20 February, 2025


Hindu Philosophy Was One Of The Greatest Beneficiaries Of Advent & Teachings Of Buddha

By Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi - PM India

Narendra Modi – PM India

Shri Ramnath Kovind, Governor of Bihar,

Venerable KHAMBA LAMA CH. DEMBEREL from Mongolia,

Venerable MING KUANG SHI from Taiwan,

Venerable THICH THIEN TAM from Vietnam,

Venerable TELO TULKU RINPOCHE from Russia,

Venerable Banagala Upatissa from Sri Lanka,


My Ministerial colleague Shri Kiren Rijiju,

Minister Lyonpo Namgay Dorji of Bhutan,

Minister Bayarsaikhan of Mongolia

Venerable members of the Maha Sanga, visiting Ministers and Diplomats from foreign countries,

I am very happy to be in the midst of all of you. I feel very blessed to be here at Bodh Gaya. After Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Atal Bihari Vajpayee, I have the opportunity to visit this sacred place.

I am meeting you all on a very special day. Today, we in India are observing Teachers’ Day, to commemorate the birth anniversary of our 2nd President, a great scholar and teacher, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

In this symposium we have been talking about one of the most impactful teachers in world history, Gautama Buddha. His teachings have inspired millions of people over centuries.

Today, we are also celebrating Janmashtami, the day Lord Krishna was born. The world has so much to learn from Lord Krishna. When we talk about Lord Krishna we say, श्री कृष्णम वंदे जगतगुरुम -Shri Krishna, the teacher of all teachers; the Guru of all Gurus.

Both, Gautama Buddha and Lord Krishna have taught the world so much. The themes of this conference, in a way are inspired by the values and ideals given by these two greats.

Shri Krishna gave his message before the start of the Great War in the Mahabharata and Lord Buddha repeatedly emphasized on rising above warfare. The message by both of them was about establishing Dharma.

Both of them gave great prominence to principles and processes. Gautama Buddha gave the eight-fold path and the Panchsheel. while Shri Krishna gave invaluable lessons of life in the form of Karma Yoga. These two divine souls had the strength to bring people together, rising above differences. Their teachings are most practical, eternal and are more relevant in this day and age than ever before.

The place where we are meeting makes it even more special. We are meeting in Bodh Gaya, a land that has a distinctive place in the history of humankind.

This is the land of enlightenment. Years ago, what Bodh Gaya got was Siddhartha but what Bodh Gaya gave to the world was Lord Buddha, the epitome of knowledge, peace and compassion.

This is, therefore the ideal venue for a dialogue and meeting here on the auspicious day of Janmashtami and the special day of Teachers’ Day makes this unique.

It was my great privilege to have participated in the Inaugural function of the first International Hindu Buddhist Initiative on “Conflict Avoidance and Environmental Consciousness” hosted by the Vivekananda International Foundation and Tokyo Foundation with the support of the International Buddhist Confederation at Delhi day before yesterday.

The Conference was conceptualised on shifting the paradigm from conflict resolution to conflict avoidance and from environmental regulation to environmental consciousness.

I had shared some of my thoughts on the two critical themes which are threatening humanity as no other challenge before. I recalled how in the context of both issues and for changing the global paradigm of thinking the world is looking to the Buddha today as conflict resolution mechanisms and environmental regulations — both of them dependent on the instrumentality of nation states — are increasingly failing to measure up to challenges.

Spiritual and religious leaders and also intellectuals, largely from Buddhist societies participated in the two day conference and deliberated on the two issues. At the end of the two day conference, and after a churning in which spiritual, religious and intellectual leaders participated, the Tokyo Foundation has announced that they have decided to hold a similar conference in January 2016. And other Buddhist nations have also offered to hold similar conferences in their countries.

This is an extraordinary development which coincides with the rise of Asia as an economic and civilisational phenomenon. The themes of the conference, informed and shaped by the Hindu-Buddhist civilisational and cultural perspectives, promise to deepen the notion of conflict avoidance philosophy and environmental consciousness in Asia and beyond.

The two day conference seems to have arrived at a broad consensus on both issues. On the issue of conflicts — most of which are being driven by religious intolerance — the participants in the conference seem to have agreed that while there is no problem about the freedom to practise one’s religion, it is when the radical elements try to force their own ideologies on others, that the potential for conflict arises. On the issue of environment, the conference seems to have agreed that the philosophic underpinning of the Dharma, which stresses the protection of natural heritage, is critical for sustainable development. I may add that the United Nations too has arrived at the view that sustainable development is achievable only through aligning development to the local culture of the people.

This, in my view, is a positive turn in the development modelling of the world of diversity. I may add that the turn in thinking at the global level has created the eco-system for the Hindu-Buddhist societies to carry forward their consensual ideas to the global fora. I personally consider the Hindu Buddhist Conference on Conflict Avoidance and Environmental Consciousness as an important development in a world that seems to be short of durable ideas on both issues.

Hindu philosophy was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the advent and the teachings of the Lord Buddha.

Many scholars have analysed the impact of Buddha on Hinduism. In fact, Adi Sankara was even critiqued for the way he was influenced by the Buddha and Sankara was called as “Prachhanna Boudha” — meaning Sankara was Buddha in disguised form. That was the extent of influence of the Buddha on Adi Sankara, regarded by many as the tallest Hindu philosopher. At the mass level Buddha was so venerated that Jayadeva in his Geeta Govinda even praised him as Mahavishnu or God himself who descended to preach Ahimsa. So, Hinduism after the Buddha’s advent became Buddhist Hinduism or Hindu Buddhism. They are today an inseparable amalgam.

This is how Swami Vivekananda praised Buddha.

I quote:

At the time Buddha was born, India was in need of a great spiritual leader, a prophet.

Buddha never bowed down to anything, neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom. He fearlessly reasoned so far as reason could take him. Such a fearless search for truth and such love for every living thing the world has never seen.

Buddha was more brave and sincere than any teacher.

Buddha was the first human being to give to this world a complete system of morality. He was good for good’s sake, he loved for love’s sake.

Buddha was the great preacher of equality. Every man and woman has the same right to attain spirituality— that was his teaching.

I would personally call India Buddhist India as it has imbibed all the values and virtues of the teachings of Buddha by their religious scholars incorporating them in their literature.

When this highest tribute is paid by one of the great Hindu philosophers would it be wrong to call today’s Hinduism in quality and substance as Buddhist Hinduism?

Buddha is the crown jewel of the Indian nation which accepts all ways of worship of all religions. This quality of Hinduism in India was a product of many great spiritual masters chief among them was Buddha. And this is what sustains the secular character of India.

The Enlightenment which Buddha attained in Bodh Gaya also lit the light of enlightenment in Hinduism.

As the first Servant of this ancient nation I revere Buddha as a reformer of not only Hinduism but also the world, who has given all of us a new world view and vision which is critical for the survival of all of us and the entire world.

I recognise how Buddhists all over the world revere Bodh Gaya as a place of pilgrimage. We in India would like to develop Bodh Gaya so that it can become the spiritual capital and civilisational bond between India and the Buddhist world. The government of India would like to provide all possible support that its Buddhist cousin nations need for the satisfaction of their spiritual needs from this holiest of holy places for them.

I am happy to read the Declaration of Buddhist Religions and Spiritual Leaders. This declaration is the result of hardwork and extensive dialogue, which is why it is a pioneering document that will show us the way ahead. I also echo Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, who the other day highlighted the importance of tolerance, appreciation of diversity, and spirit of compassion and fraternity. His message to this august gathering and his continuous support for furthering this initiative is a matter of great strength for us.

Once again, my congratulations and best wishes to you all. This conference has raised a hope and urge to go beyond clash and create a dialogue framework for civilizational harmony and world peace. I wish you well in your constant and determined efforts to ensure that our wisdom reaches the future generations and that too in a manner in which they can practically relate to. This is essential not for us or them but for the progress of the entire human race and the beautiful surroundings which we have got from Mother Nature.

Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.

Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya

*Text of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s address at Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya – September 05, 2015

Latest comments

  • 7

    Good speech and initiative by Modi. However, saying that “Buddha never bowed down to anything, neither Veda, nor caste, nor priest, nor custom,” is not going to change Hindu mindset for many millennia. In fact, Lankan Buddhists bow down to custom, priest and Veda, in an effort to assimilate with and honor to Tamil Hindu race and religion.

    • 45

      Typical Sinhala Buddhist bigot with the zeal of a new convert!

      • 6


        Nonsense. 12 % Hinduism assimilated with 75% Buddhism is what is needed for decent post-modern society that Modi is envisioning.

        It will be a no-show in India with the billions of intense Hindus. Once can’t deny the horrific caste-system of India.

        • 29

          You talk rubbish and have repeatedly revealed a hatred of Tamil and of Hinduism in these columns. I doubt you are a real Buddhist with your evidently half-digested understanding of Buddhism.You are probaby a Rajapakse and Bodu Bala Sena implant, intent to disrupt religious harmony under the new Government. Why should you otherwise repeatedly cast aspersions on Hinduism and Tamils as you always do here.This is odd when a Hindu leader reaches out to Buddhism.

          Caste in Hinduism was far less worse than anti semitism in your real religion that is Christianity or treatment of non believers and women in Islam As for Buddhism, it is declining in Korea, Japan and China. It is losing out to Christianity or to agnosticism. Shame on your bigotry.

          • 5


            No hatred for either (being part Tamil myself)…..just a revulsion towards the caste-system.

            Christianity doesn’t preach anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a secular concept based on Nazism. Islamic fundamentalism is indeed horrific, but an overt one that can be corrected if there is an Islamic renaissance. Hindu caste-system is a covert 5,000 year old practice, and one that is very hard to remove from hereditary traits.

            Islamic horrors are all-inclusive for all in their society. It does not discriminate against by race. Caste-system is one of racial division, and is relegated to the Indian masses.

            Islamic horror is one of high ideology with little caring for the human condition. Caste-system goes the opposite way and lowers the humans to the conditions of the mucks. It is extremely repugnant.

            Buddhism might lose out, but Buddhism was never one of evangelism and a show of numbers. It does certainly give stability to the world, in spite of all the differing irrational religions, concepts, and ideologies that the world struggles with.

            • 22

              Islam does not discriminate by race? Ask any African working in the Arab world. Or read the Quran to find out how Jews, Christians and ‘infidels’ are described

              Read the New Testament where Jews are described as snakes, vipers and sons of the devil. Read what the Popes, the Catholic saints and Protestant reformers had to say about Jews. It’s blood curdling.

              You do not know what you are talking about. The Nazi antecedents of hatred to the Jew are in Christianity.You refuse to admit thus because of your own and similar hatred of Hinduism.

              • 4


                “Islam does not discriminate by race? Ask any African working in the Arab world. Or read the Quran to find out how Jews, Christians and ‘infidels’ are described “

                Islamic Teachings do not discriminate by race.

                It is the Arabs who claim that because the Quran was revealed in the Arabic Language, that the Arabs are special, and are “higher” Muslims, who claim to be. This is Arab racism that is NOT sanctioned in the Quran or Hadith to my knowledge, and is contrary to Prophet Mohammeds teachings.

                It is like Sinhala “Buddhism” tainted by Mahawansa as practised in Sri Lanka and true Buddhism.

                Prophet Mohamed’s Last Farewell Sermon is given below.


                “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.”

