By C. V. Wigneswaran –
Although, healthy internal conflicts are needed, I am more convinced that my decision to stay neutral and impartial was correct seeing the situation where people who are in the same Party and contesting for the same policy, slandering and abusing one another and acting in a way detrimental to each other without political etiquette.
I acted and am acting with transparency against great odds to fulfil the promises offered in the Election Manifesto published in 2013 September in view of the Provincial Council Election. Taking forward these promises and proposals to the future entails more and more co-operation and contribution from my people. I am undertaking projects which give importance to People’s interest and I arrange local and foreign meetings related to them in accordance with the Manifesto of the Provincial Council Elections. I deem, it is my duty to give importance to the basic tenets of Tamil people and their interests. I wish to hold on to this responsibility with commitment. I am ready to make any kind of sacrifice towards it.
The Genocide perpetrated during the war period had destroyed the social, economic and cultural structures of our Nation. We have to build these up again. I had the opportunity of having constructive discussions, directly with the people affected by the war in regard to this, after I took over as Chief Minister. I took the decision to be neutral at the forthcoming Parliamentary Elections only after studying all these deeply.
I observe that, the message I disseminated recently had given rise to many conflicting opinions. But it seems that it had made several people to think.
I must make it known that, as far I am concerned, though I am in politics now, I have shown continuous interest in social work and social renaissance, even before I came into politics. Politics is not my full time occupation but a tool for me to continuously engage in the service and renaissance of our people. I have learned a few lessons from my people over the last 22 months.
One of them is that, politicians forget everything they speak during election time after the end of the elections. This makes people disgusted and discouraged.
Second is that after the end of the elections, politicians move away from the people. They are indifferent to the People’s problems, longings and needs. They only provide themselves and their cohorts privileges, show interest regarding them and help them only.
Third is that, they attempt to act selfishly contrary to the promises given in the Election Manifesto. Importantly, they think that there is no redemption if they do not move amicably with the Southern politicians, forgetting all their emotive talks on the election platforms among the Tamil People. They attempt to act in a way that will not vex the minds of the Southern politicians. People pointed out that if they wanted to do so, they should have already indicated their desire in the Election Manifesto.
I have heard people saying several things like that. But when I ask the politicians about them, they use the name of their Party as a cover and try to bask in the glory of their Party.
This is why I asked you to identify representatives who have a policy stance beyond their Party who are honest, committed and who will not end up as turn coats. I also said they must have far sight and concern for their fellow beings.
However, the People should not forget another thing I had referred to in my earlier statement. I had told in it that the representatives we elect should be able to assert the individuality of our People and the right to self-determination of the Tamil People, and endeavour to win the rights of our people and obtain justice for them. Several Parties which are contesting the elections have prepared their Manifestos without referring to the individuality of our people nor their right to self-determination. Even if there are suitable Candidates among them (I am not saying there are), we should keep in mind that their motives are different. I need not say to you that permanent benefits for our Tamil speaking People cannot be won by them. At least from 2009 these parties should have declared to the world about their support for the ideas of Tamil Homeland, our individuality and our right to self determination in terms of the Law. Mushrooms can act in self-interest, but, they cannot become guardians of our People.
After the weapons of war had been silenced, it became the duty of all of us to build up an untainted political culture in the North and East. We should come forward to curb racist political thinking which are attempting to assume monstrous proportions elsewhere in this Country. We should strengthen our relations with the Foreign Countries which have come forward to join hands with us. We can pave the way for a permanent political solution by doing this. Having this in mind, I have indicated in my earlier letter to our people regarding how the quality, qualification and suitability should be of the representatives we elect. Apart from this, I have also asked that, the Representatives at the Centre should come forward to form a regime for good governance, on the basis of principles of justice and equality. Further I have asked that the International exchanges should benefit us.
I am duty bound to say one thing to my beloved sisters and brothers in the context of the Election drawing closer. Elections will be concluded soon. The old life will return again. If changes are to occur in your life in the future, it will not be sufficient if you will choose your Party. It would not be adequate if you would identify the best candidate who is contesting from that Party. It is very important that you all should vote in your numbers on the morning of 17th of August. Please do not be home bound. Go to the polling booths early in the morning and cast your golden votes. It is the only firm democratic right you have. If you abstain from voting, people like those who went to Parliament with only 25 votes earlier, with less votes candidates with deficiencies will become your Members of Parliament. There may be gangs who would utilize your vote in some alternative way if you will not vote. Do not allow such improper activities to occur.
As Valluvan said “Not doing, that which should be done, also creates evil”. If you fail to do your duty, it will be detrimental not only to you but also to the whole Tamil Nation.
