14 February, 2025


Military Studying Northern Civilians’ Body Language : Wiggie

In what seems to be an escalation of the prevalent military reign in the Northern province, fresh allegations have been made against the military on spying and collecting data on the ‘body language’ of the Northern residents.

Chief Minister CV Wigneswaran

Chief Minister CV Wigneswaran

The accusations had been leveled at the military by none other than the Northern Province Chief Minister and former judge CV Wigneswaran during his address on Sunday at the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) convention.

He had remarked that the military is collecting all types of data on the residents of the North including people’s body language, with the help of Israel technology.

The Chief Minister while warning the gathering of the dangers that face them at present had stated, “We should be aware that the army here is not eating grass” using a Tamil expression.

Upon making the allegations, he had urged the youth to gather data on the deployment of the military including their numbers, the lands they occupy and the activities they are involved in.

Moreover, he had also cautioned against revival of separatism and violence, pointing out they are not suited to the emerging conditions of the world, pointing out they had failed to deliver the goods in the past.

Latest comments

  • 6

    vigneswaran and the Other Tamil politicians were expecting the Army to eat grass while they are in the north.

    Now, vigneswaran is upset because Army is not doing what they wanted.

    Pabakaran expected the same thing and ended swimming in gon-kalapuwa.

    • 11

      Gon Softy,

      SLA may not be eating grass. That’s fine with me.

      Beyond that SLA’s duty is to help protect and uphold the authority of the Chief Minister Wigneswaran. He was elected by a landslide. By the people who live there. You cannot takek away his mandate. No matter how hard you try.

      Remember? That is how democracy works. You and your paranoid Boss may have other fantasies.

      Let the traumatised population of the Northern Province go about their business in peace. And with peace of mind. Finally.

      That is SLA’s real duty.


      • 6


        “Let the traumatised population of the Northern Province go about their business in peace. And with peace of mind. Finally.”

        I am sure you were equally concerned about the Southern people when the armed forces brutalised the Southern provinces in 1971 and after 1987.

      • 2

        Few questions for you.
        1. Who is the ultimate commander of the SLA?
        2. How and when did the population of the Northern Province get traumatized?
        3. Is Sri Lanka already divided and separated?

        • 2


          Just one question to you.

          Where the heck have you been all this time? The Moon?


          • 1

            It’s better to let someone think you are an moron than to write responses like this and prove it.

  • 9

    What Gota doing in North, he is also doing in South. But his and his Rajapakse cartel days are numbered.
    These type of crazy Gaza type operations will make Rajapakses lives shorter when the people start rising up against the dictators and suppressors.

    • 4

      Keep counting the days till you get fed up. Gota will be the President of Sri Lanka after MR.

      • 3


        “Read Page 382 of ‘Ancient Jaffna’ by Mudaliyar C. Rasanayagam.”

        Could you let me have the year of publication.

        • 2

          Vedda, I gave you enough information. Now you find the rest yourself.

          • 2


            “Vedda, I gave you enough information. Now you find the rest yourself.”

            There are several reprints and I have already checked one copy and found page 382 is part of index.

            I would be grateful if you would let me know the year of publication.

  • 1

    The female Tamil’s body languages are being studied in the privacy of the rape dens run by the military.

    • 0

      I recommend Tamil youth to rape Sinhalese women

      • 4

        Dear Tamil brethren, I implore you to NOT take this advice. It is NOT a good career move. IN any case, I expect you men will have some standards. It must be better to wait than lower your standards (and your trousers!).

      • 5


        Is it cock for cock, eye for an eye thing is it?

        I suppose you you have mother, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, nieces, great grandmother, …. a wife?

        It appears you have natural ability to say stupid things and such nasty comment. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

        Thoughts translate into words and then into action.

        How many children have you had the chance to rape?

      • 3

        I recommend having patience. When Sinhalese families move north fall in love with those young women, get married and start a family. Sri Lanka will be a peaceful nation before long.

  • 4

    The close relationship between the Government of Sri Lanka and Israel’s MOSSAD is worrying. It can be expected that the same techniques used against Arabs in the Occupied Territories and Israel will be used against Tamils in the North and East of Sri Lanka. The military collecting information on body language is of great concern. That’s a job for researchers at Jaffna University, not the military.

    • 4

      Mossad advise/training to SL Military:
      It’s going on for a long time….

      Remember Fort railway station, Pettah bus stand bombings: they were not by Ltte, that was the work of SL military. This is what Israel does in Palestine….every now and then Israel need these bombings to keep terrorist label against palestinians.


      • 4

        What an analogy, or is it a psycho abstract by wiggi from the body language of the army.

    • 2

      Why worry about these things if you are not up to bad behavior?

  • 3

    Vinges is following the Chelvanayagam doctrine. In the Chelvanayagam doctrine no Tamil should “collaborate” with the “Sinhala government”.

