By Colombo Telegraph –
A mob, lead by a group of Buddhist monks has attacked the Head office and Stores Complex of Mssrs Fashion Bug situated at Pepiliyana Junction, a short while ago, at around 8 pm SL time (Thursday 28th March).The excuse used to attack this complex was that a 15 year old girl had been raped inside the building.
“The accusation that a rape had taken place is a baseless one as can be proved by the close circuit cameras which were installed as well as the inquiry carried out by the Police.The camera tells the real story on how these mob of fanatics had entered the building. The Special Task Force had to intervene to bring this attack under control.” said sources close to the owners.
“There was a false allegation of a rape occurring inside the Fashion Bug Complex in Pepiliyana. A rape did take place in the neighbourhood, where the accused has been remanded and the situation has been handled in the correct manner. The mob went out of control after intervening in that incident and turned on Fashion Bug.” the owners told the Colombo Telegraph.
This is another, in a series of attacks against Muslims as Fashion Bug owns by a family of Sri Lankan Muslims. The mob had gone on a rampage setting clothes that were in the store on fire and shouting obscenities at the girls who worked in this complex, saying that they should be ashamed to work in an enterprise owned by Muslims and to never come back. The mob had also manhandled some of the girls.
lankan / March 28, 2013
sex in the city and government has nothing to say.what a country we live in
Ben Hurling / March 28, 2013
If you love Sri Lanka. And all of her diversity. With all of your heart. Today is a good day to shed a tear for your country.
But, shedding tears will not cut it.
Where is the leader we long for? Who can lead the charge to chase out corrupt, power-hungry, racist, uneducated rascals of Hambantota back to jungles around Mattala airport. Where they can board flights to eternal exile.
James Bond / March 29, 2013
The yellow robed pariahs and their acolytes responsible for the attack on this cloths store must be arrested and tried in open court for destruction of property, incitement to racial hatred and causing public disorder.
It is the DUTY of the owners of Fashion Bug to take the mob leaders to court and hold them accountable rather than covering up (like the unprincipled liar Rauf Hakim does) the crimes of the Balu Sena and the Rajapassa regime that is its patron.
As we all know DIVIDE, DISTRACT, DESTROY CIVILITY, AND RULE Lanka is the Rajapassa endgame and this must be stopped, and the barbaric regime held accountable for its crimes against minorities in Sri Lanka.
Ben Hurling / March 28, 2013
Sri Lanka is digging her own grave even without VP or LTTE.
Rajapassa clan is fully responsible.
Mango / March 28, 2013
Sinhala mobs attacking minorities with the Police standing by letting it happen. And the Police would only stand by if they had orders not to interfere, probably given by Gota and his mad goons, needlessly stirring up inter-ethnic/religious violence. Un-fecking-believable.
Native Vedda / March 29, 2013
Mango man
Now you know who created the fertile ground for LTTE to thrive and destroy everything that was civil.
Therefore wouldn’t it be better if the Tamils and Sinhalese left my ancestral land?
Mango / March 30, 2013
Veddah machang,
There’s no proof that the veddhas are any more intelligent than the Sinhala modayas, although I have to admit that these modayas and their government backers show a limitless capacity for stupidity.
Real Peace / March 29, 2013
Ben, your comment is brilliant. I didn’t expect you are such a fair person. The person who is in charge of law & order opens these thugs’ opening ceremony…! What do you expect from police…?! Do you want to restore the pride of Sri Lanka? Rally round Ranil W! You have no other option!
Tharu Paba / March 29, 2013
Real Peace,
Are you suffering from Alzeimers or were you in a coma for sometime?
What did Ranil W do during the July 83 riots !!! It was his Uncle who was the controlling head during that time !!!
Real Peace / March 29, 2013
Tharu Paba
It was Ranil who signed an internationally mediated peace agreement directly with Prabaharan. He could have used the fire power as used by Mahinda to maim the LTTE but he did not do because he was not prepared to kill thousands of civilians in the process of wiping out the LTTE.
I think you have difficulty in thinking strait even you are conscious and alert……!!
Tharupaba / March 30, 2013
Real Peace,
Yes, Ranil should thank his stars for being alive, for his straight thinking, unlike late Premadasa who had to pay with his life for his straight thinking !!! :(
Real Peace / April 1, 2013
What’s your problem? Why can’t you go and finish off RW? Are you disabled of something? If you are disabled why can’t you ask your children to do it? Do you expect the son or daughter of another father to do this dirty work, but you can’t do it? You make me sick!!
Real Peace / April 2, 2013
Come on! Come out of your hiding! Tell me if you can do the job! If you are disabled, can you get your son or daughter to do the job! Or do you still want a son or daughter of another father to do the job…?? You must be the most disgraceful human creature!!
sinhala friend / March 29, 2013
Ben , do not bring LTTE and Tamils in to this. The Tamils took arms to defend and protect themselves from this kind of attack since 1948. You better recall the riots 1956 and how many after that to the scale of mass grave and genocide of Tamil. So do not blame LTTE and Tamils. The monks , sinhalese and their politicians used LTTE and Tamil issue for their vested interest. The west, China and India used it for their geopolitical benefits.So do not bring this LTTE and Tamil issue in this matter.
Native Vedda / March 29, 2013
Ben Hurling
“Sri Lanka is digging her own grave even without VP or LTTE.”
You are catching up with history however you have a long way to go.
Is there any way I can help you?
Boney / March 28, 2013
The alegation was against a rape incident where the Victim was a Buddhist girl and the incident had happened in the store room of the Muslim owned shop by and accused is a Muslim worker.How can a web site like yours give a judgement as who is wrong before court decides it.Answe my question.
