19 January, 2025


Nugegoda, The Nazism Of Sri Lanka & Its Genocide

By V. Kanthaiya

It is much easier to believe lies than the truth. Because lies are manufactured to satisfy the emotions. Germans would rather believe they were stabbed in the back than that they lost a fair fight. The truth is hard. ” Hilda van Stockum, The Borrowed House

It was after World War I. All Germans were experiencing the bitter truth of defeat. Germany had lost millions of men and large volumes of material for the war it had started. If it was a factor which hurt the Germans most, there shouldn’t have been a World War II. But what hurt Germans most was the collapse of the concept that Germans are the ‘master race’, a race which is superior to all other races, in terms of both intelligence and physical strength.

Mahinda jan 6 2014The questions most Germans had, immediately after WW I was how it was possible that ‘the master race’ was defeated by other inferior races? They found the answer from their scholars. The answer was ‘Jews’. The Germans were not defeated in the War, and they could never be defeated. Germans were deceived and they were deceived by Jews, who conspired together with the allied nations. The German intellectuals concluded that in order not to be ‘deceived’ again, Jews should be completely wiped out from the face of the earth.

It was February 18th, 2015 afternoon at Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Thousands of people who believed that they love their country above all and everything, gathered in support of bringing Mahinda Rajapaksa back to active politics, and making him the prime ministerial candidate in the upcoming election. The theme of the rally was “The freedom won is in danger; Let us mobilize ourselves to face the nation’s challenge”. The message to the masses from Mahinda Rajapaksa reads: “What we are experiencing today is not a defeat but a result of a conspiracy”.

The majority of the Sinhala populace still remains shocked after the presidential election. Their charismatic leader for whom the majority of them voted, is not the leader of the country. The one who was chosen by the minority segment of the majority community and by the majority of the minority community is the leader of the country. For those who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksha, this is unacceptable. This is not democracy. This is a deception. This is a deception by the Tamils. This is a deception by the Muslims. This is a deception by the west to bring a puppet of theirs to power.

The words from Mahinda Rajapaksa clearly depict the Nazism of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan Nazism which considers that the Sinhala Buddhists are the only righteous citizens of this island. The other communities are just parasites who suck the blood of the Sinhala Buddhists; in the same manner Adolf Hitler considered the Jews.

Our scholars, our patriots, our self claimed political scientists may call ours a national democracy, but in reality what we have is a national socialism (Nazism). My question is how on earth would you call a constitution which gives all the executive powers to an individual, a democracy? In fact, it is the process of democratically electing a dictator. Presently the country may opt to shift from the executive presidency, but the Nazis of Sri Lanka would do their best to prevent it as the parliamentary system is a prime threat to their ideology, since it would give some space to the minority communities to raise their voice against the oppression they face.

What the Nazis of Sri Lanka want is a ‘strong leader’ to deal with “the Tamil and Muslim question’, which is the equivalent of the Jewish question Adolf Hitler wanted to solve. The February 18th Nugegoda rally is a desperate call of these elements to elect their proven ‘strong leader’ back again, to deal with the minorities.

Nazism in Sri Lanka is not a new phenomenon. Its roots start from the pre-independence period. The Sinhala leaders wanted to ensure the dominance of the majority ethnic group in the constitution and brainwashed the Sinhalese to believe that they are the righteous owners of the island. The pogroms of 1956, 1958, 1977 and 1983 were part of the systematic ethnic cleansing program the Nazis of Sri Lanka undertook.

Once the ethnic crisis developed into an armed struggle between the state and the Tamil militant groups, Sri Lankan Nazism found it much easier to unleash its brutality to solve the ‘Tamil Question’, in the name of fighting terrorism and protecting its territorial integrity. A ‘total war’ was unleashed on Tamils with a ‘blockade’ of goods, even essential food and medical supplies, citing as reason that it could be used by the rebels. They were systematically subjected to indiscriminate shelling and aerial bombardment. Anyone who spoke or wrote about the state atrocities were branded as a terrorist given he/she was a Tamil, and was branded as a traitor if he/she was a Sinhalese.

The atrocities against Tamils reached its culmination when Mahinda Rajapaksa came to power. He was the ideal leader Sri Lankan Nazism sought. He unleashed unimaginable brutality against the Tamils in the name of fighting terrorism. It is a question which should be asked of everyone who believes the ‘second freedom’ of Sri Lanka which was gained on May 18th 2009; Why was so much military power used to fight an organization which had just 5000 cadres (which was the number claimed by the then Army commander)? Why was so much shelling used when about less than a thousand terrorists were trapped along with 300,000 civilians? Why so much aerial bombardments were carried out when they were cornered along with thousands of Tamil civilians into less than 10 square km barren stretch in Mulliwaikal? The aim of the Sri Lankan Nazi state was not only wiping out the LTTE, it was also solving the ‘Tamil Question’, of what they were going to do with the Tamils of this country.

The most shocking are not the killings, rapes and the forced disappearances which were systematically carried out in the name of wiping out the LTTE. It is the refusal by the state to investigate such atrocities, openly stating that it will not betray the security forces who won the ‘freedom’ (which means that state will not take any action against those who took part in the war). Every citizen of this country is assured by the constitution to seek justice through legal channels. Then why are the Tamils are being denied justice? The reason is that the Sinhala Nazi psyche does not accept Tamils as the righteous citizens of Sri Lanka.

Everybody who speaks about the war victory knows that the victory came at an enormous cost. They know that thousands of Tamil civilians lost their lives, lost their limbs, lost their loved ones, lost their livelihoods and were subjected to unimaginable cruelty by the security forces. To a man with a heart, it is shocking how indifferent one can be to another’s pain, how one can remain unemotional towards the suffering of another, how one can simply justify his cruelty to the other without feeling any remorse?

The answer lies in the words of Nazi SS-Brigadefuhrer Erich Naumann, who carried out the Holocaust in Eastern Europe between 1941 and 1943. When asked about massacring thousands of unarmed Jewish men, women and children, he told his prosecutors during the Nuremberg trials:

“I considered the decree [Hitler’s order to kills the Jews] to be right because it was part of our aim of the war and, therefore, it was necessary”.

Latest comments

  • 21

    Subj: FALLEN -A new vendor at Medamulana Market

    Had a chance to stay in power like a KING for two more years…
    Had a chance to rule Sri Lanka with good governance.
    Had a chance to disassociate himself with drug lords-
    Had a chance to establish law and order..
    Had a chance to establish racial harmony –
    Had a chance to not polarize society along racial divisions
    Had a chance to not to listen to astrologers
    Had a chance to understand the impermanence of life
    Had myriad opportunities to bring fairness to the society..

