By Lukman Harees –
“You fight for your rights when your rights are being denied. When the building is on fire, you don’t stand by and let the building burn down and say we’ll fight the fire another day.” – Richard Gilbert
It is indeed a healthy sign that at least the intellectual sections and civic leadership of the Muslim community in particular are now slowly but surely awakening to the fact that Muslims can no longer afford to live solely on the sympathy and goodwill of the rulers, and further relying on certain political personalities to safeguard or win their rights is just a futile exercise and not a long term solution. This stark reality and their imperative need to lead the community to come out of the ‘victim-minority’ mentality and think and act as equal citizens may well and truly would have been catalysed by the bitter experiences of the replay of the ‘dark days’ of the Post-war MR era , in an increased tempo in recent times, even after a regime change in January 2015 which promised a ‘Yahapalanaya’ and fair treatment to all communities. Perhaps this regime change is proving to be a case of changing the pillow to cure a headache’( to borrow a Sinhala adage). However, how the ‘Presidential candidate’ Sirisena boldly made assertions then to be a leader for all communities and how two years later as ‘President’ appear to be meekly submitting to the diabolical plans of the racist lobby to ‘govern’ the country as they deemed fit, are nothing surprising if only the trends of governance in Post- Independence Sri Lanka are closely studied!
Muslims/ Moors in their history of more than 1000 years, majority of whom live outside N&E Sri Lanka, have found Sinhala people great and tolerant and have found them much amicable to live with and there have been no major issues in such regard at the grass-root level. However, many scholars have argued that ironically, the competition among the Sinhala ruling classes, for acquiring state resources and political capital, sadly turned nationalism into the ruling ideology and the state ideology of Sri Lanka, while the rise and institutionalisation of Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism in post-independent Sri Lanka bear much responsibility for today’s ethnic conflicts between the majority Sinhalese state and the minorities. Nira Wickramasinghe, an author in history (2006) says that ‘the three Constitutions of post- independence Sri Lanka, helped demarcate and define a majority from within the citizens pitting them against non- Buddhists and non- Sinhala speaking minority communities…(placing) minorities in a somewhat dependent and subaltern situation’.
B.H. Farmer, a distinguished geographer, ‘Ceylon –A Divided Nation’ in 1963 referring to the times which followed after Independence, too wrote : ‘’…Since those saddening days of 1958 Ceylon has had its share of trouble…..The truth, though unpalatable may be to some, is simply that nobody unacceptable to the present Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism has any chance of constitutional power in contemporary Ceylon.”. The ‘Mad Monk phenomenon’ (as Journalist C A Chandraprema once put it) being witnessed today is an extension of this strategy. This explains why despite the many historic opportunities, –one at the Independence and one recently after the end of the War – Sri Lankan ruling class appear to be still dishing out the same bag of garbage to the minorities and acting as if they are just ‘Karapincha’ and pawns in their power seeking games. Non implementation of the relevant LLRC recommendations and lack of a coherent strategy to resolve the national ethnic problem even after 8 years of the end to the War under two regimes also prove this point succinctly. Muslims of Sri Lanka in particular, with their traditional commercial mind-set, should therefore cease to be used as pushovers or punch-bags anymore ,relying merely on the magnanimity of the government in power and taking some political leaders as their champions to ensure their survival and progress.
It is therefore imperative for the minorities in general and Muslims in particular to realize even at this late stage that; regime changes with whatever promises or catchphrases will only remain just cosmetic and will not change the status quo , until qualitative changes happen at the root of the very essence and nature of politics and governance in Sri Lanka. When the Muslim community underwent immense suffering in the hands of BBS goons and their likes in the Post-War period, they continued to appeal to the magnanimity of the King ‘Mahinda’ and Prince Gota to stop the hate campaign and ensure justice. But, keen observers knew that these hate machinations were but their own majoritarian chauvinist supremacist strategies to further their ulterior ends. This writer had a recent opportunity to attend a meeting in Colombo, convened by a section of Muslim civic leadership in December 2016 with Minister Rajitha Senaratna, who is known to be a balanced and non-racist politician, to address the security issues faced by the community. This meeting too ended in just glib talk with Rajitha giving a false sense of hope and security asserting that he will fill in the void in the absence of active Muslim political leadership, to act as the ‘champion’ of Muslim rights, which received a round of applause from the audience.
