President Maithripala Sirisena, angered by a interpretation offered by Jayampathy Wickramaratne (MP) on Rupavahini has called on the Chairman of the television station Ravi Jayawardana and asked him if he was running the station on behalf of the United National Party (UNP), Colombo Telegraph reliably learns.
Wickramaratne, speaking to Rupavahini, stated that the No-Confidence motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in fact targeted the whole Government. The argument is based on the last paragraph of the motion which would, if passed, resolve that Wickremesinghe is unable to function as Prime Minister, as a minister or in the Government.’ He has picked on the last, for his assertion.
According to sources, after Sirisena called Jayawardana, the latter has considered resigning his post.
In an earlier incident Minister Rajitha Senaratne is reported to have invited both Sirisena and Wickremesinghe to his residence and then stated that the leaders of the two main parties in the Yahapalana coalition had sorted out differences and implied therefore the no-confidence motion is as good as dead. However, the President’s Media Unit rejected Senaratne’s claim, categorically stating that there was no meeting between Sirisena and Wickremesinghe to discuss the motion on Thursday as reported.
Political analysts told Colombo Telegraph that although Sirisena has not expressed his position on the motion, these developments as well as the decision to relieve Wickremesinghe of responsibilities pertaining to the Central Bank indicates that he is either in support of the motion or is using the same to leverage Wickremesinghe’s eviction before the matter comes up for debate next Wednesday (4th) in Parliament.
Rohan Silva / March 31, 2018
Sillysena is digging his own six feet grave. Re daniel dawal migel. Day time with Yahapalanaya late night with Rajapucksas. This village idiot has forgotten who bought him into the Presidential chair. Impeach this slimy idiot.
Buramphisincho / March 31, 2018
. In worst case scenario, PM will defeat, but what can happen.
Sajith will take over.
Then those young men in UNP will be more happy and UNP will win in the rest set of elections.
They have more energies than JO palhoru.
All what I and the like want is – THOSE KING CRIMINALS SHOULD BE IMPRISONED sooner than later.
Rajapakshes should be hung by their balls regardless of some respect they earn to have eleminated terror in his first term. But we must not forget not their magical powers but collectivity succeeded elemniation of terrror, as is the case even today, Balligeputha made MEDIA men on his side to paint the picture infavour of them.
Even today, no matter LASANTHA, Ekanaligoda AND Young rugby player have been killed by them on broad day light with all prima facie evidence are collected, … PEOPLE have been kept in dark by MEDIA prostitutes that WORK only for Rajpakashes.
Govt is changed, but MEDIA men abused the freedom they were given by current duo.
There the injustice made to PEOPLE are really huge
Srilanka is filled with uneducated rascals. They deserve to be ruled by rascal leader.
But we dont like Rajapakshe to return .. he has done enough harm to this nation.
He should be jailed for ever.. and we want him to destiny the way Gadafi faced it.
This will be the case like or not… Even presmadasa abused power. and ended up face and headless.. Rajapakshe will face it even worst… not just Rajapakshe entire family. for sure.
Eagle Eye / March 31, 2018
“But we must not forget not their magical powers but collectivity succeeded elemniation of terrror,”
Previous Presidents also had collective support but they failed to eliminate LTTE terrorism because they could not give the leadership.
“But we dont like Rajapakshe to return.”
Of course we know that Tamil Diaspora and LTTE cadres do not like Rajapakse returning to power but majority of people like to see him returning. Even Rathana Thero appearing in 360 Degree program in TV Derana said country could have been better off if President Rajapakse came to power.
justice / March 31, 2018
Eagle Eye,
Are you not yet aware of State Terror – State Terrorism, which even now plagues the north and east, administered by the military, assisted by the monks, & ignored by the Governors of the two provinces ?
Fathima / April 1, 2018
We should hand over Jaffna city for a US military base for $1 billion a year. Everyone will be happy, particularly Tamilians.
thambiyek / April 1, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Muta Mahasiva / April 1, 2018
Potta Eagle,
There is an old Tamil proverb, “whether Raman rules or Ravanan rules, who really cares”. Any Singala government comes to power, it is not going to make any difference to the Tamils.
Whether Yahapalana rules or Rajapakshe palana rules or any damn Singala palana rules, the Tamils don’t care. The Tamils have seen and experienced all these rulers. For the last two thousand odd years they had been fighting with the Demalas, and it is still not over. Elaras, Dutugemunus, Prabakarans and Rajapakshes will come and go but the Singalayas and the Demalas will stay forever and keep fighting.