    Who else would call an election two years before the term ends?
    ……..a fool?

    Not only love is blind but power makes a man blind too

    • 10

      V. Kanthaiya Annoi

      “The German intellectuals concluded that in order not to be ‘deceived’ again, Jews should be completely wiped out from the face of the earth.”

      Please bear with me for I am bit thick.

      Are you inferring that Dayan is a German intellectual/scholar?

      ““the Tamil and Muslim question’,”

      Are sure that it is Tamil/Muslim question and not Tamil/Muslim problem as the majority belives?

      • 0

        The Catholic priest and broadcaster Fulton Sheen—whose intellect Einstein admired, even calling him “one of the most intelligent people in today’s world”—described Einstein’s New York Times article “the sheerest kind of stupidity and nonsense.”

        In response to a Catholic convert who asked “Didn’t you state that the Church was the only opponent of Communism?” Einstein replied, “I don’t have to emphasise that the Church at last became a strong opponent of National Socialism, as well.” Einstein’s secretary Helen Dukas added, “Dr. Einstein didn’t mean only the Catholic church, but all churches.”When the convert mentioned that family members had been gassed by the Nazis, Einstein replied that “he also felt guilty—adding that the whole Church, beginning with the Vatican, should feel guilt.” (September 1948)

    • 3


      You failed to mention one more thing. He had a chance to
      overthrow the elected govt. and crowned himself with the support of the forces but God all mighty was at work.

    • 4

      V. Kanthaiya –

      RE: Nugegoda, The Nazism Of Sri Lanka & Its Genocide

      “It was February 18th, 2015 afternoon at Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. Thousands of people who believed that they love their country above all and everything, gathered in support of bringing Mahinda Rajapaksa back to active politics, and making him the prime ministerial candidate in the upcoming election. The theme of the rally was “The freedom won is in danger; Let us mobilize ourselves to face the nation’s challenge”. The message to the masses from Mahinda Rajapaksa reads: “What we are experiencing today is not a defeat but a result of a conspiracy”.

      How many people came?

      Estimates are between 12,000 and 15,000. Anyway not All were Mahinda Rajapaksa supporters.

      “The majority of the Sinhala populace still remains shocked after the presidential election. Their charismatic leader for whom the majority of them voted, is not the leader of the country. The one who was chosen by the minority segment of the majority community and by the majority of the minority community is the leader of the country. For those who voted for Mahinda Rajapaksha, this is unacceptable. This is not democracy. This is a deception. This is a deception by the Tamils. This is a deception by the Muslims. This is a deception by the west to bring a puppet of theirs to power.:

      By controlling the Media, the Medamulana MaRa dictatorship was able to give the above perception. See what the perception is given by JVP, who gets about 10% of the sinhala votes.

      By exposing the Rajapaksa corruption and thuggery for what they are, the fraction of sinhala population supporting MaRa will decrease.

      This is where the common sense Phamplet and Sri lanka crises Pamphlets become critical, written in Sinhala. Are there any Sinhala Writers, now that the Gota White Vans are not active?

    • 2

      V. Kanthaiya –

      RE: Nugegoda, The Nazism Of Sri Lanka & Its Genocide


      A horrendous conspiracy to assassinate Maithri

      oday’s (22nd) issue of ‘Sunday Times’ states there had been an intelligence warning of “a possible assault on a leader or leaders of the Government when they attended the military parade held outside the parliament complex at Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte. It was to take the form of an incident similar to the one in which Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was killed in 1981 when soldiers at a military parade got down from their vehicles and started shooting at the VVIP dais” states ‘Sunda Times’.

      The newspaper further states the “Defense Secretary B.M.U.D. Basnayake received the report from intelligence; apprised President Sirisena and immediate precautionary measures were taken to ensure nothing untoward happened.”

      It is said that reports of a preliminary investigation carried out on the complaint made to the CID by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mangala Samaraweera regarding an attempt by the former President Mahinda Rajapaka to remain in power through a conspiracy alleged to have taken place on 9th January while results of the presidential election were being released have been sent to the Attorney General. However, in an environment where the country has not been told what is happening regarding this report details regarding this fearsome conspiracy is revealed.

      Mr. Maithripala Sirisena escaped an LTTE bomb attack while he was a minister in Mahinda Rajapaksa government and after the war was over he revealed in a special media discussion that a conspiracy to assassinate him existed from within the party.

      • 2

        Was that conspiracy about which MS spoke about, the same as the conspiracy which succeed in the killing of Laksman Kadirgarmar Foreign Minister during President CBK’s time?
        Who benefited by that?
        The LTTE had it’s motives for committing that heinous crime sure, but was it really the LTTE?
        Normally the LTTE had a habit of justifying it’s foul deed, but in this instance it kept mum.
        The LTTE did later receive a big bribe for ensuring victory in 2005 Presidential elections.
        Was it on the basis of an understanding reached between two competing majority and minority fascistic tendencies in the island is the question?

    • 1

      Gemunu Weeraya


      Power Corrupts. Wanted to establish Mefdamulana MaRa Dynasty.

      Now the Crooks, Robber ands Criminals, who were left behind want MaRa to come back and rescue them.

      Faction of SLFP MPs call for Rajapaksa’s return


      A faction of SLFP MPs and local council members turned up at at rally organized by smaller political parties today to demand that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa should run as the next candidate as Prime Minister in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

      SLFP MP’s Mahinda Abeywardena, C.B.Ratnayake, Kumara Welgama and T.B.Ekanayake along with the Western Provincial council chief minister Prasanna Ranatunga, Mayor for Moratuwa Saman Kumara Fernando and a host of provincial council ministers and members along with local council members turned up for the meeting attended by a large crowd.

      Mains speakers, Wimial Weerawansa, Dinesh Gunawardena and Vasudeva Nanayakkara along with former provincial council minister Udaya Gamannpila strongly urged that Mr Rajapaksa should contest the next parliamentary elections and give leadership to the campaign.

      They said they were carry out similar campaigns in the rest of the country. – See more at:


    • 6

      The CT reader would love to see the photo of this “Kanthiah”(no) character ghost.

      CT readers should consider the following:

      The key characteristics that help distinguish the new interim administration from the previous Mahinda Rajapakse government are the non-declared suspension of the country’s Constitution and the obvious symbolic, and material, repositioning of Sri Lanka as a willing and submissive recipient of the so-called Western-Jewish-values template being pushed by the international community of Zionists. Bringing in the Nazi example is a part of this process.

      The evidence of the suspension of Constitution came through early with the appointment of the prime minister by President Sirisena on 9 January, and more evidence came through the sacking of the chief justice under pressure from the lawyers’ union.