                • 18

                  Amarasiri is quick to condemn Hinduism and defend Islam.

                  The Koran is in Arabic. It can not be translated for purposes of prayer. All formal Muslim prayer or the salat has to be in Arabic. The language of heaven is Arabic.

                  The Koran sanctions persecution of the non Muslim. It does not matter if it is race or religion, the persecution remains.

                  • 3


                    “Amarasiri is quick to condemn Hinduism and defend Islam.”

                    Amarasiri neither condemns Hinduism or Islam, Amarasiri is Condemning Racism and Cate-ism, independent of the Theology of the religions.

                    The Caste-ism was condemned by Buddha. He Probably condemned Racism as well. In Hinduism, Caste sytem is an integral part of Hinduism, and the Dalits were the Lowest, as they belonged to no caste, Aliens, untouchables.

                    This is not part of Buddhism.

                    This is not part of Islam either.

                    However, Islam., based on what was written in in Quran, dis discriminate against non-believer. This was based on belief, not caste or race.

                    A Low caste Hindu or a Hindu Dalit cannot escape the caste system by changing the belief within Hinduism.

                    They had to change the religion, become Buddhists or Muslims.

                    That is the difference. Read B. R. Ambedkar (1891–1956) Biography.



                    Dalit, meaning “oppressed” in Hindi and Marathi, is the self-chosen political name of the castes in India who were formerly considered “untouchable” according to the Hindu varna system.[5][6] Though the name Dalit has been in existence since the nineteenth century it was economist and reformer B. R. Ambedkar (1891–1956) who popularised the term.[7] Dalits were excluded from the four-fold Varna system and they formed the unmentioned fifth varna, and so were also called Panchama.[8] While Scheduled Castes (SC) is the legal name for those who were formerly considered “untouchable”, the term Dalit also encompasses Scheduled Tribes (ST) and other historically disadvantaged communities who were traditionally excluded from the society.[9]

                    Dalits are a mixed population, consisting of groups across South Asia. They speak a variety of languages and practice various religions. With the Scheduled Castes at 16.6% and Scheduled Tribes at 8.6%, the Dalits and Adivasis together make up 25% of India’s population according to the 2011 census.[10][11][12]

                    • 14

                      80% of Dalits remain Hindu. Almost all left Pakistan in 1947 for India, rather than convert to Islam. Many Dalits are recognized as saints in the Hindu tradition.This includes Kannappar, Ravidas, Namdev, Vemana etc. The BJP may win the Bihar polls next month only because of the Dalit vote. Dalit leaders such as Paswan and Manji are with the BJP. The RSS is rising in Kerala because of its Dalit membership. The Dalits are evidently more Hindu than you think.

              • 4


                Those are natural fallibilities amongst the human race – the Arab looking down on the African. The Arab looks different from the African after all. If a poor disadvantaged Arab went to a rich, modern Westernized part of Africa, he too might have to endure abuse and discrimination. In the innocent and simple African village setting however (which is most of Africa) Arabs with their wealth and macho look will be given much esteem. It is all a matter of wealth and privilege.

                Jews and Germans are more distinguishable from each other (although they both are White), and the Jews came from an entirely different part of the world from the Germans, and not from just across the border. Their difference in religion a lot got thrown it, with the Christian claiming that the Jews crucified Christ. But none of them captured each other and relegated them to castes.
                Castes within the South Asian regions look the same, with those near to the equator, and employed outdoors a bit darker in skin tones than others. They can‘t really be compared to Arabs and Africans, and German and Jews, and so there is no excuse for racism and castism.
                However, the Hindu religious hierarchy, for most part, insist on division of castes. In other religions, even if the people act dividedly, their religions’ fundamental truths preach that all men are equal.
                The Quran calls Jews, Christians and ‘infidels’ because they refused to accept the Muhammadian faith. So, it was not of racism, but of religiosity.

                Whatever Popes, the Catholic saints and Protestant reformers had to say about Jews, it was not racist and/or Castist.

                No hatred for Hinduism do I have. It is one of great intellectual, scientific and philosophical level. It is the original religion of the world, that gave great thinking and structure for humans to evolve to the next level. It is the religion that all other religions sprang up from. However, in India for 5,000 years, it has got bogged down in Castist-Racism, and will be almost impossible to dismantle.

                • 14

                  Caste is not race.

                  • 3


                    In India, different tribes became different castes. They were different races at first, 1,000-5,000 years ago, and then got relegated to castes, depending on the strength of overpowerment of the higher castes.

                  • 1

                    [Edited out] Horatio,

                    India’s system is Cast based , they kill each other over Caste beside religion.

                    Indian govt. officially calls, segregates “Scheduled Castes” to what other countries call ” Under privileged ” .

                    Just read Indian newspapers , if you never lived in India

            • 24

              I do not think Buddhism gives stability, if one were to look at the practicing Buddhist world. Thailand is divided between the Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts. Its an endemic divide that disrupts democracy. The less said about Sri Lanka, Kampuchea and Burma the better. Tibet in pre-revolutionary times had a horrendous and exploitative serfdom with the monasteries at the apex that the Communists did well to eliminate.

            • 26

              That’s a new one from “ramona therese fernando”: The statement that “Anti-Semitism is a secular concept based on Nazism.” Hitler was probably sincere, and believed in half the rot he talked about – like MaRa! I guess most readers know that Hitler was a vegetarian.

              Belief in the Christian God was very important to the Nazis. They hated the atheistic Marxists.

              Today, I think that most Christians romanticise Judaism. They go on pilgrimage to the “Holy Land” and they demonise the poor Palestinians. Of course, Islamic Fundamentalism has helped the Christian bigots to gain ground over the more scholarly Christians. A close relative goes regularly for “Bible Study”. I observed that Jesus was born in 4 B.C. and that serious scholars acknowledge that there are conflicts between possible dates for the arrival of an extra bright star, the census ordered by Caesar Augustus, the suzerain reign of the Herods over the “Children of Israel” etc. She checked the Wikipedia and began to realise that the whole business was more complicated than she had imagined. However, the “Bible Study” zealots put paid to any possibility of rational thinking, and the relative next turned on me and said that they had been advised to listen to what they were told by the “learned sisters” who led the group, and to never consult such “secular” sources as Wikipedia.

              “Secular” is a dirty word in their vocabulary, but a hallowed concept in my mind.

              More to the point: this “ramona therese fernando” has appeared quite recently, hasn’t she? May be man, may be woman – planted, I feel by MaRa & Co. Earlier we had only “K.A. Sumanasekera”. I won’t be surprised if they are actually on a regular monthly salary from the rich Jarapaksas.

              • 21

                Well said, Sinhala man. Thank you. I am intrigued by Ramona’s shrill and harsh rhetoric and animus. She has a lot of bile in her.

                • 4


                  You confuse my good logic and clarity, with your intentions of shrill and harsh rhetoric and animus.

              • 2


                Now I believe that Rajapaksa’s are so entirely innocent of what people accuse them of. Otherwise, I would be a very rich person indeed. Some of us have greater clarity of purpose for our Motherland, and that’s why we write.

                You go around in circles about Christian religion, but the avoid the fundamental tenet – that the God created one man and woman and all races come from them (however the impossibility of it is…….guess the first man and woman were so different from each other, that incest to procreate the human race created healthy offspring….or maybe they were super human, and incest created standard humans).

                Belief in the Christian God was very important to the Nazis, because that was their cultural heritage. The actual fundamentals of their religion they cared nothing for, as they didn’t believe in them and were not superstitious of them.

                • 16

                  I am a Sinhala Buddhist and am aghast at the virulence of Ramona Maria Theresa Fernando. She is definitely not a genuine Buddhist going by her flippancy, aversion and animosity directed at Hinduism. She quibbles in her contention that while Islam and Christianity had religious bias, there was no racial animosity. She claims that Hinduism had race bias, conflating that with caste. She is all over the place and writes nonsense.

                  Ramona is no guru in comparative religion. She is no acharya on Buddhism. She is no scholar on Hinduism. She is instead a mischief maker intent on undoing what Narendra Modi was attempting. Modi was calling for an increased understanding between Asia’s two great religions who have been hemmed in by both Christianity and Islam.

                  Ramona is to be condemned. I tend to concur with Sinhala_Man who has sized her up as a Mahinda Rajapakse stooge and mischief maker. She is full of malice. As a Buddhist I would remind her of two statements of the Dhammapada

                  “If a speech of a thousand words be senseless, it has less worth than one word of sense if that were to quieten a man”. (verse 100)

                  “Him I call a Brahmana who does not offend by body, word or thought and is controlled on these three points”. (Verse 391)

                  Ramona Maria Theresa is indeed not a Buddhist by this yardstick.

                  I apologize to my Hindu sisters and brothers (including Arunthavanathan, Bystander, Horatio, Sengodan, Rajasingham Narendran, Ayathurai Rajasingham, Anon) for her intemperate and malevolent words. She does not represent my religion which is Buddhism. She will pay for her evil Karma of trying to introduce discord when the intent of Modi’s address in Bodh Gaya was concord.

                  May she descend into the lowest fires of Avici. Sri Lanka has just emerged from three decades of war. We do not need such polemic to get back there.

                  John has also been very harsh using words such as “untouchable” when earlier attacking the so called institution of caste. What purpose is achieved buy such language and insults? This is very un Buddhist.

                  Buddhism and Hinduism are sister religions. Any insult on one does not serve the other. I appreciate Muttiah’s points of the parallel concepts of “Dharma, Karma, Samsara and Moksha”. Buddha was after all born in Dambadiva to a Kshatriya family, a lineage that he did not refute. He was born a Hindu. Let’s not insult that religion.

                  Thank you, Modiji for your good speech. May the blessings of the triple gem be upon you. Please ignore the Buddhist Wahabis such as Ramona Theresa, Edwin and Amarasiri. Even Edwin apologized in all sincerity, but Ramona and Amarasiri were persistent in their perversity. That is not Buddhism.

                  Let me end with another verse of the Dhammapada

                  “For hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love. This is an old rule” (verse 5).

                  Sadhu sadhu sadhu.

                  • 3

                    Piyaseeli Gamage

                    Shezzz…..Yet another person who lacks analytical cognizance and clarity of intelligence, and so resorts to the spewing of curses and condemnations. I will not condescend to reply, because it will be beneath me to answer such stupidity.

          • 2

            “it is declining in Korea, Japan and China” LOl.

            I want to highlight a common fallacy people like you repeatedly use in forums. As far as statistics are considered Buddhism is on the rise in Korea and China.
            In Korea, Buddhism was banned for 1000 year ( the last dynasty was a neo-Confucius).1900S Buddhist percentage 2%. Today 25%

            China — Cultural Revolution wipe out Buddhism but today 18%

            Japan is Shinto country. Did not you hear about Meiji restoration(Tokugawa were Buddhists, but emperor was a Shinto )
            At the same time Japan becoming more and more an irreligious society like the rest of the civilised and developed world.

            UK ~60s %
            Australia ~60%
            France ~45%
            New Zealand ~48%
            Sweden ~55%
            all these are once predominately Christian (>90%).