    So essentially Tamils get to look like they are “independent” from Ceylon. Anyone who disagrees gets a “traitor” designation. The first Chelvanayagam casualty was Alfred Durehappah. From the current crop Douglous and Karuna fall into this category.

    Tamils must feed empowered somehow with this feeling of bravado. It probably is the only time some blood flow into their sad and depressed veins. Other than the occasional erection, it must be hard in practical terms.

    After all, not wanting to collaborate with the govt in one hand, and completely having to depend on them for finance and security on the other is diametrically opposite energies.

    • 2


      How do you then explain Bunda/Chelva Pact and Dudley/Chelva? You talk through your rear without any shame! It was the Sinhala Chauvinists like you who sabotaged such workable pacts that lead to the catastrophe that we witnessed subsequently. Your quest to subjugate the Tamils will backfire once more with inimical consequence to unity of SL!

      • 1

        And recently … breaking promises on 13th amendment


        “Perhaps, the most significant of the government’s broken promises are those relating to a political settlement. The Sri Lankan government has for several years promised a power-sharing arrangement that will ensure that power is shared equitably amongst the peoples of Sri Lanka. President Rajapaksa’s Joint Statement with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon soon after the end of the war in May 2009 contained several assurances relating to a political solution, one of which was

        “…to proceed with the implementation of the 13th Amendment…”.

        Before the end of the war, at the inaugural meeting of the All Party Representatives Committee (APRC) and its multi-ethnic Experts Committee appointed by the President to assist the APRC, on 11th July 2006, the President said:

        “People in their own localities must take charge of their destiny and control their politico-economic environment. … In sum, any solution needs to as a matter of urgency devolve power for people to take charge of their own destiny. … Any solution must be seen as one that stretches to the maximum possible devolution without sacrificing the sovereignty of the country given the background of the conflict.”

        At the 10th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in March 2009, Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe reiterated the President’s pledge, saying,

        “Our national discourse has been dominated for decades by an ethnic issue, which requires a political solution as a means to resolve problems. … [o]n a recommendation of the All Party Representatives Committee, we are able to properly implement the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which was passed in 1987.”

        When the Sri Lankan External Affairs Minister G. L. Peiris visited New Delhi in May 2011, a joint press statement with the Minister of External Affairs of India stated :

        “… the External Affairs Minister of Sri Lanka affirmed his government’s commitment to ensuring expeditious and concrete progress in the ongoing dialogue between the government of Sri Lanka and representatives of Tamil parties. A devolution package, building upon the 13th Amendment, would contribute towards creating the necessary conditions for such reconciliation.”

        In January 2012, after meeting with President Rajapakse, visiting Indian Minister for External Affairs, S. M. Krishna speaking at a joint press conference with Minister G. L. Peiris, said:

        “The Government of Sri Lanka has on many occasions conveyed to us its commitment to move towards a political settlement based on the full implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Sri Lankan Constitution, and building on it, so as to achieve meaningful devolution of powers. We look forward to an expeditious and constructive approach to the dialogue process.”

        This is not the first such assurance made to the Government of India. On 25th December, the Indian External Affairs spokesman stated

        “[I]n this context we have been assured by the government of Sri Lanka on several occasions in the past, of its commitment towards pursuit of a political process … leading to the full implementation of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Sri Lankan Constitution, and to go beyond, so as to achieve meaningful devolution of powers and genuine national reconciliation.”

        It is in this context that the government proposes to strip the 13th Amendment of the limited concession it offers to devolution.

        The current framework under the 13th Amendment provides only modest protection to minority peoples in the event that Parliament seeks to legislate on a subject on the Provincial Council List. Article 154(G)(3) is a measure to prevent the central government from legislating on subjects allocated to the Provincial Councils (PCs) without first obtaining the consent of all PCs. Where one or more PC does not consent to a proposed bill, the central government has the power to either pass the bill by a simple majority, in which case the bill will become law applicable only to the Provinces where the PCs agreed to the bill, or to do so by a two thirds majority in which case the bill will become law applicable to the entire country. The government’s proposal to remove this safeguard will in effect render the 13th Amendment in terms of devolution of legislative power meaningless, as the central government at any given time could take away any or all powers vested in the PCs by passing legislation with a simple majority.

        Not only has the government failed to keep its many promises to move towards a political settlement based on the full implementation of the 13th Amendment and build on it so as to achieve meaningful devolution of powers, it shamelessly proposes to strip away the limited concession to devolution that exists! The proposed amendment is majoritarian on two counts. First, it imposes the majority will of PCs on a particular Province by empowering Parliament to enact — through a simple majority — legislation on any Provincial List subject, provided a majority of PCs agree to the proposed Bill. Second, it imposes the majority will of Parliament on a particular Province, as it empowers Parliament to enact such legislation through a simple majority rather than a special majority. A special majority is required only if a majority of PCs disagree with the proposed Bill.