      The symbolic declaration of allegiances to the so-called Western values is apparent by the change in the dress code of the UNP de facto Cabinet – over night – to ‘dark suits’ from the national dress, with the prime minister and foreign minister seeming to be the most enthusiastic adopters of the new ‘civilised’ garb. Even arch western boot-lickers like J. R. Jayawardena would be turning in their graves!

      The de facto foreign minister’s travel schedule that seems to be fast reaching legendary proportions also shows that he has a lot of pent-up energies of worship to be offered at Brussels, Geneva,London, New York and Washington.
      The unconstitutionality – and therefore the illegality – of such clearly “extra vires” actions under the promised regime of Yahapalanaya of the motley crew currently co-habiting the centres of power is a disgrace to the political culture of Sri Lanka.

      Nepotism and cronyism both by the president and the de facto prime minister and cabinet, that would be contrary to any understanding of Yahapalanaya are stronger than ever. As an example, the de facto Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe, and the de facto State Ministers Rajiva Wijesinha, Ruwan Wijewardene and Vasantha Senanayake are first cousins, not to mention other minor relationships among a number of members of the de facto Cabinet. Only a few would notice such connections due to camouflaging under different surnames. The president has also appointed his brother and the son-in-law to key government posts.

      Meanwhile the infamous Berghoff Foundation has sprung back to action, sponsoring the SLFP planning session at Onreech Hotel, Katunayake.

      Back to 1815, with the Hambantota rebellion only a couple of months away?

      • 2

        Another incarnation of the infamous DR DJ! He will not stop until he reinstate MR!

    • 4

      Yesterday, Wimal Buruwanse#s wife was arrested.
      Days to come Duminda, Mahindananda and the like will be arrested. With all these becoming certain to us – to see it dark towards the current administration is not fair at all. I myself know when things would stay blocked being unable to beyond the thoughts- dueto the prevailing deficiencies and lacks of law provisions – but falling all the bits on the curernt regime – for being delayed acutally, seen nothing else than things get delayed are not fair accusations being made on them.As we sense it most of the ones joined to the cabinet are with all sprits. I understand the manner JVP wants theory to coincide 100% practice is far from the politics of Developing countries. These were the hurdles we have been having since indepennce: And not forgetting the mental states of the average.
      See how many of them gathered to Nugegoda lately are Mahinda Supporters. Most of them as pre election days had been brought from far outside areas. And the levels of corruption had been carried out, with all passion were beyond all margins, claiming most corrupted manin the lanken politics so fa, but very same Ravaya or other editors to stay mum in that matter is the other puzzle to the outsiders but not to the average folks. They are so passive i mean majority evne if they would have been abducted and raped. People s lethargy and passiveness had been abused by Rajapakshe so brutally.
      The mistake of not revealing enough by Current regime can be disadvantageous to them in th eeleciotn, because liars can outreach masses, since their mechanims stay active further – across the country.

  • 9

    This is the reason why the UN & UNHRC should act now, Sri Lanka in it self does not have the ability to act even if it wants to due to political reasons.
    We all know the extent or the corruption but to date no one is in custody nor anyone in particular are investigated. The President does not have the will to take the bull by the horn we are going to see another bunch of commissions like before going in circle for years until Raja Inc. comes back to power.
    “Yahapalayana” now looks like a stillbirth baby of the new government.

  • 21

    Great article. Super analysis. Calls a spade a spade. Very hard for many Sinhalese to accept.

    • 6

      K C John, Kandiah has written to please and absolve the Tamil Nazis. German Nazis started World Wars 1 and 2. It was the Tamil Nazis who started the war in Sri Lanka. Both Tamil and German Nazis lost their wars . The Tamil Nazis lost very badly, suffered a humiliating defeat. Tamils Nazis are blaming others for their defeat like the Germans did. Germans too thought like Tamils, superior! Pull your head in and see the result of your Tamil Terror adventure; many of your kind turned into scavengers, drug dealing, extortionists in Western cities. You are no longer wanted by anbody!

    • 3

      Sri lanka Nazi leade Prbhakarana also ended like Hitler in the lagoon.
      Sri lanka is one country and one for all.

      Those who ca not live, not forced to stay!

      • 1

        Srinath Gunaratne,

        Do you know what Gunaratne means? I am Tamil I can tell you! If you want one country, you better respect diversity and freedom. If you want to thrust your religion and language down everyone’s throat, you will end up with not just two countries but more!

        • 0

          Burned Asu

          Heh!!!!! You must be day dreaming you LTTE looser. Likewise Sinhalese do not tolerate tamil LTTE terrorism too man!!!!! This is Sinhalese land for many 100 years. If you do not want to live here. Please bugger off from to Toilet Nadu where you really belong.

          • 1


            You have a problem; the Tamils will not bugger off as SL is their country too! I, as a Tamil, talk about diversity and freedom you call me “LTTE looser”; have you anything else to say? Do you know that, during the 1930s the Kandians who first demanded a federal state? The Tamils are here to stay and if you want to keep SL exclusively for the Sinhala, you need to wipe the minorities out literally; you have no other choice!

        • 2

          Where did Sinhala people try to thrust religion and langauage in your throats? As I always say go around SL and see whether minority are being forced to take sinhala and buddhism.

          If you are talking about 56, the government later brought a provision to use tamil as a regional lanaguage. SL has never ever forced any language or religion over anyone.

          Go and see the diversity in all sinhala dominated areas that is different to the tamil tribal areas where Muslims and Sinhalese were ethnic cleansed using force.

          The only reason you bring this stupid and false argument is because you cannot give a proper argument against SL or government as a grievence

        • 0

          I love diversity, I love inter race marrieges, I love intergration.
          All tamils in north want seggregation!

