By Dayan Jayatilleka –
Were the scenes we saw on our TV screens this week a manifestation of a potentially dangerous, post-January 8th radicalization in the North?
It is perfectly natural for demonstrations to be held when a crime as heinous as the rape and murder of a schoolgirl takes place.
It is natural that such demonstrations be emotional.
It would also be natural for those demonstrations to take a violent turn if the suspected perpetrators of the crime were from the armed forces or Police or former members of those services or of a different ethnicity from the victim.
In this case however, the suspects weren’t Sinhalese or current or ex-service personnel.
Law enforcement did not try to cover up the crime or protect the perpetrators. The suspects were promptly tracked down and arrested.
Why then and how then did the protests turn forceful and violent?
Why were the targets the institutions of the (uninvolved) State? Why were Police personnel targeted and injured?
Why did the protests not remain localized, i.e. limited to the general area of the crime?
How did they spread to towns throughout the North?
How and why were the protests sustained over two days?
Is it coincidental that these demonstrations were in the wake of the mourning in the North on May 19th? Who would mourn the end of the war, the end of the large scale killing and dying, the dawn of peace? Who would mourn as a historical tragedy, the defeat of the Tigers and the death of the child-conscripting Prabhakaran? Why?
Was there any incitement by the pro-LTTE or more broadly, the pro-Tamil Eelam segment of the Tamil Diaspora, operating through the radical wing of the TNA?
Is this a manifestation of the Pongu Thamil training and indoctrination and the Makkal Padai culture?
President Rapajapksa reopened democratic space in the North and East by defeating the Tigers and holding all types of multiparty elections in the former conflict areas. He also kept the lid on. The security net was in place. Nothing of the kind of demonstrations we’ve just seen could happen during his tenure.
Wigneswaran dissuaded the Northern Provincial Council from passing a Genocide Resolution, on Mahinda’s watch. The Resolution was passed after the dawn of Yahapalanaya.
Today the security net has been rolled back by the Government. It is in that context of a permissive security atmosphere, a security semi-vacuum, that violent and radical demonstrations can take place in the North.
Is it because the North thinks that since its votes were decisive in bringing Yahapalanaya to power — certainly the Swan would have lost if not for the votes of the erstwhile pro-Tamil Eelamist, pro-Tiger constituency/periphery adjacent to Tamil Nadu — it has special rights and can function with impunity?
The long struggle for Tamil Eelam also began with Satyagrahas and violent demonstrations. As revealed by Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike in an address to Parliament, there were violent attacks on the Police in Gal Oya in 1956-1958.
Are the latest demonstrations the beginning or the testing out, of an Intifada strategy?
Is it the beginning or the test run of a Kashmir scenario in which there is daily violence by stone throwing mobs against Police and armed forces personnel?
Aren’t violent demonstrations the way in which the Kosovo struggle started in the 1990s, and Serbia was framed after it had to send in troops to restore order?
Are the recent demonstrations the second prong of a multipronged strategy of which the first prong was the dastardly Genocide Resolution of Wigneswaran and the Northern Provincial Council?
The State must not lose control of the Northern streets. The authority of the state must be restored.
Our soldiers did not die so as to cede the Northern streets to violent mobs.
They certainly did not sacrifice their lives and limbs to usher in federalism and an inevitable de facto merger with neighboring Tamil Nadu, in the guise of postwar reconciliation.
Our troops did not give their lives to permit the North and East to be handed over by an elected puppet government as an economic and strategic “sphere of influence” of our giant neighbor which has a permanently embedded 70 million strong Tamil population with much hostility towards the Sinhalese. The respected Times of India carried a photograph just days ago of a massive Prabhakaran poster adorning walls in Tamil Nadu in mourning for his demise. Tamil Nadu sentiment is not merely anti-Sinhala; it is pro-Tiger, even when the victim of the Tigers was India’s beloved Rajiv Gandhi! The well-made Bollywood film Madras Café, with John Abraham as the star, which is based on the Rajiv killing and the IPKF saga, was successfully banned from cinemas in Tamil Nadu as well as Tamil cinemas in the UK.
