By TU Senan –
Dayan Jayatilleka is fundamentally wrong. As usual. Being “progressive”, from his point of view, is limited to being “anti-LTTE”. “Peace”, in his view, is only attainable by decapitating the opposition.
In one of his recent article Dayan cites the killing of the LTTE and JVP leaders as the method of achieving peace. This article supposedly argues against the methods of the current foreign minister Mangala Samarawera in his dealing with the GTF. Violence and removing leaders may have helped to damage the movement or to postpone the struggle, but never solved anything. Causes of oppression and the struggles against it often last longer than the life span of one person. Without eliminating the fundamental causes no real solution can be found.
Like Dayan, many Sri Lankan so-called liberals justified the killings of tens of thousands of Tamils by characterising the LTTE as ‘fascists”. If they are fascist, then all sorts of violence against them becomes justifiable – that is the logic they go by. First, their definition of fascism is bewildering. Robert Paxton, know ‘fascism specialist’, links fascism to the ‘mass based party’. Can we quote Umberto Eco, another philosopher who wrote about fascism, to provide any flesh to the pointless arguments of Dayan? No. Still one has to prove how the LTTE had these qualities that characterise fascism as their core beliefs and strategy.
The Marxist understanding of fascism is nowhere in what Dayan believes. It may be the case that Dayan finds comfort from American Stalinists who in 1932 characterised Roosevelt as a fascist- mindless blinded method that only serves their own self interests. By the very standard that he uses one can easily characterise Mahinda Rajapaksa – who Dayan loyally served – also as a fascist. From Kashmir, Pashtun and Palestine to Kurdistan, we have seen bloody wars. No ‘pure’ struggle has ever existed against national oppression or against any oppression. In order to break the power base of the oppressors, struggling forces are at times forced to take a violent route. But the state uses violence to supress – to push back any attempt (whether the tactics are correct or not) to take society forward or to attempt to fix the fundamental causes of oppression that the masses face.
The war by the state brings further suppression, postpones the chance of emancipation and, in effect, strengthens the hands of reaction. Golden Dawn in Greece can be cited as an example here. But Dayan ridiculously argues that the “victorious war is a necessary precondition for peace”. This is what we can expect from someone who served the regime which led that massacre. If it is that easy we will now have peace in Iraq, Siriya and in many places. US government may have bombed out the planet for the ‘peace’ they so desire! Dayan basis always twigs from the defence of ‘Sinhala Buddhist nationalism’. He has no concern that his arguments can be politically and philosophically contradictory or lack any validity.
Dayan has one tool: Being anti-LTTE is a central theme that should define a ‘progressive’ and that should be the ‘test’ that the diaspora should pass before they can pass for ‘negotiability’. Whenever he talks about ‘political negotiations’ he means talks with the anti-LTTE centre and aims to strengthen it. He admits he did that when he was in France. He “promoted” something he calls “moderates, the progressives”. Thus he ridiculously argues the direction that the right-wing UNP foreign minister should have followed.
Dayan needs to learn a stark truth. The so called anti-LTTE centre that you are talking about – like Douglas Devananda who he thinks the government should have promoted against the TNA – is already with the government. There is nothing there to ‘win over’. The small number of individuals that Dayan associated with in France have no base in society. They are alienated individuals who live in the past and centre their whole existence around being anti-LTTE. You will never see them organise any public activity or take any respectable position within the society. It’s ludicrous to assume that Douglas can be established against the TNA or that these individuals can be an ally in bogus ‘peace negotiations’. It’s wrong to assume that the corrupted and politically bankrupt people can be elevated as leaders of the Tamils in Sri Lanka and in the diaspora with sheer will power of the state.