Hence, my loving siblings and Youth of the North and East, I request you all to come forward to fulfil your democratic duty of voting in the Election and go in your numbers to cast your votes on behalf of our Tamil people.
First you must decide in your minds, to which Party you are voting on the morning of 17th of this month. That Party should be a Party which could assure the individuality of our Community and insist on its right to self-determination. It should be a Party which is committed to the principles of our traditional homeland, individuality of the Tamil people, the right to self-determination of Tamils, even after the disaster of Mulliwaikal. It should be a Party which is not hesitating to seek justice for the genocide perpetrated against the Tamil people, and it should be a Party that is firm in the matter of independent international investigation. It should be a Party which will not compromise on things like honour, equality, and security. It should be a Party which will undertake efficient rehabilitation works in the post war context. It should be a Party which will work with transparency, in finding out what happened to the people made out to have disappeared and for the release of political prisoners.
I hope that it is not difficult for you to identify such Party which insists on our individuality and our right to self-determination. Keep in mind a candidate from that Party who is firm in basic principles, who is honest, committed to his cause, can work with dedication for the people, has a far sighted vision and has the will not to end up a turncoat at any time. That is to say keep in mind their polling numbers. Go as early as 7’O clock in the morning to the voting centre. Vote without fail. Strengthen the good news that the voter participation this time was the best in Northern and Eastern Provinces.
I take my leave, requesting that all the candidates who are elected, get together on the basis of a target of “People’s Interest First”, under one umbrella and act in unity, with the interests of the people of North and East at heart.
I pray to God that you all will be blessed with continuous Grace from Him!
Navin / August 13, 2015
Well said Justice Wigneswaran.
May be your views and wishes will be mauled by those commenting from the North and the South. But I agree they needed to be said out in the open.
Justice is everyone’s birthright.
God willing one day Sri Lanka – North, South, East and West – will be blessed with righteous governance.
Tamil from the north / August 13, 2015
Thanks Navin for your kind words. I echo what you stated above. SL is for all. Not just for the Sinhalese or Tamils. I yearn to see a country, which works for the entire population not just one segment of the population. I see a Sinhalese man as a human first, then a fellow countryman. That’s the way it should be. Many nasty things have happened in this country committed by both sides. Lets move on for the benefit of the present and next generations.
Kalupahana / August 14, 2015
Very well said.
After the elections it will be time to clean out the rotten political parties which are the root cause for the rotten political culture in Sri Lanka today, where racism and corruption have reigned with impunity.
Political parties need GOOD GOVERNANCE and there needs to be a Chapter on Political Parities in the Constitution – as in several other countries, so that political parties and culture may be reformed.
Politicians crossing the floor for cabinet posts and perks must end. Today political parties have become virtual dictatorship ruled by geriatrics who will not had over to the next generation. Look at shameless Vasudeva Nanayakkara and dead leftists. So too Sambanthan in TNA and Rajapaksa has turned the SLFP into a one family party of corrupt thugs and cronies. Ranil is virtual dictator of UNP.
There needs to be Chapter on GOOD GOVERNANCE in political parties including one third representation for women. Leadership change after 2 election defeats, and handing over and grooming younger generation of party leadership etc.
roger / August 13, 2015
Colombo based ‘Tamil Politicians’ are the problem Tamils have been having from the time of Ponnabalam Ramanathan. CVW is no different. He had a long and successful professional life, at the terminal end he wants to play politics and become a hero. He is dancing to the tune of certain section of the diaspora and some local ( Colombo origin) politicians. Now he wants to distance him self from TNA and to show a hard line hoping that he can become the next leader of TNA with the help of diaspora.
Burt / August 14, 2015
“He had a long and successful professional life, at the terminal end he wants to play politics and become a hero.”
Look at the same thing in the positive light. He had his long and successful prof life where he successfully nourished and cherished his family not in retirement he can and is making the same dedication to public service. He has the luxury to live by his principles and be nobody’s puppet.
“He is dancing to the tune of certain section of the diaspora and some local ( Colombo origin) politicians.”
Have you got any proof of this?
“Now he wants to distance him self from TNA and to show a hard line hoping that he can become the next leader of TNA”
Your contradicting yourself, you cannot distance yourself from a party and become its leader and why on earth does a CM want to be a MP of a minority party that has no real say in parliament?
May be the south works on a different logic and I now get why a president for 10 years want to become a PM, if he fails that he might contest provincial.
goraka / August 13, 2015
Hedging his bet. Typical politician speaking from the both sides of his mouth.
Burt / August 14, 2015
“Hedging his bet.”
Even that Cabral screwed it up with Greece bonds. :)
You need skills for that too.