Our troops did not die so that Sri Lanka’s North and East could become a Tamil Nadu (or Indian) semi-colony within an island that becomes a Western plus Diaspora neo-colony.
In order to restore the authority of the State in the North, self–respect and strength of character must be restored to the State.
Do we not need Mahinda Rajapaksa as PM to restore strength, political will, purpose, direction and self-respect to the Sri Lankan State; to reinstall an erect spine as it were, and stop the dangerous drift in the North?
Isn’t the return of Mahinda imperative to prevent Yahapalanaya from degenerating or drifting into Yaalpalanaya?
Alvar / May 23, 2015
There are three fools trying to seize the opportunity and take advantage from a criminal incident in the north by painting a political dimension to an isolated criminal incident followed by public anger and demonstrations. They are DayJa, MahRa and WimWe. It appears that the old guard of MaRa, EPDP is helping in turning the demonstration into a violent attacks on public properties to paint a bad picture of the present govt. They see an opportunity to hold on to the dead tiger’s tail and cry wolf ( rather koti!).
People are intelligent enough and won’t be fooled by these stupid propaganda and lies anymore. We remember what they said in 2009 May – “All tigers are dead-once and for all”. There is no tigers even in the Sri Lankan jungles for sure.
Those three’s only hope is the dead tiger’s tail now. They are coordinating with each other and came out with the same old tiger story at the same time to the media. How long they can hold on to the dead tiger’s tail and fool the people with lies for a vote?
P.S. Those three’s motives has been identified and condemned by three govt ministers including the justice minister. Dayan is leading the propaganda machine through the social media for his old master MaRa with the dream that MaRa will come back to power in the forth coming election and reward him with a foreign diplomatic posting. This is what they have been trying since the Nugegoda meetings. Keep daydreaming Dayan!
S.Modaya / May 23, 2015
Dayan “erect spine” [Edited out]!
Divide, distract and rule Sinhala [Edited out] is the name of your game as was Mahinda Jarapassas game to win elections… Well the Sinhala [Edited out] have woken up and seen through your filthy games!
[Edited out]
Silva / May 23, 2015
The cat is out of the bag now. By now it is exposed how and why the Jaffna incidents took place. It is a contract rape/killing by Mahinda Rajapakshe and his former minister Douglus Devenanda to create unrest in the North and propagate a false story among the Sinhalese that LTTE is coming back. People like DJ are paid by the Rajapakshes to further propagate this false story. This is nothing but a Rajapakshe conspiracy.
Please watch this video for more details.
[Edited out]
Silva / May 23, 2015
[Edited out]
Samuel Jayaweera / May 25, 2015
[Edited out] So DJ and Vasidewa are losers of the day – are now on a track to find their supper by crying for the idiots -not once but making the frequency higher than had been before.
Citizen / May 23, 2015
Alvar, well said. Tamils got violent because a prominent woman MP (who is a curse to the Tamil community) was instrumental for those accuseds to escape. Apparently emotions also run high especially of a crime of this nature. I understand there was a contract to murder this innocent young girl (who was bright in her studies) because of some rivalry with her mother. I think Dayan is trying to paint a wrong picture. We will have to wait till the findings of the investigations are disclosed.
punchinilame / May 23, 2015
The evidence as to why Police Officers were transferred on the spot by the IGP, whilst
Mahinda strangely voicing support for Law & Order, as his man was on the scene. [Edited out]
kali / May 23, 2015
My anger in this instance is Directed at CT for allowing Dayan the [Edited out] to distort facts just like he did when he was at the UN.
Despite the Tamils being instumental in electing MS to power the situation on the Ground is no different to what it was when MR was in charge.
1) We have a Sinhalese Governor but the Law enforcers are all Sinhlese.
2) The Tamil Journalists cannot report incidents like this without fear as there is no Freedom. If they reort the truth thay are taken to Colombo for interrogation
3)EPDP ( Douglas) are still in alliance with the Army and pose a threat and as before they are used by the Army to terrorise the Local Poplutaion to keep them on check.
