15 January, 2025


Military Intelligence Alleged Of attacking TNA Meeting In Killinochchi

By Colombo Telegraph

At least 20 people were injured when suspected military intelligence personnel stoned a meeting held at the TNA office in the heavily militarised Kilonichchi around noon today. The police were at the scene when the incident occurred. Top TNA MPs, including MA Sumanthiran, Sritharan and Saravanapavan were meeting the people in area on latest political development in Sri Lanka after Geneva UNHRC resolution, when the a group military intelligence  personnel wearing helmets unleashed the attack and fled to safety. At least 13 people are hospitalised.

“A group of people marching in procession and carrying the national flag attacked the meeting in Killinochchi at TNA MP Sridaran’s office. They started to throw stones at us. Around 20 people were injured in the attack and the office was also damaged”,TNA MP Mawai Senadiraja told media.

Latest comments

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    • 0

      The attack on minorities – Tamils, Muslims, Christians continues unabated – given the Rajapakse policy of DIVIDE and RULE.

      All the minorities must get together with progressive SInhala forces to defeat the Rajapakse regime that is following the British Colonial policy of Divide and Rule while stripping the wealth of the country.

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        It’s time to divide the Rajapakse Regime through International help.

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    Signs that the dictatorship is getting bolder and desperate. Stifle free speech, freedom of the press, and keep the people in the dark. People are living in fear, insecurity and criminals in the government and the street have the power.

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    Military Intelligence.. indeed one of the greatest oxymoron of our time..

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    I bet Rajasingham Narendran is happy at this ???

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      Narendran is paid by military intelligence.
      He would have given information on the venue.

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        Dev and Justice,

        I am the Sri Lankan intelligence. if not for me the LTTE would be in charge of Eelam and VP its president now! The two of you must be survivors of Pottu’s intelligence unit, but sans intelligence. One pretends to be a psychiatrist and the other a specialist in divining. But both seem to have gone mad after Pottu’s demise and hence your deluded state. I definitely gave the information that a schizophrenic who yet imagines VP is alive was attending the meeting. Instead of bundling the guy off to Angods, my operatives stoned the buildings. I will court marshal them tomorrow and get them shot in public at the Galle Face the day after tomorrow. Care for an invitation for the event? You will see Sri Lankan style, expeditious justice at work! please do not miss the chance of a life time. I need some clowns also to have a side show to entertain the crowds, can you two please oblige.


        • 0

          I think our comments have touched a raw nerve !!!!
          Was it us who forced you to come as part of the diaspora group to “laud” the services of the govt?
          NO you came on your own (and for your won benefit) and then spend double time complaining about the TNA (again to make your sponsor Got happy) and now you complain against us??

          Seeing you now complain against the government after praising it (for your own gain I might add) is like a harlot trying to become a virgin again !!!
          (A google search should reveal to all your real character )

          • 0

            He is having a bout of delusion and hallucination.
            This clinches the diagnosis.

            • 0

              Please dev and justice, leave him alone and rest in peace…

          • 0

            Dev and Justice,

            Your responses confirm by diagnosis. Your cheap comments do not touch raw nerves in me. I view them as symptoms of a sickness that is holding our community in its grip.


            RIP? Not until my ‘ Thalai Eluththu’ decides!


            • 0

              So you have nerves. i thought you have only a tail – a big one.

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            This Rajasingham Narendran was a Camel doctor (vetnary) working in Saudi Arabia for 30 long years looking after the Camels and returned to SL only after the war was over. Today the GOSL is paying him to write against the Tamil cause. If the LTTE was there, this guy would have ended up on a lamp post.

            • 0

              Are you sure it is with camels not donkeys 30 years with Camels that is too long. He will be spending few more years with buffaloes. He simply loves them

            • 0

              Thanks Kandasami. I was wondering how did this guy got a phd. Now I’m convinced that only a camel doctor can write this kind of trash.

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          A disgrace to humanity is awarded as a Ph.D or MBBS..

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            It is neither it is a Dogtor. not an MBBS or a PH d. He was the team dogtor for the delegation which was taken on a paid visit to Sri Lanka and paraded. Now the use by date is gone. So unnoticed hence this noice he makes

        • 0

          Need a clown. I see contact your KP Karuna Doglas and you household. You cant find better ones. Merwin may help you. Make sure you take some rope too and stand near a tree.

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      Bloody Happy. I bet he will say something about LTTE or no bread for him tomorrow. His Masters voice

      • 0

        Let me join the RN debate please – he got the PhD in Rajapakses’ AH licking…!!

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    That government servant running out of control – the abrasive Defence
    Secretary – entered territory that is forbidden for those holding office like him, when he commented on Tamilnadu’s recent developments vis-à-vis Sri Lanka. He said, in the usual poor and irresponsible diplomacy he is notorious for, that the Rajapakses are wary of providing any devolution to the Tamils because of the fear of the NEP joining Tamilnadu. A silly thought, no doubt – but look who we are dealing with. This is clearly a political matter in which no government servant should express an open opinion – under civilised rules of governance.

