By C.V. Wigneswaran –
I find controversies have arisen due to my identifying Devanainampiya Theesan (Devanampiya Tissa) as a Tamil King. Let me briefly give my reasons for my conclusion. I use “Devanampiya Tissa” for easy understanding by the readers.
1. Sinhala as a language came into being after 6th Century AD. (Refer to Sigiriya graffiti). Devanampiya Tissa lived from 307 BC to 267 BC. His father was Mootha Sivan. Devanampiya Tissa lived about 800 years before the birth of the Sinhala language. Sinhalese are those who speak the Sinhala language. The Mahawansa refers to two Temples that existed over 100 years before Devanampiya Tissa. Professor Paranavitharana has identified one of the Temples as a Sivan Temple and the other as the living quarters of Brahmins. Thus even though Buddhism was introduced during the reign of Devanampiya Tissa the language in use at that time was a Dravidian language and certainly not Sinhala language. At least Devanampiya Tissa was a Demala Baudhaya!
The Sinhala language came about essentially on account of the influence Pali and Prakrit words had on the local Dravidian language. Such effects of Prakrit on the original Dravidian Tamil language produced Kannada after 5th Century AD, Telungu in the 6th Century AD; and Malayalam in the 8th and 9th Century AD. Even the Sangam Tamil underwent certain changes since 6th Century AD. The influence of Pali in the formation of the Sinhala language was considerable while it was the influence of Prakrit which produced Kannada, Telungu and Malayalam. Thanks to Professor Malalasekera and others Sinhala language today has Sinhalacised lots of Hindi words in order to make their glossary adequate to deal with the changing world scenario.
The use of certain words during Asoka’s time does not make those words Sinhala words. It only meant Tissa in Prakrit and Thisai in Tamil were used at that time. Sinhala language came centuries later.
2. The archaeological investigations that have taken place after 1970 have brought out the fact that the race, language, writing, religious beliefs and rituals, cultural history of the early people of Sri Lanka were similar to the South Indian cultural ambience of that era. Professor Sudershan Seneviratne has referred to the close resemblance between the Early Iron Age civilisation of South India and the early Sri Lankan civilisation. Kennedy refers to the people of that time as belonging to the same human species’ group. In 1999 certain Coins were excavated at Akkurugoda. Professor Iravatham Mahathevan has placed their time as before 2200 years. Professors Osmund Bope Arachchi and Raja Wickremasinghe have pointed out the “in” or “na’ sound as suffix to the names mentioned in the Coins which is peculiar to Tamil language. I am Wigneswaran. The name ends with “in” or “na”. This is peculiar to Tamil names. Some names on the Coins were Uthiran, Mahasaathan and Tisapura sada Nagarasan. It is significant that Mahawansa says Dutugemunu had to win over 32 Petty Tamil Kings in the South before meeting Ellalan in Anuradhapura. Thus Tamils and their language existed 2200 years ago even in the deep South of Sri Lanka. Hence King Devanampiya Tissa could by no stretch of imagination be called Sinhala speaking. There were no Sinhalese at that time nor Sinhala language.
3. At the time Buddhism was introduced into Sri Lanka in the 3rd Century BC, Prakrit and Pali were also introduced. Prakrit was the vernacular language used while Pali was scriptural. Such introduction took place in many countries where Buddhism was introduced in South Asia. While Prakrit was found in inscriptions elsewhere until about 5th Century AD, in Tamil Nadu the language used was essentially Tamil though the influence of Prakrit was at times seen. The unique literature of the Tamils flourished during this time around the birth of the Christian era. The Sangam literature is an example. The Purananooru refers to Poothan Thevanaar of Eelam, which meant Tamil poets from Sri Lanka too contributed to the literature of the Tamils at that stage. Thus Tamilian poets were existent around that period in the North – Eastern Sri Lanka. So were Tamil Kings. Thus it is no wonder that Devanampiya Tissa was a Tamil.
4. The name Theesaan was used not only in respect of Devanampiya Tissa but also with regard to many other kings. The word comes from the Tamil word Thisai – which means direction. One who ruled the area in a particular thisai or direction is what it meant.
5. Mahavansa never referred to any Sinhala King who ruled Anuradhapura. But it referred to Tamil Kings.
Professors Saddhamangala Karunaratna and Ariya Abeysinghe have concluded that even before writings from King Asoka’s period were introduced into this Island the mode of writing from South India had already been introduced here.
Parkar is of opinion after perusing the Tamil inscriptions found in Vavuniya Periya Puliamkulam that such Tamil writing and Tamil names found therein show Tamils lived there before the birth of the Christian Era. Professor Indrapala has referred to Tamils living as a human unit over 2000 years ago by reading the inscriptions found in Vavuniya, Anuradhapura, Ampara and Seruvil. So has Professor Iravatham Mahadevan referred to the presence of Tamils in Sri Lanka over 2000 years ago. Thus the language of Devanampiya Tissa was Tamil.
6. Finally let me refer to some interesting facts. There are no corresponding stories in Bihar nor Bengal nor anywhere else in North India akin to the story of a Lion King called Sinhabahu. There is no reference anywhere in Indian Texts to the exodus of 700 persons who were banished setting out from the shores of India at the corresponding time, and their reaching the shores of Sri Lanka. Hence the Mahawansa story of Vijaya and his 700 followers is a story hatched in Sri Lanka probably by the author of Mahawansa.
Furthermore even if we take Mahawansa as a reliable historical source (which it is not) yet what about the band of 700 Vijaya men marrying 700 Tamil girls from Pandya Kingdom and the settlement of 1000 families who were skilled in 18 professions / occupations?
Why are we not talking about the Pandyan influence on the Sinhalese community?
It is interesting to note that number of Tamil Munis from Madurai who were brought in 300 or 400 years ago to Sri Lanka for Don Juan Dharmapala’s coronation did not go back to Madurai but were given lands here. They married locally and are today the progenitors of many Muni families. I do not want to refer to any particular family name since many such Muni descendants are either known to me or are my dear friends.
I hope I have adequately explained myself. Any further questions from an advanced historical perspective must be addressed to our Professors both in the North and South. I mean real Professors not the pseudo ones!
*Justice C.V.Wigneswaran – Chief Minister, Northern Province
NimP / December 9, 2017
What is the motive of this honourable (ex) judge in writing this article? Aren’t we all Sri Lankans trying to reconcile and live as one nation and forget what happened thousands of years ago? If this is Tamil land as claimed by the writer, like many who responded to this article questioned, where did Sinhalese come from? Why did so called “Sinhalese kings like Dutu Gemunu” have to fight the Tamil kings? If it is only Tamils living in the whole island why did only the Southern inhabitants embraced Buddhism and not those in the North and East? Isn’t that proof that Tamils arrived in the island much later? These are only a few contradictions of your arguments among many. You are not going to get anywhere Mr.Wigneshwaran by citing history of thousands of years ago (on the same arguments, Mexicans can claim the whole Southern part of the United States, for example!!!). Let us find a way where all ethnic groups can live in harmony and to make a prosperous Sri Lanka.
K.Anaga / December 9, 2017
Where did Sinhalese Come from? God Only Knows.(GOK) History says not only Sinhalese Kings fought the Tamils, even Tamil kings Fought the Tamils and Sinhalese Kings fought the Sinhalese. You ask the question why did only the Southern Inhabitants embrace Buddhism similarly why did the coastal areas people both Sinhalese and and Tamils embrace Christianity in general and Catholism in particular. Why did almost all the Muslims even in the south speak Tamil as Mother Tong though some Muslims tried to change after the Sinhala only act, but rather unsuccessfully. Why did the Negombo,Kochikade Tamils become Sinhal speaking especially after The SINHALA ONY act.? Tamils did not go back to the history like the Sinhal politicians. All what they did was to counter the Sinhala arguments that the Tamils have no right to be in Srilanka and they are treated 2nd Class
‘Let us find a way to live in harmony’. Simple sir! Have a Federal constitution and stop all State Aided Colonization to change the texture of the Population.. Without embracing religions let us “embrace” each other and live happily ever after.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2017
If you didn’t know why CV had to write this essay, you could have stayed out. If you still like to know, it is the Weera Kutty Rear Admirable, PhD has been stirring these things up. Either you know nothing or you are not willing to accept what the Weera Kutty Rear Admirable is propagating as peace building history. First read about the Weera Kutty Rear Admirable PhD in the Colombo media of what he is doing and why he is targeting CV!
For you information, CV has rested the case with the really learned professors to take up that matter, not the CT PhDs. He has been asking UNESCO Experts to be invited to write the history. Sadly, only UNESCO expert Appe Anduwa can handle with Lankawe rupee id Radhika, the witness of Jagath.
Eusense / December 10, 2017
Don’t waste time arguing history. Even if Tamils were occupying SL for billions of years that has nothing to do with what is happening today. What matter is how the population is distributed today. Every country has minorities. All minorities have grievances. Terrorism is not the way to solve them.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 13, 2017
Eusense the nuisance, what matters now is how the population is distributed today. Northern province is 95% Tamil. Eastern province (Bar Amparai electorate detached from Uva and linked to East) is 60% Tamil. Ethnic cleansing of eastern province since independence is blatantly visible when you see census details. After the second world war, ethnic cleansing is not accepted and any denial of eastern province (Bar Amparai electorate) to Tamils amounts to racism. This is why the Tamil demand for merged north-east is fair. Yes terrorism is not the way to solve it and it includes state terrorism still being unleashed on Tamils in order to force them to accept Sinhala hegemony.
sach / December 10, 2017
If anyone was responding to Wiggie fromm Sinhala side I am pleased? Could you give me Weera kutty’s article? I will be thrilled to read it
Wow is he inviting Unesco experts? Really thank you? I am sure it is going to be a another disaster for the Tamils at diaspora’s expense. AWAITING
Mallaiyuran / December 10, 2017
Sorry man, Rear Admirable Weera Kuddy doesn’t write essays.
Please read this link to see if this will make you satisfied, provided CT allows this to get through. Otherwise search in Google with “Tamil’s Chief Minister WignesWaran should resign – Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara”. Then something out of google should hit that you can convince yourself. If not don’t blame me , Blame Weera Kuddy.
Shenal / December 11, 2017
Sinhalese didn’t come from anywhere. They originated in the island of Sri Lanka itself. No one need a brain of a rocket scientist to realize that.
Eventually Tamils should embrace Sinhalesicm. They should become Sinhalese overtime. That is the true reconciliation. That is what happened in this island till the imperialist arrived. It was the imperialist that brought fresh Tamils from Malabar coast and segregated them from the rest of the society. This is the birth of the communal tension in Sri Lanka.
Federal constitution will not going to help the cause one war or the other. After granting Federalism, Tamils will rally for confedaralism or separate altogether from the union. There is no stopping them then. Moreover, Sinhalese will also loose the legal right for the entire island also through granting Federalism by accepting that Tamils have the historically rights to their lands.
James / December 11, 2017
You have to read your own history book ‘The Mahavamsa’. It says the Sinhalese (Sinhabahu’s grandson Vijay and his men) are criminal convicts who were exiled from India, Sinhapura (Magadh/Bengal). Their boat came and landed in the Vedda country called Lanka.
There have been many civilizations in this region and most of them disappeared over time. Why there is no Sinhala in the present day India is because it must be one of the many lost civilizations of North India.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Well the Mahavansa is erred. The story of Vijaya was a blatant attempt by the Mahanama thero to link the House of Vijaya with Sakya clan. It is nothing more than a fable. Vijaya and his clan were invaders who got settled down in Sri Lanka and mingled with the local tribes to create a new nation called Sinhale. Veddha’s are also cousins of Sinhalese people.
Your theory of Sinhalese civilization of India contradict with the claim of Wigneswaran. He said that Sinhala language was conceived in only 6th century and before the Sri Lankan people spoke Tamil. So did Vijaya also spoke Tamil? Did the Sinhapura residents speak Tamil as well? Please clarify that.
James / December 12, 2017
I am not talking about the Sinhala language spoken in Sri Lanka. The language what we call today as ‘Sinhala’ evolved in Sri Lanka from Indo-Aryan Prakrit/Magadha/Pali and Dravidian Tamil. Helu/Sihala language was found for the first time only on the 8th century AD Sigiri mirror wall and not before that. Elu/Helu/Sihala literature/poems were also found only during 8th and 9th CE. I fully agree with Wigneswaran.
Vijaya story may be a fable but a Prakrit speaking tribe by the name ‘Simhala’ (one of the many lost tribes) may have lived in India during that period. However, the local tribes who lived in the island were definitely Dravidians and most probably Tamil speaking because Old Tamil was the main Dravidian language. The ancient tribes of the island mentioned in the Mahavamsa were Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva. However, the Mahabaratha also mentions these same tribes (along with many others) as Indian tribes. We are not sure if they came from India or the Mahavamsa author did a copy and paste job from Mahabaratha and modified to suit Lanka.
Anyways, from the archeological/epigraphic evidence it is clear that during the early historic period, the main tribe that lived in the island of Lanka was Demadas and the historians agree that Demadas were Tamils and therefore Tamil speaking.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 13, 2017
shenali do not display your ignorance. The statement of CVW that Srilankan people spoke Tamil before origin of Sinhala language is not his. International linguists have concluded that at one stage everyone in the world spoke either Tamil or something similar to Tamil. Please workout in a rational manner. Vijaya and his friends took brides from Pandyan Kingdom. It is without any doubt that brides from Pandyan kingdom spoke Tamil and nothing else. So to communicate with these brides, Vijaya and his friends must have known Tamil. When Vijaya landed in Srilanka he spoke to Kuveni asking for asylum. Certainly it was not Bengali or Sanskrit, as the only common tongue between them would have been Tamil. Elu is nothing but proto-Tamil and that is why the land of the Elu people is called Eelam. Elu is a Dravidian language which does not have the letter “H”. Elu was later given Sanskrit form to Hela. For your information Munidasa Kumaratunga who was campaigning for Hela Bhasha said “Eluwen Wanamu” and not “Helawen Wanamu”. If you cannot accept the decision of international linguists about the status of Tamil, it is your problem.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 13, 2017
“Veddhas are e cousins of Sinhala people” what a stupid statement when it is has been genetically proved Sinhalese are not genetically similar to Veddhas, but to Tamils in Tamil Nadu. The genetic input of Veddhas in Sinhalese is only 9%, while in Tamils it is 6%, showing Tamils also have claims to Veddhas.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 15, 2017
Shenali – now you have come out with your right name.Thanks.
Why should the Tamils embrace Sinhalese? Let the Tamil be as they are let the Sinhala be as they are. Marriages are encouraged.
Shenali do you know that they have discovered a crack running from Matale to Trincomalee. They day it extends to Colombo – straight line mind you_ you would not have to worry about Tamils in the North.Tbe crack was supposed to have been commented on by Prof Vithanage of Peradeniya University when he warned JRJ not to proceed with the massive Victoria project but to concentrate on smaller projects. Uma Oya project had produced the proof that our soil beneath is not solid but very weak. Best wishes for you concieved Sinhala empire.
SivaJothy / December 16, 2017
Throughout the entire known history this pear shaped island had Never been a unitary state. It was always a Northern kingdom (Anuradapura) and a Southern kingdom (Rohana), or Kotte/Jaffna/Kandy kingdoms (Ruhunu/ Pihiti/Maya) or the federal Provinces under the colonials. Even after the European colonialists (Portuguese, Dutch and British) arrived, until the British united the Tamil speaking North to the Sinhala speaking South in 1833 for their convenience in administration, the Tamil speaking areas remained a federal region.
Amarasiri / December 9, 2017
The honorable(ex) judge is saying that all the Para-Sinhala ans Para-Tamils are Para-Demalas, Para-Malabars, Para-South Indians.
Modern Genetics data, support that assertion.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
Dutugemubu lived 2300 years ago and there were no people called Sinhalese or a Sinhalese language at that time. They were beginning to evolve as a separate identity from the Tamil speaking Dravidian Naga but mostly Yakka who converted to Buddhism in the south west and central parts of the island, as well as other immigrants from mainland India again largely from the Tamil country. He was a Naga again a convert to Buddhism . The Naga even in the south of the island at that time were still speaking Tamil and had a Tamil identity , as evidenced by his father’s name. Kakkai Vanna Theesan or Kaavan Theesan both pure Tamil names. This was not a war between Tamils and Sinhalese as, there were no Sinhalese at that time. This was a war between the Tamils down south who converted to Buddhism and the Tamils who remained Hindu and were the establishment. A dynastic and religious war. The Mahavamsa was written in Pali around 7AD and not in Sinhalese as Sinhalese was not a literary language at that time. Even the Buddhist Monks at the Mahavihara had to be fluent in Tamil Pali and Sanskrit and not Sinhalese as there was no literary language called Sinhalese at that time. The original Sinhalese are largely descended from the peasant boorish Yakka who embraced Budddhism , whereas the Sri Lankan Tamils are largely descended from the elite ruling Naga who largely lived along the coasts and traded and did not find the need to embrace Buddhism as they were the ruling elite. Of course there were exceptions. Even the Naga who converted as the beginning were still using Tamil. The Tamils North and Eastern and until very recently the western coast were the Naga tribes lived were all Tamil land.
sach / December 10, 2017
So you are saying first people are Tamils and the Sinhalese have originated from them? If that is the case why the hell are you talking about an Eelam? Arent you here accepting that Sinhalese are the TRUE sons of the soil. What you should do is become Sinhalese assimilate to Sinhalese like those tamils did. After all early Tamils as you say became Sinhala right?
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 15, 2017
Sach or re you Shenali- EElam to my knowledge means the nation of the Sinhalese.
That is what a Prof of Buddhism at Jayawardenapura of Kelaniya told me.He had even researched at Tamilnadu, where he told me the original scripts are found.
How it became the battle cry of the LTTE I do not know?
SivaJothy / December 11, 2017
Let us see what the researchers/scholars are saying,
The Veddas, the aborigines of Sri Lanka whose ethnic origin dates back to the very dawn of evolution are considered to descend from the yakkas or are related to the hunting tribe called Vettar in South India or to the Savaras of India or the Mundari people (Hugh Nevill 1886, Seligmann 1911, Parker 1909). Whatever the historical and literary reference may be, it is evident that a group called Veddas have lived in the jungle solitude in Sri Lanka throughout and remained in complete isolation for 2,500 years. These Veddas were also called Pulindas and Sabaras. Today, the identification of Veddas has become quite controversial for most of them have been absorbed into the main communities. They range from fully Sinhalized groups in the South to the fully Tamilized groups in the Eastern coastal belt of Sri Lanka. (Brow, J. 1978).
sach / December 9, 2017
“Since we have inscriptions in old Sinhala dating from the early second or late third centuries B.C., and by that time the language had aleady undergone important changes that made it distinct from any of the Indo-Aryan langauges of North India” (James W.Gair:1996)
Can any tamil mytho historian help wiggie to understand this?
Native Vedda / December 9, 2017
sach the stupid
What exactly did James W Gair mean?
wannihami / December 9, 2017
poor NV dear cannot understand simple English!
Native Vedda / December 9, 2017
“poor NV dear cannot understand simple English!”
Bear with me, I am bit thick hence I needed to be explained in full detail.
By the way since I am not an linguist nor am an intellectual like you will you please tell us what
C. E. Godakumbura saw/meant as “The Dravidian Element in Sinhalese”?
Please bear with me.
sach / December 10, 2017
It is this so called THICK fellow who once said Battaramulla in western province originated from some Tamil Moolai
What is Dravidian element in Sinhalese and what is its impact?
wannihami / December 10, 2017
Like the Portuguese elements, Dutch elements, English elements there has to be Dravidian elements in Sinhalese. That is how a language expands and evolves. NV , buddy, don’t hesitate to ask this intellectual if you need any more clarifications, always ready to oblige. Cheers!
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
“NV , buddy, don’t hesitate to ask this intellectual if you need any more clarifications, always ready to oblige. Cheers!”
You haven’t obliged me yet as you haven’t answered my simple question which is:
(what C. E. Godakumbura saw/meant as “The Dravidian Element in Sinhalese”?).
Get on with my question without further ado.
Once you have worked it out please let the stupid sach know what C. E. Godakumbura saw/meant.
sach / December 10, 2017
Why? do you need english lessons?
1. Old Sinhala exists from 2-3 BC
2. It was distinct from rest of Indo Aryan langauges….
Which part is difficult for you to comprehend?
He further says ( I have not pasted it here) people in the island spoke Old Sinhala by the time Buddhism reached SL.
