17 January, 2025


Mahinda Rajapaksa Gets Back To Practicing Law

Mahinda Rajapaksa who has donned many hats including that of Executive President and Parliamentarian, was seen back to wearing his black cloak as a lawyer, as he appeared on behalf of his son, Yoshitha Rajapaksa whose bail application hearing was taken up at the Colombo High Court today.Mahinda lawyer 16, Feb 2016The bail application hearing which was taken into consideration by the High Court will be taken up on February 29, and the court has instructed several FCID officers to appear before court when the application hearing is taken up.

Yoshitha, along with several others including Rajapaksa’s former media secretary Rohan Welivita and former Sri Lanka Cricket Secretary Nishantha Ranatunga are in remand for allegedly being involved in money laundering at the Carlton Sports Network, believed to be owned by Yoshitha Rajapaksa.

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  • 64

    Donning the clothes of a lawyer is as far as he will go in Courts – be it Sinhala or English – a man who virtually single-handedly destroyed the decent and average/prosperours lives of millions of decent upper Middle class families of all communities. He simply destroyed that class in his 10+ years of misrule. He produced a well-to-do class, of himself, his family and pandankarayas and the very poor. He destroyed the judiciary, the free press, the neutrality of the Police and defence services, plundered the meagre riches of the country as well disfigure an excellent form of modern government the British gifted us with nearly two centuries ago.

    To paraphrase Winston Churchill “Never were so many good people and so much valuable resources, in the four corners of the land, destroyed by a single man (and his venal cohorts) in such a short time” That will be the enduring legacy of Mahinda Rajapakse, his brothers, his sons and his family upon which future historians will dwell.


    • 7

      In our prominent “Yes Sir” culture, it could have been very interesting thing to watch how the judge, rest of lawyers and all others reacted to MR presence in the court as a lawyer of defence..

    • 9


      What if there is a riot and STF is sent in to open fire where Yoshitha was detained? I am not saying Ranil/Sirisena should.

      David Blacker justified the massacre of prisoners at Welikada by the STF/SF. Here is a selection of his comments in case Ranil/Srisena needs defense:

      David Blacker
      November 14, 2012 at

      Whatever the reasons, we now have a few less good-for-nothing criminals to look after with taxpayer money.

      David Blacker responding to Native Vedda’s queries
      November 14, 2012 at 12:04 pm

      “How did you confirm they were good-for-nothing criminals.”

      Their records as murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and hard core criminals.

      “If you have the right to your petty life they too have right to their precious lives.”

      What is precious about the lives of these murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and hard core criminals? “Some were remand prisoners pending trial.”

      Remanded for murder, rape, and drug dealing, yes. Remanded without bail because they are considered too dangerous.

      “Some were petty criminals who should not have been put in these hard core den.”

      Can you point out the petty criminals who did not take up arms but were killed?

      “Some were foreigners.”

      Can you name any foreigners who were killed or wounded?

      “Do you know who participated in this prison riots who did not.”

      Do you know of any who didn’t participate who were killed? I will leave out your other more rhetorical questions since they do not have any relevance to me. Hopefully, your thickness won’t prevent you answering the above :D


    • 1

      [Edited out]

      • 3


        “[Edited out]”

        Thanks for keeping it brief.

      • 2

        Can someone tell me who is on the left wearing a wig ? Another Sarath Silva, Mohan Silva, GLP type licker ?

    • 6

      Excellent comment Backlash. I have not heard anyone openly express this destruction Mahinda has caused.

      This is the very segment of the people who are the backbone of the nation and who are the indicatotors of the wealth of the nation. Today they are bulldozed and disillusioned.

    • 6

      Mahinda Jarapassa in a lawyers cloak is an insult to lawyers. A publicity stunt since the man is quite uncouth and uneducated and uncultured.

      Will he try to do the same thing that some thug Hindu nationalist lawyers in Delhi did at the Patiyala courts when some JNU students were being tried for being dissidents as most uni. students ?!!

    • 7

      The days this hero to turn zero is not far.
      Just an another laughing stock not only to locals but to entire world.

      Those media units that repeatedly boasted on Rajaakshe family will have to see other way around sooner than later.

    • 1

      Money seems to have changed hands… MR seems to have struck a deal to have Yoshita released… check the link where a path is made to have Yoshita bailed out… a guy accused for money laundering and condemned to death in another case is bailed out for rupees 5000.00…LMAO…who is fooling whom I wonder…


  • 20

    Next// maybe the judge giving verdict dismissing the case with compensation!!