Ajith / August 14, 2015
Dear Chief Minister of Northern Province from Tamil National Alliance (TNA),
I think some of the people are misunderstood when you say neutral. They try to interpret you are neutral whether it is UPFA or UNP or TNA. In reality Your call to vote for the party that is committed to self determination of North East Tamils is clearly indicates that North East people should vote for TNA. There is no question on that. However, TNA consists of traditional Federal Party which is the first party started its intention of establishing a federal state for North-East and other parties that are converted from former militant groups like PLOTE, EPRLF and TELO. You may find it difficult to find a suitable candidates from these political parties, so you wanted to remain neutral within TNA.
Rajash / August 14, 2015
CM CV you need to define “self determination”.
Self Determination does not necessarily mean seperate state.
Self Determination means more power to the Provincial Govt.
TNA can sit in the Parliament.
Kudos to you.
Eusense / August 14, 2015
Should all Provincial Govts. in Sri Lanka should get self determination or only the Norther PC?
Rajash / August 14, 2015
the Sinhala South already have self-determination
NIRMALA n / August 14, 2015
You are a fool.
Wigneswaran thinks he is still a judge to be neutral.
At his declining age he is trying to play swamy politics to damage the platform that brought him to politics.
When David Camaron met him in Jaffna he gave an open invitation to visit him in London. When Viggi visited London he was denied access to David Cameron. Even Prime Minister Modi ignored him when he visited India.
It is now for the people in the north to vote for Mahinda. He is the true darling of the Tamils leave aside being my own darling.
Dirty Chethu / August 15, 2015
[Edited out]
K.A Sumanasekera / August 14, 2015
Did the Vellala Party make a mistake by keeping the Sambnadan Batalanda Ranil pact under wrap?.
Will Ranil disclose it, at least today to help Sambandan and Sumnathiran get their 20 seats?…
Lanka Watch / August 14, 2015
Dear CM, NPC,
Sir, Your hand written advice, which was read to the people of the North recently, is a complete betrayal of trust placed in
you by TNA and the people of the North .Your neutral stand became a blessing in disguise to TNA, as there is complete unity among the contestants.
You were brought in by TNA and made CM,NPC by TNA and unable understand
how you could remain neutral, where as your loyalty should have been with TNA, which means that you are with all parties contesting in the North and in agreement with their manifestos.
Your stand, as a former judge, you will know that it is subject to disciplinary action by the party high command. You have a future in the
party and why are you digging your grave so early.?
Heretic / August 16, 2015
“Your hand written advice, which was read to the people of the North recently, is a complete betrayal of trust placed in you by TNA and the people of the North .”
What has happened to the private secretary and others who can type? Maybe there was a power cut?
soma / August 14, 2015
This Wingeswaran is the most malicious man in our political landscape. His “genocide” project is a devilish attempt to drive a permanent wedge between the future generations of Tamils and Sinhalese.
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
“His “genocide” project”
Is there any other good term to rightly implicate you people for your inhuman acts?
soma / August 14, 2015
Mr. ravivararo
This hypocritical old racist
1)Made a good career among the Sinhalese
2)Married his children to Sinhalese
3)Continued to live among the Sinhalese when his “sole representative” was running his dream administration in JaFfna
RipVan W / August 14, 2015
One would have hoped for a wiser understanding of politics than this, even from a relative new-comer to it.
The invention of politics in the mediterranean isles followed endless and repetitive violence that damaged the winners at least as much as the losers. This should be evident to any observer of post war reality in this country too if they can see beyond the triumphalist cant that often passes for political understanding here. And the damage to the people of the north and east did not begin only after 2009 or even after 2005.
And this meant embracing compromise in the pursuit of the maximum possible.
If one has foresworn violence – which is built into the very notion therefore of politics – and one is mindful of the fact that one is always dealing in the affairs of non homogenous and free people, compromise is the only way. It can be slow, tedious and frustrating but that is the only way. To imagine otherwise is to be dangerously collectivist in the pursuit of utopian goals which are only imagined to be the need of the “people”, another imagined homogeneity that thereby denies freedom to the same people pretended to be represented.
The guilt that can be attributed to the politician may be that they make promises in detail without making it clear to their constituency that there was always an other or others to contend with and that they were not going to war. But certainly not the guilt of compromise.
On the contrary, pursuit of compromise is the politician’s virtue or as the ancients had it, her master skill.
The words of the CM seem dangerously close to giving encouragement to the empty cries of pretend heroes. The CM is, whether he likes it or not, an actor in this arena and not a thinker of inert neutral thoughts.
