15 September, 2024


Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero Highlights Importance Of Understanding Complexities That Led To Jaffna Clash

Lecturer of the Department of History of the University of Kelaniya, Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero has said that in any university due prominence is always given to that respective university’s cultural background.

“Even at the University of Kelaniya or the University of Peradeniya, when there are major events, the cultural activities at these functions are based on the locality, hence one cannot find fault that even at the Jaffna University preference was for cultural activities from that area,” he said.

Speaker further on the recent clash at the Science Faculty of the University of Jaffna, the Thero noted that there is a general fear psychosis created because some are saying that the ‘Tamils are attacking the Sinhalese.’

“But university clashes are nothing new although there has been a lot of attention to this clash in particular. There are university clashes from time to time and in all universities, and in some instances students have even been killed, but this clash in particular has been discussed at length,” he added.

Watch the full speech here:

Editor’s Note: The original headline ‘One Cannot Blame Jaffna Students For Wanting To Give Prominence To Their Culture: Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero’ has been changed to accommodate the Ven. Dhammananda Thero’s request who in a letter informed the Colombo Telegraph that the original headline was misleading.

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  • 34

    It very refreshing to hear the words of Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero.
    His speech shows that there are very sensible srilankan buddhist monks.
    Well done sir, my hat off to you. I hope others will follow this example.

    • 14

      I live in Singapore, and the state here not only recognizes that each race is different, but celebrates it. It is a Chinese majority country, but the national anthem is in Malay. When they celebrate their national day, the first event is always in Tamil. They proudly claim that they maybe Chinese, Malay or Indian, but they are One Singapore. The first time I witnessed this my eyes teared. While our leaders pushed to divide and foster hatred, Singapore’s leaders pushed to be one Singapore. Therefore they rose from the ashes of ethnic violence and became the model country it is today. They were blessed with leaders who had vision, instead of leaders who would use any slogan to come into power. I wish we learnt to respect each other’s culture and not be threatened by each other.

      • 9

        Your story was because you have not read the man and the great woman. Ceylon never fought and won independence from the British Raj. Truman screwed the Asia he did not know because he was the new boss of the world and Churchill needed to obey the command. London paid its Marshall plan reconstruction debt only a couple of years ago.

        I have said this on many a previous occasion: that had the mix in Singapore been different, had it been 75% Indians, 15% Malays and the rest Chinese, it would not have worked. Because they believe in the politics of contention, of opposition. But because the culture was such that the populace sought a practical way out of their difficulties, therefore it has worked. . President’s Address, Debate on President’s Address, Parliament of Singapore (March 01, 1985). Retrieved on January 16 2015.

        you are not Chinese to be like them but like the American awes by God and religion. What you have is crusaders of faith- like the Dali lama said there are no Buddhist in Lanka. Even prestigious institutes of India do not have these `ragging initiation` which is catholic and nomadic. But do have music festival every year lasting 3 days- and the syllabus is Very American/German but Lanka the British system of Trade union.

        Three women were brought to the Singapore General Hospital, each in the same condition and needing a blood transfusion. The first, a Southeast Asian was given the transfusion but died a few hours later. The second, a South Asian was also given a transfusion but died a few days later. The third, an East Asian, was given a transfusion and survived. That is the X factor in development. 1967, cited in Lee Kuan Yew: race, culture and genes, Michael Barr in Journal of Contemporary Asia (01/1999)

        We have to lock up people, without trial, whether they are communists, whether they are language chauvinists, whether they are religious extremists. If you don’t do that, the country would be in ruins 1986 [16]

        I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn’t be here today. And I say without the slightest remorse, that we wouldn’t be here, we would not have made economic progress, if we had not intervened on very personal matters – who your neighbour is, how you live, the noise you make, how you spit, or what language you use. We decide what is right. Never mind what the people think. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Straits Times, 20 April 1987

        Presently with just 2 % growth Singapore is feeling the pinch.- 83 % service sector- orders are trickling in but your borrowings are almost GDP.

        Is this the new Sobitha who nicked the common candidate?