  • 33

    What a Clown !

  • 33

    He and his lawyer son understand only the law of the jungle.During his time to use his own words “apey miniha nisa shape kara” refering to Pradeep Kariyawasams scanadal.He and his followers do not understand the concept that all are equal before the law.

  • 30

    RE: Mahinda Rajapaksa Gets Back To Practicing Law

    “Mahinda Rajapaksa who has donned many hats including that of Executive President and Parliamentarian, was seen back to wearing his black cloak as a lawyer, as he appeared on behalf of his son, Yoshitha Rajapaksa whose bail application hearing was taken up at the Colombo High Court today.”

    Did Mahinda Rajapaksa pass his exams, or did he also cheat like his son Namal Rajapaksa?

    Just Curious.

    • 3

      >>Did Mahinda Rajapaksa pass his exams, or did he also cheat like his son Namal Rajapaksa?<<

      He was tutored by Jeyaraj Fernandopulle (who met an 'untimely' death) god knows how…… also see http://www.thesundayleader.lk/2012/01/08/rajapaksa-dynasty-and-their-education-qualification-saga/ for more on his educational qualifications and that of his siblings….

    • 7

      The one who knew the truth of his law college exams, Jeyaraj Fernandopulle is fortunately no more to save MRs embarrassment. Or that too was his design?

  • 23

    Is that law degree you have for real or is it purchased and fixed like Namal’s aka Kuku Baba?. #youradisgrace

  • 22

    Naval is supposed to be a lawyer who passed with honours why is he not appearing and use his legal eagle brain to defend his brother?

    • 5

      I mean Namal

    • 7

      Because they don’t have a computer with internet, in the courts, to look things up.

    • 4

      Putha Rajash

      Who is Naval? Are you referring to the naval son Yositha or the doctored law degree son Namal?

      Tipsy ah!

      I am sure you are not referring to Namal.

      Be careful my darling. You cannot afford to make mistakes.

  • 25

    Downfall of rajavassas started way before 2015. When the idiots started an air line under his name I regreted casting my vote in 2004 for this idiot. It says the character, intelligence experience of a person. Then after that rajavass port rajavssa air port rajavassa nelum pokuna rajavassa cricket statidum all these showed how stupid this rajavassa clan is. Thats why always mention never give your vote any gam battas who come from out of colombo or colombo suburbs. Anyone out side colombo or colombo suburb should refain from donig policits.
    THANK Q~!~ STUPID AM BATTAS GAS GEMBAS destroyed the country.

  • 23

    MR is back to rightful business – he is welcome to act as the defence attorney is the following cases, except where he is not one of the accused!