Heart Break Kid / March 28, 2013
If something like that did happen, it is up to the police to arrest whoever the person responsible with the raping incident. If the monks or a group from the public can break into a business place and destroy things, why would we need the police or a legal system?????? Didn’t you read the article? It said the security cameras did not prove that a raping incident happened within the store.
len / March 28, 2013
Bonny have good look in the mirror so your judgement is attack is justified on the account of a allegation of rape.Remember Russia under Stalin and then Serbia,Ruwanda,Germany & closer to home Cambodia under Poll Pot they all have one thing in common they went after the own citizens.Sri Lanka wont have the same ride because Muslims got very powerful allies around the world China will pick whats good for them and it’s not going to be Sri Lanka just because some say its Wonder Of Asia.
justice / March 28, 2013
No arrests are reported.Do you know why?
lionel / March 28, 2013
OUTRIGHT LIES!!! Yet another lie! Remember that BBS Bikkus stated recently that Quran says that Muslim must spit into the food they offer to non-Muslims! Such lies come out of those beings who have no self respect!
Ben Hurling / March 28, 2013
Conduct of law now belongs to racist criminals who happen to wear saffron robes?
Why don’t we dismantle Sri Lanka Police? Usseless anyway.
What a disgrace to Buddhism and Sri Lanka.
sinhala friend / March 29, 2013
it is new you saying racist criminals?. just be fair. why the monk killed SWRD Bandaranayake? Why the naval officer attacked Rajiv Gandhi?
where are they now? What did the government, Sinhalese and law do for them? are they national heros?
When the Tamils say this they are terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, even if they try to defend them.
you better recall another act of crime? the sinhalese criminal ( from the prisons in south) were given AK 47 to call them as home guards in order to colonise and terrorise the Tamils area!!!!!!!!!
It happened in Trincomalle and Batiicaloa, still happening with the help of criminals without any one resisting forces!!!!!!!!!!!!
see both sides and be fair before saying loving Srilanka.
Lion / March 29, 2013
you are correct.
The Prophet / March 29, 2013
Boney! you idiot! What is your point? Are you justifying the attack? The story here is about a set of evil monks backed by a demented government running amok!!!! Shame on these followers and those that follow them.
The Moderate / March 29, 2013
Yes, you stupid moron, its for the police and courts to decide whether or not a crime has been committed. The website is not passing judgement, but apparently the mob was! By your same stupid reasoning,if a muslim girl was to have been assaulted in a buddhist establishment, it will justify a muslim mob attacking the establishment?? Unbelievable!
Walter / March 29, 2013
Even if it did happen civilized societies have a way to handle such matters. If you want people in robes violating Buddhist teachings to rule the country you should get rid of the Police force and the Government. That is my answer to your silly question.
jiff / March 29, 2013
Brother… There is no such incident happened over there. There was a rape near to the Fashionbug. Thats something else and not even 15 years old girl. You guys will believe almost anything said against Islam and Muslims. Ope both eyes and see… “Thum paarak kela gahala tahamai muslim minissu hotelwala non muslimlata kema denne… oba beepu thea koppeth kela paarawal wetila ethi” oka wiswaasa karapu ayata meka loku deyak nemei.
Initially monks will spread a wrong information… Attack a shop or Mosque… then when the real information unfolded, they have already done another great job attacking a Mosque or Shop… Now you have a new news to talk…you will forget the previous incident and start commenting your side using just one eye…
David Blacker / March 29, 2013
Boney, your mealy-mouthed excusing of this mob violence might have had some credibility if not for the fact that the BBS has been targeting this chain of stores for about a year, leading violent protests, and threatening customers and staff. Don’t talk such utter rubbish.
srilal / March 29, 2013
Hi Blacker ,
What is your estimation about the whole issue ( not this particular incident ) ?
Dev / March 29, 2013
why complain ? Your fellow brother in arms Gota has blessed them !
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 29, 2013
“Answe my question?”
Tatte motte pedophile yellow robed goons.
Jamal / March 29, 2013
There were CCTV cameras covering their establishment. In any case this is not the answer to such allegations, false or true as they may be. How can a civilized person say such a thing. Thanks CT for giving us the news which the National Newspapers are ignoring.
Amila Buddhadasa / March 29, 2013
how should buddist monk attack before find out what is true and who gave authority to do such underworld activity.Mind it the attackers abuses girls working in the fashion bug when they were attacking. sinha patav thawa avurudu gana ta api bayan bayan jeewath venda kiramayak veda karala apima thamai dukvenda venne.
GoodCitizen / March 29, 2013
you like people only supporting racist and let them to destroy the country, you fool going to destroy our beautiful country by joining with terrorist racist
madness / March 29, 2013
Who are you to pass a judgment as to who is right before the court decides ?and condone trespassing into public property! today it’s the fashion bug warehouse tomorrow it could be your own house ! have some sense in what you say and go back to school kid !
madness / March 29, 2013
*I meant private property
R V Lankans / March 29, 2013
Dear Boney,
dont assume that rest of the people in this country are konde bandapu cheenno! Use your brain also (if you do) before you comment on things like this. I believe there is court and policy in this country if any injustice happened to anyone. Who gave the authority to these MOBS to go and attack a private enterprise?
Exasperated / March 29, 2013
Oh! Is this the way an alleged rape incident is going to be investigated in Sri Lanka hereafter? By breaking down the establishment!
How about all the alleged rape incidents in the North East? Are the army camps going to be legitimate targets?