    • 5

      Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero

      RE: Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero Highlights Importance Of Understanding Complexities That Led To Jaffna Clash

      Thank you very much for clarification of the imposition of Sinhala Culture in the Jaffna area, where the primary culture is Tamil, in the context of the events since independence, and Sinhala occupation.

      Yes, at the Peradeniya convocation, they used Kandynan Dancers, that was expected because Peradeniya is located in the Kandyan region. There were no Tamil drummers. So, why the Double Standards? In addition to the region, it is also an issue of respect and tolerance for the other’s culture. From that viewpoint, Sinhala Buddhism has failed in Sri Lanka, but sensible Buddhists like you need to take the lead to make matters straight.

      Separation of Church, Temple, Mosque and State?

      Separation of Various Cultures and State?

      However, in Sri Lanka, Religion and Culture are political, like in many other places.

      However, as you have explained, this has to be taken in the context of the events since independence and the end of the 30 year-war, and the Sinhala Colonialism of a defeated people. This clearly shows the racism and stupidity of the Sinhala students and their advisers to impose their hegemony on the Tamils and theur culture.

      • 3

        “Separation of Church, Temple, Mosque and State?”

        “Separation of Various Cultures and State?”

        It will take some time. But it has to be started in the Schools.

        The Separation of Schools into Sinhala and Tamil Streams, started the Problems that we are faced with, today.

  • 7

    Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero

    RE: One Can Not Blame Jaffna Students For Wanting To Give Prominence To Their Culture: Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero.

    “Lecturer of the Department of History of the University of Kelaniya, Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero has said that in any university due prominence is always given to that respective university’s cultural background.”

    Yes. When people are brainwashed from a young age, that their cultivate is important and critical for their well being, they want it. Thre is nothing wrong with it.

    The problem comes when one group wants to display its own culture at the exclusion of the other’s culture, then these clashes erupt.

    When this happens, that indicates that the culture that excludes others is primitive, and need further cultural evolution and civilization.

    Now which culture, the Sinhala Buddhist Culture or the Tamil Hindu Culture need further evolution and civilization?

    Hint: Just review the Sri Lankan calamities from 1948 to the Jaffna Campus Rumpus last week, 2016.

    • 8

      Amarasiri did not have a problem when the govt banned singing the national anthem in Tamil.

      Go figure!

      • 5


        Amarasiri ALWAYS had a problem when ONLY one set of cultures is used, in preference to the other.

        Amarasiri did HAVE have a problem, when the National anthem was sung ONLY in Para-Sinhala, and not in Para-Tamil as well. When the Politicians decided to sing only in Para-Sinhala, that showed the degree of evolution and degree of Sinhala culture and Civilization, and it has considerable room to evolve.

        Thus is what Amarasi wrote above:

        “When this happens, that indicates that the culture that excludes others is primitive, and need further cultural evolution and civilization.”

        “Now which culture, the Sinhala Buddhist Culture or the Tamil Hindu Culture need further evolution and civilization? “

        ” Hint: Just review the Sri Lankan calamities from 1948 to the Jaffna Campus Rumpus last week, 2016.”

    • 6

      Here is a hint for you Amarasiri: it is ignorant and racist to even suggest one culture ‘needs further evolution and civilisation” over the other. Another hint for you: you just need further tolerance

      • 2


        “to even suggest one culture ‘needs further evolution and civilisation” over the other.”

        Any culture that cannot accommodate the other cultures is still evolving.

        Once the cultures evolve sufficiently, they will be able to accept and accommodate the other cultures. It is like human rights. Initially some were cannibals. Then they evolved civilizationally, gave up cannibalism.

        Same with the human Slave Trade.

        • 2

          Polluting the world with mass production of harmful chemicals is part of cannabilism? Is weapon of mass destruction is in canabilistic culture ? Is nuclear weapon is part of it ? As said, as I said its arrogant and ignorant think one culture is more evolved than other

        • 2


          You think either Sinhala or Tamil culture is more evolved than other.
          Hint: empty vessels makes the most noises

          • 0


            “You think either Sinhala or Tamil culture is more evolved than other.”