    • 3

      Yes.. its hard to accept yet more confusing. I am confused why Tamil ‘elites’ in 1920s planted the seeds of Greater Dravida Desham in local Tamils in line with Tamil Nadu politics, why the Tamil ‘elites’ wanted 50:50 representation in 1930s Donomorgh constitution, why Tamil politicians continuously objected the acceptance of rightfull social and political status of Sinhalese in pre-independence British era, why Tamil elites and politicians preferred independence under British-India rather than a separate Ceylon, why Tamils formed the Federal Party in 1949 with federal ideology well before the so called anti-Tamil riots, why Tamil politicians wanted exclusive rights for the Tamils in North and East while parity in all other parts of Sri Lanka since then, why Tamils upto the present represent in all spheres in the society, why Tamils are more than 52% in Colombo itself, why more Tamils live outside North and East where they exclusively want, why CM Wigi after being the Chief Justice and educated outside North and East presented a ‘genocide resolution’, why the present Chief Justice too is a Tamil if there is any so called ‘genocide’, why Western Province governer too is a Tamil if there is any ‘genocide’…. among many other positions held by Tamils in all parts of the country.. and I am confused why Sinhalese are so much accommodative and react so strongly when they are cornered when opportunists misunderstand there accommodative qualities…

  • 9

    The suppression of the minorities has become so used to in SL, it is the new normal. From Country’s leader to the common folks believe, the minorities can live in this land only on their mercy. The kind of mentality and believe that minority can exist in this country only at the pleasure of majority so infested and embedded in the minds of the majority even the ones who see this injustice among majority are helpless to go against, as it is not possible to survive politically.
    This was so clear in the recent election that the common Prez candidate in his manifesto could not spelt out or, even able to utter a word during campaign, not about anything for Tamils, but even benefits that is beneficial for both community, he knew if he did, it would be suicidal. MS and his alliance knew he didn’t need to plead Tamils for their votes, the shafting they get from MR would be sufficient enough to see any Sinhala leader as a lesser devil, despite MR’s explanation that he is a known devil. MS is even better with his down to earth manners.

    The irony is even educated in the majority have so used to this mind set with

  • 11

    I keep seeing these Tamils running pillar to post screaming nonsense then slamming against a wall somewhere. They get up again and repeats the same mistake.

    Moslems are the other significant minority in Ceylon. Although they do not make this many mistakes. What gives?

    Closed systems keeps making the same mistake because there is no feedback mechanism. With the Gon Demala the feedback has been completely cut off. They do not learn and adapt because there is absolutely no introspection.

    Although this plonker Kanthian does raise an ideology of interest to Ceylon – Nazism. Where is the connection to Nazi in the island?

    During the European Nazi period these Tamils were ruled by a chap known as G.G. Ponnabalam. After visiting Nazi Germany a number of times he became and avid German Nazi admirer.

    The Nazification of Tamils begin with him. He made racism among Tamils so fashionable it created a major fault line in Ceylon that previously did not exist.

    He raised the consciousness of the Tamils to the point where they abandoned their sense of national awareness within an all-island polity and began thinking of themselves as having an altogether separate national identity..“ (Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism,p.80).

    However, D.S. Senanayake being a shrewd operator managed to bring G.G. Ponnabalam under his wings. Although the damage had already been done.

    G.G. Ponnabalam laid the Tamil Nazi foundation. It was SJV Chelvanayagam who builds the edifice on top.

    I attach a newspaper excerpt here that describes the situation in very simple terms. Now, under absolutely NO CIRCUMSTANCES should Tamil simpletons read this. They need not read because there are no learnable lessons for you there to take away now.


    • 3

      Why don’t you talk about the 1948 constitution that was endorsed by all sides to build a nation? DSS promised at that time that no one will be harmed by the majority! Make no mistake, the Sinhala have been in power since independence and they who ruined the country and not anyone else. All you are doing is exhibiting your frustration at the insubordinate minorities!

      Also enlighten this forum about Anagariga Dharmapala and his legacy that is the foundation for the present day Sinhala Buddhist chauvinism. You talk too much and only cherry pick to demonise the Tamils; you have been at this for a long time, but people are wise to you!

      • 3

        What is it about the 1948 constitution? Do you know that in 1945 that racist GG Ponnambalam (whom you have no issue with) said this country is tamil and should be for tamils. Then DS Senanayaka said this country belongs to all Ceylonese. I pointed that to you many times but you did not reply. These are recorded in parliament hansard. But you conveniently ignore them.

        DSS promised and your racist politicians like the kind of racist wiggie spoilt every attempt. You wanted a tribal cave in north and east while enjoying the benefits of all of SL. That is the real reason tamil politicians started mayhem. It is the arrogance of that racist GG Ponnambalam that killed many thousands in SL. We don’t have any insubordinate minorities, we have tribal and unimaginably racist tamil minority in SL that wants Sinhala people to be lower than them.
        And what about Anagarika Dharmapala? I think I answered you this several times though you ran away each time. Dharmapala left SL in 1908 and died in India in 1933. He did not have any supporters in SL among Sinhala people. Your racist GGP and Arunachalam in 1922 started tamil racism. At least this time don’t run and answer.

        And what came first? 1948 or 1939? or 1956 or 1939?

  • 11

    V. Kanthaiya,
    Sounds very legitimate, what you ask : “Why was so much shelling used when about less than a thousand terrorists were trapped along with 300,000 civilians?”

    This of course is because the civilians were used as human shields. and many of the civilians were also armed. They could have been left alone, but the war would have dragged on and on for another few decades, till your call for Eelam was eventually given way to.

    What makes you fight so, for this Eelam? We understand that you feel that Jaffna was the ancient and enduring seat of Dravidian civilization. You feel that all of Sri Lanka was Dravidian, before The Bengalis came in from the North and drove away your hierarchy, and colonized what was originally yours. All this was 2,500 years ago. Too long in antiquity.

    From that time onwards, you preserved your autonomy of Thamil heritage with TN just across the Palk to help you sustain, while the rest of Sri Lanka moved into Sinhala heritage (immigrants and all). While in the North (East and Central came later, with East integrating into Thamil culture out of their goodness of learning Thamil as 2nd language), Jaffna remained the bastion of the Dravidians, more so even than TN- Jaffna being the original seat.

    What you want is 1/3rd of the land for 1/9th of the people, so you can be sustainable in this modern era. And you cannot care for that other culture, in spite of having a huge mother-load of yours just across the Palk. Can you blame the Sinhalese, then, for attempting to secure their nation?

    What you call “Nazi” cannot be the same as the one that was in Germany. For in Germany, all spoke German. Indeed, the Jews were striving to be like, and integrate with the Germans. They did not have a huge established Jewish Nation to the North of Germany. They did not ask for a separate state anywhere in Germany, although Jewish holocaust forced them to create a modern state in Israel. Can you see the difference between the Jews and Tamils; the Sinhalese and the Germans?

    In Germany, the Nazi’s holocausted the Jews because they felt they were of inferior genetics- they felt most of the world was of inferior genetics and had to take them over and gradually exterminate them. Sinhalese on the other hand always accepted and admired the Thamil heritage, and was always willing to integrate with them, and learn from them. Don’t you accept that the racism was a reverse one in Sri Lanka’s context, where the Thamils did not want to give up the purity of their ancient and much developed civilization to the Sinhalese who they felt were inferior (both genetically and culturally).

    Indeed, the Sinhalese were looking to the Thamils to help them against the Anglicized city crowd so they could integrate the Sinhala and Thamil masses into the New-Independence-Order. But No! You wanted your language Thamil to be predominant although 95% of the Sinhalese knew only their language (Jaffna being too far away from them).