Ranil Wijeyesekera / August 14, 2015
The south is suspicious that many tamils love tamilnadu more than Sri Lanka. If the dream is to be as independentit is not that bad. But ties with tamilnadu is a greater threat.The word Genocide being used creates distrust. The sri Lankan peole went through trauma with the ltte which atttacked tamils to. It takes two hands to clap. Look inward at one self. Ask forgivenerss where we went wrong. You will receive forgiveness in return. Trust takes time. Let us not endanger it. Racting to provocation leads to an endles cycle. Be first to break it. Peole around the world willl see your religion in how you handle conflict resolution.
Thamilan / August 14, 2015
Dear CV,
You are sounding like the Pope.
If you want us to follow your guidance, please tell us your policies.
Ken Dharmapala / August 14, 2015
It is sad to read this letter of a supposedly eminent jurist. His bias is evident with the reference to “our” people. This is the same kind of language used 60 years ago – the “us and them” mentality. The more one identifies himself with labels, be it on the basis of language, religion, caste, race or whatever else, the more he distances himself from the “other”. This had been the bane of Sri Lankan politics from the year dot. S W R D Bandaranaike brought it into sharp focus with the politics of language in 1956. And all politicians joined the bandwagon stoking communal differences. This is cheap politics of the lowest kind, but couched in emotionally charged words to cover its ugliness.
When Judge Wigneswaran became the Chief Minister, there was an expectation among good people from all walks of life that he will rise above this petty kind of communal politics. Regrettably, he is continuing with the same old communally divisive politics. He continued to fuel the divisions by inviting David Cameron to visit Jaffna, keep pushing words like genocide, and playing the same old acrimonious game.
We live in a global environment. Ideas of states, nations, borders, nationalities, and races have no place in this globalized environment. Our future problems are climate change, water scarcity, population expansion, exotic diseases, environment degradation etc. They are not respecters of man-made identities. They are indifferent to language or religion, caste or colour. They cross border without any impediment. Rajapakse in the South or Wigneswaran in the North cannot hold a placard and say no entry to Ebola or droughts, or extreme temperatures, or sea level rises.
Politicians in the 21st Century have to develop policies to tackle these at a global level. The responsibility of Sri Lankan politicians is to develop policies to position this island in which we all live to minimise the adverse impact of such calamities.
Judge Wigneswaran is flaying, in part, a gimmicky political donkey whose time has already run out, the same way Mahinda Rajapakse in the South is doing at this election. One can only wish a plague on both their political houses!
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
“It is sad to read this letter of a supposedly eminent jurist. His bias is evident with the reference to “our” people. “
you pl note that he never used the word “our” (our with apostrophe, to denote Tamil) instead he used <> along with ‘our people’.
It is evident from the following, he “also” used the word “Tamil”
//Politics is not my full time occupation but a tool for me to continuously engage in the service and renaissance of our people.
The Genocide perpetrated during the war period had destroyed the social, economic and cultural structures of our Nation
However, the People should not forget another thing I had referred to in my earlier statement. I had told in it that the representatives we elect should be able to assert the individuality of our People and the right to self-determination of the Tamil People, and endeavour to win the rights of our people and obtain justice for them. Several Parties which are contesting the elections have prepared their Manifestos without referring to the individuality of our people nor their right to self-determination. Even if there are suitable Candidates among them (I am not saying there are), we should keep in mind that their motives are different. I need not say to you that permanent benefits for our Tamil speaking People cannot be won by them. At least from 2009 these parties should have declared to the world about their support for the ideas of Tamil Homeland, our individuality and our right to self determination in terms of the Law. Mushrooms can act in self-interest, but, they cannot become guardians of our People.//
you very well know the usage of ‘,”,,:,;,,..
it is upto you to give the broad inclusive meaning than narrowed exclusive meaning.
“we” and “our,” inclusive and exclusive, depending on to whom one is talking. …
our book, our nation, our team, our people etc- Leader addressed to general people
our book, our nation, our team, our people etc- normal layman to general people
However, I like both inclusive and exclusive meanings for “our” or our.
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
“you pl note that he never used the word “our” (our with apostrophe, to denote Tamil) instead he used along with ‘our people’.”
missed out. pl read it as.
you pl note that he never used the word “our” (our with apostrophe, to denote Tamil) instead he used our Tamil people along with ‘our people’.
Lasanda / August 14, 2015
What do you mean when you say “our people”??? Does this include the low caste Tamils as well??
I guess all Chief Ministers in the island must start having their own people in their own province!!! How funny is this man!!!
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
‘Wigi, What do you mean when you say “our people”??? Does this include the low caste Tamils as well?? ‘
but definetly not those wild lion + human hybridized people.
