By Jehan Perera –
Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has informed parliament that the draft constitution will be finalized by the end of the year. An expert committee to draft a new constitution was appointed in September last year, soon after the government won the general election with close to a 2/3 majority. In his inaugural address to the newly elected parliament on August 20, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa announced that the government would replace the existing constitution and do away with the 19th Amendment that sought to strengthen parliament and independent institutions, besides curbing presidential powers. Although government leaders have been saying on and off that the new constitution would be coming soon, it was not a definite assertion. Now it seems to be.
The reason why the new constitution has not excited much public attention is that hardly anything is known about it. The drafters and the government itself have been tight lipped about what it might contain. The best guess is that it would follow the tone set by the 20th Amendment which got rid of the 19th Amendment as pledge by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and be in accord with the tone set by the recently appointed Presidential Task Force on One Country, One Law. The expert committee itself has been selective about whom they have chosen to meet. They called civil society groups who could give technical advice such as on electoral reform. It appears that electoral reform would be an important part of the new constitution. The expert committee summoned PAFFREL, the country’s oldest election monitoring organization to obtain its insights into electoral systems and international practices.
By way of contrast, civil society groups that articulate a pluralist vision of the country and its people did not get the opportunity to go before the committee. In order to meet the challenge and opportunity presented by the expert committee’s desire to hold public consultations, the National Peace Council, for instance, organised its own consultations with over 50 citizens groups, ranging from district and divisional level inter religious committees, to groups of pradeshiya sabha members who had been elected to the lowest tier of elected government. They all made written submissions to the experts committee but apart from getting a written acknowledgement that their submissions had been received, they did not receive a meeting with the expert committee.
Non Consultative
The manner of work of the expert committee corresponds to the general government working style of not being consultative but engaging in top-down decision making, by trusted insider groups with only a minimum of consultation outside that insider group. However, a fundamental feature of a democracy is consultation with the people. As it is impractical to consult with all of the people, the democratic system provides for elected representatives of the people to be consulted. However, this feature has been absent in the constitution making process so far as complaints by government ministers that they are being treated as lamp posts, suggests.
The unfortunate feature of being non-consultative has applied in some of the more controversial decisions that the government has made. It started with the 20th Amendment, which is today widely criticized even by those who continue to place their faith and trust in the government. The 20th Amendment which was rushed through parliament in the immediate aftermath of the general elections is now seen as concentrating too much power in the hands of the presidency and eroding too much of the independence of state institutions from political pressures. This may be the reason why the unfortunate decision to ban chemical fertilisers overnight was acquiesced in by the state implementing machinery who failed to stand their ground despite its adverse consequences.
On the positive side the government has shown a measure of flexibility when challenged on the basis of reason and logic, as with the Presidential Task Force on One Country, One Law. In the face of strong criticism of the mandate of the task force and its leadership, the government has revised the mandate of the task force. The composition of the task force has also been changed to better reflect the pluralism and diversity in the country. Earlier it had excluded Tamils and women which was unacceptable and indicative of a lack of a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and plural perspective among those who made the selections to the task force. Now it has included those two categories, although the Christian community continues to be excluded. What this shows is that unless the appointing authority is pluralist, the choices made are unlikely to take the plural nature of the country into account.
Sri Lanka requires a unifying political value system that accommodates the country’s multi-ethnic and multi-religious reality. This pluralism and diversity of Sri Lankan society continues today, with Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Malays, Burghers, Parsees, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Muslims, being some of the ways in which people have defined themselves. Sri Lanka has a democratic political system in which the weight of numbers predominates through the principle of majority rule. This reflects the popular belief is that majority rule is the primary element of democracy. But this creates a problem with respect for minority rights in all parts of the country. Minorities are often ignored, marginalized and discriminated against. It is unfortunate that the treatment of people as equal citizens, and their communities as those that need to be integrated, have been eroding constantly and is at a peak today for political reasons alone.
Ongoing Dialogue
For close on two years the National Peace Council brought together students from the Eastern, Jaffna, Ruhuna and Sabaragamuwa universities. The initiative was supported by Strengthening Reconciliation Processes in Sri Lanka (SRP). SRP is jointly funded by the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the British Council, in partnership with the Government of Sri Lanka. More than 160 undergraduates from the four universities obtained awareness and organised their own debate competitions and artistic events on themes that centered around the concept of pluralism. This past weekend a conference was organised, at which 30 research papers were presented, written mostly by undergraduate students and a few by faculty members. They provided testimony to the peace formation that takes place at the local level by civic actors who are engaged in pluralist and grounded actions even at a time when the macro political actors may not be prepared for the compromises necessary for reconciliation.