If the Singalayas want Sri Lanka to be a poor begging third world pariah state forever with continuous Tamil uprising which means political instability, economic shrinkage/crisis and international interference (India, UK, US, EU, UN, etc.) forever, you can have it. Don’t worry, if the Tamils are going down the pallam, they will take the Singalese also along with them. When there is no peace for Demalas, there won’t be any peace for the Singalayas either. If you Singalese deprive the Tamil rights, you also will continue to suffer along with the Tamils. If the Singalese do not solve the Tamil issue, do not expect the Tamils to keep quite. The history will continue to repeat until the issue is solved. The Singalese must understand this basic law.
sach / April 1, 2018
Exactly we are destined to fight with each other. That is why I say this reconciliation talk is ****. We need one who can strengthen SL to fight its enemy like Israel today
Muta Mahasiva / April 2, 2018
“We need one who can strengthen SL to fight its enemy”
You must be referring to the White Van man Goat Rajapakshe to strengthen SL, the one who massacred the prisoners at Welikada, the one who murdered the journalists, the one who butchered the people at Rathupaswala for asking drinking water. Well, he cannot do anything to the non-violent Demalas as long as there is International interference (US, UN, etc.) but he will continue to kill the Singalayas. All the Singalayas who protest will end up as tiffin for his pet Sharks.
Samson Gunawardhana / April 1, 2018
Buramphi Icant agree with you more. You have articulated it as no other. Two months ago I happend to visit my home country in order to take part some buddhist activities within family circles. There we met various walks people among the gathering. I will tell you, people have not the least knowlwedge on anything regarding on going politics. They most of them believe that an international conspiracy took away their beloved president Mahinda from power. According to most of them, it was not anything else, as JVP and other civli society groups pointed out, but it was the western powers reacted there. Can you imagine guys ? I will disclose here what education levels they own among them I met myself with 1) Doctors 2)Higher authority holding engineers 3) Teachers 4)Dentists 5)Accountants 6)Business men of varied nature 7)Labourerers 8)Skilled workers 9)Tuk tuk drivers 10)Small scale business drivers
And the like people. Anyways, what my thoughts were, why LANKEN media have worked on brainwashing these people.
Like forexample people believe any Jathaka Stories as truths, if coming from buddhist backgrounds, they believe anything and everything come on their air, not being subjected t thinking twice. They would go after ASTROLOGY or Sorcery tricks players or any other invicisible fradulent men and women, no matter, they are obviously just criminals or deceitfulmen. This will show you how INTELLIGENT cross section of our society is, even today after 70 years we got the independence.
All I want you each to get is, SO LONG PEOPLE are kept away from facts and figures, checks and balances of truths, they will CONTINUE thinking the way they have been trained. They are just followers, if negibour MARTIN Appu OR Babahami would eat THANAKOLA thinking that would bring fortune, you would also do so, so long you live in that DEN.
Samuel Jayaweera / March 31, 2018
N othing like this would have been the case, if current president had balls to lock up Rajapkshes immediately he took the office after 8th Jan 2015.
He will never do it, since his tail waging nature is too servile in terms of taking merciless steps.
He is the one who stood AGAINST FCID,
He is the one who stood against inveistgations against GOTABAYA nations wadakaya.
He is the one who stood against SOME SOLDIERS being arrested.
What he has been doing is fullfilling his former allies .. as if he has no brains.
I understand that AMARASIRI the commenter called this man PERETHA DANNA… there I was bit taken a back, but today, I agree with AMARASIRI not just but fully.
Nihal / March 31, 2018
Yes try to do it and see the repercussion, Please be aware of the number of supporters behind him. Do not think of messing up this country any more. During the last three years it had been ruined to an extent recovery will take more than 10 years. Politicians with out long term National plan, dancing to the tune of foreign powers is the reason
Fred / March 31, 2018
Well Said. These fellow is not just a clown. He is a dangerous one.
Know All
Bunjappu / March 31, 2018
He is to be made accoutable to have let such murderous men scot free.
If i had been given powers by 6.2 million voter eligible.. that is 6.2/15 = 40% I would have guts to use excute powers and deliver for what I was elected for.
His tail vaging nature almost destroyed current govt.
President should be a president.