Or may be under the new law and order alleged rape case of a Singhala Buddhist is managed differently from that of a Tamil or Christian or Muslim!
Sammy / March 29, 2013
Previous false allegations such as lacing of toffees and lingeries with special chemicals, at No Limit have not been proven true and this one is another mischievous plan. Even if it were true, nobody has the right to take the law into his own hands and such drastic action is not justified. A similar attack on a church by so called fanatical buddhist monks was perpetrated with ulterior motives.
Banu / March 29, 2013
Rape happened in the neighborhood. Not in the store.
Scoth & Soda / March 29, 2013
you are definitely an IDIOT! Your thinking pattern is good for nothing. You should go hang yourself
R V Lankans / March 29, 2013
Hi Boney,
were you also part of this Mob?
Darth Vader / March 29, 2013
@Boney “How can a website like yours give “a” judgement as who is wrong before court decides it”.
With that same argument how can a party of savages and extremists invade shops, burn and steal their products, molest their female workers, harass minorities and invade other people’s property and throw their Bibles on the floor without any legal permission. Where are the courts? Where is law?
I sense the dark side in you Boney.
Sumatriptan Jotipala / March 29, 2013
You are so bony, read man.
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
Are you saying anyone who “hears” rumors and stories like this is justified in taking the law into their own hands and attacking any business or home, and right now thugs only have to hear a rumor to run berserk and break the law? What kind of rationale is that?
Isn’t the police expected to investigate and arrest those who are suspected of any crime?
Isn’ it a strange coincidence that the video posted by CT shows a vicious looking monk inciting the crowds with lies pertaining to the recently attacked shops?
Mohamed Marzook / March 29, 2013
Will the Buddhist Monks who molest and rape Buddhist women and girls who come to the temples also be stoned?
Dev / March 28, 2013
Is this the “development” the likes of Rajasingham Narendran “lauded” on national television ?
I await answers…..
sheriff / March 28, 2013
Gota is the leader of terrorist saffron terrorism is on
Heart Break Kid / March 28, 2013
It is a shame that this is starting to happen in Sri Lanka. This shouldn’t be let happen. C’mon! Why are there a government, police, army, etc. and still they let this happen. And shame on News first. “A certain unidentified mob attacked a business establishment”????? Tell the truth about who attacked and what place they attacked.
If this keeps on happening, we may see another civil war, which can damage the nation drastically. The government that stopped one war is becoming the reason for the start of another. Shame!
Thrishantha / March 28, 2013
I fully understand the sentiments of Muslims in Sri Lanka after this incident. But, please keep in mind, Buddhists like us (those who try to practice Buddhism) will all be with you as long as you do not fall down to the level of these racists who try to provoke you. Continue to hold on to your high moral grounds and choose peaceful ways of denouncing this violence. If there is no justice in Sri Lanka, there should be some justice on this planet. Be patient.
Riza / March 28, 2013
I agree with you, 100% Thrishantha.
Namal / March 28, 2013
Need more people like you and me to outnumber the rascals.
Native Vedda / March 29, 2013
“Need more people like you and me to outnumber the rascals”
When push comes to shove, birds of a feather flock together.
Sinhalese are Sinhalese, Tamils are Tamils, and Muslims are Muslims.
However much you want to disassociate with these saffron clad thugs you will always be a Sinhalese.
The past has anything to teach us we always tend to flock together with our own people. However the elite have different kind of relation with other elites, that is marriage of convenience.
This island has witnessed polarization of people on racial lines from 1915 on wards.
I wish you well on your futile endevour.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 31, 2013
and the Queen has German blood so what do you call her hipocrite?
Nothing takes place without the backing of the western IC hypocrisy- UK/US
Blacker is packing his bags to be another refugee in the west! Ha ha.
Dhaksha / March 28, 2013
What these thugs do is not Buddhism. In Buddhism you are advised not to harm a fly. So what these uncouth idiots are doing are against their own religion and philosophy. I agree the Muslims though constantly provoked have shown they are better than these mutts and goons, and it is going to be hard not to retaliate.
It is up to the majority in Sri Lanka to band together , condemn the violence, expose the evil elements behind this, and insist the spineless politicians clamp down on this out of control mob violence.
SinGAYlese / March 31, 2013
Sinhalese have never condemned injustice and they never will. It’s just their nature.
shanthini / March 28, 2013
Yes – Let the Muslims be patient. They had been very tolerant in the face of the hate campaign. why so these educated and learned monks do this to this country, Do they ever learn
shashank / March 29, 2013
Shanthini, did you say educated and learned
Ramzeen Azeez / March 29, 2013
well said. These sentiments are not in the minds of politicians. They only look for political advantage in ANY situation.
zakir / March 29, 2013
agreed…and thanx.
jiff / March 29, 2013
Hats off for you brother.. Im afraid that these people will even change you by giving wrong idea about Islam just like they slow poisoned already..
Mr Retort / March 29, 2013
With the top involved in this how long to hold on? For them fool unsuspecting foolish majority community who is manipulating this is obvious. Who is the god father of BBS?
DODU / March 29, 2013
There is no law in Sri Lanka, no police or deference Secretary in Sri Lanka, No president or peace in Sri Lanka, no communal harmony in Sri Lanka!
There is rape in Sri lanka, there is casinos in Sri Lanka, there is brothel houses insri Lanka, there is child abuse in Sri Lanka, there is wine stores and BUDHIST monks (Rodys) insri Lanka operating eith the blessing of the government?
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 29, 2013
Like the Nepalese saying “no problem” you never learn puttee?