Acumen / August 14, 2015
Dear CV,
Genocide and self determination are terminologies that are pleasing to certain section of Tamil polity. However, you should wake up to the change of times in which the seniors in TNA are trying to forge certain understanding and accommodation with the Southern politicians for the sake of peace and prosperity for both Tamils and Sinhalese.
Your are a newcomer in politics. Please give an ear to your seniors in TNA rather than playing a maverick in this situation.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / August 14, 2015
I submit a Thirukural and a story from the Mahabhratham for consideration of Rtd. Justice C.V.Wigneswaran, Chief Minister NPC, for his consideration:
1. “Alivathuum Aavathuum Aahi Vali Payakum
Oothiyamum Soolthu Seyal “( Therinthu Seyal Vahai, Chapter 17,
1st Kural)
Translation: Let a man reflect on, what will be lost, what will be gained, and from these what will be ultimate gain, and then let him act.
2 When Kauravas led by Duriyodana refused to concede the Pandavas the Kingdom that was theirs, The Pandavas send Krishna to bargain on their behalf to avoid war, bloodshed and deaths. When the Kaurawas refuse to give them back their Kingdom, Krishna pleads for five villages for the five Pandava brothers. When that is also disdainfully denied, he pleads for at least five houses for the Pandavas he is representing. When this is also denied the war begins at Kurukshetra , with terrifying consequences.
We have fought a war we should not have and paid a terrible price. What we suffer today are the legacy of a war and a revolt that defied moral boundaries. The victims were innocent civilians, mostly less educated and poor. They were like a drum (Miridangam) beaten on two ends.
Let us learn our lessons and act differently. Big words and emotive slogans do not produce solutions. Let us work to become an important component within Sri Lanka. It will be a slow and deliberate process. There will be many difficulties and pitfalls. The old goals were never attainable and cannot be resurrected however much some elements are itching for confrontations.
We have to keep our hopes alive and grab at every straw that comes our way to stay afloat. Another such opportunity is ahead of us.
I, of course condemn the TNA for not defining its position clearly. It cannot, as I had said before, be like the proverbial eel that shows its tail to the snake and its head to the fish, for survival!
However, we have to give the TNA, an overwhelming mandate and push it thereafter to work and negotiate with the new government to strengthen the 13th amendment as a first step. The next or a parallel step would be a new constitution that enthrones the right of every citizen to good governance, equality, sovereignty and protection of the law. It should permit every citizen to flourish within the communal identity they were born into or chose, provided they act within the law.
For me the priority is development in the war-affected north and east to generate employment,water and the manifold issues that confront the people.
Going down a step further than Krishna we have to ask for a separate room, toilet and kitchen within the same house now. We owe this to the Tamils who have chosen to live within Sri Lanka. after a horrendous experience they and the generations to come are likely to forget.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
“For me the priority is development in the war-affected north and east to generate employment,water and the manifold issues that confront the people.”
Kanaikal Irumporai was a brave warrior with several victories to his credit. Once he lost to the Choza king Chengannan and was imprisoned. He was felling very thirsty and asked the prison guard to bring him some water. The guard was late in bringing water, and the king took that as an insult and gave up his life.
[Edited out]
if you are not well treated, don’t eat anything “at their home”.
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
//[Edited out]//
edited out here was citations from Auvaiyar’s Ulaga Neethi. However its translation is available.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / August 14, 2015
I am resubmitting the above comment with some corrections, which though minor, are important in terms of the message. The internet connection is very week where I live here in Jaffna and the frequent power failures this morning have made things worse. It is a rush to post a comment always, which leaves little time for editing.
I submit a Thirukural and a story from the Mahabhratham for the consideration of Rtd. Justice C.V.Wigneswaran, Chief Minister NPC:
1. “Alivathuum Aavathuum Aahi Vali Payakum
Oothiyamum Soolthu Seyal “
( Therinthu Seyal Vahai, Chapter 17, 1st Kural)
Translation: Let a man reflect on, what will be lost, what will be gained, and from these what will be the ultimate gain, and then let him act.
2. When the Kauravas led by Duriyodana refused to concede the Pandavas the Kingdom that was theirs, the Pandavas sent Krishna to bargain/negotiate on their behalf in order to avoid war, bloodshed and deaths.
When the Kaurawas refused once again to give them back their Kingdom, Krishna pleaded for five villages for the five Pandava brothers.
When that was also disdainfully denied, he pleaded for at least five houses for the Pandavas.
When this was also denied the war was joined at Kurukshetra , with terrifying consequences, although the Pandavas got their kingdom back!