    I can only suggest that your ancient heritage be secured as a formality i.e. an area of one square mile and height, somewhere in the North, be reserved and developed for all things purely Dravidian (the world must remember this original ancient heritage, although a huge amount of it is in TN). Also that lands in the N&E to be returned to the Thamils;Sinhalese to be settled in your areas, as Thamils are settled in the South – how can you not allow Sinhalese come into your areas when so many Thamils are established in the South? Once all are settled, employment opportunities must tally in what is needed for the country- a good idea is to also liaison up with TN as they will be good business, but it must amalgamate with what is best for the citizens of Sri Lanka both North and South. Thamil Police and Military personnel then can gradually be integrated into the rest of the fold.

    Ps. We understand that a few of the Sinhalese might have absurdly succumbed to the notion of being pure Aryans (as per Olcott and Anagarika Dharamapala). There might have been an attempt or two at using this for pogroms soon after independence, although this was the excuse, rather than the reason, in the face of minority Thamils attempting to take over government and business (in spite of the repeated calls by Sinhalese, for Thamil help in developing the nation for the disadvantaged masses of both races). But by the 1980’s most certainly, this notion was vastly erased by modern genetic studies, and mostly for the intrinsic knowledge throughout, that the two races look exactly alike in spite of the language difference.

    • 3

      Thanks so much Ramona for your very balanced as well as informative comment. The citations were very helpful. All the time I was was wondering whether in fact Tamils were living under the jackboot of Sinhalese because I have many Tamil friends but none of them explained any problem about living in the south. But they were well versed in Sinhala in addition to Tamil and English, therefore had no issue in communicating with people. They mingled with Sinhalese well and were not discriminated, in fact they did really well at positions of authority. This is about 10-12 years ago when LTTE was at its prime. They had issues with police, not because they had any linked with LTTE but being Tamil. I do not find fault with police for being overcautious because LTTE used university students to plant bombs in Colombo and 99.9% LTTE being Tamil, they automatically come into radar. But I still wonder about some of those anti-Sinhla comments and their jackboot theory.

    • 0

      [Edited out] R.T..[Edited out]. ,

      The Breed counts- Boston brahmins rule same as E rule.
      we are proud that we are fortunate to see reality than be like the idealist Japanese or Germans.

      therefore today all bengali british favourite place of home away from home is nothing but tamil nadu. when questioned its because we have a harem in our land run by two women.
      You like them are classified Schedule Class in Hindia same as Goo’ta therefor he got his yellow sub into a trap.

      You stock is just another Bruva the slave master Almedia had transported to the island in a borrowed ambude- your one strain of hair would prove that even on a Chinese made machine.

      Remember the Chinese left their fishing gear at Cochin for good reason.

      You don’t even know Mandarine to speak to them but have to speak in English

      Rob the Buddha and Blame the Suddha.
      Beg from the Suddha
      [Edited out]

  • 12

    well said. Reading your article sends chill down my spine remembering those days when we had to protect ourselves from state leashed terrorism like the 1983 riots. I still remember JR appearing on the TV soon after riots broke out and said ‘I say to the dravida masses if you want war you will get war if you want peace you can have peace’. Which further unleshed another spate of looting and killings, while soldgers protected anyone fought back to defend their property or life were labeled as terrorists and ended up being shot by soldgers or being incarcerated in jail as a kottiya.

    We never had a statement as a leader, they exploited the vulnerabilities of people, fearmongering the majority against the minorities. SWRD, JR and Mahinda are the most racist leaders we ever had.

    This is an excellent article. Keep up your good work.

  • 8

    The situation the minority are facing in this island is so sad that they could not even has the right to say “it hurts us what you do”. That’s what it is. Shafting the minority becomes so used to, it is the new normal. That is what we saw in Nugegoda, majority of them so agitated, most of them due to the free supply of kasippu others like DJ have in fact seen the not normal status quo.

    The collective mentality of the majority of the majority is that the minority can live in the country only at the pleasure of the majority, and whether like or not they have to put up with them and should co-exist. Even the corrupted ones, rapists, kudu dealers, criminals, thieves, war criminals, etc. can be condoned by the well educated who can see what has been going on was wrong, if such a person committing these crimes was able to show that he was able to get a Tamil kneel down, kill even better. He/she would be pardoned to all the crimes he committed because of that single act. This is what DJ defined as smart patriotism; you commit all the crimes in the book but do a single act, can be anything: killing, writing, shouting, etc. Write to CT expressing your intent of driving wedge between the communities; shouting at Nugegoda; loot a jewelry shop at 4th cross street with the help of armed vehicle help open the shop; burn library with the proud uniform that covers you; all crimes can be write off. If we say it is not right that you killed my father on the street while SL police stays watching, and it is genocide, you are not arguing about the killing or the country’s police watching right or wrong, but the definition of the word genocide. That is the appalling level the country has descended to. If any one tried to mend this from Majority, they are tagged with a label as traitor, conspirator, etc. The days Wimal weeraya fasting, Gnanasara roaming do not appear too far, as the democracy is a number game and it gives enough safeguards for these criminals also, and they are smarter.

  • 12


    What you have failed to highlight is the equally dastarly record of the LTTE, during the last war and events preceding it.
    What transpired was a battle of one type of evil, with another of equal virulence. Yes, the Tamils were deliberately marginalised, isolated and brutalised by the actions of various Sri Lankan Sinhala leaders and governments led by them since independence. This was part of an unstated ‘ Dutigemenu strategy ‘ that began its evolution in the pre-independence era. The Tamil militancy, especially that of the LTTE foolishly made it possible for all the objectives of ‘ Dutugrunuism’ to be achieved spectacularly. Mahinda claimed the crown of Gemunu, the Dutu ( evil) King of old) as a result. Tamils are today a ‘ Manageable Minority’ , yet incapable of charting a wise course for recovering as a people, culture and a vibrant segment of the Sri a Lankan mosaic. Nazism and Dutugemunuism, of course do do bear comparison, and theTamils were not sent to gas chambers, nor were their body parts sent to factories. Exaggeration is always counterproductive, as it is not the truth. More so, at this juncture, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendra

    • 3

      Dr, if you want the author to compare the LTTE with government, then you are accepting that LTTE is in par with the Government.

      You are missing a BIG POINT that GoSl is a state has all the duties and responsibilities as a state and a member of UNO and have to abide by the Geneva Convention; However LTTE was branded as Terrorist.

      Stop Compare the apples with the oranges.