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
“1. Old Sinhala exists from 2-3 BC”
Does it? So now you have become an expert on Epigraphy as well. Congratulations. How do you differentiate Prakrit from Old Sinhala? Any rules you could teach us?
I love to study old Sinhala. Could you recommend a few books and a good teacher.
Sinhala_Man / December 12, 2017
Sorry, NV,
Not many people will be able to use the ancient form of the language.
I’m sure that this article has already done a world of good by demonstrating the the futility of so many of our arguments.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 9, 2017
Non sense stop posting lies. Sinhalese only came into existence from around the 8Th century AD . It is s hybrid language that started only to evolve after the arrival of Buddhism . Its base or foundation is Tamil or the local Tamil dialect Elu and this got heavily mixed up with the Pali/Sanskrit of Buddhism to gradually evolve of Sinhalese by around 8TH century AD. Old Sinhalese or Hela which is a mixture of Elu( Tamil) and Prakrit is very close to its Tamil mother in pronunciation, compared to modern Sinhalese that now has lots of Pali and Sanskrit. Tamil is the biggest contributor to the Sinhalese vocabulary with around 40% of modern Sinhalese vocabulary is based from Tamil, as it or its local dialect Elu is the foundation for Sinhalese. The Sinhalese grammar syntax lexicon and alphabet is not based on Sanskrit Pali or any other Indo Aryan language but is 100% based on Tamil. Take all the Tamil out of Sinhalese and there will be no Sinhalese but just Pali/Sankskrit or some Prakrit dialect. These ancient inscriptions are not Sinhalese but Prakrit which the then Aryan biased westerners incorrectly labelled as Sinhalese. These old British colonials with their Aryan bias and white supremacy created a lot of havoc in Asia and Africa with their foolish biased race based theories of white Aryans at the apex and then the darker brown Aryans under them , which have all now proven to be nonsense and bunkum, just like Hitler’s Aryan theories. Stop posting garbage Sach/Shenali . We all know where your ancestry is from. The fishing villages of Tamil Nadu/Kerala. Funny most of the ardent supporters of the Sinhalese Aryan theory are the recently Sinhalised South Indian immigrants. Like the homeless one. This is to hide their recent immigrant Indian Tamil origin
Amarasiri / December 10, 2017
Real Siva Shankaran Sharma,
Need real data, genetic data. Current genetic data says that Para-Sinhala and Para-Tanmils genes can be traced to South India, the homeland of the Paras.
It will be great if the Paras get back to their homeland South India
What is holding them up in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?
SivaJothy / December 10, 2017
Pandi Kutti aka Real Siva Sankaran Sharma,
Why are you behaving like an immatured cry baby and blaming everyone (including fellow Tamils) if their opinion differ from yours? Have you first of all read the article what Sundralingm is referring to: “Early Inhabitants and the rulers of the island Sinhaladvipa/Sinhale were Saivaite Tamils”?
Why don’t you read it first and then comment if it is Sinhala Banda or a Tamil Pandaram? Devanampiya is not a name but a title given to Tissa by Asoka for accepting Buddhism, Asoka also had the same title. Learn some basics before writing crap in a public forum.
Pandi Kutti / December 10, 2017
Hi SJ/ Siva Joythi/ Silva how is life? Was wondering where you were? :Love from the Pig sty
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
Fake Siva Jothi by trying to attack me and associate me with another blogger in this forum , is not going to deter me from posting here. Most Tamil bloggers here have posted more or less the same as I have posted. So as per I am all of them and they are me.
sach / December 10, 2017
Old Sinhala inscriptions dates back to 2-3 BC
What is a hybrid language?
Tamil has loan words from Sanskrit, English and Portugese. Is that a hybrid language?
Sinhala evolved in Sri Lanka on an Indo Aryan Base with the existing ancient language and dravidian influcnce (which is due to the unlucky neighbourhood)
Get a book on Sinhala language and read it
Ranjith Fernando / December 10, 2017
That’s interesting that you found Sinhala inscriptions in 200BC when it’s proved beyond any doubt that written Sinhala works were only found in 900 AD!
Would you kindly cite the evidence to support your assertion?
sach / December 10, 2017
written sinhala is found in 2-3 BC. For F sake read a book on Sinhala language history
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 10, 2017
Sach. What is F sake?. Are you actually the racialist Waduge who used to concoct bogus history involving the world at large.If you are the same person let me tell you that when I read your muck I used to throw out.
Mahawanse is lies. How did a lion with a penis of about 4-5 inches perform coitus with a woman. You remember Kirimbakande murder case and how Pauline de Croose described her favourite position at intercourse.Even that position cannot be reached by the lion with a human female, because her buttocks would have been a obstacle.A position with the woman lying flat on her back and the lion on top is definitely impracticable.She would have ended up in the frustrated lion’s stomach.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 10, 2017
Sach?” For F sake read a book on Sinhala language history,” probably written by you in the same manner you used to concoct other histories?
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
Upali Wickramasinghe
Calm down.
Your problem is you take sach, Nuisance, Shenal, Shenali Waduge, Jimmy, Niro, Champa ………………… too seriously. If they are not around CT would turn into another JVP manifesto.
Where would you find readers making fun of themselves.
Have fun while it lasts.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 13, 2017
Native Vedda. Thanks.
Prasad / December 10, 2017
Can I ask you a simple question?
Why there is NO Elu/Hela/Sinhala literature/poetry prior to the 8th-9th centuries CE where as there is plenty of Tamil literature/poetry from the Sangam period (300 BCE)?
The Brahmi inscriptions found in the caves of Sri Lanka during the 3rd century BC were written in Prakrit that some biased Sinhala scholars like Paranawithana called it ‘Old Sinhala’. Only some learned people (members of the clergy and those close to the kings) are able to write such a language. How can we be so sure that Prakrit was the spoken language (old Sinhala) before the 3rd century BC? It could have been a language used only for writing. The North Indians who arrived as traders before the 3rd century BC would have introduced the Indo-Aryan Prakrit to the island but we cannot say for sure that it was the spoken language of the land.
There were several tribes living in the Island. For example, the Nagas not only lived in Sri Lanka, they also lived in South India. What language did they speak? Prakrit? Tamil? We do not know.
How can we say ‘Prakrit was the language of the land (old Sinhala)’? We are not sure if it was spoken in the island or only used for cave writing. How can we say ‘Prakrit became the language of Buddhism’? Buddhist scriptures were all written in Pali. How can we say ‘when Buddhism arrived the language called ‘Old Sinhala’ was already here’? Who came up with the term ‘Old Sinhala’ for the Indo-Aryan Prakrit language and why?
sach / December 10, 2017
1. Because only Buddhist scholars did the writing and it was Pali they used. Even after 6-8 AD much after modern Sinhala developed some monks still used Pali to write.
2. It is the linguistic experts who have confirmed beyond doubt including non Sinhalese that those inscriptions are old sinhala. I am using their research work.
3. There was a language before the Indo Aryan language came. Linguistic experts confirm that language to be NON dravidian. Read research work on that. And the influences of that non dravidian and non aryan language can be seen even in today’s sinhala. After further internal developments, we have today’s Sinhala
4. Where has any one proved that Nagas claimed to have lived in SL is the same Nagas in India? What are the sources of those Nagas? There is not much evidence for a people called Nagas living in SL apart from Mahavamsa. But we have evidence of a pre historic humans living in SL. Archelogists speculate it was those pre historic humans that was called as Nagas and Yakkas by Mahavamsa. Other than that there is no other evidence or research work.
5. Please read a book on Sinhala language history. There are plenty. I think above points I mentioned would certainly help you understand this.
It was the archeologists ( first British) who termed it Old Sinhala
sach / December 10, 2017
Tamil sangam did not start from 300 BCE. This is a ludicrous comment. It is not that old.
Prasad / December 11, 2017
Even though the written language started only after the invention of the Brahmi script, Tamil was a spoken language thousands of years before it was put to writing and is one of the ancient living languages in the world. The word ‘Tamil’ occurs in Sangam poems/literature dating back to 300 BC (has survived to the modern date) to denote a language and an ethnic group. About the same period, its derivate ‘Damila’ in the Prakrit language occurs in early inscription from Amaravati and in the Pali Chronicles of Sri Lanka as a section of its population. It should be noted that there is no Elu/Hela/Sinhala literature prior to the 8th-9th centuries AD.
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
“Tamil sangam did not start from 300 BCE. This is a ludicrous comment. It is not that old.”
Could cite your source.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 13, 2017
That was in 1966. Now 20 years later with modern technology, it has been concluded that Tamil is the oldest language in the world and at one time everyone in the world spoke Tamil or some form of Tamil. It was Aryan racist propaganda that Sanskrit was the oldest Indian Language and Tamil was derived from it. This is now disproved. The so called old Sinhala inscriptions is nothing but proto-Tamil. Your sort of argument is only valid in a bigoted Sinhala gallery and not in an intellectual international forum.
Sinhala_Man / December 14, 2017
Dear Gnana,
“It has been concluded . . . everyone in the world spoke Tamil” – by whom has it been so concluded? You surely cannot expect assent to such a sweeping statement, can you? Of course, you’ve added “or some form of Tamil”. So if you get stuck, you will not merely label Sinhalese as some for of Tamil. We may define in English, Latin, Greek, even ancient the ancient Egyptian language.
Rajan “Questions that have no answers have been asked and answered”, says Rajan Hoole in a comment on Nandaka Maduranga’s excellent article on “Humanities being under Attack!” which is currently displayed on the opening page of Colombo Telegraph.
You are a medical professional. It is good for you to have more wide ranging interests, but you can’t afford to make these sweeping statements, which may have been found by you in the work of other persons, but which you have no real awareness. This is all meaningless.
In my case, I have done some study in these fields, but I have probably forgotten much by now. I grant that given the level of persecution that Tamils have suffered, many of you have put a lot of reading in now. However, if you want to be taken seriously you must be more rational. And it is important that we take you seriously.
nalmen / December 9, 2017
I don’t know about language but vijaya like ravana were legendary kings
don’t mix history with legends
K.Anaga / December 9, 2017
Where did Sinhalese Come from? God Only Knows.(GOK) History says not only Sinhalese Kings fought the Tamils, even Tamil kings Fought the Tamils and Sinhalese Kings fought the Sinhalese. You ask the question why did only the Southern Inhabitants embrace Buddhism similarly why did the coastal areas people both Sinhalese and and Tamils embrace Christianity in general and Catholism in particular. Why did almost all the Muslims even in the south speak Tamil as Mother Tong though some Muslims tried to change after the Sinhala only act, but rather unsuccessfully. Why did the Negombo,Kochikade Tamils become Sinhal speaking especially after The SINHALA ONY act.? Tamils did not go back to the history like the Sinhal politicians. All what they did was to counter the Sinhala arguments that the Tamils have no right to be in Srilanka and they are treated 2nd Class
‘Let us find a way to live in harmony’. Simple sir! Have a Federal constitution and stop all State Aided Colonization to change the texture of the Population.. Without embracing religions let us “embrace” each other and live happily ever after.
(Not A Duplicate- Some Matters may have been mentioned earlier too)
Sinhala_Man / December 10, 2017
Thanks, dear Anaga.
To me you are a First Class Citizen of Sri Lanka (earlier known as Ceylon abroad – now we use that name only if it seems to add value to the tea we try to sell).
“Our Tea” – although still mainly produced by those we call Third Class Citizens. What shameful fellows we are! I guess we’ll do anything for money.
I agree with you that colonisation has always been there, and will be there, but I think that State-Aided Colonization is bad – and there has been a lot of it, again, recently.
Whether Federalism is the solution, I don’t know. We are a relatively small country, even as it is. I’m not against it, per se. Actually, it may be that we need to go for a larger grouping – like “The greater Indian sub-Continent”. Is that what SAARC is, but with no teeth? Mind, I don’t want to be UNDER anybody. The problem is that quite a few Sinhalese want all minorities to be “under us”.
Beware, most Sinhalese react against the word, “Federal”! One real problem is duplication of FUNCTIONS, more bureaucracy, more politicians, more confusion.
Whatever the system, we’ve got to make it work, so that we all live in harmony. Each individual HUMAN BEING is unique. Yes, let us embrace (metaphorically, please – words are always subject to distortion by the unscrupulous). I, too, feel that religions are rather unnecessary appendages, but let’s not embark on a fight against them all. It’s just not worth it.
Please read the European National Anthem. It really is Schiller’s “An die Freude” (hope spelling is right – means Ode to Joy”). It was set to music as the last bit of his 9th Symphony by Beethoven. How happy he would be to know that it is sung with gusto by so many.
A heretical thought: I wouldn’t mind exchanging “Namo, namo, matha” (not that I’m against Ananda Samarakoon’s composition). It would be an affirmation that all humans are one family – but whites not superior to blacks like us!
Champa / December 9, 2017
Wigneswaran says there was a Tamil King named “Deva-naina-mpiya Theesan”. Tissa = Theesan.
“Tissa” was a common name for Kings and Provincial Kings in our Sinhalese monarchic history of Upatissa, Anuradhapura and Ruhuna Kingdoms, such as;
UpaTISSA (I & II), DevanamapiyaTISSA, SuraTISSA, SaddhaTISSA, LanjaTISSA, KawanTISSA, KelaniTISSA, Mahakula MahaTISSA, KudaTISSA, DharubhatikaTISSA, KutakannaTISSA, KanirajanuTISSA, YasalalakaTISSA, VankanasikaTISSA, BhatikaTISSA, KanittaTISSA, VoharikaTISSA, SanghaTISSA (I & II), JettaTISSA (I, II & III), DathopaTISSA (I & II).
Why do Tamils claim only ONE TISSA as their King, how about other Kings of the same name Tissa?
Same way, in our monarchic history of Polonnaurwa, Dambadeniya, Gampola and Kotte Kingdoms, the most common name for our Kings was BAHU, such as;
VijayaBAHU (I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII), JayaBAHU (I & II), VickramaBAHU (I & II), GajaBAHU, ParakramaBAHU (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII & IX), VeeraBAHU (I & II), BhuvanaikeBAHU (I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII).
Any Tamil claim for the name BAHU, Wigneswaran?
Man, we Sinhalese have an undeniable, unquestionable proud monarchic history supported by sequences of distinguished events and evidences in chronologically consistent order.
Picking up ONE TISSA and Tamilizing him to be their King at the whims&fancies of a totally failed Tamil Chief Minister/former Judge cannot make our history flinch. Tamils have no history in Sri Lanka. The only place where Tamils are mentioned in our history is after the invasion of barbarian Cholas from Tamil Nadu. Tamils are a migrant nation. We are not. Since the beginning of Tamil Nadu and until the present day, Tamils are migrating from country to country looking for a place to claim their own. Our ancestors have given you a place to live in Sri Lanka. Don’t try to abuse our hospitality, kindness and good heart by attempting to “invade” our history by planting fictional stories. It will never work.
oldcodger / December 9, 2017
Don’t you know that Parakrama Bahu the Great was NOT a Sinhalese?
Was he an invader?
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
Chempaha Perumal (Sapumal Kumaraya) Bhuvanaikabahu VI of Kotte was a Tamil King.
Please find out from sach, Shenali, Champa …. if he was an invader and a Tamil myth?
sach / December 10, 2017
He is half tamil from his father’s side. His mother was Sinhala and adopted by a Sinhala king
Champa / December 10, 2017
Keyboard Vedda
ParakramaBAHU – The Great, was a pure Sinhalese King who was the grandson of King Vijayabahu I, the first King of the Polonnaruwa Kingdom.
But, of course Sapumal Kumaraya (Prince Sapumal) who reigned as BhuvanaikaBAHU VI was a descendant of Tamil Nadu who came with his father Manikka Talavan, the royal blood Karaiyar Chieftain warrior and his men, whom King ParakramaBAHU VI hired from Tamil Nadu to defeat the sea-pirate, Aryachakravarti who ruled Dambakola Patuna (Jaffna Peninsular).
When Sapumal Kumaraya’s father, Chieftain Manikka Talavan was killed at the Mukkuvar War between Karaiyar and Mukkuvar, King ParakramaBAHU VI ADOPTED Sapumal Kumaraya and his brother Kuda Kumaraya AS HIS SONS.
The King later sent Sapumal Kumaraya to Dambakola Patuna to conquer Aryachakravarti and appointed him as the Yapa (Head) of Dambakola Patuna, the peninsular which was later named as “Yapa Patuna.”
Later Sapumal Kumaraya came from Jaffna and killed the legitimate Sinhalese King JayaBAHU II (grandson of ParakramaBAHU II) who ascended to the throne after the death of ParakramaBAHU VI. Then Sapumal Kumaraya reigned as BhuvanaikaBAHU VI.
On a separate note, lame blood Vellalas, who now act as the owners of Jaffna peninsular, came to Sri Lanka from Tamil Nadu only during Dutch period (about 400 years ago), as farmers.
Karaiyar in the North/East whose Sri Lankan lineage started about 600 years ago are descendants of royal blood Karaiyar warrior Chieftain Manikka Talavan and his 7,700 (?) soldiers. (I like warriors.)
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
Don’t you think sach, Nuisance, Shenali, Champa the …. profession, Jimmy, somass, Hela, ……. are good fun? Where would you find bigots, racist, fascists, stupids …………… all in one?
Champa / December 11, 2017
Keyboard Vedda
The truth is bitter and hard to swallow, isn’t it stupid Veddo?
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
Champa the …………… profession
“The truth is bitter and hard to swallow, isn’t it stupid Veddo?”
Isn’t why you never answer the questions that oldcodger keep asking you. Don’t imagine he is after something. He has been trying to educate you.
I do appreciate/admire his endurance, perseverance and patience despite your ignorance, arrogance, lies, more lies, bigotry, racism, stupidity, ………………………… and your profession and pimp.
Champa / December 11, 2017
Keyboard Vedda
Go and see a local optician.
James / December 11, 2017
Bhuvanekabahu VI (Sapumal Kumaraya aka Chempaha Perumal) the adopted son of Parakrama Bahu VI captured the Jaffna Kingdom in 1450 (much before the Portuguese arrived). During his rule in Jaffna, he built the premier shrine of Hindu worship – the Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil (he did not build any Buddhist temple) for the people of Jaffna peninsula. The Tamils of Jaffna are still invoking his name and singing thevarams to him in the Nallur Kovil before the temple procession of Lord Murukan.
As per your argument, if the Dutch brought the Jaffna Tamils, then the people of Jaffna before the Dutch arrived should have been the Sinhalese. If the people of Jaffna during the 13th Century AD were Sinhalese, then Sapumal Kumaraya should have built a Buddhist temple and NOT a Hindu temple in the heart of Jaffna. Why did he build the Hindu Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil in the 13th Century AD for the so called Sinhalese of Jaffna?
In his book ‘Jaffna under the Portuguese’, Tikiri Abeyasinghe who was the Professor of Modern History at the University of Colombo till 1985 notes that in the period 1624-1626 (during Portuguese rule of Jaffna), the Franciscans converted 52,000 Jaffna Tamil Hindus into Catholics. Prof. Tikiri Abeysinghe is one of the very few who has done extensive research on Portuguese archives and Goa archives by living in those countries. Read “Jaffna under the Portuguese” by Prof Tikiri Abeyasinghe.
There is enough of authentic evidence (I can list you many and quote from reputed Sinhala historians) to prove that the Sinhalese were originally Indian Tamils brought in by the Portuguese but what authentic evidence do you have to prove that the Jaffna Tamils were brought in by the Dutch?
Champa / December 12, 2017
No need to argue. I am presenting facts.
About Sapumal Kumaraya. JayaBahu II (1467-1472) was the grandson of ParakramaBahu VI (there is a typo above as II) who was the son of King’s daughter Ulakudaya Devi. He ascended to the throne after the death of King ParakramaBahu VI.
Mahawamsa doesn’t mention anything about Sapumal Kumaraya, only Rajavaliya. “Selalihini Sandeshaya” gives a description about the birth of a prince in 1946 who was Ulakudaya Devi’s son JayaBahu II.
It was “Kokila Sandeshaya” which gives a vivid description of the adopted son of King Parakrama Bahu VI, Sapumal Kumaraya (Sembageperumal) and his historical conquest of Jaffna in or around 1449 which made Aryachakravarti (a dynasty: 13AD-17AD) fled to India. It says:
“Nimala yudha sonda
Demala balasen balameda
Dambadiva Thala nihanda
Kale Siri Lak Divata diya vada”
“(Sapumal Kumaraya) conquered his Tamil counterpart (Aryachakravarti) silencing Jambudipa (India) and benefitting Lak Diva (Sri Lanka) with his victory.)”