    So some of his men in the army have taken the law unto themselves and have, once again, brazenly attacked a group of unarmed TNA MPs carrying out their democratic duties. The target is clearly Sumanthiran, whom they are out to physically harm, because of his bold
    speeches in Parliament against the regime’s excesses. Predictably, the government will come out with some flimsy excuses for “the mischievous act of a few army men acting on their own” This can hardly fool anybody.


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      Dracula would be an angel compared with the macbre SOD who is well known for his crassness and cupidity. Because of the the high degree of impunity he enjoys he will be prone to make desparate decisions.That is why people like Sumanthiran and others should take untmost care remembering what happened to LoganathanKetheeswaran,RaviRaj,T.Maheswaran and others.

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    And our majority idiots point fingers at Tamil Nadu, India and the West and wonder why oh why can’t the world leave us in peace? :D

    Murali recently acted like an Uncle Tom when he said how well he had been treated by the Sinhalese during his 20 year cricket career, and tried to imply that because of that all Tamils in SL live happily! I wonder if he thought about how life would have been for him if he was born as an ordinary Tamil in Jaffna or Kilonichchi and had to live those 20 years in the war zone, the ‘no fire zone’ and finally in luxurious humanitarian welfare camps like Manik Farm?

    And there are still naive Sinhalese who point out to how Murali was treated and how now SL has a Tamil cricket captain in Angelo Matthews and expect the whole world to believe that all the Tamils in SL are having a gala time! :D Ignorance in SL is not bliss…it has been hereditary in the majority for the past 65 years. :D

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    Once again the ghoulish SOD and his underlings deal blows to democracy and human rights in the country. If this SOB is removed half the problem would be solved.

    • 0

      The SOB has to a battery which has to be short-circuited by divine power
      this time!

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    Mr. Sumathi, what do you mean by “ALLEGED” ??
    Let there be no double speak & spewing of further venom.

    If Murali said something its wrong BUT Sumanthiran to speculate is absolute TRUTH.

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    This and the previous incidents show how the government is going to behave at the forthcoming elections in the North and the rest of the country.The Northern provincial council elections, which is going to be held towards the end of the year (according to the government sources)probably will be another ‘war’.If the government continually acts in this way the many Tamils would begin to believe that Prabhakaran was right in deciding to use violence against violence which achieved nothing for the Tamils at the end of the day.The service of the international observers will be needed from the day of nomination to the day of the formation of the Council in order to prevent the lawlessness.

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    This is the Peace that Gotha has brought to the North, which was explained to the world by the Sri Lankan delegation to the UN. When is this government going to learn a lesson?

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    What is the basis for this allegation that it was done by military intelligence? The TNA just flings allegations and media repeats it like a parrot for rumour mongers to then ‘make’ it the ‘truth.’

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      You are right. It must have been LTTE inteligence that must have disturbed the TNA meeting

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        You may be right. Many LTTE cadres are now working with and for the MOD. They are the eyes, ears and hands of the MOD. Many commentators fire barbs at the regular armed forces, without comprehending the role of these men and women. They are projecting their power and pursuing their self interest. How much control the MOD has on such persons is hard to gauge, although it is obvious to the public that they are the mischief makers. From a cynical point of view, these men may yet be carrying out the continuing agenda
        of the LTTE, to create turmoil, disaffection and confusion. There are wheels within wheels, as I have said many times before.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        • 0

          anything to whitewash the regime.

          For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil…..

          • 0


            Your mind seems to be incapable of comprehending anything more complicated than money. What sort of creature are you? I heard once that souls that should be born as animals are one being born in the human form! They yet retain their destined nature! I see many of these types around in this world. Kali Yuga!


        • 0

          Thank LTTE for giving a living. You are able to earn your daily bread because of them.

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        Raja …. ?????????????

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    CT’s opening sentence says ‘suspected’ military intelligence personnel. In sentence 3 the ‘suspected’ has been dropped. The perpetrators have become military intelligence personnel wearing helmets!!

    Is this media as straight as it makes itself out to be?

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      never mind what was teh police doing. Same way they watched the Monk throwing stones at the Fshion Bug

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        Difficult question eh?

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    The identity of the attackers are irrelevant to what the act proves is the actual state of the nation! If police do not/ cannot/ dare not intervene to safeguard a group of civilians from a mob – there is nothing further to conclude. These are but signs of desperation and only show how pea brained and short sighted those behind these ‘macho’ acts are. It only exposes their own nakedness and the shameful depth to which they will stoop. Whatever and however we try to regain our credibility is fruitless, when such acts of barbarism and hooliganism are sanctioned and overlooked. Who needs enemies with friends such as these. Thanks to such as these, the BBS and other such groups whatever goodwill the government manages to create is only erased and polluted by such foolish acts. It is a case of digging your own political grave.Go for it!

  • 0

    Why is that only Tamil/Muslim Minorities are at the receiving end of Mobs ???