    • 39

      Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism have parallel concepts of Dharma, Karma, Samsara and Moksha. All three emphasize meditation with the related concepts of Siddhi or Iddhi, of Vasanas or Sankharas, of Kleshas or doshas. They also have a shared calendar, forms of worship, architectural styles and literary metaphors. I am not sure what Ramona is implying here

      • 5

        S. Muttiah,

        I am saying out loud : Aside from Dharma, Karma, Samsara and Moksha, Hindu horrific Caste-System will take millions of years to eradicate (if ever).

        • 6

          Yes, Hindu caste system is horrific , only a few years ago one “law caste”
          man was killed in India because he drank water from “High caste” household without permission . This had international media condemnation.

          Hindu ( Indian) society should come out with this. This is culture not religion.

          Perhaps this may be the reason why Buddhism never had foothold in India

          lord Buddha was the first revolutionary in the world & totally against caste system in India, among other things.

          • 23

            Buddhism has sodomy and laziness in its monasteries with little boys made into monks. Thoe monks are parasites who can not do an honest labor of real work. They live on what others give them. Buddha ran away from his wife and child. He could not cope.He abandoned his wife. He taught a pessimist and world negating religion.His dharma has been in a 1000 year decline losing vast territory and population to Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Communism. Buddhism represents backwardness and insularity in Tibet, Bhutan, Myanmar,Cambodia,Laos and Sri Lanka (with its 30 year war). Buddhism is a fake humanism always ready to take a false air of intellectual superiority.

            It’s interesting that people with thuppahi names such as Edwin, John and Ramona attack Hinduism when it it is not even maligned by the speaker.Ignorant mischief makers indeed. Ramona is a vicious anti-Tamil.

            • 22

              There is caste in Buddhism. What about the radala, govigama, karava, salagama, durava, wahumpura, rodiya and what not? Buddhist monks took untouchability to Japan.Read about the Burakumin. King Ashoka introduced caste segregation by exiling leather workers, tanners and butchers to outside the city parameters. That was ridiculous as even Buddha ate meat.

              • 3


                That’s because Buddhism, inevitably and unfortunately, takes on bits of Hindu culture.

                But Buddhist castes are not fixated as Hindu castes. At certain intervals of time, it is looked into, discussed, discarded, and despised, before it tends to resurge itself yet again due to 12% Tamils on the island.

                Of course leather workers, tanners and butchers need to live outside the city parameters. Their killing of animals is something that people don’t want to see, with germy blood and offal that can cause disease.

                But e.g., if one of them had a pretty daughter, the pretty daughter could be given in marriage to one who did not involve in dirty employment. Upward mobility was always there and encouraged, unlike the Hindu caste-system, where one is never allowed to move out of one’s caste.

                • 21

                  Caste in Hinduism is not fixed. People collectively moved up and moved down the social ladder much as is class. Europe before the Industrial Revolution was similar where position was defined by birth. Royalty never married outside their class in Europe. The Vellalars in Jaffna are a classic case of upward mobility as are the Nadars, Thevar and Vanniyar in Tamil Nadu. Real power rests with the latter three groupings in Tamil Nadu.

                  • 3


                    The Vellalars, Nadars, Thevar and Vanniyar have upward mobility, but within their own castes. At this point in time, American capitalism has given many countries more money to play around with. If some crunch time comes, like a global financial meltdown or a major war, the lower ones will be automatically relegated to doing all the dirty work that the higher castes won’t touch. In Europe, work will be more interactive between classes.

                    Also, Sri Lankan Tamils are probably not as bad as the Indian Tamils, because of the Buddhist influence. At this point, there are 15 million suffering Dalits in Tamil Nadu.

                    A glaring example is the lack of sanitation in India. No other country in the world, even African countries, is as bad as India.

                    European class system never lasted as long and as fixated as Hindu caste system. Royalty is a different story, because they married to hold onto money and titles, and consolidated themselves that way. They were always less than 0.1%. But for the rest of the masses, they interacted and assimilated with each other and shared their genes, good and bad.

                    In India, one would find a Bhramin with a 180 IQ score, and hordes of low-castes with a 70 IQ score and less. But in Europe, one would hardly find such vast difference, because everybody assimilated with each other and produced an even number of around 100 or more as IQ. Hence, their countries look more refined and are more successful.

            • 4


              You again!

              There is/always was plenty in the world for everyone, if only people were taught to care and share. People do not need to work quite so hard for corporeal things, and that is what post-modernism is about; mad-scrambles are unnecessary to life, happiness and truth. Buddhism gives a pause on all that is unnecessary, that the world has been deceived by, through the other religions.

              No, I am not anti-Tamil, and wish that Hindus will follow the correct purified Hindu path(called Buddhism).

            • 1

              Horatio ,

              Not worth even replying to you,

              when you say Edwin,John, Ramona thuppahi names, ha..ha.. John Paul pope, JFK thuppahis ?? , okay,

              what is your name ? “Horatio” Japanese ? borrowed from land of Hirohito who “proudly” attracted 02 atomic bombs from USA ? when you point one finger to others you get 03 fingers towards you.

              Your thuppahi idiotic arguments are no better than your thuppahi language.

              What you say about Buddhism reminds me “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”

              I never think of criticizing a world religion, be it Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam or Christianity.

              Just read down below somewhere what I said about Hinduism & Buddhism & Modi’s speech

              You are not worth engaging in any argument , you are an “UNTOUCHABLE” in Hindu society

            • 0

              What do you consider for a religion? why do you blame Buddhism for what actually happening in Monasteries in this awful society. They merely maintain the religion so that future generation can have such a great religion. Only few will actually benefit because of the inherent stupidity of human race.
              It is a different matter how modern society practice Buddhism.
              But if you can pin point any misgiving in the Buddhas’ teaching then you have a valid point.
              you cant achieve nirvana by being attached to your miserable wife. you know that don’t you?

        • 2

          ramona therese fernando

          “Aside from Dharma, Karma, Samsara and Moksha, Hindu horrific Caste-System will take millions of years to eradicate (if ever).”


          Just Read B. R. Ambedkar biography. Why did he become Buddhist?


          Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar ([bʱiːmraːw raːmdʑiː aːmbeːɽkər]; 14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956), popularly known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Modern Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), women and labour. He was Independent India’s first law minister and the principal architect of the Constitution of India.[4][5][6][7]

          Ambedkar was a prolific student, earning a law degree and various doctorates from Columbia University and the London School of Economics, and gained a reputation as a scholar for his research in law, economics and political science. In his early career he was an economist, professor, and lawyer. His later life was marked by his political activities; he became involved in campaigning and negotiations for India’s independence, publishing journals advocating political rights and social freedom for Dalits, and contributing significantly to the establishment of the state of India. In 1956 he converted to Buddhism, initiating mass conversions of Dalits.[8][9][10][11]

          In 1990, the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian award, was posthumously conferred upon Ambedkar.[12][13][14][15] Ambedkar’s legacy includes numerous memorials and depictions in popular culture.

          • 2


            Read. Agreed!

    • 2

      Narendra Modi – PM India

      Let us hope that you have now transformed.

      Here is the Jaya Mangala Gatha-Verses of Auspicious Victory (rare Pali version)-Buddhist Chants.

      The Enemy is Mara, MaRa and their cronies.

      Over time, different characters assumed that character. In Sri Lanka, it was MaRa, Mahinda Rajapaksa. They all need to be defeated and reformed.

      Modi, was Mara too. He participated in the Mara actions. In the killing of Muslims, in Gujarat,and you were not given a Visa to the USA because of that.

      Would you reform yourself from being MaRa?


      Uploaded on May 21, 2011
      Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India in original Pali. The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
      1) Victory over Mara (MaRa)
      2) Victory over the demon Alavaka (Wimal)
      3) Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri (Gamanpila)
      4) Victory over serial killer Angulimala (Gotabaya)
      5) Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame (Pavitra)
      6) Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka (Vasudeva)
      7) Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda (Susil)
      8) Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka (Yapa)

      It is important to understand that most of these are allegorical stories that relate to the Buddha defeating the negative aspects of his (Mara and Alavaka) and others’ minds.
      It is said that these verses if chanted with a clear and pure intention are helpful in protecting the seeker by attracting the Good around.
      The Pali pronunciation here is exemplary and difficult to find.

      In Pali:

      Bahum sahassam-abhinim
      mita sayudham tam
      Girimekhalam udita ghora
      sasena maram
      Danadidhamma vidhina
      jitava munindo
      Tarn tejasa bhavatu te

      Maratirekam-abhiyuj jhita
      Ghorampanalavaka makkha
      mathaddha yakkham
      Khanti sudanta vidhina jitava munindo
      Tam tejasa bhavatu te

      English translation:

      Creating thousand hands, with weapons
      armed was Mara seated on the
      trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala.
      Him, together with his army, did the
      Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
      By its grace may joyous victory be thine.

      More violent than Mara were the
      indocile, obstinate demon Alavaka, who
      battled with the Buddha throughout the
      whole night.
      Him, did the Lord of Sages
      subdue by means of His patience and
      By its grace may joyous victory be thine.

    • 3

      Narendra Modi – PM India

      RE: Hindu Philosophy Was One Of The Greatest Beneficiaries Of Advent & Teachings Of Buddha

      Buddhas did not accept the Philosophies of Hinduism, and was a threat to the priests, 2,500 years ago and even today.

      The caste system and priestly and high caste hegemony is one such example.

      Buddhism, discarded such Hindu Philosophies and Traditions.Buddhist widows did not jump nor were they thrown into the burning fires of their husbands.

      Perhaps, Buddhism is the best vehicle to clean up Hinduism of most of its shortcomings. From that viewpoint, this is good development, that was postponed 2,500 years.

      See what the Greeks Philosophers were battling in 500 BC around Buddha’s time.


      Greek Thought- Aristotle &Plato | Science Full Documentary

      Published on Mar 18, 2015
      Greek Thought – Aristotle & Plato | Science Full Documentary

      • 22

        Rubbish by Amarasiri

        • 2


          The Earth goes around the Sun, the Ancients and the Church were wrong, and Copernicus and Galileo were right.

          The Sun going around the Earth was and is rubbish.

          The truth hurts.

    • 2

      Narendra Modi – PM India

      RE: Hindu Philosophy Was One Of The Greatest Beneficiaries Of Advent & Teachings Of Buddha

      Yes, it is when the radical elements force their ideology on others for a variety of reasons, troubles begin.

      Correction: Buddha was no Lord, and he did not claim to be God nor Lord. Mahayana turned Buddha to be a God.

      Reform in Hinduism:

      Buddhism had dealt a heavy blow to Brahminical faith. Threatened with extinction, Hinduism started to re-organize itself. Attempts were now made to give up the complex system of rites and rituals and make Hinduism simple and attractive. The Hindus even came to accept the Buddha as a Hindu incarnation and accepted the principle of non-violence. This helped revive Hinduism and made it popular again. This took away the fragrance out of the flower of Buddhism. The decline of Buddhism became inevitable.

      Top 12 Causes for the Decline of Buddhism in India


      1. Corruptions in Buddhist Sanghas:

      In course of time, the Buddhist ‘Sangha’ became corrupt. The monks and followers came to be drawn towards luxury and enjoyment. Receiving and saving valuable gifts like gold and silver made them greedy and materialistic. They came to lead a life of indiscipline. Their example and perverted life-style could not but bring popular hatred. No more the people were inclined towards Buddhism.