I didn’t say there were no Tamils in Jaffna at the time. I mentioned about a war between Karaiyar (Sapumal’s father’s battalion) and Mukkuvar where Mukkuvar were defeated in Puttalam&Jaffna, chasing them to Batticaloa. Mukkuvar have migrated from Kilakarai. First ever mention of them was in “Dambadeni Asna” (13AD) where they were described as soldiers of King Parakarama Bahu II. The majority of Jaffna were Sinhalese (Yalpana Vaipava Malai).
It was Dutch who brought Vellalar from TamilNadu to grow tobacco in 17th Century. This clashed with Sinhalese who excelled in farming with Tank water. When Dutch expanded tobacco cultivation in 18th Century, they started selling Jaffna vacant lands to grow more tobacco which prompted a large influx of Vellalar from TamilNadu marginalizing original Sinhalese. Jaffna caste system was introduced by rich Vellalar landowners when they bought TN slaves/coolies who were brought down by Dutch.
Champa / December 12, 2017
Sapumal Kumaraya didn’t build the Nallur Kandasamy Kovil. It was already there when he defeated Aryachakravarti King who fled to India. According to E.T. Kannangara, originally it was not a Kovil but a Buddhist temple.
There hadn’t been any need for Sapumal Kuamaraya to build Buddhist Temples. There had been many Buddhist temples/monasteries in Yapa Patuna in Chunnkkam, Point Pedro, Vallipuram, Kantarodai, Vavunikulam, Puttur, Nilavarai, Telipili, Uduvil, Annakotai, Uruthirupuram, Mawathapuram, Nagadipa.
According to Prof. S. Pathmanathan (Yalpana Irachiyam – Ariya Chakravartigal) when Sapumal Kumaraya waged the war against Aryachakravarti, he had destroyed the Kovil/adjacent buildings and killed people in the Kovil. Later when he realized his mistake, he had rebuilt the Nallur Kovil.
Native Vedda / December 12, 2017
“There hadn’t been any need for Sapumal Kuamaraya to build Buddhist Temples. There had been many Buddhist temples/monasteries in Yapa Patuna in Chunnkkam, Point Pedro, Vallipuram, Kantarodai, Vavunikulam, Puttur, Nilavarai, Telipili, Uduvil, Annakotai, Uruthirupuram, Mawathapuram, Nagadipa.”
Were all these Buddhist temples built by Dutta Gamunu just after winning the war against Demelas or built by Dr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa (DSc) just after winning the war against VP?
Prasad / December 12, 2017
Why do the Sinhalese believe that the Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka belong only to the Sinhalese (Sinhala heritage) and not to the Tamils? Why are they ignorant about the early Tamil Buddhists of Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu? Why do the Sinhalese think, if there were Buddhist remains in any part of Sri Lanka, by default it belonged to Sinhalese (only) and if there were Hindu remains it belonged to Tamils (only)? Why do the Sinhalese think, in Sri Lanka a Buddhist should be a Sinhalese and a Hindu should be a Tamil even though the Sinhalese worship most of the Hindu/Brahmanical Gods. Buddhism and Sinhala were two different things in the past.
The ancient Buddhist remains in the North and East of Sri Lanka are the remnants left by the Tamil Buddhists and not anybody else. They are part of the heritage of Sri Lankan Tamils. Only the Buddhist temples, statues and structures build in the recent past and present in the North and East can be considered as Sinhala-Buddhist.
The Yalpana Vaipava Malai never says majority of Jaffna were Sinhalese. The Sinhalese Nampota dated in its present form to the 14th century AD suggests that the whole of the Jaffna Kingdom, including parts of the modern Trincomalee district, was recognized as a Tamil region by the name Demala-pattanama (Tamil city). In this work, a number of villages that are now situated in the Jaffna, Mullaitivu and Trincomalee districts are mentioned as places in Demala-pattanama.
Champa / December 12, 2017
Oooophs – typo again. I saw only now. Bad habit of not reading again.
“Selalihini Sandeshaya gives a description about the birth of a prince in 1446 (not 1946) who was Ulakudaya Devi’s son Jaya Bahu II.
Champa / December 12, 2017
About Tamil Buddhists.
I have posted a reply to you on page 3.
James / December 12, 2017
Let no one hastily conclude that the Sinhalese resided in the North just because there were statues of Buddha and it is unrealistic to assume that Buddhism came to neighboring Sri Lanka bypassing Tamils in India and Sri Lanka. The Thai Buddhist Social Thinker and Activist Sulak Sivaraksa says, there were Tamil Buddhists in south India and this helped the spread of Buddhism throughout Ceylon.
He also says, before the establishment of close links between Lankan and Thai Buddhists, we had a long period of interaction with South India. The mantras chanted at ceremonies in the Thai court are Tamil in origin although many people still think that they are Sanskritic (in origin). And Buddhism came not only from North India but from the South as well. Tamil Nadu had one of the most active centres of Buddhism in Kanchi”.
The existence of Tamil Buddhists in the island during the time when Buddhism was widespread in south India is evident from the unearthed ancient statues and coins. Kantharodai was a monastery for Tamil monks. Stupas discovered there are different from those found in other regions in Sri Lanka. Statues of Buddha were found in Kantharodai, Vallipuram, Ponnalai, Makiyapitti, Nilavarai, Uduvil, Nainathivu, Chunnakam, Punguduthivu and Nedunthivu.
Champa / December 12, 2017
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
90% of your kings and aristocracy have a Tamil origin . Either Naga or of South Indian ancestry . All your so called great kings were of Tamil ancestry. None of your ancient kings ever called themselves Sinhalese or Aryan as they were not. They were local Tamil Naga( as evidenced by the suffix Tissa( Thessan) or South Indian. When the European colonials arrived the country had three kingdoms . One Tamil ( Jaffna) one Sinhalese ( Kotte) the other Sinhalese/Tamil( Kandy) . The most powerful of these three kingdoms was Jaffna which covered the entire northern province the north west coastal areas upto Chilaw/Negombo ( this why you had the western coastal Tamils in these regions who were forcibly Sinhalised in the 1950s/60s) and most of what is now Trincomalee district. All the three kings in these kingdoms were Tamils. In fact the last king of Kandy Kannuchchami Naicker ( or King Wickremerajasinghe ) and his immediate family were banished to their native Tamil Nadu by the British and he died in Salem in Tamil Nadu. His direct descendants still live there. Half the signatures in the Kandyan convention are in Tamil as the king and the so called Kandyan aristocracy were all Tamils.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
This includes the ancestor of one of the biggest anti Tamil leaders in the island . Srimavo Bandarnaicke. Funny both her and her husband as well as the ancestors of the other great anti Tamil JR Jayawardene, all descended from recently migrated Indian Tamils but all three of them were beating the anti Tamil drum . Her great great grandfather signed the Kandyan convention in Tamil and he signed his name in Tamil as Ravathai, which the family later Sinhalised to Ratwatta, like all Kandyan Radala( aristocratic) families did to protect their immense wealth and land. Once they could not rely on their relatives across the sea in South India , due to European colonial rule. They decided to give up their Tamil Hindu identity and take up a Sinhalese Buddhist identity, Just like many of the aristocratic Normans did in old England or the largely German origin royal family did in modern Britain. This is the reason many of the Kandyan aristocratic family names are place names and not caste names , as their actual caste names will betray their Tamil origin. Just like many Sinhalese Karawa Salagama and Durawa now take Portuguese family names or newly manufactured Sinhalese names to hide their lowly Indian Tamil caste names. Your greatest king Prakrama Bahu was of Pandian Tamil ancestry. His father was prince Manaparanan a Pandian prince. This is why he built a statue in honour of the so called father of the Tamil language Saint Agathiar. It is not his statue any idiot can see it is the statue of Saint Agathiar. Perumagan or Prakrama is a common title taken by Pandian kings and aristocracy. The greatest architectural gem in Sri Lanka is Polonaruwa in the east. This was built not by Sinhalese but by the Tamil Cholas everything Hindu and Buddhist. Now the Sinhalese are lying to the gullible biased westerners and the rest of the world , that this is the wonder of ancient Sinhalese greatness when it is not Sinhalese at all but Tamil Chola. Just like many architectural wonders in SE Asia that was inspired by them.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
Tissa ( Theesan ) is a common suffix used by the Dravidian Tamil speaking Naga. This shows their Tamil Naga origin. The suffix Bahu betrays their Tamil Pandian origin. Stop posting crap
sach / December 10, 2017
So you are saying Sinhalese have tamil origins and they have with time become Sinhala from tamil why are you debating on this further? havent you yourself prove here that Sinhalese are the true sons of the soil?
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
“havent you yourself prove here that Sinhalese are the true sons of the soil?”
Stupid Tamils and stupid Sinhalese are not the sons/daughters of the soil. They came by kallathonies mostly uninvited, lived here, occupied our land, from South India, converted to Buddhism, subjected to changes in languages, ……………….. again converted to Christianity, … and then to Sinhala/Buddhism and some of them have become Sinhala/Buddhist fascists.
In your case a born stupid and a racist have no way of progressing intellectually hence you chose to convert/join Sinhala/Buddhist fascism along with Dayan, Wimal, …………………………..
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 13, 2017
Sach- that seems to be so.
Champa / December 11, 2017
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
Tissa=Theesan? What are you saying, man? Did Arhat Mihindu Thero who came to Ambasthalawa call King Devanampiya Tissa;
“Theesan, Theesan”,
“Are there any other Mampala Maram other than this Mampala Maram”???
Oh, give me a break! Stop writing crap.
“Ambasthalawa – Missaka Pabbatha”, now Mihintale forest became the first wild sanctuary of Sri Lanka after King Devanampiya Tissa embraced Buddhism.
Mahawamsa has been written with an unprejudiced mind. Otherwise, the writer could have easily dropped reigns of Chola Kings. He has done justice to even foreign invaders. Only thing was, when he mentioned about Queens and Female-Commanders-in-Chief, he had put them in the nadir, may be as a result of Indian influence.
Hey Prasad (elsewhere), how did Arhat Mihindu Thero came to Sri Lanka, if not by Irdhi (highpower) and appeared on the rock, same as Lord Buddha who visited Sri Lanka three times before him??? When Lord Buddha visited Yaksha in Mahiyangana on the Full Moon Day of the Month of Duruthu (January) in Lunar Calendar, which was his first visit, the history says there was darkness – no moon,. That means, there had been a Lunar Eclipse on that day, otherwise there cannot be any reason a Full Moon Day to be dark.
Prasad / December 12, 2017
Asoka’s missionary monk Mahinda came to Lanka by land. First he was in South India before coming to Lanka. There are many books and articles written by Buddhist history scholars. For example, “The fascinating story of the historical links – Golden threads between Buddhism in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka” was narrated by Dr Shu Hikosake, Director Professor of Buddhism, Institute of Asian Studies, in his book “Buddhism in Tamil Nadu a new Perspective” says Asoka’s son Mahinda introduced Buddhism into Tamil Nadu. Dr. Hikosaka’s study is based on his doctoral dissertation.
Dr Hikosaka says Buddhism might have gone to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) from Tamil Nadu by sea-route, a route by which one can reach Ceylon (Sri Lanka) easily. Since there existed very close cultural affinities between Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and the Tamil country from time immemorial, the Buddhist activities in India could have easily influenced in some way or other the Buddhism of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Epigraphical evidence seems to confirm this statement. In his Rock-Edict No. 3, Asoka says that his Dharma Vijaya prevailed in the kingdoms of the Colas, Pandyans and at Tambapanni.
The Mahavamsa folk/fairy tale about Buddha flying to Sri Lanka is only a dream of its author. There is a clear record of all the main events of Buddha, the places he visited, with whom he was, where and what he preached and to whom he preached, in the Buddhist scriptures.
In the name of protecting Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Ven. Mahanama thero has created the myth about Buddha’s 3 magical visits (even Buddha’s close disciples did not know) which are NOT mentioned in any of the Buddhist scriptures. His objective was to make the country an exclusive preserve of the Buddhists. Dr.G.C.Mendis who examined the historicity of Mahavamsa says there is no reference in Canonical literature to Buddha having left his usual routine in the Gangetic kingdoms. Even the claims of Buddha’s visit to Myanmar and Central Asia are nothing but myth.
Champa / December 12, 2017
Dr. Hikosaka or any scholar can write Books based on their imagination to support their views. But their views are not FACTS.
Even you have used the words – might have -. Meaning, could be could not be. If they have come through sea-route, which port/ports did they use?
And if Arhat Mihindu Thero came by land there is no reason for King Devanampiya Tissa to not to know in advance when they reached the country. Mihintale is located in the central. How could they come without King’s knowledge to the middle of the country? How many people they could have met? Even Kuveni’s time, she was aware of the arrival of Vijaya and his men well before they reached the beach and was prepared. Therefore, if Mihindu Thero had come by sea and land, the King should have known. There is no logic at all in your comment.
I replied to your other comment about Lord Buddha not visiting Sri Lanka, elsewhere. So I have no intention to repeat.
Prasad / December 10, 2017
“Any Tamil claim for the name BAHU”
The Pandyas/Pandus of Madhura in South India (presently in Tamil Nadu) were the close allies of the Royal house of Sri Lanka from the beginning of Sri Lanka’s history. It is the Pandyans of Madhura who RULED Sri Lanka most of the time, even king Vijaya and his men took wives from the Pandyans of Madhura.
All the Buddhist kings of Sri Lanka with the royal name BAHU are actually Pandyans of Madhura. Just because they are Buddhists, the Sinhalese want to claim that they are Sinhala. It is a known fact that the ruling families of Madhura, South India (PANDYANs) and Sri Lanka (BAHUs) were related to each other. There is no evidence to prove that the Buddhist kings by the royal name BAHU were Sinhalese but there is enough evidence to prove that they were Tamils.
For example let us take King PARAKRAMABHU 1 (Refer Chulavamsa chapter IV – The Polonnaruwa Kings – 1070-1215). Pandya/Tamil blood was running in King Parakramabahu’s veins and ignorant Sinhalese call him a Sinhala king. King Vijaya Bahu married a princess from Kalinga Royal Family as his second Mahesi, and from her he had a son named Vikrama Bahu and a daughter named Ratnavali. Vijaya Bahu’s sister, Mitta, was given in marriage to a Pandya Prince, who had three sons. The eldest of whom named Manabharana, became the husband of King Vijaya Bahu’s daughter Ratnavali. Their son was Parakrama Bahu I (1140-1173 AD), Grandson of Vijaya Bahu I, Prince of Royal Blood, Pandyan descent, son of Manabharana and Vijaya Bahu’s sister, Mitta whose husband was a Tamil prince. Parakrama Bahu is a grandson of a Pandya/Tamil prince. What is the big connection between the Sinhalese and the King Parakramabahu? Tamils have more connection to Parakramabahu than the Sinhalese, why should we call him as a Sinhala King? In fact, Parakrama Bahus were Tamils and continuation of the Pandyan Dynasty that ruled Sri Lanka.
sach / December 10, 2017
It is out of diplomacy that ancient Sinhala kings took women from TN to fill their harems. So their children have Tamil origins. That does not mean the kings are tamil or the kingdom in extension to be Tamil.
Going by your theory, the English queen is German and England is a German country.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 11, 2017
Sach. I always believed that the women who were brought from India by the so called Kings were destitutes in other words prostitutes.
Native Vedda / December 14, 2017
Upali Wickramasinghe
“Sach. I always believed that the women who were brought from India by the so called Kings were destitutes in other words prostitutes.”
Are yo saying that sach’s ancestors were the traditional devadasis? There is a possibility Champa’s ancestors too could have belonged to Devadasis.
Champa / December 11, 2017
f Vijaya hora and his pandyan wife didn’t have children.
Sinhalese Kings had many pandyan consorts.
The rest of your comment is too lame to reply. Read our history books without prejudice.
Prasad / December 11, 2017
The arch-enemies of Cholas were the Pandyans/Pandu of Madhura in Tamil Nadu who were the close allies of the Royal house of Sri Lanka from the beginning of Sri Lanka’s history. It was the Pandyans/Pandu kings who ruled Sri Lanka most of the time. They were not invaders but invitees. Even in the Vijay story, the Pali chronicle says, king Vijaya and his men took wives from the Pandyan/Pandu Capital ‘Dakshina Madura’ which means southern Madura. From King Pandu Vasudeva to Parakrma Bahu, most of the Saivaite as well as Buddhist Kings and their Queens of Sri Lanka were from the Tamil Pandya dynasty. The Deepavamsa calls King Pandu Vasudeva (504-474 BC) as Pandu Vasa (a Pali or Prakrit equivalent of Pandya Vasa meaning one from the Pandyan country i.e., A Pandya by his nationality). It was the tradition of the early Buddhist writers in Sri Lanka to twist the Dravidian/Tamil names (of kings and places) sometimes out of recognition in transforming them into Pali or Prakrit (later Sinhala) forms. After the death of Pandu Vasudeva (Pandu Vasa) his eldest son Abhaya (Prakritised form of Apayan in Tamil means ‘he who averts fear’) became the lawful king. Abhaya’s son, King Panduka Abhaya aka Apaya Pandyan received help from his ancestral city of Madhura in planning the city of Anuradhpura. King Panduka Abhaya gives his son a Saivaite Tamil name Muta Siva (elder Siva) and King Muta Siva’s son was Devanampiya Tissa who promoted Emperor Asoka’s Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka. The Mahavamsa calls them either North Indians (may be because Buddhism came from there) or invaders from Tamil Nadu. If you study/analyse the Pali chronicles, most of the BAHU kings of Sri Lanka are having Pandyan connections or rather they are all from Pandyan descend. Whenever the Pandyan/Bahu kings of Sri Lanka such as King Parakramabahu was waging a war against the invading Cholas, it was Pandya – Chola war which the present day historians have misinterpreted as Sinhala – Tamil war.
Prasad / December 11, 2017
Today the names of the old Pandyan kings (such as Kula Sekara, Chandra Sekara, Vira Wickrama, Parakrama and so on) are adopted by the Sinhalese (not Tamils) and they have succeeded in misrepresenting the Pandyan/Tamil foundations of Sri Lankan civilization as Sinhalese. Most of the rulers of the island Sri Lanka were either native Tamils/Vanni chieftains, or Dravidians tribes (Nagas), or Pandyans/Pandu or Cholas or at least half Tamils. Even the Pali chronicles do not call any of them as Sinhala Kings. Even the last four kings of Kandy were Dravidians from the Nayaka (Vaduga) dynasty that ruled Madurai (Tamil Nadu). The Kandyan Sinhala Buddhist Maha Nayaka Theros of the Maha Sangha (Asgiri and Malwathu) had to overlook every Sinhala-Buddhist in the country to import Dravidians from the Nayaka dynasty that was ruling Tamil Nadu with Madurai as their capital from 1529 until 1736 to sit on the Kandyan throne. However, today the Maha Nayaka Theros of the Maha Sangha insists that the leader of the country (President/Prime Minister) should be a Sinhala-Buddhist. By quoting from Lord Valentia’s Travels and from an article of Joinville which was published by the Royal Asiatic Society of Ceylon, Mudaliyar Simon Cassie Chitty wrote in 1838, “The Singhalese, though forming a distinct nation, and differing in their religion, language and manners from Tamils, had no kings of their own race, but of the latter, and according to Lord Valentia and Joinville ‘a Singhalese cannot be a king of Ceylon; that is every person born of a Singhalese father or mother is excluded from the throne’.” Even though the Saivaite Tamils were living in many parts of the country such as Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa (a capital built by the Cholas), Padaviya, Kurunegala, Puttalam, Tissamaharama (where Tamil Brahmi potsherd inscription were found) and so on, it was only after the 12th century CE that the island became more divided politically and geographically between the two languages/religions with the Jaffna kingdom being established in the North East, closer to the Tamil mainland.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 15, 2017
Champa ; Thanks for once you have expressed the truth – “f Vijaya Hora”.But what does f stand for?
Douglas / December 9, 2017
Native Vedda: I am somewhat surprised for you to have failed to read and gain an inside meaning of my comments relating to all types and forms of BIGOTS (Religious; Linguistic; Tribal (meaning ethnic ) Political) who have and are venturing into crumble the Human Society for their own benefit, glorification and survival. I have assessed this particular person (C.V.Wigneswaran) as a Politician and not as an ex Supreme Court Judge. From the time he assumed that position as Chief Minister, I had high hopes of him becoming a “GENUINE LEADER of the people of this country. Alas! All those hopes were shattered for the last few years of him in being holding that position as the Chief Minister. I expected him, with his back ground, developing into a National Leader – a BRIDGE BUILDER, connecting the “DIVIDE”. Need I tell you what he has so far DEMONSTRATED and PROVED to this country in general and the province in particular? In him, so far, I have seen nothing but that BIGOTRY. Please also note, I have NO “Lion” hidden within or outside; (as you said in your comment) but speak and express explicitly of my understandings and convictions; YET subject to change and correction.