4) There is no Law & Order in the North and people are still living in fear and what happened to the poor girl is a tip of the Iceberg.
5) The people who are involved in the Rape and Murder all belong to EPDP and the Army with the belessiing from the Top are trying to save the killers and that is why the Local poplulace have taken the Law into thier own hands.
Dayan [Edited out] has asked the following Questions and let me answer them.
a) In this case however, the suspects weren’t Sinhalese or current or ex-service personnel.
*** They may not be Sinhalse but they are the Agents of the Army.
b) Law enforcement did not try to cover up the crime or protect the perpetrators. The suspects were promptly tracked down and arrested.
*** The only thing that is there to cover up is the Armys involvement giving the killers a Free Hand to this terrible Crime.
c) Why then and how then did the protests turn forceful and violent?
*** Dayan what would you do if it was your own daughter who was the victim of Paramilitaries like EPDP doing what they did with the blessing of the Armed forces.
d) Why were the targets the institutions of the (uninvolved) State? Why were Police personnel targeted and injured?
*** Because they were part of the Perpertrators and the Axis of Evil.
e) Why did the protests not remain localized, i.e. limited to the general area of the crime?.
*** It is one rule for one and one rule for another. Is it alright when MR the THUG draws support from all over Sinhala Lanka but support for this poor victim should be localised to her Kith & Kin. How dare you.
f) How did they spread to towns throughout the North?
*** For your information it will now spread beyond North & East to Tamilnadu. The Inauguration of the Iron Lady is taking place tomorrow and guess who is attending the Ceremony.
Sushma Swaraj and
Aru Jaitly.
g) How and why were the protests sustained over two days?
*** Just like Krishnathi the plight of this poor girl epitomises the Tamil Struggle and will stay with us for ever.
I will be making a personal appeal to the Iron Lady to deliver Devolution to North and East with a Tamil Police Force to avoid horrors of this poor girl.
With regards to the Catholics question of is this Creating another Kashmir I am struggling to understand the connection.
CT if you have any decency left you will apologise to the Poor Girls Family for giving Dayan the space to question those who rallied round to their Grief and Plight but knowing the Double Standard it is asking for the impossible.
Uthayan+ / May 23, 2015
If lies are repeated often enough they become the truth? Are you the editor of my name sake Uthayan or work for the Tamilnet? Your spelling problems indicate Uthayan.
Unfortunately many outsiders believe what people like you post/publish/whatever. There is lack of information on what is going on here in NP. I can understand it because we are far away and there is nothing here except Palmyrah trees. A leading English language daily Daily News has repeatedly claimed that Kayts court and police station were attacked by a mob. Don’t they have anybody in Jaffna to get the facts?
“Despite the Tamils being instumental in electing MS to power the situation on the Ground is no different to what it was when MR was in charge.”
Did MR allow celebration of Tamil dead?
1) We have a Sinhalese Governor but the Law enforcers are all Sinhlese.
All readers are welcome to see the policemen and women at the police stations in NP. There should be more Tamils and Muslims but there are some already.
2) The Tamil Journalists cannot report incidents like this without fear as there is no Freedom. If they reort the truth thay are taken to Colombo for interrogation
Haven’t you seen the reports? Have the reporters been taken to Colombo? What does contradiction mean?
4) There is no Law & Order in the North and people are still living in fear and what happened to the poor girl is a tip of the Iceberg.
You got something right!! Congratulations!
5) The people who are involved in the Rape and Murder all belong to EPDP and the Army with the belessiing from the Top are trying to save the killers and that is why the Local poplulace have taken the Law into thier own hands.
Even if this were the truth does it mean that supporters of the EPDP have no human rights? They can be executed in central Jaffna in broad day light in front of media?
“Dayan [Edited out] has asked the following Questions and let me answer them. a) In this case however, the suspects weren’t Sinhalese or current or ex-service personnel. *** They may not be Sinhalse but they are the Agents of the Army.”
The EPDP has or had a lot of support on Kayts. Maybe some of the 9 were members of the EPDP. Is it illegal?