      2. Reform in Hinduism:

      Buddhism had dealt a heavy blow to Brahminical faith. Threatened with extinction, Hinduism started to re-organize itself. Attempts were now made to give up the complex system of rites and rituals and make Hinduism simple and attractive. The Hindus even came to accept the Buddha as a Hindu incarnation and accepted the principle of non-violence. This helped revive Hinduism and made it popular again. This took away the fragrance out of the flower of Buddhism. The decline of Buddhism became inevitable.

      3. Division among the Buddhists:

      Buddhism faced divisions from time to time. Division into various splinter groups like ‘Hinayana’, ‘Mahayana’, ‘Vajrayana’, ‘Tantrayana’ and ‘Sahajayana’ led Buddhism to lose its originality. Also the influence of tantricism made people hate it. The simplicity of Buddhism was lost and it was becoming complex. This was enough for the people to keep away from it. The decline of Buddhism became a matter of time.

      4. Use of Sanskrit Language:

      Pali and Prakrit, the spoken language of most people of India, was the medium for the spread of the message of Buddhism. But Sanskrit replaced these at the Fourth Buddhist Council during the reign period of Kaniska. Sanskrit was a complex language, hardly understood by common people. It was the unintelligible Sanskrit language that had accounted for the decline of Hinduism, earlier. Now, when Buddhism adopted that language, few people were able to understand it. People rejected what they could not understand.

      5. Patronage of Brahmanism:

      In course of time there was the rise of the Brahminical faith once again. Pushyamitra Sunga, the Brahmin commander of the last Maurya ruler Vrihadratha, assassinated the king and founded the Sunga dynasty replacing the Maurya dynasty.

      The Asvamedha sacrifice was done by him. It gave an impetus to the Brahminical faith. Non-violence, the basic principle of Buddhism, was given up. He destroyed many stupas and monasteries. Many Buddhist monks were put to sword. This stemmed the growth of Buddhism. Again, patronage of the imperial Guptas for Brahminical faith came to open the path of decline for Buddhism.

      6. Role of Hindu Preachers:

      Harsavardhan drove away the Brahmins from the religious council held at Kanauj. These Brahmins, under Kumarila Bhatta, fled to the Deccan. Under Bhatta’s leadership, Brahmanism staged a come-back. Adi Sankaracharya also revived and strengthened Hinduism. He defeated Buddhist scholars in religious discourses which were held in many places in course of his tour of the whole of India.

      Thus, the superiority of Hinduism over Buddhism was established. This trend continued through the efforts of Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Ramananda etc. Hinduism regained its lost glory, position and popularity. It came to be at the expense of Buddhism.

      7. Rifts in Buddhist Order:

      The internal rifts and divisions in Buddhist order made the rise of any new apostle impossible. The earlier examples of Ananda, Sariputta and Maudgalayana became very rare. The spirit and missionary zeal of Buddhism was lost for ever. Thus, the decline of Buddhism came in the absence of dynamic preachers and reformers.

      8. Buddha Worship:

      Image worship was started in Buddhism by the Mahayana Buddhists. They started worshipping the image of the Buddha. This mode of worship was a violation of the Buddhist principles of opposing complex rites and rituals of Brahminical worship. This paradox led the people to believe that Buddhism is tending towards the fold of Hinduism. Buddhism’s importance decreased thereby.

      9. Lose of Royal Patronage:

      In course of time Buddhism came to lose royal patronage. No king, worthy of note, came forward to sponsor Buddhism after Asoka, Kaniska and Harsavardhan. Royal patronage works magically for the spread of any faith. Absence of any such patronage for Buddhism came to pave the way for its decline in the end.

      10. Huna Invasion:

      The ‘Huna’ invasion jolted Buddhism. Huna leaders like Toamana and Mihirakula opposed non-violence completely. They killed the Buddhists residing in the north-western part of India. This frightened the Buddhists of the region either to give up Buddhism or go into hiding. None dared to spread the message of the Buddha during those times. As a result, Buddhism became weak and depleted.

      11. Emergence of Rajputs:

      Emergence of the Rajputs became an important reason for the decline of Buddhism. Kings of such dynasties as Bundela, Chahamana, Chauhan, Rathore etc. were militant rulers and loved warfare. They could not tolerate the Buddhists for their message of non-violence. The Buddhists feared persecution from these Rajput rulers and fled from India. Buddhism became weaker and faced decline.

      12. Muslim Invasion:

      The Muslim invasion of India almost wiped out Buddhism. Their invasions of India became regular and repeated from 712 A.D. onwards. Such invasions forced the Buddhist monks to seek asylum and shelter in Nepal and Tibet. In the end. Buddhism died away in India, the land of its birth.

  • 5

    Finaly Bodu Jana Peramuna (BJP) Sri Lanka and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of Hindia have found common enemy Buddhism.

  • 50

    Great speech by PM Narendra Modi.

    May I add
    -” I am a Buddhist, because Buddhism is the purest form of Hinduism”- Mahatma Gandhi.

    • 1


      “May I add -” I am a Buddhist, because Buddhism is the purest form of Hinduism”- Mahatma Gandhi.”

      But Modi was no Buddhist and did not follow Buddha Dhamma.

      Modu followed Mara Dhamma. Killings.

      He was responsible for the many killings in India and the USA did not give him a visa to Visa to USA and contaminate USA.

  • 47

    An excellent speech that should be read by all sober Buddhists and sober Hindus in Sri Lanka. That would portend well for reconciliation.

    Sengodan. M

  • 46

    Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka, The Gautama Buddha has been converted to a Sinhala Buddhist.

    We forget that He was a Nepali, born to Nepali Parents in Lumbini, and Spread His Dharma in His Land of Birth and in the Greater Indian Madhya Pradesh.

  • 4

    Narendra Modi – PM India

    RE: Hindu Philosophy Was One Of The Greatest Beneficiaries Of Advent & Teachings Of Buddha

    “Buddha was more brave and sincere than any teacher.”

    “Buddha was the first human being to give to this world a complete system of morality. He was good for good’s sake, he loved for love’s sake.”

    “Buddha was the great preacher of equality. Every man and woman has the same right to attain spirituality— that was his teaching.”

    “I would personally call India Buddhist India as it has imbibed all the values and virtues of the teachings of Buddha by their religious scholars incorporating them in their literature.”

    Can agree on the above statements.

    Unfortunately, it was the Hegemony of the Hindu Priests that drove Buddhism from India.

    It was Sinhala “Buddhism” and the Hegemony of the Buddhist Monks, given in the Lies and Imaginations of Mahawansa, that is the root cause of conflict in Sri Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

    Claims are made saying that Sinhala Buddhism is not Buddhism. There are hardly ant Sinhala Hindus in Sri Lanka.

    There are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Sri Lanka, whereas in South India there are Tamil Buddhists.

    Do you now why?

    Is it because Mahawansa is an Insult to Buddha, as many claim?

    • 13

      It is learnt from Brahmi inscriptions, which paleographically belong to the 3rd century BC, that Buddhism had come into Tamil Nadu even then. It was to Asoka and his son Mahinda that the introduction of Buddhism into Tamil Nadu may be attributed. Epigraphical evidence seems to confirm this statement. In his Rock-Edict No. 3, Asoka says that his Dharma Vijaya prevailed in the border kingdoms of the Colas, Pandyans and at Tambapanni. But it was his son Mahinda who was responsible for the introduction of Buddhism in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka…

      As Buddhism was one of the dominant religions in both Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, naturally there were very close relations between the two regions. The monks from Sri Lanka, too, went across to the Tamil kingdom and stayed in the monasteries…

      The situation in Tamil Nadu, however, began to change towards the beginning of the 7th Century AD when the rise of Vaishnavism and Saivism posed a serious challenge to Buddhism and Jainism. There was a significant increase in Brahmanical influence and soon the worship of Siva and Visnu began to gain prominence
      Today, the Palk Strait which lies between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan land masses, is seen as a divider, separating two different distinct ethnicities, religions, cultures and political entities but there was a phase in history when Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka enjoyed very close ties, thanks to a shared interest in Buddhism.

      During the early period, the Palk Strait was not seen as a divider but it was a unifier. At that time Buddhism was a bridge between Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu.

      The fascinating story of the historical links – Golden threads between Buddhism in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka was narrated by Dr. Shu Hikosake, Director and Professor of Buddhism, Institute of Asian Studies in Madras in his book 1989 Buddhism in Tamil Nadu: a New Perspective. Dr. Hikosaka’s study is based on his doctoral dissertation.
      The earliest inscriptions in Tamil Nadu belong to the third century BC. They are written in the Brahmi character of the time, on the walls of the natural caves in the Tamil districts of Madura, Ramnad and Tirnnelveli. They are of considerable interest to students of South Indian Buddhism. It is learnt from these Brahmi inscriptions, which paleographically belong to the 3rd century BC, that Buddhism had come into Tamil Nadu even then. It was to Asoka and his son Mahinda that the introduction of Buddhism into Tamil Nadu may be attributed. Epigraphical evidence seems to confirm this statement. In his Rock-Edict No. 3, Asoka says that his Dharma Vijaya prevailed in the border kingdoms of the Colas, Pandyans and at Tambapanni. But it was his son Mahinda who was responsible for the introduction of Buddhism in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.

      In this task, he was helped by Maha Aritta, a nephew of the Sri Lankan king Devanampiyatissa. Mahinda is said to have erected seven viharas at Kaveripattinum while he was on his way to Sri Lanka. Some Indian scholars are of the opinion that Aritta or Maha-Aritta might have lived in the caves of the village of Arittapatti in Madurai, which is in Tamil Nadu. According to Dr. Hikosaka, Buddhism might have gone to Sri Lanka from Tamil Nadu, contrary to the general impression.
      Although Buddhism has become almost extinct from Tamil Nadu, it has contributed a great deal to the enrichment of Tamil culture and has exerted a significant influence, both directly and indirectly, on the Tamil religious and spiritual consciousness, present as well as past.

      According to Historians, Buddhism began to make an impact on Tamil Nadu only in the 3rd century AD. During the period from 3rd Century AD to 6th Century AD, Buddhism had spread widely in Tamil Nadu and won the patronage of the rulers. The remains of a Buddhist monastery excavated at Kaveripattinum which could be assigned to the fourth century, are believed to be the earliest archaeological relics of Buddhism in Tamil Nadu. The major urban centers of Kanchi, Kaveripattinam, Uraiyur, and Madurai were not only centers of Buddhism, but these were also important centers of Pali learning.

      The Tamil Buddhist monks of South India used Pali languages in preference to Tamil in their writings. This is because the Buddha spoke in Magadi Prakrit (Pali) which was considered to be the sacred language of the Buddhists.

      It was at this time that Tamil Nadu gave some of its greatest scholars (both Theravada and Mahayana) to the Buddhist world. Tamil Nadu boasted of outstanding Buddhist monks, who had made remarkable contributions to Buddhism thought and learning. Three of the greatest Pali scholars of this period were Buddhaghosa, Buddhadatta, and Dhammapala and all three of them were associated with Buddhist establishments in the Tamil kingdoms.
      Buddhaghosha is a Tamil monk, who made a remarkable contribution to Buddhism in Sri Lanka. He stayed and studied Buddhist precepts at Mahavihara in Anuradhapura. The Visuddhimagga was the first work of Buddhaghosha which was written while he was in Ceylon.