WMFernando / December 9, 2017
If all were Tamils (Tamils are only a section of Dravidians) in Sri Lanka how Sinhala which is identifiable separately was emerged.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
We all know that all Karawa Fernandos are purely descended from immigrant Tamil fishermen from South India how come? These recently Sinhalised Immigrant South Indian low castes are the biggest anti Tamils. How come Malayalam Telugu Kannda emerged from old Tamil? How come English emerged from old German? How come French, Spanish, Italian emerged from Latin? How come Hindi Bengali Punjabi, Gujarathi all emerged from Sanskrit? How come? How come? How come the earth is round? We can go on asking stupid questions to deny the obvious truth. New languages and identities emerge , just like a child emerges from a parent. This triggered by an introduction of a new religion with it accompanying language or culture , invasions or settlement of new migrants bringing another language religion and culture. Use your commonsense. In Sri Lanka the introduction of Buddhism together with its associated languages like Pali and Sanskrit and the large scale conversion of the Tamil speaking Yakka and some Naga in the south of the island and its influence triggered the evolution of the Sinhalese , as these newly converted Tamil Buddhist started to corrupt their Tamil with the Pali. Sanskrit and Prakrit of Buddhism. The powerful Buddhist clergy also encouraged this, as they wanted these converted Tamil Buddhists to form a separate identity from their Tamil Hindu brothers and sisters living in the north and east and in South India. Especially after Buddhism died in India. This is why they hatched this Prince Vijaya myth and Aryan origin claim a different origin for the emerging Sinhalese identity in the south of the island and hide the truth that their actually Tamil Hindus who converted to Buddhism. However they could not erase many of the Tamil Hindu customs that Sinhalese Buddhists still follow after 80 generations. Worshiping the Tamil god Murugan. Celebrating the April New Year. Worshipping Tamil village deity Aynar now called Ayanayake in Sinhalese.
sach / December 10, 2017
what to do men, we sinhalese are very liberal and open to others culture and their traditions. So our people adopt them. Our people are not fascist like tamils who abhor anything non tamil….so our sinhala idiots well come influences from other cultures
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
sach the stupid
“what to do men, we sinhalese are very liberal and open to others culture and their traditions.”
You mean your ancestor’s practice of “Kandyan Hospitality”? Are you still following the traditions? I thought Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala changed all those ancient/medieval practices.
Prasad / December 10, 2017
WM Fernando,
During the 5th century A.D, Ven. Mahanama thero and a group of scholarly Buddhist monks of the Mahavihara in Anuradapura observing two groups of people, the Tamil speaking Saivaites and their converts (Buddhists) speaking the new language (Prakrit), wrote the Pali chronicles with the motive of projecting the Theravada Buddhists as a separate ethnic group, ‘the Sinhalese’ (who will protect the Buddhist dharma in the island Dammadvipa/Sinhaladvipa – the ‘chosen land’ of Buddha where Theravada Buddhism will prevail for 5000 years) and the Tamil Saivaites who did not convert to Buddhism but was posing a threat to Buddhism were projected as ‘enemies or invaders’. That is how ‘Sinhala’ originated and became the ‘guardians of Buddhism’ and the non-Buddhist (Saivaite Tamils) became ‘invaders’. The Mahavamsa goes to the extent of openly declaring that killing is a virtue in defense of Buddhism in its description of the victory of the Buddhist prince Dutthagamini over the Saivaite king Ellala. By trying to interpret the cooked up and concocted stories (mostly picked up from Ramayana, Mahabaratha and the Jataka tales and modified) including the invasion theory that was mentioned in the Mahavamsa, the European (colonial) orientalist scholars (English & German) who translated the Mahavamsa in the 20th century AD made the antagonism even worse by generalizing all the Saivaite Tamil rulers as ‘invaders’. Their historical writings were only based on uncritical acceptance of the Pali chronicles and they were only interested in their Aryan cousins in this part of the world. They did not make any attempt to study/analyze or translate the old Tamil texts. It is on this European orientalist’s misinterpretation that the Sinhalese base their exclusive claim to possession of the whole island. Today the myth has become the truth and the Sinhalese believe it as gospel. They are brainwashed right from birth to believe the myth that the whole of Sri Lanka is a ‘Sinhala-Buddhist country’ and the Tamils are ‘invaders’ who do not belong to Sri Lanka.
sach / December 10, 2017
what is this nonsense? Where has Mahavamsa mentions about two groups of people in SL that hints Tamils?
The Tamils whom Mahavamsa treated as enemies lived across the Palk strait and NOT in Sri Lanka. And how does where Mahavamsa picked its stories from is relevant here? Jataka tales is a different one and Mahavamsa is a another one. Mahavamsa is a book written in 5AD and a massive source for history of this country and of the subcontinent irrespective of its legend like stories in the beginning.
Now you are saying a totally different thing to Wiggie and that idiot siva sankara
Are you saying Tamils lived separately in North while sinhalese evolved in South?
I will answer you accordingly
Prasad / December 11, 2017
Even though the presence of Tamils (Damila in Prakrit) in the island Sri Lanka in the early historic period is not denied in the Pali chronicles Deepavamsa and Mahavamsa, it is always better to look at the archeological/epigraphic evidence.
Dameda is the most mentioned ethnic group in the ancient epigraphy of Sri Lanka. These inscriptions refer to the Dameda Vishaka (Tamil merchant), the Dameda Samana (Tamil householder), and Dameda Navika (Tamil sailor). There are enough of ancient archaeological evidence in Sri Lanka such as Brahmi stone inscriptions, cave writings, etc where the terms ‘Dameda’, ‘Damela’, ‘Damila’, ‘Demel’ are mentioned as a group of people living in the island. During Sena I ((833-853) and Kassapa IV (899-914), there are definite epigraphic reference to Tamil villages and lands, Demel-Kaballa (Tamil allotment), Demelat-valademin (Tamil lands), Demel-gam-bim (Tamil villages & lands), Demal-Kinigam, Demelin-hetihaya, etc.
sach / December 10, 2017
Tamils were invaders, are invaders. History and present time attest to that
Prasad / December 11, 2017
The first Tamil Nadu (Chola) invasion took place during the rule of Vankanasika Tissa (111 AD-114 AD) when Karikala Cholan invaded the Anuradhapura kingdom and took away a large number (12,000) of captives to work as slaves on the irrigation project he was building at Kaveri River in South India. While Mahanama Thero (King Dhatusena’s uncle and author of Mahavamsa) was whipping up Theravada Buddhist Nationalism by portraying the Tamils as invaders and foreigners and portraying Dhatusena’s struggle to liberate Anuradhapura from 27 years of Tamil Rule as a heroic act, Dhatusena’s favorite son Moggallan fled to Tamil Nadu and returned with a huge Tamil army and defeated his half-Dravidian/Pallava step brother Kassapa in 491 AD. The first Chola rule in the island of Sri Lanka began only in 993 AD when Raja Raja Cholan sent his Chola army which conquered the Anuradhapura Kingdom. After Raja Raja Cholan, his son Rajendra Cholan continued by adding the island as one of the provinces of the Chola Empire known as “Mummudi-Chola-Mandalam”. Sri Lanka remained a Tamil Nadu (Chola) colony under the rule of Raja Raja Cholan and his son Rajendra Cholan for eight decades (993AD –1077AD). It was Rajendra Cholan who later abandoned Anuradhapura and established the Poḷonnaruwa Kingdom.
James / December 11, 2017
Not only you, most of the Sinhalese believe in the same myth created by Mahanama Thero and popularized by the European (Aryan) Orientalists that Tamils are ‘invaders’. The Tamil Chieftains who did not convert to Buddhism but rebelled against the Dravidian Kings who became Buddhists were coined as ‘Invaders’ and those Dravidians/Tamils who became Buddhists were coined as ‘Sinhalese’ by none other than the Invasion theorist Ven. Mahanama Thero and the Mahavihara monks with the support of the Dravidian Buddhist King Dhatusena.
Hamlet / December 11, 2017
You are right Sach!
Very soon Tamils will be claiming Part of Canada as their Traditional Homeland!
James / December 11, 2017
No, not at all because Tamil kings did not rule Canada and there was no separate Tamil kingdom (like Jaffna kingdom) in Canada and also, the Tamils did not live in a separate Tamil speaking territory (like North & East) for thousands of years to claim Traditional Homeland in Canada.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 13, 2017
Sinhala emerged separately from Tamil with Sanskrit and Pali input like Malayalam. Malayalees were once Tamils of the Chera Kingdom. According to international linguists, everyone in Srilanka at one time spoke Tamil or some form of Tamil. Sinhala evolved after Malayalam as Sinhala script is copied from Malayalam. If Malayalees are accepting the truth, it is a pity that Sinhala racists are denying the truth.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2017
Thanks to CV for officially establishing the truth. His call to UNESCO historians to come to Ceylon should be seriously considered by the government. It should not be not like bringing Desmond as international war crime expert, to defend Old Royals war crime, but telling the IC him as the Foreign and Commonwealth Lawyers and Justices. Giving permission to Jaffna’s Kerala-Malayalee Embassy to erect Hanuman Statues in the town along withthe Greek Buddha’s statues or using the upcountry Tamil Ministers to further falsify the Tamil-Hindu history of Ceylon cannot be accepted. It has to be out of an open bid to UNESCO to send experts to come to Ceylon and correct the skewness of the bald heads.
Before 6th century, Sinhala did not exist. No question of Sinhala Kings existing. Without Sinhala, the Sinhala Kings existence is bigger flip flops, in the reality of the Mahavamsa, than Vijeya’s Grandma slept with a lion and had children. I know it is hard to assimilate for the Sinhala brethren. Unless a Sinhala Periyar is born in Lankawe, it is going to be hard for the Sinhalese to swallow it. Unless a Sinhala Thirunavukkarasar is born, freeing the Sinhalese from the Sinhala Buddhist cruelty cannot be done either. It looks like, 1). by the acceleration the Sinhala Buddhist Government rolling down on the hills and 2). by the quick ascending of Kandy Ayatollahs’ to the throne of Lankawe, it is suggested that his birth is soon.
sach / December 10, 2017
Sinhalese are not divided into separate communities or castes like Tamils to need a Periayar. Periyar created a non existing Tamil race from Tamil speaking various communities in TN.
Sinhala’s existence has been confirmed by linguistic experts and historians. It is backed by archeological evidences unlike Tamil.
James / December 11, 2017
Sinhalayas are in denial, blabbering in CT won’t stop the caste fight in the Sinhala South. No matter what the Sinhalayas say, the Sinhala Buddhism is infested with caste.
None of the low caste Sinhalayas who are howling in CT could never even imagine to become the prelate of the Temple of tooth relic (Dalada Maligawa). That is the fact. There is a vicious caste fight going on behind the facade of yellow robes in the Sinhala Buddhism.
They are divided into thirty sects though generally they are supposed to belong to one of three Maha Nikayas viz. Siyam, Amarapura and Ramanna. And of these thirty sects, membership in most of them is restricted to a particular caste or sub-caste. Whilst the Siyam Nikaya admits only persons of GOVIGAMA caste, the Ramanna Nikaya, true to the Buddha`s teaching and practice admits persons of all castes into its fold. The Amarapura Nikaya adopted the same practice but soon broke up into thirty Vamsa, mainly on caste lines. Some of those sects have happily closed ranks with the result that there are now only twenty-two sections in the Nikaya.
The Siyam Nikaya has six sects. All of them follow a rule that ONLY persons of the Govigama caste can be enrolled in any of them. The Sinhala Sangha pay a high regard to the caste system in spite of the strong condemnation of the system by the Buddha.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2017
When Tamil Nadu lost its control under Kalapirar, the exchange of culture, immigration and trade stopped between them and Ceylon. This created the calm the pot needed to ferment a new deviation a culture that did not align with TN, to happen. That is not any historical abnormal revolution, but a normal evolution. Any hate sowed by Mahanama is what he brought from Tamil Nadu’s religious turmoils of that time. The violent monks who set fire at start of it, but latter ran out for life, sought refuge in Ceylon. When the child Sampanthar went to convert Pandya king back to Hinduism, Queen Mangayarkarasi was worried and used her influence to save him from murderous Monks. But they followed him to his place and burned him alive in his wedding ceremony with his bride. Part of these violent Monks settled in Ceylon, fed the stories to Mahanama to conceive and deliver such an ultimately hate literature. Appar and Sampanthar had sung about the Hindu environment existed in Ketheeswaram and Koonamalai, West and east of the country, just before Mahanama had started his poetical works.
My trouble is not Theesan is a Tamil King; but what Mahanama has said as the religion of Gemunu. I know when Mahanama was mentioning the 32 Tamil Kings in the south of Anuradhapura, his hate minds was allocating them to Hinduism. He could not deny the South was exclusively a Hindu land. But he convulsed to make Gemunu as a Buddhist King out of the then, existed legends. So he created joke in all epics that Gemunu went to Hindu Kathirkamam to get the sword from Lord Murugan to destroy the Hindus.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2017
Is this something like Old, New Kings and Ranil going to Malayalee Sabrimalaiyaan and Telugu Ezhumalaiyan (They too Tamil Nadu’s temples, purposefully taken out by Indian government) offering the coffee cup and obtaining boons to destroy TNA Sampanthar and thus the Tamils? There are chances that Gemunu-Ellaria war was another Chera-Chola-Pandiya quarrel war. If it was a religious war, it was Gemunu, who an ordinary Hindu king took a war against Buddhist Ellala. Ellala who as per that time Asoka’s (latter days’) culture, he avoided a large scale war and let Gemunu have the Kingdom. After seeing how the Buddhist King was ruling his kingdom for 40 years, without war, full of justice and grace, Gemunu tuned into Ceylon Asoka. He quickly gave up his violent temptations to war, became pious Buddhist; started to develop agricultural structures and religious places for the peaceful life of the people. It is almost certain Gemunu was never a Buddhist until the war. Ellala would have been a Buddhist king because he had the Intelligent Bell in front of his Palace. This was an old Buddhist style justice, kings provide to subjects. That is why some are claiming Sipi or Manu were Buddhist Kings. Gemunu who was Hindu King, who wanted to wade off the newly spreading Buddhism before it reached the South of Ceylon, with the blessing of Kathirkamam Kanthan, won the war but became a Buddhist by the gracefulness shown by Ellala.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2017
I see two comedies shown by those who treat them as historians.
1). Tamils: These idiot Tamils historian go ahead and brag Ellala’s goodness as Tamils’ goodness and Gemunu’s waring mind as Sinhala Modayas’ brutalities. The sad part is, even those Modayas knows well most of them came from Tamil Nadu about two or three generation before, but these Tamils pretending to be they are not aware of it. Neither these Tamil historians are aware of how much the Old Chera-Chola-Pandiyas were warring within them, like Gemunu and Ellala, two Tamil kings wared between them. By their naïve, ignorance these idiot Tamils sling mud on the Tamil Hindu King Gemunu and brag beyond what Ellala deserves.
2). Past Western comedian: who wanted to uplift the bestiality pleasure of Mahanama as the holy Kshatriya Brahminical work, interpret the Lion – Woman sex part as “the princes did not sleep with a lion; of course you know, he knows that doesn’t happen; but she married to King brave like a lion that is why the holy poet wrote like that” . Comedy Thamai -my gad son! Isn’t those Westerners wrote the Animal Basha, Sinhala as Aryan Basha and the cute little Dravidic Sinhala beauties as Aryan Girls? Tell me something, what kind of similarities these early invaded Europeans saw in Sinhalese and North Indian Aryans, other than these days they are playing cricket and watching Hindi movies, but could not see the Puttu and Iddiappam they both were eating?
sach / December 10, 2017
Tamil Hindu King Gemunu…..when you thought Tamils cant be more stupid…..
Mallaiyuran / December 11, 2017
After I named our blood brothers as “Sinhala Modayas”.
At the start Amare could not convince me. I thought his number 79 is not Tamils but it is for Sinhalese and for him, personally, it is only -79. But eventually i am convinced its all the same that is 79.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 13, 2017
Sach- Gemunu of the south was the surrogate son of kakvan Teesan. his actual father was Budhist Priest, who was roasted in an oil tub for seducing a King’s daughter.- Vihara Maha Devi
wannihami / December 9, 2017
Wiggy dear is losing his marbles so to speak. If all in Sri Lanka were Tamil speaking to start with how and why another language, i.e. Sinhala evolved in such a small geographical area? Wiggy’s arguments are hilarious, comedic, and plain stupid!
Ranjan Fernando / December 10, 2017
Wanni Hami,
I can see that Your peanut brain couldn’t comprehend the lucid explanation given by learned C.V. Tamil language was a well established regional language since 4000 yers ago when the mutual Sangam was in full flow having published so many written works. Therefore it’s no surprise that Tamil language would have been the written language of administration in all the kingdoms both in South India and srilanka. When the Buddhist literature arrived with the priests from India they were all in written Pali, while the priests spoke Prakrit.
Therefore as the religion established a hybrid language was required to link the followers to the Priests. That is how Sinhala language began to develop. Initially it was only a spoken tongue from around 600AD and took another 300years to reach written form. The first written works in Sinhala are dated from 900AD! This is why Sinhala language is a hybrid with more than 30% Tamil words and rest from Indoaryan base.
sach / December 10, 2017
check the links i gave. It says English and Korean also originated from Tamil and Tamil is infact 500000 years old. pretty old ah
Sinhala inscriptions are found from 3 BC
Native Vedda / December 9, 2017
“If all in Sri Lanka were Tamil speaking to start with how and why another language”
Do we know how Australia, Canada, USA (thousands of miles away from England) became English speaking and South America mostly Spanish speaking (again thousands of miles away from spain) except Brazil a Portuguese speaking, ………………….?
How deep is your knowledge of linguistics?
If you claim yourself a linguist you would have heard of “language replacement”. Since you are not there is no point explaining how language replacement works.
Eusense / December 10, 2017
stupid vedda,
Stop confirming your stupidity!
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 15, 2017
Shenali – now you have come out with your right name.Thanks.
Why should the Tamils embrace Sinhalese? Let the Tamil be as they are let the Sinhala be as they are. Marriages are encouraged.
Shenali do you know that they have discovered a crack running from Matale to Trincomalee. They day it extends to Colombo – straight line mind you_ you would not have to worry about Tamils in the North.Tbe crack was supposed to have been commented on by Prof Vithanage of Peradeniya University when he warned JRJ not to proceed with the massive Victoria project but to concentrate on smaller projects. Uma Oya project had produced the proof that our soil beneath is not solid but very weak. Best wishes for you concieved Sinhala empire.
Upali Wickramasinghe / December 15, 2017
Eusense: There is evidence that Indians- I did not say Tamils- had migrated to Australia centuries ago.How that was done is not explained.
The so called Adam’s bridge is man made. How it lasted this long having been made out of rock and timber cannot be explained by me.
wannihami / December 11, 2017
I see, so just as well developed languages like English and Spanish replaced the primitive dialects of the North and South American Natives, Sinhala replaced Tamil? Dear me, aren’t you shooting yourself in the foot!
tamil mooda choon / December 9, 2017
Devanampiya Tissa’s father is Muta Siva not motha sivan. Sinhalese fore fathers came from north India where Siva worship started. They had knowledge about vedas also. In earliest epigraphic records in Sri lanka has vedic names. Siva worship & Hinduism not alien to them. So not a surprise to have Brahmin temples. Buddagosha Thero traslated tripitakaya into Pali from Sinhala. This Thero stated sinhalese as manoramya language.