            Both, Sinhala and Tamil Culture are still evolving. The they are at the Primate Chimpanzee stage, and need to evolve into Homo Sapiens.

            ‘”Hint: empty vessels makes the most noises”

            Yes. As seen the events since independence from 1948, and the recent Jaffna University, Campus Rumpus, is ample proof that empty vessels, the Empty Para-Tami and Para-Sinnhala vessels are making a lot of noise.

            Remember, the average IQ of Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils is 79, and their cultures and theur brains are still evolving.

            National IQ Scores – Country Rankings

            The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.


            • 1

              Please do not insult my intelligence. I am the only qualified ‘behavior analyst from Sri Lanka. go to http://www.bacb.com , click on ‘certificant’, choose Sri Lanka and you will see that I am the only qualified practitioner in Sri Lanka. I have 3 degrees in psychology and 3 degrees in Education and finishing up my doctorate now. I well aware of literature on psychology and education.

              As a psychologist, i published many peer reviewed literature, after presentation of my theretical model in Sri Lnka including ‘culture’ as a factor in perception. Here is a link for you:

              P.s culture is one of the factor I am exploring my doctorate, I am well aware of the literature on culture. Please keep your academic reference to yourself

  • 17

    A sane and intelligent response to the unfortunate events at Jaffna university. More Buddhist monks and educated Sinhalese and Tamils should speak out and drown the racist voices from both communities.

  • 25

    I kept saying that during my attendance at Peredeniya, there were no Tamil dance. Some people just didn’t want to accept that. One person commented, it was not true.

    Now thanks Ven Dhamnananda for clearing this up. Tamils never protested for not having the their dance in the south. So why are the Sinhala students protesting ? Tamils were not complaining about this practice for decades, why the Singalese are complaining for this one incident? You can’t have different rules for Sinhalese and Tamils and call it equality.

    Personally I believe Sinhala students should be able to have their dance in Jaffna with prior arrangement of concerned student bodies. Similarly Tamils should also be able have their Dance in the south if they wish but with prior arrangement.

  • 18

    Three salutes to you Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero.

    Please watch out. Someone is going to call you a Son of a Tamil. You should thank your starts that Rajapaksa Samagama and his BBS attck dogs are not in power. Remember Watareka Vijitha Thero, (http://adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=27099), who was found with his arms and legs bound near the Panadura Hirana Bridge?? He was kidnapped and assaulted, even someone tried to cut his genital, but the Police got a confession out of him that it was a staged self-inflicted thing!

    /“Even at the University of Kelaniya or the University of Peradeniya, when there are major events, the cultural activities at these functions are based on the locality, hence one cannot find fault that even at the Jaffna University preference was for cultural activities from that area,” /

    Some convocations:
    https://www.mrt.ac.lk/web/news/35th-general-convocation-university-moratuwa http://www.cmb.ac.lk/index.php/category/convocation/

    Can we clone this genuine Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero?

  • 17

    Well balanced courageous statement by the Ven.Swamiji. If the universities in other parts of the country allowed due prominence to Tamil cultural practice, Jaffna students would have also willingly accommodated the programme they wanted. No one should feel that they are under subjugation.

  • 13

    Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero. Thank you Bhante’!

    What is True Culture?

    It is not the Outward Trappings of Music, Dance and Art and Craft, Only.

    It is the Ability to see What is Valuable in Others!

    It is the Ability to get on with Other People, even if they do not share your Own Views?

  • 19

    It’s hard to come across a Buddhist Monk who speaks the truth as it is . And we found a rare human being of that quality. My respect for you at all times sir.

  • 18

    A very bold a truthful statement by Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero. His statement goes a long way to heals the wounds by the Tamils who were denied equality for so long.