At least those JO men should have been put in jail by today, as he promised to the nation.
Only reason Rajaakshes to have been driven away like the stray dogs was the promise made by various justice seeking groups … that Rajpakapakshe would have been punished.
But not the smidgeon of it has been done sofar.. President sirisena has stood on the way not allowing UNP to do the job – is what is becoming evident
Just to protect his party he just hang on with DOGS – the days when President would complain on ticks problem is few months ahead of him only.
Champa / March 31, 2018
Let’s have a look at the unfolding scenario.
If the President has no qualms of removing him by way of an Impeachment or a Motion to abolish the ExePresidency, that means he is on a personal survival mission.
1. The underlying motive of the NCM to remove Ranil, should be a plan to bring Gotabhaya/Basil into the Parliament. I added Basil too as it is pretty obvious both of them indirectly supported MS at the 2015 Election and as pointed out before, there . is a move to remove MR from politics.
2. I stand by my position: NCM has no power to remove Ranil unless he is resigned. But let’s think if Ranil is resigned, then this vacuum is deliberately created to bring GR into Parliament and appoint him as the PM. Same route for Basil too.
3. GR/BR can never win a Presidential race. This is the only way for them to grab the top position.
4. If it’s the case, what will happen is, either the President will resign so that newly appointed PM-GR will become the President. As per 19A, he can serve the balance period of the Presidency, then contest at the next election while being the President. The outcome is obvious.
5. If not, President will let his position be abolished making the newly appointed GR as the Executive PM and go home bragging that he kept his promise to abolish the ExePresidency.
6. Why do I bother? a) I want ExecPresidency to be retained for the best interest of my country. 2. I don’t want the man who signed ACSA betraying the country taking over the highest position. 3. I don’t want the same 2010-2015 era again.
7. All those who support NCM against Ranil want GR as PM and abolish Executive Presidency! Am I right????
Champa / March 31, 2018
“Those who have either “King” or “Queen” in their hands, should be careful and choose wisely when playing their cards. If not, they might just end up with a “Joker.” (author unknown)
Champa / March 31, 2018
Hey Colombo Telegraph, stay strong, ok. Who knows ultimately you may be the ONLY place where we can voice our opinion!!!
I am not sure whether CT’s story here is true. But if it is true, then definitely something is going on “towards Presidential despotism.”
Rupavahini is NOT a private property of politicians, even President’s. If they discuss about NCM, then it should allow voicing opinions of both sides without any restrictions. If the freedom of expression is only in favour of the President and JO, then it is against the democratic values we cherished for decades minus 2010-2015 regime. President has no right to take the country back to that era even though he was also a part and parcel of that regime.
If CT’s story here is true, coming colours are not good, guys. We are experiencing DESPOTISM even before GR comes to the Parliament. After that how will the country be? We will have to live in a worse regime than 2010-2015.
Open your eyes, politicians! Letting someone come to the top post in the country by dirty tricks should be blocked at any cost. IF NCM IS THE PATH, then it should be blocked in order to protect the democratic right of people to elect a President of their choice through a democratically held Presidential Election in 2019/2020.
“Those who have either “King” or “Queen” in their hands should be careful and choose wisely when playing their cards. If not, they might just end up having a “Joker” in their hand. (author unknown)
Amarasiri / March 31, 2018
Rohan Silva,
For quite some time Amarasiri has been branding the so-called President Sirisena, as a Traitor, Patholaya, Sevalaya, Pachaya and Perethaya, to the 6.2 million who voted for him, and he certainly is living up to the new titles..
Mama Seka Kalemi, Mama Dena Gathimi
I suspected, I came to know
Sam Fernando / April 1, 2018
Amarasiri, I agree with you today 100000000000000000000000%.
I hold you as one who clearly pointed out that Sirisena betrayed us all immediately after they made that jathika anduwa.
If he had balls, nothing would have gone that level as is the case today.
RW had to play a secondary role under Mr Sirisena.
Sirisena had never been BLUNT to allow those FCID investigations to hold against Rajpakashes.
I have even noticed Current President added some stories about his former, there he used the term ” SIR”. Can you imagine ?