This man says somebody has gone to south india from SL to write poems. But here they did’nt write even a lalabye until 10AD. Nothing built by tamils but brought destruction throughout history to SL
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
Oh really! Whom are you trying to fool with your lies and stupid tales. Worshiping of Siva and Saivaism is associated with Tamils and not North Indians . He is a Tamil Dravidian supreme god. The one and only supreme being all the others are demi gods or minor gods. This is what Saivaism and Saiva Siddantha teaches us. To Tamil Saivites. like us Lord Siva or Sivan is the only supreme being . North Indians do not believe in this. They believe in a pantheon of gods. There are millions of North Indian Saivites , the remanents of the ancient Tamil Dravidian civilization that existed in the north of country with many important Saivite cities like Rishikesh Kasi but North Indians were never associated with Siva or Saivaism . It is always associated with Tamils .as it is their religion and their supreme god. Sivan or Eesan meaning the one who gives or provides. The same root word for Esua Esa or Jesus. The god that the original Tamils( Dravidian) brought from their ancient eastern Mediterranean homeland to the Indian subcontinent. The ancestors of the Sinhalese area not North Indians but Dravidian Tamils even their DNA proves this 70% Indian Tamil. The so called North Indian origin is blown as the Sri Lankan Tamils have marginally higher North Indian ancestry 28-30% compared to the Sinhalese 25% Maximum. Proving North Indian migration never triggered the formation of the Sinhalese but the large scale conversion to Buddhism by the Tamil Yakka peasants living in the south of the island. As for the Tamil word Mootha Muthiyan meaning elder or venerated it is still used as a title by the Sinhalese especially the Kandyans. Mudiyansalage. Meaning from the house of the elder or venerated one.
Prasad / December 10, 2017
Mooda Choon,
The Mahavamsa talks about Buddhaghosa and his work but it does not say anything about ‘Sinhala’ and none of the 5th century artifacts/inscriptions say anything about ‘Sinhala’. At least something of this sort could have been inscribed somewhere in Anuradapura in one of those cave temples where the Buddhaghosa and the Mahavihara monks were residing. What is found today as a commentary (prologue) on the beginning pages of the Visuddhimagga cannot be trusted. The commentary must be the work of some Buddhist monks (definitely with ulterior motive) at a much later stage.
Now the question is: If Buddhaghosa had actually translated the Tripitakaya into Pali from Sinhala, what happened to the original text in Sihalabhasa? If it was preserved for centuries until Buddhaghosa came to Anuradapura, they could have easily continued to preserve it for the Sinhala nation of Sihaladipa. Did Buddhaghosa destroy the Sinhala version after he translated it to Pali? Now, if Buddhaghosa says that it is written in Sihalabhasa for the benefit of the island-inhabitants, then after translating it into Pali, Buddhaghosa or the Mahaviharic Bikkus has committed a crime by depriving the Sinhala nation from reading the Buddhist scriptures in their own Sinhala language. In a land where all the ancient Buddhist artifacts are being preserved for millenniums by the Monks and the Kings, why such an important thing has not been kept safely?
sach / December 10, 2017
Mahavamsa mentions the name ‘Sinhala’, Mahavamsa says that Sinhala atta katha was used for compiling Mahavamsa and yes it says Buddhagosha destroyed Sinhala atuva which is a crime.
Small history lesson
Buddhagosa is not known for translating the Tripitaka to Pali, there were Pali Tripitaka in SL. He is known for writing Wisuddi Magga. You are not knowledgable on SL history right?
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
“Mahavamsa mentions the name ‘Sinhala’”
Could you cite the name of the translator, ……………… page no, year of publication, publisher, …………
I wonder why these History books were written in Pali and not in Sinhala.
wannihami / December 11, 2017
Just as in Europe many scholarly works were written in Latin and not in English, French or German. You must know that mate!
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
“Just as in Europe many scholarly works were written in Latin and not in English, French or German. You must know that mate!”
You may not know this, the Chinese Admiral Zheng He erected a stone tablet inscriptions in three languages, Chinese, Tamil and Persian.
Why didn’t he inscribe in Sinhala language?
Prasad / December 15, 2017
Looks like you do not have even basic knowledge in SL history. Where did Mahavamsa say about Sinhala Atta Katha and where did it say Buddhagosa destroyed Sinhala Atuva? Do not talk nonsense if you do not know.
There is a commentary to Mahavamsa written in Pali by an unknown Buddhist monk in the 13th century AD known as the ‘Tika’ or Vansatthappakasini to explain/interpret the verses in Mahavamsa. It is the Tika that talks about a mysterious “Sihala atthakatha” (collection of Sinhala verbal stories known as original source) that has disappeared after the Mahavamsa was written, the main reason for calling the Pali chronicle of the Mahavihara as the chronicle of the Sinhalese. Very strangely, most of the mythical/supernatural stories from the so called ‘Sihala Atthakatha Vamsa texts’ are very similar to those found in the Indian Epics and Puranas such as the Mahabaratha/Ramayana written in Sanskrit. Looks like the Mahavamsa author was well versed with the Indian Sanskrit texts when he compiled the the Mahavamsa. Ultimately, the Mahavamsa has transformed the Buddha into a special patron of Sinhala-Buddhism, an ethnic religion created in Sri Lanka.
Eusense / December 10, 2017
So, why is this idiot writing all this?
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
Bloody Nuicanse
“stupid vedda,
Stop confirming your stupidity!”
Where is your padikkama?
sach is still looking for it.
Hang on, don’t throw up until HLD M spares one for you.
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
Bloody Nuisance
“So, why is this idiot writing all this?”
Prasad was responding to Mooda Choon. Did the hat fit you well or you could’t stop throwing up? By the way sach is still looking for your padikkama.
Jey / December 10, 2017
It is an irony that all Sri Lankan are only interested in the past. Who cares who ruled whom? This simply driving with the driver always looking at the rear mirror. What happens! Crash every times.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
The reason is Sinhalese have been hoodwinking the world with a book called Mahavamsa that is part history but largely myth lies and fairy tale full of anti Tamil anti Hindu and anti Indian hatred to claim that the island is theirs only and the Tamils are outsiders which far from the truth . The gullible westerners Indians and the rest of the world believed this lie and misinformation and turned a blind eye when the Sinhalese using this fake history as evidence and truth started to discriminate murder and commit genocide on the island’s Tamils as they thought the true sons of the soil were murdering outsiders. Now only they are realising this is not the truth. What happens in the future is based on what happened in the past. The brain washed Sinhalese and the gullible world must be told the real history of the island , for the Tamils to gain their just rights in their own land. They are not outsiders but have far older history in the island than the Sinhalese and most of the present day Sinhalese are descended from them. It is the Tamil language and culture that contributed most to Sinhalese language and culture and gave birth to it. Understood. When Mahavamsa was written it was not for historical accuracy but to praise Buddhism and the Buddhism kings and kingdoms in the south of the island. Many of these Buddhist kings were Tamils either local Naga or South Indian. understand
Champa / December 10, 2017
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma
Not only our Great Chronicle”Mahavamsa”, but also “Chulawamsa”, “Deepawamsa”, “Rajavaliya”, “Poojavaliya”, “Sihalavattu Puranaya”, “Vishuddhi Marga” are not just books. They are ancillary records and historical manuscripts of the Sinhalese nation.
Enviously condemning our history and the great chronicles don’t take you anywhere.
Alright, name any Great Chronicle of Tamils. Don’t be shy.
Tamils are the world’s most successful liars. LTTE’s Tamil Eelam was orchestrated and planted by well planned lies presented to the world and their own younger generation. As Sinhalese never took interest in boasting about them, or even talk, all lies by Tamils were accepted as truth. There is no Tamil Homeland in Sri Lanka. They are only descendents of Cholas. If there is anything in Tamils, they are the works of Cholas.
James / December 11, 2017
The Mahavamsa that we have today which was first translated from Pali to English (before it was translated to Sinhala) by George Turner (an officer of the Ceylon Civil Service) in 1837 and later translated into Sinhala in 1883 by Ven. Hikkaduwe Sumangala thero (aka Don Niculas Gunawardhana) and Don Andris de Silva Batuvantudave is not the original Pali Chronicle but a re-fabricated and re-written copy. Later, this misrepresented Mahavamsa was translated to German by Wilhelm Geiger in 1912.
The start of the historical misrepresentation (twisting of the actual history and adding Myths) begins with the arrival of the Siamese Buddhist sects that were brought from Siam (present day Thailand), 250 years ago. The Mahavamsa was re-fabricated and re-written by these Buddhist monks (Siam sect) who succeeded in misrepresenting the Pandyan/Tamil foundations of Sri Lankan civilisation as Sinhalese. Today the twisted history along with the myths has become the truth and the Sinhalese believe it as gospel. If anybody tries to undo the twist (after enormous amount of new discoveries) he/she will be considered an Anti-SinhalaBuddhist unpatriotic traitor.
sach / December 10, 2017
Sinhalese are NOT anti Hindu, infact Mahabharata talks about we Sinhalese while forgetting the Tamils.
Sinhalese are NOT anti Indian, infact India supported in massacring LTTE
Then why do you use Mahavamsa? Why does S.Pathmanathan of Jaffna university depend on Mahavamsa to write his books?
There were no Naga tamils, idiots, the invaders were south indian. There was no one called Tamil then
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
“Sinhalese are NOT anti Hindu, infact Mahabharata talks about we Sinhalese while forgetting the Tamils.”
Could you cite reference. Name of the Book, Name of Author, Chapter, Page and line No, Name and details of publisher, Year of Publication, ……………..
I agree Sinhalese are not anti Hindu as you very well know their culture is partly based on Indian & Hindu culture. Only the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists (you) have been anti Hindu/Indians.
“Then why do you use Mahavamsa? Why does S.Pathmanathan of Jaffna university depend on Mahavamsa to write his books?”
“There were no Naga tamils, idiots, the invaders were south indian. There was no one called Tamil then”
Could you cite your evidence.
Butt hurt Mahanama must have hidden all the Tamils inside his Amude.
Shenal / December 11, 2017
Native Veddha,
From now on you have to bring back source materials for what you say. Otherwise we consider them to be garbage. Agree?
mooda tamil choon / December 10, 2017
Siva is a sanskrit name it appears first in Rigveda which is the oldest veda text (1700- 1100 BC)
Do tamils composed rigveda & used sanskrist bofore they become tamils
Prasad / December 10, 2017
During the early historic period (6th century BC to 3rd century AD), Lanka/ilankai (as first mentioned in the Ramayana) was a part of South India separated by a shallow sea and was only a walking distance before the sea levels rose. Even today, one of the ancient bridges that was linking South India to Sri Lanka can be seen in the NASA shuttle images. During that period, irrespective of whether they were Yakkhas, Nagas, or any others, all these tribes were Saivaite Dravidians (devotees of Lord Siva, Saivaism is a sect of Hinduism/Brahmanism prevalent in Sri Lanka before Buddhism). The Naga tribe not only lived in both Sri Lanka and South India but they were also moving back and forth between Sri Lanka and South India. All the ancient rulers of Sri Lanka before the arrival of Buddhism were also Saivaites (followers of Saiva Siddhantam).
The Pali chronicles leave us in no doubt that the worship of Siva was prevalent in Anuradhapura and elsewhere in the island. The numerous occurrences of the personal name Siva in the Pali chronicles and in the early Brahmi inscriptions also support this. As per Ramayana, even the Yaksha king Ravana was believed to be a Dravidian chieftain and a strong devotee of Lord Siva.
During the early period (before Buddhism), the Island of Sri Lanka was not a Dhamma Deepa of Buddha but a Siva Bhoomi (Land of Siva). As confirmed by Dr. Paul E. Pieris, in the ‘five corners’ of the island Lanka, there were five ancient historical Ishwaram temples of Lord Siva (Nuguleswaram, Munneswaram, Koneswaram, Tondeswaram, and Katheeswaram). Sri Pada/Adam’s Peak was originally known as Sivanolipatha Malai (sacred footprint of Siva). Even today, if they dig/excavate deep in any part of Sri Lanka, the archeology department could find Statues of Lord Siva, some of them that were already found are kept in museums while many got disappeared/lost.
sach / December 10, 2017
Sri Lanka and India were geographically joined 7000 years before. There is no Ilankai, only Lanka exists, it is simply Tamil is not developed enough so you cannot pronounce the name.
Probably the people who lived in SL came from South India during pre historic times, before SL and Ind separated. But there was NO Tamil then. The oldest Tamil inscription belongs to 3 BC.
There is NO enough evidence to suggest there was saivism in SL. The evidences suggest it was Animism that was prevalent before the adoption of Buddhism. It is apparent in Sinhala Shanthikarma and devil dancing
The pre historic humans ( Whether anyone call them Nagas or Yakkas) they absorbed anyone coming from India as immigrants and developed into Sinhalese race. The history of Sinhala language proves it. Linguistic experts themselves suggest strong evidence of a non Dravidian and non Aryan influence in Sinhala.
If any there were Tamils here or any Tamil civilization, they must have left behind any evidence for their existence. No archeological evidence from SL, no chronicles in SL, no sources from India ( even TN) and no sources from China, to Siam help the claim that there existed a Tamil civilization.
Even Tamil historian K.Indrapala said Tamil settlements started in SL after 13 AD.
Which Pali chronicle talks about prevalent Siva worship in SL? The Pali chronicles do not help such a claim.
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
sach the stupid:
“Even Tamil historian K.Indrapala said Tamil settlements started in SL after 13 AD.”
When did he say this? Did you really read whatever he had written? Did you read his books published in the past 10 years? Have you read any publication on latest archaeological discoveries through out the island? What did the Indian’s discover in Pomparippu?
What do you know about Indian Nagas?
“Linguistic experts themselves suggest strong evidence of a non Dravidian and non Aryan influence in Sinhala.”
Please name these linguists and the details of their research papers.
“Which Pali chronicle talks about prevalent Siva worship in SL?”
Pingala saritha, Pingala Muni.
sach / December 10, 2017
Where is Siva mentioned in Brahmi inscriptions? You meen Mutaseeva?
I can say again and again there is NO proper evidence to show that Siva worship was prevalent in pre Buddhist Sri Lanka. In fact there was not much organized religion. It was animistic religions.
The eashwarams are kovils built by trading communities around ports. Just check every eashwaram is close to a port and not in the interior. Why? Because it is built by trading communities. The eashwarams are NOT that old. They have recent Hindu architecture from South India.
Where does it mention that Adam’s peak is Sivanoli Padam? Which source says that? But Sri Lankan sources like Chulavamsa says King Vijayabahu renovated the Buddhist temple in Sri Pada.
Where do we find siva status so frequently in SL? It is Buddha statues we find abundantly and not any Siva statue. I have no issue with Siva worship. But this is pure invention of history. Siva worship came to SL after chola rule.
James / December 11, 2017
The names Muta-Siva (elder Siva), Maha-Siva (big Siva) and Giri-KandaSiva (KandaSamy) have very clear meaning in Tamil. If you are saying they are Sinhala names, could you please give us the Sinhala meaning of these names?
Please go to google and look for Kings & Rulers of Sri Lanka or refer to the Mahavamsa on-line. You will find Pandiya/Sivaite names such as PanduVasa (PanduVasudeva), PanduKabhaya, MutaSiva, MahaSiva, GiriKandaSiva and so on. Pandu is the Sanskrit name for Pandya. It was only after the introduction of Buddhism, they became Buddhists.
James / December 11, 2017
Not only Sinhalese & Tamils but even Veddas visit the ancient Katharagama Hindu temple to worship the Katharagama God Murukan. Murugan is the main deity at Katharagama. If Murugan entered the Katharagama devale recently, then who was there before that when Dutugemunu went to worship the Katharagama God? BUDDHA??? Why did the Sinhala-Buddhists replace Buddha with Murugan?
Go and find out from the archaeologists (who tested using carbon dating), how old is the Hindu Konesweram temple in Trincomalee. Go and find out how old is the Hindu Munnesweram temple in Chilaw. Go and find out how old is the Hindu Nakulesweram temple in Jaffna. Haven’t you read what Dr. Paul E Peris said about the 5 ancient Esweram temple in Sri Lanka?
I have seen enough of Sinhala-Modayas but you seem to be one of the top Modayas. That is why Anagarika Dharmapala used to call the Sinhalese ‘Sinhalaya, Wal Aliya, Gon Thadiya’.
Taraki / December 12, 2017
James, your Sinhala language classes are paying off. Well done.
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
mooda tamil choon
“Do tamils composed rigveda & used sanskrist bofore they become tamils”
Everything comes from India. Not Sri Lanka.
Do you suspect the Sinhala/Buddhists composed it and passed it on to the Rig Vedic cultural zone? Please verify it with the public racist Patali Champika Ranawaka who believes in lot of things pertaining to Sinhala/Buddhist ancient history.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 10, 2017
Shiva is the Sanskrit name for the ancient Tamil/Dravidian supreme god Siva or Sivan. Worshipping of Siva and Saivaism existed long before the arrival of Indo European speakers to the subcontinents. Later the Indo European speakers started to incorporate Dravidian gods and started to Sanskritise their names and similarly Dravidians started to accept Aryan gods and deities. That RIgveda composed poems about Lord Siva does not mean he of Aryan origin or Tamil literature composed poems about the Aryan war god Indra does not mean he is Dravidian. When the Aryan and Dravidian culture merged intermingled and their populations also intermarried so did their gods. North Indians worship Dravindian gods and Dravidians worship Aryan gods. Despite all this :Lord Siva is essentially at Tamil/Dravidian supreme god. and to Tamil Saivites he is the one and only supreme god . All other gods are just minor . . North Indians never worship him in this manner ,he is not the one and only supreme god but a major god in their Hindu Pantheon. The irony is in modern India even in the so called Aryan north the so called Aryan gods are hardly worshiped or just considered minor. It is the gods of the Dravidian/Munda masses who reign supreme. Lord Siva and the female version Sakti/ Parvati / Kali/Kammachchi/ Meenakshi, Vishnu Ganesha or Pillayar. Murugan or Hirthik or Karthik. Aryan gods like Indra Brahma Lakshmi Saraswathi have al l become minor gods. and hardly any temples to them. Just because Rigveda composed poems in Sanskrit about Lord Siva or Shiva does not negate the ancient Tamil/Dravidian origin.
Native Vedda / December 10, 2017
“During the early historic period (6th century BC to 3rd century AD), Lanka/ilankai (as first mentioned in the Ramayana) was a part of South India separated by a shallow sea and was only a walking distance before the sea levels rose.”
Could you cite your source other than Wikipedia.
I am interested only in the distance between this island and Southern coast of India around 1000 BC, 500 BC, 500 AD,….
Prasad / December 11, 2017
According to modern archeological findings, Sri Lanka was connected to the Indian subcontinent for the past one million years up to as recently as only 7,000 years. During this vast period, says the famous Archeologist Dr. Shiran Deraniyagala, (Indigenous Lanka conference), many hundreds of nomadic groups of adivasis or indigenous people must have walked across what is now the shallow Palk Strait to engage in subsistence hunting and gathering activities. Iron Age peoples, by comparison, seen to have settled here about 800-1000 B. C.
tamil mooda choon / December 10, 2017
If something connected to Siva in SL, tamils get a mooda choon as if they own it. Lord Buddha’s parents were also Hindus. Most of Indians( not only tamils) are Hindus irrespective of their language variations. In fact Tamils are destroyers of SL since the dawn of history but they are talking high without doing anything constructive. No archaeological monuments no literature & no tamil epygraphy until Chola conquest in 10AD inSL. By twisting names they try to build a history. It is not a suprise as they say they build Creet civilization, Sumarian, Indus Valley Sri lankan etc.
Lankan / December 10, 2017
All these theories should be of interest to historians and the like. But as usual the stupid masses are slinging mud at each other about who came first and what not..bloody nonsense!
sach / December 10, 2017
My comments are based on historical research and I can back them up with proper history sources. Many tamils here do not know how to differentiate between Parakramabahu the 6th and Parakramabahu the first.
tamil mooda choon / December 10, 2017
Real siva sankaran sharma
You accept then that north Indians also worshiped & worshiping Lord Shiva. So why can’t early immigrants from north India to SL & their descendance to have names like Shiva & have knowledge on Hinduism. They used vedic names & used Prakrit language. It indicates that there were some kind of North Indian immigration.
Mallaiyuran / December 11, 2017
Let me tell few side points, before we get into this name conflict. It is not my word, it is the research finding. Buddhism did not exist until 150 year after death of Buddha, the Prince Siddhartha. Buddha was born as Hindu, lived as Hindu died as Hindu. Buddha never established a religion. All what he did was, he reformed the Aryanized Dravidic Hinduism. The name Buddha itself was used by Garuda Purana to denote Shiva, just few centuries of his birth. He is treated as an Avatar of Krishna (, who in turn a Dravidian King, prayed by Aryan – North Indian -as their god). Buddha’s yoga posture is only Greek styled Lord Pasupathi (Original Shiva)’s Indus Valley platelet’s art work. All Prince Siddhartha’s reforms are assimilated in Hinduism. (If I use “Hinduism” you will be confused, but I have no other option. But as and when you keep reading the Dravidian-Aryan conflicts, Birth of Classical Sanskrit, Birth of Rig- Other three Vedas are not in this- Only Rig – you will understand how wrong to use the word Hinduism here.) Rig Veda is in Classical Sanskrit. But it was adopted from the Dravidic Brahminical Philosophies. That is why it so different from the other three and so influential & powerful. Classical Sanskrit evolved from Indus Valley Tamil and the invaded, Indo Aryan Language. So the Philosophical content of Rig is Dravidian content. The war stories are loaded latter by Aryans, over 1000 years.
