for human decency is in shreds.It is even worse when uttered by the president’s cabinet ministers.In short his cabinet members have blatantly shown their direspect and their CLOUT in the cabinet.
It simplys says -COME GET ME.They know for sure MR will never get them or CANNOT get them.
MR needs them.
It seems that this was done on purpose,designed by MR and Gota so that MR can come out looking a better guy who does not approve of such behaviour by giving a public apology.
MR should have rightfully got them out of the cabinet.Will he?
Doesn’t seem like it.
But Mervin and cohorts- We Sri Lankans and the world know about them their behaviour and the great relationship between the prsident and All his cohorts that he cannot do without.
In short handing out insults is the norm within the cabinet.
kalu kumaraya / September 3, 2013
At least we Lankans got to know who Navi Pillay is.I was amazed to see her biography in Wikipedia and it is an honour to have her in our country.People who simply survive on rajapakse’s mercy may make stupid remarks like that and they simply show the whole world what kind of stupid bunch they are.Shamefully all the sensible minded UPFA ministers also acknowledge or at least keep keep quiet about these idiotic things out of fear or reprisals by the King and the clan.This is a very sad state of affairs in our country.I will be very glad if Navi pillay sends a strong message to this corrupt regime at the UN sessions and I am fully assured that she wouldn’t do any thing harmful to the country or it’s people. I came to this conclusion after listening to her final speech on her departure and hop at least this lady would bring some light our haunted land.
Pakis Petty / September 4, 2013
Getting rid of Kudu Mervin is a messy thing. He has enough data on all 3 Brothers of the regime. What he has is 2nd best to official receipts for payments made. 6 figure sums they all are – for certain. He knows it is curtain for him and his rowdy son. Both father and son, chief drug-traffickers in the country, have stepped on the wrong corns – and the penalty for that will be heavy. Kudu M will go down fighting soon and he will spill as much beans as possible. He has already started doing that. The Americans are no fools to give his son a Visa to “study” in the US. They are trying to fix Kuduwa with the Affidavit they are asking as quid pro quo.
The gun-fight at Kelaniya will very likely be a staged affair in Kelaniya soil itself so that it can be explained it was nothing but two sides of gangsters going for each other. The people are waiting to celebrate and to rid Kelaniya soil of this outside plague.
When it happens the old wisdom “he who lives by the sword will die by the sword” will ring in all four corners of the land.
Pakis Petty
sanath sirisena / September 26, 2013
It appears that all these comments aimed at hacking/insulting in the most crude manner giving no respect and using unacceptable language at each other instead of giving valuable suggestions to the best of their ability as all of us need to get together at a time of crisis that we are facing at present in order to come out with solid solutions. If there is a need for change of government the people must decide and take action forcing the present government to call for an country wide election. that’s all. I believe in the voice of the entire country. Let people lead the country by electing the best, honest, educated leaders who are not behind personal gains. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT WE TAKE NOTHING WHEN WE ARE DEAD AND GONE.