    The denial by the Tamil students are the direct result of visible absence of Tamil culture being part of any public event in the South when only the Sinhala culture is represented. I am not saying Tamil culture should be included in a purely Sinhala public event such a Buddhist or Sinhala ceremony like the Sinhala film festivel or a private Sinhala/Buddhist event like a marriage or homecoming etc. But certainly Tamil must be included in a public event along with the Sinhala when both communities are involved such as welcoming a foreign dignitary, welcoming chief guest for a mixed school representing both communities etc.

    Then it is fair enough to expect similar reciprocation in the North and am sure Tamils of the North would respond with open arms.

  • 19

    The is the correct definition of the incident happened at the Jaffna University last week as given by the educated priest. Ven. Dhammanada Thero should be complimented for coming forward with the truth in the midst of various versions of the incident, mostly racial. There were regular clashes among students from different faculties in the univer
    -sities in the past, all over the country on various issues and as the Ven. thero said, there were murders too but this incident is high-
    lighted and given extra prominence in the media, just to rouse the public on communal lines.

    The President and the Higher Education minister very rightly gave the responsibility to the Uni. authys. to handle the incident, instead of taking it at political level and this was a blow to the jnt.opposition
    who wanted to make it a political issue.
    It is encouraging and heartening to note that more and more of the
    educated class of people among the majority are coming forward to make
    reconciliation efforts by the Govt, a reality.

  • 20

    Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero approaches national developments from an enlightened perspective. He deserves the utmost respect of the nation for the decorum he personifies.

    The recent clash at the Science Faculty of the University of Jaffna is a stark reminder that the race relations in the country is indeed at a low ebb.

    Such clashes are bound to repeat and at a higher frequency when we keep on dispensing patch work solutions to such national woes.

    Is Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero the political leader we are missing.

  • 19

    If we have this kind of tolerance from communities, what can’t Sri Lanka achieve. This statement is so beautiful from the venerable monk. We need monks like Ven. Galkande Dhammananda to speak-out more often to defeat the false ideology that the BBS , MR and Wimal spread of Buddhism through their actions and statements.

    Nevertheless I hope my own brothers from my community would have shown a lot more restraint, compassion and understanding towards the Sinhala students. This incident should never happen again for the sake of Sri Lanka’s future and it only gives racial minded people like MR, the BBS and Wimal and likes all the oxygen they need to take advantage of.

  • 6

    I hope increasing numbers of activist Buddhist priests and the Sinhala Buddhist public share the Ven. Galkande Dhammananda’s secular views.
    Many questions arise in this contentious issue. The chief of which is while incidents of this nature, including deaths and serious to Tamil Uni students have occurred recently and before in several campuses, why is there so much of intense publicity and attention to this incident where only a single student has been hospitalised. How did Kandyan dancers and their facilities suddenly appear within hours. Why was not publicity given in the South the Jaffna Uni authorities have agreed also to Kandyan dancers in the Hall whereas the Hindu Melam-Thalam (Drums and Clarinet) was only from the gate to the hall. What is the rationale behind increasing numbers of Sinhala students being sent to the Jaffna Uni – in recent years while there is a demand for placings from Tamil students. Is it true interested sources in the Army have hatched this plan to defeat the Govt’s plans to progressively reduce the presence of the Army in Jaffna and their numbers to be replaced by the Police. Both ex-MP’s Gajendran Ponnambalam and Suresh Premachandran allege this is an attempt to send a message to the Sinhala South Tamils are a subject race and will be “kept in their place” in their own areas as well.


  • 14

    very good analysis and balanced view

  • 13

    Priesthood personified. Venerability and wisdom of Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero is a standing example of a priest to any religion. More priests of the caliber of this revered priest will no doubt pave the way for a United Sri Lanka.

    • 6

      The land of Settlers USA is in a spin because of religion.
      Middle East in blood and gore because of religion.

      Lankwe settlers are gradually becoming the north korea it always wanted to be because of religion.

      There is no god in Lanka but Begging Bowl Superiority complex and sub-standard education.

      Will it be banned as at Indian government instutions??

      Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

  • 12

    well said sir, students motivated under Sinhala superiority thinking make unwanted issue in the eastern n northern campuses well planned. Recently they killed students in east, try it further. It’s sad govt n forces assist them, how how reconciliation,?

