Mahinda Rajapaksa who has donned many hats including that of Executive President and Parliamentarian, was seen back to wearing his black cloak as a lawyer, as he appeared on behalf of his son, Yoshitha Rajapaksa whose bail application hearing was taken up at the Colombo High Court today.The bail application hearing which was taken into consideration by the High Court will be taken up on February 29, and the court has instructed several FCID officers to appear before court when the application hearing is taken up.
Yoshitha, along with several others including Rajapaksa’s former media secretary Rohan Welivita and former Sri Lanka Cricket Secretary Nishantha Ranatunga are in remand for allegedly being involved in money laundering at the Carlton Sports Network, believed to be owned by Yoshitha Rajapaksa.
Viraj Hewage / February 18, 2016
Where criticism ends begins dignity.
What is a man who does not defend his son?
Empty vessels make a lot of noise hiding behind masks.
In law an acquittal is not necessarily permanent, a case is closed only until its opened again. Legal justice is temporary. Natural justice is permanent and prevails over all ill and evil.
” While you point your fingers someone else is judging you ” bob marley.
Native Vedda / February 18, 2016
Viraj Hewage
“Natural justice is permanent and prevails over all ill and evil.”
Therefore stop carrying Mahinda’s b***s.
Analyst / February 18, 2016
This Fake LOWYER will Practice the Jungle Law as always he did. Does the JUNGLE LAW STIL EXCISTS UNDER YAHAPALANA??? Would they allow this man to bring the new GG Srilankan Law into disrepute .??
He made a mockery of the justice system lock stock and Barrel to a joke law of SL.
How a so called BOGEY LAWYER WAS CALLED TO THE CHAMBERS AGAIN AS A LAWYER to defend his crooked son let alone any other cases.
His law degree should be reexamined and punished for making a mockery of the True and honest Lawyers who do their job according to the text book and AND took their oaths as lawyers.
One is guilty until proven innocent. According to MONKEY LAW one iS INNOCENT even after being called to present their case at the court of law. They need to be cleared FIRST at the court to be called INNOCENT.
A country of Zombie Monkeys always follow the jungle law. Remember the Zombies??
Aia / February 18, 2016
If you don’t brought up your children in proper way a father should and consequently one of your sons ended up in the wrong side of law, what can you do? Look for the coat which you wore as an advocate in your thirties which hardly cover your torso now, and defend him- really, this is what MR wants the gullible folks to believe that he does? Is it staging an attention seeking drama or desperation to rescue his son?. Produced a fake lawyer, and a fake navy officer with a PhD, but they are still like father- the latter has had allegedly no hesitation to murder someone purely on jealousy. The guy is deserved to be rotten in the prison?. Hmm..all this befell because of taking the words of a fake astrologer?.
Rajash / February 18, 2016
Mahinda, I thought you would have destroyed your black cloak too when you destroyed the judiciary and the courts and law and order single handed. As you were the law and there was no need for black cloak, or did you borrow it from your son Namal , as it was no use to him?
MOHAMED MARZOOK / February 18, 2016
Sandy / February 18, 2016
” .. and they’re entitled to full respect for their opinions….
but before I can live with other folks, I’ve got to live with myself.
The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority
rule is a person’s conscience” ( ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’)
Gobba / February 18, 2016
Must have spent hours dusting the cobwebs out of his Coat, if indeed, it was HIS. Baiyyas must be tingling with pride to see their boss in a legal coat !!!
MOHAMED MARZOOK / February 18, 2016
Mahinda and his cronies who took ruling the country as a joke has now become real clowns to entertain the people to get over from the tension the people went through during Mahinfs’s govt.
Bensen Berner / February 18, 2016
The other clown the Hon. Mervyn Silva will soon appear in a black cloak. Whats the difference after all? Bensen
Hembath_wela / February 18, 2016
I wish someone could turn this into a proper Movie worthy of Godfather standard with star class performances, simply called ‘The President’s coterie’, depicting the many twists, turns and flips MR makes in his political life. The unlimited family patronage, the role of ‘YES’ men, thugs, hooligans to carry out his bidding, the role of ethanol importers to finance campaign support, hard drug distributors who survive getting shot in the head to become Ministers, the getting rid of journalists. There is so much of material that could be used, many ridiculous happenings in and out of his Presidency. Even his appearance as a lawyer in support of his son’s case. All combined, it would definitely turn out to be a box office hit.
Viraj Hewage / February 18, 2016
Native Vedda
Empty vessels make a lot of noise hiding behind masks.
Native Vedda / February 18, 2016
Viraj Hewage
“Empty vessels make a lot of noise hiding behind masks.”
On the contrary if you sing and strum a guitar out of tune also you could make louder noise, particularly if you are part of the noisy Sinhala/Buddhist minority.
saman / February 18, 2016
Thats great. Atleast he can make a decent living.
Cassandra / February 19, 2016
God / February 18, 2016
Some ‘native’s require psychological help.
Non PhD / February 18, 2016
It is a surprise MaRa went to courts with lawyers attire. It is also strange that the Kurunegala MP who has deliberately chosen Vihares & Temples for his propaganda for a come back as a leader and was keeping a low profile in parliament is talking about Hangar recordings under his 10 year regime.
Instead of taking care of his constituents and the country as an MP,
he is mainly taking care of his family members.
Diogenes / February 18, 2016
Mr Viraj Hewage . Bob Marley was only a singer. Not a prophet or a philosopher. Don`t take his words seriously!
And Mr.Saman, do you mean that he ( the Discarded Mahaarajah) had been making an `indecent` living all these years?
Rohan Polwatte / February 18, 2016
Whatdo you know about the law? If you were a lawyer why the hell didnt you or your moron family didnt obey the law? What a JOKE! Why did you your stupid family and close assocaited think that you did not have to abide by the law? CJ impeachement SF jailed? illegal 18th amendment treating tresury likeyour damn personal account you gas gembas?
janaka / February 19, 2016
Let us see the fat Mahinda defending helping hambantota 2?
Mandaya / February 19, 2016
He is testing if the judiciary is in the way he wanted with Mohan Peris at the top.
He would not have imagned that he has to come out to defend his son.
Lanka Watch / February 19, 2016
By wearing lawyer’s cloak, MR gains access to the inner chambers of
the courts, where the lawyers sit and the ploy may be to threaten the judges & cross examiners by sending daggers across at them from close range as a last resort as all his cases are weak to defend. This new strategy may have been suggested by his lawyers as there are plenty
of cases related to the family, pending to be examined.
Viraj Hewage / February 19, 2016
Dear Mr/Ms Diogenes
On Bob Marely – Opinions differ. Its those differences that make life interesting.
Tamil from the north / February 20, 2016
That is the end of the law profession. Firstly he stole Tsunami money, then murdered thousands of people, then pillaged and ransacked the whole country, then rig the votes, now he wants to practice law. Bloody joker and clown!!!