      After Buddhaghosha, the important Theravada monk from the Tamil country was Dhammapala. Dhammapala lived in the Mahavihara at Anuradhapura. He composed paramathadipani which was a commentary on Buddhaghosha s work on Khuddaka Nikaya and Paramathamanjusa, which was a commentary on Buddhaghosha’s Visuddhimagga. A close study of the three Buddhist monks viz Buddhadatta, Buddhaghosha and Dhammapala shows that Tamil Buddhists were closely associated with the Sri Lankan Buddhists around the 5th century AD.

      The author of NETTIPAKARANA is another Dhammapala who was a resident of a monastery in Nagapattinam. One more example is the Cola monk Kassapa, in his Pali work, VIMATTI-VINODANI, this Tamil monk provides interesting information about the rise of heretical views in the Cola Sangha and the consequent purification that took place.

      There are so many other Tamil monks who are attributed to the Pali works some of them were resident at Mayura-rupa-pattana (Mylapore, Madras) along with Buddhagosha. The well known Tamil Buddhist epics, on the other hand, were MANIMEKALAI and KUNDALAKESI.

      The 6th century Tamil Buddhist work Manimekali by Sattanar, is perhaps the most famous of the work done in Tamil Nadu. It is a work expounding the doctrines and propagating the values of Buddhism. The interaction between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lankan monks finds mention in Manimekalai, which is set in the Tamil towns of Kaveipumpattinam, Kanchi, and Vanchi

      There is mention about the presence of wondering monks of Sri Lanka in Vanchi, which was the capital of the Chera Kings of Tamil Nadu. The Chinese traveller, Tsuan Tsang, wrote that there were around 300 Sri Lankan monks in the monastery at the Southern sector of Kanchipuram.

      As Buddhism was one of the dominant religions in both Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, naturally there were very close relations between the two regions. The monks from Sri Lanka, too, went across to the Tamil kingdom and stayed in the monasteries.

      As Dr. Leslie Gunawardana says, `The co-operation between the Buddhist Sangha of South India and Sri Lanka produced important results which are evident in the Pali works of this period`. He also says that the Tamil Buddhist monks were more orthodox than their counterparts in Sri Lanka.

      Indeed, the relations between the Tamil and Sinhala Buddhist monks were so close that the latter sought the assistance of the former in political turmoilIn Sri Lanka, the Tamil Buddhists who followed Theravada Buddhism shared the common places of worship with the Sinhalese, but there were also Tamil Buddhists who were following the Mahayana Buddhism and they had there own Mahayana temples.

      There are still some Tamil Mahayana Buddhist establishments (Palli) in the east and possibly in the Jaffna peninsula. The best known was Velgam Vehera (see details below), which was renamed Rajaraja-perumpalli after the Cola emperor. Another was the Vikkirama-calamekan-perumpalli.

      Some ten miles northwest of Trincomalee off the Trincomalee – Horowupothana road is an ancient Buddhist shrine with origins dating back to the years before the second century. It is a historical fact that among the many ancient Buddhist shrines in Sri Lanka Velgam Vehera which was renamed Rajaraja-perumpalli, also called Natanar Kovil by the present day Tamils stands out as the only known example of a `Tamil Vihare or Buddhist Palli` or as the late Dr. Senerath Paranavithana described it in his book `Glimpses of Ceylon`s Past` as an `Ancient Buddhist shrine of the Tamil people`. Some of the Tamil inscriptions found at the site record donations to this shrine and are dated in the reigns of the Chola Kings, Rajaraja and Rajendradeva. It was his view that the date of the original foundation of the vihare was no doubt considerably earlier than the reign of King Bhatika Tissa II.
      The situation in Tamil Nadu, however, began to change towards the beginning of the 7th Century AD when the rise of Vaishnavism and Saivism posed a serious challenge to Buddhism and Jainism. There was a significant increase in Brahmanical influence and soon the worship of Siva and Visnu began to gain prominence.

      The Buddhist and Jaina institutions in Tamil Nadu came under attack when they began to loose popular support and the patronage from the rulers. One result of this was the migration of Buddhist and Jaina monks and devoted lay members to kingdoms where they could find refuge. While the Jainas were able to go to Kannada and Telugu regions, the Buddhists turned to Sri Lanka and assimilated with the local Buddhist population.

      The majority of the early Tamils of Sri Lanka (before the 10th century Chola invasion) were Buddhists. The Buddhist remains in the North East are the remnants left by the Tamil Buddhists and not anybody else.
      Now, let us ask why is Sri Lanka`s Past Hidden from its Own People??? Why does the Sinhalese believe that the Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka belong only to them (Sinhala heritage) and not to the Tamils??? Why are the Sinhalese ignorant about the early Tamil Buddhists of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu??? Why do the Sinhalese think, in Sri Lanka if you are a Buddhist then you should be a Sinhalese and if you are a Hindu then you should be a Tamil???

      Unfortunately, today there is neither Tamil Buddhists nor Buddhism in Sri Lanka. The Sinhala-Buddhist Maha Sangha will not accept any Tamil Buddhist monks. Buddhism in Sri Lanka is monopolized by the Sinhalese and they call it Sinhala-Buddhism which is Theravada Buddhism (Tripitaka) mixed up with the ‘Mahavamsa.’ It is actually a violent barbaric form of Buddhism, in which killing Tamils is a part of the Sinhala (Mahavamsa) Buddhist scriptures created by its author.

      • 36


        The Palk straits continues to be a unifier. There is Hinduism on both sides of the straits! Do not confine Indo Ceylonese relations to Buddhism alone!

        Buddhism declined in the Tamil land because it depended solely on royal patronage and had zero rural presence.The last Buddhist monks, as per Sinhala/Pali records, left Tamil Nadu for Sri Lanka only in the 13th century possibly with the brief establishment of the Madurai sultanate.Your chronology is simplistic and wrong!

        • 6

          I am only answering in context to Amarasiri’s question of Buddhism and Tamils and not about the much older Hinduism or Saivaism( What I stated is correct)That was the real religion of the Tamils

      • 32


        Thanks for this comment. I agree with the historival background you have provided.

        However, I question your assertins on the role of the Mahavamsa. The Mahavamsa manuscipt was discovered in comparatively recent times and has seeded the Sinhala nationalism of our politicians and political monks, which with time turned virulent. I do not think it mooulded Sinhala thinking in ancient times. It does not do so yet on the scale we assume.

        The Mahavihara was the bulwalk against the Saivaite / Vaishnavaite Bakthi movement in Tamil South India,which absorbed Buddhism in its wake. The rapid development of the Sinhala language was also probably spurred by the learned monks of the Mahavihara to provide a new linguistic identity to the Sinhala people of old. This further strenghthened the bulwalks. The religeo-Linguistic identity was born as a result. The Tamil Buddhists became Sinhala Buddhists or reverted back to being Tamil Hindus.

        The presence of the Pancha Easvarams in various coastal locations around the island, in addition to other historical and archeoogical evidence, also indicate the people in the island were all probably Hindu in pre-Buddhist times. The Buddhism in Sri Lanka is overlaid on Hinduism. Prof. Dharmadasa described this as syncretism.

        We are essentialy the same people at our core, though we have adopted different identities with the passage of time, due to events in our history.

        Our ancient history must be studied objectively and scientifically to unravel its manifold secrets.


        • 19

          I totally agree with you Mhahvamsa has historical references as well as myths( like the story of Vijaya to created a different origin for the newly converted Tamil Buddhists. A few North Indian traders and immigrants may have arrived but they were not the source. Just like a few Arab traders did not create the Sri Lankan Muslims) to protect and legitimise the newly and rapidly developing Sinhalese language and identity that was forming in the island from the converted indigenous Tamil/Naga Hindus other indigenous tribes like the Yakka as well as the Indian immigrants largely from the Tamil country in India. It therefore to some extant demonised and started sate the Tamils who did not convert to Buddhism or converted and reconverted back to Hinduism as outsiders and aliens,to be despised and to be treated outside the newly forming Sinhalese Buddhist fold. This was done to protect the newly forming Sinhalese Buddhist identity, and prevent them from reverting to their original Tamil Hindu identity again.
          This sort of demonization happens everywhere. Newly Christianised Europe and England started to demonize the old pre Christian religions and called them Pagans witches Wizards and many were burnt or drowned until a few centuries ago. Even in India when Vedic Hinduism took over the ancient Tantric Mantra traditions were demonised. This is why we still say in Tamil ( and in other Indian languages) someone sly, deceptive as Manthira Karan Thanthira Karan.
          Its history and story is largely in relation to the newly forming Sinhalese Buddhist kingdoms so not talking about the Tamil Hindus or their kingdoms in the island ( that is wanted to ignore) does not mean they existed.
          Even according to Mahavamsa Ceylon was peopled by Nagas and Yakshas long before the arrival of Vijaya around 544 – 505 BC.
          The Nagas were Tamils and they used Tamil is their language. As seen by the recent discovery of Naga artefact in Batticaloa dating 200BC written in the Tamil Brahmi of this era. This is not the only artefact. Many Naga artefacts some even Buddhist have been recovered in the so called Sinhalese south written in the Tamil Brahmi script

          The author of Mahavamsa, a Buddhist Thero bearing the name Mahanama, deliberately tried these tribes as non-human beings.

          Thiruketeeswaram is a pre-historic sacred kovil in Manthoddam situated in Mannar District about seven miles north of Mannar town. It is famous according to legends as the kovil where Ketu Bhagavan worshipped Lord Eeswaram. Hence this holy shrine acquired the name of Tiruketeeswaram.

          According to Dr. Paul E. Peiris, an erudite scholar and historian, “long before the arrival of Vijaya (6th century B.C.) there was in Lanka five recognized ‘Eeswararns’ of Siva, which claimed and received adoration of all India. These were Tiruketheeswaram near Mahathitha, Munneswaram Thondeswaram, Tirukoneswaram and Naguleswaram.

          The celebrated historian J.W. Bennet wrote (1843): “At Mantotte the antiquarian will find a field for research in the still extant remains of remote antiquity, amongst which are the vestiges of an immense tank (Giant Tank) arid the ruins of a former Hindu City, built of birch. The antiquity of the Hindus, by whom, I humbly presume, the island was originally peopled, and their civilization at the remotest period of history, are recognized by all the ancient Eastern Philosophers.”

          Another well-known historian, Cassie Chetty, had this to say: “Manthoddam was a center of international trade. Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, Arabs, Ethiopians, Persians, Chinese, Japanese, Burmese and others vied with each other at various times to monopolise the trade of North Ceylon.”
          Excavations at Atulu Nuvara (Inner City) of Anuradhapura have yielded evidence of an ancient civilization that had been engaged in the domestication of horses and cattle and wetland rice cultivation about 300 years before the arrival of Prince Vijaya.

          Former Director General and present Advisor to the Department of Archaeology Dr. Siran Deraniyagala, under whose supervision excavations are being conducted, said the findings had been dated with the help of absolute dating techniques including Carbon-14 or radiocarbon dating system overseas.

          Evidence of the ancient civilization had surfaced from a pit 22 feet below the ground level near the old Temple of Tooth Relic, old Vijayaba Palace and the Gedige Premises at Salgahawatte area in the Atulu Nuvara. The one-hundred-meter-long and 75-foot-wide pit had also produced evidence of the use of iron, earthen and ceramic ware, Dr Deraniygala told The Island.
          Over 45 Carbon 14 tests had been conducted on the items unearthed from the pit, he said. Dr. Deraniyagala said among the items found were potsherds bearing Brahmi inscriptions, teeth of horses, pebbles and fragments of gold jewellry. There was also evidence of brick walls, underground drains, wattle and daub structures and a Muragala (Guard Stone).