This docile approach of the Muslim community is clearly been proving futile , in the light of the recent developments. When some influential sections of the hierarchy of the government are rumoured to boldly provide refuge to the fugitive hate monk who continues to give leadership to the well-orchestrated hate campaign against the Muslims in an increased tempo and scale, and the country has been witnessing the most farcical judicial and law enforcement drama ever enacted farce in letting this Wirathu-equivalent to play hide and seek with the arm of law, I wonder where this type of champions are. It is a matter of extreme concern that the government appears to have abdicated its’ role as the guardian of constitutional basic rights, judging by this spate of ‘Islamophobic’ hate attacks continuing without fear or sanction despite outcries from the professional bodies like BASL, recent ‘strong representations’ from the Muslim political leaders across the political spectrum and the international community too. Same wine in new bottles, aren’t they? And so much for the ‘empty’ constitutional safeguards to ensure fair-play and the rule of law!
Sri Lanka suffers currently from growing ethnic tension fed by the denial of minority rights and the absence of power sharing. But, a mere constitution itself, however great it may be ,will not be of any viable use, if those in power chose to ignore its’ nuances and spirit. Lord Soulbury too, in 1963 admitted this fact with regard to Constitution he spearheaded , thus: ‘As Sir Charles Jeffries has put it… ‘the Soulbury Constitution… had entrenched in it all the protective provisions for minorities that the wit of man could devise’.. Nevertheless, in the light of later happenings, I now think it is a pity the Commission did not also recommend the entrenchment in the Constitution of guarantees of fundamental rights… (However)… the reconciliation … will depend not on constitutional guarantees but on the goodwill, common sense and humanity of the Government in power and the people who elect it.”
In fact, hate mongers used to portray the defeat of the Tigers as the military victory over the Tamils, and triumphant Buddhist-Sinhalese hate groups on the extreme right found a fresh target for xenophobia in the Muslim community. ‘The end of the war in 2009 offered an opportunity for the strongly centralised state to recognise the multi-ethnic and poly-religious character of the country and to overcome the confinement of nation building projects to the Sinhala nation. The ethno-nationalist war turned the Muslims into a community ‘in between’, sandwiched between the Tamil Tigers and the Sinhalese military with both Tamil and Sinhala political elites displaying a strong tendency to exclude Muslims’ (McGilvray & Raheem 2007: ix).
The Sri Lankan ethnic conflict then was often regarded as a two-way contest between the Sinhala majority and the Tamil minority, ignoring the interests and concerns of the island’s 10 percent Muslim minority. A narrow Sinhala vs. Tamil mindset, and a complex set of sociological and political factors within the Muslim community, limited the direct participation of the Muslims even in the peace process at that time. My friend, senior journalist Latheef Farook clearly shows in his many well-written publications that Muslims indeed are a forgotten community caught in the crossfire and taken for granted with impunity by subsequent regimes.
It is therefore time opportune that Muslims shed their victim ‘minority’ mentality and begin to think, act and claim their due place as equal citizens whose rights to practice their religion and culture are enshrined in the Constitution, while adopting a reconciliatory ‘common interest’ approach along with the progressive sections of the Sinhala community who form the majority to take this country forward. The Muslim intellectuals should join forces with their equals in other communities to combat the common thinking being sown by these hate groups not just among the majority population but also among the Muslim community too, that they are subservient crows, parasites or subsidiary crops; in fact, collective conscience of the community has already been programmed to such effect not just by these hate lobbies, but sadly by the docile approach of their leaders too. Muslims particularly living in South should convince their Sinhala neighbours in word and deed that that they are ready to be equal partners in progress and live as Muslims of Sri Lanka rather than Muslims in Sri Lanka, for both communities share a common destiny.
If the future generation of Muslims and minorities are to live in a Sri Lanka as equal, dignified citizens, then the mind-set of the present generation of leaders should change. The rights of minorities to be considered as equals can only be achieved if the leaders infuse a sense of self-respect, specially in the young ones without making them cow down to the machinations of these nationalist majoritarian forces. They should be taken out of the minority inferiority mind-set and taught to be proud of their history and their worthy contributions to this country , so that the minorities will start to demand what is due to us as a matter of right and not bow down before the government in power as if they are favours in return for their votes. It is just wishful thinking that Muslim community interests will be seriously looked at , by the governments appeasing the Sinhala Buddhist nationalists, if they do not stand up and be counted. Social observers in fact opine that one of the gravest follies the Muslims did was to take a back seat expecting their right under the sunny Sri Lanka to be a given and not speak effectively on behalf of the just aspirations of their Tamil brethren. This reminds me of the poem written by German theologian Martin Neimoller who wrote about the dangers of the silence of bystanders in the face of Hitler’s oppression.
