19 February, 2025


My Mother Just Received A Notice To Appear Before FCID: Namal Rajapaksa

“My Mother just received a notice to appear before the Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID). My Mother has always stayed away from politics. Does she deserve this harassment?! ‘Yahapalanaya’ seems just a facade for this government. Vengeance isn’t ‘good governance.’ Targeting my Mother proves it. President Rajapaksa and I, as politicians, are always ready to face political vengeance. But I wish they would leave my Mother & brothers alone” says Namal Rajapaksa.

Namal Shiranthi Facebook 26 May 2015

Latest comments

  • 50

    Namal, please remember that this government nor the FCID, nor the public or police are responsible for your mother’s interrogation. Its what your father and your beloved family DID that makes her responsible for the investigation. Please do not digress from the core issue. Do not twist stories as we have endured that nonsense for 10 long years under your father’s maniacal rule.

    Please learn to face investigations lawfully. I know this must be difficult because your father and his band of brothers did everything unlawfully and ran a kangaroo courts of sort.

    • 52

      How can you say that your mother was not involved in politics? Explain to me how her beloved brother became Chairman of Sri Lankan airlines? Was he the most competent person in the land to fill that post? No! It was with your mother’s insistence that he got that job…..a man who literally took the technical term of a cockpit to a new altitude to abuse a host of air hostesses at public expense.

      Your family should not be investigated but hanged for the misery you brought to us people.

      • 25

        ..a man who literally took the technical term of a cockpit to a new altitude to abuse a host of air hostesses at public expense.
        wow what a beautiful expression of view!

      • 13

        Pot Shot

        You really hit the nail on the heads of father, mother and the prodigal son. Great comment. BTW, the abuse of air hostesses at public expense by both uncle and nephew should be thoroughly investigated.

    • 14

      Yahapalanaya Rocks

      Crooks murderers devil worshippers. Out. FOREVER FOREVER .





    • 11

      This low minded L o w y e r thinks the Srilankans are going to feel sorry for his mother?
      Him and his family and the. Crumbs cleaners are experts on crying wolf when they need something when they disagree with something. They will not pause one second to deny or thrash against.
      We know very well of their modus operadi because we lived with it in SILENCE for the last 10 years.

      Thank god it’s over.

      One advice to half intelligent Namal is to go quietly and join the priesthood like the other criminal in Robes.

      Eye to eye son.

  • 43

    If your mother is so innocent to be questioned for fraud, how come she gave Peoples Bank at Suduwella (when in opening an account for her NGO) her ID number as: 111111111V and the other official entitled to sign for checks as 222222222V. (Although the Bank Manager is so stupid to accept that as true even not asked her to produce that ID card,the Investigators of FCID would not fall for such fancy even she is the former First Lady.) Doesn’t that amount to fraud?

    When South Korean government donated Pianos to the Education Ministry, how could she get 30 pianos for her private Montessori network depriving 30 government schools of receiving them. Isn’t it undue influence? (It is said that each Piano cost SL Rupees 150,000.00)

    Did she (as head of Carlton Montessori Network,)not try to grab a piece of land allocated for a community/cultural center of a housing scheme for artists down Templer’s Road, Mt. Lavinia for her private Montessori project?

    If she is fully innocent then she or you need not worry. You need to worry only if allegations leveled on her are asserted. Then you will have to appear for her at the court house.

    • 14

      I heard that the staff at her Montesoori was paid by Divineguma while she collected the fees

      • 2

        yes and the security for Carlton Montessori was provided by the police free of charge. Ask Mt.Lavinia Police about the security it provided for the school on Temples Rd. This small school had an ambulance, bus, 02 Prado standby everyday parked in from of the school; whose vehicles?

  • 28

    Dear Namal,

    Do not act like a newborn who’s not aware of anything. I dun think people of this country were enjoying a siesta while your family was looting at a rate. Whose money you think your whole family played with, lavishly enjoying the luxuries? Oh please… we dun have selective amnesia to omit your mother’s and brothers’ foul deeds. So don’t demand sympathy votes just like your father. Please your whole family grow some balls and face the investigations. If your mothers hands are clean she will walk away scot free. Usually people who try to defend themselves and whine even before a thing happens are usually the ones who are guilty.I hope ya’ll all go to hell.

  • 30

    Your mother has commited a grave crime apart from minor ones is to give birth to a son like you

  • 10

    “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
    Charles de Montesquieu

    Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/justice.html#wZrY3voBHhFQEIkl.99

    Take it any way you like. Question is will our new August body, the new parliament, put politicos in jail or release them? Will they continue “Tyranny” or bring it back?

    Time to vote on this.

  • 26

    Thank god its FCID and not a white van sorry bull dozer that did not come around…

    Better wear your lawyer coat you “hired” and give a stab at looking after her…
    She anyway better cover her tracks on the gold she plundered from the north..
    Ditta Dhamma Vedaniya
    … my firend.. and your family deserves it in ddroves

    • 17

      Here is an example of the curse of the Thali Koddi of the tamils which were melted
      down by some one in the South who had all the perogative to handle whatever that
      came into HEs hands? JUSTICE must prevail and do not use the word vegenance as an
      excuse these days.