      • 3

        The LTTE was the de facto government in the north and east and developed all the appendages of a government. It also demanded equal stays as the government during the peace talks. It tought a regular war with an army, navy and airforce. It taxed the people and ran banks. It had prison and torture facilities, international institutions dealt with it. It acted as a government until it’s very end. These are facts that cannot be glossed over.


      • 3

        The LTTE ran a de facto government in the north and east and developed most of the appendages of a government. They had the power to decide on the life and death of the Tamil people, not only in Sri Lanka, but in most parts of the world. They demanded equal status with the GOSL at the peace talks and were accorded it. The internal agencies dealt with it. It also fought a regular war combined with terrorism, as did the GOSL.
        However, what they did to the Tamils as individual and a society, however, undermined their legitimacy. They were as much the curse of the Tamils and Sri Lanka, as the GOSLs were.

        There is no point glossing over these facts.


        • 0


          One question, in the LTTE Peelam La-la land, was there a monkey army clad in thongs? Did they kill innocent Thamil, Muslim and Sinhalese for no reason?

          Now you are showing your spot very well man!!!!! There is saying in Sinhala language “not to trust any Thamil except the one deceased or one in the photo”. Your writing confirms that.

          • 3

            Mati Dombasiri

            “One question, in the LTTE Peelam La-la land, was there a monkey army clad in thongs?”

            Monkey army did come from South India and kicked the hell out of Ravana’s Ashuras.

            Some of the members stayed back in down south and evolved into Sinhala/Buddhist politicians, members of the armed forces, …….

            Would you like to invite them again?

    • 2

      Was GG Ponnambalam’s racist drivel against Sinhala people which triggered the first sinhala tamil riot in 1939 part of dutugemunu strategy

      • 1

        Native Vedda asked for evidence; have you provided for this smear!

        • 1

          Oh! you were waiting all this time for evidence?


          This is one. And it is mentioned in jane Russel’s book.

          Can you answer atleast now?

      • 1


        GGP was a minster in the first ever government that was formed after the first general elections predicated on the 1948 Constitution that was accepted by all sides. Do you understand this? The outcome of the 1948 general elections within the North is very revealing! GGP’s party that Tamil Congress only won 3 seats; SJVC lost his seat to the UNP candidate at KKS. There were many independent candidates won. Tell me, can you see Tamil nationalism at that time? There was no appetite for Tamil nationalism let alone for separation. Compare the election results post the Sinhala Only episode; it was a stark contrast to the 1948 elections. Do you think SWRD brought about Sinhala Only with 24 hours because GGP’s antics? Please grow up; he did this to gain power expediently. Please have some common sense. I know you do not want to concede to the Tamils’ demand for a federal state; you have the democratic right to object it but please do not write illogical comments to suit your whim and fancy!

        • 0

          So GGP being a member of the cabinet means he is not a racist? And that he did not utter racist drivel against Sinhala people?

          It is because of the good nature of sinhala leaders that they let this racist [Edited out], GGP some recognition. And of course Tamils! the most racist and tribal society ever!!

  • 3

    Namaste: What is happening in the island has got nothing to do what happened to the Nazis, Jews, Germans, Europeans, West and the rest. What is important is what is happening in the Indian colonies be it Fiji, Guyana, Andaman & Nicobar Islands or Mauritius or the rest. Indian colonist and imperialists will never leave the locals who were there when they came to colonize under the cover of British guns. The subjects are called all sorts of things and colonists claim so many things. Nazis and Genocide respectively. Jai Hind

    • 3

      Dalit the Hindian Bandar,

      In Sri Lanka, other than the aboriginal Veddas, all others (95% of the population) are Hindians who came from both North and South Hindia and colonized from time to time. Those colonized under the cover of British still remains as poor estate labour class and still calls themselves Hindians.

      Do not poke your nose into other peoples A_ _ if you do not know anything about others.

    • 0

      lankaweb Christie coming as Dalit, shameless not evn to stick with one name, we are all watching you stupids

  • 9

    I think this article fits the cap of the LTTE more than anyone else. So Mr Writer, look at it from that perspective and see who it fits.
    If there is any modern day Hitler, it was Prabakaran. All problems of Tamil minorities is due to short sighted politics of Tamil politiicans. They are to blame for their Vadukodai Resolution calling for armed struggle. What stupid leadership. The people who suffered from this struggle are the innocent Tamils of the North and East. No one else. Atleast Rajapaksa gave them freedom to live peacefully again after 30 years. All Sri Lankans should worship him for that everyday.

    • 4

      Hello, if you want the author to compare the LTTE with government, then you are accepting that LTTE is in par with the Government.

      You are missing a BIG POINT that GoSl is a state has all the duties and responsibilities as a state and a member of UNO and have to abide by the Geneva Convention; However LTTE was branded as Terrorist.

      Stop Compare the apples with the oranges.

    • 2

      Why did the Vaddukodai Resolution come to be passed?

      Here is a quote from Tarzie Vittachi, a well regarded, internationally renowned Sinhala writer and journalist in the wake of the 1958 pogrom orchestrated at a time when there was no LTTE. All the violence was confined to the Sinhala state and the goons whom it controlled.

      Vittachi, the first to faithfully record the events during the bout of anti-Tamil violence in 1958 ended his book with the question: Have the Sinhalese and Tamils reached the parting of the ways? It took the Tamils 18 years to democratically resolve to part-Vaddukoddai resolution in 1976 and the overwhelming vote for the TULF which contested the general elections on this platfprm in 1977.

      Suggest you read this book and familiarize yourself with the unprovoked violence that the Tamil people were subject to Sri Lanka’s history before jumping to conclusions.(T Vittachi,, “Emergency 58,-The Story of the Ceylon Race Riots”, André Deutsch, London, 1959)

  • 2

    The problem today is not the war but unstoppable continuity of arrogant, stubborn way of conduct influenced by undue money in huge extents with people having attitude money is the priority.Still weak flow of information. People transformed to see good as bad and bad is good due to external pressure.They have bacome short sighted and not sensitive towards others since there is no other option. What is happening is not apparent since they occur due to various hidden forceful influences. Good people are kept under pressure.Their fame has been lost without reason.If one cannot be with his/herloved ones without reason what is that democracy (not physically). This is my first hand experience. I do not think people can come out this rut unless they are very tactful dedicated, patriotric and work in teams. Because it is a real drama, if they are deceived all would stop in the hell where no turn back for very long years. I wrote this since I lost almost all my values without reason. Only reason is I am patriotric,I am capable. Therefore I see the danger ahead,