          Dr. Deraniyagala said his research pit, which has layers producing a vertical outline of several different cultures, would not be filled but kept as it is as an exhibit after the conclusion of the on-going research project. The research team comprises local experts and a group of research students of Prof. Kay Kohlmeyer from the Berlin University. Excavations Officer A. A. Wijeratne, Regional Excavations and Museums officer Gamini Navaratne, Archaeological Assistant Thusita Agalawatte were engaged in the excavations conducted under the supervision of Dr. Deraniyagala.

          Dr. Deraniyagala said with the help of newfound evidence it could be concluded that there had been an advanced culture which was on par with any foreign culture in the region in 500 BC, 300 years before the before the arrival of Prince Vijaya, mentioned in Sri Lankachronicles.(http://www.island.lk/2009/09/14/news11.html

          King Pandukabhaya’s son was Mutasiva, king of Anuradhapura. Devanampiya Tissa was the second son of Mutasiva, next king of Anuradhapura. Mahanaga was the brother of King Devanam Piyatissa. Mahanaga was second in line to the throne. One of the wives of King Devanam Piyatissa decided to kill Mahanaga in order to get the crown to her son. Mahanaga fled to Rohana and founded a new kingdom there. After Mahanaga, his son Yatthalayaka Tissa became the King of Rohana. After Yatthlayaka Tissa, his son Goetabhaya (Abhaya) became the ruler of Rohana. After Abhaya, his son KakaVanna Tissa became the ruler of Rohana. And who is the son of King KakaVanna Tissa? None other than our hero King Duttu Gemenu or Abaya Gamini!

          Duttu Gamini’s mother was a Naga princess (Viharama Devi the daughter of Naga King Kelanithissa) who ruled Kalyani (Keleniya) and Kavantheesan (Kaakavarna Theesan) who is the son of Abaya.

          The Naga Prince Duttu Gemunu had to fight with not one but thirty-two Tamil chieftains in Anuradhapuram Principality alone to reach the Tamil King Elara’s palace.

          If there were thirty-two Tamil chieftains and a Tamil king ruling the Anuradhapura kingdom, the Anuradhpuram kingdom must have had a huge Tamil population also. Therefore, we can safely say it was a Tamil city at that time. Without a large Tamil population, there is no need for thirty-two Tamil chieftains.

          • 17

            Dear Paul
            “According to Dr. Paul E. Peiris, an erudite scholar and historian, “long before the arrival of Vijaya (6th century B.C.) there was in Lanka five recognized ‘Eeswararns’ of Siva, which claimed and received adoration of all India. These were Tiruketheeswaram near Mahathitha, Munneswaram Thondeswaram, Tirukoneswaram and Naguleswaram”

            Thondeswaram is found in Matara, now Known as Maha Vishnu Devalaya near Daivendradoduwa – These are Pancha Easwarm Temples that were visited by Vijeya and a few Bramins headed by Upa Tissa on their arrival to this Island, seeking blessings for reason of Arrival!

            • 1


              Thanks for this and other knowledge basedd and intelligent comments.

              Why the ‘Vet’ infront of Mahadeva?


          • 1

            Dear Paul,

            Thanks for you learned comment. I have learned much.


      • 9


        Thanks for your information, and I have not researched to see if there are inaccuracies in your narrative.

        The question of Tamil Buddhists and Sinhala Hindus in Sri Lanka is still murky. Good answers to this question is quite important for the National question, and move forward, so that the para-Sinhala Racists and Chauvinists, brainwashed by Mahawansa lies and Imaginations, can be exposed.

        All we know for certain is that the Sinhala and Tamils have a common gene pool originating from Southern India, before they landed using Ora Oru, Kalls Thoni, and illegal Boats on the Land of native Veddah Aethho.

        • 22

          Even the so called Fake Arab Sri Lankan Moors have a Dravidian South Indian origin. If there is any Arab in them it is very negligible

          • 2


            “Even the so called Fake Arab Sri Lankan Moors have a Dravidian South Indian origin. If there is any Arab in them it is very negligible”

            They also have 46 Chromosomes, just like the other Paras in Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, out of the 48 Chromosomes they inherited from their ape ancestors.

            Ken Miller on Human Evolution


            Uploaded on Feb 14, 2007
            Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

    • 40


      There are hardly any Sinhalese Hindus? Have you ever been to a Hindu temple in Colombo or Kandy on a Poya day? You would discover that there are more Sinhalese than Tamils present and far more generous in their offerings..

      • 2


        “There are hardly any Sinhalese Hindus? Have you ever been to a Hindu temple in Colombo or Kandy on a Poya day?”

        Yes. They are making offerings to the Gods. Sri Lankan culture generally respects other peoples Gods. They may be Buddhists and other faiths. Mahinda Rajapaksa also went to many Hindu Temples to make offering and to win the elections. But, Mahinda Rajapaksa claims he is a Buddhist.

        If you ask them what faith they follow. They will say Buddhism or other.

        The Tamil Hindus will say Hindus.

        That is the way it should be. One should be able to get help from any god who will help them, based on what they believe.

        • 22


          Paul thanks very much for the Historical Analysis and Amarasiri what about Kattaragama? = the famous Murugan Temple – Murugan is a deity who likes Tamil Language, There are devotional songs to the meaning Lord Muruga married Valli his second wife in Kattaragama = The Kapparala are the people who have been performing POOJA throughout history – they are all Sinhalese. Can somebody elaborate this to me?
          In Sannathy Murugan Kovil Thondaimannrar also Kapparala does POOJA but they all Tamis!

  • 4

    Well Hon Narendra Modi,

    Hindu philosophy may be one hell of a great philosophy but hell of a lot of Hindus are regularly killing Muslims all over India. You yourself Hon Narendra Modi was the all powerful Chief Minister of Gujarat when thousands of Muslims were butchered. There is no mention anywhere of you intervening to stop the pogrom.


    Well then you speak of the great philosophy of Buddhism benifiting Hinduism and vice versa. Well the Buddhists in Sri Lanka are killing Tamils and the Buddhists in Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia are also killing Muslims.

    I have spent hours, days, and long years trying to work out why all these people who follow these great philosphies turn out to be butchers.

    • 29

      “I have spent hours, days, and long years trying to work out why all these people who follow these great philosphies turn out to be butchers.”

      BBS Rep:-
      Maybe it is because God has decided that He made a Mistake when He created Adam and Eve, and asked them to ‘Go Forth and Multiply’!

      God is now trying to Erase His Mistake and make a fresh start.

      • 20


        Man was God’s mistake in terms of the creation story!

        Dr. RN

      • 3

        Hamlet and BBS Rep

        “”BBS Rep:- Maybe it is because God has decided that He made a Mistake when He created Adam and Eve, and asked them to ‘Go Forth and Multiply’! “

        Man evolved from Primates with 48 Chromosomes ans ended up with 46 . The chromosome #2 was formed by the fusion of two primate chromosomes.

        Ken Miller on Human Evolution


        Uploaded on Feb 14, 2007

        Dr. Ken Miller talks about the relationship between Homo sapiens and the other primates. He discusses a recent finding of the Human Genome Project which identifies the exact point of fusion of two primate chromosomes that resulted in human chromosome #2.

        • 1

          Ammarasiri, I find the Creation Story more interesting, as lots of Christians do! Don’t you?
          Don’t get too Serious!

          • 1


            “Ammarasiri, I find the Creation Story more interesting, as lots of Christians do! Don’t you? Don’t get too Serious!”

            Not only Christians, lots of Jews and Muslims do.

            Lot’s of Christians do believe in Santa Claus coming down from the North Pole on Christmas Eve.

            Do the Australian Christians believe that too. It is a long way from the North Pole.

            • 3

              Amarasiri, the Stories that Sinhala Buddhists have made up, Negating ‘What the Buddha Taught’ are far too numerous to List.

              Have a look at those Stories with a Critical Eye, before you start criticising the False Beliefs of other Religions.

              It is nothing to do with a Religion, but the Basic Need for Humans to Appeal to Something or Someone ‘Up There’!

              • 2


                “Have a look at those Stories with a Critical Eye, before you start criticising the False Beliefs of other Religions.”

                This is the basic problem with religion and their followers..

                They will only accept that their their version of religion is correct, everybody else is incorrect and therefore can be slave, or killed, as their religion allows for that.

                Instead, one should say that every religion is right and wrong and you are free to to believe in the wrong religion and right religion.

                25% of Americans, 34$ of Europeans and 47% of Sri Lankans ( Thodse who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa including Wimal Buruwansa of 2/2=0 fame) believe that the Sun goes around the Earth.

                • 2


                  You will have to learn Pali and read the Suttas if you want to understand what True Buddhist Dhamma is.
                  There are some good translations too.

                  Unfortunately, Buddhism has become a Religion. In General, Buddhists of Sri Lanka are more into the Rituals, Worship and Chanting, than understanding the Way of the Arahats and The Buddha!

                  • 0


                    “You will have to learn Pali and read the Suttas if you want to understand what True Buddhist Dhamma is. There are some good translations too.”

                    Even the original Pali was written down 200 to 300 years later.

                    @00 to 300 years later, Velupillai Prabakaran and Mahinda Rajapaksa wil ve Gods to the Para-Tamils and Para-Sinhala. Thre will be Temples in their honor, like at Kataragama, and the faithful will visit, seek blessings to get cured from ailments, pass exams and, get daughters get married, have children. Even the politicians will visit and ask for blessings to win elections.

    • 25

      BBS Reps:

      In indian rural regions, and in Pakistan, LAdak etc., muslims are kidnapping both hindu anf buddhist girls in order to marry them by force.

      Muslims have built a mosque very close to the bodhgaya temple.

      that shows how invasive muslims are.

      • 1

        Jim Softly,

        You are missing the point.

        We all know very well what Muslims are capable of. Make no mistake.

        But my grind is with the great philosophies of Hindu and Buddhism, both have a history drenched in killing humans. Our own BBS while saving the cows from slaughter go on to kill humans with impunity.

        Makes no sense.

        • 1

          BBS Rep

          “Jim Softly, You are missing the point.”

          Pointless Jimmy neither has a point nor understands one hence he does not miss a point.

  • 54

    A message of universal significance. In India,Buddhism has been absorbed into Hindiuism and enriched the latter. In Sri Lanka, among the Sinhalese, Hinduism remains the tray on which Buddhism sits like a jewel. For the Hindus in Sri Lanka,the Buddha remains a great soul/ an Avatar, but Buddhism has come to represent despicable politics. This association is unfortunate. Buddhism as expounded by the Buddha, can bring more rationality, reason. order and logic into the Hinduism practiced by the Hindus in Sri Lanka.

    The respect and reverence for nature built into Hinduism and Buddhism are indeed the need of the hour. Unfortunately, very few Hindus and Buddhists, who have deified or ritualised these concepts, understand the significabce and importance of these concepts to our lives and survival. We are taking more than we give and what we give back is destruction. garbage and pollution.

    I am reminded of what the garnd old poetess Auvayaiyar said, ” Idam Pada veedditale” ( Donot build in manner that kills the land). This was a environmental concept expounded in the 6th or 7th century AD!