The Tamil struggle was fully like the naked fakir and what did sinhalabuddhist from the south do in 83 they burnt the innocent alive and the Muslims looted. Therefore we went back 30 years. To have the meeharaktotta Percy the prick is your crime too…all religions and patriotism are emotions in search of a lost humour.
sinhala friend / March 29, 2013
The fairness and judgement would comefrom people like you. Thank you for writing this but you forgot this happened to Tamils many times.Before LTTE.
I love that country. I left when I saw four headless bodies , hands tied behind, young boys in their underwear , cut injuries to the chest many times – tortured before killing? , sinhalese boys ?JVP– Brought to matale hospital mortuary in !988-89.
now the mass grave coming up in matale? can not hide the truth always even though the Srilankans are expert on it.
I have not seen such an extent of crimes in any other part of the world but Srilanka.i f you do it to your own brothers and sisters, what a mercy remain for other races?
Mohamed Ali / March 29, 2013
You throughout all the comments in CT truly from Muslims you will never find any incitement and defamation on the Sakyamuni the great, unless some mischievous one does it. It is well observed by Muslims not only in Sri Lanka even in Arab Muslim countries the fact that Siddharth Buddha could be a prophet with a mission who came to admonish his own people.
Heart Break Kid / March 29, 2013
Well said Thrishantha! These attacks have been taking place on Muslim owned and Christian/Roman catholic owned properties and mosques/churches to give a push to a start of another civil war. Justice always wins! Be patient brothers and sisters!
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 31, 2013
Nothing takes place without the backing of the western IC hypocrisy UK/US.
Having seen 83 in full view whom are you vicious Sinhalese preaching to? Go jump in your own dung.
susan desilva / March 28, 2013
Boney lets say the allegation was a rape case… but still who the hell gives a few thugs in robes and mobs to take the law unto their own hand and destroy civil owned property….and manhandle the female workers at the site… you got to be an evil idiot of the first degree to even try and belittle whats happening in and its obvious to all that this is not a isolated inccident ..its all a part of the anti muslim agitation .. … first they accuse and attack NoLimit claiming they giveaway uswatte sweets that makes women barren and now fashio bug because theres an alleged rape… kondebadapu chinnunta owa kiyapan…and i guess the way it looks majority of srilankans seem to be” kondebadapu cheennu” also if the theres is any truth to the rape story which i doubt very much then why havent these mobs attacked duminda ‘s house or any other rapists in the country….According to recearch there are a minimum of 5 rapes repoterted each day in Sri Lanka….and majority of them are reported from Polannaruwa which is mainly a Sinhala Buddhist area…so i guess the BBS and SInhala Ravay and similar racists should go camp in Polannaruwa and launch an anti rape campaign instead of an anti muslim campaign
Fouzi / March 29, 2013
Well said.The barbarous tactics of Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya, which apparently is supported by Gotabaya Rajapakse, our Defense Secretary and brother of MR.ARe these Racist Hate Group paving another road to Geneva…?
Lion / March 29, 2013
Susan the country is lawless.When a bus kills a pedestrian the onlookers burn the bus.They dont wait till the police come and courts to decide.
sinhala friend / March 29, 2013
talking about rape?
Srilankan army- peace loving!!!! raped in Hawai while working as peace keeping force
Srilankan buddist monk jailed in UK attempted rape in Buddist temple in north of london?
They are expert to that extent that once they raped then cut the female parts to celebrate the act?. they practiced this in tamil defenceless people
Watch Channel 4 documentary and recall how the army officer laughing and celebrating in front of the camera?
just another note if yo read news in Tamil area. The Sinhalese are opening brothels in Janna using some girls and orphan affected by the war
Sangeetha / March 28, 2013
A few years ago No Limit, another Muslim owned business was bombed by an extremist Sinhala group. Gota, you strengthened the buddhist extremist groups, destroying any hope for peace.
And then they came for the Muslims…
Let all the non Muslims stand up and declare this act deplorable.
Namal / March 28, 2013
The attack you are referring was not targeting Nolimit. It was a LTTE bomb. 15 ppl died. Nolimit lost only two of their staff. Rest were all Sinhalese shoppers and passers by . Do not spread lies.
sach / March 29, 2013
NO limit was bombed by LTTE. what is ur point here
David Blacker / March 29, 2013
If no one has noticed yet, go to the Mobitel page and have a look at the reaction by enraged Sri Lankans about the company’s decision to offer the BBS anthem as a pay-to-download ring/ringing tone:
Native Vedda / March 29, 2013
David Blacker
I see you are planning to leave your cloud cuckoo land and do welcome you to humanity.
You will feel good if you joined the humankind, by the way membership is free though you may have to comply with certain norms.
You can apply anytime.
DODU / March 29, 2013
Well done our DS. What a peace you are giving to the citizens of Sri Lanka!
Avb / March 28, 2013
One way to try to top these or open their eyes of these fools is to insult and bit physical abuse to a SL Buddhist monk in Australia or other country (or some layman wearing saffron). Video it and send to SL media. We can apologize the monk later and explain him the good KARMA he has done.
Riza / March 28, 2013
Don’t take it on innocent monks for the action of a few idiots. Buddhist Lankans are good, decent people. As a Muslim, I have loads of examples to prove that.
Namal / March 28, 2013
We need moderate ppl like you Riza. Only reason for this to go this far is that similar situations were not correctly handled. Idiots think that they have some power to do anything they want. They make others also look like idiots.
justice / March 28, 2013
I agree.
