19 February, 2025


No Mercy For Shanty Dwellers Challenging UDA From De Facto CJ

Making policy statements from the Bench in open court in support of the Gotabaya Rajapaksa led Urban Development Authority, Sri Lanka’s de facto Chief Justice yesterday said no one should obstruct ongoing development programmes in Colombo, and denounced shanties and low income neighbourhoods as breeding grounds for vice.

Pieris and Gotabaya

Chief Justice Mohan Pieris said it was the responsibility of all stakeholders is to extend their support for the Governments programme to create a better living standard for low income earners in the city of Colombo, state media broadcaster Rupavahini said yesterday.

Pieris made these comments in open court when a petition filed against UDA with regard to the removal of several shanties in the slave island area was taken up for hearing at Supreme Court yesterday, according to the Rupavahini report.

“State Counsel told court measures would be taken to provide new houses to families who were evacuated from the area,” the State broadcaster said.

It said that Mohan Pieris had praised the initiative and said that low income earners in the city of Colombo resort to various vices because they have no proper housing facilities. Illegal acts such as narcotic rackets are evident in this environment, he said. Pieris pointed out that such activities could be prevented by providing facilities to these people to lead a better lifestyle, Rupavahini said in its nightly news broadcast.

Pieris added that everyone should refrain from obstructing the relevant programme.

Mohan Pieris was formerly an advisor to the Ministry of Defence and also served on two Defence Ministry owned and operated companies, Lanka Logistics and Rakna Lanka. The Chief Justice who was appointed following the flawed impeachment of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake is believed to have been the choice of the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Since assuming office in January Pieris has made several highly political and partisan statements from the bench in open court, making it plain that victims of state excesses with regard to land acquisition, eviction and even death in state custody would not be eligible for redress under Pieris’ reign.

Latest comments

  • 0

    make better living standards by chaisng them away and building casions for the well offs

    • 0

      Navi Pillai was correct on authoritarianism in Sri Lanka’s military Dictatorship that constitutes Gotabaya Rajapassa’s DEEP STATE or “state within a State”.
      The DEEP STATE which is a military dictatorship with a facade of democracy operates with selected corrupt officials in military intelligence, the judiciary (Mohan Peris), the administration (Basil Mr. ten percent, Lalith Weeratunge), and business (Godaheva and the lying clown Nivard Cabraal at Central Bank) who control the state and economy.
      Institutions have been destroyed and eroded through cronyism and corruption and politicization while their facades are painted – e.g. the Town Hall of Colombo that houses a corrupt Colombo Municipality which is run by the UDA and Gota with the clown Muzamil from the opposition as a figurehead – who are cutting down all the ancient and valuable timber trees in the city. Files were burned after political stooges were hired and there was picketing by staff.. The Town hall today shows us the state of governance in Sri Lanka – beautification of facade, corruption within.
      Meanwhile a Facade of democracy is maintained by a parliament of criminals, thugs and morons, led by a shameless opposition leader (UNP’s Ranil Wickramasinghe) who has lost countless elections but refuses to let a younger and more capable leadership take over.
      That the Sinhalayas are Modayas and their leaders – particularly the opposition presents NO viable alternative with Ranil Wickramssinghe who is detested by the people of Sri Lanka is a huge problem and makes salvaging democracy from the Rajfaukse military dictatorship far more difficult.

      • 0

        Well Said Don Stanly, you sound Muslim whom has some brains :)

    • 0

      Are you blind about the 10,000 or so multi story homes being build in various parts of Colombo to accommodate shanty dwellers. Or are you jealous that the poor will come out of their vice ridden slum areas and live a better life?

      • 0

        Actually what our D.A.L.U Banda says is correct. These people who are against our Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi’s Development projects are Deshadrohis. Therefore these shanty dwellers are also Deshadrohis.

        Our Saddrmadveepa Chakrawarthi is offering them a super luxury flat, Tax free Luxury Vehicles such as BMW, Lamborghini and PRADO, Thithata Matha( available anywhere in the country), Casino to play and Places like Jeena Madam to visit once in a while etc. etc. but these people say no and troubling Cheap Justice.

        Suba Anagathayak!

        • 0

          I am not talking about super luxury flats or BMWs for the slum dwellers idiot, I only talked about some livable housing units for the unfortunate people.

      • 0

        hi what is price of bread
        people arw suffering for food and cloths.
        judicialis politicies

    • 0

      What? Vices?
      Isn’t it the Politicians and the goonies linked to the ruling elites who are committing all the vices.

      Mohan [Edited out] Pieris doing the bidding of all the nefarious activities of the state is the criminal no 01.