The Bhagavat Gita was the only gain!
We have fought a war we should not have and paid a terrible price.
What we suffer today are the legacy of wars and a revolt that defied moral boundaries that befit humans. The victims were innocent civilians, mostly the less educated and poor. They were like a drum (Mirudangam) beaten on two ends.
Let , all communities and particularly the Tamils, who live in Sri Lanka, learn our lessons and act differently.
Big words and emotive slogans do not produce solutions. Ill thought actions and reactions can only hurt the Tamils further. We cannot afford it. We have not yet stood up properly even six years after the war.
The old goals were never attainable and cannot be resurrected. The problems and issues were real, but our reactions were unwise, shortsighted and of course in hindsight absolutely foolish. We should have known our own strength and weaknesses, and understood the enormity of what was ahead of us.
Let us work to become an important component within Sri Lanka. This is our only choice and the only path we Tamils have to traverse.
It will be a slow and deliberate process. There will be many pitfalls and difficulties. But we will be alive to pursue our reformulated goals.
Some elements are itching for confrontations, edged on by sections of our Diaspora, who will not come here to share the mayhem and blood letting that will result.
We have to keep our hopes alive and grab at every straw that comes our way to stay afloat.
Another such opportunity is ahead of us.
I, of course condemn the TNA for not defining its position clearly. It cannot, as I had said before, be like the proverbial eel that shows its tail to the snake and its head to the fish, for political survival!
However, we have to give the TNA, an overwhelming mandate and push it thereafter to work and negotiate with the new government to strengthen the 13th amendment as a first step. The next or a parallel step would be a new constitution that enthrones the right of every citizen to good governance, equality, sovereignty and protection of the law. It should permit every citizen to flourish within the communal identity they were born into or chose, provided they act within the law. It should permit devolution or a dispersion of meaningful power to the provinces.
For me the priority is development in the war-affected north and east to generate employment, secure abundant water supplies and the manifold issues that confront the people.
Going down a step further than Krishna we have to ask for a separate room, toilet and kitchen within the same house now.
We owe this to the Tamils who have chosen to live within Sri Lanka, after a horrendous experience they and the generations to come are unlikely to forget.
I hope the CM would redefine his concept of duty he owes the people who voted for him overwhelmingly.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
Naga / August 14, 2015
I am in full agreement with what have said here except for your request to give overwhelming mandate to the TNA.
TNA and its predecessors such as TULF, FP and TC are part of the problem. Tamils voted overwhelmingly for TC,FP, TULF and lately TNA over the past six decades but these Tamil MPs could not find a solution to the Tamil problem. LTTE tried an armed rebellion and that too failed. And if the Tamils give an overwhelming majority to TNA again, I am dead certain that Sampanthan and Co will not achieve anything and they will only fill the NE seats in Parliament cosily doing absolutely nothing.
The primary reason is that none of these TNA fellows are sincerely interested in finding a solution to the Tamil problem because they know well that they can go to Parliament only if the problem continued to exist. If there is no Tamil problem, then TNA will have no existence. They want to see the fire burning as it had been in the past so that they can go before the Tamil people once in five years,shed crocodile tears about the lost rights of the Tamils and become MPs.
Justice Wigneswaran is right when he says:
“..[A]fter the end of the elections, politicians move away from the people. They are indifferent to the People’s problems, longings and needs. They only provide themselves and their cohorts privileges, show interest regarding them and help them only.”
Here Justice Wigneswaran is spot on.Once elected these TNA MPs help themselves and support their families and relatives only.
Now look where these TNA leaders keep their families.
Sampanthan’s family is in India, Mavai Senathirajah’s family is in India, Suresh Premachandran’s family is in Canada, and Nogatharalingam’s family is reportedly in London. I understand that idiot Ariyanenthiran, MP for Batticaloa, has also sent his children for studies abroad.
How do these TNA MPs manage to support the high expenses of their families living abroad?
These TNA MPs elected on the promise to fight for the rights of Tamils enjoy happy life and they send their families abroad.
You may now ask me what the solution to the Tamil problem is.
Forget about getting self-rule under a federal system using the 20 seats TNA is hoping to win this time because the Sinhalese leaders will not be willing to give anything further than the Provincial Council system we now have. No amount of international intervention will nudge the Sinhala leaders. No Modi nor any other future Indian leader will be able to help the Tamils. Forget about the Americans too because they are poking their noses because Mahinda allowed Chinese to creep into Sri Lanka. Once they nudge out China, Americans will hands off the Sri Lankan government and would not care a damn for the Tamils. The Tamil Diaspora “yakkos” will only have nuisance value.