It is true that Muslims have shown and should continue to show, an amazing sense of restraint and patience in the midst of these well- orchestrated campaign to provoke them into rash action and to tarnish their image. However, that alone is not sufficient. The present Muslim political and religious leadership should either reform or leave to pave way for budding youth with new thinking , in order to avoid putting the community back to sleep saying sheepishly that action has now been taken to stop the hate campaigns. What is the guarantee that there will not be a repeat July 1983 or June 2014 with a government using these mad monks as pawns to instigate the peaceful Sinhala people against them? Obviously, non-violence forms of struggle should be the way forward . Quran clearly warns them that God will not change the condition of a people unless they take measures to initiate those changes.
These dogs of hate roaming about in the name of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism, should be leashed and confronted without allowing them to eat into the dignity and self-respect of the minorities. Towards this goal, the approach of the present Muslim political leadership to appease the government and to compromise the community interests for petty or for short term gains and develop cowardly attitudes should stop and build self confidence in the community and ability to create an environment where they can live as equal ,dignified citizens. Otherwise the many constitutional guarantees will only remain in paper, if the government is not kept on their toes, is not held to account on this count and if the Muslim community do not assert themselves in the political, social, and public domain to show that minorities are not pushovers and it is the obligation of the government to protect their rights to practice their religion and culture, which are also human rights under UDHR.
LANKA NITIZEN / June 6, 2017
@ Soma , for fair and justice count me in always .
Yes I agree all louder speakers ,blasting music on roadsides , choon bread (not choon for us)etc must end along with blasting horns .
But I doubt it is possible in Sri Lanka. honestly we need a dictator for some time to put things right with everything and everyone .
May be if The Country survives from the planned destructive religious war , by the Ruthless fake cultist NGOS yes in next 20 to 30 years with a leader like late Premadasa ,we may make it.
But the present government in power has removed all restrictions for them to operate freely and it is highly questionable why ?
And The BBS connection of a NGO funding of Galle Regional HQ and why the Monk has become invisible ?
a lot of worse is deemed to happen if the religious war breaks out ,worse than LTTE.
If The other genuine religious organizations of all religions are aware of this ,they must pressure the government to ban these cults and send them out before it is to-late .
One has to understand these cultist’s agendas can not survive without a war, they have to sell their weapons..
Its an Industry more than a religious cult
LANKA NITIZEN / June 6, 2017
it is said know the tree by the fruits ,your vocabulary is from the gutters and it only further details your pedigree .. and where you were born ,raised and begotten by whom and who’s womb carried you and delivered you —
fill in the blanks
ranjith(sprrw) / June 6, 2017
as a human i carried by my mother and delivered in lanka. not in any labba hole. but at hospital. i am not a creature of anybody. i do not believe any ape or monkey or pig revelation like you do. i am an atheist. i have every rights to believe non existence of any god. same time i have every rights to insult anybody who insult me. no matter anybody’s god or almighty if i am insulted i do insult him using same words that god or anybody used. that is my rights, my type..
Sam Fernando / June 6, 2017
You sound to be very average mind set of the masses in the country.
So do masses that go after Rajapkashe extremists. I have no doubt even being in Japan these days, from the funds being offered to him from the Sinhala diasphora living there and anywhere else, Rajapakashe may have been the master mind of all crimes have been made to Muslims.
Good on you – if you finally became an atheist. I thought a man coming from a Sorcery background, would end up like Galthanna dewale kapuwa, whose feminie voice made the local fools across the country attractive to him in the MR administration.
My imagination on you too, was, a man wearing a big talishment heavier than your olugediya-head as is the case with that Galthanna mann..
Anyways, no hatreds can bring us further, so please try to find your way helping own folks not creating any kind of hate mongering anymore. That can help us all. May buddhas teachings be blessed you the evils to turn out to be goodies.
ranjith(sprrw) / June 7, 2017
my atheism come from my ancestors as soon as they converted to buddhism from animism. I write truth I write whatever i feel right. no matter what others think,but i know there lot of people who share ideas i believe right.yes i am from sorcery back ground. that does not mean i should believe existence of any gods. in our culture all are yakkas. can be tamed by offering what they such nobody is above human being. human being are the superior lot. all other spirits divine or not are such do not talk bullshit. open eyes and see thing happening around you. try to understand them.