Most monks behave as taught by the Buddha,but a few vociferous ones have been used/corrupted by politicians.
When monks became politicians,the rot set in.
This happens only in sri lanka.
In the sixties I have seen villagers falling down and worshipping monks by the roadside in the south.
This does not happen now.
Kassapa Dhatusena / March 29, 2013
Thailand banned monks to participate in politics and Lanka is the opposite. There maybe a time we will have a streaker monk, an ombudsman mobk, a president monk, a D.I.G. Monk and variety show presenter a monk. The future is bleak.
Raji / March 29, 2013
Do we not have a disciplinary body amongst the Buddhist Clergy to take action against these handful of thugs disgracing the entire Buddhist community by their actions.
Ramzeen Azeez / March 29, 2013
Agree 100% Riza. We too have good practicing Buddhists who are close friends. They are ashamed of their clergy and fellow adherents. But a mob has no decency. They become animals and when monks are involved, the situation is hopeless. What sort of people are taking to robes any way? We won’t see monks of the ilk of Ve. Haraispattuwe Ariyawansalankara or Ven. Muduluwawe Sobhitha to name a few. These monks are indeed VENERABLE. Can we say the same of the current bunch who spread falsehood and lies about other human beings?
DODU / March 29, 2013
Please speared this news to all parts of the world in what e er way possible. Truth should be exposed at any cos. it is the duty of all peace loving Buddhists.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 29, 2013
They say birds of a feather flock together. It means tomorrow those fanatical yellow robed pedophiles will ban your tip cut and shing fang foe wives and nallie cut young Muslim boys to accelerate family planning as it was in the 70’s.
Mahayana Lamas don’t have the Hinayana problem Karmapa the giant Rinpoche married and they don’t say only I saw follow me.
mohamed fazly ilyas / March 29, 2013
I regret to say that you are no better than those who have already demeaned themselves.
Dhaksha / March 28, 2013
Sri Lankans of every religion should hang their heads in shame. What have we allowed our country to become?
Land of thugs, goons, and a bunch of idiots, who have been ordered to attack a store belonging to a Muslim because of unsubstantiated lies about rape. It seems the goons rule this country, and get away with communal attacks. Where is the damn government? Why did they not send the riot police and stopped these criminals. Aren’t we Sri Lankans suppose to get security from our government? Doesn’t the obvious silence show approval for such attacks against other Sri Lankans
These imbeciles are used as pawns in a vicious game, and they should be protesting the crimes against their people going on in the country, especially the attacks and rape of women, on a daily basis by their own brothers. The Sri Lankan government has disgusted the people by their silence, inaction, and their own corruption. First it was the Tamils, the uneducated mobs could not stand their hard work and success in business, so 1983 saw their stores, shops and homes being attacked. Now they have been brainwashed into turning on the Muslims. Those who instigate this are just hoping the Muslims would retaliate but let’s give them credit, they have shown amazing restraint, and show they are the better people.
Sri Lanka is fast becoming a third world country with unruly mobs, communal attacks, and an impotent government.
One wonders where the Muslims politicians are today. They seem to have disappeared from the scene, and are not speaking out loudly for their people. It took a Tamil politician to stand up in parliament and denounce these racist attacks. The government is bringing this country down by not clamping on communal problems.
It seems they have not learned from lessons of the past.
shanthini / March 28, 2013
Most of the monks are good , thre is a handful that upsets the relationship. But this handful is powerful. Now we understand that there was a rape case a few doors next to Fashion Bug. He is in custody. But Sri Lanka is the land we love is full of rapists and child abusers.
This was a total misunderstanding. Unfortunately Fashion Bug has to pay the price
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
No one has the right to the the law into his own hands and attack anyone or their property. This was just an excuse. The evidence we see are videos of rogue monks inciting the people with hate speeches in Kandy.
That alone is evidence that this unfortunate business Fashion Bug was targeted for a while.
Yes, most of the Buddhist monks are good, but unfortunately the saffron robed thugs who incite and turn idiots into mobs seem to have a stronger voice, and get away with violence, in our country. Shame.
SinGAYlese / March 31, 2013
Most Buddhist Sinhalese are not good.
“if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality” – Bishop Desmond Tutu
Jayantha / March 28, 2013
This is exactly what I predicted when Herd about this formation of BBS.
I predicted why Gotabaya Rajapakse formed BBS was for three reasons.
1)To re-direct and re-focus peoples and International community’s attention away from Rajapakse robberies and towards this racist cult so that it give them a short and long term breathing space and to get relieve from public scrutiny.
2)To save Rajapakses from any majority or minority Peoples uprising or as a cover from an armed coup.
3) To seek cover behind BBS from International communities war crimes tribunal.
Therefore BBS is Rajapakse Proxy cover-up army to save them from both local and foreign uprising.Whichever way, it is the ordinary citizen that going to suffer and suffer miserably.
Rajapakses using this Radical BBS as proxy could backfire on them also similar to SWRD Bandaranaike.Every Business including Drug or Kasippu business deals end up in tragedy.
Meanwhile all minority communities have to unite and be vigilant and face this Mafia on a foreward but with a patient footing. Sending these video clips to international viewers is a necessity.
May be MARA GOTA palying their last Tango. Let’s see how long this GOTA/ MARU BALA marriage going to last.
Wuliangguobinjiu / March 31, 2013
Nothing takes place without the backing of the western IC hypocrisy.UK/US Like anti-commie Franco Gota is blessed by the US/UK.
The marines were in Iraq long before the war started as confirmed by the first to know- the merchant bankers.