    1. Case No. 474/2015 at Fort M.C. dealing with Hedging Fund and involving A.N.Cabraal, PB Jayasuendra, A de Mel, L.Karunaratne (Rs.200-700 Million ) 2. Case No. 24327/2015 at Chief M.C.(3) In the matter of Lanka Hospital shares and connected to G. Rajapakse, Roshini ,Cabraal, N.Godahewa, D.Jayaweera, M. Medihewa, W.Amunugamuwa, D.P.Y. Wijesinghe. (Rs. 600 million) 3. B26907/3/15 at Colombo M.C re Housing deals connected with W.Weerasena,B.K.J.K.Perera. 4. B/40/2015 at Kaduwella M.C. re Land purchases, involving Mrs. W.Weerasena, C.S.Ranasinhe. 5. B323/15 in Tangalle M.C. about Carlton Pre-school construction involving State Eng. Corporation Staff (Rs. 35 million) 6. 8674/15 in Pugoda M.C. re Development works, involving B.Rajapakse, N. Thirukumar 7. B22467/1/15 at Colombo Chief M.C. re Money Laundering by M. Aluthgamage (Rs. 3 – 27 million) 8. B22468/1/15 in Colombo Chief M.C. on Wealth acquired of Dr.P.B. Wickrema. 9. B25389/1/15 at Colombo C.M.Court re Money Laundering by G.Senarath. 10. B25166/3/15 at Colombo Ch M.C. Teleshan TV Network with A.Pilapita S.Wickremasinghe, and Sil Reddi with L.Weeratunga and Ven.V.Somananda Thero. 11. B9823/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re CSN Channel involving ITN Directorate & Staff. (5 Remanded in Jany.2016) 12. B35/15 at Kaduwela M.C. re ownership of Marriot Hotel in Dubai with N.Lokuwitharne and M.Rajapakse ( Rs. 48 to 190 million) 13. B27453/1/15 at Hultsdorf M.C. about Lanka Logistics Arms importing connected to G.Rajapakse, P.B.Jayasundera, Mohan Peiris, J.Wickremasinghe. 14. B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family 15. Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & Rajapakse in Petition Colombo M.C of 15.8.15 involving Rs. 1257 million 16. Sajin Vass Gunewardena in abuse of Public property, at Fort Magistrate Court, remanded since May, 2015. Also at Bribery Com. for questionable Assets. 17. Petition accepted in Supreme Court on 6.8.15 re Vehicle Permits abuse 18. Case No. 50/10 at High Courts, Kandy: Captain Wickremasinghe`s activity in Giritale Army Camp re Torture Chambers – under G. Rajapakse`s directions? 19. On Bail – Rohita Bogollagama 20. B/C Case – BC/2370/2011/B1 – 1 Billion heist: Pradeep Gunawardana (C`man State Trading Corporation)
    21.. B 586/15 in the Fort Magistrate’s C,former Coordinating Secy.of MR remanded over Fraud (10 million) 23. M.C Nuwara Eliya Case of Prof. Dharmasiri in fraud of David Paynters Art work worth Rs.37 Million ? 24. Lankaputra Development Bank re release of Rs. 2000 million as loans to 14 parties. CID Report now in the hands of the AG.. 25. Ethanol Imports, involving a former Minister and 2 current Deputy Ministers, – FCID investigations ongoing. 26. Paddy Marketing Board involved in the sale of 234000 tons paddy to 3 selected mill owners & loss thereof to be reported to FCID.

    Other matters going upto the FCID, whose Staff strength is 65: i. Lanka Teacher Services Union complaint re Computer purchases for Rs. 5.87 billion for Mahindaodaya Labs as per Auditor Generals Report, given to one Company by Ministry of Education. ii PRECIFAC to probe the issue of 1000 Diplomatic Passports during the past Regime. iii Wealth of several Presidential body guards to be probed. Total of 230 complaints have been lodged and 35 of them investigated.( 4 on Financial irregularities being heard in Courts.)and may possibly involve the next IGP Appointee. e.&o.e

    • 0

      None of these have been proved!

  • 30

    MR entered Law Collge without sitting the entrance exam due to ruling by Felix Dias Bandaranaike that MPs aged 28 & below be exempted from it.
    His son Namal passed the final law exam by sitting for it in an airconditioned room, alone & with access to a acomputer.

    Now father and son are lawyers.

    This can happen only in Sri Lanka.

  • 24

    ‘Mahinda Rajapaksa Gets Back To Practicing Law’- What a joke!

    Is it an attempt to intimidate the Colombo High Court Judge?

    In law, there is something called ‘conflict of interest’. In a father-son relationship it is best to leave it in the best hands of the lawyers and the the father present himself as a witness. Does this gonibilla lawyer really understand the intricacies of law.

    Probably he is being advised by his compromising and kinky former Supreme Court Judge Sarath De Silva whom during his tenure, presided over some of the ridiculous judgments for reasons best known to common-sensed Sri Lankan.

  • 22

    I really like to see Senior Counsel Mahinda Rajapaksa, assisted by Counsel Namal Rajapaksa in the case of Officer Yoshita Rajapaksa.

    That will make sure that the case will be closed soon with a certain conviction! Rather than breaking coconuts, cursing the judges, intimidating the lawyers, the Rajapaksas can put their trade to practice. If they want, they can ask Keheliya Rambukwela to assist.

    Unfortunately, Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, who wrote the law exam for the senior is not around. The Principal of Law College, who afforded the Junior with an AC room, computers and mobile phones cannot do much either.

    Rajapaksas should own this and run the show in the court, not in front of the cameras.

  • 22

    “as he appeared on behalf of his son, Yoshitha Rajapaksa whose bail application hearing was taken up at the Colombo High Court today.”

    Poor Yoshitha.

    Will he be sent for life.

    Is that what MR wants for his son?