At the conference on the theme Plural Sri Lanka: Paths to Reconciliation, Foreign Minister Prof G L Peiris, who was invited to deliver the closing address answered questions from the floor on the concept of one country, one law. He stated that the purpose was not to eliminate personal laws but to ensure that rights were protected in a universal manner applicable to all citizens. The principle of one law prevailed as parliament was the supreme lawmaking body. He also added that the government was committed to a process of reconciliation and did not consider NGOs to be enemies but as organisations that had a wealth of experience in working with people and possessing wide networks of influence. There is a need for this holistic thinking to be taken on by the government as a whole and not only by a section.
The problem on the ground remains that governmental decision making has failed to be pluralistic on both symbolic and substantive matters of importance to the minority communities. This is primarily due to the structures of the state failing to discourage ethnic majoritarianism whether at the central level or provincial level. So far the Sri Lankan state has not being prepared to shift away from a system of government in which an ethnic and religious majority can decide on behalf of minorities. This is due to the absence of understanding of democracy as being a consultative process with all of the citizenry and not just with the majority who have voted the government to power. It is this unresolved problem that has made the minorities question their status in the country which needs to be resolved early for the progress of the country. The expert committee needs to deal with this challenge prior to releasing their draft constitution. Or else, the opposition generated by the Presidential Task Force on One Country, One Law is likely to be replicated on a larger scale.
nimal fernando / November 16, 2021
Jehan Perera,
It looks like you moved to Jupiter ……. from Mars.
Native Vedda / November 17, 2021
N Perera
Have you applied for your Passport?
Nathan / November 17, 2021
nimal fernando,
Extraterrestrial ones are supposed to be intelligent. Do you see any sign of that in JP.
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
It is high time JP or the like writers to start calling a spade a spade, else, people would not be able to free from the RAJAPAKSHES CLUTCH.
What fooled the VULNERABLE in this country
1) The place given to a SANGAYA in the society
2): Sinahala Budhdism, a life style form, in SRILANKA calling themselves BUDDHAGAMA adherents. :::: but this is far from NON-VIOLENCE based true teachings of BUDDHA
3) Satakaya- being put around the NECK of Rajapakshes BPs
4) Ranil and Chandrika were branded as they would sell out the state properties, but today MEN wearing SATAKAYA and their BABARIAN in the leadership do it going an extramile…. not a single step taken by BP Nandaseeni is ethical and moral.
5) Entire WORLD branded this nation as the paradise of SINHALESE, but no different to that of sentinelese tribe in indian ocean
6) Day light murders are PART AND PARCEL of BP Rajapkshes….
with the new PUBLIC murder being revealed yesterday from Ambilipitiya.. a protester was killed by RAJAPAKSHES POLICE
srikrish / November 16, 2021
As usual a well-articulated presentation, but deals mainly with ethnic and religious diversity, The LGBT, Gender and youth issues are ignored or hidden or marginalized.
The whole process is top down, first the expert committee and they formulate the draft constitution, then the consultative process.
Do the farmers and the fishers matter?
The democracy is hijacked by the first past the post electoral process and the winner is selected based on this system and all others are rejected. This concept lead to majoritarian democracy and all others are considered to be defeated and rejected and ignored.
The result will be the draft constitution prepared by the Expert Committee with token accommodation with the views expressed in the consultative process.
Is it possible to expect the constitution to have in built mechanism to have real participatory democracy as a mode of governance?
Otherwise this new constitution will also be a political party driven constitution like 1972 and 1978 constitution. It is a pity that we have not learnt any lessons.
Good Sense / November 16, 2021
The author states of a few instances of “non-consultation”. In my view, almost every decision making process must have a consultative element, the degree of which can vary. Needless to say, a frank exchange of views promote good decision making. Over the years, those who sit in seats of power of all parties have cultivated a habit of not liking to hear a different point of view. The bureaucratic lackeys who offer quick fixes in the guise of a “simple solution” are the biggest thorn for an exchange of different points of view. These “quickies” ultimately end in a morass.