      These [Edited out] have eyed the lands in Colombo. What they’re trying to do is demo graphical change of the city. They’re trying to punish the minorities by moving them away from the city. This agenda is as old as the Independence we gained in 1947.

      Almost all the Sri Lankan govts. tried this and now these guys are trying it with a military fist.

      • 0

        What’s wrong with demographic change jealous man if we can rid the vice ridden ghettos. I wanted to rid the ghettos. I couldn’t careless whether they were occupied by the minority or the majority community.

    • 0

      they say……. when hunters are hunting ONLY fools start counting…. the Govt goes on with its agenda VIA it’s proxies with no care at all about the citizen… They bring in all the vices and then say… they are planning to eradicate… who is fooling whom I wonder…..

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    The way Mohan Pieris looks at Gota..I am sure he is shitting like Kakushima is oredered to shit here on CT forums

    • 0


    • 0

      Yes, Correct on the point.

    • 0

      Absolutly correct, Chife Justice should not stand or look at him like a servent to un educated Gam Batta like GOTA.

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    Are the days when the Supreme Court restricted itself to interpreting the law and pronouncing high-quality judicious judgements over? Is it
    now the time for pandankaraya SC judges, unduly appointed, making political statements from the Bench?


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    USD 500 for any concrete information that will prove a Chief Justice is from a company such as http://www.rakna.lk or http://www.lltl.lk

    The lattter stands accused of violating UN Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006)and a lot is known about the plane full of arms impounded in Bankok Dec 2009.

  • 0

    Breeding grounds for vice! Well, who is breeding vices, after the new Cheap Justice has been appointed the legal system in Sri Lanka has been breeding vices. They have let go all the murders, rapists, human right violators, illicit liquor barons, kudu mudalalis, paga karayos etc. How can he call a poor shanty dweller as a breeder of vices.

    If the politicians of this regime do not bring kudu, prostitues, support murders and rapists (including in the cabinet of ministers) how can a poor shanty dweller become a participant in vices?

  • 0

    Good work MP, GR and Muzammil!!

    We love you Muzammil – mayor of Colombo who always extend support to UDA and GR.

    Muslims are the majority in Colombo city not Tamilians.

    • 0

      Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something…………….(Guess who???)

      here is a clue,
      definitely NOT the MaRa brothers


      • 0

        You know the meaning of FUKusimba.??.

        They have jobs to do .
        That is pleasing Rajapassa clan , commenting on all articles that give bad names to Jarapassas, and getting payments.
        They are installed by Bill Pottinger at the expenses of Sri Lankan Taxpayers money.
        So all those Buffoons and Jarapassa Baboons are INDEBETED to sri lankans for generations.

    • 0

      Fathima Fukishima – were you house maid in Saudi Arabia?

  • 0

    Going by the subdued, slavish posture of the de facto CJ, I can almost hear him saying: ” Yes Master, your wish is my command”.

  • 0

    Mohan Peris may say the same about ‘land grabs’ by the army in the north and east.

  • 0

    CT, Cannot you find Pillay saying ‘Colombo shanty dwellers have lost their human rights’ or something like that for them to justify hang on to where they are and continue engage in their business of vice?

  • 0

    We must build at least one Mosques in every shanty estate. We must use Saudi money to pay parents to get their children to Madrasses to learn the Koran. All of the next generation will come out of vice business and become better citizens like our Muslim brothers.

    • 0

      I suggest you go to the courts where narcotic cases are heard and observe the more than 70 percent of the names called out as accused are Islamic names. I speak from personal experience.

    • 0

      can you use a Sinhala name please?

    • 0

      Mr. Muslim, we know you are Leela, Lester, Sumansekara or Budhist Jelous man. Well time will come Gota will be killed by own Monks.. wait and see

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    This sacrilegious transgression by Chief Justices was started by CJ Silva who made outlandish and highly inappropriate comments in public that lay bear his bias. As one of the responses say, the judges are there purely to interpret the law as presented to them in a court of law- he or she has to be devoid of any personal or pre-conceived opinion. It is paramount that the judges should not accept to be chief guests or put themselves in a position where they are called upon to make statements based on their personal opinion

