Two Christian churches attacked in Hikkaduwa last Sunday (12) have put together comprehensive footage of the mob attack on their premises. The footage includes media coverage, interviews with pastors of the two churches and new footage that was filmed by people inside the church while the Hela Bodu Pawra attack was going on outside.
Bebon / January 16, 2014
Bitter truth, Sri Lanka is Sinhalese Buddhists Nation still . its Nationality is Sinhalese culture… There are other races (tamils, Muslims and many more ) we consider them as races not as Nationality. Problem here is other races dont want to accept Sinhalese Buddhists Nation and its Sinhalese culture.. They always make problems and demanding unnecessary things which are contradict with Sinhalese Buddhists Nation.. Since ancient times, Sinhalese kings were never try to invade neighboring countries to spread Buddhism.. But we had to face many wars eliminate invaders who were tried to destroy Sinhalese Buddhists Nation. Since 1505 we are facing so many invasions which are targeting Sinhalese culture and Buddhism.. Up to some extend they were succeeded , and our nation facing out come of damages. Peoples should understand where they are live in and where to they belongs
rambo / January 16, 2014
Buddhism is not a Sri Lankan religion. it too was imported from outside (India) Sri Lanka was not one kingdom. it was unified under the colony so if u prefer pre-colonial times then i suggest you work on dividing the country into the 9 kingdoms that existed as before.
I suggest u re-sit grade 8-10 classes and learn history well this time.
fools like u are the disgrace for this country!
Bebon / January 16, 2014
Neither Christianity nor the Buddhism a Sri Lankan religion too. But the both the religion came here in different forms and spread in different ways. Christianity never accepted as religion of Sri lanka but Buddhism does, even in 1815 it was well affirmed . I think you ha read wrong book there were many occasions that Sri Lanka or Lankadeepa, was under one king and as unitary country. Can I suggest you some books to read ?/
Bebon's Father / January 16, 2014
I have never heard of a Temple or any other place for that matter been attacked by Christians or pastors… but it has always been the guys in this silly orange cloth doing crap like this..
its sad that ppl follow these kind of animals..
Bebon / January 16, 2014
Christians invaders (I’M NOT POINTING TO INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO PRACTISE RELIGION ) dont do simple things like attacking isolated location like a temple or a Kovill,instead they select countries and civilizations to attack. Those Christians (invaders ) were responsible on destruction were wrought in this land since 1505. They had destroyed our hill country, ethnic balance, Culture, civil administration and peaceful life of people, Burnt out faddy lands and property .. They changed our education by replacing missionaries… Still exists and making tons of “kalu Sudda”… Why such peace loving Christians came to east.?? Did they on a picnic of exploring the world ? or it just habbit of them ?? crusades started by them lost millions of lives of innocent people throughout the world.. Do you want more to read??,,, Would you read world history at least if you are allergic to Sri Lanka’s history..
Gorilla / January 17, 2014
realist / January 17, 2014
Yes there were historical wrongs. How does that excuse what happened?
Maveeran / January 17, 2014
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kris / January 17, 2014
Go back to 1815 and check what they done at that time
Burning_Issue / January 16, 2014
What is the story with 1815? Can you elobrate?
Bebon's Brain / January 17, 2014
Gota My Almighty Lord
how do I answer this question.?
I have no idea about this 1815 story.
This was not covered in the Rehabitilation camp for runaway soldiers
Melani / January 16, 2014
What”s your point Bebon? or should that be ‘baboon’? “They always make problems” you say. Watching the videos no prizes for guessing who is making the problems here… clearly isnt the Christians.
Ben Hurling / January 16, 2014
Is Lord Buddha a Sinhalese?
