Employees of the Hambantota Port and journalists covering a protest were attacked while Human Rights activists around the world were celebrating the Human Rights Day.
Navy Commander Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne has been accused of attacking journalist Dileep Roshan Gunasekera. The journalist was reporting the tense situation at the Hambantota Port yesterday.
Employees of the Magampura Port Management Company launched a protest a few days ago demanding that they be recruited to the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
Peace Lover / December 12, 2016
send the good navy chief to K A Sumanasekeras house!
Tamil from the north / December 13, 2016
Peace Lover, Sumanaya and the Navy chief are one and the same.
Dodo / December 14, 2016
Remember the killing of Tamil students in Trincomallee by the SL Navy.. The culture of brutality and murder lives on as long as impunity for war crimes continues…
Mallaiyuran / December 13, 2016
There are news have appeared accusing Son Prince was involved with striking workers by telephone calls, possibly instructing them.
There were similar accusation on Son Prince of using telephone to order during Eraj’s gun threat for the UNP MPs,who went to investigate Hambantota Port’s cost. Latter Eraj told that he was asked to go and check the visit of UNP MPs. There was fall out, because of this, between Eraj and Old Royals and now support New King’s faction.
Mark / December 13, 2016
The SL Navy and Govt in this instance did the right thing. Who the hell do these striking dock workers think they are to hold up international cargo ships. The captain and crews of the two cargo ships were pretty angry and not impressed and said they will lodge a complaint with their superiors to in future avoid docking in Sri Lanka as passage cannot be garaunteed forward.
Sri Lankan hambantota striking IDIOTS!!!!
Dragging Sri Lanka’s name through the mud internationally. What a disgrace by the harbour workers. No wonder the SL Navy Commander was pissed off. Because piracy charges could have been levelled at Hambantota striking dock workers by the two Captain and crews of the the two ships!
“Captain Akram Alvi said that it was act of piracy to hold the ship and its crew for ransom. “They’ve not just prevented the ship from leaving but put obstacles and blocked waterways which according to international laws, is an act of piracy and action can be taken against them.”
Captain Alvi explained that based on the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) the Navy is vested with the responsibility of ensuring that foreign vessels are able to dock and leave the ports. The Port Facility Security Officer who is answerable to the Navy Commander was in charge of the operation to free this vessel. “According to the directive provided by the Navy Commander, the jetty was cleared and the locality of the ship was secured by the Navy.”
Native Vedda / December 13, 2016
“Dragging Sri Lanka’s name through the mud internationally.”
I thought it is Tamil Diaspora’s job.
Hang on.
Say you intentionally groped a women in the street. Can the police charge the man who was selling lottery tickets near by?
Are you a friend of the navy thug?
Thugs do not need excuses to start a fight, violence comes naturally to them. His wife should start worrying about sharing a bed with him.
janaka / December 13, 2016
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .. I see CMB telegraph has started the comedy show again. Compared to what happened to the Journalist and protesters in the USA north dakota pipeline protest(you know that nation who talks of freedom of expression etc etc). The Good Admiral stop short of kissing this guy. Still If this happened during LTTE era, the LTTE would have skinned him alive. But hey its nice to see CMB telegraph and all 10 of it’s followers in hell over selected stories.
Rabok / December 14, 2016
NV -[Edited out] – If the Navy guys are classified as Thugs – how do you classify striking dock workers – Keep all the politics out – What Navy commander had done by chasing these striking Tangle hooligans is absolutely correct – he had done his duty – my question is why he could not act earlier – These media reporters – who do they think they are ?? – they think when they have media pass they can go anywhere and do anything – Navy Commander correctly put him where he should be
Native Vedda / December 14, 2016
Let us discuss the strike later.
The issue here is the navy thug using his bare hand to neck snap the unarmed journalist.
You would like to have a war on workers without reporters.
“Navy Commander correctly put him where he should be”
The high ranking navy thug put his foot in his own mouth. But then this is not the first time and nor be the last.
janaka / December 14, 2016
Here you and you foolish observations
The issue here is the navy thug using his bare hand to neck snap the unarmed journalist.
Journalist was armed with camera, Navy commander as you said bare hands.
As you have thought Navy commander is a thug, he also thought the armed journalist is a thug.
Ade stop now trying to be a keyboard thug. Like CMB telegraph, and lets discuss real violence against Journalist and innocent unarmed protesters in USA north dakota pipeline protest
After All CMB telegraph is the site that hand stand and saluted when usa talks about rights, ohh wait the new president swept into power with racial slurs. I suppose you should get u ask for a refund from the mass coconut breakers of the LTTE human rights activist for Clinton.
Dont be a thug???
Native Vedda / December 15, 2016
If you are concerned about the US protestors please feel free to take action against the US government. I will be right behind you.
However, let me voice my concern about the weaker powerless society on this island.
Now that you have voluntarily taken up the responsibility of protecting the US citizens, from their own government which is indeed a noble act on your part, I wish you well in your endeavour.
Let me do the little tasks. Charity begins at home.
“I suppose you should get u ask for a refund from the mass coconut breakers of the LTTE human rights activist for Clinton.”
I thought it was Dinesh who broke 1000 coconuts for MR.
“Dont be a thug???”