  • 0

    We a team of 17, at any one point 12 of us board a seabound service disembark at Galle or Colombo so often I think my journeys to Sri Lanka from the sea must be numbering over 30 now. I have flown in or out another 20 times. The stretch between Galle and Colombo is what I know besst with only occassional excursionms inland as day trips from Kalutara or Galle.
    We have 7 crew members all with ilitary background from Sri Lanka. 5 are Muslims and that is in acccordance with our business plan which includes extensive trade in the Middle East. So I hope you can gather the background to my knowledge on the subject. We have a lot of time to discuss and as it turns out bwtween the Sri Lankan crew, debate many matters covered in this thread.th
    First let me assure you that the most despicable type of vice anywhere in the world – I will describe myself as widely travelled – gets offered to as tourists not in Colombo. Its a matter over which repeated police complaints seem to have no impact at all.
    Second let me assure you that the whole stretch between Galle and Colombo looks like a massive shanty town with occassional breaks of affluence. Recently embattled Grand Pass is the locality of one of our crew members and matters that unfolded there in recent times opened ny eyes as to whats going on.
    Ancient Muslim settlements that define many bustling cities on Indian Ocean rim are under attack fro their valuable land.
    Morality is being abused by totally unqualified immoral beings such as Mohan Peiris, chief justice. This immorality is clear to see out in the oceans even in the ways in which business deals are undercut, causing ripples which threaten to sink many peoples’ struggle to legitimize a new line of work in anti piracy operations.

    Greed is the cause of this downfall and from my humble observations, the final nail in the coffin for any chance of peace in your island. Note I do not go into how beautiful the island is etc. as we know beaty is only skin deep.

    Leave the Muslim people be themselves and try and rise from decades of corruption. Otherwise forget about Wonder of Asia ideals.

    Anon from Uuraa-watch team

    • 0

      Interesting…..you seem to be knowing a lot about the Rakna lanka security business with foreign vessels. Regime filling its pockets from that line too?

      • 0


        I am on land and seem to be more preoccupied with other things that it took time to find your comment alerted to by others at sea. Sorry for the delay.

        Its AGMS we cross paths with but with certification and the way they work RLL is a supplier to AGMS. How the certification and accreditation for business with weapons came about is another issue altogther what is at question now is something of most serious nature – breaking international arms embargo to certain countries. Connection of Mohan Peiris to RLL or Lanka Logistics remains to be proven.

        Hope that answers your question.

  • 0

    How if this scheme was implemented under RW of the UNP? Where would Ranil be today? RW would have been skinned alive by now. Way to go Sri Lanka.

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      Some how someone has to demolish the shanties and accommodate the occupiers in a human habitation because they are the dens for all kinds of vice.

      • 0

        Bando, Bando, what about the vice among the Ministers who are Drug Traffickers? like Mervyn, Duminda et al? Illicit Timber Racketeers as Mahipala Herath? Shouldn’t their houses also be demolished?

        • 0

          Gamini @ Your comments are simply great… :) really love them.

        • 0

          gaminiya thinks vice dens in slums should be allowed to continue until ‘vice among the Ministers’ were eradicated. Gooooooood. What an intelligent piece of writing! Instead of writing Bull Shit, why not you promote it by contesting an election in a slum area in Colombo.

          • 0

            Aney Palayang Bando Yanda! A fish starts to rot from the Head. If the fish is to be eaten first remove the head. Similarly the decadence of Society starts from the Head and the Ministers. Therefore the Corrupt Head and the Corrupt Ministers should be removed first to arrest the rot at the bottom.

    • 0

      Like how he skinned the batalanda boys?

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    Shanty dwellers do not need mercy. They need to be paid for their land at a price that is at least 125% of market value. Most of their plots are about 2 perches and if they are valued at about 5 million a perch that would be ten million which with a 25% bonus would be 12.5 Million. The government can give them the option of buying an apartment with part of that cash or a plot of land somewhere inland on land that is at least 5 meters above sea level at a discount to market price. That would give the wise an opportunity to relocate inland away from sea level rise. Compensation is the key and failure to compensate is the problem not a lack of mercy.

  • 0

    UDA is full of corruptive people, especially in enforcement division is hell of corruption. They take money to even protect illegal garages operates in high residential areas. Inside many takes bribes to approve illegal construction and to protect them. Some senior officers inside take monthly money from all Technical Officers attach to Urban councils. Some technical officers in Colombo area owned building plan drawing firms and if you draw building plans from them they do not care any rules you will get approval for that. Check how these Technical Officers collected so much wealth.

    • 0

      Yes you are 1000 times correct baby. Check Kesbawa Urban Council Technical division and their wealth. Key man owned building plan drawing firm at Delkada and he made multi millions by approving and protecting illegal construction. Seal this urban council technical division and ask how key man collected so much wealth and how he run his own company related to building plan drawing. He do everything for money but UDA is fully protecting this officer (He pay monthly money to UDA senior officers)and others are following him and say that “nothing happen to him and he is having majestic life with this money”. Then what is the wrong with taking money from people and protecting illegal constructions. Even he visited these illegal constructions and give advice and how to do that. All these illegal constructions have to pay monthly money to this man. His main target group are garages, small workshops and many other illegal dwellings.