“Law enforcement did not try to cover up the crime or protect the perpetrators. The suspects were promptly tracked down and arrested. *** The only thing that is there to cover up is the Armys involvement giving the killers a Free Hand to this terrible Crime.”
I don’t understand. Please make this clear.
“Why then and how then did the protests turn forceful and violent? *** Dayan what would you do if it was your own daughter who was the victim of Paramilitaries like EPDP doing what they did with the blessing of the Armed forces.”
I don’t understand. Please make this clear.
“Why were the targets the institutions of the (uninvolved) State? Why were Police personnel targeted and injured? *** Because they were part of the Perpertrators and the Axis of Evil.”
Actually it was because they were doing their work protecting the “innocent until proven guilty” from a lynching mob. Read our Constitution about Fundamental Rights. Note that it still applies in NP also.
“Why did the protests not remain localized, i.e. limited to the general area of the crime?. *** It is one rule for one and one rule for another. Is it alright when MR the THUG draws support from all over Sinhala Lanka but support for this poor victim should be localised to her Kith & Kin. How dare you.”
You don’t answer Dr Dayas question. Maybe you failed to understand it. Did the relatives of the poor victim manage to close down Jaffna and Vavunya and block all the roads? Must be a huge family.
“How did they spread to towns throughout the North? *** For your information it will now spread beyond North & East to Tamilnadu. The Inauguration of the Iron Lady is taking place tomorrow and guess who is attending the Ceremony. Sushma Swaraj and Aru Jaitly.”
I hope that the law enforcement in TN is ready for this. I will start sending smoke signals now to warn them.
“How and why were the protests sustained over two days? *** Just like Krishnathi the plight of this poor girl epitomises the Tamil Struggle and will stay with us for ever. I will be making a personal appeal to the Iron Lady to deliver Devolution to North and East with a Tamil Police Force to avoid horrors of this poor girl.”
I am sure she will appreciate your appeal. The Muslims and Sinhalese in the East can hardly wait for the Tamil police force.
“With regards to the Catholics question of is this Creating another Kashmir I am struggling to understand the connection.”
I understand the Kashmir part but not your racist comment on Christians. What do you have against minorities? You seem to have a problem with Christians and the EPDP. What about Muslims and the UNP minister from Jaffna. Do you possibly have problems with converted outcaste Jaffna Tamils?
“CT if you have any decency left you will apologise to the Poor Girls Family for giving Dayan the space to question those who rallied round to their Grief and Plight but knowing the Double Standard it is asking for the impossible.”
Maybe you missed the fact that even Douglas visited them. If you can post this so can dr Daya.
kali / May 23, 2015
Uthayan+ Sinkalam
There are many Sinkalams like you and you dont have to teach me how to spell and if there is a typing error on the part of my secretary I am sure you are are clever enough to change the i to a d.
First things First
1) There is lack of information on what is going on here in NP. I can understand it because we are far away and there is nothing here except Palmyrah trees. A leading English language daily Daily News has repeatedly claimed that Kayts court and police station were attacked by a mob. Don’t they have anybody in Jaffna to get the facts?
Man what has the Palmyrah tree got to do with Dayan being ill informed. If you are a resident of Kayts why dont you Sinkalam speak to your fellow Sinkalam and put the record straight.
Sinkalm you tried hard to cover yourself and I can understand you feel agitated [Edited out]
Better luck next time.
As for your request to clarify ask Dayan he will explain better than me as he has [Edited out] Doctorate and is of the same Intelectual Calbre as you.
Have a dicctionary next to you and you can check my spelling and change the letters to make some sense.
2) Maybe you missed the fact that even Douglas visited them. If you can post this so can dr Daya.
*** This is vere very interesting and as for your inforamation sometimes the Criminals revist the Crime Scene to gather information to cover their tracks. But dont worry he will be locked up and as an EPDP activist you can vist him in jail just like MR vists his cronies.