Ralli Ameen / June 7, 2017
ranjith, why you always talk about labba? Do you get regular service of labba?
ranjith(sprrw) / June 7, 2017
it is in our vocabulary. we eat various labu varieties. all the palawela that are not dug out are labu as per our culture..
Ralli Ameen / June 8, 2017
Oh! Now I understand you made a spelling mistake, instead labu you wrote labba. I think Gnanasara too must have mispronounced saying, “no labba here instead of no labu here”.
ranjith(sprrw) / June 8, 2017
labu and labba same plural and singular word;
Ralli Ameen / June 9, 2017
Ranjit, I understand that now. You, Gnanasara and other Sinha-le people getting serviced by labba and if more than one labba then you say serviced by labu.
LANKA NITIZEN / June 6, 2017
the Muslim economy is being set on fire on a daily basis..
so what did I say this morning ? Muslims going to be sitting ducks?
decide . where are The Muslim Ministers? hiding ? crocks filling their pockets that is all they ever did.
So The NGOs have started their war game against Muslims
You need to start arresting everyone who have been sharing hate messages on all social medias to get to the bottom of it ,will the government dare to
And we need to demand the appointment of Field Marshal to take control immediately and declare shirt term marshal law , raid all the NGOS and investigate make arrests without Warrant if necessary if not the whole island is going to go up in flames .
Investigate people with radical religious NGO connections in Sri Lanka and overseas
Lanka Nitizen / June 6, 2017
Some Muslims getting threats from overseas from withheld numbers . latest alerts .
Esp in Dehiwala ,kohwela and Nugegoda areas .pls create a alert group ,CTC the local police if you get Wattsup harassments of Anti Muslim messages ,calling to renounce your religion and to accept theirs in Ramadan to be Saved etc and talking of fake love God etc . and if you have any suspects give their numbers too .but if the message comes from number with held by SMS ,you can not do anything
Lanka Nitizen / June 6, 2017
ranjith(sprrw) it is said know the tree by the fruits ,your vocabulary is from the gutters and it only further details your pedigree .. and where you were born ,raised and begotten by whom and who’s womb carried you and delivered you — fill in the blanks ———————————————————-
yes there are people who eat beef but not the way Muslims do.. they want to kill animal very brutal halal way. but others kill animal after stunning them.that is what i am trying to highlight here. savages way of life of universal care for the other faiths. (LABBA )labba is great. that is all they know.. labba (LABBA) is the only one deserved to be worshiped. that is their mindset. with that mindset coexistence is an impossibility.
Lanka Nitizen / June 6, 2017
Another Muslim-owned shop in Wijerama, Nugegoda has been petrol bombed at 1 AM on June 6th. While the police have deployed 4 teams to arrest Galagoda Atte Gnanasra, this is the 5th big shop that has been set on fire.
Rumor has it ,that ranjith and his father were involved
ranjith(sprrw) / June 6, 2017
my father expired sometimes ago. I am in Matara my native area helping flood victims. I am happy I could have involved
Fahim Knight / June 6, 2017
Amatte huddu ,Ranji aiya is a unique atheist ,won’t believe the evolution of monkey theory too ,,,,
Super hero ,appay the man’s
ranjith (sprrw) / June 7, 2017
I am an Atheist strong believer of darvin theory.Not believe in any Labba. Any labba can not lower any adam from so called garden using ayiya tool as crain.
Samuel Jayaweera / June 7, 2017
Dont insult to LABBA, you should better eat Labu of varied kind of when the sweltering hot weathers hit us all.
Not insulting any labu but focusing on the issue: Evolution and the researchers on the field have big gaps where millions of years, since no all valuable info on homosapiens and his relationships to the immediate premates. And the fact all what man has not yet found to be called a creation of invisible forces have been the focus of the boston experts too.
And I really wonder, just you – behave so, having come from a sorcery background ?