  • 9

    I have seen your previous talks too. Thank you Dhammananda Sadu. Please put your thoughts, ideas in social medias more often. We would distribute them as much as possible as a way of educating the public.
    I am very very angry with SL journalism and journalists too, they are getting even worse than worse politicians. Most of them have interest and space in their journalism to report about BBS Gnanasara whenever he barks like a mad dog, but no interest on wise Sadus like you.. how unfortunate..

  • 11

    As a matter of fact Rev. Bhikku.

    People, especially the Sinhalese must be able to be happy and appreciate the commitment of Tamil students to welcome the fellow Sinhala students in a colorful procession.

    They deserve the right of using Tamil traditional and cultural items to make it a pageant.

    The incourteous, selfish, foolish, egocentric Sinhalese students who wanted Sinhala a item included, should be taken for a rehabilitation centre for a week.

  • 4

    In every university functions adequate place given to other culture other then the main part of students culture so its is common practice and tradition in all university to give weight to their culture…so it should have been followed in Jaffna Uni. as well.

    clashes are very common among university students as Thero said. however it should not be viewed as politically or religiously

  • 10

    Well-said thero. There have been so many pressing issues which need the attention of the Government and masses. However, those seem to have been neglected and trivial matter of this nature gets unnecessary attention and makes headlines.

  • 11

    Ven Dhammananda, at last we can hear some sane words from a Buddist monk.Yes people with narrow mindsets from both sides try to create a mountain out of a mole hole from this incident.Sadly people have become so insensitive and power is the only order of the day.
    As a Sinhalese Buddist, I belive any activity disturbing the cultural inter gritty of Tamil people should not be acknowledged.
    Greater sensitivity should be shown to people of North who were battered severely for many years.We always put our grievances first.But we cannot compare our plight to what they have gone through.Intelligent analytical and sensible view is needed to resolve our differences and hope you will keep raising your voice to silence the racist sentiments fuelling already strained relationships.
    බුදු සරණයි භාග්‍යවත් ස්වාමීන් වහන්ස!

  • 11

    He is a lecturer at U of K, he can comprehend exactly what has happened in U of J. Vey simple explanation as to why one cannot put the blame entirely on students of U of J. Those who twist and turn trying to exploit the situation can cook their myths with those who hadn’t to a Uni, but not those who had been there and felt the atmosphere.

    Thank you Sir, your perspective on this matter is refreshing whist some- only a few as I noted, appears they like to see an on-going struggle between the Tamils and Sinhalese as they used to it-seems to accuse Tamils students and wants their blood.

  • 5

    Sri Lanka is for everyone, These students should be jailed for racist behaviour,same as gnanasara should also be taken to jail.

  • 7

    All I can say is wow! So refreshing to read this statement this morning that I didn’t need to have my morning coffee to wake me up. This man is my Sri Lankan hero.

    However we should review how cultures and their related events are balanced accross the universities in the country. They should represent multi ethic values and NOT one single community.

  • 4

    Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero: You are a leader. The President, the Prime Minister or any other politicians don’t have the courage to tell the truth to the nation. You had the wisdom to call a spade a spade. In another word, the Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero is telling that Scent marking by Sinhala students in Jaffna campus is wrong, ie: Kandyan dance. Specially when Tamils are not even started the healing process; the truth and reconciliation have not started even after seven years the war has ended.

  • 4

    Thank you Ven. Galkande Dhammananda Thero.
    Agree with all the comments.
    Pls give advice to PM, President , … on regular basis.

    • 2

      “Agree with all the comments.” – I should have said except comments from few people.

      • 9

        Ha ha Matara & Yapane tatteyo motteyo kattayo.

        Never ask `what to do` because only you know- keep scratching the pit until dooms day yet to come.

  • 4

    On this issue although politicians tried to take an opportunistic advantage the general public showed maturity and sanity and this shut MR, Modawansa and Gonpalika on the first day itself.