      • 0

        Yes Fedrick you are 100 times correct. I also recently paid 25k and got approved illegal construction from this Urban Council TO. Only one day time approved file delivered to home. Many complained to UDA about this man but no use he is getting full protection from UDA high end therefore no point of complainings. This is Sri Lanka. If you complain you are in trouble. Get done your work by paying. This is norm in this Urban Council.

    • 0

      I tend to agree with this Doctor. However, I must say that the writer should have informed the Bribery Commission at a specific instant for them to catch the culprit red hand just like they did that Homagama majistrate. Needless to say, vague inquiries are difficult if not impossible to inquire let alone prove. Write to Gota direct, I am sure he would look into your complaint. I don’t know him but I can see that the man is honest and a doer.

      • 0

        Come On Banda keep us entertained. Please tell us another of your Honest Man and the Doer. You are asking the Public to write direct to your Honest man. Did not CJ also ask the Public, not so long ago to write to him a PC. Great Stuff! Bando.

      • 0

        [Edited out]

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    A set bloody fools and hypocrites are criticizing the development work carried out by the UDA just because they are politically against the government. I believe the majority who have commented against this move including the editor of this paper seemed to be benefiting from the prostitution and Narcotics and trade by these shanty dwellers and are scared they will lose the benefits due to government activities.

    • 0

      Don I am reminded here that in the UK the Police mostly raid Brothels run by the Asians but not the White women unless they work under the whites. Similarly Prostitution and narcotics are bad for the Shanty dwellers, but not for our Dishonest Politicians to indulge in.

  • 0

    Saudi has thousands of mosques at each corner of a road, no churches, no temples, no kovils. Every Saudi goes to madrsssas. But vices are still there.

    So building mosques with Saudi moneys in shanty areas is no solution to spreading of vices. We have enough and more temples, churches and mosque.
    By Reality

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    If Colombo is full of shanties that is govt fault. If the govt get rid of those shantys and clean colombo that is too govt’s fault.

    • 0

      For you, even if GOVT would go on killing their people, you would not utter a single word, that should not be. It is your blood – that causes us problems here. You and the Leela like personalities are a deadly virus for our nation and future.

    • 0

      Good one there!

  • 0

    So long as the shanty dwellers are provided with reasonable accommodation, I am happy about this development. After all, if not checked, the number of shanties will increase in Colombo, as everyone wants a piece of Colombo.

    If Colombo gets beautiful and safe, it will bring everyone a rewards.

    Some decisions, for the interest of the country are bitter and difficult, but they must be taken.

  • 0

    Deprive, and be deprived. the will of God.!

  • 0

    How dare the current CHEAP Justice say that ONLY in the low income neighborhood vices happen ? Casinos, Massage Parlors, SPA’S AKA Brothels ALL PLY THEIR TRADE in THE city… AND SUBURBS.. HAS HE BEEN DAY DREAMING OR WHAT? HE IS THE LAP DOG TO THE RAJAKAPSA FAMILY, SOONER THAN LATER KARMA WILL BITE HIS BACK AND HE WILL GO THROUGH ENOURMOUS PAIN AND SUFFERING… He wont have a place to run..NO country will want him EVEN with his ILL Gotten money…

  • 0

    Peronally I agree of changing these people from Shanty to the good Flats as one of my staff were living in low income area and was given a good flat and he said its like a paradise for him as its a Brand new house with 2 rooms and very clean. So i had fund him to buy some things and i am very happy for it. But its chnages from person to person as its how they think. GOTA and JHU has Hidden Agendas but still they cannot do anything to anyone as Muslims will be majority in Colombo :) as Colombo was a Muslim town in 1000 years before while Kotte was a Kings Court…

    • 0

      ” as Colombo was a Muslim town in 1000 years before while Kotte was a Kings Court”

      What reputable sources do you have to claim Colombo was a “Muslim town” in the past?
      If it was true then how is it that Muslims aren’t the clear majority right now?

  • 0

    No problem as long as fair compensation or alternate accomodation is provided in the same area. I believe the court ruled that fair compensation be paid and alternative accomodation provided in the interim. UDA was offering a pittance.

    Due to the high land value it is possible to build upwards and provide modern flats and amenities for these people. Vices are more prevalent in the suburbs of the big cities and not confined to a particular ethnic group. However living conditions are problematic in these congested areas.

    In addition residents should be able to improve their economic condition by obtaining employment in these new projects. The value of their new apartments will increase manyfold when the development of these areas progresses.

  • 0

    So when is the Chief Justice going to mention how Casinos create and nurture a lot of vices.

  • 0

    let the Govt give the contract to build houses for the evicted shanty dwellers to Leela of Lee Potter Ltd that way all will be happy except the shanty dwellers of course as there wont be any houses for them hahahahaahaahahahahha

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