What do you think those folks that being unable to know what Rainbow natural physical events, people to name them as buduraes…
please watch the video:
Native Vedda / June 7, 2017
ranjith (sprrw) the scatter brain Atheist —————-“I am an Atheist strong believer of darvin theory.” ———————- When did your ancestors stop evolving, stop adapting and stop changing and still believe the first ape spoke Sinhala and practiced Sinhala/Buddhism well before Buddha was born. There is a school thought among the Sinhala/Buddhists that believe Buddha was a Sinhala/Buddhists.
ranjith(sprrw) / June 7, 2017
native labba or kabaragoya
you know nothing on evolution it seems. first learn evolution concept before making any comments.
Mama Sinhalam / June 6, 2017
This is an analysis of great depth and wisdom. But, there are many factors which make peace impossible within Sri Lanka, unless they are first addressed. These factors are:
1. The Mahavamsa mindset of the Sinhalaya, cultivated over the years, confining the falsehood that the Sinhala-Buddhist is the bumiputra (like the Malay in Malaysia) of the land.
2. The identity of the Sinhalaya depends on this mindset as most of them are recent migrants from India- the Karawes were Indian fishermen, the Salagamas were cinnamon peelers from India brought by the Dutch, the Kandyan radala were heavily mixed with Tamils of the Nayakka clan etc, etc. The poor darlings need a false identity which the Mahavamse and its story of buggery by the lion provides.
3. The corrupt Sinhala politicians of both alternating parties need communalism to maintain their ill-gotten wealth.
4. TO keep the system going, they need an enemy to unite them. They have finished with the Tamils. They start with the Muslims. The Christians will come next. and then the turn of the Tamils again. But, the Tamils will be more prepared. That is when things become undone for the Sinhala Modaya.
Mama Sinhalam / June 6, 2017
To Continue,
Unless the Mahavamsa mindset is changed the Sinhalaya will drag the whole country, Tamils, Muslims, Christians along with him into perdition. The only issue with Lukman is that he still believes in the good Sinhalese. Where are they? Why don’t they shout out against BBS? This appeasement should come to an end. There should be continuous resistance of the chauvinistic nonsense of the Sinhala politician who misleads the Sinhalaya so that he could acquire corrupt wealth. He does nothing when this happen, as he himself is as guilty as the next or hopes to do the same. Unless the ingrained Mahavamsa mindset is changed, nothing will improve. A good war crimes trial with foreign judges will do the trick. The trials should include the killing during the JVP riots of the Sinhala young and the Tamil civilians from 1956 onwards will do the trick. But, Sirisena, Rajapakse and Chandrika are guilty of these crimes.
Rishard / June 7, 2017
You’re right, but where are the Muslims? Without even a peaceful protest march? Might be busy sleeping after eating biryani.
ranjith(sprrw) / June 7, 2017
Mahawamsa does not talk on sinhalese race but mentioned demala or damida in number of places. it use sinha name when talk on vijaya. as such do not talk on bullshit. tamil made to believe that tamil are the original inhabitant of this Island. no such archeological evidences can be found. as per archeological evidences both inhabitants in lanka and south part of india gone through stone age in same period. but lanka started it first even before europeans. oldest that time habitation found in lanka. pahiyangala is the one. bronze and iron ages evidences not available still in south part of india but it is available in lanka in anuradhapura and around sigiriya, that means some invasion occurred in south part of india with stock that completed all three ages. anyway completion of iron age by human around the globe was around 4000 to7000 BP as such that invasion should have been occurred during that period in godavary river basin. effects come down south of invaders take at least another one thousand or two thousand years. to go to beyond shores it take another at least thousand years. as such sinhalese claim as bumi puthra is very much justifiable. as local inhabitant gone through three ages very successfully and built their own civilization in this Island.
ranjith(sprrw) / June 7, 2017
idiot mama sinhalam
tell me if karawe and durawe people brought here by dutch howcome their great great grand fathers be came ministers and war lords of king parakramabuhu the iv of kotte kingdom. at that time dutch even not thinking expedition into indian ocean. tell me reason why they assimilated with sinhale as others wellalas and state workers still keep their tamil identity and speak tamil and practice hinduism. tell me good reason for conversion. advantages
Mama Sinhalam / June 8, 2017
Idiot Ranjit, you concede that these guys are not indigenous to Sri Lanka but were Indians like the rest of us.
ranjith(sprrw) / June 8, 2017
goon idiot
we are not indians like you tamils.