  • 5

    And in the process Rajapaksa is introducing a new court attire for attorneys. Usually lawyers wear the much maligned ‘Kalu Coat’ and tie. But MR has introduced a first. The Ariya Sinhala (indeterminate Sinhala culturally unconnected)suit, the equally controversial Satakaya and a borrowed robe. I thought the robe was the domain of the Magistrates.

    Isn’t this a form of contempt of court. I would think so.

    Ah but then this is the judiciary of the thrice blessed, miracle of Asia, Sinhala Buddhist country, isn’t it.

    • 1

      I think Prins Gunasekera used to wear the national costume with his gown to Court.

      • 2

        yeah BUT a satakaya was not donned before..by anyone in a court…My thinking is, its an accessory… which could be used as a weapon to strangle someone..including the Judge..

        MR is capable of it…

        Throw the 2 fake lawyers and an ill qualified naval rating to jail…

  • 5

    MR seems to be going backwards.
    He went from President to MP and now he’s a lawyer.

    What’s next? Will he be jailed like he was in his younger years as an MP?

  • 5

    What a shame man.
    Our Ex-President ( No One HORA in our Global society).

    Cardboard Lawyers in Srilanka.

    You have agonized millions of people in our country.
    Now must be agonized by the repercussion.

    You can not escape from KARMA even though you were president in SL.

    Mahinda …You must remeber that WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

    The God started to PUNISH you and your family along with your henchmen.
    whether it is acceptable or not…..Man you must obey the law and order which re-established by Mr. Maithreepala Sirisena and Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe.

    During your time law and order was in the jungle.
    Now it has returned.

    You must be incarcerated for life.

    Because…..You have committed so many many crimes. White clothes not suitable to you.
    You are covering everything with that white dress.
    Because most Sinhalese Buddhist are foolish,brainless and stupid.

  • 2

    //Is that what MR wants for his son? //

    Did Mahinda have a daughter at some point and lost? Why are we not hearing about this girl at all??

    I don’t know who wrote this article (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/sri-lanka/rajapaksa.htm) with some interesting titbits.

    Rajapakse had a reputation for astutely outflanking domestic political rivals — his longevity within the corrosively internecine SLFP bears indirect testimony to this talent — but his experience on the international stage was limited. Although clearly indebted to the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) for his narrow victory at the 17 November 2005 presidential polls, Rajapakse seemed likely to try to limit the former Marxists’ influence in his administration. How successful he was in doing so would be one of the most important tests of his legendary political savvy.

    The President was insecure in his job because Sri Lanka, as a “semi-feudal” society, still had great respect for aristocracy. He feared that because he was not from an elite family, but rather from a village in the deep south, support for him within the SLFP was a thin veneer. The President both feared and despised what he disparagingly refered to as the “Colombo 7 Crowd,” Colombo’s western-educated, wealthy elite (most of whom live in the 7th district of the city). He did not included them in his inner circle and was not in touch with their views.

    He did not complete his Advanced Level (“A levels”) education, instead leaving his job as a clerk at the library at Sri Jayawarendapura University in the Colombo suburbs in 1970 to run for his late father’s seat representing his native Hambantota in Parliament. When he won at the age of 24, he became the youngest MP in Sri Lanka’s history to enter Parliament — a record that still stands. Taking advantage of a decision by the then-Justice Minister to allow MPs to enter law school — whether or not they had the necessary educational qualifications — Rajapakse graduated from Sri Lanka Law College in 1974.

    The President was related by marriage to UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe; Ranil’s father’s sister was married to the President’s mother’s first cousin. Rajapakse and his wife Shiranthi (a former Miss Sri Lanka) have three sons (Namal, Yoshitha, and Rohitha). A daughter died in 1983. The eldest son, who was about 20 years old in 2005, graduated from St. Thomas, a prestigious private Christian school in a Colombo suburb and was rumored to be contemplating further studies in the UK.

    • 0

      Yes, Mahinda did have a daughter who lives abroad, maybe Australia… The daughter came from Mervins wife. Mervin was Mahindas pimp, among other things…

  • 0

    Wildlife Sanctuary Lankawe’s court are not worth even to be attended by the creator of it, the Old King.

    It is show to fool the Modayays, Ranil created it,so the Royal Family can come and shed tears, so Ranil can let them go.

  • 4

    A wolf in lawyers clothing. This must be to intimidate the courts, and the magistrate. They say a fool represents himself in a court of law, this must the father of all fools.