Man who is dr Daya? [Edited out]
paraquat / May 23, 2015
good luck with your personal appeal. is that all that has been lacking in achieving devolution and police force? also don’t insult Margaret Thatcher – she was a World leader not someone in-and-out of jail.
sarath de alwis / May 23, 2015
Why did the protests not remain localized, i.e. limited to the general area of the crime?
How did they spread to towns throughout the North?
How and why were the protests sustained over two days?
Dr.DJ provides the answer. Do we not need Mahinda Rajapaksa as PM to restore strength, political will, purpose, direction and self-respect to the Sri Lankan State; to reinstall an erect spine as it were, and stop the dangerous drift in the North?
Mahinda Rajapakse sits on a hefty war chest and remains in control of a good machine.
Donald J Gnanakone / May 23, 2015
This writer is a sickening Sinhala Buddhist Racist Chauvinist.
He is doing his best as usual to instigate the other Sinhala Buddhist and unconverted Pro Rajapakse voters to swing to that corrupt clan.
Is he also getting paid by the corrupt but desperate clan as the elections are coming b4 the 14th of August. This is inevitable now.
MR is contesting with all the racist chauvinist Sinhalese Buddhist elements.
But Ranil will be the PM forming a National Unity which is nothing but a Coalition” Government similar to what Sirimavo did in the sixties and seventies with the lefties and Chandrika and Mahinda did in the 90s and later.
The same people are there now or their off springs, but this time it is not the leftist, and communist involved.
Forget about this Dayan Jayatilike’s twisted logic and political campaigning. Dayan is nothing but a FRAUD.
Uthayan+ / May 23, 2015
“Sinhala Buddhist Racist Chauvinist”
This is what many Tamil politicians are repeating ad nauseam.
Please at least find synonyms.
kali / May 23, 2015
There is something called common decency and Dayan has crossed that Rubicon and any attack on him is justified and CT has one rule for attck by Sinhalese on Tamils and one rule for reaction by Tamils very much like the Freedom Strugle.
Dayan is [Edited out]
But through divine intervention the days of people like him are numbered and peeople like him and MR and the 5.8 million Racists are embarked on self destruction building up to the UN report. However sad the tragedy of this girl is Sinhala Lanka is determined to play into the hands of UN that even under MS it is business as usual.
[Edited out] reaction to the spontaneous ourpouring of Grief by the Tamils it is obvious that he doesnt have a human face.
The only Crime this girl has committed was being born in a Country ( or shall I say in part of the Country) where there is no Law & Order and being born with atractive physical atributes. Dayan I think fails to understand this danger as I am pretty sure that his daughter looks like him an uglly dickling so she is safe.
Jaya is back even stronger now as it it is obvious from the way the Centre is taking up to her and Devolution with Land and Police powers is just round the corner to avoid the horrors of this magnitude.
msd / May 23, 2015
The Tamil police force is just what you need. Then it will not be only the tamil men who are raping the police will also start raping. Happy eelam state for the tamils where at the slightest disobedience on the part of a tamil family their girls will be raped and killed as a punishment and an example to other tamils.
kali / May 23, 2015
Have you heard of Sankilian Code. It is very different fro Thutah Gemunu Code.
Gemunus and MRs code were RAPE RAPE & RAPE but always deny it.
kali / May 24, 2015
Itbis in your Gene and just read the following
Members of Sri Lanka’s women’s cricket team were forced to perform sexual favours to keep their places in the team, the sports ministry has said.
The ministry said evidence of sexual harassment was uncovered in an investigation begun last year.
It was launched following reports a player had been dropped for refusing to have sex with cricketing officials.
Disciplinary procedures would now be initiated, the ministry said, without naming the individuals involved.
“It is a shameful incident,” Sri Lankan Children’s Minister Rosy Senanayake told the AFP news agency.
gamini / May 23, 2015
This man Dayan is trying to fish in trouble waters. His mentor MR went on to carry small kids and hugging them for the TV camera. After his defeat he has given up doing so, because he has no real love for the people or kids. It was all a false facade. Now they are crying for Rape victims and trying to project the spontaneous unrest as that of the revival of the LTTE. During MR’s rule how many got raped and killed and no one could demonstrate. This man Dayan is truly pathetic.