Who are you to tell Sri Lankans exactly which religion they should choose to follow?
saishna / January 16, 2014
so u think u are really good Buddhist and you know the religion well so tell me has lord Buddha not stated that we should be tolerant of others views and we respect those view as well and let me ask you this when was last time you helped some one in need perhaps a beggar i guess you were too busy typing this comment to really understand what Buddhism is actually
Bebon / January 16, 2014
Haven’t to taught in School that there are punctuation marks like “,” “.” ? Much appreciates if you use those.
Every tolerance has a limit. since 1997 they are on patience..
Bebon / January 16, 2014
Haven’t you taught in
Lanka Boy / January 19, 2014
While teaching others about punctuation, you might want to save the Queen from being murderered, no slaughtered, with your insecure racist slurs.
Bebon's Father / January 22, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
JimSofty / January 16, 2014
JESUS CHRIST said love THY NEIGHBOUR and not cause trouble to your neighbour or CONVERT YOUR NEIGHBOUR by FRadulent means.
CSM / January 17, 2014
really? when? Where?
Mohamed Marzook / January 17, 2014
So by resorting to violence can you expect the others to accept your culture which now becoming more and more violent.
Malla / January 17, 2014
Tamils have been SL since the 10th century n Muslims too have been here for a long time. Just because a person or his ancestors have chosen a different religion in the past doesn’t make them less sri lankan. Yes we suffered from invasions but we all fought against them together. Today we are fighting amongst ourselves instead of moving forward together. Buddhism has thrived in SL for so long not because Monks spread hatred, but because they spread the peaceful message of the Lord Buddha. Today the most damage to Buddhism is being done by these monks. This is not what the Lord Buddha would do. Protect Buddhism by practising Buddhism not violence!
angelo / January 17, 2014
Get back to school and learn your history.
Jesus forgive for what he has said.
Rajash / January 16, 2014
Unfortunately my passport say I am a Sri Lankan National. You are right the Tamil Nation is Eelam.So lets give us Eelam and problem solved.
Bebon / January 16, 2014
We do support for Eelam.. It’s Tamils prime need as 60 million without a Country. But you all are struggle in wrong place, wrong time and wrong way.. Check again and recheck your map, time and supporters
Rajash / January 16, 2014
Thanks for your Support for Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka. Wish there are many like minded people like you.
The population of Sri Lanka is 20 million, where did you get 60 million from?
You also better check the defintion of nation and race.
You will find we all belong to the Human race.
Bebon / January 16, 2014
60 Million from Thamilnadu population…
Simply you are in to a race..
Punakku recycler / January 16, 2014
Ah my dear Bebon, you have made the mistake of assuming that SL Tamils think of themselves as from the same stock as Indian Tamils. The truth is that most of our Tamils think that they’re a superior version, hence poor Rajash’s confusion ;)
Rajash / January 16, 2014
hence poor Rajash’s confusion…?
do not pity for me I am not confused…
The person who is confused is Bebon…he is not sure if he is a Sri Lankan national or belongs to Sinhala race or human race?
T / January 16, 2014
.. Since ancient times, Sinhalese kings were never try to invade neighboring countries to spread Buddhism…
ha ha ha hilarious…
you are one of them certainly rehabitilated by Gota
Fathima Fukushima / January 16, 2014
Compared to the Beruwala mosques attacks of 2009 these are minor.
benyamin / January 16, 2014
@Bebon =baboon -Monkey see Monkey do.
@Fukushima = nobody asked you ,nobody in this forum notices you anymore ,I sympathize with you .. so best you shut the fxxxk up
Suresh Ratnam / January 16, 2014
What is next ?
Peacelover / January 16, 2014
nothing to worry about this is the great way of life at work as mentioned by K A Sumanasekera and et all (the coolies of CT)
Off the Cuff / January 16, 2014
This is the triply blessed sinhala buddhism -live with it folks. Buddha himself gave this island to us LOL
Warm Regards
Orissa_Man / January 16, 2014
Fathima Fukushima – your time is up. Get ready..
nimal / January 16, 2014
Is sinhala Buddhist modaya wait 16 years for attack this church..LTTE said sinhalis are foolish and can win war with easy.. and Tamil believed Colombo amarica Christian said budhist are so weak because western pressur.this attacks all normal villagers. truth is noiseluss sinhala Buddhist waiting right time to attack sri Lankan Catholic not by throu stones but by econmicaly and politically.