  • 3

    Even if he appears at the court, either in lawyers garb or even naked, law is law, and all are equal in front of it. Now the judiciary is independent and no jungle law is practiced like in his time.

    He and all around him who abused and misused law and every thing under the sun had to pay dearly for all their sins.

    They never thought that there is one up above all of us, watching every thing good and bad to reward and punish.

  • 4

    Mahinda Rajapakse from being the President of the country, became a MP and now a Lawyer. What is in line for him next Peon in the Prison? Day by day his position and respect in the society is going down the toilet. Its time he is taken into custody and judged by the courts for all the frauds he has committed.

  • 3

    I welcome that MR back to legal professional after long absence.
    Yes, MR have every right to appear on behalf of his son, he is political victimized by UNP Ranil W… CBK ,MS and SF junta regime came to power of Minority Democracy survival since 2015 January 9th.

    UNP Regime led by MS, Ranil W…. CBK and their member who removed CJ of Mohan Peiries by political decision of MS without consulted Parliamentary consent. MS and his political cronies like Ranil W… CBK and SF is not respect and accepts legal system and rule of law our conventions and legal traditions ,when their in power since 2015 January 9th.

    UNP regime led by Ranil W…of junta claim that their political power of state has right to attack political enemies and oppositions, even if it has NOT been attacked by democratic and progressive forces led by MR alliance.

    The reason being that UNP Ranil W…junta regime led that pose threats US and Indian-RAW vital interest. However a pre-emptive strike for MR and alliance cannot be justifiable as an act of ‘Democracy’ ,’Good Governance’ and ‘Rule of law’ that of safeguard of Democracy in Sri lanka.

    If UNP led junta regime of Ranil W…. MS, CBK & SF has right to unilaterally launch a war against democracy a country like Sri lanka and destroy ,it because, it does NOT like it that Sri Lankan become a LAWLESS PLACE in world country and nation have NO RULES TO RELY UPON.

    It this is UNP New rule of law by UNP Junta Regime wants to imposed, it is nothing less than the crudest Fascist form of tyranny of UNP unilateralism and anti-democracy politics apply since 1977 under JRJ of UNP Regime.

    All this shows that the high-handedness of UNP used State power has become uncontrolled and uncontrollable in every sphere of democratic order in politically, economically and socially. The “Justice” which UNP seek unilateralism of democracy seek in politically denotes profit-first policy of US and Indian multi -national corporations and their Capital.

    Well current UNP led Junta regime of Ranil W…. move go against Globalization trend of Democracy of 21st century and therefor it has NO future in Sri Lankan soli.

  • 4

    As a head of (even former) state, HE or SHE should not get in to a situation of bow down to anyone including speaker of Parliament or court of Law,

    Please go and enjoy your retirement. Dignity of the state is in your hands…..

  • 3


  • 4

    When I read this MR’s pissu natilla, I remember s saying in Sinhalese language we say that “Horra’ge Ammagen pa’ena Balanawa”. If Yoshitha unable to show the source of funding of millions, its clear that the father’s position of President is being misused and abused. On this respect on a prima face basis Mahinda Rajapaksa too part of the crime under investigation by court.

    In this situation he is appearing to court for Yoshitha is nothing but humiliation to judicial sector and it sees even after losing power, he is a nuisance to the nation.

    Shame on Mahinda and his gangsters who spoil the nation.

    With all the drawback and influence to Judiciary, the nation still rely on judiciary to ensure justice delivered no president of future can misuse and abuses the power to gain wealth to own family like this.

  • 4

    It’s a reminiscent how young, chauvinistic Rajapakaya from a jungle in South come to Colombo to practice law with very limited English. Naturally days passed without any earnings in Courtyards and begging for ”couple of Rupees” from the PC to meet the end needs.
    A meal from ”Raheemas” was at the time a super luxury!

    Realising no future in the legal practice, frustrated MaRa escaped to politics in the South with the blessing of poor masses (whose lives later he cheated to a greater extend).

    There again, he goes back to the good, old practice where he had or has future and his son’s case fell into a lawyer who’ll never take him out of bail.


  • 4

    Put all hese rajapasses in jail where they belong, and tell MR he and his family will be remembered as rogues and murderers

  • 3

    Put all these rajapasses in jail where they belong, and tell MR he and his family will be remembered as rogues and murderers

  • 0



  • 6

    Lawyers without a single O=level between them?

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