        To date, the government has been content with ‘winning the war’ and has made no attempt to take the next necessary step – to win the peace. This failure will make ‘winning the war’ and all its dividends meaningless. The peace can be won only if there is a genuine political will to do so.

        It is vital that the Sri Lankan government realises that actions speak louder than words. And so far, when it comes to a genuine political will to arrive at a meaningful political solution, the government’s actions have drowned out its words.”

    • 2

      There is no doubt TNA and NPC wants to create issues with SL gover. I myself an acute critic of TNA and wiggie. But lets see where SLG has gone wrong.

      1. Many liberals and even ppl like Dayan suggested that gover should do NPC elections as soon as war was over. GOSL did not listen to them but instead listened to stupid JHU/JNF fellows. Had GOSL listn to Dayan J we might have a pro government NPC today and most of these friction could have been avoided. So lesson number 1, listen to others’ opinions, especially liberals who are not sinhala nationalists.

      2. I dont think SLA intelligence agencies are doing a great job, since GOSL could not find TNA’s meeting with Modi before hand.

      3. what sort of a SL do you expect? we cant make the tamils under GOSL rule forever. We have to integrate the tamil population and the society to a larger sri Lankan society. And tamils need to become a part of SL politics. Of course that needs careful military techniques and information gathering and at the sametime making tamils believe they have a chance as an equal in SL.

      4. Do you want GOSL and NPC to be at war even 10 years down the line. what sort of a future do you want for SL?

      • 3

        Hello Sach,

        what sort of a SL do you expect? we cant make the tamils under GOSL rule forever.

        I think you need to reverse the question.

        Firstly they are not the only Tamils. Its only this section of Tamils that have decided to function outside of GoSL;s writ.

        They will eventually need to fall inline with the Sri Lankan system. I just cannot imagine any alternative can you?

        • 0

          Think again, they have alternatives. India can force a solution in SL leaders throat like they did in 87.If Sinhala leaders and many sinhala nationalists believe tamils have no alternative they are living in a fool’s land.

          yes they are not the only tamils. what if EPC also decide to go TNA’s way? EPC would be difficult given the obvious muslim factor but can be troublesome. After end of war TNA had no idea what to do next, that is why they did not even get ready for EPC elections and gover got the upperhand. Gover did not have the wisdom to realise things wont continue that way. And by not holding NPC elections at the right time gave NPC on a platter to TNA. TNA will try to achieve the same in east.

          yes they are the only ones not willing to go along with GOSL, but is not GOSL creating similar problems with Muslims as well?

          And do not think tamils in the rest of the country do not support TNA, more than supporting TNA tamils dislike MR. MR instead of rising as true sri lankan leader is reducing himself to a sinhala nationalist in the eyes of others(though i dont consider him a nationalist. Anyone who sell drugs to sinhala youth is not a sinhala nationalist for me.)

          And remember we are not the sole deciders in SL conflict. SL conflict is internationalised by our leaders and indians and even west have a say in it now.

          still what sort of SL we want in the future? a country that is polarised between ethnicities or a united SL?

          • 1

            Buddy Sach,

            Think again, they have alternatives. India can force a solution in SL leaders throat like they did in 87

            The way the world works these days is consensus, dialogue and people’s good will.

            The political solution I suspect will only be accepted once everyone gives it the nod. Once that happens that will reset ethnic relations. From that point on everyone can look forward to a good future.

  • 2

    On the subject of surveillance, I have much sympathy with the Tamils in the North But let me assure them that they are not alone. Those who know, know that this monitoring of groups and individuals is being carried out in the rest of the country too. Anyone in our political firmament, Captains of industry, media people, even sports stars and actors/actresses are all subject to the all-seeing eye. Every now and then the honcho’s at the Kotalawela Academy will stand up and affirm that ‘we’ must ‘protect’ the country. Sleep safely good people.

  • 3

    Asking We Thamizh yoofs you spy on the military – what could go wrong :D

    • 2

      Siva Sankaran Sarma Menon

      “Asking We Thamizh yoofs you spy on the military – what could go wrong”

      Extremely beautiful and delicate.

      More please.

      • 3

        SSSM has an important point there. When one of these youth get caught spying he/she can disappear. Will Vignaswaran take responsibility for that?

  • 2

    Body language monitoring is now widely used in arrival lounges in particular in Airports in the West.

    This has more positives than negatives as far as the fairdinkum , genuine travellers are concerned as it eliminates the need for extensive baggage checking..

    If these modern surveillance techniques are adopted on streets in Jaffna and its sprawling new shopping centres, the innocents will be spared checking while the authorities can chase the crooks , undesirables, amphetamine peddlers, and of course the old tradesmen and apprentices of late Prabakaran.