Ronny / March 28, 2013
The Rajapakayas know that the majority of the Sri Lankans voted for General Fonseka but through various “jilmarts” and by threatening and promising various perks to the then Election Commissioner, the results were announced the other way round. So, the regime knows that their days are numbered and this is the only way to continue to be in power by hook or by crook and by winning the hearts of the majority community. Most of the rural and undereducated lot who form about 80% of our own community would be happy to see that the minority communities are attacked and also if the USA, EU, NGOs, etc. are attacked. To be in power, these criminals have to satisfy the majority even if the country goes to dogs. They are not worried about what the international community thinks about our country as long as they can be in power. They are also looting the national wealth to the maximum in case if they are ousted then they have enough wealth for a few generations and also buy Opposition MPs and even the supporters of the Opposition members. Gen. Fonseka’s strategies were to win the war but the strategies of these criminals are to be in power by destroying all those who oppose them. Also, they know that these unofficial forces will support this rogue regime if there is an uprising like in the Arab States. Our country needs a COMPLETE CHANGE with a GENUINE LEADER or a group of leaders who are against corruption and who are very loyal to the country. If this trend continues with the blessings of the biggest contract killer in Sri Lanka, the colourless waters of our rivers would change to blood red.
nas / March 28, 2013
You have planted the seeds of hared in the hearts of mobs and now you see the consequence of this hate campaign. Now BBS will come out to say it is not us but it is only mobs. Police, Security force and politicians were watching at all what has been happening around the country. because of their complacency we see this. This will bring disaster to nation and consequently all country will suffer. I think that this is started because of lack of interest by politicians to apply the laws equally. Tamil Nadu is boiling out to come crush Singhalese and these stupid people want to justify that right now that singhaelse are against minority: you want to tell that to the world and Tamil Nadu. In Tamil Nadu already LTTE have started their struggle once against. When they come this time it would not be 30 years of war but they will finish all these racists monks and mobs within few months. 74 million Tamils in Tamil Nadu waiting for a time to come and crush these mobs: Today at this time Srilanka needs more peace and more friends than enemies but yet, these racists monks: This all started with BBS racing talk and open hate. These monks should be punished first and these mobs should be taken to courts and we have hundred of evidence to prove that these anti-Muslim activities.
Lukman Harees / March 28, 2013
Sri Lanka sadly has most of the time , being a country which has been snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. it is the duty of the government and the law enforcement authorities of a civilized country to enforce the law and bring the culprits to book. The President and the IGP keeps muttering their mantra about treating all communities on an equal footing ,but ground realities are far different. If these provocative incidents continues and the peaceful majority continue to be silent without condemning the unruly and violent among them specially those who are supposed to lead ( rogue elements of the Maha Sangha), then days are not far off when the social volcano will explode and the consequences will be far worse than it was in pre 2009 period. It is time that all peace loving people of all communities should stand up and show the red card to ‘racism and communalism’ and peacefully protest against the apathy of the government and its’ law enforcement arm, before rioting is thrust upon a victimized community. .
Jayantha / March 28, 2013
This do nothing, know nothing ever eating Pinguththarayas have nothing to do after eating endless Dana now sending their excess energy through these type of violent activities.
These type of incidents never happened before, but only after Rajapakses came to power. They started feeding these homeless hicknellas with roast poke and roast cow and made them fat pigs with endless DANAs, and now the Testosterones gone to Brain. Nothing could be done until Rajapakses leash them back and give strictly Vegetable and fruit diet only once a day until they recover and get back to normal life.
Mahela / March 29, 2013
Send these ever eating Fat Pigs without doing any work or no use to the society, to farm land to grow vegetables….or break stones for road construction.
lionel / March 28, 2013
Yet another proof that Sri Lanka is hostile to minorities. Yet another proof that government – BBS coalition is itching to shed muslim blood, and loot the muslim wealth.
Now to distract the public attention from such ‘Sinhala’ / ‘Buddhist’ crimes, we must talk about ‘Muslim’ crimes. Even outright lies about ‘Muslim’ intolerance and violence are helpful!
Lester / March 28, 2013
While this attack must be condemned, let me say that many Muslim businesses have a way of doing business that hardly qualifies as fair. Of course, that does not mean such a business should become the object of mob attacks. Once again, the BBS thugs have taken a legitimate issue way out of proportion.
Banu / March 29, 2013
What is the legitimate issue in this case? Unethical business or rape in the store? People like you could easily end up in a mob led by the same morons.
There is no justification for an attack such as this.
Shameless, ignorant, racist hypocrites. That’s what they are.
Lester / March 29, 2013
At “Banu”:
First of all, type with your real Muslim name, don’t hide behind a fake Sinhalese identity. Secondly, I do not condemn mob behaviour. Thirdly, there was no rape in the store.
Lester / March 29, 2013
I do not *condone* mob behaviour.
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
No, you are just an uneducated village gossip, that sets one against the other, with lies and gets her joys from poisoning naive minds. You are also a well known islamaphobe here.
Loki / March 29, 2013
for your info Banu is not just a sinhala name, it is a muslim name too! talk about being ignorant!!!
Loki / March 29, 2013
name some such unfair business practices that Muslims use and others don’t use? give me a break! if by unfair you mean “clever” then I am sorry some business cannot compete in this fast moving business environment. Just because a business doesn’t have good marketing strategies and are failing you cannot go and smash your competitor! incompetent pricks!!
Lester / March 29, 2013
Everyone knows what these business practices are. I do not need to name them there. But just to be sure, I will give one example since you asked: it is well-known in the Sinhalese community that Muslim customers are most likely to frequent Muslim businesses establishments (out of loyalty or whatever other reason) when it comes to doing business.