leelagemalli / November 16, 2021
It did nt work by 2015 and how would it work today? If the chances are given people would wait but tear off Rajapakshes and their men in to pieces today. All other neighbouring countries control their prices on daily essentials but Gota has failed no other predecessors. So what more talks about the wonder making capabilities of Gata et al ???😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
Cicero / November 16, 2021
The constitutional committee was a non-starter. It did not contain any person who could be considered an expert in constitutional law. They are a pack of yes men and women who count for nothing. Pluralism never existed in Sri Lankan politics. It died when the left folded up. Mealy-mouth Pieris is a snake which wriggles many ways. Hardly worth being taken seriously. The one law proposal is meant to revive communal hatred once more and hopefully keep the 6.9 morons in line. But, with impending food crises, that may not happen, particularly if the Chinese do not help. Rethinking on these matters may come only after it is realised that the politicians whipping up communal hatred have been cosying their own nests with the money they steal from the people.
MyView / November 16, 2021
….”The reason why the new constitution has not excited much public attention is that hardly anything is known about it.”….
No. It is because from the public point of view it will be another burden THRUST on them. A proper Constitution should be with full participation by the people (public) and include the erudite from civil society, not drafted by a few cronies and finally the Parliament which will use the spoon in their hand to dole out benefits to themselves at the infamous ‘committee stage’.
Since the Soulbury Constitution, which was reasonably democratic, all that followed were not for the citizens but to the advantage of the framers and stooges and politicos.
A good constitution should be with the “Vision & Mission” of :
……..A Constitution of the people, by the people, for the people……..
It is far too dangerous to be in the hands of the present set of virtual robbers and rogues.
Whatever said, it may be a good start to give some thought for the ‘Nagananda attempt’ and move up the ladder with that as a base. It encompasses a number of good points to give back power to the people and which has been usurped by politicos with help from our judiciary gradually, worst case Sarath Silva allowing crossovers. It abolishes the benefits now enjoyed by MPs at our expense.
MyView / November 16, 2021
It should not be a Constituent Assembly of those in legislature only.
Simon / November 16, 2021
MyView: By proposing to consider “Nagananda Constitution”- that “Made to Measure by “5 Men”, (Known only to NK) you are contradicting the very principles you stand of a Consitution “By the People, Of the People and For the People”. Recently a Journalist asked “NK” : What is the Political Party you support? His answer was: “Any Party that would “Accept” “MY” constitution and places it before the people”.
In my view, any Constitution that is made by “Single Handed Chosen” persons must not be allowed into the Legislature, unless that “Team” of experts are “Chosen” by the Peoples’ Representatives – the Legislature. We are already experiencing the “Dangers” and “Choas” that the country is faced with “ONE” person being the “Appointing Authority” of various “Task Forces”, “Constitutional Team”, “Head of Public Sector Institutions” and even the “Judges” etc… etc.. This “SYSTEM” is “Cancer” and must be STOPPED. Hope your friend “NK” too will get this message and resolve to work in a “TEAM”.
MyView / November 17, 2021
Dear Simon.
You have misdirected yourself. I did not say accept it totally but said ….. “‘Nagananda ATTEMPT” and MOVE UP THE LADDER with that as a BASE”……
There must be a new start somewhere instead of tinkering with the current one.
… 5 Men”, (Known only to NK) …..It does not matter who the messenger is but read the message.
…What is the Political Party you support? His answer was: “Any Party that would “Accept” “MY” constitution and PLACES IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE”……
What is wrong with that ? Would you not support any party which accepts your ideology ? And he said “PLACES IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE – not just accept it in toto. He did not ask that IT be accepted. He wanted a party only as a conveyance because of the current system of “registered political parties”.
So there are no contradictions in what I proposed as :“By the People, Of the People and For the People”.
MyView / November 17, 2021
Dear S.
>>>“NK” too will get this message and resolve to work in a “TEAM”….
In asking for support from a political party, he was just doing exactly that, provided his and their views coincide. Otherwise how can you work as a team?
MyView / November 17, 2021
Dear S.
…By proposing to consider “Nagananda Constitution” …… you are contradicting the very principles you stand of a Consitution “By the People, Of the People and For the People”……Again I must point out that ” people” here is an amorphous abstract term. Some people with flesh and blood has to do “the actual doing”. So process has to start with ‘something by someone’ to consider starting it.
Also : “your friend “NK”,….. amused me as NK is not a friend (as much AS YOU OR ANYONE I refer to including Shakespeare whom I quote) since I have had no personal contact, spoken to them nor seen them. I use their outputs to elucidate only.
MyView / November 17, 2021
Dear S.