    Why would this Vellala CM who is being promoted as clean as a whistle dude, worry if he has none of the above working for him.

    If he is the Chief Minister of all and sundry ,including the Dalits and Ex Captives , he should appreciate this non intrusive modern surveillance which spare his loyal subjects the indignity of body searches which they had to put with in the past under Prabakran.

    If the reports are correct and the CM try to use the poor Dalit and ex Captive Youth to photograph Military Installations, Army Camps and record the number plates of the Soldiers, it can cause some inconveniences to the poor inhabitants.

    Hope the CM and his Vellala mates who are domiciled in Colombo with their beloved families all in Cinnamon Gardens and Wellala Gardens will think twice before using these naive youth again to fulfil TNA’s dodgy political agenda.

    • 0

      “Body language monitoring is now widely used in arrival lounges in particular in Airports in the West”

      It depends on who is monitoring the body language. SL army consists of thugs, crooks and undesirable. They are hungry for money, sex, booze, drugs etc. There is law and order in the west. In SL if you complain you are in for a free ride in a white Van!

      Why are you so preoccupied with the “Vellala” word? There must be an interesting episode behind this!!

      • 0

        Dalits rebelled.. Vellalas Rule…..

  • 0

    The surveillance of Tamils in SL is very progressive as the article below will reveal and the NPC must have concerns. Is this so-called MRs Re- conciliation?

    “SL military floats 5,000 cell phones for surveillance on Tamils in Batticaloa [TamilNet, Tuesday, 09 September 2014, 16:30 GMT]

    The military intelligence of occupying Sri Lanka has distributed more than 5,000 cell phones to selected Tamil civilians in former LTTE administered areas in Vaakarai and Paduvaan-karai regions of Batticaloa district in an attempt to convert the recipients of the SL military ‘gift’ into informants and collaborators. 3,000 of the mobile phones have been provided to women. In the meantime, ex-LTTE members are being harassed to report at the SL military camps and instructed to collaborate with the SL military if they wished to avoid ‘future problems’, civil sources in Vaakarai say.

    Those who have been utilized with the phones should be reporting if any outsiders visit their village.

    The details of all the meetings that take place and the names of participants attending these meetings should be immediately reported to the SL military intelligence operatives, the SL intelligence officers have told the civilians. Those who fail to report will be identified as there are many individuals utilized with cell phones in the neighbourhood.

    The cell phone monitoring has severely restricted the already compromised freedom of expression in Vaakarai and Paduvaan-karai areas, according to civil activists in the district.

    The distributed cell phones are also being deployed to monitor the conversations among the people and to victimise people who could be exploited to collaborate with the genocidal military, civil activists in Vaakarai told TamilNet on Monday.

    The family members having the SL military provided mobile phones are invited to camps at least once in a month. The SL military, monitoring the private conversations, has also been interfering in family disputes, the civil activists further say.”

    • 3

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Body language monitoring is now widely used in arrival lounges in particular in Airports in the West.”

      You mean you don’t travel.

      “This has more positives than negatives as far as the fairdinkum , genuine travellers are concerned as it eliminates the need for extensive baggage checking..”

      What is the point when contraband are being smuggled through Prime Minister’s office or when members of clan indulge in people smuggling.

    • 0

      Those who have obtained free cellphones from the army could use two SIMs,
      the issued SIM for routine coversations and the other when they want to discuss sensitive matters. I should have thought this was a pretty obvious way to get around phone surveillance. Both the caller and the recipient must be aware of this if both are using army issued phones.

      • 4

        If the Army wants they can use all SIM cards (army issued or from other sources) to spy. And that can include the whole country not only the North!

  • 1

    It is not understood what the chief minister is deriving when he asks the youth to monitor the army personnel. That is not the way to go about.
    The presence of the army is everywhere in the North and every nook and corner and that presence has to be got rid of by sit down protest by the Tamil Leaders along with the people until such time the army is moved out. Attending meetings and being garlanded is not going to solve the problem. Now the Chief Minister is going to go about in the car provided to him by Mr.Shandrasiri the Governor.
    The chief Minister’s propaganda in seeking votes from the people was that his initial step would be to remove the army from the North and to resettle the Owners of those lands. Has he done it?. He was thrown out by the Army when he tried to enter the High Security Zone.

  • 1

    Many will have expected the Chief Minister, given his background – Judge of the Supreme Court and his education and so on – to have provided leadership to the people in the North. Sadly, he seems to have let them down very badly. Far from providing leadership, he has appeared incapable of taking a decision on his own. On any issue of any worth he has to seek guidance from ‘the heirarchy’. Maybe, the man is too crafty to show his own hand, maybe, he is, despite appearances to the contrary, just another shrewd, bloody politician, concerned firstly and lastly about his own welfare!

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