A man who current President branded as the king of higher criminals, to neglect while holding powers is EVEN more abusive.
kumar dassenaieke / March 31, 2018
ALSO RW(Rata Wikka or Rata Wenasu) doesn’t understand only because SIRISENA did a SILLYSENA,RW became PM,which gave him to the chance to ROB THE CENTRAL BANK
Kirthi / March 31, 2018
Of course of course there are other idiots who has forgotten who brought the Colombo 7 Pina as prime minister.
villager / March 31, 2018
Do you think Ranil had not known whether Sirisena is a non English speaking villager. I think Ranil did not contest for the presidency in 2015 because he knew very well that he couldn’t win it. For three years Ranil ran the yahapalana show and Sirisena not just backed him but saved him when he was cornered and about to lose the parliamentary elections. Sirisena start to act only when things became desperate for the entire country. I sincerely hope Sirisena has the guts to swing his sword on the CB banditos’ king.
Ansar / March 31, 2018
This Sillysena does not know whether he is sitting or standing. All what I know is, he is shitting in his pants in fear of MARA gang, for his life.
As Damara Himi quite rightly said, he should have confined himself to the kitchen of his house if he is so scared for his life and that of his family’s.
The worst part of him is, besides back stabbing Ranil after coming to the Pedestal from UNP votes is trying to bring in GOTA as PM, who is the chief suspect of most of the ghastly murders of his bro’s Regime, as PM contender.
This is treason at it’s height, considering the exhumation of bodies of Lasantha & Thajudeen during electioneering and shoving them as dirt, after elections were won. How worse can a Human get.
Hatharabirikatharina / March 31, 2018
Our great son of the nation, late Rev Sobitha Thero is no longer there, but we are half dead not being able to see, what Sirisena did, during the last few years.
We dont have leaders in this country to give a real lead to our folks.
Duterte of Philiphines or former Liee quan ju were the real leaders that thought about the nation than anything else.
This Sirisena is lifeless and he cant even take a any bold decision.
Those 3 men who joined the cabinet from former Ballige puthas faction should be sacked.
SB and other two are the most abusive men close to Sirisena.
So long they are in the closure of Mr SIirisena – prez would react as if AMBALANGODA ruukada.
This is called, those who have no proper Education, should not have been elected as LEADERS.. basta
punchinilame / March 31, 2018
SB and other two are the most abusive men close to Sirisena…..
[Edited out]
Had Enough / March 31, 2018
Senaratne lies again. Doesn’t this man have any shame? Is this the quality of people who want to lead us? Bloody thieves. They should all go.
JIM / March 31, 2018
He will lie again, and again and has no shame. This is the quality of people who will lead us. They are thieves and they are here to stay.
Janaka from Matara / March 31, 2018
So much heresay and deliberate lies flying around difficult to know the truth.
What is not difficult to see is that President MR has already committed harakiri – both in terms of political future and self-respect. He may be standing for the moment – but he has done the act. There is no reversing it.
Ranil and the UNP are wounded too, but they are not even down – forget about being out.
Good luck to my Lanka, the strait ahead looks treacherous.
Real Revolutionist / March 31, 2018
Why should president involve in this no confidence motion without letting the house to deal with it?
This’s good time for him to relax & on 5th he can take it as it comes.
A lot of resources is being wasted because of this power struggle especially of RW & UNP.
ananda munasinghe / March 31, 2018
No confidence motion stems from the grassroots of UNP not from the collision .If RW is removed there will be no reason that it would pay way for Rajapakse’s to stage a come back.All misdeeds of MR administration have been protected by RW.New leader whoever will not pardon misdeeds of MR regime .
thrishu / March 31, 2018
Time Mr Senaratna too is replaced with someone that gives considered and honest responses to journalists’ queries. Granted that he has a quick wit, but just mouthing off anything that comes to his head to fill the time or to evade the issue, and creating fake news is not appropriate for a government spokesman. If he is not credible then the whole government falls into disrepute, as it is at present.
Sam Fernando / March 31, 2018
Ananda, you the like men should have been on Punnaku.
Why on earth you guys want him to get back. Is it get your youth killed again ? Get the society be destroyed further ? or you may have own abusive business in the govt he is going to be create.
Do you have any guranetee that the ballige puthat would ever become normal ?
If you grew up normal, or belong to normal upbringing you would not thinlk so. We the ones who drove away the bugger in 2015 would never want him to get back. basta.
Ajith / March 31, 2018
I agree with Jeyampathy that the whole government including the President for the Central Bank scam. Further, the government including President should also take responsibility for the failure to take actions against those scams happened during the period of 2005-2015.