A stupid is as stupid types.
janaka / December 15, 2016
areee what brains,
from people who preach Human rights to the world. actually I am very happy here in sri lanka with the situation, compared to the coconut breaking HR activities like you who point fingers at others and use the west as a example SL to follow
As you have said the Navy commander used his bared hands against a armed journalist. he only stopped short of kissing him and that is called violence? ha ha ha ha
its coconut breakers like you who LIVE in THE WEST who should be defending Human rights there. since you bogus and jobless lot comment on this site day and night about sri laanka. west is much more in a dire state. look after the nation that hand you out a existence there.
Ade come and live in sri lanka, a land where the president does not have to use racial slurs to get elected. where journalist and protesters are not faced with rubber bullets, dogs, pepper spray etc etc etc.
help the west you live in to be a good society. not too much to ask.
Rabok / December 15, 2016
NV – Not the Navy Commander but you are putting your foot in your mouth – If we need to develop this country – we should bring in tough labor laws to empower entrepreneurs to kick out the trouble makers in their work forces without the interference of Labor Tribunal – Strikes should be banned completely and those who are participating or organizing protests and strikes should be expelled without mercy – of course there should be means of means to control entrepreneurs misusing labor laws also – Before navy is getting involved in the issue Ports Authority should have the guts to kick the striking thugs out of harbor premises and close gates and allow the Navy to do ship handling – When the spine less Chairman is unable to handle the situation correctly – At lease Navy Commander came into the picture and solve the problem – We salute you Sir – most of the commentators on this column have no commonsense
Native Vedda / December 15, 2016
Now you are typing bunkum.
The main issue here is the behaviour of the thug in uniform (in fact he was not wearing one).
His “hands on” experience in dealing with journalist may be celebrated by like minded few, as being setting example of good though approach to keeping the people ignorant and how best to use the state apparatus to muscle in or out unarmed journalists, the fact remains he is a thug probably with “beer muscle”.
Though he might have impressed you with his muscle in/out action man sequel, the question is whether his family been impressed by his “hands on” approach to curtail media freedom.
janaka / December 15, 2016
Adaaa bunkum da
NATIVE please defend the human rights with cmb telegraph in the nation you live in and where the CMB server is based. THE west. Don’t turn a blind eye there and preach about Human rights to others.
What’s the word for it ahh a state of denial. All 10 followers of cmb who live in the west that batter down protesters, and hunt journalist must start there with their Human rights, We will send the coconuts to help you guys. Might get the Navy commander to help.
Thanos / December 13, 2016
This is insane. It is shocking how the “Yahapalanaya” apologists are quick to side with their politicians and condemn the protesters. Hearing comments such as “it is an illegal protests”, “They were holding the ship for ransom”, etc is very worrisome.
That is exactly what protesters do. What do you think they are doing when they block roads during protests? When people go on strike bringing entire institutions perhaps the whole country to halt? That is exactly what protesters do any country.
Just think about it. When the poor people at Rathupaswala were demanding clean water all the MR regime back then saw was “illegal protesters blocking the New Kandy Road! Remove them at all costs”.
thrishu / December 13, 2016
An undignified display of indicipline by the Navy Commander. What on earth was he doing in his PT kit in the melee of violence and riotous behaviour of both parties. Was it the right place for him? What was his motive? The Commander has a lot to explain?
Sadly for Sri Lanka, it is building up a bad reputation internationally a country where highlevel people dising out summary punishments to others publicly. One past notorious case was Sajin Vaas slapping the SLK HC in UK. The Presodent’s son Daham involved in attacking a night club. Now this ome, terrible!
Don’t say that media is exacerbating. I agree they are also behaving inapporpriately at times, but on this occasion the evidence is there for all to see.
Thilina Kiringoda / December 13, 2016
I suggest reading the documents at following web sites.
thondamannay / December 13, 2016
Navy Commander Attacked Journalist On Human Rights Day on the orders of the Yahapalanaya.
Undignified and a disgrace to the Rank he holds and to his predecesors.
Mallaiyuran / December 13, 2016
Are Ravindra Wijegunaratne and Ravindra Fernando are Brothers?
Whatever it is, they are body look alikes, at least.
nimal / December 13, 2016
Commander in chief was disgraced and must take action.
Rabok / December 15, 2016
Striking goons disgraced the country – Thanks to Navy Commander’s timely action countries images was restored to a certain extent – Hope the Gov. will chase all these Striking goons from their job – even if the habour had to be close for few days – bloody human rights are applicable for humans not for two legged animals
Native Vedda / December 15, 2016
“Striking goons disgraced the country”
Oh please
Sas / December 13, 2016
This is a case of Piracy the navy showed extreme proffesionality
Ashok / December 13, 2016
This reporter does not know who is that. Anyway if he was a hindi actress he will identify… media should report correct and suitable news only…not the HOT news..if anyone need to report hog news he should report live honeymoon..because it also more hot to the audience ..
Janaka / December 14, 2016
What else is the function of Forces of a conutry but to unleash violence when necessary. Big hoohaa is being made about the officer spitting filth. When the call comes they are not going to do their job chanting Pirith.
Fed up / December 16, 2016
Oh Please!! CT you disappoint me! People of SL are fed up of both the breed of politicians and media in the country!
Spring Koha / December 26, 2016
Interesting comments. However, the long and short of it is that alls-well-that-ends-well. Mission accomplished!
The picture of Captain Haddock collecting his commendation from a grateful Pee Em is already on show in the wardroom.
The SL NAVY Mission statement could now been altered from ‘To conduct prompt and sustainable combat operations at sea in accordance with national policies’ TO
‘To conduct prompt and sustainable combat operations ON LAND and at sea in accordance with policies dictated by resident politicians’
We have been warned.