Seelawathi / May 25, 2015
[Edited out]
See, until today, his montors failed to have banned Glyphosat from lanken soils. But today, MY3- Ranil govt has banned it – regardless of the resistence made by those agro monster business men of the island. Commissions that Rajapakshe earned were millions by supporting to those idiots irrespective of the numbers of immature deaths fated by Unexpected Kidney disease restrict to Rajarata and few areas of the country. See, all these are aware to these buggers, nevertheless to go on support as if DJ and the like are blind folded irrespariably.. is simply pathetic. If the buggers father would have been aware of the levels DJ is fallen to this day.. he would wake up from the grab ..[Edited out]
Citizen / May 23, 2015
Looks like Dayan is the happiest person in Sri Lanka waiting for Kashmir like situation here. What a Trait….
Sriskand Subramaniam / May 23, 2015
Dayan you are [Edited out]
Ponkoh Sivakumaran / May 23, 2015
What a perverse man is this? There was a natural reaction to a rape that had occurred by a group of people. Such reactions have been common-place. These rapes occur because of the situation that Rajapakse has brought about in the country, more particularly the North, where there has been a destruction of social and legal order due to excessive militarization. The Rajapakses ruled through a monarchistic system that was based on military authority around the country that has led to great lawlessness, targeting the weak, particularly women. It will take years to recover from the destruction that the Rajapakses wrought through their kidnappings, white-vannings and torture. [Edited out] like this sycophant cannot understand the plight that the Rajapakses have left the whole country. They want his return. The country is too wise now to permit it.
simon / May 23, 2015
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cholan / May 23, 2015
@ D J-[Edited out]
Imagine your daughter or sister was raped….public caught the rapist and handed over to Police ..from there they send the rapist to the hospital and Police order the staff to release the rapist and he ran away..
What you will do ? or those give negative comments he will do?
Seeing this unjust behavior of state authorities naturally people get angry this is not only rape but also murder…
Tamils have right to challenge for this unjust……
But D J-[Edited out] make this a racial slur and bring LTTE element here what is the motive???
iIndeed Jaffna then and now run by a political thug group lead by DOG-LUS(T) with 5,000 armed gang members ..with high connection in Police and Army …this thug group was nurtured by MURDERPAKSE and DOGGABAYA to keep North under them with fear.
The question is why the hell the present government allow this thug group to rule ??
Mysterious Indeed
Alvar / May 23, 2015
Let me enlighten your readers what (dirty)business you are up to in the world (Sri Lanka) of business of politics.
You will be successful in selling your product if you capture the market with more and more customers for your product (in this case food[for thoughts]). It is all about how you market(mainly advertise through the media and some stage slogans) the food (for thoughts) product. It also depends on the taste and flavor of your food(for thoughts) product.
You are the Marketing Manger(rather propaganda guru from Christian background) of the company called SLFP & Leftist Partners(MR fraction Ltd). The lifetime CEO of this company is MaRa. The brand of food(for thoughts) product you are selling is called “Tasty Loot”. The area you are targeting is only South of Sri Lanka. Your only customers are Sinhala Buddhist including converts. The flavor of the food(for thoughts) product is “Racist”. The slogan of your marketing is “MaRa thama veeraya”. Your deputy is WiWe. You are convinced that eventually your product will take off and capture the market because of its well tested flavor.
There is a problem. Your competitive food(for thoughts)product has already captured the market and selling fairly well. Their brand is called “Unity with diversity for Prosperity”. The company’s CEO is MiSi. Their Deputy CEO is RW.
Their Marketing Manager is MaSa. However, their product is sold all over Sri Lanka and really doing well so far. And their product has captured the international market too within the launch of a few months.
You still think your product will do well in the South of Sri Lanka because of it’s unique flavor(called “Racist”) based on your survey and past historical data. You are not targeting North and East of Sri Lanka because they are comparatively a small market and those customers have different taste too. And you know very well that your product won’t sell in those areas due the “taste/flavor” problem. But you don’t care of those market segment because it’s relatively a small market. But the down side is your competitive product is selling well all over Sri Lanka and all over the world too. Their turn over is 1000 times more than your product because of their brand name. You still hang on to your product as you are convinced it will sell very well in South of Sri Lanka because of it’s flavor.