Lapatiya / March 31, 2018
This shit idiot, Gomarala has something in his mind. first he tried with SC weather he could stay another 01 year more but failed. Then he criticized UNP and RW at the local election recently concluded and use bond commission report to attack UNP and RW and kept other 34 reports submitted by his own Presidential commission as lot of SLFP and JO now and former “Pin Ministers” accused of abuse of power and corrupt to the core. I heard that when Ven.Maduluwawe Sobitha thero started his campaign against Executive presidency Mainda had asked Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha thero “Ape Hamuduruwane mata kelawannada hadanne” We all can understand Mahinda”s thuggery behavior. Now this piece of shit also behaving like that but he can’t beat Mahinda as Mahinda is a born thug. This Idiot doesn’t poses that kind of behavior or personality to at least to face the challenge. I think he need some more time for his family members to loot public money. He should remember one thing. Even though Mahinda is not in power he has lot of people to support including media. Mahinda use that as leverage to bargain with Govt. This piece of shit doesn’t have even a slimy chance of winning another Presidential election. He should remember at that time even his Daughter, who wrote the book “Janadipathi Thaththa” will not be with him.
Park / March 31, 2018
The character of a President can be assessed from 1) his or her ability to tell the truth to the people and not play politics, 2) ability to own the results of the actions taken by the government headed by him or her, 3) ability to deliver all the promises that were given to the voters during election campaign prior to the Presidential election, 4) in case he or she heads a political party, ability to control own party members, 5) ability to be neutral in political matters, 6) ability to appoint most suitable Ministers for the posts, 6) not to take sides based on religion, race, cast, region etc. and treat all citizens equal, and above all 7) be strong and able to take bold decisions for the benefit of the country without worrying about political back lashes. Lets evaluate the President based on these criteria.
Mallaiyuran / March 31, 2018
The known target of New King would be $36B. But he is standing much below to the target. American Finance Magazine rated it much below. Russia is not a Holy Cow Like China. The small ship worth for nothing. Replacing Tilak with Malik in the Chinese negotiation or placing Central Bank under Managala will not do any good. An able hand has to take over the Temple Tree House, so his alms bag can be filled up in just 18 months.
(Ranil did a very extensive damage to New Kings next term. He knowingly proposed Ponny for Law and Order minister and forced New King to reject that selection. There were three groups voted in the 6.2 m, in last time . Sinhala hard core UNPyers, Sinhala-Muslim crowd fedup with crime & corruption, Tamil War Crime investigation callers. By turning down Ponny’s selection , New King has alienated the whole 6.2 Million)
Karadara-Dias / March 31, 2018
This motion is heading to a humiliating DEFEAT for the Rajapakses. They will only muster about 55 votes. EPIC FAILURE for Dayan T Jayatilleke, PhD with no peer reviewed publications, and the greedy murderous bastards who ran Sri Lanka like how Mugabe ran Zimbabwe and Papa Doc Duvalier ran Haiti. NCM WILL LOSE big time . Sirisena will get egg on his face for even testing the waters
LEELAGEMALLI / April 1, 2018
Defeat or not, President should not bring those Rajapakshe back to lanken politics.
President should be made accoutable for all the mess if he would do so
People start protesting against Prez not PM.
PM cant take desiciosn by his own so long the Excutive Constitution is there.
Knowing all these, People have to react.
Media men on Rajapkashe men create unnecessary problems in this country. As that Pradeep Gunasratna say, lanken media should be subjected to some code of ethics.
Then those Rjapakpakshe supportive MEDIA would have to tame
K.Pillai / March 31, 2018
In January 2015, we, the silent majority was told “Corruption is rampant”. We mandated “Clean it dear MS, dear RW, clean it”.
“Cannot dear Lankans, dear Lankans, we cannot
We will join them, dear Lankans, dear Lankans, we will”
Then came the LG elections which said “The language/religion-divide is more important”
Now we have reasons to believe that the GoSL we installed is under remote control!!
Douglas / March 31, 2018
To understand that “LAW POINT” one must know all the ALLEGATIONS ( I understand there are 14 of them) contained in the NCM. Do we know or have any MEDIA brought it to our attention? CT: Why not get it and give your readers an opportunity to study and then express opinions? In the absence of the specific allegations known, all the comments are centered on the “Personal character and other traits of an individual viz. the PM”. Please get at and publish the 14 points in the NCM.