…By proposing to consider “Nagananda Constitution” …… you are contradicting the very principles you stand of a Consitution “By the People, Of the People and For the People”……Again I must point out that ” people” here is an amorphous abstract term. Some people with flesh and blood has to do “the actual doing”. So process has to start with ‘something by someone’ to consider starting it.
Also : “your friend “NK”,….. amused me as NK is not a friend (as much AS YOU OR ANYONE I refer to including Shakespeare whom I quote) since I have had no personal contact, spoken to them nor seen them. I use their outputs to elucidate only.
Simon / November 17, 2021
Dear MYView: Thanks. I have made myself very clear and said: A Committee of Experts must be appointed by the Legislature (Peoples’ Representatives) to draft a Constitution and NOT by a “Committee” appointed by a “Single Individual” including the President or even a “Nagananda Kodithuwakku. That “Properly Authorized” Committee of the Legislature will formulate the “Process” (such as invitations for proposals, consultations, etc., etc.) and proceed with the “Draft” to be placed before the Legislature. Further, NO “Political Party” or any “Individual” must bring in their own “Constitution” before the people and ask for “Approval”. That is what happened when “20A” was brought in by “Gota”. That “Nagananda Kodithuwakke” made “Constitution” can also be placed before the Committee appointed by the Legislature as a proposal. Hope I cleared my opinion.
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
you may be right to some extent, but NK s proposals are meaninigful, even if his sketh of a constitution may be with various short comings. But he is ready to work with a team, if JVPrs agreed with him. The problem is JVP does even speak about their stand about a constitution yet today. At the time, WWII defeated GERMANs, all parties got together to draft their constitution. The constitution they then introduced has been subjected to amend few times, but it is a thoughtful document yet to today allowing a stability in that huge country. Srilanken constitutional experts should sit down and talking with those countries. Of course, if they are really whole hearted with the kind of issues, many countries in Europe would help them for sure. Srilankens have embassies scattered in europe, why dont they yet today seek for support in this regard. There are enough expatriate lawyers that could help any trustful govt in drafting a new constitution for srilankens. They are all not being puppetted by foreign govts. Wimal weerawanse or the like would always see ” crocodiles in a pot – korahe kimbbullu dhakinawa wage”. But ground realities are far from their fictious stories. THose stories were based on Mahinda Balu Chinathana which was solely made for the political survival of MEDAMULANA.
MyView / November 18, 2021
Dear LM.
Whatever way is best if you limit the Legislature involvement to the basic minimum. I find it remarkable that someone says :
……..A Committee of Experts must be appointed by the Legislature (Peoples’ Representatives) to draft a Constitution………
How can 94 out of 225 with basic O level or less, and no professional standing, decide on a Committee of Experts for such an important exercise.
Sinhala_Man / November 16, 2021
Dear Jehan Perera,
Please face up to the fact that this government no longer has the support of anything approaching the majority of the people. If they want a new constitution, it is only to enshrine their military rule.
The only issue on which you have to speak out is that no new constitution should come into effect without it being ratified in a referendum which is conducted properly. You have become a past-master at piling word upon word, amounting to nothing. That word “properly” for instance – it means something. You will expand it into a hundred words, which help excuse all sorts of outrages.
The government is trying to get about 15 million Sinhalese to harass well over a million Muslims, and you talk of “Parsees”, of whom it would be difficult to find ten in the country! If you want to talk of the Billimorias, Marc is now an Anglican priest!
If you feel that there is nothing that you can safely write about, then stop sending in articles that can only legitimise this military government. Had I been a bit more political-minded I would have used the word “fascist”, but I don’t want to indulge in double-speak!
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Paul / November 16, 2021
Dear Sinhala_Man fortunately satire and sarcasm have not been completely erased from our society. It is particularly good from 06:49
Simon / November 16, 2021
Sinhala_Man: KUDOS! You said it well. See how this writer (JP) uses his stamina to “Soften” the “Ideocracy” and the “Boorishness” of the President in appointing that “Task Force” on “One Country One Law”. That “Sabaragamuwa University” looks to be his favourite “Hunting Grounds” to justify his “Findings”. Already we, know the “Professor” from that Institution who advises the President on “Carbon Fertilizer Only Project” and another heading the “Press Council”. These are “Professorial Junkies” we have to identify and expose to “SAVE” the country. They do more harm than that “6.9 million” we are in haste to blame. That is why “Buddha” said: “Treat the Cause, then the “Result” will vanish automatically”.