The Pancha Ishwaram Temples’ current structures are about 100 years old(, other than Tondeswaram). Previous massive structures were built by Kings, not by Traders. Sthala Puranas are very clear on those. It is not known in Hindu cultured Traders building temples wherever they go and trade. For my Knowledge, Buddhism is the first Eastern Religious attempted spread it; it also only starting from Asoka.
Mallaiyuran / December 11, 2017
Last point on the above is Kathirkamam. Its unique behavior is not available to any Hindu temple in the world, even in those much smaller in scale to Kathirkamam. It is said all Hindu temples, Tirupathi or Chidambaram or Nallur all started as Cult prayer places. The patterns of Aryanized Pooja introduced long after that. These days if a temple starts with Aryanized Pooja, it becomes common Hindu temple, not a cult prayer place. Kathirkamam is a place still in cult prayer practices. Before the Brahminical Pooja practices move that far to South, it moved into the Sinhala assimilation and it is more or less frozen from that point. It is a clear indication of the so called Sinhala Phenomena moved from Middle to South. South was pure Hindu region when Middle was evolving as Sinhala, by the influence of Pail and Sanskrit. Kathirkamam is a witness of Sangam Period (Southern India) Tamil Pooja Culture. Muruga was an exclusively Tamil Nadu God. Mantras for him were developed only as Skanda Poojas, not as Kanthaiya or Muruga. This about 1000-1500, years after North became aryanized Hinduism, which Prince Siddhartha reformed. My current understanding now is, reform was started, but nothing of those was any close to the massiveness Siddhartha did. You may have read I repeatedly writing here Thirunavukkarasar starting Bhakti Maraka, which wiped out Buddhism and Jainism from India. But we know Sampanthar was his contemporary and did the same thing. Formalizing and the contribution extent made Buddha and Thirunavukkarasar as the fathers of their day’s reforms. This brought to Life the Vedanta (a Hindu Philosophical division), meaning dead of Vedas or end of Vedas. (But you know Vedas never died – did not even loose the influence, but Vedanta become a famous philosophy).
Mallaiyuran / December 11, 2017
Now let’s go to the name controversy.
“Santosh” is considered as a Sanskrit word (no correct though). But as a name (Santosam), only Tamils takes it. Vegadesh is Sanskrit name. Again only Tamils take it. There are many Muslim and Christian names, which indicate the foreign nature of those religions, only used by Tamils. Siddi Lebbe or Yesudas are imitating their original Languages, but exclusively used by Tamil. So you cannot reassign Muthusivan, a pure Tamil name, to North Indians, even though they too are praying Shiva.
To get into Lord Siva, neither Shiv nor Shiva is Tamil names or the original name of the Lord. His name is Chivan- originated from Chivappu -red in color. When it was Sanskritized, it evolved as Shiv and Shiva. Still today it is written as Chivan in Tamil.
“Muthusivan” is un-split-table one unit Tamil name. There is no version as Muthu Siva. Mahavamsa used its own spelling. But a name with that spelling does not exist in Tamil or Sanskrit. Tamil has the name sounding “Mutthuchchivan”. If read through CV’s explanation, in and around India and Ceylon, a male name ending in “N” is Tamil culture name. “N” generates the masculine sense for that name. waran – Male, wari Female (Vikineswary is girls’ name), Devi- female, Devan-Male……
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 11, 2017
Sinhala Gona aka Shenal/Shenali do not try to twist history, North Indians also worship Siva and Tamils worship Vishnu , However more than 95% of the North Indian are not Saivites but Vaishnavites( worshipping Vishnu) . However more than 96% of the Tamil Hindus are Saivities because he is the ancient Tamil/Dravidian supreme god. Even Tamil Brahmins like me. The Saivite areas in the north of India are in the extreme north in Kashmir and Uttranchal and parts of Haryana and Jammu. Even there they do not worship Lord Siva as the only supreme god like the Tamil Saivites do. The so called North Indian ancestors as per the Mahavamsa fable never arrived from these parts of India the extreme north and North west regions of India which were part of the ancient Dravidian Indus valley civilisation. The ancestors of the mythical Vijaya are from the eastern parts or north east India where Lord Siva is hardly worshipped. Moreover the word Mootha Siva .Mootha Sivan/Mutha Sivan is a pure Tamil word and no north Indian will use it . So stop posting you lies and garbage . Sinhalese Gona aka Shenal/Shenali
Prasad / December 11, 2017
There was NO Buddhism in Sri Lanka until Emperor Asoka’s missionary monks led by Mahinda Thero converted the Saivaite Dravidian/Tamil King Muta Siva’s second son Tissa (brother of Maha Siva) to Buddhism in the 2nd century BC (Tissa/Tisa is the Buddhist name, his real Saiva name is not known. However, Thisan is a Sangam age Tamil name found in Keezhadi excavation). For accepting Buddhism, Emperor Asoka (who assumed the title Devanampiya Piyadasi which means “Beloved-of-the-Gods”) gave Tissa a similar title Devanampiya. Buddhism in Sri Lanka was actually a North Indian conspiracy organized by the North Indian Emperor Asoka and his son Mahinda with the support from the local stooge Tissa (second son of Saivaite King Muta Siva) who seized the Anuradapura throne (with Asoka’s support) which rightly belonged to his elder brother Abhaya (Apayan).
Following the king Devanampiya Tissa, a large number of Saivaite Dravidian tribes in the island embraced Asoka’s Buddhism, Aryanised/Prakritised their speech, learned to write using Asoka Bhrami script, adopted the Lion symbol (the Indian Lion which represents the accomplishment of Buddha) and the Dhamma Chakra (also called the Asoka Chakra), accepted the Asoka Buddhist culture and implemented Asoka’s technology to build Stupas, Chaityas, Viharas, Sangharama, and so on. The authors of the early Brahmi inscriptions in the island which are in the Pakrit language were almost certainly Buddhist monks (even the Buddhist Sangha in Tamil Nadu had used Pakrit/Pali language in preference to Tamil in their writings). These inscriptions mainly record the donation of caves to the Buddhist Sangha. The language of these inscriptions should not be assumed to be that of the common people.
Champa / December 11, 2017
What a balderdash.
According to Deepawamsa (written in 3-4 CE) which was actually the source material for Mahawamsa (written in 5 CE) Lord Buddha visited Sri Lanka 3 times. I have made so many comments about this, so I have no intention to repeat.
However, the non-Buddhists who do not believe should explain how could there be evidence of Lord Buddha’s visits to other countries such as the Kingdom of Arakan, who believed that Lord Buddha visited their King and left behind his image for them to worship and also the Kingdom of Thaton (Southeast of Burma) who worship Lord Buddha’s footprint and the Kingdom of Pagan (North of Burma).
According to “Thathanawin” (Sasanawamsa), the history of Buddhist Order of Burma, when the Burmese Merchants, Thapassu and Bhalluka of Okkala who happened to see Lord Buddha meditating at the foot of the tree had offered honey and rice cakes as Lord Buddha’s first alms giving (in the 8th week). When they later requested something to take back to Okkala (Rangoon), Lord Buddha had given them 8 pieces of hair and later the King of Okkala had built a pagoda enshrining sacred hair which is the biggest pagoda in the world – the Schwedagon Golden Pagoda.
The futile attempt of some Tamils, trying to change our history is hilarious!!!!
Prasad / December 11, 2017
Buddha NEVER went flying to any other countries or any far away places. He was preaching in and around Dambadiva (NorthEast India). Most of the time he was with his disciples and Ananda was always with him. The authentic Buddhist Scriptures (both Theravada and Mahayana) do not mention anywhere of Buddha’s visit or sermon in Lanka or any other places. A pot (Ganga) smoking, Kassippu drinking Hora Ganaya known as Ven. Mahanama was having several dreams about Buddha’s magical visit to Sri Lanka (not once but 3 times). Until today, even with the latest technology, not a single archeologist could find evidence to prove that Buddha visited Lanka. The problem is, Moda Sinhalayas are unable to differentiate between Myth and Truth. Tomorrow if another pot (Ganga) smoking, Kassippu drinking Hora Ganaya say Buddha was born in Lanka and went flying to Dambadiva, the Sinhalayas will believe it as gospel.
Champa / December 11, 2017
This comment of yours with full of malice shows who you are. Only thing you did in this forum was picking up words from somewhere or from other people’s comments or Wikipedia and fabricate your own narration to show that Tamils have an origin in this country. If anybody takes you serious, this comment shows exactly your motive. It is called KARMA. You proved by yourself of your typical Tamil malignity against Sinhalese especially Buddhists.
Isn’t it irony that, it was Mahawamsa which gave a description of Chola invasions and their period in Sri Lanka. Otherwise, Tamils have no other way to even prove that there were Chola Kings in Sri Lanka. Fools.
I am curious to know why Tamils believe certain sections in Mahawamsa to be true and other sections to be not true? How about a city called Alasandra, the city of Yonas (Iona – ancient Greek) mentioned in Mahawamsa? According to you, there was no Alasandra city?? Man, your denial makes you more stupid. And “Cinkalam” in Tamil literature?
Mahavamsa is not the only written record of Sinhalese. We have “Chulawamsa” “Dipawamsa” “Rajavaliya” “Poojavaliya” “Sinhalavaththu Puranaya”. How about them? The contents of all of them are not true? Sinhalese not only have ancillary historical records and stone inscriptions but also oral tradition, which is accepted internationally as evolution works of ethnohistory: eg: African, North American, Rome, Greece, Indian.
Lord Buddha said to have six higher knowledges, first 5 of which can be attained by anybody through Samadhi-high mental concentration: 1.Irdhi vidha (highpower mastery over body- appearing/disappearing/walking through water/flying through air) 2.Dibba sota (divine ear) 3.Ceto-pariya-gnana (telepathy) 4.Pubbe-nivāsanussrathi (ability to see past lives) 5.Dibba-cakkhu (divine eye) 6.Aasavakkhaya (ending all 4 cankers; Kamaasava, Bhavaasava, Ditthaasava, Avijjaasava. (300 words dead)
Prasad / December 12, 2017
I don’t believe in your Karma and in Buddha’s magic of flying, appearing/disappearing. Buddha was not a magician and he never performed any such miracles/magic. Go and tell these to some Konde Bendapu moda Sinhalayas.
Champa / December 12, 2017
Who said it is magic. Read properly. I said anybody can achieve through Samadhi – high mental concentration. Of course Lord Buddha talked about it. They are called as Abinna which can be attained through high level meditation and wisdom.
Rajash / December 11, 2017
Tamils are not trying to CHANGE history. They are putting RIGHT the history distorted by the Sinhala people. CHAMPA and SHENAL etc are in SELF DENIA
Prasad / December 11, 2017
However, after his conversion to Buddhism, Devanampiya Tissa’s proclamation that he was the Maharajah of Sri Lanka (with Asoka’s blessing and support) and his efforts to force the people of the country to accept Buddhism was rejected by the Vanni Chieftains (early historic Vanni Chieftaincies encompassed Vavuniya, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Ampara, Puttalam and Kathiragama hinterlands). They were strong devotees of Lord Siva who refused to accept Devanampiya Tissa as their overlord and resisted his effort to impose Buddhism on them. Saivaite Dravidian rivalry against Buddhism began in 177 BC during the reign of his youngest brother Sura Tissa. Two Saivaite Tamils, Sena and Kuttaka (Damila horse merchant’s sons, none of the Pali chronicles describe them as invaders) defeated Sura Tissa in battle and conquered Anuradhapura and ruled it for 22 years. Anuradhapura was under Saivaite Tamil threat for the next 149 years ending in 88 BC. Eight Saivaite Tamil kings ruled Anuradhapura for a total of 82 years during that period. The Mahavamsa does not call any of them invaders (other than Ellala). The history scholars who studied/analyzed the Pali chronicles and the historical records in Tamil Nadu for any reference to any invasion (either Chola or Pandyan) during the same period failed to find any evidence. They feel that these rulers were native Saivaite Dravidian/Tamil Vanni chieftains who rebelled against the imposition of Buddhism. However, the chieftain who ruled Jaffna/Nagadeepa accepted Devanampiya Tissa’s overlordship and converted to Buddhism. Even though Mahavamsa says that Ellala was a Chola Prince, the folk drama popular among the native Tamils ‘Ellalan Koothu’ says that he was the son of Sena, one of the first native Tamil rulers of Anuradhapura. Even Dutugemunu had to conquer not just one Tamil Saivaite king (Ellala) but 32 Tamil chieftains around the Anuradhapura Kingdom. Pandara Vanniyan was known as one of the last native Saivaite Tamil Vanni chieftains who challenged the British rule. The Mahavamsa by trying to discredit those native Saivaite Tamils who rebelled against imposing Buddhism (by portraying them as foreign invaders) did only the opposite, it confirmed their existence as Tamil rulers/chieftains from ancient time.
Shenal / December 11, 2017
Where does it say that Vanni cheiftains rejected Buddhism and rebelled against it? There are no such records other than figments of your own imagination. We don’t need Mahavamsa’s recommendation for branding the usurpers as invaders. These are common sense.
Moreover, can you provide any evidence from the South Indian sources which describe this ancient Tamil Saivaite culture that flourished along side the Sinhalese culture as you are so fond of Tamil nadu historical records?
We cannot take folk stories as historical evidence whereas you rejected the Sinhala folk stories of Buddha visiting Sri Lanka in your earlier comment. Be honest about your opinions.
Bandara Vanniya was a Sinhalese. Why shamefully change his name to suit your agendas?
Prasad / December 11, 2017
Sena and Kuttaka and many others later were Vanni Chieftains. None of the history books call them usurpers or invaders. They were saivates who did not practice/propagate Buddhism. Tamil Nadu historical records during the same period proves that the Tamil kings of Sri Lanka were not invaders.
Not only Buddha visiting, everything else that you Sinhalese say is nothing but folk tales and fairy tales.
Bandara Vanniya??? LOL! You are talking about a Kandyan Sinhala Bandara. I am talking about the Saiviate Native Tamil Vanni Chieftain who challenge the British rule. He is Kulasegaram Vairamuthu Pandaravanniyan commonly known as PandaraVanniyan. Please do not confuse apples with oranges. Google for more information.
Shenal / December 11, 2017
There are no evidence to suggest Sena and Kuttika were Wanni cheifs. Moreover how can you brand these two “Horse Traders” the title of “Vanniyas” who ruled small patches of land in thick jungles? What type of horse trading could they have done in a thick jungle? The suffix of “Horse Traders” gives away Sena and Guttika to be at least the residents of royal capital but not residents of the jungle and having extensive foreign contacts.
Yeah right. All we Sinhalese says are fables but what Tamils are saying is true. How did you come to that conclusion?
What Bandara Vanniya is meant in Sinhalese is the Royal blooded person in the jungle. It fits perfects with the known history of the Sinhalese. But, the name you have given has no authentic background other than articles by LTTE sympathizer websites.
Native Vedda / December 11, 2017
Shenali the stupid
” All we Sinhalese says are fables but what Tamils are saying is true. How did you come to that conclusion?”
You got the wrong end of the stick.
Most people who are interested in history, anthropology, archaeology, sociology, …….. trust what Professors Gananath Obeysekere, R A L H Gunawardana, H L Seneviratne, Sudharsan Seneviratne, Nira Wickramasinghe, Sucharitha Gamlath, A W Guruge, Mahinda Deegalle, ……………………….. and hundred of thousands of other academics who wrote and published.
The problem is with the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists minority who churn out trash as academic work.
I suggest you leave history to the Sinhala experts not to the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists.
Prasad / December 13, 2017
The Historians who studied and analyzed the Tamil Nadu (Chola & Pandya) history records during the period when the Tamil kings Sena & Kuttika (237-215 BC) ruled Anuradapura could not find any connection/relationship between them and Tamil Nadu. Their father was a Sri Lankan horse merchant. How did these two native Tamils (without any military support from Chola/Pandya, even the Pali chronicles do not call them invaders) could rule the Anuradapura Kingdom for 22 years if they did not have any backing from the surrounding Vanni? The only other conclusion is that the people of Anuradapura kingdom during that period were also Tamils.
Shenal / December 13, 2017
Let’s assume that what you say is true. Then just because they didn’t find any Tamilnadu connection of Sena and Guttika means that they were Wanni chiefs or native Tamils. How can you be so naive?
Wanni was a thick forest. It was sparsely populated place. How do you suggest that these people could raise an army to overthrow the ruling monarch of Anuradhapura. They obviously had external support. That is why they could rule the country for 22 years. They were horse merchants for god sake. They should obviously have foreign contacts. They could easily hire mercenary troops to topple the Anuradhapura kingdom with ease as it had happened several times in Sri Lankan history.
Please also riddle me this. Why on earth did the Wanni people as you say were Tamils need to topple the royal seat which also as you say were Tamils? Why did the Wanni people chose the leadership of Sena and Guttika to overthrow their own people and then after 22 years overthrow the same people they have helped become new rulers?
Backlash / December 11, 2017
Thank you Justice Vigneswaran for laying down, with facts and figures, the real history of the now so-called Sinhalese and Tamil nations. Sinhala die-hards – women, men and even the neutrals – will argue the matter till the cows come home. The Sinhala-Tamil phenomenon is similar to that of the Sinhala-Tamil reality in the Negombo
region – migrant fisher communities who moved up and down the Coastal Sinhala and Tamil speaking regions, over the centuries, influenced by trade winds. In the interim, they inter-married. Some settled down permanently and even changed religions – relatively peacefully. The Sinhala Only Act played its divisive role in the mid-1960s. The Sinhalese went through a process as they did when the European colonisers arrived and enticed them to convert.
This is not peculiar to this island/country. It happened in many societies and countries. In Eastern Europe, the USA it is still happening. We will see this happening more as migrant Muslim communities throughout, hell bent on quick global islamisation, force other communities to forcibly convert (e.g. Egypt, the Maghreb)
One way out is education, tolerance, understanding and justice. The going will not be
smooth in all societies – but mankind will survive this phenomena unless climate change brings to end the current world. If this is to happen, I expect it will take time – decades or centuries. Meanwhile, man’s inherent survival capacity can come out with more effective and humane bodies like the UNO. Remember, the latter kept the world from world-wars for over 75 years for the first time between 1900-2000.
The other alternative is the next Crusade. Several European, South American and other countries fear this is inevitable. Has Trump arrived at the “right” time?
Lankan / December 11, 2017
Will never really know the origins of all you silly Sinhalese and Tamils..but can safely predict where you all are headed…to the gutter! what pathetic buffoons!
The writer CV is so unsuitable to hold his current position as well..
James / December 11, 2017
Some crocked Sinhala-Buddhist pseudo-Scholars and charlatans of the 20th century have injected into the heads of the ignorant gullible Sinhala-Buddhist majority that the North & East of Sri Lanka once belonged to the Sinhala-Buddhists. When they were asked for evidence, they showed either the old Tamil Buddhist sites as Sinhala Buddhist or due to the similarity between Tamil and Sinhala languages, they twist and turn the Tamil place names and create very similar Sinhala names to convince the ignorant gullible Sinhala Buddhist majority that the original names were in Sinhala which the Tamils have changed later. (Since the grammar and vocabulary of Tamil and Sinhala are so close with many common words, you can take a Tamil word/sentence and convert it to Sinhala with almost the same word order and meaning). When asked, from where they got those Sinhala names that they claim, is it from any old inscriptions or from any Pali chronicles, they will say they saw it in the Portuguese/Dutch maps where actually the names are misspelled/mispronounced because the Portuguese/Dutch did not have the proper phonemes to denote the voiced grapheme of Tamil/Sinhala languages.
If Sinhalese Buddhists were living in the North & East then why did they give their entire lands to the Tamils and move out from there? When and why did they do such a generous act? Or were they insane to simply pack their bags and go to the South leaving all their valuable lands to the newly arrived Tamils without any protest? If not, then what happened to all the Sinhalese in the North & East, did they all commit suicide?