The only option for the Tamils is for good minded unselfish Tamils to join the two major Sri Lankan parties and become influential to an extent that the Sinhala leaders concede equal rights to the Tamils. The provincial council system is useless. What is needed is a constitution and system of government in Sri Lanka that will ensure equal rights and opportunities for all the citizens irrespective of race or religion. Educational and job opportunities should be allocated in proportion to the population of the various communities based on merit. There should be no discrimination on the basis of race or religion. Fundamental rights should be made fully enforceable through uncorrupt court system with bold judges and there should be a complete ban on spreading racial hatred. There should be parity of status for Tamil language and a Tamil should be able to transact his or her business with the government in the Tamil language in any part of the country. Most importantly there should be a ban on parties formed on the basis of race or religion or even region.
This is difficult to achieve immediately but over a period of time it is achieviable provided Tamils wean away from the clutches of the present Tamil leaderships.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / August 14, 2015
Which is the alternate party/political formation the Tamils can vote for?
I do not see any alternatives in the horizon and hence have to be struck with the TNA for sometime.
Heretic / August 15, 2015
Dr RN and Naga,
“Which is the alternate party/political formation the Tamils can vote for?”
Naga apparently means the UNP and UPFA. Their main candidates in Jaffna actually might end up in the Parliament. Both have spent a lot of money for a massive campaign and many voters may think like Naga and be tired of the TNA.
I do not know how well one MP from UNP, UPFA, EPDP, EPRLF and the rest from the ITAK (radical and moderate wing MPs) would manage to represent Jaffna. I cannot comment on other districts.
Divided Tamils is a dream for Colombo. At the same time I have serious doubts about the TNA as the sole representative.
What to do on Monday?
Heretic / August 15, 2015
“How do these TNA MPs manage to support the high expenses of their families living abroad?”
Good question. I believe that with rs 750 we can receive a copy of the declaration of assets of the MPs and other politicians. In addition to the unreliable declaration a white van might come as part of the reply.
In some cases the families might be supporting the poor MPs especially when it is time to campaign.
Nari-bana / August 14, 2015
Chief Minister Wigneswaran is playing a crafty game. He makes belligerent noises couched in pious language. The more aggressive and confrontational he is, the more Sinhalese voters will move towards Mahinda Rajapakse.
This is exactly what he wants. A “re-elected” Mahinda Rajapakse in power is the best bet for Wigneswaran and his ilk to go crying to Western capitals and meet the likes of David Cameron to ask their support for a separate state in North and East.
On the other hand a moderate government in Colombo is the worst outcome for Wigneswaran. No door in a Western capital will open for him if Rajapakse is ousted for good.
Like it or not Rajapakse and Wigneswaran make strange bedfellows.
It was the same in 2005 Presidential Election when Prabhakaran prevented Tamils in the North from voting and thus ensuring Rajapakse’s victory.
ravivararo / August 14, 2015
‘It was the same in 2005 Presidential Election when Prabhakaran prevented Tamils in the North from voting and thus ensuring Rajapakse’s victory.’
Justice wigneswaran never asked or prevented Tamils in the North from voting this time.
Prabhakaran and justice wigneswaran are not payangaravaadhi(Terrorists).
Rightly People obey the righteous people’s requests, whether it is fruitful or not (that is different).
Sengodan. M / August 14, 2015
We Tamils have to be realistic about what is achievable within a reasonable period of time. It may be high sounding and very attractive, especially to the youth to keep on drumming about a separate State, self determination, confederation and such words and phrases. For a moment shall we stop and think how much of these are achievable within a reasonable period of time bearing in mind the prevailing atmosphere in the country, in the region and globally? The existential problems of the people such as re- settlement, release of grabbed lands, down sizing of military presence, means of a decent livelihood for the people, basic needs in health and education and similar things need attention first. The others can follow in stages if need be!
Sengodan. M
Harry Hatton / August 14, 2015
Some thing you were not when a judge !
Uthungan / August 14, 2015
What the NPC Predident by quoting Valluvan is saying anything different from what Anandasangary ex-MP TULF has always said and continues to tell to to all concernd ‘follow the Indian example of federation to solve the National Question’ issue plaguing the country.
I cannot understand why that formula is anathema to any of the influential political parties in the South unless they need the blindfolds to keep the people whom they claim to represent in the dark for perpetuity.
Of course the individuals in the ITAK may have different reasons for opposing Sangary, but why should the people of the NE or the rest of the others in the country suffer from lack of progress and development.
Uthungan / August 14, 2015
Read ‘not’ between’ is – saying’ in the first line of the comment .