CT become media partner of BBS because this all artical help create massive funds from overseas.truth is always better. Sinhala Buddhist last 30years spaind for wait war they start background making for massive economic boom.
Buddhist try their best keep out Muslim and Christian so one day they can say they are the winner same as war vectory.Catholic must creat economic boom for every sri Lankan with help of west.if we think everything can do by pressure the sinhala Buddhist by using west we can fight another 30 years until sinhala Buddhist won or they leave this country.
Rajash / January 16, 2014
sorry what are exactly are you trying to say?…write in Sinhala
Anton / January 16, 2014
Baboon, Your father (Mr. Baboon from Thumpane) has misspelt your name. Ask your mother whether she visited Tumpane nine months before you were born. Anyway, would you accept if the Buddhist Temples are attacked in Christian countries like France, Germany, United Kingdom, U.S.A., Australia or in any Muslim country. All those who approve your mentality are real BABOONS. We, the non-Buddhists will come forward to save our innocent Sinhala Buddhist women from these Baboons wearing skins with saffron coloured firs. Glad that you have chosen an appropriate name for yourself including those who approve these acts. In your own language we say – HUjja KAjja GAjja NIrajja NGajja.
Bebon / January 16, 2014
Christians invaders (I’M NOT POINTING TO INNOCENT PEOPLE WHO PRACTISE RELIGION ) dont do simple things like attacking isolated location like a temple or a Kovill,instead they select countries and civilizations to attack. Those Christians (invaders ) were responsible on destruction were wrought in this land since 1505. They had destroyed our hill country, ethnic balance, Culture, civil administration and peaceful life of people, Burnt out faddy lands and property .. They changed our education by replacing missionaries… Still exists and making tons of “kalu Sudda”… Why such peace loving Christians came to east.?? Did they on a picnic of exploring the world ? or it just habbit of them ??
crusades started by them lost millions of lives of innocent people throughout the world.. Do you want more to read??,,, Would you read world history at least if you are allergic to Sri Lanka’s history..
Anton / January 17, 2014
Bebon, I think you should be caged at Dehiwala Zoo with a female Orang-utang so that your offspring will not comment like a baboon but as 50% stupid baboon. Atleast you are abe to write Singish due to these “invaders”. Why don’t you go back to Thumpane and worship stones!
Bebon / January 17, 2014
Man… If you cant comment on points in which were mentioned by me, please dont waste time… baseless instituting doesn’t make any value for readers of CT.
Here and now / January 19, 2014
Instituting? Please don’t insult English Baboon and if you cannot comment in proper English, please don’t murder the Queen and use proper Sinhala.
Tolco / January 16, 2014
The baboon commenting here should get himself an education.
JimSofty / January 16, 2014
IT is a EVANGELICAL CHURCH a – part of new expansion christianism based IDEOLOGY of the SOUTHERN – USA.
CSM / January 17, 2014
Oh! Another new theory… From the very beginning of Christianity evangelism was part of it. even the Roman soldiers who nailed Jesus to cross were convinced that Jesus was no ordinary man.
please read the gospels to clarify and overcome your ignorance.
Appu / January 16, 2014
Sri Lanka is the only foolish nation on Earth who have adopted Race, Religion based Phrases (ie Sinhala, Buddhist) ….This shows the whole world how foolish ,Ignorant and divided we are as a nation.
CSM / January 17, 2014
Correction the only foolish nation the government patronizes these extremists and never condemns these acts of violence and HR abuses. However there are some countries where extremists have become the government.