Mama Sinhalam / June 9, 2017
So dim wit, what indians are you like?
charles / June 7, 2017
Except all the first world countries , all other countries have problems between majority and minority. It is mainly because of education and economy. In that case Sri-Lanka treat every community well.
No death without some pain / June 7, 2017
To whom it may concern
In Sri Lanka no stunning method is practiced to Kill animals for food, in Western countries . some still use
The same old method of Sledge hammer to hit the animal over and over many times on the head till it dies .
Australian cattle ‘killed by sledgehammer’ in Vietnam – news…/05/19/17/47/…sledgehammered-to-death
… Australian cattle are being killed … a sledgehammer in a Vietnam abattoir. (Animals … by a sledgehammer would have to be one of the most …
No way of being 100% sure if kosher or Halal method induces any paint or its exact amount of pain, however it is much faster and more humane
Humane Halal & Kosher Kind | Mercy In Slaughter…
Kosher and halal dietary guidelines … All methods of slaughter cannot simultaneously be the most humane. … 13 thoughts on “ Humane Halal & Kosher Kind | Mercy …
Fahim Knight / June 7, 2017
Native Vedda / June 7, 2017 13:03
ranjith (sprrw) the scatter brain Atheist —————-“I am an Atheist strong believer of darvin theory.” ———————- When did your ancestors stop evolving,
Ba ha ha ha .
Native vedda you are the best , man !
Thassim / June 7, 2017
Did you read about the attacks in Bangladesh against Buddhists? Savage extremists live everywhere in every religion. You attack Buddhists in SL? Some muslims have gone to town in Bangladesh attacking buddhists, breaking their statues and murdering buddhists based on some blasphemy bull shit
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / June 8, 2017
Don’t worry. They won’t succeed in Sri Lanka as long as we are brave. The moment we try to embrace these scum bags we become vulnerable. Muslims aren’t people worthy of good relations. Their solidarity is with their own people and never with us, the so-called Infidels. Allah-ballah calls us Infidels.
Thassim / June 7, 2017
In 2012
Tens of thousands of rioters left a trail of destruction in southeastern Bangladesh as they torched Buddhist temples and homes near the town of Ramu. The violence was sparked by a photo posted on Facebook that allegedly insulted Islam.
A 25,000-strong mob set fire to at least five temples and dozens of homes throughout the town and surrounding villages after seeing the picture, which they claimed was posted by Uttam Barua, a local Buddhist man, AFP reported.
The group chanted “God is Great” while setting fire to the centuries-old temples.
“I have seen 11 wooden temples, two of them 300 years old, torched by the mob. They looted precious items and Buddha statues from the temples. Shops owned by Buddhists were also looted,” local journalist Sunil Barua said.
Security forces were deployed to contain the uprising: “At least 100 houses were damaged. We called in army and border guards to quell the violence,” district administrator Joinul Bari said.
No casualties were reported, and authorities did not confirm whether police arrested any of the rioters.
Buddhist monks protested against the attacks on Sunday, forming a human chain in the country’s capital of Dhaka.
Bangladeshi Home Minister Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir said the attacks were preplanned, and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice.
“The attack was conducted in a coordinated manner. Temples and houses were set on fire using patrol and gun powder. It would have been impossible if the attacks were not planned,” he told Bangladesh’s Bdnews24.
Lanka Nitizen / June 7, 2017
ranjith(sprrw) / June 7, 2017 17:31
my atheism come from my ancestors as soon as they converted to buddhism from animism. I write truth I wr
ite whatever i feel right. no matter what others think,but i know there lot of people who share ideas i believe right.yes i am from sorcery back ground. that does not mean i should believe existence of any gods. in our culture all are yakkas.
Oi- Gomes Motta pala ! ,, how the hell can you claim an atheist? what a load of bullshit , hey godaya , you and the English language are poles apart ,when it esp comes to this one word -Atheist. leave it out and spare yourself from genius atheists like native Veddah , you may be turned to mince meat soon.
You are nothing but a superstitious ,stupid gona .. Atheist my foot
In No language Devil and God are synonymous -Atheist have no Yakkas no Gods stupid ..
JimHardy / June 8, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
ranjith(sprrw) / June 8, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
ranjith(sprrw) / June 8, 2017
if atheism is absence of believing in god or gods, buddhists can be considered as atheists. me harako nitizen idiot calf of pig. answer this question. you are pig.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / June 7, 2017
Bring it on you dumb asses. We are awaiting for you camels to make the next move and the Lions will devour you asses in a trice. In the game of the Lion versus the Ass you will see who wins. Now the Muslim Asses say they’ve been in the island for a 1000 years. These rif-rafs arrived no more than 200 years ago. Next will be an eelam like annexation, supported by Pakistan and the Sunni Wahabi by-god Bin Ladens.