Naga / August 14, 2015
Justice Wigneswaran is right when he says:
“..[A]fter the end of the elections, politicians move away from the people. They are indifferent to the People’s problems, longings and needs. They only provide themselves and their cohorts privileges, show interest regarding them and help them only.”
Here Justice Wigneswaran is spot on. Once elected these TNA MPs help themselves and support their families and relatives only.
These TNA MPs do not have their immediate families in Sri Lanka. They keep their families in foreign countries.
Sampanthan’s family is in India, Mavai Senathirajah’s family is in India, Suresh Premachandran’s family is in Canada, and Nogatharalingam’s family is reportedly in London. I understand that idiot Ariyanenthiran, MP for Batticaloa, has also sent his children for studies abroad.
How do these TNA MPs manage to support the high expenses of their families living abroad? Are their MP salaries and allowances enough to maintain themselves in Sri Lanka and maintain their families too abroad?
TNA and its predecessors such as TULF, FP and TC are part of the problem. Tamils had been voting overwhelmingly for TC,FP, TULF and lately TNA over the past six decades but these Tamil MPs could not find a solution to the Tamil problem. LTTE tried an armed rebellion and that too failed.
Sampanhan is now asking the Tamils to give his TNA 20 seats so that it will be able to find a solution to the Tamil problem next year (2016). If the Tamils give an overwhelming majority to TNA again, I am dead certain that Sampanthan and Co will not achieve anything and they will only fill the NE seats in Parliament cosily doing absolutely nothing.
None of these TNA fellows are sincerely interested in finding a solution to the Tamil problem because they know well that they can go to Parliament only if the problem continued to exist. If there is no Tamil problem, then TNA will have no existence. They want to see the fire burning as it had been in the past so that they can go before the Tamil people once in five years,shed crocodile tears about the lost rights of the Tamils and become MPs.
Sampanthan’s statement that with 20 MPs TNA can find a solution to the Tamil problem next year is an outright lie made only to get back to Parliament.
Forget about getting self-rule under a federal system using the 20 seats TNA is asking for.
The Sinhalese leaders will not be willing to give anything further than the Provincial Council system already in place. No amount of international intervention will make the Sinhala leaders to grant anything further to the Tamils. No Modi nor any other future Indian leader will be able to help the Tamils. Forget about the Americans too because they are poking their noses because Mahinda allowed Chinese to creep into Sri Lanka. Once they see the Chinese booted out from Sri Lanka, Americans will hands off the Sri Lankan government. They would not care a damn for the Tamils. Pro-LTTE Tamil Diaspora will only have nuisance value.
I repeat here the suggestion I made in reply to Dr RN as the way for the Tamils.
The only option for the Tamils is for good minded unselfish Tamils to join the two major Sri Lankan parties and become influential to an extent that the Sinhala leaders concede equal rights to the Tamils. The provincial council system is useless. What is needed is a constitution and system of government in Sri Lanka that will ensure equal rights and opportunities for all the citizens irrespective of race or religion. Educational and job opportunities should be allocated in proportion to the population of the various communities based on merit. There should be no discrimination on the basis of race or religion. Fundamental rights should be made fully enforceable through uncorrupt court system with bold judges and there should be a complete ban on spreading racial hatred. There should be parity of status for Tamil language and a Tamil should be able to transact his or her business with the government in the Tamil language in any part of the country. Most importantly there should be a ban on parties formed on the basis of race or religion or even region.
As I mentioned earlier, this is difficult to achieve immediately but over a period of time it is achieviable provided Tamils wean away from the clutches of the present Tamil leaderships.
Uthungan / August 14, 2015
All what you say in the penultimate para is salutary,fair, reasonable and appropriate.
But the systen for that is only possible within a federal constitutional form, which is anathema to the Southern leaders who having repeated an untruth, that ‘a federal constitution’ is a step towards break up and separation of the country, and now believe it an article of faith. Can you please suggest any other reasonable alternative or antidote for that prejudiced mental impasse?
Spring Koha / August 14, 2015
Chief Minister Wigneswaran has called it as only he can, and will. He knows that not everyone will salute his views, but his hope must be that they understand what he says, and that it forms a catalyst for the community to take stock as we all move forward.
If we thought that the end of the war would end our problems, we were in for a shock. But we got that monkey off our back last January, and there is much hope as we plough ahead. The road will be long and rocky. It will require all the goodwill of leaders, of all communities, to take us to the Promised Land. It has gradually dawned on each of our several communities that it is not the narrow ethnic and religious claims but our common strengths cemented by respect and consideration and fairness that will make a strong and durable Sri Lanka that we all can take pride in.
I applaud the heartening responses of Naga and Dr RN.
There is much hope for the future.