Loki / March 29, 2013
Yes you need to name those unfair practices. If you accuse someone you need to prove it, simple as that, besides how is that an unfair business practice? it is the discretion of the customer. There is a Sinhala saying for this “natanna bari minihata polawa adaylu”
Citizen / March 30, 2013
Lester, what about injecting about 2 lbs of water in the dressed chicken and place them in the deep freezer. Isn’t that an unfair business practice? And if the water injected is polluted, then it also becomes a dangerous practice business.
Citizen / March 30, 2013
Lester, I forgot to mention one more unfair business practice – administering formalin in meat and big fish especially at Wellawatte market and Manning market. Injecting water is done at Manning market.
Lester / March 31, 2013
@ Citizen and Others,
For your information, there is an electronics shop on the top floor of Liberty Plaza that sells faulty electronic goods. Guess who the owner of the shop is? :) That is correct. Now, what is worst about this shop is that many of the goods are sold at dollar value . So, if you buy electronics from this shop, you are likely to lose a minimum of 6000 rupees ($47 USD). Obviously, it’s great business for the owner. He is not making 10 or 20 rupees extra by inserting liquid into chicken; every customer he cheats means a revenue of several thousand rupees. These are the kinds of scams that our *friends* engage in. Luckily, I only got caught to this scammer once, but I am sure he is still there.
Jamal / March 29, 2013
ET TU BRUTE or LESTER!! Please do not shed crocodile tears. I think the CT readership know what your feelings towards Muslims are! I think it is best that you keep away from this thread without causing any more mischief with your lies and distortions on Islam and the Muslims. Thank God that the majority of the Sinhalese are noble and righteous enough to abhor the unjustified attack.
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
You are right. That commenter with an obvious agenda, and who has shown nothing but hatred for a religion and a people, is the minority here. Most Buddhists are not the BBS, they are not thugs, they have condemned these acts of violence, and recognize the despicable BBS and their ugly actions.
The question is what is the government doing to help citizens who are the target of hate and violence?
For not to clamp down on this dangerous activities, is silent consent.
Lester / March 29, 2013
This website is all about democracy. You cannot issue fatwas to keep people away.
Jamal / April 2, 2013
@Lester – so in the name of democracy you lie and with that “license” you say that pigs fly and the cow jumped over the moon! Stop telling these blatant lies to whip up frenzy against the Muslim Community. Why don’t you stop spewing venom for a moment and meditate on these valuable pearls of wisdom from the Lord Buddha
“Offensive acts come back upon the evil doer, like dust that is thrown against the wind.”
“They who imagine truth in untruth and see untruth in truth will never arrive at the truth.”-
When a man speaks or acts with ill-will suffering follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of the bullock that draws the wagon.”
So either heed these words from the Master or you will soon suffer. Benefit from it and do not behave like the proverbial pig not knowing the worth of the pearls in front of it.
Rani Hemalatha / March 29, 2013
Leicester, you are an investor on hatred
A constipation in the bowels of patriots
The unconvincing barbarian eating piglets
A camouflaging sheep among the harlots
A chiclet in your frail hole will ease the fecal purging outlet
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
LOL you are too kind to him!
Lester / March 29, 2013
^^ Says the coward hiding behind a Sinhalese identity.
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
Be brave, give us your true name, and what your real agenda is. Who pays you, and who trained you to write garbage?
Loki / March 29, 2013
damn it! why do you go about jumping into conclusions that ppl are hiding behind fake identities? is there a code/percept that ppl should appear with their real names when commenting on this forum?
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
Such comment by him is the sly way of getting out of answering legitimate questions he is unable to answer. That is called sheer deflection, when unable to defend the indefensible. He will insult the commenter, Islam, Muslims, and show his lack of class by insulting the Muslim Prophet, and try to distract us from the truth. An empty vessel making meaningless sound.
Jamal / April 2, 2013
Why cant he use a sinhalese pen name. Don’t feel scared and fear the enemy in the windmill!
Riza / March 29, 2013
What is wrong is wrong, whether it is committed by a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, or a Buddhist. There is no “right’ wrong or “wrong” wrong. People justify their bad behaviour by hiding behind their religion as a excuse. even though the religion say otherwise.
Buddha warned us: “One tree makes a million match sticks, only one match stick need to burn a million trees”.
Now BBS, has become that match stick that burns.
Mahela / March 29, 2013
You say…….”Muslim businesses have a way of doing business that hardly qualifies as fair.”
Please let us know what type of things they do that are against business ethics.
Muslims are born traders and are the least burden to our Govt. and economy. It is they who oil our business Industry.
Also if you could let us know how Tsunami donations were robbed, how huge taxable goods that pass through Customs without paying Taxes are been cleared…….and only last week 40 million rupee illegal ethenol imported by pissu Jhonny got caught but still no case been filed.
Who is running and monololise the Casino Business, Drugs, Ganja and Kasippu business and Brothel business with imported prostitutes…which is a 100,000 Billion rupee business.
Who is running the Black Money Colombo Stock Exchange…..
You Know My Brother In Law had to give up his Distribution Agency after 30 years as a distributer to a leading company, due to HEAVY TAXES BEEN IMPOSED BY THE GOVERNMENT. AFTER PAYING ALL THE TAXES HE IS LEFT WITH NOTHING. IS THIS THE WAY GOVT. HELP PEOPLE TO DO BUSINESS.