Native Vedda / November 17, 2021
Sorry for the trouble.
Have you seen Navin Nayakkar (Navin Dissanayake, who is the only one who is able to write letters in English to British MP’s, one of the beneficiaries of Dutta Gamani’s Estate.) anywhere in Sri Lanka and at the Rally in Colombo?
Poor boy.
Simon / November 17, 2021
NV: I said in one of my comments: “Karma is a Bitch”. It will follow even the “Surviving” roots and attack at any moment. You can place the cap anywhere you wish to. Cheers!
Pandi Kutti / November 17, 2021
Like a typical Chingkallam completely ignore the Thamizh on whom genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing has been committed and are still being committed. Only bothered about Muslims as they were your former co-partners in the Chingkalla anti Thamizh dance and still co=parterning with the Chingkallams to destroy the indigenous Thamizh in the east , who are the real owners of the east
Sinhala_Man / November 17, 2021
Dear Pandi Kutti,
At whom was that comment directed? If at me, I’m afraid that you are full of self-pity and incapable of remembering any details for more than an hour. This inability to see the larger picture is possibly why many people vote for the wrong people and often can’t even remember for whom they voted.
It becomes difficult to keep in mind who has said what, but it gets much more difficult when meaningless pseudonyms are used. I know that sometimes they are necessary, and I have immense respect for people like old codger, MyView, Nathan, Captain Morgan, Anpu, Mahila, and many others. Those who use real names, like Ratnam Nadarajah, below, write much more to the point, and take responsibility for what they say..
There’s another category like Humble, GATAM, you, and now Jehan Perera, who write the same thing no matter what the situation.
By placing my name before you, I’m making it much easier for you to check on my consistency, but I don’t write according to a formula. Please be kind enough to check my other comments before you say things, but also address them to the intended person, because I’m still not sure if I was meant.
MyView / November 18, 2021
Dear SM.
…when meaningless pseudonyms are used….
I wonder why, when I express My View under pseudonym “My View”, you find that meaningless.
Would you consider the following who used pseudonyms as meaningless too ?
Benjamin Franklin: Mrs. Silence Dogood
Agatha Christie: Mary Westmacott
J.K. Rowling: Robert Galbraith Isaac Asimov: Paul French
C.S. Lewis: Clive Hamilton and N.W. Clerk and Michael Crichton as: John Lange, Jeffery Hudson.
leelagemalli / November 17, 2021
Dear SM,
Thank u. U articulated it as no others..
With the first public murder of current barbarian govt being reported from Ambilipitya yesterday, people are now thrown to another BHEESANAYA era.
God save our innocent people.
Ratnam Nadarajah / November 17, 2021
Dear Panini
As usual you are spot on. Hit the nail on the forehead. JP is an unusual position, between the devil and the deep blue sea.
JP literally need take the role a JP( JUSTICE OF PEACE) lock stock and barrel
Jehan no pun intended!
Back to our deilama , what can we ordinary souls, do given the state of affairs prevailing in SriLanka.???
This is a loaded question. Only maybe providence is only hope and prayer. When draconian measures are taken under the pretext Covid 19 . What can you do except pray
By the way where are the national, regional and foreign media and pundits. I haven’t seen any uproar todate. Have you
Justice fails NOT because of bad guys BUT the silence of good people
May add later
Ratnam Nadarajah
Talking about Parses; they are by and large, very good people. Always working hard and honestly. Ratan Tata is a living example of Tatas in particular and Parse community in general
MyView / November 16, 2021
””On the POSITIVE side the government has shown a measure of flexibility when challenged on the basis of reason and logic, as with the Presidential Task Force on One Country, One Law. In the face of strong criticism of the mandate of the task force and its leadership, the government has revised the mandate of the task force””””….
This shows the NEGATIVE side actually. It tried to muscle its way to ensure their line of thinking but public pressure intervened. So they gave in a little. Actually there should not have been a Task Force at all. In business you quote the highest price to see how much one can get and test how much the buyer will fall for. I question the bona fide’s of the govt here.
Good attempt by author to show govt in a good light from the fallout. Ha Ha.