  • 10

    Mahathma Gandhi should have been remembered in 2005 when they came into power. Now face the eventualities and prove yourself. on the same note as MEL mentioned these happened even during CBK’s time like what happened to Chandraleka and family

  • 25

    Do you mean that she deserves immunity because she is your mother and the wife of a defeated President? In case you did not know,Yahapalanaya also means applying the law equally to everyone.

    During your regime, we were afraid to even comment on these posts, but now,even you can take advantage of the freedom of speech under Yahapalanaya, without fear of being abducted your your uncle’s white vans.

  • 14

    There would have been many innocent victims’ families would have cursed your whole family when their kith and kin were killed or injured or robbed off their properties by your family and some them would definitely would hurt you all and now shedding crocodile tears will not help. You allhafe to face the consequences.

  • 18

    This is Rightly YAHAPALANAYA.

    In Sri Lanka Do we have an ID Nos like 1111111111V or 222222222V.

    You are a so called, Bloody High COAT LOWER LAWYER.
    Then Why You Don’t make an Inquest for that Through courts. and appear for your Any thing Do not Know BABY, Children physiologist Mother????????
    This Synthetic Lower Lawyer, Mongol Should Understand that His Father, The Mahendran Precyvel Jarapassa and all of his family are No one thieves of People’s Money and resources of Sri lanka.
    Now Making an exhibition of Silly Innocents like.
    He must know One day They should and have to face the Tribunal of people and answer to the laws of Sri Lanka.

  • 17

    Namal baby, do you think the people are so stupid to be deceived by your stupid comments. Oh aney, your mother is so innocent that she was not aware that the government helicopter flights that she took did not need to be paid for. Aney, all her relatives got plum jobs in the government despite the fact that they were thoroughly unqualified and incompetent. Also all the tamashas that were organized by her to bribe the greedy supporters of your father with state money is illegal and let her now face the music. Calling her the first lady is a joke, so did your father and brothers think that Sri Lanka belonged to them. Just you wait till all your brothers and you are also investigated for murder and corruption and rape. Scoundrels like you deserve to rot in jail for the rest of your life.

  • 12

    Mr. Namal, not only this inquiry, just wait for another inquiry to you in your certificate of Attorney at Law and the placement for PhD at Jayapura University etc. Please keep silence until truth is revealed.

  • 7

    There is a simple way out. Ask
    Ranil Wickremaesinghe to fix
    it. Pay something to Ravi
    after that. Everything will
    be done. Even Basil returned
    to Sri Lanka believing Ravi.
    He got jammed. But depending
    on the amount you can work it.

  • 10

    I am a bit confused to read comments above. Where are those people paid by MR & co to twist the real facts by zero casualty type comments. Not a single comment to support the killers. I think the country is moving in the right direction – thanks to who ever supported to oust the big murderers from the power – God is great.

    • 8

      I wish CT would post all these comments to him. Is the bank manager who opened her account with ID 2222222222V is still in service

  • 9

    What has Namal to say about this, lest we forget:-

    29-7-13/01-08-13 News. 2) Rs. 180 Million compensation recd.via First Ladys activity:

    Will he read all the comments and issue a statement that his utterances are wrong, for

  • 7

    If your mother is innocent as you say, and with you, her own son who has passed the Bar exams with flying colours to defend her, there is nothing to worry about, unless of course, you have little faith in the justice system of SL which your father should be able to enlighten you.

  • 7

    Well said pot shot.

    Namal, just as you, we all love our mothers dearly. Whatever others may say, we all believe that our mothers are as pure as snow and are incapable of any misdeeds. You have the right to defend your mother even if she is really guilty. We are not saying right now, whether she is guilty. But there is reasonable evidence that she is guilty of certain charges.

    “Does she deserve this harassment”: It is not a harassment. Just an investigation. So many people go through that kind of thing daily. Your mother is just another citizen of this country and it is not right to expect special treatment for her.

    “President Rajapaksa and I, as politicians, are always ready to face political vengeance.”: Do you mean that anything that does not please them and inconveniences them is considered as vengeance?

    The best thing for you to do is to resort to legal means if she is actually charged. After all, you are a a fine lawyer. You can defend her using law, but not tears and emotions.

    Try it.

  • 5

    I suspect she is the greedy, evil brain behind all the billions you, your father, uncles and any dirty rascals of your family plundered from us.
    No to the FCID but the Gallows one by one!!!!

  • 5

    Mr Namal,Well if she is innocent then there is nothing to worry also since your a lawyer you can represent your mum at the case and hire K A Sumanasekera and Champa as your assistants.

    Also just can you clear these allegations regarding your mothers brother nishantha and something about Srilankan airlines ;-)

  • 5

    If by a strange quirk of fate the Rajapakses remained in power the Shogam buswes, where naughty things happened with the siblings and their forced comfort girls), these buses would also have been transferred to the Carlton School network.