This is where the weakness of the recent Mangala-GTF talks can also be found. Contrary to Dayan’s argument, Mangala is correct in identifying the GTF as ‘moderates’. It is they who supported the Maithri-Ranil phalanx in the last presidential election. It is they who are prepared to talk to the Sri Lankan government. It is they who are prepared to compromise the national aspirations of the Tamils and drag out any attempts to solve any problems indefinitely. It is they who are prepared to go behind the business interests of the UNP. They share the same class interests with the UNP. They are ideal for ‘negotiating’. Hence they are “promoted” by the UNP and some Sri Lankan media. But unfortunately the truth is that the GTF also doesn’t have any base within the Tamil community. A few individuals who claim to be in the GTF are well-known in the community. It doesn’t mean that they have a support base. These individuals, along with a few TNA leaders face sharp criticism from the diaspora in general. Mass consciousness is far to the left of what the GTF, or Mangala imagines. The majority condemns the negotiations with the government – particularly the preparedness to compromise on delivering justice to those who committed war crimes. The majority of the diaspora will not support any group which is seen as compromising the national aspiration of the Tamils.
The nationally oppressed feeling is as alive today as in the 70s if not more so – not just in the diaspora but also in the north and east of Sri Lanka. This is why the TNA also panders to Tamil nationalism – in order to secure votes. In the last northern provincial election even the Douglas and Angajan camp often blasted from their stage that they are the true deliverers of ‘Tamil Eelam’. If Dayan is shrewd enough he would have noticed how the rhetoric of those ‘loyal Tamil allies’ had changed in recent times as they get more desperate for votes.
The point is to negotiate with the masses either in Sri Lanka or in the diaspora. There are many groups that represent the various interests of the diverse diaspora. The Tamil Solidarity campaign has always argued that any attempt to provide a solution should satisfy what the masses want. Without addressing the grievances of the masses, the mere mechanical process of hoping to install peace through a few self-serving individuals who are prepared to cooperate with the state is a sham strategy. A precondition for peace negotiations is a willingness to address the root cause of the problems that divide both parties. This means addressing the national aspirations, serving justice by prosecuting those who committed war crimes, and proposing a meaningful solution for co-existence. If that is a threat to ‘national sovereignty’, then it will always remain as such –and even pass the life span of Dayan existence.
Dodo / July 5, 2015
Senan, why do you waste you time on this clown Dayan and CT editors, seriously why do you bother to publish this stuff at all?!
The Island newspaper has some interesting revelations about politicians and the rotten political culture of Sri Lanka:
Chairman of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) Dr. Chamira Nilanga Samarasingha said that his institution had information about two dozen members of the last Parliament, involved in the narcotic trade.
The NDDCB Chief has also revealed that out of the 225 members of the last Parliament 95 have failed the GCE O/L and 145 the GCE A/L. This may explain why MPs don’t believe passionately in developing the education sector and the parliamentary standards have been deteriorating rapidly. One need not be surprised that elections are conducted while vital public examinations are on.
Dude / July 5, 2015
Chill out dued Senana!
The “masses” are a myth and do not exist as such. And if the “masses” exist they are always already betrayed by their representatives, who are corrupt at the outset.. Democracy breeds corruption and the longer it runs with capitalism the more corrupt it is!
The Tamil masses do not exist any more than the Sinhala masses who are fragmented, ignorant and manipulated by their leaders.
Addressing DJ will not do. People like you need to talk to and EDUCATE the masses in whose name you speak!
R K Raghavan / July 5, 2015
TU Senan
Dayan Jayatilake is a one man driven empty vessel. [Edited out]
He is man who served in the EPRLF provincial government of north and east. He was drumbeating for JR then and was praising Chandrika later. He became intoxicated during Mahinda’s rule.
As an inside man, I know the ins and out of DJ’s attempts to establish links with the LTTE.
If Ranil or Maithiri offers him a lolly to become an international emissary he will unashamedly grab the offer.
[Edited out]
Nirmalan / July 5, 2015
R K Raghavan
You are now thinking wisely.
You are my pet boy.
Well said. Keep it up.