    The Buddha gave up a Kingdom and the pleasures of royal life, to understand the cause of human suffering. In Sri Lanka, unfortunately, Buddhism has been used as a political tool by some to inflict pain and suffering on others. I have not seen a kinder people than the Buddhists in Sri Lanka, but unfortunately, I have also seen the most rabid inflictors of suffering among them. Politics has entered the portals of temples and monastries and is destroying them from within. This has to be corrected. I hope the new government will take steps to reform the Sangha is consultation with the more enlightened monks and laity. The ancient Kings did this at regulat intervals.

    Hinduism fortunately has not developed a political dimension in Sri Lanka, because it is essentially Saivaite in context, which accepts all religions as paths to salvation. However, Tamil society in Sri Lanka, despite its essentially Hindu character, has also produced the most virulent and violent miltant group that gave more value to land than the lives of people. They wanted to liberate a people poltically, while not liberating their souls first! Gandhi did this.The spirituality of the Hindu Tamils was thus rendered null and overwhelmed by a religiosity that was ready to make commercial deals with their God/s to survive. The spritual traditions of the Hindu Tamils have to be revived, but this is not forseable in the immediate future, in view of the near total destruction of the Guru-Shishya system that survived until the advent of militancy, tough a millennia or more.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 25

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      All the more reason for liberating Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhists.

      • 0

        Native Vedda

        “All the more reason for liberating Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhists.”

        Make then sing Jaya Mangala Gatha only in Original Pali, uncontaminated by Sinhala.

      • 1

        Native Veddah:-

        “All the more reason for liberating Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhists”

        You are so Right NV. If the Buddha were to arrive in Sri Lanka tomorrow, no Sinhala Buddhists would go to listen to Him!

        Because He will not Teach ‘Sinhala Buddhism’! He will only Teach the Dhamma, The Truth that Prince Siddhartha Discovered for Himself, and became Enlightened as the Gautama Buddha!

  • 45

    About Shankara’s Viveka Soodamani
    How I should set about to grow spiritually,
    to realize the absolute.
    What is the way.
    What I should do and not to do.
    Why all practices.
    What are the rationals, justifications, behind these practices.
    Who will guide me, teach me,
    What is right to instill confidence,
    regarding the correctness of my adherence, progress,
    the experiences on the way and negative diversions,
    What are the obstacles in my pursuits In this journey of spirituality.
    These are the questions in the minds of spiritual seekers.
    Sri Shankara provide answers to all these questions, in Vivekasoodamani.
    Vivekasoodamani is the prime distilled essence of spirituality of Vedas, upanishids and the wisdom absolute from time immemorable, presented to the seekers, by the great Phillosopher, Teacher (Aachariyar) of the world, for the mankind.
    A must constant companion to all seekers
    of spiritual aspirations.

    When doubt arises to reestablish confidence, reference wisdom thought, to all Sathakas/ Seekers, of the Athma vidiya of Brahman / Paramathman.

    Enjoy Shanthi.
    Bliss absolute is the reward.
    ** **
    Dr.K. Sivam M.V.Sc

  • 0

    Why is it that no representatives from countries like China,Burma,Thailand,Japan,Cambodia etc.all of which are Buddhist are absent at this gathering in India?

  • 3

    Amarasiri’s comment “There are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Sri Lanka, whereas in South India there are Tamil Buddhists” is highly appropriate.

    However, any one unfamiliar with the True Teachings of Buddha will get the wrong impression about Buddhism on reading these ideas of Modi. For example, his efforts (or as he says, Radhakrishna’s efforts) to find parallels between Buddha and Lord Krishna is pathetic if not insulting. Lord Krishna went to war as a charioteer of Arjuna and actively took part or aided in killing others. On the other hand, though Buddha too fought a great war, it was a war of ideas. His adversaries were wrong concepts that people held. Mara symbolized wrong concepts rather than a living being, divine or not. His Mara Yuddha was a battle of ideas to destroy erroneous old concepts based on ignorance and to find and promote new concepts based on truth.

    All through his life, Buddha waged a relentless campaign of ideas against caste and the Brahmins who were behind the concept of caste. He was successful to some extent during his lifetime but after his death Buddhism disappeared in India due to the counter revolution lead by the Brahmins.

    I wish Modi would take the trouble to learn Buddhist Philosophy properly instead of looking at it from the fringes, wearing Hindu colored glasses. What he utters may be all praise but praise based on ignorance can be more damaging than criticism based on a good understanding.

    • 42

      Edwin Rodrigo,

      Please read the Bhagawat Gita to understand the true meaning of the story on the discourse between Krishna and Arjuna. You will also then understand the meaning of Karma Yoga that Narendra Modi refers.


    • 33

      Typical uninformed Sinhala Buddhist bigot!

    • 36

      I think our reasoning is terribly flawed about Krishana going to war, can you please elaborate?
      You probably do not know about the Mahabaratha, because if you did you will know that Krishna was only trying to mediate in the war between the cousins.But as destiny would have , war became inevitable and Krishna took the side of ”Rightousness”, and it is on the eve of war that he proclaimed the famously world renowned ‘Bagavat Gita’ which contains a contemporary message that touches the most urgent personal and social problems that we now encounter in our daily live .It is timeless classic of the Hindu Faith.

  • 37

    A good speech. The essence of Hinduism lies in Baghavad Gita.

  • 24

    Dr. Dr.Rajasingham Narendran /Amarasiri
    I hold the same opinion, as you both, in fact it is wrong to describe, those sentiments as “opinion” but transcripts of where we are and how we are living.
    I cannot agree with EDWIN RODRIGO, because Lord Krishna Echos the Past to Arjuna to convince him, THAT ALL OF THE SINS HAVE TO BE BROUGHT TO AN END and it is one act of many, and Lord Buddha reveals what would be best way of living through his experience, referred and revered as Enlightenment.
    Gautama Buddha gave the eight-fold path and the Panchsheel. while Shri Krishna gave invaluable lessons of life in the form of KARMA YOGA These two divine souls had the strength to bring people together, rising above differences. Their teachings are most practical, eternal and are more relevant in this day and age than ever before.

    The place where we are meeting makes it even more special. We are meeting in Bodh Gaya, a land that has a distinctive place in the history of humankind.

    This is the land of enlightenment. Years ago, what Bodh Gaya got was Siddhartha but what Bodh Gaya gave to the world was Lord Buddha, the epitome of knowledge, peace and compassion.

    This is, therefore the ideal venue for a dialogue and meeting here on the auspicious day of Janmashtami (Birth of Lord Krishna) and the special day of Teachers’ Day makes this unique.

    It was my great privilege to have participated in the Inaugural function of the first International Hindu Buddhist Initiative on “Conflict Avoidance and Environmental Consciousness” hosted by the Vivekananda International Foundation and Tokyo Foundation with the support of the International Buddhist Confederation at Delhi day before yesterday.

    The Conference was conceptualized on shifting the paradigm from conflict resolution to conflict avoidance and from environmental regulation to environmental consciousness.
    Unfortunately, it was the Hegemony of the Hindu Priests that drove Buddhism from India.
    It was Sinhala “Buddhism” and the Hegemony of the Buddhist Monks, given in the Lies and Imaginations of Mahawansa, that is the root cause of conflict in Sri Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
    Claims are made saying that Sinhala Buddhism is not Buddhism. There are hardly ant Sinhala Hindus in Sri Lanka.
    There are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Sri Lanka, whereas in South India there are Tamil Buddhists. Do you now why?
    Is it because Mahawansa is an Insult to Buddha, as many claim?

    THANK YOU Amarasiri

    • 1


      You say, “Gautama Buddha gave the eight-fold path and the Panchsheel. while Shri Krishna gave invaluable lessons of life in the form of KARMA YOGA These two divine souls had the strength to bring people together, rising above differences. Their teachings are most practical, eternal and are more relevant in this day and age than ever before.”

      And I say, Karma yoga and the eight-fold path has done nothing of the sort as you claim. I say that these so called ancient teachings based on convoluted imaginations of ancient men with no evidence on offer, have created more divisions, have caused more differences, is impractical and have created utter horror to people through the ages to this day and age.

      Lets call a spade a spade and let us get on with legislation to abolish all religions and isms that has brought nothing but horror through history (and the horror is ongoing).

  • 1

    Religion is the Opium of the Masses.
    Each religion is a Code of Behaviour.

    All humans with average intelligence, know the difference between right and wrong, and are able to avoid latter, as far as possible.
    If all do good and avoid evil, they are ‘religious’.

    Those who preach great ‘religious’ ways of living, rarely practice it themselves.
    If they did, there would be no wars, unnatural deaths and suffering.

    Orthodox religion is the cause of great enmity.
    Do we need it?

  • 0

    From Wikepedia:

    Kurukshetra War and Bhagavad Gita

    Krishna displays his Vishvarupa (Universal Form) to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.Krishna asked Arjuna, “Have you within no time, forgotten the Kauravas’ …. blah blah … (a verbal barage of hatred and revenge)… to a reluctant Arjuna he says, “Arjuna, do not engage in philosophical analyses at this point of time like a Pundit. You are aware that Duryodhana and Karna particularly have long harboured jealousy and hatred for you Pandavas and badly want to prove their hegemony. more blah blah ….. There is no scope for contemplation now or remorse later, it is indeed time for war…..more and more blah blah “

    I leave the reader to decide whether these are the words of a pacifist or a warmonger. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth seems to be the policy of Krishna. Perhaps this is a good enough justification for the fate of the LTTE in the hands of the SL Army.

    Uthungan’s comment “war became inevitable and Krishna took the side of Righteousness” doesn’t that remind us of the familiar words of some so called Sinhala Buddhists when they refer to the 3rd Eelam war?

    To compare Krishna to Buddha whose Metta (which is quite different from Love) encompasses all living things is a great injustice done to this incomparable personality.

    • 20

      Edwin Rodrigo
      If you are talking about the word ‘Righteousness’ in my comment, I can see that, that word with your having to lean on Wikipedia for support, only has a vague abstract meaning for you. Other than that, it has no relevance or significance to you in what happened at Nandikadal during the 3rd Elam war which you appear to justify and condone as Sinhala Buddhist. and what has that, to do with the Metta of Buddha?

    • 24

      Edwin Rodrigo,

      The Wikipedia is not the best means to understand the Gita even superficially.
      There can be both profane and profound interpretations depending on the nature of the person interpreting it.

      The Google search provides a variety of sources in readable, audio and visual formats that explain the Sanskrit verses in the Gita in more profound, spritual and philosophical terms. They also explain its relevance to our lives, actions and inactions.

      The Gita is the composite of what Krishna teaches Arjuna- a warrier and a Prince- who stands paralysed on the battle field of Kurukshetra, unable to decide whether to fight a war that has been thrust on the Pandavas by their royal cousins (Kaurawas). We are faced with such circumstances almost every day when dealing with mundane matters of life. Krishna teaches Arjuna and through him us, what duty means and how to perform it in an objective and unattached manner, as he is an instrument of the divine as much as the Kaurawas are.