  • 4

    Namal as a lawyer of distinction should be aware by now that all thieves, criminals and rogues whether they be his father, mother, brothers or uncles are equal before the law and should be treated so by the rule of law. Bensen

  • 2

    How will Namal respond to this newsitem of much importance these days,published in Aug. 2013 please? [Edited out]

  • 5

    Namal’s concern is touching….he should have been concerned when his family abused their powers, and dipped their dirty hands into the national treasury. He should have warned them that a family that came with nothing, does not display the vulgarity of wealth with flashy cars, expensive watches, and family members using national property like their own, and not answer obvious questions. The mother is no saint, her family also benefitted by her husband’s government, and must answer questions. If she has nothing to fear/hide, she would answer all questions with honesty, or is too much to ask? No one is above the law, not even Namal’s mother.

    • 0

      Namal….SO MANY mothers are shedding tears for the injustice done by your family ..,,, for the last 10 years… did YOU stop for a moment think whether you and ur family have ethics? NO..all u wanted was to be in POWER and abuse the system.. did you know how much hardship people had to undergo coz of your stupid nigh races? did u know how much ya’ll 3 brothers hurt the Rugby loving public? NO stop whining.. IF you have a conscience you would NOT resort to tweeting as if ya’ll are innocent, id say ya’ll are ” in no sense” not innocent…

      FIRST your mom should have taught you to face justice like a real man.. you spineless scoundrels of the same family need to be put away…whether it be your dad, mom, siblings or even unlce’s and aunt’s not forgetting the kith and kin, ALL of whom benefited at the expense of the citizenry…

      Also learn to face questioning not just in court but by the FCID…coz it will come handy to u in the near future

  • 8


    It seems you guys never learn. I thought by now it must have dawned on you that you can’t go on playing the same old tricks with the Sri Lankan public every time, it stopped working long ago. Yet you persist with the same old tactics over and over, what wrong with you. Seriously???

    What exactly do you want to achieve by bickering and crying about the FCID invite to your mom. What did you all expect? Did you seriously think that no one would have taken notice of all the cheap gimmicks and all the illegal deals you all were pulling while your Madamulana click was in power????

    Its gets even worse when you try to play dumb and hope to win peoples sympathy, assuming that every Sri Lankan has even a lower IQ than you. Exactly the opposite happens, you end up looking like a cheap bull shitter and a low IQ’d moron. Personally I think of you as a Low IQ’d moron, for heavens sake don’t make it too obvious.

    So man up and face the music. Its the more honorable thing to do, especially if you know she has done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. Why cry???

    By the way haven’t you guys heard about the LAW of Karma in Madamulana? Well this is how it works. Its a bitch and always catches up with everyone and bites you in the butt. Sorry Namal this is life get used to it, your turn with FCID will surely be around the corner.

  • 6

    Namal baby She had played out from Siraliya account using false identity card like Chi chino a (Weerawansa,s wife) Not only that the 35Pianos gifted by the Korean Government each costing Rs150,000 found its way to Carlton Primary School, through Intervention of Bandula Gunawardena. Jamal how is. That for a fraud by the First Lady, She also nearly grabbed a property in Kalapura for her Carlton Primary through Gotabaya of the UDA. She also belongs to a family where the former Chairman Srilankan comes . So Namal law is the same for everyon

  • 6

    The only Lady in Sri Lanka to be called to the FCID. Apparently ladies do not commit Financial Crimes, which is why we need more women in parliament. Let’s have an all women parliament then there will be no unparliamentary language. They can all make laws for us men to follow.

  • 11

    This country would have been immensely blessed if only your mother had been a woman of substance. If only she had guided her sons and her husband on the straight and narrow. If only she had taught you that a law degree had to be earned. If only she had …. the list goes on. But she didn’t … and now she and her family have to face the music.

  • 7

    “President Rajapakse and I” – Namal baby living in a dream land!

    Stupid is what stupid does. No wonder SL is in a bad shape when a sitting MP does not know who the President is.

  • 5

    Its your mother & you have to be concerned as any one of us.

    Just make sure your mother vist there with her shoes well polished, hair combed neatly and clothes cleaned and well iorned because that Police Officer there will otherwise will implement the Section 55 of the Police Ordinance on her.

    Something that worries me is that Your Mother being a Lady and a onetime beauty queen, appearing before the DIG head of FCID. She better be accompanied by an elder as there is some weakness on the part of that boss towards lady folks and now that she is not the first Lady..

    Hope she will be served with biscuits and tea because its Yahapalanaya..
    Wonder what would be the headline tomorrow ??
    Anyway await the yahapalanaya media imagination.

  • 4

    When Mrs. MR received the notice, it would have been accompanied by a letter stating the reason why she is called there so can Namal also publish that letter too. If he does that then we will know whether it is fair or unfair to call her. Any way she is only called there, so that means she can explain if she is not guilty.
    Today we can here the fond husband talking about it at the next temple he visits

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