Native Vedda / June 8, 2017
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shameless Women Sniffing Perera ——————————————————–
“We are awaiting for you camels to make the next move and the Lions will devour you asses in a trice. ” ————————————Since when did the lions start to devour camel shit? ———- You cannot have shit directly from camel’s asses. If you are so desperate find a way to reach one of those camel jockey’s stables. Don’t you think you should ask your women folks to export camel shit on a regular basis from Middle East Medieval Kingdoms ?
Shivaji / June 8, 2017
Calm down!
No one is going to war. Its just Ramadan. Extended starvation and loads of religious dogma affect Muslims during this time. After Ramadan all will be peaceful.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 8, 2017
You are correct . Islam is only around 1400 years old and these people want to state Muslim Arabs arrived in the island within 400 years , when it was still spreading. Most of the ancient Arabs who arrived here were not Muslim but Christian and Arabs never arrived in their thousands, just a few hundred over a span of a few centuries. Even the Moors Islamic council was finally forced to admit that these part Arab part Tamil mixtures numbered only a few hundred. Like what you stated they only started to arrive in their thousands a few centuries ago. Dravidian Tamil Muslims from South India fleeing in wooden boats called in Tamil Marrakalams,(wooden vessel in Tamil) from poverty and persecution , some did come to trade too. This is why the Sinhalese still call the Sri Lankan Muslims Marrakalayo , meaning the people from the wooden boats, Or Thambi ,as many of them had the Tamil name Thambi , that is still used, or Naina from the ancient Tamil title given to a person of honour or respect. Nainar. Like Nainar Mqarrickar. Basically the so called Sri Lankan Moor or Muslim population. is immigrant Indian Tamil Dravidian that only arrived in the island a few centuries ago. Only a small percentage of them have some Arab . 40000-50000 the most amongst a population of 1.9 million , Which is a very small percentage around 2.6% . Largely belonging to rich elite trading southern families and even these are predominantly Tamil with some Arab. but have brainwashed the entire community to believe that they are Arabs/Moors and hate and deny their actual rich Dravidian Tamil Islamic heritage. This is also a form of cultural genocide, as they are not allowing a population to celebrate and acknowledge who they are or their ancestors but to blindly worship another people and culture. Australia did this with light skinned part European aboriginal children, until the 1960s. Forcibly kidnapped them from their parents and places them in orphanages or white homes. They should learn to tell the truth about themselves and accept who they actually are , before accusing others.
Ralli Ameen / June 8, 2017
There again the Australoid Tamil crow cawing again. Even if you caw for another thousand years you cannot change the Ceylon Moors ethnicity. Marrakalam is for boat generally in Tamil. Since those Arab traders came in big sailing boats, they called them Marrakalayar which later changed to Marrakar, Marikkar and Macar in different places. Most of the Moors those days had this title Marikkar added to their names. I don’t know how Sinhalese called a boat olden days but they call botuwa now. So for Marikkar people they called Marrakala. Thambi means brother but not a name, so Hussain is called Hussain Thamby out of respect. Tamils add Thambi to their name too including Sinnathamby, Periyathambi. Sinhalese call Hussain Malli (brother), Nihal Malli etc. Since Moors call elder brother Nana, Sinhalese also called a Moor Nana. Naina is north Indian origin, may be for trader, elder or noble person. In South India Marikkar considered as high caste among Muslims especially by low caste Tamil Muslims. You go to India and find about this. Do Arabs throw children born to wives of other races, no they are Arabs for them. Australians also following same. May be Australians forcibly separating because they don’t want the children to get more mixed with aborigines. If Chinese or other type wives they won’t do it. That way Arabs are good. Even children born to Negro wives they accept as their own. So you Australoid crow have you got anything more to say. If you are not Tamil this goes to whichever race he belongs to. Moors Islamic Council or cutural home never accepted such things you liar.