Desh / January 16, 2014
What a sad little bunch of people hiding behind robes and bunch of fools following them. These people have forgotten that what ever the religion they follow, they are all still Sri Lankans. These blind people don’t follow Buddhism, they follow hatred and spread hatred. They bring shame to our country. One day their hatred will consume them. Sad about those unintelligent people who think that Buddhism was created in Sri Lanka. Let me remind you that Buddhism and all other religions were brought here from outside of this country.Everybody has a right to follow their own beliefs, anyone who tries to block someone is misusing their god given freedom to live.
benyamin / January 17, 2014
@ OTC,
This is the triply blessed sinhala buddhism -live with it folks. Buddha himself gave this island to us LOL Warm Regards OTC
Brotherhood of Man / January 17, 2014
Sri Lanka does not belong to Sinhala Buddhists. She does not belong to Muslims. She does not belong to Christians. She does not belong to Tamils.
However, Sinhala Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, Tamils… they all belong to Sri Lanka.
No one owns the country. But the country owns them.
By the way.. if a Tamil Hindu converts to Buddhism.. will he or she be called a Tamil Buddhist ? Tamil Sinhalese ? Buddhist Tamil ?
Finally the will to decide on the philosophy of life and the religion to be followed rests with the individual human being. He has (should have) the freedom to choose. That freedom has to be respected. If not the humans are relegated to the animal species where territories are fiercely guarded based on species categories.
The earth was meant for all human beings regardless of race, religion and ethnicity. The sooner that people and governments recognize this the better it will be for the human race.!
Be fair / January 17, 2014
I am a Buddhist, and I unconditionally condemn this radical behaviour of aggravated [so called] people on robes. I do not want to call them monks as if they were, they wouldn’t have behaved liked that. And that’s the unfortunate plight these days of Buddhism.
Off the Cuff / January 17, 2014
Wasn’t buddhism always like this? What abut the riots in 1958, these are well documented to have been encouraged by the clergy !
Kind regards,
Reality / January 17, 2014
luckily there was no youtube during Portuguese,dutch and british invasions which bought christianity to sri lanka.If people did see all the killing and suffering which went on to spread the religion, no one would have taken up christianity!!! :)
CSM / January 17, 2014
Oh ya! What a miss? You think people were blind then not to see what happened around them?
How do you know there were killing and suffering to spread the religion when no Vedio is available ?
The Dutch killed or persecuted the Catholics and British too persecuted Catholics but later stopped. Sri lankans willfully converted to Christianity for their own good, to get a good education and a government job were the main reasons. Both Hindus and buddhists did this voluntarily.
Missionaries started schools and hospitals and helped people. But when We regained independence all could ‘ve reverted back to their previous religion but they didn’t because many were true faith in Christianity.
material benefits will not hold a person to a religion only spiritual benefits will. If people are converted as alleged by these monks by unethical means they will never continue in the faith when the benefits are gone. I’m sure no church can afford to give all the converts a monthly dole to keep them in church. In fact the opposit happens these converts will have to give their tithes to the church.
Spring Koha / January 18, 2014
CSM: all the historical stuff is fine but we must remember that some of our opportunistic leaders did indeed look for the main chance. The BANDARANAIKE clan were original supporters of our colonial masters and embraced the Church of England in order to suck up to the colonial honchos. Sir Solomon was a ‘very good’ friend of Governor Sir Joe West Ridgeway and was invited to be godfather to little Banda who was christened….wait for it….SOLOMON WEST RIDGEWAY DIAS Bandaranaike. How’s that for sycophancy. It paid off because SWRD got into Oxford on the nod but he repaid the British by changing not only his Oxford bags for the arya-sinhala but his religion too (he became a Buddhist) when he returned and saw the opportunity that awaited him in a free Sinhala-Buddhist Lanka. Then, we must not forget the JAYAWARDENA’s too, who were very partial to the British. EWJayawardena was particularly pro-British and Church of England, and all his children were given Christian names – his eldest son was named JUNIUS RICHARD and had an English governess to tutor him (and his siblings at Park House). JR attended the Church at Polwatte too till he later saw the opportunity that being a Sinhala-Buddhist would bring, and changed. Don’t worry, there were many others as well who took the chance to help the colonial invaders, particularly the Dutch and British, and history has them nicely hidden away to save embarrassment in these times.