What these Govt. Crooks doing is to Kill our Business Industry and to Monopolise them under Rajapakse Goons and Croonies.
Lester / March 31, 2013
“Born traders” hahahaha. You mean because Muslims do business with other Muslims only, and only hire Muslims to work in their shops, and charge non-Muslim customers extra. The funny thing is that your Jewish cousins do the same thing in USA and UK.
Jamal / April 2, 2013
Once again utter rubbish. Go to Udayagiri Supermarket behind Campbell Place in Borella and ask who the majority of his clients are. Go to the Maradana Market and there are many grocery stores. Ask who is Upul Mudalali and ask him who the majority of his clients are? All Muslims whilst there are Muslim groceries not far from them. These mudalalis are honorable sinhalese folk who cultivated the business with good communication traits. Upuls store is all sinhalese since they are all his relations. Udayagiri employs many tamils. My friend and Muslim neighbor in the jewelry trade has 52 employees, 51 of them are Sinhalese – all though this might change if BBS declare it illegal for Muslims to employ sinhalese. Thank God I have such honorable Sinhalese friends who have opened their doors to me and my family if and when Lester and the BBS start their impending pogrom.
Pope / March 29, 2013
Terrorist VP was removed and replaced by another terrorist. Sri Lanka will soon require another terrorist to remove the current one. It will go on and on like this as Sri Lanka has never learned from past mistakes. Ultimately it will take someone with the attributes of Lord Buddha to make this country right where fear is a thing of the past and equality in its true essence reigns. Meanwhile the meek will have to endure idiots, imposters, tyrants, sycophants, megalomaniacs, despots and other such cream of scum.
sl / March 29, 2013
yellow robed monk terrorists are worse than even LTTE or AlQaeda!!
Probably if they are married.,they”ll be less violent and stupid….
Vernon Phillander / March 29, 2013
The Saudi Arabia of South Asia…religious fanaticism at its best. These bald headed fanatics are ruining the nation’s reputation and destroying every principle of Buddhism.
azmin / March 29, 2013
If this continues its a threat to everyone even for the peace lovin
g sinhalese
True SriLankan / March 29, 2013
I think the Government is held to ransom by the pepetrators. They are scared they will have to end up in the streets if action is taken. Shame on Sirasa and Shakthi for the way they reported when even the blind could see- “An unidentified mob” and an “unidentified business outlet”!!!!!!!!!
Zaffran Zavahir / March 29, 2013
Every Buddhist person I meet condemns acts like these. A Buddhist friend of mine informed me of this incident and said that these acts are and insult to Buddhism. Upon hearing about it, I Googled it and came across this article.
All religions promote peace. People who do acts like these have no love for their religion, children or society. We all want a peaceful mother Lanka for us and our children to live in. I was grateful to the Rajapakses for ending the war is some way. Now they are jot taking action for what could lead to another war. And now, if this leads to another conflict, then all the effort, all the youthful lives lost, will be in vain.
Our soldiers who lost life and limb will rejoice from their homes and graves over the fact that their selfless commitment in the civil war ended with fruitful results. Let us join hands at least for their sake.
duck / March 29, 2013
Here’s the racial hatred that started it.
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
I wish they would show anger and hatred like this, at their brothers who rape and attack women on a daily basis in this country. Bigots in saffron robes doing the bidding of evil.
Latimer / March 29, 2013
Closer to New Year sales balu sena is more active,Why???
aiyo / March 29, 2013
What a tragedy….it is only a matter of time before the mobs turn their attention to Muslim houses and mosques.
..state sponsored hatred will only result in another war….it looks like our foolish Sri lankans will never learn.
Harinn Saynjaya / March 29, 2013
Oh lord Buddha please come again to teach your noble teachings to Saffron Robed thugs so that they can be converted as Buddhist Priests to spread your pillars of Mettha, Mudhitha, karuna and upekka, instead of hatred and jealousy.
Anei Budhu hamuduruwanie cheewadhareen gen winasa wena Sasuna rekadeemata lak bimata newatha wadinu mena.
Mahanayake himi warunei ai obha tham sethapenne Budhuhamuduru wanta Buddha puthrayan metharam apahasa karamin sitina vitath?????
Boudhhayaku leasa mata hirikithai mei rasthiyadu kara hamuduruwan gena
Where is law and order few days back a group of youth have been putting up poster on the doors of Muslim establishments in Gampola with a message ” you Sinhala people don’t have to come to us we will sell our goods to our own people” – You know the truth is that the group members pasting these posters were Sinahala Buddhist as caught in a cctv – isn’t this spreading hatred and inciting violence? Over to you IGP Sir.
Probono Publico / March 29, 2013
Is this what you call Buddhism?
Is this how any religious leaders should act?
If there was an incident why were the Police not involved?
If the so called ‘Buddhists’ are so keep to apprehend rapists
i)why not take on Duminda Silva
ii)Tangalle PS politician who raped a Russian woman and murdered her boyfriend and got away
iii)Track down all the child abusers down South
iv)Tangalle rape of 13 year where the suspect works as media secretary for a minister and cops not taking action
Why are BBS monkeys not doing anything for the above cases
What have Hela,Leela,Sumanasekara,Lester and Observer got to say,common fake ‘patriots’ tell us your view?
Dhaksha / March 29, 2013
Good questions. Why are they not protesting the corruption, unsolved kidnappings, white vans, and most of all the disgusting attacks and rapes on women, going on right now in our country?
The motives are becoming clearer by the day – racism and hatred raising it’s head once again in Sri Lanka.
This time, they are funded and organized, which is more dangerous.