Ajith / November 16, 2021
The original One Country, One Law Task force headed by Gnanasara appointed by President had no Tamils, no women, no Christians. The exclusion of these groups at the initial stage is not accidental because those who involved in that was President and His secretary. The main concern was the appointment of Gnanasara Thero, not about others. Even the justice minister offered his resignations mainly on Gnanasara Thero though it may be a drama by Ali Sabri. President did not make any change to his selection. Most of the other appointed people are lawyers, lecturers but many of the Tamils may not know much except the Yogeswary Patgunarajah who is an EPDP member which is part of UPFA.
So, there is no real change.
Fahim Knight / November 16, 2021
It has to be a inclusive system eradicating racism, all forms of bigotry, gender eqaulity, a system that provides true right to information,a common tender board for all government tenders with reputed members among retired judges and likes from zero political affliation.
The Present pradeyshia sabas etc must be completely replaced with Cantern system like Swiss federation, people must become part of the decision making not MPs or Ministers alone.
The Excutive Presidency must be abolished before it goes into dangerous hands
Let each electrol setup a totally smart Canterns , where the people can remain in there teritory and get all their needs attended.
The government needs to request Switzerland to help study their system; that is the only system that will trully bring peace , stability , prosperity and international respect.
MyView / November 17, 2021
Are we too late already.
….The Executive Presidency must be abolished before it goes into dangerous hands……
Presently it is in dangerous hands or inept hands.
Fahim Knight / November 16, 2021
Without a Constitution that eradicates fear , discrimination and embracing total diversity and I will not call it power sharing, but rather independent self administered governence of each Cantern with participation of the people direct.
Finally keep religion and politics legally apart.
Religion can always participate in advices like the public is proposed to in the new system but not dictate .
If we can not have such a system , we will always remain a failed state, with continued racial and religous hate, discremination ,most interior villages eternally neglected , tenders manupilated and wealth will continue to remain with a previlaged few
Finally English must become the working langauge of the land while each cantern can decide which langauge the people in them want to endorse,like in Swiss Canterns.
GATAM / November 17, 2021
Was 13 amendment passed after consulting the people?
That’s why is always fails. Get rid of 13 amendment now.
Fahim Knight / November 17, 2021
Holding large Scale protest marches is an old fake political drama that can no longer fool the Sinhala common people , they are not fools , the treewheel man and the village farmer can teach politicians about gloabal crisis and geopolitics , remember everyone of our common man has the access to information on his palms today.
So dont try to apply butter, they are no more politician’s paan baa geya( bread)
Whichever party it may be , let them provide answers in away the people can force them to step down in future if they can not deliver.
Let them know all Sri Lankans eat rice and not grass.
Fahim Knight / November 17, 2021
It is ludicrous to see a female politician insisiting the government to promote weed cultivation ( no matter what, in large scale it is still narcotics)
Can one imagine the low mentality of some of our politicians ?
Deny the poor honest Muslim farmer and butcher the right to make a living out of what not only Muslim eats from, but for sure millions of others too among our fellow citizens and encourage narcotic production.
The government must get rid of these type of elements , the biggest blunder has been giving away valuable national seats to wrong politicians who the people have rejected.
God knows what she will propose next.
MyView / November 17, 2021
Dear Fahim,
I do not know what next, but earlier on 20 April 2021 she proposed a red light district of sorts.
…….MP Gamage made a proposal in the Parliament on 20 April to extend the hours during which bars in hotels and liquor shops remain open. She said that her proposal was with a view to creating a night economy in Sri Lanka…..
Fahim Knight / November 17, 2021
Beg your pardon dear readers I made a spelling mistake , it should
read as Swiss Cantons.
Fahim Knight / November 17, 2021
Switzerland has a unique system especially suitable for small Countries like Sri Lanka with Langauge and racial issues.
Buddhist1 / November 17, 2021
The new proposed constitution would not be for the benefit of all citizens in the country but will only be for the benefit of the survival of the Rajapakse rogues.
srikrish / November 17, 2021
Constitution is for the people as a whole and therefor people should formulate their own constitution, not the ruling party even with two third majority, not even constitutional lawyers, not the politicians then who?
It is the people. Members of Parliament are elected for a fixed term usually as in Sri Lanka for a period of five years, after five years their mandate lapses, thereafter they have to go again for a fresh mandate, this time people may give mandate for another set of people for another five years.
The Mandate last only for five years, but a constitution lasts for more than five years ,sometimes more than two hundred years as in United States of America
When the people formulate their constitution, then it is their constitution.
Then it is a sacred document Ownership is with the people.
They will obey their constitution without any coercion. They are proud of their constitution and will defend their constitution with their might
It is the constitution of the people, by the people and for the people.