  • 4

    Is KASmalam alive? He seems to have selective vision and hearing!!!!

  • 21

    Ven. Galkande Dhammananda, i don’t know if it is simply about prominence. I feel the issue is a bit different!

    to look at these kind of issue, one must remove themselves from any biases towards any culture or religion.

    Most ceremonies and events even those welcoming international dignitaries, heads of state etc only include Kandyan dancers/Drums. it is not a case where Kandyan dancers/Drums and Tamil dancers/drums perform and prominence being given to the Kandyan or regional culture.

    schools and universities are places of learning and should not become a place to propagate religion or culture.
    might be a good idea to exclude such ceremonies and replace them with a neutral ones.

    Religions and culture should be kept to temples, churches, mosques and homes. it should be something personal and not end up used as some political tool that corrupts the religion and culture from playing its role in creating decent human beings.

    Religion moves further away from its objectives and becomes something horrible and vile when it is hijacked by politics. it becomes a breeding ground for hate, bigotry, bitterness and racism.

    Religion and culture is not and should not become something to be forced onto people.

  • 2

    MP Wimal Weerawansa raised a valid point after visiting the injured student in the General Hospital.

    Have any NGOs or Foreign New services like CNN , BBC,or even C4 sent any reporters to write about this student or how he got injured?.

    Would it have been a different media treatment had this student being a Tamil?

    • 4


      Forget the foreign media. Did our own media, Sinhala Ministers, NGOs and those concerned ever visit Tamil youth when they were tortured and hammered in the Anuradhapura prisons and other Universities – for years. It was only the Tamil MP’s who cared for them. Is it because, to use a current phrase – Tamil lives do not matter??

      Do you realise the ethnic issue is far worse than what it was in 7/83 – only because little has been done seriously by successive governments to bring back Tamils to the National fold. Whenever a small effort is grudgingly made, the Sinhala extreme – lead by the Buddhist activist priesthood and sources within the army – put an immediate stop to it through violent demonstrations in the streets, blood curdling addresses in the media notwithstanding.

      It looks like the only and eventual alternative is 2 nations in one country theory – although both sides are against this.


      • 0


        Even the UN HR boss thinks the Sinhala Buddhists put innocent Tamil youth in Prisons, Bashed them, Tortured them , Killed them and even made them disappear.

        And the current Yahapalana PM and his pretty boy FM totally agreed with both you and the HR boss.

        Now they have even appointed Paikiosothy to pay reparations to Tamils worldwide.

        And they are trying to separate in to 3 nations not two.

        If the Muslims refuse to be under Vellal TNA , there will be 4 nations.

        To help make it easier for you, It will be Tamils, Muslims, Haves and Sinhala Buddhists.

        • 0

          “”Haves and Sinhala Buddhists.””

          mirror this statement democratically,¬ Have Buffalo Shit¬
          You sure do as a community of agro- cock a doodle cock..

          “”Haves and Sinhala Buddhists.””

          Then you get that alternative and you’ll never put Lankave together again: Humpty Dumpty cannot be put together again… asset values will disappear, homes will be worth a fraction of what they were, jobs will be in peril, Lankawe security will be at risk- north korea-

        • 0


          Even the great Margaret Thatcher, at the height of her power, mocked the ANC, including Mandela and friends. She said black rule was a pipe-dream. So it was with East Timor, Kosovo and South Sudan. So don’t you undermine the 2-Nations possibility. The chances for this today are 40/60. Before the political collapse Sri Lanka has all signs to collapse economically. Look at Mugabe’s Zimbabwe today. Thanks to Ranil’s standing and influence with the West and global finance, we are kept on life-support.

          In case you wondered, let me say I like an arrangement within an undivided Sri Lanka unless the Sinhala extreme, mislead by the Buddhist priest mafia, makes an alternative impossible.


    • 2

      Tell that bloody gutter politician Wimal to take a FF@the moon. A total loser and a user for only his political gain and cannot stand on his own. That is why he holds on to MR’s petticoat and jabbers nonsense.

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