Very soon we will know your CEO’s fate and the success of your company, product, brand and flavor as the election is around the corner. I have a feeling that you may succeed if you invest considerable money and time in marketing and targeting the South with the tested flavor (called “Racist”). Then your dream may come true-you will be promoted(again) as the “International Marketing Manager” of this company-position located in Geneva for the same product with the same flavor.
James / May 24, 2015
[Edited out] This is well planned. People’s protest is true but stoning the government buildings and damaging public property are all the work of Dougies men.
This is another act to destabilise the Mythree-Ranil Government. What the hell is Secretary of defence doing? Gota also could have a hand in this. He is a schemer and a very good one at it.
Now Mahinda’s cronies are propagating false news that the leftover LTTE terrorists planned this and are looking for roads to rejuvenate their terrorist movement. As long as Maithree-Ranil let some of these Dougies goons out, they will resort to all kinds of such things to gain political advantage.
It is very clear from this article that Mahinda’s bootlickers are trying to take political mileage from this barbaric incident that they themselves have created using Dougies men.
The govt. must investigate and take strong action against these perpetrators and also see what connections they have with the Rajapakshes and why the Police was not taking any proper action (are they also former govt. appointees) before it could flare up to something major.
Uthayan+ / May 24, 2015
Dr Dayan,
“Are the latest demonstrations the beginning or the testing out, of an Intifada strategy?
Is it the beginning or the test run of a Kashmir scenario in which there is daily violence by stone throwing mobs against Police and armed forces personnel?
Aren’t violent demonstrations the way in which the Kosovo struggle started in the 1990s, and Serbia was framed after it had to send in troops to restore order?
Are the recent demonstrations the second prong of a multipronged strategy of which the first prong was the dastardly Genocide Resolution of Wigneswaran and the Northern Provincial Council?”
We will soon see if there is an intifada in the Northern Province.
I can only hope that the IGP and the CID team who are here have noticed the marks the burning tires left on the roads. Somebody should count the places and multiple with a minimum of 5 to receive the number of men that was needed for the hartal. In my area the only junction without burn marks is next to a police station.
Jim softy / May 24, 2015
What Dayan says is very logical and reasonable.
Dr Dayan Jayatilleka / May 24, 2015
It is all about memory. Each generation has its own. This country was shocked by the gang rape and murder of the schoolgirl S. Vidya in Pungudutheevu. It made me recall the equivalent for my generation and may I add, social milieu. I had come home to our Ward Place flat from Peradeniya campus for the weekend (to have my clothes laundered and to pocket my monthly allowance), when my mother, told me the ghastly story of Dr. Paul’s teenage daughter. She had been at a dance at the Ceylinco’s Akasa Kade, been sent off on the short ride home in a cab by her friends. The cabbie pulled over onto Galle Face Green, where he and his buddies who were parked there, gang raped the girl. Later, the family migrated. She never recovered her physical or mental health. She died relatively early. The perpetrator was called Gonawela Sunil. He was sentenced to death by the Courts. Fairly shortly after, he was listed among those pardoned by President Jayewardene in what came to be known as “Sunil Samaava”. The person who had slipped his name into the list later recommended that he be made a Justice of the Peace (JP) in the Kelaniya area—note the location. Gonawela Sunil indulged in a life of crime, including siphoning off petroleum, until he was gunned down by the JVP during the second insurrection.
In a televised public hearing in the late 1990s, a top politician of today admitted in his testimony that he “had known Sunil” and had “attended his funeral”.