SivaJothy / December 11, 2017
Culturally, the Tamils and the Sinhalese are very close, just like the Jews and the Arabs. Even the grammar and vocabulary of the Tamils and the Sinhalese are so close that you can take a Tamil/Sinhala sentence, and convert it to Sinhala/Tamil with almost the same word order, meaning, and with many common words (a good example is our national anthem). A Tamil can go to a Buddhist Temple and often find his/her own Gods. In the south too, we have shrines like Kathirkamam (Katharagama) and Thevanthurai (Devundara) where Tamils have lived from time immemorial.
SivaJothy / December 11, 2017
Sinhala-Buddhists are ardent worshippers of Hindu Gods from very early period. Even today, if we visit any Buddhist temple (including the Dalada Maligawa) in Sri Lanka, there is always a Hindu Devale/Shrine with Hindu Gods within the Buddhist temples. If you go to the Hindu temples like Kathirkamam (Katharagama), Thevanthurai (Devundara) and Muneshwaram, the Sinhala-Buddhist devotees outnumber the Hindu Tamils.
The strong hereditary Hindu element in Dutugemunu (present even today in all Sri Lankan Buddhists) made him a devotee of the Dravidian God Murukan at Katharagama. It is said in the Mahawamsa that Dutugemunu invoked the blessings of the God Murukan to endow him with strength to defeat King Elara in battle. The Mahawamsa also says there were Hindu temples for Lord Ishwera in Lanka from pre-Buddha times (623 B.C.) such as Nakulesweram in the North, Thirukketheesweram and Munnesweram in the West and Konesweram in the East. Hindu kovils in the deep south for Lord Murukan at Katharagama and for Lord Vishnu at Devi Nuwara still exist due to continued patronage by Sinhala-Buddhists.
Even today, the Sri Lankan Sinhala-Buddhist leaders such as Mahinda Rajapakse, Ranil Wickremesinghe and many others always make it a point visit the Hindu shrines in South India to hold pooja and worship Hindu gods.
It may not be incorrect to assume that in the hoary past, Lanka was, from North to South, East to West and the Central highlands the homeland of Dravidian Tamils of the Hindu faith. With the arrival of Asoka’s Buddhist missionary Arahat Mahinda, thousands of Dravidian Tamils of the Hindu faith embraced Buddhism. With the mixture of Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit languages, evolved the Sinhala language during 8 CE. Though many generations have rolled by, these converts (Sinhala-Buddhists) have not given up their Dravidian Tamil Hindu culture and practices. They still indulge in Hindu prayers and rituals.
Shenal / December 11, 2017
If you say Sinhalese created Sinhala names for existing Tamil names, can you please give me the Tamil meaning of the word “Walikkamma” and how it came to being.
Being Sinhalese my self it is pretty hard for me to follow Tamil grammar and vocabulary. But it is fairly easy to understand the grammar and vocabulary of the Hindi language. I don’t know how you deduce the fact that Sinhala and Tamil are very similar. I would have thanked you if you were my Tamil teacher back in the school days.
Sinhalese were forced out from the North and East by the destructive campaign of the Kalinga Magha. He was an invader Sri Lanka has never seen before. He acted as if he had a deep hatred with Sinhalese. Magha destroyed the traditional social fabric of the classical Sri Lankan kingdoms and forced Sinhalese people to seek refuge in the jungles.
Magha was also settled in Jaffna peninsula which had a strategic buffer of Wanni forests. It is safe to assume that carnage he had inflicted was so great that even he was unwilling to settle in the old royal capitals.
It was this power vaccum in the North Central Sri Lanka that saw the rise of Jaffna kingdom and isolation of Tamil people who got settled later.
James / December 12, 2017
Just because you are totally ignorant (and not interested) about the Tamil language (similar to most Sinhalese), that does not mean that the two languages are poles apart. Sinhala language is nothing but Prakrit/Sanskrit, Pali and Tamil (from North & South India). The Sinhala script was borrowed from the South Indian Grantha script (widely used between the sixth century and the 20th centuries by Malayalam/old Tamil speakers in South India).
Every linguist/language expert who analyzed the Sinhala language is calling it an Indo-Aryan language meaning a North Indian language (originally Prakrit made up of Sanskrit and Pali). Sinhala may have evolved in Sri Lanka but it did not originate in Sri Lanka, it originated from India (Prakrit). The Sinhala language experts are saying it is not only Indo-Aryan but also Dravidian (Tamil).
The Sinhala language Proessor J. B. Dissanayake in his book ‘Understanding the Sinhalese’ states, “Sinhala occupies a unique position among the languages of South Asia because of its close affinity with two of the major linguistic families of the Indian sub-continent, Indo-Aryan and Dravidian”.
The Sinhala scholar H. A. J. Hulugalle in his booklet ‘Information for Tourists’ says in the first paragraph on page one: “The Sinhalese are a mixed race, their language has been vastly enriched with words from the Tamil vocabulary”.
Sinhala language scholar Mudliyar W. F. Gunawardena says, “The science of examination of the structure of a sentence is called its grammar. The grammar of the Sinhala language is Dravidian”. He further said, “The structural foundation of Sinhala is Dravidian while the super-structure is Indo-Aryan”.
The Sinhala language expert Dr. C. E. Godakmubara says, “the Sinhala Grammar Sidathsangarawa was based on the Tamil Grammar Virasolium”.
According to the scholar Rev. S. Gnanapiragasam, “There are more than 4,000 Tamil words in the Sinhala vocabulary. If the Sinhala vocabulary is stripped of all the Tamil words there will be no Sinhala language”. Also refer,”The Dravidian Element in Sinhalese” by S. Gnanapiragasam.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
I have studied Tamil back in my school days. I didn’t find it easy to learn Tamil. If it was so close to Sinhalese then I wouldn’t have any trouble in learning it in nick of time. So, please don’t spill lies that Tamil is very similar to Sinhalese. It is not. Hindi is very similar to Sinhalese by the way.
Well, Prakit is not Sinhalese per say. It is the forerunner of the Sinhala language. It has nothing do with where Sinhala was originated. Sinhala language is originated in Sri Lanka. You don’t find any evidence to oppose that except the Mahavansa which ironically do not talk about any indigenous Tamil homeland. Please clarify first that you do believe in Mahavansa or not.
Sinhala has indeed borrowed many words from lot of other languages which has come to contact with it. This is a common practice through out the world. Take an example of the English language. It has lot of borrowed words from French and Latin. But that does not make English part of Latin language family, English is a Germanic language.
It is said that the Tamilization of Sinhala language occurred after the 14th century. Especially after the time King Rajasinghe the first.
James / December 12, 2017
It was the Indo-Aryan Prakrit along with Magadha/Pali and Dravidian Old Tamil that later developed into Sinhala in Sri Lanka. The origin of Sinhala is a hybrid of Prakrit, Pali and Tamil. Hindi is also an Indo-Aryan language coming from Sanskrit/Prakrit. Are you saying that all those Sinhala Scholars I have mentioned above are lying? It is not Tamilization of Sinhala, it was Sinhalization of Tamil.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
No the scholars are not wrong. They don’t say that Sinhalese originated in India. Even what you say is correct here. Sinhalese is a mix of many languages. It is how new language is born. There is nothing wrong with it. However, I do believe that Sinhalese had lesser influence of Tamil when the Sinhala language was in it’s inception stage. If their was Tamil influence just like when in Kotte and Kandyan kingdoms, Sinhalese would have mostly being similar to Tamil.
Sinhala_Man / December 12, 2017
“School-days” is too late to effortlessly absorb a second language. I speak as an (English) language teacher.
After the age of about 3 years (my unresearched guess, this is) learning an extra language is a laborious process for most. Some have an aptitude. My neighbour is fluent in more than five languages and can read another ten (e.g. Tolstoy’s War and Peace read by him in Russian, which is NOT one of his “fluent five”). He denies aptitude and claims hard work.
We had four Maldivian kids in our home when I was about eleven years old. Among themselves they chattered in Dhivehi, and there was a Maldivian Dhivehi teacher as well. In later life, I spent three full years (two spells) in the Maldives. Met all five again. The similarity of the two languages is obvious, but I don’t know Dhivehi. Maldivian kids wanted good English from me, and in the capital, Male, there was no pressing need to learn Dhivehi. Housemaids pick it up in next to no time. I sent my polyglot neighbour there for a full year (mostly in Male he was). He didn’t learn it, either. What for? – he asked.
My father’s Tangalle day pupil, Sinhalese Professor Vinnie Vitharna (two earned PhDs he has), spent time in the Maldives, and wrote his book “Sri Lankan-Maldives Affinities” – or something it is called. I own two copies, but haven’t really studied it. Now, THAT, is a scholarly work.
All of this can be interesting, but please don’t get emotional on this sort of subject. Haven’t enough of our people died because of this sort of talk?
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Dear Sinhala man,
It is indeed difficult to master a language in a school. But, according to the language specialists in CT, Sinhala is very much like Tamil. So basing on that fact I declared it should have been easy to learn Tamil for a person like me in a short period of time. Am I wrong?
James / December 12, 2017
Originally, the word ‘Singhala’ meant an inhabitant of Ilam irrespective of race. The early Sinhala people comprised, essentially Tamils with scarcely an appreciable admixture of Magadhi blood (Vijaya and the accompanying immigrants were said to be Magadhis from Magadha in North-East India). The dress of the early Sinhalese, their habits, customs and religion were those of the Tamils while their language was a hybrid of Tamil and Magadhi.
It is worth spending some time on the research carried out by Samuel Livingstone and published in his valuable book ‘The Sinhalese of Ceylon and the Aryan Theory’. Examining place names, Mr. Livingstone has found that the suffix ‘Gama’ in Sinhala place names corresponds to ‘Kamam’ (meaning cultivated land) in Tamil. Some Sinhala place names with this suffix are Ahangama; Weligama and Magama to name a few. The word Aham in Ahamgama means ‘inside’ in Tamil. The word Weli means outside in Tamil. So that Ahamgama is a village inside and Weligama is a village outside or in the open. Mahagama which is a shortened form of Maharagama means the large village.
The Sinhala word Goda or Gode corresponds with the Tamil word Kodu meaning peak or mountain. Examples are Veyangoda (possibly Vyalkudi – village in the middle of fields), Wattegoda (is possibly Wattakudi – a circular village), Ambalangoda (is possibly Ambalamkudi – a village where there is an Ambalam or village hall).
The Sinhala suffix Mulla corresponds with the Tamil Moolai – corner. The Sinhala suffix Pitiya corresponds with the Tamil Pitti – mound while the Sinhala suffix Pola corresponds with the Tamil Pallai – meaning fair or market, which is exactly what a Pola is.
This can go on ad infinitum but the readers get the general trend. Mr. Livingstone says that long before language was reduced to writing, people went on repeating words from sounds that they heard from the mouths of others and, according to the peculiar ways people spoke in different areas, consonants got interchanged in different ways.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Indeed the word Sinhala means all the people of the island. It does not specify one part of the community. But, stupid Sri Lankan leaders back in 50s thought otherwise and introduced a new name for the island just to appease Tamils.
Walikkamma is a tamilized village name of Sinhalese origin. In Sinhalese it is called Waligama and it has more meaning than what you have described “outside cultivated land”. How many outside cultivated lands might have been there? Is it a suitable term to localize a village? The same story goes with Kat pokkanari which is a Tamilized name for Sinhala term “Gal Pokuna”. Can you provide meaning of Kat pokkanari in Tamil?
SivaJothy / December 12, 2017
The biggest mistake that the people like Wilhelm Geiger, Senarat Paranavithana and many others who studied the ancient language of the Island in the 20th century did was, they only learned Prakrit, Pali, Sanskrit and Sinhala. They never bothered to learn Tamil (Old & new). The island of Lanka was believed to be a plural society (multi-ethnic) even during the ancient period. The interpretation would have been different if Wilhelm Geiger, Senarat Paranavithana, et al knew the Tamil language as well. Even today, the historians/archaeologists who analyse the island’s history are totally illiterate when it comes to Tamil but talk as if they are expert linguists. Even though there are enough Language scholars, etymologists, epigraphists, and archaeologists in the South Asian region, the research done until now on languages in this region is still at its early stages. There is a lot more research to be done to come to conclusions.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Do you think that highly intellectual people like Mr. Geiger and Mr. Paranawithana failed to look into the Tamil language which was readily spoke by some percentage of Sri Lankan? Do you think non of their contemporary peer reviewers also neglected to look into the Tamil connection? Their theses were published on multitude academic literature and many prominent archaelogists have reviewed them both in India and in England. So don’t spill hatred over these great arhchaeologist for doing their job right. It is not their fault that they came up with ideas that do not appease you.
No one in right mind believe that ancient Sri Lanka was multi-ethnic. These are just unproven hypothesis. Do not base your conclusions on these hollow facts. It has done some serious damage so far.
Prasad / December 15, 2017
Wilhelm Geiger was a Pali scholar from Germany who was only interested the Aryans and the Indo-Aryan languages. He was not at all interested in the Dravidians and the Tamil language.
Dr. Senerath Paranavitana, an Archaeological Commissioner, was a dominating figure in archaeology, epigraphy, and ancient history of Lanka for more than fifty years during the last century. For him, the Mahavamsa was like a holy book. Instead of giving primacy to archaeology and epigraphy, and supplementing his findings with material from the Mahavamsa, he was trying his best to interpret archaeology and epigraphy in the light of the Mahavamsa. His research was one sided (biased), beginning with the conclusion (Mahavamsa), he was only finding evidence to prove his conclusion. If the archaeological/epigraphical findings did not match the conclusion (Mahavamsa) he redefined/misinterpreted them using his own theories, assumptions, hypothesis and analogies to prove that the Mahavamsa was right.
Sinhala_Man / December 12, 2017
Please, Shenal,
Now, in 2017, after the politicians have got so many people murdered on this issue, don’t try to force a “Sinhjala” label on all Sri Lankan Tamils.
Please don’t force any label on to anyone. Le them paste labels on themselves. You can honestly (and without using all sorts of inducements the way Christian Evangelists are now), try persuading them to accept anything. Guaranteed to fail!
Having made such a first class mess, let us try to fashion a fairer Constitution (Tamil friends, whatever the substance, don’t force the word “Federal” in to it!), let us investigate the end of the War (Tamils, don’t insist on punishment – it’s just politically impossible) so that we all know the horrible truths about what BOTH sides did. Let us all live in peace and harmony.
What to call every inhabitant of this island? Lankans would be ideal and rational. Sri Lankans, most likely. I’ve seen it said that “Sri” means “blessed”, and it’s a bit much asking the whole world to accede to that!
Don’t most countries have their local name, and another for International use? I mean: Espanol – Spain; Nippon – Japan; Helvetia – Switzerland; Bharat – India. So we can have “Ceylon” (helps to market our tea!) and “Lankan”. Well, “Lankika” in Sinhalese, what would be natural in Tamil? “Ilankika” probably.
Shenal, I think that you meant “Lankawa” was the name imposed on a country that was earlier called “Tri-Sinhale” – but was it acceptable to Tamils even then?
Now let them sing “Namo, namo . . .” lustily in Tamil. They were doing it apparently, until Wimal Weerawansa intervened. For which reason, don’t vote for the guy!
Yes, vote wisely, and non-chauvinistically. That request to both Sinhalese and Tamils. Wigneswaran, too, has talked rot on occasion, but this article has been good and has generated much healthy discussion – but we’ve got other things also to do!
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Sinhala man,
Why can’t Tamils identify themselves as Sinhalese? They have done it till 1972 without any objection. Their own inferiority complex has turned them in to some chauvinist racists.
No one is forcing anything on anyone. But, one should realize that their should be unity among the ethnicities. If one ethnicity cannot identify themselves with the common label just because their own world view doesn’t suite with the common label; they have serious issues with the coexistence of the fellow countrymen.
“Lanka” is a name given to the island where the Sinhalese resided. But, the actual name of the nation was “Sinhale” or Ceylon if you go by the English term. Tamils do not accept it because it doesn’t fit with their own origin story. That is non of the business of the rest of Sinhalese.
James / December 12, 2017
The process of coalescence, once happily commenced between the Tamil and Magadhi settlers, continued until it was interrupted by a religious commotion which took place in B.C. 307, when Buddhism was introduced and established in Ceylon; and the Tamils from the continent when they arrived, easily blended with the old settlers and were absorbed, so long as the old settlers followed Saivaism, now changed their character and became invaders. The Buddhist converts (i.e. the old residents) retained their old name, ‘Singhalese’, while the new comers and the adherents to the Original faith, Saivaism, were ranked as Damilas (Tamils).
The Buddhist monks, who had soon begun to change the Buddhist philosophy to a ‘religion’ of their own devising succeeded in their efforts to create a new religion out of the Buddhist philosophy and the Buddhist kings who ruled the island came under their grip. For example, Duttugemunu’s declaration, according to the Mahavamsa, before marching against Elara was, ‘I fight not for Dominion but for the sake of the religion of the Buddha’. One can see how the Buddhist Monks had succeeded in their efforts. It is said that while Duttugemunu was tormented by the countless deaths resulting from his battles, the Buddhist monks consoled him by assuring him that ‘If a person kills a person who is not a Buddhist, he has not killed a human being and therefore should have no remorse’. Even today, the Buddhist monks are following and doing exactly what they did 2000 years ago.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
It is highly scpetical to speculate that Before Buddhism there was Saivaite Tamils in Sri Lanka. It is safe to assume that the proto-Buddhist civilization adhered to more primitive pagan religions like what Veddha people practice today.
If there was Saivaism before Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Sinhalese were much more accustomed to it. There are no reason to elaborate the invaders as “Tamils”. The elaboration itself imply that the author of Mavahansa considered the invaders to be of different religion to the natives who are not accustomed to it.
Sinhala_Man / December 12, 2017
Dear Shenal,
Just as you speculate, I, who don’t know a word of Tamil, speculate differently – but as a Sinhalese.
I myself regard all religions to be founded on superstitions. Is there any validity in claiming that faith in One God is an advance on polytheisism? I have no idea. Chronologically monotheism came later.
The Buddha was a wise agnostic man – never visited Sri Lanka!
In that sense Saivism is more primitive, but the more sophisticated and intelligent Hindus have stopped being superstitious, and have begun to explain the religion as meaning that the other gods were manifestations of Siva.
The discussion generated by this article has been healthier than could have been predicted. My attempt at applying common sense may be a bot off the mark!
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Sinhala man,
Hinduism is the epitome of pagan stupidity. There is nothing more rational in Hinduism. No one can gain anything from worshiping some celestial being. Just as Buddha said you are your own salvation.
Rationalist / December 13, 2017
Shenal – You say – ‘Hinduism is the Epitome of Pagan Stupidity’
Then, Why are Sinhala Buddhist Monks and Sinhala/Buddhists practising Hinduism, and calling the Practice, Buddhism?
Sinhala/Buddhists worship the Bodhi Tree with Bodhi Poojas, and request the Granting of their Wishes, as if it was some ‘Celestial Being’!
Sinhala_Man / December 14, 2017
Dear Shenal,
I also find Hinduism very confusing; their pantheon resembles that of the ancient Greeks and the Romans, which I know a little better. The easiest religion for me to comprehend is Islam. That may be why it is growing so fast. I don’t believe that there is much much of value in any of these eschatologies, but they may contain certain moral truths, and they may have practical uses.
What I have said may offend Muslims especially because of the content, but please note that I have avoided using words that rouse negative emotive reactions. Couldn’t you have avoided using words like “pagan stupidity”?
Most of us are hoping that after years of strife there will be peace in this land. This cannot happen if you continue to spew hate words.
K.Anaga / December 12, 2017
Lord Buddha himself was born to HINDU Parents. I doubt whether he spoke about any Gods (Correct Me if wrong) I am inclined to believe he was an AGNOSTIC. He had his own thinking and that is followed by the Buddhists, but not by all those who call themselves Buddhists. I wonder why so many Hindu idols are found in Pansalas?
Shenal / December 12, 2017
K. Anga,
That is because people are inherently superstitious. Because there are no gods in Buddhism they have turned to the next best thing they have. Hinduism.
James / December 12, 2017
In the Dipavamsa, the term ‘Sinhala’ occurs only once, and in this cryptic verse it is stated that the Island was known as “Sinhala”. “Lanka dipo ayam ahu sihena sihalaiti.” Dipavamsa Ch. 9. VI. During that time, there was no Sinhala race in the island. All the inhabitants of the island irrespective of race/tribe were called the people of Sinhala (today Sri Lanka). In the epic Ramayana, the Island was known as Lanka.