  • 7

    You are right Kanthaiya. The myth of the super dominant tamil race and the inferior Sinhala army are examples of myths propagated by Tamil racists who blamed Sinhalese for everything after tamils lost their privileged position as a pampered favored minority under British rule. you are right sir, because VP and racist elements were able to rally Tamils around the fascist Tamil tiger banner by blaming Sinhalese for everything. Did you pause for a moment to think that barren calcite soils of Jaffna can be as valuable as land in Polonnaruwa? Then you proceed to make a false claim devoid of anthropological evidence to claim 2/3rd of Sri Lanka’s landmass for a 14% minority. You want racial exclusivity for one small group in a a large part of the nation while you want to have the cake and eat it too in rest of the small island. You are right. It was easy for Hitler to blame Jews for everything wrong with the humiliation and armistice they had to sign after WW I. Same way VP and LTTE and Tamil racists decided to blame Sinhalese for all the backward caste ridden discriminatory nature of hindu tamil life. You chased of 95,000 muslim families from Jaffna and also chased off Sinhalese from Jaffna U long before 1983 riots. Those riots were indeed a pogrom by the UNP and we are sorry. it was the seminal event that caused tamils to look at the LTTE as liberators. However, fact is that LTTE and Tamil supremacists have hated Sinhalese the way Germans hated Jews and blamed them after WW I.

    • 2

      What you have effectively said that the Tamils are being insubordinates. They should have accepted the dominance of the Sinhala without compromise; this is exactly what you have said in effect. Otherwise, all Tamils are racists!

      • 2

        where did he ask tamils to be subordinate? Do you need to be allowed to manufacture history and claim a territory only for yourself to be equal? What sort of an equality is that?

  • 5

    ” All Sri Lankans should worship him for that everyday. “
    I don’t know about all Sri Lankans and I know your late for Nugegoda if you were not there but news says three more are planned so you should get an opportunity to worship.

  • 3

    We need complete peace in Sri Lanka. Let it be as it is,to move
    freely. Please everyone hold hands and be united.

    • 3

      We need complete peace in Sri Lanka. Let it be as it is,to move freely. Please everyone hold hands and be united.

      ….and, never leave the clasps, holding one another we will brace, embrace, fondle and caress for a mega-hug of a Guinness record proportion.

  • 4



  • 5

    Any bird has a right to protect their nest from an enemy.Wish writer can understand this. from History to date Sinhalese do not attacked others nest.but fight to protect their nest if someone attacked.Write right facts without creating nonsense.
    Can Sinhalese buy 1 perches from Jaffna- NO
    can Tamil & Muslims Buy 100 acres from Matara- YES
    You should accept who are the real enemies of ethnic harmony.It’s Tamil leaders who are mislead their people every time.

  • 6

    Kandiah says, “a ‘total war’ was unleashed on Tamils with a ‘blockade’ of goods, even essential food and medical supplies, citing as reason that it could be used by the rebels”.

    The truth is that, throughout thr offendive, food and other essentials were sent by the Government to these areas under great risk and free of charge, but the LTTE commandeered all that for their own use. Thus the Sri Lanka Government earned the unique reputation of being a hand that kept on feeding those who kept on biting it.

    “They were systematically subjected to indiscriminate shelling and aerial bombardment”.

    If the armed forces wanted to destroy the Tamils in a genocidal operation they could have done it. Kanthiah, conveniently forgets the members of armed forces who risked their lives to save Tamil civilians from intentional harm from LTTE. They even gave their own food packets and voluntarily prepared huge amounts of food for the civilians fleeing LTTE atrocities. One such team preparing food was destroyed by a Tamil suicide bomber.

    Unfortuately, the armed forces were instructed to fire back when fired upon and knowing that the LTTE placed their guns amidst civilians. For the SLA, it was miltarily unnecessary and politically disastrous.

    All this time I did not want MR to return to SL politics. But this article made me reconsider that. Perhaps that was the real intention of the article, to prod the fair minded to change their minds. Perhaps the Kandiahs are one side of the same coin with WW, UG, Vasu, Indika on the other side. Perhaps they are being paid by MR’s unlimited supply of money, to create conditions where everyone would pray for an MR comeback.

    • 1

      Look at actions of RW

    • 6

      The struggle for a separate state for the Tamil-speaking people was the result of a repetitive suppression unleashed on Tamils by denying even their fundamental human rights. For the Sinhalese nationalists, the history of this island starts only at 1983 because it is only after that date that they have been on their best behaviour, and if the ordinary Sinhalese have remained good boys after 1983 it has been due to the fact that the LTTE have also come to Colombo.

      What is equally amusing is that the Sinhala Nazis also use the catchy words like “Liberating Tamils”. Many people around the world recall Sri Lanka with the term ‘War Crimes’ than pearl of the Indian Ocean. Very soon if UNHRC did a proper job it will be recalled with the term ‘Nazi’.

      And the biggest joke is, whenever the ethnic problem is discussed, the Sinhala Nazis get worked up and describe the Tamils as recent arrivals or as arrivals resulting from the Chola invasion of the Island, whereas they remain the ‘original inhabitants’ of the country.

      The predominant Sinhalese however, constantly suffer from a misperception of themselves. One of the positions of the majority of Sinhala Nazis is that this blessed island is Sinhala land and Buddhist country. It stems from a myopic and an inflated view of seeing themselves both as glorified guardians of Lanka and as sole protectors of the Theravada strand of Buddhism. Such interpretation places Sinhalese, sadly, under the gloomy clouds of an identity crisis.

      • 1

        NO the history should start from 1922

  • 4

    For many years I could not understand why this so called “ethnic problem” in Sri Lanka (as some call it) was possible given the facts that there had been so many historical connections between Sinhalese and Tamils. If we start from some of the comments, there had been Tamil generals fighting in Dutugemunu’s army as well as some Sinhala generals fighting for Elara. In Polonnaruwa era, the tooth relic was protected by a battalion of Tamil soldiers when a Sinhala king was ruling. In addition the famous “Prince Sapumal” was a Tamil and he became the king after the death of king Parakramabahu, the VIth. There had been some altercations before becoming king with “Price Ambulugala” who was also a Tamil. Then the famous general of Rajasinha’a army was “Arritta Kuwendu” how was of Indian origin. Even the last Sinhalese kings were in fact Tamils and came from south India. Some of the Sinhala elites who signed the infamous “Kandyan Agreement” did so in Tamil, like many Sinhalese sign documents nowadays in English. So what’s the problem? I never think that had been a “Tamil Question” historically apart from invaders from south India coming to the country to steal wealth. Given all those facts, I do not see any “Tamil Question” here, apart from some problem that was created several decades ago. Some of the cited articles helped me to understand how this could have happened though.