VJ / March 31, 2018
Sirisena is more of an obstacle rather than a facilitator. He prefers popularity more than efficiency. The man is not made of president material. He served only one purpose, helped to oust Rajapakse and his clan. Is it worth the price?
Jay Herath / March 31, 2018
It’s very funny to see all these HEROS use their freedom of expression with the maximum force to release their anger. BUT, they try to forget that 4 executive president did try to eleminate the world most ruthless terrorist and failed. Grow up!!!
Sri / March 31, 2018
4 executive presidents knew that winning the war at any cost would be like sleeping with the devil.
Charles Ratnayaka / April 1, 2018
Jay Herath.
Yes a rag tag bunch of 5000 trying to fight with a fully equipped strength of 300,000 with the support of India, cHina, Pakistan, Usa, Israel.
You call this victory! stupid
Sim / March 31, 2018
Are state institutions the property of President? Please allow them to do their work. We need a free press and electronic media and it’s their duty to tell the truth to the public without supporting any politician or party.
Thondamany / March 31, 2018
Rohan Silva mind your language…. Just reflect not on who brought him to power but why the UNP leader was incapable to contest for the Presidency in 2015 as well as 2010… This is the crux of the matter……
Brumpisingho… believe you are from Kandana… Yes agree with you in total. But when you hang the Rajafuksas by their balls please do not forget to hang Ranil & the other looters of the CB along with the Foot Note gang.
Samuel jayawerra – In any event locking up the rajapaksas would have only taken place if it ever happened only after the looters & foot noters were locked up. because it happened so swiftly, it shattered the Yahapalanaya myth and the evidence was hot hot…………
Bujappu – Yes Sira need to be made accountable to the 6.2m people as the CB was looted within 40days of him being voted into as the Prez and todate no action taken against the looters and foot noters.
Ananda munasinghe – NCM stems from the UNP grass roots as the CB Looting did not filter down.
Ajith – Jayampathi too will have to shoulder the responsibility
Lapatiya – MR is not a Thug… he is just a street fighter with an ear to the groung and the pulse f the people.
All this stem from lying to the public to grab power and looting of the CB & EPF. The former took place within the first 40 days to the disbelievement of the masses and moreover under Mr. Clean’s watch with all the hall marks of a pre-meditated scam.
Dinu Jay / March 31, 2018
One thing is certain today by 90% population that Sirisena or RW is not basically capable of running the country , its well proved so far and there is no any shadow leaders in the current govt to do so, (all commodians). Sri Lanka need a man like Gotabaya but not whole family running business as did before.
Karadara-Dias / March 31, 2018
RW, and UNP will trounce MR and his corrupt cronies and Sirisena and his double games. Ranil will become our President in 2020. All he needs is the 30% UNP base and 99% of Tamils and Muslims to vote for him. Paranoid fascist Gota has no chance of beating a man acceptable to all races and religions.
SLPP will get 52 Votes. RW will get over 114. EASY WIN for UNP
Good Sense / March 31, 2018
It is noted, whatever be the political alignments, there is a deep seated resentment by those who claim to be more fluent in Sinhala (characterized by wearing the national dress) than in English on those who are branded as persons who think in English first and then speak in Sinhala. This is visible in every strata of society, be it within the student body of a public school, state University, the public service and even in politics. It is said that the Ven Maduluwawe Sobhitha too preferred a man who wears the national dress to be the President rather than a guy wearing trousers and is more fluent in English than in Sinhala. My gut feeling is that this complex too is playing behind the scenes apart from other political aspects when it comes to the NCM. Therefore I am not surprised to see that names like Karu J and Sajith R springing up as the next PM.
justice / March 31, 2018
Those who vote for the motion will be those who wish to continue with corruption, and those who vote against will be those who wish democracy to prevail.