    Why “Patriotic” Mobs waving Srilanka flag have to throw stones at a meetiing being held to decide plans for participate in the forthcoming Northern elections Democratically ???

    Mahinda once asked what Tamils lack in Srilanka & the Answer is obvious.

    Democratic Space is being denied to Minorities to rule democratically in North & East & to protest as Mobs while unltd freedom is granted for Sinhala Buddhist Monks in robes.

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      Yes Bro, This SL country is fit to be crushed by all means.. Doing atrocities in the name of sovereignty. What this UN sleeping now, India my country common stop backing this undemocratic country. Let us suit PIL in supreme court for backing undemocratic country.

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        Though I know PIL cannot be applied to foreign policy at least let us remind the Centre cannot support undemocratic e creatures any more

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    End of the day The winner is TAMILS

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      Sam , it is not winning or loosing at the end of the day death fro democracy. When two monks were attacked how many hypocrites from SL big mouthed.. where are those cowards? In fact all associated with that incidents were imprisoned in TN, I am sure in SL nothing happnes. Where is that Kallothoni Muthiah murali who said in India Tamil lives in peace..

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    The state is looking to attack and erode all democratic activities of tamil representatives. Tamils are once again left with no option but to follow extremist people like VP. I am sorry but there is no point in talking with this government.

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      Absoultely, This government thinks that they are untouchable, time will show them

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    The Tamils in the NEP are not foolish to believe they will be provided with an enabling climate for a clean and unhindered NP Election, if it comes at all late this year. GR has given clear indications what his mind in the matter is – and, his men in uniform are carrying out their master’s grand design. This incident is one indication of things to follow. But the Tamil people will remain resolute against the odds arrayed against them – that is likely to increase in the coming months. They must leave squabbling among them for the moment, close ranks and provide a convincing result, with as little division as possible, as the region and the world watches.


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    Now the TNA can say that they are unable to do their politics democratically because of violence against them.Then democratic nations like the US and India and europe will take note because they supported the present government to eradicate the LTTE which was following the undemocratic and violent path.So now the ball is back on them to do something for the tamils because they are unable to have democratic representation effectively.So the fools who did this cannot see the big picture and play into the hands of the elements who say eelam is the only solution.Whoever is doing this is aiding unwittingly the eelamists and slowly but surely the countries that backed the Rajapakshe’s at one time against the LTTE will start looking for other solutions such as a referendum that was held in East Timor.The danger will be if one of the questions at the referendum is whether tamils want the north east to become another state of India with special autonomy like kashmir.I think having a good analysis of the potential threats in the global environment will be good for the Rajapakshe’s.

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    Are the one time LTTE cardres in pursuit of revenge against the TNA who were terrorist backers AND yet continue in the same vein with the diaspora and the IC.

    It appears the former LTTE cardres do not have trust in the TNA double speakers & they are happy with the new life found which the LTTE nor the Diaspora nor the TNA were able to provide to them for 30+ years other than ask for their blood for a loss cause.

    Sumanthiran……… time to reflect.
    these guys need a life and not tongue in cheek TNA politics as they have lost very much in time, years and personally.

    • 0

      No it is the LTTE which put Rajapakse in government. and they are getting things done as they wanted. They wanted to make Sri Lanka a failed state ruled by clowns and inhabited by clowns. It is all a set up game. They even planed some fools in the Sri Lankan camp. You can see them making foolish statement. That is to discredit Sri Lanka. cant you see it is happening. VP is a real master he is getting things done exactly the way he wanted.

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    I refer to regular readers/commentators Dev, Raj, Lanka L, Kovian, Kandasamy, Real Peace and others who have made stringent comments again
    Dr. R. Narendran – an able, articulate and commentator on Tamil affairs. I have myself crossed swords with him several times – that is the very essence of the democratic tradition. But let us give him his due in courtesy and respect. He is a well-versed gentleman in English and Tamil. He and his family have enormously suffered during the War. He has openly written/spoken about the excesses of the LTTE – and there is much to say there. If he so choses he has a right to align himself with forces on the government side. Like some of you, I am aware he made some attempts to work with some sections of the Govt
    for what he believed was the Tamil good. The TNA did and does that too. Why not? Let us debate him, criticise him and disagree with him. But in the ancient Tamil ethos let us treat him with anbu,
    panbu and mariadhai.


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    Well said. Dev, come on. Theres a lot more you can contribute than boyish bickering.I enjoy your comments usually. Dont be influenced by the rot around you. You men are your worst enemies if even now you don’t listen to each other and at least treat each other with some respect. There is a difference in spineless hypocritical double speak, and TRYING with diplomacy to walk with the other side for the sake of a greater good..For heavens sake men, don’t let 3rd rate governance play in to the hands of ” divide and rule” havent you seen enough of this ? This country needs models of men and women who know how to disagree, how to challenge decently and how to accept faults with head high unlike the Jackals who lead this sad state.

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