Spring Koha / January 18, 2014
Reality: Be careful what you wish for. It was long before the white colonials arrived that the Buddha and Mahinda came calling and persuaded our tree worshippers to take up Buddhism and start the ball rolling. For once, it was the white man who followed the indian.
Off the Cuff / January 17, 2014
Glad the video footage is there to show the world about buddhism LOL peaceful indeed
Kind regards
Reality / January 17, 2014
OTC Im gonna fart on your face, get your iphone ready, world will be glad to see me farting on your face, maybe i’ll poo a little too :D LMAO
Kind regards
My Ass.
NAMS / January 18, 2014
it seems the most Sinhala Buddhists are racist scums
Reality / January 19, 2014
CSM you cheap Portuguese slimy scum of the earth, go suck up to your precious devil-worshipping bankrupt masters you cheap hippie begger, We do not tolerate pieces of shiite like your self in this golden island of Buddha.So now fok-off!!!
Kind regards,
Ass on OTC’s face :D :D
cyril / January 19, 2014
There are Buddhist monks and Buddhist monkeys. These acts are committed by the latter.
Rambuka / January 20, 2014
Bogus monks, you know nothing about Buddhism. Buddhists outside of Sri Lanka are telling me they are embarrassed about all Sinhala-Buddhists, who are gaining a reputation as incorrigible bigots.
shankar / January 21, 2014
Sinhalese are fighting with the tamils,muslims,christians,india,US,UK,canada,stray dogs,media personnel
not to worry,china will protect them.
Rodger Williams / January 21, 2014
Many of the comments are nasty and distasteful, some are downright confusiong too. Let’s consider some issues, starting from the present. In the 64 years of indipendence, our land of Sri Lanka has never experienced such wanton deamage, thuggery, killings, brutality and property damage like we are witnessing today.
In the past few years,a descent into corrupt politicts, utter ignorance(the majority of intellectuals left the land from the 1950’s on)The political and financial corruption began to bsystematically escalate from the Senanayekas, to Bandaranayekas, Jayawardana, and has now reached it’s pinacle in the most crooked of all Sinhala Buddhist family of the Rajapaksas. Never has our Nation witnessed a bunch of hoodlum liars, who are systematically ripping off their own country and people.
It is through good information, that criminals in prison were released in the nights, provided robes to serve out their prison sentences in a do or die manner. A through bacground check is not possible as we have a corrupt judicial system.The country is in dire straits and financially bankrupt, therefore the easy diversonary tactic are the Christians and Muslims. Who pays for all the property damages? Hospital bills etc? Under the Sri Lankan Constitution, the rights of each citizen is free to exercise his or her choice, in life, religion and living to enhance the individual quality of life. So, we are at this stage in our land, not living in a democracy, but an advancing dictatorship. The land of Sri Lanka “does not belong in any exclusive way to any single race”, we are Sri Lankans as that songs prepared for the CHOGUM, sung by all classes of young people amply speak. The President himself sanctioned this unity (albeit it is another lie by him). What we are now witnessing are – The blatantant cover up of the All Ceylon Buddhist Association (from the early 1950’s to present), the rampant hypocricy of Buddhism,which is now a lauging stock in the world,and a country of absolute disgrace in the whole of the Asian Conference. (Compare the rise and quality of life in Vietnam as an example). Let’s not get history mixed up and make us look a further bunch of idiots. More to follow later.
BBS Rep / January 31, 2014
Looking at this video I can only sigh deeply. What a disgrace. In this day and age we are so uncivilized.