If you had a choice, would you elect as Prime Minister of this country, the man who recommended that Gonawela Sunil who led the gang rape of a teenage schoolgirl on Galle Face Green and was sentenced to death, be pardoned and then made a Justice of the Peace for Kelaniya? I’m not naming names, but let me merely say that the man is still very much around, and is neither Mahinda Rajapaksa nor Vasudeva Nanayakkara, both of whom were busy fighting the administration that perpetrated this and other social obscenities (e.g. UNP Deputy Minister Sunil Ranjan Jayakody dashed a child on the ground), and were jailed for their pains.
aboot / May 24, 2015
Ashamed about you than those rapist, you trying to resurrect ghost of evil conflict makers in among wonderful motherland.
it was perfect narration of powerful operatives not civilians of course students were among the rascals.
You can’t be elite wise profession in the fleet of PM Ranil Wickramasinghe or your one failed diplomat in your history it’s certain malicious activities you engaged so you picked a post of highly corrupted fool to counsel and guide.
His Excellency President Maithripala Sirisena a noble human who never go above the law or rule that real statesmen never does.
( we can address H.E abbreviations but whose actions pushes anyone to pronounce happily)
Ashamed about your filthy nasty racist analyses.
PM Ranil will never entertain people like you, another Bundle J…. too
I can challenge you that, Your president of lamp post will never contest as PM because he need to bully the nation for his henchmen existence in politics.
Get retire no harm, don’t come back to put island in fire and hunger and ruin of economy.
You lamp post president pretends as real Buddhist who set naked Russian girls in front most holiest Dalada Maligawa when his spoil sons ran car races.
SHAME ON YOU if you SON or DAUGHTER grown up they curse you definitely
Lanka Liar / May 24, 2015
Just imagine this fellow sitting in the UN. God has saved the UN now he will save SL.
Wasanthie Rajapakse / May 25, 2015
Unfortunately the writer is pretending to know about RW and VN. That is DJ. All the beloved people around VN has left his inner core due to his unprincipled position related to MR. Those who are closer to him now are those who gained privileges from his position closer to MR. It is no secret that Close relatives were advisors of MR and was assigned vehicles from the Presidential fleet. His party is his organisation financed and managed by his henchmen who can not run any organisation leave alone a bathkade in slave island. It is VN who pours fund into the DLF. All those who supported those days have left him since he joined MR clan and start washing his sins. So he has to perform for his master MR shouting and barking to get more goodies. He has to get more SLFP votes than Pavitra’s next time to be elected and to preserve his lineage. The Comrade gave up his principles when he danced according to the tune of MR and became an apologist of his Presidency like DJ. Nobody who calls himself a real leftist will stand by him and his behavior. Only those who are being nurtured with his funds and position remain with him in the DLF like [Edited out] and few others. The family is waiting for MR return to get the vehicle back for their personal use.
Big Mouth / May 25, 2015
Is this the beginning of Northern Intifada or just common criminals protected by their own?
Another mob in Jaffna:
Mob attacks Palai Police team
A Police team from Palai came under attack from residents, when they had attempted to arrest a suspect of an assault who had resisted the attempt to the arrest last evening.
The suspect a resident from Palai, had allegedly assaulted a person following a dispute after which a complaint was lodged at the Palai Police station on Saturday.
When the Police had gone into the house of the alleged assailant he had reportedly attacked the Police with an axe. In reaction, the Police had opened fire at the suspect and injuring him.
Thereafter crowds had gathered around the house and had attacked the Police vehicle. However the Police team had managed to quell the situation. The suspect was rushed to the Palai hospital and is now receiving further treatment from the Jaffna Hospital.
No suspects have been arrested yet in connection with the attack. (SD)
Law and Order / May 26, 2015
“No suspects have been arrested yet in connection with the attack.”
As long as these kinds of clearly criminal activities go unpunished they will continue. Not only in the Northern Province but all over our country. The case in Jaffna received some publicity but the cases in the South seem to have been forgotten. Why?
All too often the culprits are village level political activists while being thugs at the same time. Sometimes they progress to become higher PS and Provincial level politicians and even MPs and ministers. The police and courts turn a blind eye because of fear and bribes.
Something is wrong. We all agree on that but not very much is done.
Ebola da Silava / May 28, 2015
The only solution to this sick mind is to take him out and plug his backside with red chillis, pepper and nettle.