  • 3

    You will reap what you sow , your statement has no merits . And it is provocative . You are trying to clean LTTE atrocities with wrong set of words ,just like your chief minister and it is only can further increase the tension between us . Which was vividly seen through the voting style of the election and outrageously this not understand by Jvp which is the biggest crisis ,.. And if there were any chances of reconciliation by now which will be faded away by such nasty ,provocative statements . Therefore , the public out cry will build up in South not to remove the military bases in North and also it will be echoed in reminding South what Rajspsksa said about northerners before the election .he asserted not to demilitarise as he knew about the existing threat as fire under the ashes .

  • 2

    This kanthaiya’s article is a good response to all sinhalese and even muslims who joined up the kanthaiyas to bash DJ….

    Thanks kanthaiya

  • 4

    I believe that mistakes were made by both the Sinhalese and the Tamil “leadership.” But it’s best to look at the moronic behavior of both races at all times. It paints a complete picture of the morons in our past, if you focus only on one, the other morons may start feeling left out.

    Peaceful protest against immense odds may have helped the Tamil cause more than getting military. It may not be probable, but it is possible.

    However, the Sinhalese are the majority. We the Sinhalese, had a human responsibility to ensure all our minorities were treated as equals. That was our job. We had the numbers and the power. We managed to fail spectacularly at this thanks to a series of opportunistic “leaders” who were utterly selfish and wanted power at the expense of the best interests of the country. Moronic Mahinda being the latest in this series of criminally irresponsible circus freaks.

    And it is really sad to say this but although we did not have gas chambers; the generations before us did buy into the flawed reasoning that the Sinhala race is better than the other races and is so awesome and can do no wrong. You still see some misguided morons saying this. This, like it or not; IS Nazi ideology. Read the speeches of Dharmapala when he talks of other races; and you will hear this faulty reasoning loud and clear. Nazism was the flawed belief that one’s race is superior to other races and so other races have to bear the consequences of this racial superiority. It gives the green light to push everyone else around, and harm them; because of the false belief that one’s race is superior.

    This is crazy talk. It is unintelligent and apes think like this, not people. When a country starts believing that one race within the country is better than the other races; it begins to destroy itself. Because a multiracial country is vitalized by ALL the races within it. If you amputate your arm, you’re going to have only one arm. You’re going to be the one armed guy, or girl.

    So we all need to get real, get along and stop entertaining delusions of grandeur. And most importantly, we’ve got to stop carrying water for power hungry morons, just so that they can lie to us, get rich quick and mess up our collective future.

  • 1

    A very food analysis and its true that there was mass scale HR violations on both sides of the war and finally with geo political and Rajapaksas willie tactics and dicatatorship turned the scale on the war and LTTE was militarily defeated.

    This does not means what Rajapaksas did was correct and as a respectable govt, they need to be taken for task and that will be the starting point of a new Sri Lanka which all the communities have freedom to live without any fear or intimidation.

    There was a start on 8th Jan which is just a start and we need all the communities come together as one race to build this country.

    Those left over politicos like WW, Waasidewa, Dinesh, Gembapila and their script writer, DJ are all need to destabilise the country for their survival.

  • 1

    we need more more stronger and hard lined sinhalese buddhist leader to deal with minority garbage pots

  • 3

    Great article. Explains in simple and understandable terms the root cause of our perennial ethnic conflict since British left our island which belonged to all communities. If our brethren still do not comprehend the basic, fundamental message here, then they will never ever get it for centuries to come.Lets see the comments from our brethren whether they got the message or still dumb to criticize the author!

  • 1

    This is not to justify brutal methods SL Gov most possibly have used to suppress Tamil uprising, but I believe brutal methods used to suppresse 1971, and 88-91 Sinhalese rebels ( and any suspect) were not any better, only quantitywise may be smaller. If this statement is true, what does it mean ?

    • 0

      Oh look at the way Sinhalese pandering to tamil racists

  • 2

    Tamils got and continue to get marginalised by their own will. When Gal oya colonisation was opened D.S. Senanayke wanted Settle colonies on
    sinhalese, tamils and Muslims on 1:1:1 ratio, to have a truely Sri Lankan composition. The Tamil political leades resisted this and stopped Tamils getting land and going their.
    Tamil leaders still continue with thia policy and shout about “genocide” It is the LTTE that indulged in genocide. What did they do to the Muslims. Eveyone knows how the killed Muslim merely because they were Muslims:how the killed thousanda of sihalese men, women ,children,babies and even babies in the wombs of sinhala mothers. This is genocide.

  • 2

    I completely agree with what you have said about the constitution. The EP has got to go. It completely obstructs the process of democracy. There’s is zero point in democratically electing a dictator. The EP is too risky, it’s a weak strategy for the people. The government should use it temporarily to to set things right and then get rid of it ASAP.

    I believe it’s possible to built a strong Sri Lanka. It is this government’s responsibility to think differently to their predecessors who failed, and create a permanent solution that guarantees equal rights to all. This should be enshrined in our Constitution and backed by supporting legislation.

    You know before the Voting Rights Act 1965 in the US was enacted; the US constitution promised African Americans voting rights but the Southern states did all sorts of underhand things to deny this right to the peeps who went to vote. So the blacks and liberal whites had protest marches, bus boycotts and people were killed. Finally the president at the time brought in national legislation that made it impossible for the whites in the states to deny this right to the blacks. So this new legislation made the promise made in the Constitution; real. Same with integration. Segregration was unfair on the blacks so the government enforced integration on the country. I guess just cause something is in the Constitution, that’s not enough. The government must make sure people actually have equal rights, that’s their job. And they need to do what is necessary, make tough choices, in the interests of building a strong country for everyone. That’s the way to genuinely move forward I think.

    I think a lot of the resistance to equal rights is fear. Politicians in both races have been using the fear tactic to rule the races. For the common man, it’s hard to overcome this. But it’s a silly self serving tactic for politicians, it cannot be sustained in modern society. That’s why MM lost.

    So making the people part of the journey by explaining to them why equal rights and a federal solution is necessary and building a vision of what Sri Lanka could be; makes sense. The government should tell the people what they’re doing and why. Those misguided Sinhalese people with superiority complexes and those Tamil people who are bitter should be spoken to by the government through national speeches that clearly address this. Because it’s nice to feel involved in the process of government, that’s the essence of democracy.

  • 2

    Ramona Therese Fernando

    An excellent specimen of a Misguided Sinhalese Moron. Unfortunately unable to think for herself or think past her dishonest self-interest.

  • 2


    An excellent specimen of the Misguided Sinhalese Moron unfortunately unable to think for himself or past his dishonest self-interest.

    • 0

      Lets hope they can get guidance and become enlightened like kanthaiyas, Wigneshwaran and Prabhakarans

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