However, in 5th-6th CE, the Mahavamsa author changed the term ‘Sinhala’ from country into a race by describing the Buddhists of the Island as ‘Sinhala’ (followers/descends of Vijaya). This is why those who did not accept Buddhism and the Indo-Aryan language (they became a threat to Buddhism) were branded as “Invaders” (obviously Tamils).
Due to his strong devotion to Buddhism and desire to consolidate and protect it in Sri Lanka, Ven. Mahanama may have done this. He converted the island ‘Sinhala’ into a Dammadeepa and called all the Buddhists of the island as ‘Sinhalese’ (Buddha’s chosen people who will sustain/protect Buddhism for the next 5000 years).
Shenal / December 12, 2017
There should be no confusion. Both the Dipavamsa and Mahavansa refers the inhabitants of the island as Sinhalese. There were no segregation of ethnicities. It is highly possible that the Tamil presence of Classical Sri Lankan kingdoms were very minimal and limited only to trading posts and the capital city. The tradition of naming the country Sinhale was even kept by the British as Ceylon and it was the official English name for the island until 1972.
The invaders were “Tamil” because all of them had came from South India but not from the Jaffna peninsula. If we assume that there were independent Tamil kingdom during the reign of King parakramabahu he would have massacred them all until the kingdom subjugated and it would have been well documented. If so, there wouldn’t have been a Jaffna kingdom after 13th century.
James / December 13, 2017
You are talking about the period when the country was known as Ilam/Sinhala where ‘Sinhala’ was a nation comprising of many different Dravidian tribes who were saivates before Buddhism was introduced. At that time the concept of race/ethnic group did not exist (no segregation). However, today the concept is different. Today, Sinhala has become one of the many ethnic groups of Sri Lankan nation.
According to Dr Shiran Deraniyagala’s archaeological findings, Sri Lanka was connected to the Indian sub-continent for the past one million years up to as recently as 7000 years. He says, many groups of indigenous people (tribes) must have walked across what is now the shallow Palk Strait. In other words, the ancient tribes mentioned in the Mahavamsa (Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Deva) that are also mentioned in the Mahabaratha as Indian tribes must have come from India.
The Tamils as ‘invaders’ was a myth created by the Mahavansa author.
James / December 13, 2017
The present day historian Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne says, “there is no mention of the word Sihala or Sinhala ethnicity in the thousand odd short inscriptions that come to us from this period, but on the contrary, a vast majority of the host of clan names and titles that we come across in these inscriptions only show affinities with the clans of the ancient Tamil country”.
Dameda is the most mentioned ethnic group in the ancient epigraphy of Sri Lanka as a section of its population. These inscriptions refer to the Dameda Vishaka (Tamil merchant), the Dameda Samana (Tamil householder), and Dameda Navika (Tamil sailor). There are enough of ancient archaeological evidence in Sri Lanka such as Brahmi stone inscriptions, cave writings, etc where the terms ‘Dameda’, ‘Damela’, ‘Damila’, ‘Demel’ are mentioned as a group of people living in the island. During Sena I ((833-853) and Kassapa IV (899-914), there are definite epigraphic reference to Tamil villages and lands, Demel-Kaballa (Tamil allotment), Demelat-valademin (Tamil lands), Demel-gam-bim (Tamil villages & lands), Demal-Kinigam, Demelin-hetihaya, etc.
The presence of Tamils in the island Sri Lanka in the early historic period is not denied even in the Pali chronicles.
Another question that arise is, the Mahavansa author who wrote the so called ‘Sinhala’ history says in his most celebrated Pali chronicle that, in 3rd Century BC, Arahant Mahinda who introduced Buddhism to the island preached the Dhamma to the inhabitants of the island in Deepa Bhaasa. Why didn’t Ven. Mahanama thero say Arahant Mahinda preached Dhamma to the inhabitants of the island in Sinhala Bhaasa? Doesn’t it prove that there was no such thing called ‘Sinhala Bhaasa’ during that period and that is why they wrote the chronicles in Pali Bhaasa that the Sinhalese can neither read nor understand?
Shenal / December 13, 2017
The prefix “Demada” refers to the people of foreign origins obviously in Tamilnadu. It doesn’t say that these people were from Jaffna or somewhere within the island. If so, the writer would have used a more exact term to name them rather than using a general term like “Demada”.
It is no secret that Tamils live among the Sinhalese people through out the history. Those written words are testaments for that. But it does not imply Tamils were living in separate independent kingdom in North and East.
Moreover, if it was indeed that the people of King Devanampiyatissa spoke Tamil; Mahanama thero wouldn’t be hesitated write it as “Demala Bhasa” instead of “Deepa bhasa”. The implication “Deepa bhasa” also suggest that not even Mahanama thero was aware of what ancient Sri Lankans spoke. We should give credit to him for being this honest.
James / December 14, 2017
The term ‘Demada’ does NOT refer to the people of foreign origin. Demada is the Prakrit equivalent of the Pali term ‘Damila’. Demada in the early inscriptions in Prakrit Brahmi and its equivalent Damila in the Pali chronicles denote an ethnic group of Sri Lanka as a section of its population in the historical period. (Refer Dr. K. Indrapala, The Evolution of an ethnic identity: The Tamils of Sri Lanka, page 4).
Even though the Tamils were living in many parts of the country such as Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa (a capital built by the Cholas), Padaviya, Kurunegala, Puttalam, Tissamaharama (where Tamil Brahmi potsherd inscription were found) and so on, it was only after the 12th century CE that the island became more divided politically and geographically between the two languages/religions with the Jaffna kingdom being established in the North East, closer to the Tamil mainland.
Shenal / December 13, 2017
How do you say before Buddhism was introduced Sri Lankan people were not segregated by them race or ethnicity? People during Buddha’s time was divided between themselves. How can we not conclude that it wasn’t the case in Sri Lanka? People should have been divided themselves in Sri Lanka by the time of the arrival of Buddhism. But collectively they were all known as Sinhalese just like today we call ourselves Sri Lankans.
It is indeed correct that humans arrived in Sri Lanka by the land bridge at Mannar. But they weren’t Tamils back then. It was more than 50,000 years ago. Those people were just hunter gatherers who were looking for new hunting grounds. These are the first people who put the foundation for the indigenous tribes that got developed and ultimately became Sinhala ethnicity.
James / December 15, 2017
How can you say those indigenous tribes ultimately became Sinhala ethnicity? Why not Tamil ethnicity?
Even the Archaeologist/Historian Dr. Parnawitharana says, “We know next to nothing about the pre-historic autochthonous people of Sri Lanka. They could have been the ancestors of the present day Sinhalese and Tamils”.
The people who call them Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils today originate from the same stock. What is seen from the evidences is that the Tamil identity of Sri Lanka was not only parallel to the Sinhala identity but also parallel to that of the Tamils of Tamil Nadu. It is not merely an extension of the Tamil identity of Tamil Nadu. The Sri Lankan Tamil social formation is an evolution and is a result of people interacting with the land of Sri Lanka throughout its phases of history.
SivaJothy / December 13, 2017
Sīhaḷa, Sīyaḷa, Eezha, Iḷa, Eḷu and Hela seem to be early geographical terms of the island. Maldivians traditionally referred to Sri Lanka as Eḷu-dhoo-karaa (the land of Eḷu island).
The geographical terms, which in attributed sense stood for anyone who belonged to the island, came to be viewed as exclusive ethnic terms with the polarization of identities. While Eezham became popular with Tamils for the geographical identity, Sinhala became the ethnic identity of the Sinhalese. What is seen from the evidences is that the Eezha Tamil identity of Sri Lanka was not only parallel to the Sinhala identity but also parallel to that of the Tamils of Tamil Nadu.
The Eezha Tamil social formation is an evolution and is a result of people interacting with the land of Sri Lanka throughout its phases of history.
A person who caused the writing of a Tamil Brahmi inscription, dateable to the dawn of the Common Era, at Thirupparangkun’ram in Tamil Nadu styled himself as Eezha Kudumpikan (the house-holder from Eezham). Another, a poet of the Changkam literature also was titled as Eezhaththu Poothan Theavanaar (the Poothan Theavan of Eezham). The need for these Tamils to assert to their Eezham identity in Tamil Nadu is significant in perceiving the parallel development.
Historical developments eventually led the Eezham Tamil formation and the Sinhala formation to polarize separate geographical regions for them and to have separate kingdoms after 13th century CE. There are no evidences that they either waged war or competed on ethnic grounds during this phase. Confrontations were feudal but not cultural.
Tamil and Saivism received patronage even by the Sinhalese without any animosity. At the fall of the last kingdom of Kandy to the British, several Kandian Chieftains signed the treaty in Tamil. Modern concepts of nationalism based on language, religion, ethnicity etc. have come to us especially through British colonialism.
James / December 12, 2017
According to research, there were 7 Siva Temples and a Murugan temple as far back as 600 BC in Phoomi (Ceylon). The Hindu God Ishwaran (Lord Siva) was believed to be the guardian protecting the island on all four sides. The 7 Siva Temples were (i) Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu (ii) Naguleswaram in Keerimalai/Jaffna (iii) Koneswaram in Trincomalee (iv) Thiruketheswaram in Mannar (v) Sivanoli Pada Malai in Ratnapura district (vi) Muneswaram in Chilaw and (vii) Thondeswaram in Galle. The Murugan temple in Kathirgamam is in the Monoragala district and is a popular holy place for Veddas, Tamils and Sinhalese. Rameswaram and Mannar were not separated about 6000 years ago.
If there were no Saivates in the island before Buddhism, why all these Siva temples in all corners of the island? Of course, Veddas were in the jungles and therefore definitely they were following pagan religion but not others.
Shenal / December 12, 2017
According to what research? Those temples you mention have no historic value compared with the Siva temples in Polonnaruwa. Most of them are modern creations and Kataragama was once a pagan temple which got superseded with Hindu god.
James / December 13, 2017
Now please do not lie or deny the facts. Even Dr. Paul E. Pieris has confirmed that in ‘five corners’ of the island Lanka, there were five ancient historical Ishwaram temples of Lord Siva. Hinduism is much older than Buddhism in Sri Lanka and is still followed by not only Tamils but also Sinhalese and Veddas. Tamils, Sinhalese and Veddas worship the Kataragama God Murugan at the ancient Hindu temple in Kataragama. Mahavamsa says, before going to war (against Elara), King DutuGemunu went to Kataragama temple to invoke blessings.
As per your argument, if the Hindu God was introduced only recently at Kataragama (Sinhala South), are you trying to say the Buddhist prince DutuGemunu went to Kataragama to worship a pagan temple? Why didn’t the Sinhalese of the South replace the Pagan temple with a Buddhist temple and replace it with Buddha? Why did they replace it with a Tamil God Murugan?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 13, 2017
Shenali, please update your knowledge before making comments, making a fool of yourself. Three saints who lived in Tamil Nadu around 6th and 7th century AD have sung praise of temples in Srilanka without visiting them. St. Sunnthera Moorthy about Ketheeswaram in Mannar, St. Gnanasampanthar about both Ketheeswaram in Mannar and Koneswaram in Trincomalee and Arunagiri Nathar about Kathirgamam. For them to sing praise in 6th or 7th century AD, these shrines must have been in existence several years prior to that and had been famous in Tamil Nadu. Even if Kathirgamam had been a pagan temple at one time, the fact is that when Dutugemunu was ruling it was a temple dedicated to Murugan worshipped by Veddhas. Still during the pooja, Veddha women do the “Alaathi” ceremony, and they are given the first prasadam consisting of dried meat, honey and cereals used by Veddhas. Are you aware that Thondeeswaram the 5th elusive ancient Siva temple in Dondra (Thondu Munai) was found accidentally over which a Buddhist temple has been built. Isurumuniya in Anuradhapura was a Hindu temple which is now converted to a Buddhist one. Isuru means Siva and the layout of the temple where there is circumnavigation of the Altar is the proof.
Native Vedda / December 13, 2017
“Those temples you mention have no historic value compared with the Siva temples in Polonnaruwa”
Could you cite evidence.
What is historic values? How do you measure historic value?
SivaJothy / December 13, 2017
The Historical Hindu temples of Lord Siva in ‘five corners’ of the island are,
Nuguleswaram temple (Keerimalai Kovil) is located in Northern part of Jaffna close to Kankeasanthurai. It was destroyed by Portuguese and reconstructed after four hundred years in about 1894 C.E. It was reconstructed again after destroyed again by fire in 1918. Munneswaram Kovil is situated in Chilaw in the Puttalam District. Many Sinhala Buddhist devotees go on pilgrimage to this temple. This temple is mentioned in the Kokila Sandeshaya during the time of the Sinhala King Parakramabahu VI in Kotte. It was also destroyed by the Portuguese completely in 1578 and reconstructed in 1875. Improvements were done again in 1919 and in 1963. Koneswaram temple also known as Thirukoneswaram is located in Trincomalee town. This temple is believed to have been a major religious shrine even before the arrival of Prince Vijaya, 2500 years ago. Tondeswaram Kovil is situated in Galle town in Dondra head, which is also known as Dewinuwara located in a Sinhalese Buddhist oriented area, an important port in medieval time. After the destruction by the Portuguese, it was rebuilt by the locals. Devoted later to God Vishnu, it is now worshipped mostly by Buddhists. Katheeswaram – Temple is situated 7 miles away from the Mannar town. The history of this temple goes back to 2,500 years in the history. This was also destroyed by the Portuguese in their campaign to exterminate Hindu and Buddhist temples. It was renovated again in 1976.
SivaJothy / December 12, 2017
Wiktionary says, the Sinhala language has borrowed a great many ‘loanwords’ from Tamil during the more than 2000 years of coexistence of the Sinhala and Tamil communities on the island of Ceylon. The main ways Tamil words are incorporated into the Sinhala lexicon with different endings indicated in Wiktionary are as follows:
* With an /a/ added to Tamil words ending in /m/ (e.g. pālam > pālama).
* With a /ya/ or /va/ added to words ending in vowels (e.g. araḷi > araliya).
* With the Tamil ending /ai/ represented as /ē/, commonly spelt /aya/.
* With the animate ending /yā/ added to Tamil words signifying living beings or /yā/ replacing the Tamil endings /aṉ/, /ar/, etc. (e.g. caṇṭiyar > caṇḍiyā).
Sinhala names of places and persons have also been derived likewise. For example, Tamil names ending with the letter m appear without this letter in the Sinhala version. E.g. Wijesingham, Wijeyaratnam or Rajaratnam in Tamil are Wijesingha(e), Wijeyaratna (e) or Rajaratna (e) in Sinhala. Mahendiran in Tamil is Mahendra in Sinhalese. The first name of many Sinhalese women are the names of Hindu goddesses e.g. Lakshmi, Janani. Saraswathi. Lalitha, Abhi or Abhirami.
After independence many Tamil historical names of locations in the North and East have been given the Sinhala equivalents. For example, Manal Aru is now Weli Oya. This should not be confused with the contemporary non-Tamil names of places e.g. Jaffna because of occupation by the European countries beginning with the Portuguese in 1505 and later the Dutch and the British. Thus, contemporary Sri Lanka has place names which contain roots derived from Elu, Pali, Sanskrit, Sinhala, Tamil, Malayalam, Portuguese, Dutch and English names. Some twisted names are due to the inability of the European invader to accurately sound a local name. Thus a name may have a variety of different spellings.
SivaJothy / December 14, 2017
Even though in the Tamil tradition, the Tamil names end with ‘n’ and ‘m’, if we look at the pre-historic and early historic Brahmi stone inscriptions for the names of the Tamil Kings (in Sri Lanka & Tamil Nadu), the old Tamil names do not end with a ‘n’ or a ‘m’, but were very similar to those Prakrit/Pali (presently Sinhala) names ending with ‘a’. The early (Old) Tamil names looked and sounded very similar to the present day Sinhala names. If we had seen the names Sena, Kuttika, Elara, Pulahatha, Bahiya, Panayamara, Parinda, Dathiya and so on in stone inscriptions, nobody would have identified them as names of Saivaite Tamil Kings of Anuradhapura. If our historians were to depend only on the early inscriptions, we would not have known that these Kings were Tamils and the Sinhalese would have claimed them as Sinhala kings. Here, we have to give some credit to the Mahavamsa author even though his intention was to discredit the non-Buddhist Saivaite Tamils as ‘invaders’. If not for the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese would have said, the Tamils came to Sri Lanka only during the British period. At the same time, there would have been many native Tamil Buddhist Kings out of the many rulers whose ethnic identities the chronicles may not have mentioned at all and therefore we will never know.
It was only during 2nd century CE to 4th century CE the Tamil Brahmi III (the third stage) was introduced where the shape of the characters in the Tamil Brahmi script was modified by introducing what is commonly called as the ‘pulli (dot) system’ which is peculiar to Tamils in particular among the Indian languages and due to this dot system the words/names ending with ‘a’ started ending with ‘an’ and ‘am’.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / December 12, 2017
Veli in Tamil means and open space or outside. The Sinhalese word for outside Eliya is derived from this Tamil word. Veli also means open sandy space. The Sinhalese word Weli for sand is derived from this word. VeliKammam means the village or agricultural land on the outside. Veli on the outside Kammam meaning farming agriculture hence a village. Ahankammam means the farming land or village inside. Anything else, recently Sinhalised immigrant Indian Tamil origin Karawa bigot? The recently Sinhalised Manal Aru ( Sandy River in Tamil) area was renamed in Sinhalese by the Sri Lankan government as Welioya( Sandy River) a literal translation. What this wankers did not know was both the so called Sinhalese words Weli and Oya have a Tamil origin, as around 40% of the present Sinhalese vocabulary is Tamil. Weli ( Sandy or sand) in Sinhalese derived from the Tami word Veli( an open sandy space, Like in Nilaveli) Oya or rivulet in Sinhalese is derived from the classical Tamil word Oyavai, Oyaval or Odai meaning rivulet. Another typical Sinhalese place name Aelagoda or Alagoda in the Kandy district meaning the mound with the rivulet or fast running river. Aela is derived from the Tamil word Aali meaning the whirlpool like in NeerAali. Goda is derived from the Tamil word Khoadu meaning mound or hillock like Kuntu/Kotu in Tamil hillock or Konda in Telugu.. I can give you more examples
Shenal / December 12, 2017
Real Siva,
So going by your logic. There are two words in Tamil for sand. One is veli and other is manal. So which one is more prominent? Why use two types of words for the same thing in two different places? As you see the Sinhalese word for the both places are similar. Weligama and Weli oya. There are no confusion. It seems that Tamils converted the Sinhala meanings of both these places. In Weligama they just Tamilized it without any ado. But for Weli oya they just converted the Sinhala meaning to Tamil.
James / December 11, 2017
Going back to the Mahavamsa, Elara ruled the Northern kingdom of Anuradapura for 44 years. During the same period, Dutugemunu’s father King Kavantissa ruled the Southern kingdom of Rohana. Both these kingdoms were separated by the river.
If you read the Mahavamsa carefully, Dutugemunu’s father King Kavantissa warns Dutugemunu not to invade (Rajarata) the land of the Damelas. He also says, Rohana the region on this side of the river (Southern territory) is enough.
However, King Dutugemunu’s military defeat of the Northern Kingdom of Anuradapura lasted only a few years until the Saiviate Native Tamil Chieftain Pulahatha and others took over the Anuradapura throne.
Native Vedda / December 14, 2017
sach, shenali, bloody nuisance, …… are part of the same gang or same person. There objective is to exhaust you. There have been many times, a great number of different commentators have given exhaustive amount of information/explanation to these stupid people.
They are not here to learn but to tire you.
When you ask these stupid persons questions they never answer you nor do they cite the reference materials. They create their own story as they go along. Then they tell you to disprove it.
tamil mooda choon / December 11, 2017
This man has no any evidence to say that people before 6AD spoke Tamil. One or two Siva temples never say people at that time spoke Tamil. Coins- In SL found thousands of Roman & Chinaese coins. That doesn’t say there were Chinaese & Romans in the past. About 32 petty kings. Chronicals describe every invader even Portugees as Tamils. It is a term given to Invaders. So nobody can say they are really Tamils. Even Sinhaleas fought in Elara’s Army. This person says as there was a tamil poet in the past(this is not proven) King Devanampiya tissa is also a Tamil. He argues as a pre shool child. Devanampiya is a title which is used by king Asoka also. Tissa name given to him because he was born at Tisa nakatha (time) Person born in Anura nakathe get names like Anura, Anuradha etc. CM tell what are the so called tamil epigraphy found around wavniya & the time period they are written. This person is totally ignorant about our history.