Lanka Nitizen / June 7, 2017
Unfortunately, some atheists and atheist groups support this misnomer by narrowly defining atheism as only the lack of belief in deities
Because, strictly speaking, that’s what it is. But I think there is a point to this – someone who believes in ghosts, demons, angels and devils would probably not identify themselves as “atheist”. They would go by a different label to denote their religious and spiritual beliefs. Some just say “spiritual”. There are quite a few “post-theistic” religious and spiritual affiliations, like “Freethought” or even, in fact, Secular Humanism.
Atheist in the best dictionary sense just means anyone who (has knowledge of the concept but) lacks belief in a God or any deities. But culturally, an atheist is often someone who does not believe in the supernatural – at least, most people willing to identify as atheists fit this bill.
Fahim Knight / June 8, 2017
Thassim – why the cowardice? using a Muslim name ,
Saibu nana / June 8, 2017
Thassim / June 7, 2017 16:06
In 2012 News Tens of thousands of rioters left a trail of destruction in southeastern Bangladesh as they torched Buddhist temples and homes near the town of Ramu. The violence was sparked by a photo posted on Facebook that allegedly insulted Islam. A 25,000-strong mob set fire to at least five temples
No such thing has ever taken place for the past year in Bnagaldesh ,while Thanking CT for allowing such lies to be exposed ,I also Urge the IGP to cooperate with CT and access the ID though a warrant of this person and arrest him asap .
LANKA NITIZEN / June 8, 2017
You meeharaka Ranjiya ,gomes the Motta palla, The young pig is called a shoat not a Calf . I do not become what you say. But you are surely behaving as a pig.
Idiot all Sri Lankan Buddhists believe in polytheism ,in Gods and devils ,so they are not atheist, if you believe in Yakkas ,it makes you a Polytheistic Buddhist ,get your re-wired
Bunjappu / June 8, 2017
Lanka Nitizen@
May be Ranjith s has been twisted to thisday and that should be the reason him and ilk to be this mad. Atheist in general would not behave so. But this should be unique to her
He should believe in Yakka, as is the case with many that fall down in thovil and bali thovil which have still been practised in some areas of the country. They people had been made to believe in Hanumantha or yakkas from the begining on, so that nothing else can feed those areas of their heads.
This is the reason, why the women or men become fainted or will have sizures of the like while thovil ceremonies are being held.
This can well be proved in today psychological therapies so that these sorcery men will have to get it. Be it in black africa or lanken rural villagers, it is the same with the kind of uneducated masses, that would go after sorcery believing in them. Mind conidtioning have made them feel like so intoxicated.
I am telling you, there had been a lad at our place in my child hood. To that time,our family had him as the boy was parentless. My father believed, the boy to have the abilities to see ” anjanam balanawa”. So the boy stood in the middle of a gather facing a clay-pot-lamp which was lit … he was asked to see what he was seeing there. The young boy ( in his 13 years or so) started stammering stories.. how the hanumantha came in.. how heor she left etc.
Now looking back all these, I feel, it was the mental state of the boy or or a lie he had then been stammering – that kept people so surprised. Nothign else. Todays psychology can easily get all these of course, that needs more time.
Lester / June 10, 2017
“.The truth, though unpalatable may be to some, is simply that nobody unacceptable to the present Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism has any chance of constitutional power in contemporary Ceylon.”
What rubbish is this. Will the French elect a Muslim as President? Will the Germans elect a Black African as Prime Minister? The majority asserts itself in every nation, it is just more pronounced in developing nations like Sri Lanka. Let us turn the tables. If the Muslims were in charge, so to speak, their first order of business would be to implement Sharia Law in some form or another. They would then go after the press. Women would lose most of their rights. This is all normal behavior in 95% of all Sunni Muslim nations. So the irony is that Muslims have many more rights under a Sinhala-Buddhist majority government than under a Muslim one.
dignity for all / June 10, 2017
Don’t talk of other countries. talk about Sri Lanka which is the topic of this article. The maturity of one country is gauged by how they treat the minorities. At Independence, if not for the minorities , there would not have been any freedom. But the majority leaders betrayed that trust by deleting the Sec 29 which was a safeguarding clause for the minorities under Soulsbury constitution .
Even India had minority presidents. Dont go far.
Under the present constitution, all citizens are equal although Buddhism is given prominent place. However, Sri Lankan brand being Sinhala buddhism, minorities have been treated differently as the author says . Read Sinhala authors like KM de Silva and Jayadeva Uyangoda to learn how Sinhala Buddhism has always being violent .