Wimal / April 1, 2018
The President only seeks the opinion of Maharaja ( LTTE accomplice ) who is running the country. So naturally he is annoyed.
bo / April 1, 2018
I do not agree with all the nasty comments about the President. Like all of you with high expectation for cleaning up the contry, the system, and taking action against former corrupt politicians, I too expected some real positive actions, but I have ended up with an unconsolable disappointment. Nothing wrong with the original Sobhitah committee as a group, but what we did not know was that the Sobhitha committee was being USED by Ranil to achieve his own agenda secretly. Could somebody explain to me, why at the dawn of January 9th 2015 Ranil (pursuaded MS, if he did) to let him go and meet and negotiate terms of MR’s stand down from Presidency? Why did MS allowed him to do it? May be MS feared for his life even after winning, because the commanders of the security forces were with MR at the time. Fair enough, but from that point onwards, instead of MS becoming and asserting himself as the Exec President of his country, he became Ranil’s prisoner. We had a President, but Ranil was secretly calling the shots, He was controlling all the time, who was going to allow MS to run his cleaning up program. Sure MS did not want any violence in the process, but it was very clear early in the government who was running the show, and who was in effect protecting MR and extended family. Within one-month of the election results, stripping of the national assets and bank robbery was launched, and now we know who was the mastermind in this. Wsa he planning this all the time as he was sitting in the opposition, for years? It is incredible even to imagine that a PM wa sinvolved in scuh a scam. All of you, as much as I was hoodwinked by Ranil playing his role as Upaasaka Balala (pious cat) but secretly catching his mice and storing them.
Chamuditha Senanayaka / April 1, 2018
Yes UNP needed some hard cash badly
and quickly to take on the Rajapucksa juggernaut. So the bond issue took place. Remember UNP was without power for almost 20 years and we are talking of only a single bond scam issue whereas the rajapakkas killed raped looted embezzelked robbed more than 18b usd.
K A Sumanasekera / April 1, 2018
Yahapalana suckers must be desperate to believe the BS which is being dished out in bucket loads by their holy Gurus Dr Rajitha and Dr Jayamapathi.
The whole world knows Dr Ranil helped his mate Dr Mahendran the Singaporean to rob the EPF through his Bond Trader Son in Law Mr Aloysious.
The whole country knows part of the loot was channeled into UNP slush Fund to buy MPs to support the so called Yahapalanaya which is nothing but the scheme to break up the Srilankan Nation.
The great majority of the inhabitant population know that Dr Ranil through the Bond Robbery helped the Aloysious Family to become the richest in Silanka in a short period like 2 years of Yahapalanaya.
They also know know that the Aloysious Family has invested part of the Bond Loot to acquire the largest brewery in Srilanaka , a TV station and many other valuable investments in strategic place in Colombo.
Dr Ranil got the AG to go soft on him at the Bond Commission , although Dr Ranil defended Dr Mahendran not once but twice in Parliament.
Yet Dr Ranil is still the PM of the country. thanks to the Western Embassies who prop him up..
How can the West who always claim to be holier than thou and lectures on every other Nation on Good Governance,Prevention of Corruption and the goodness of Democracy stand behind a disgraced and disgusting soul like Dr Ranil…..
MAMS / April 1, 2018
This gamarala is a Gunamakuwa. He didn’t deserve to be minister but Ranil and Chandrika installed the puppet as common candidate against Rajahora. UNP won him the chair. Now he is showing his ungrateful ness. He cannot change his destiny by berating Ravi Jayawardena. Patholyas days are numbered. Get ready to take early retirement.
asela / April 1, 2018
In the first place no one should listen or read anything to do with the Pachaya and Hora Rajith who is discarded by the people. He is the No 1 rogue in the country and the master liar who always get on to the wrong side of media as they always challenge Pacha Rajith when he is uttering royal lies.
we always welcome the action taken by the President for misleading people by Jayampathy who is a slave of UNP.
dayal / April 1, 2018
it is a great betrayal for the big man to think about bringing in the worst type of criminals like go…into politics. minorities will never forgive him if that is the case my3 has indicated that political fortunes are more important than the peple who voted for him.
Mano Ratwatte / April 1, 2018
Logic will suggest the motion will be defeated. This is simply based on how Sri Lankan politicians behave. But I don’t live in my motherland anymore so whatever I say should be discounted. Just a gut feeling that RW will survive this too like he has survived many crises in the party and previous leadership grab attempts. Who wants to lose their ministerial privileges and all the perks? So I doubt if anyone will risk voting openly for a no confidence motion at this time. Who knows? But it is fascinating to read comments and opinion columns from those who live in Sri Lanka and know a lot more about these games.
Buddhist / April 1, 2018
What doesn’t irk the President? He is like a tree bending with the wind. Whom have we all voted to be our President????
Gune / April 1, 2018
If the PM wins the no confidence motion Sirisena should resign. He designed and instigated the move and the defeat of this motion and the massive defeat of the SLFP at the local gov elections is only proof that he is incapable of leading.