      Gita deals with the nature of man and how this manifests in life. It says that divinity is in all of us and in everything around us. It sees life as a divine drama, where the good and the bad play their roles. A soldier has to take up arms and fight for a cause. He has to also kill in pursuit of his objectives. A leader has to defend his land against his enemies . A man has to defend his family,even if he has to kill in the process (culpable homicide). An accountant has to keep his books properly and prevent fraud even by his relative. A medical practitioner has to perform his profession to the best of his ability and try his best to save lives, even of those he dislikes. A monk has to bring out his spirituality and be a shining light in society, regarless of who and what they are. Each one of us has a destined or assigned role to play in life. This role has to be played with dedication, but with detachment. This is what I understand from the Gita as Karma Yoga.

      In the Mahabharatha, of which the Gita is only a chapter, Krishna (The Divine) pledges his army to Duryodhana ( A Kaurawa), but is gleefully permitted by Duryodhana to be with the Pandawas. This incident is at the core of the Gita and explains much of it.

      Shakespear with his words, ” We are all actors in a play”, also comes close to what Krishna expounds in the Gita.


  • 24

    Why Buddhism failed in Lanka? Why we had so much blood bath?
    Why Dalai Lama not allowed in Lanka?


    • 9


      Q1. “Why Buddhism failed in Lanka?”

      A1. The Buddhism in Lanka, the Lanfd pf Native Veddah Aethho, is not Buddhism, and is an Insult to Buddhism.

      Q2. “Why we had so much blood bath?”

      A2. The Sinhala Buddhism as practiced in Lanka, has many concepts from Mara, Buddha warned against, and is practiced by many Sinhala “Buddhists”.

      Q3. “Why Dalai Lama not allowed in Lanka?”

      A3. If Dalai Lama was allowed, who follow Mahayana Buddhism, all the lies and imaginations of Sinhala Buddhism and Therevada Version of Sinhala Buddhism will be exposed along with the Monk Hegemony.

      Question: does the sun go around the Earth or the Earth around the Sun?

      • 5

        Amarasiri is a marakkaya.

  • 19


    For you to understand Bhagavad Gita completely you must read the entire Maha Baratha, by VIYASAR MUNI not the last few Pages of Maha Baratha and Wikipedia because Wikipedia is a IT Jargon uploaded by modern men of women who can distort the philosophy, by referring only final part the Kurukshetra War of Maha Baratha, by VIYASAR MUNI , the way you have distorted the Wikipedia version by saying thru ego “I leave the reader to decide whether these are the words of a pacifist or a warmonger. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth seems to be the policy of Krishna”
    Perhaps this is a good enough justification!
    for the fate of the LTTE in the hands of the SL Army, Of course everything transpired according to their KARMA YOGA.
    Uthungan’s comment “war became inevitable and Krishna took the side of Righteousness” doesn’t that remind us of the familiar words of some so called Sinhala Buddhists when they refer to the 3rd Eelam war? Yes In RELIGIOUS PERSPECTIVE KARMA YOGA! Uthungan has read and understood the entire Maha Baratha, by VIYASAR MUNI, but you exactly not

    Do you know that Buddhists particularly Sinhala Buddhists believe LORD BUDDHA is a reincarnation of LORD VISHNU,
    EDWIN RODRIGO do you know who is LORD VISHNU, for this you may refer Wikipedia
    it is one version……. of a deity!

  • 1

    I see a number of problems with all this posturing about religions and “conflict-avoidance.”

    1. While the Buddha is probably a true historical figure and a “teacher,” Krishna is a mythical figure, part of the great epics. It is absurd to compare them.
    2. Saivites didn’t have much for the Bhagavad Gita historically; its introduction into the religious discourse of Tamil Saivites is a recent phenomenon.
    3. Conflicts arise from competing perceptions of the same reality, and conflicts are an integral part of human life; more so because there is no evidence of any God or ruler or shared “truth,” leaving human beings to make competing claims, with no shared frame of reference.
    4. The feel-good statements and claims about religions ignore “economic” life, which, with its essential competition for scarce resources, inevitably involves conflict. Throughout the ages, people have always sought to be more “powerful” than others, whether “intra-nationally” or inter-nationally, in order to survive–if not “win”–in this competition. Constant innovation, whether in producing the gun or the nuclear bomb, helped with maintaining that power, and impose a “capitalist” world order.
    5. The “rise of Asia” that Modi speaks of, is but an evolution in the adoption of variants of capitalism by Asian nations, and the global economy becoming more integrated; there is still a long way to go, and a lot of grave problems to confront.

    So where does religion, Buddha and Krishna come into all this? Should the ordinary people continue to be fooled by empty religious rhetoric?

    • 22


      The Bhagavad Gita is present in Tamil Hinduism through the earlier Saivite Hindu Upanishads such as the Svetasvatara, the work of Shankaracharya and Ramanuja, not to mention the contribution of the Tamil Alwars.

      There is archeological evidence, however limited, of the Maha bharat war. Krishna is no more ‘mythical’as you claim than Allah, Jehovah or the ‘Risen’ Christ!

      With Buddhist bigots casting aspersions on our traditions, I am exasperated at the levels of hatred in Sri Lanka.

      • 0


        We SL Tamils have historically been worshipers of Murugan, Shiva and Ganesha/Pillaiyar; as far as I remember, only the Vallipuram temple, and perhaps the Ponnalai Varatharaja Perumal temple had some form of Krishna worship. I agree that Lord Krishna was still a part of Saivism, but Krishna worship was central only to Vaishnavites. Among Tamil Brahmins in India, the Iyer vs Iyengar division has been pretty strong, with the latter being Vaishnavites and focusing more on Krishna. Much of the discourse about Bhagavad Gita came from the influence of Vaishnavites, and people from Northern India. It became fashionable in the religious sense for people to quote from the Bhagavad Gita.

        And not being content with Saivism, I see that many Tamil ladies in SL are taking to strange cults like the “Brahma Kumaris” and wasting their lives.

        Let us assume that there is some archaeological evidence that the Mahabharatha war in fact happened. It only means that some sort of a war happened at the same period as the epic; it is downright silly to assume that magical things like getting powerful weapons or the war out of nowhere, happened through meditation and devotion to God.

        • 13

          I was referring to Tamil Hinduism, not to Saivism. I am not from Jaffna and that is not my yardstick. Ramanuja in the 10th century was the first commentator of note on the Gita. He was Tamil. The Brahma Kumari are no more a cult than the Pentecostal and related churches.

  • 2

    Vetmahadeva, it is true that I have not read the Gita fully, though a friend has gifted me with a copy years back. Regretfully I do not have the time or patience to read it.

    Despite my ignorance on Gita, I have a good knowledge about Buddhism developed from my childhood as it is taught in our schools as a subject. I agree with you that the Wiki interpretations of the Gita and many other things could be way off the mark. But I have to say that the interpretations of Modi, Radhakrishnan, you and many others about Buddha and his teachings are very much more off the mark due to similar reasons (lack of proper knowledge about the Teachings of Buddha).

    You say: “Do you know that Buddhists particularly Sinhala Buddhists (SB) believe LORD BUDDHA is a reincarnation of LORD VISHNU?” This is not at all true. I can assure that 99% of us while respecting Vishnu as a deity would consider the whole idea preposterous and a great insult to Buddha. On the contrary a deity with the name Vishnu is regarded by Sinhala Buddhists (not me though) as the guardian of the Dharma (Teachings of Buddha).

    We consider Buddha as incomparable to any being (deities included) in the whole universe. The well known Pali stanza describes 9 important qualities that Buddha had, Itipi so Bhagava Araham, Samma-Sambuddho, Vijja-Carana Sampano, Sugato, Lokavidu, Anuttaro Purisa Dhamma Sarathi, Sattha Deva-Manussanam, Buddho, Bhagavati. Here Satta Deva Manussanam means deserving veneration by men as well as devas. We believe that even Brahma paid homage to Buddha by prostrating at his feet and sought his advice and opinions on many matters.

    Coming back to Krishna, even if I was wrong about him being a war monger and consider him as a pious deity, to compare him to Buddha is a huge mistake originating due to ignorance.

  • 0

    Caste is the main reason for slum sog millionaire image in India. Caste forces people to accept their station in life and bow and be subservient and be afraid. Caste is the greatest obstacle to Emancipation of Hindu Tamils. Modi knows it. Backward Dalits oppressed and looked down upon by Vellalas. The barriers can be overcome by accepting Jesus . or at least real Buddhism. Not the fake type

    • 22

      Christianity led to the slave trade, the extermination of millions in the Americas and Australia,the inquisition and religious wars where millions died.the Bible is full of violence.

  • 6


    You say: “Do you know that Buddhists particularly Sinhala Buddhists (SB) believe LORD BUDDHA is a reincarnation of LORD VISHNU?” This is not at all true.
    I can assure that 99% of us while respecting Vishnu as a deity would consider the whole idea of preposterous and a great insult to Buddha. On the contrary a deity with the name Vishnu is regarded by Sinhala Buddhists (not me though) as the guardian of the Dharma (Teachings of Buddha).

    I agree with you, I have been misguided by an Article from Daliy News since some years back on a Poya Day!

  • 1

    Dear Vetmahadevan,

    It takes an ordinary person to make a mistake while it takes a great person to make a mistake and admit it as you did above.

    I am sorry if I hurt your feelings by my comments on Hinduism. My apologies to others too who were offended by my remarks.

    • 1

      I would prefer you call my name as it is = vetmahadeva

  • 0

    I would prefer you call my name as it is = vetmahadeva

  • 0

    Point taken. Sory about the extra n.

  • 7

    The Configuration on Amalgamation of two great philosophies for mankind shall FINALLY realize that KARMA YOGA of the Hindu faith shall deal appropriately the failure or adhere to practice the eight-fold path and the Panchaheela that Gautama Buddha gave.
    That is the real out come of any faith objected to guide the Human as a human!

  • 1

    How about Agnostics and Atheists? why do you Hindoos, Boodhas, Kristiyans and Mussalmen all get bent out of shape over ancient stuff? What if there are no Gods or Goddesses or Boodhas or Krishnas who can govern our lives? what if there is no hell or heaven except in our puny fearful minds?

    Atheists rule!

  • 3

    With invariable definiteness history creating leaders of the world make pronouncements and take revolutionary initiatives accordingly to guide the country and shape the history of the world. Ranil Wickramasinghe in Sri Lanka stressed and repeated over and over again his pursuit of Litchavi Princes’ Governance style which had drawn inspiration from the teachings of Buddha. And now Modi too is delving into the source of that great teaching of Buddha.

    “Buddha is the crown jewel of the Indian nation which accepts all ways of worship of all religions. This quality of Hinduism in India was a product of many great spiritual masters chief among them was Buddha. And this is what sustains the secular character of India”

    Yes, it sums up the political, economic, social, religious and environmental evolution story of Sri Lanka with RW and Modi at the vanguard. Here we hear people grumble how to carry out yahapalanaya with corrupt, criminal, immoral rogues like, SB Dissanayake, Kudu Lansa and dozen others of the same type but it is the Sri Lankan vassals who produced these rogues by repeatedly voting in them during Rajapaksha regime and now it has eaten into their political psyche and would take some years of yahapalana political lessons to understand the depth and breadth of what good governance and corruption free policied politicking is. The parallel implementation of the other arms of good governance like independent policing, judiciary and law enforcement would ensure the new power-wielding politicos would be caught for the offences they have committed under Rajapakshas. I am happy that even with the assistance of crooks, rapists, drug peddlers etc. RW was able to lay the foundation for future good governance. I am sure history will write RW was the Li Quan Yu of Sri Lanka!

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