Silva / July 5, 2015
Dayan Jayatilleka wants to be the next Minister of Foreign Affairs under Crook Rajapaksa.
For this reasons he is selling his self-conscious.
The same Dayan Jayatilleke was sacked twice by Crook Rajapaksa for his pro-Indian view.
Now Dayan has become NO 1 enemy of the Indian!!
Vanguard / July 5, 2015
“This means addressing the national aspirations, serving justice by prosecuting those who committed war crimes, and proposing a meaningful solution for co-existence”
A meaningful ‘meaningful co-existence’ based on Separatism definitely is a threat to Sri Lanka.
Is this what you advocate? Isn’t Dayan right to be frightened, or concerned at the least? Nice to know that the LTTE never posed a threat to the security of Sri Lanka, and our ‘security forces’ gave their lives for nothing at all. Dayan should never have been worried.
Perhaps the GOSL should try non-violent resistance?
Vibhushana / July 5, 2015
I have seen this guy driving around in a 1978 VW Beetle with a sticker in the back – “my other car is a Porsche”. Its all in jest isn’t it? If he had a Porche he’d be driving it instead.
The “Tamil national feeling” is similar to what the VW owner is trying to portray. Instead of being comical – the guy actually believes he has a prestige car!
So for example he even applies to join the local Prestige car club. He then blames the neighbor for blocking pathway to his non-existent Porsche etc.
Ceylon had one main problem and one main problem only. Its the problem of having to deal with post Chelvanayagam “Tamil Nationhood”.
The reality for you is that there has never been “nation”. The reality is Tamils are an owner a banged up VW 1987 Beetle – a minority.
When the reality hits you blame “Sinhala Buddhist nationalism”. When the Mahavamsa written many centuries ago does not tally with nationhood idea you blame that. When Prabakran fails to deliver nationhood you blame him.
The flaw is not with Prabakaran or Ven. Mahanama but the delusions of non-existent grandeur! You do not have a nation in Ceylon.
jay / July 5, 2015
Well said
Park / July 5, 2015
[Edited out]
Krish / July 5, 2015
Well said by Senan. Unfortunately, Dayan does not seem to recognise that minorities in Sri Lanka should also have the same basic rights, as good as Sinhalese, even after serving in the developed countries, at the expense of public fund.
jay / July 5, 2015
What are the basic rights minorities in Srilanka do not enjoy which sinhala do….Name a single one…
jen / July 5, 2015
People like MR , Dayan , Wimal , Udaya , Gnanasara Thero can thrive only when they stir up patriotism , Racialism, Conspiracy etc by fooling the masses . We can see what they do behind the scenes . e.g. Gnanasara there eating fish at a restaurant and a lot of leaned Buddhists are ok with it . I for one buddhist eat met except beef I am not saying thats the correct thing but the day i visit the temple i am a vegetarian as a respect to lord Buddha . Buddhist monks who live in temples are here to preach the dhamma which lord buddha did and he him self was a vegetarian . Most decent monks them selves are vegetarians etc this baffoon Gnanasara Thero.
All this scoundrels use politics to Rob our money and live like kings . There will come one day we will have a french revolution to chase this things out for ever.
Sundram / July 5, 2015
The common elements of fascism — extreme nationalism, social Darwinism, the leadership principle, elitism, anti-liberalism, anti-egalitarianism, anti-democracy, intolerance, glorification of war, the supremacy of the state and anti-intellectualism — together form a rather loose doctrine. Fascism emphasises action rather than theory, and fascist theoretical writings are always weak. Hitler’s Nazism had rather more theory, though its intellectual quality is appalling. This greater theoretical content is mostly concerned with race, and it was Hitler’s racial theories that distinguished Nazism from Italian fascism.
-Ian Adams, in Political Ideology Today (1993)
People (Most of Tamil Diaspora), Organisations (GTF, BTF, TGTE) and writers (Senan, Ratnajeevan Hoole) who defend fascists are also fascists.