20 February, 2025


Only Maithripala Can Sort Out Rajapaksa Family Woes Says SB And Urges MR To Support MS

Minister of Social Empowerment and Welfare S.B Dissanayake today declared that only President Maithripala Sirisena can solve the problems faced by former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and his family, and therefore, Rajapaksa should take a back seat and extend his support to Sirisena, without being greedy for power.

SB Dissanayake and Mahinda“If he genuinely is concern about the SLFP and the members, he should stop being greedy for power and support President Maithripala Sirisena. But it doesn’t look like this will happen,” Dissanayake told a meeting held in Battaramulla today.

Dissanayake also said that that only President Sirisena had the power to solve the problems of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family. “Mahinda Rajapaksa must understand this and take a backseat, and support President Sirisena. But he is power hungry, so it doesn’t seem like he will give up.”

Latest comments

  • 37

    No SB you are wrong even the President was not given a mandate by the people to safeguard Rajapakse family or of any other family if they have done wrong things. People want justice. You remember going to jail since justice was done

    • 31

      MR & Family should be punished severely for taking the country for a ride and robbed public funds. No any sympathy should be given to the whole family. We all should not be forgotten what happened to Marcos family.

      • 18

        But must not take on revenge unnecessarily, just go through the investigations and put them in due place according to the convictions of each case would be more than enough. Hope the lanken law and order will do it in the days to come…. if not, the current regime will have to be renamed ” mild – GOOD GOVERNANCE”.

    • 24

      SB s laughing mimiks can be similar to an irriated anus.

      I hate this man just for one reason – has become a joker for lanken Higher education. He is a born thug -should at least later be subjected to investigations – atleast towards the term end of Mr. Sirisena.

    • 28

      Greedy for power? This hyena can talk!

      He is in parliament after loosing the election, if he is not greedy for power he should have stayed home! All he wants is to patch up differences between Sira and MR so that he can keep living off the public purse.

      One of the dirtiest things Sirisena dis was calling this character back in to the scene after he harassed academics through his time as higher education minister, with his crony businessmean friend Navarathna.

      He will Sirisena als his political grave.

      • 2

        But it is lankenpolitics. Athuwath bari nathuwath bari people are seniors by now … (their presences are indispensable to keep the party intact, then again, their behaviours are crime friendly – which is known to many – to keep the ball ralling interms of party politics, they should be there… may be Mr Sirisena focuses on that rather than the other way around.

      • 1

        Agreed. Sirisena lost all credibility bringing so many losers from the MR camp. People such as SB is bound to take this government down.

    • 3

      I simply can not understand the mentality of some of my countrymen/women. They are branding the person who took the bold decision to save the country from LTTE terrorists as ‘Hora’ ‘Thakkadiya’ while forgetting ‘Choura Regina’ who plundered my country according to Victor Ivon. If MR to be punished for robbing the country, ‘Choura Regina’ also should face the same fate. So far those UNP guys who said that they know where MR is hiding money have failed to provide a single piece of evidence to show where he is hiding money. This lot even ordered to dig a land in Medamulan, remove sand from a swimming pool to find hidden treasurers but did not find anything. Come on guys, give us proof if you want us to believe what you said. If can not, please backtrack your false accusations. My guess is MY3 and RW do not have a solid case to pin down MR, so they are using other tricks to keep him away from politics.

      Do you know that Marcos family members are back in politics in The Philippines.

      • 5

        You are not godaya but gon thadiek, even if leaders sometimes take decisions, they can be in favour of the majority, but they can still be high profile criminals or the like. We have now crystal clear MR et al destroyed more than his good done to the nation. THat is what we experienced in the second term of MARA et al. May be like all or not conditions, he and the forces stayed stern to the their opinion and subsequently claimed a war victory, but here he was not alone if I may remind you… that were the collectivity succeeded, but the greedy man and his brothers thought, they were the men to handle it to the victory, which is not the mere truth. The opposition was branded as pro war… also for their advantage. Former Army commander

        • 2

          Sama, If I am a Gon Thadiyek you are Gon Thadiyek squared. You completely missed my point. My guess is either you are a product of our tuition based education that does not train people to think analytically and make decisions or someone who gets paid in Green Backs to keep on repeating the Mantra ‘Rajapaksha Hora’. You are just vomiting what your tuition masters (RW, CBK, MY3) put into you head.

      • 1

        They shouted Hora Hora for MR after RW was sent for tuition classes in the USA before the election . Remember this scenario when RW made a beeline to the USA three months before the election . The Panama papers revealed that many of the names in the list were UNP supporters . Will they be punished ?? . I wonder . If MR ‘s family had any connection to this PANAMA REVELATIONS , it would be anybody’s guess what could have happened . The bottom line is that their evil stories have not been proved and If they file action in court without sufficient evidence they would be thrown out and MR would have the last laugh . Instead they go round the country shouting Hora hora for a reason saying they are still investigating and they will have the evidence soon following procedures !! This way they can keep the naïve and gullible happy .

        • 6

          Sarojini.. even your cesspit lies, but your tongue would not.

          See, the progress already being made by current regime in international stage – with getting all the concessions that were banned on their way back to the country, and IMF loans being gotten for the development of the country… why you think that Rajakashes were better ? Just because his term for some reasons, terminated 30 year long war, means not that they should be given the licence to loot the nation the way they mastered. To this day, every 10 year old would see it right the way they abused srilanken airlines was an deliberate act not being able to manage it well. That is one of the huge mistakes they have done.
          Naive gulible are the majority of the country and they should be given the blame to have appointed idiots being fallen intoxicated to MR idiotic tactics.

      • 3

        Gonthadiya, never forget, CBK was instrumental cornering MR and liberated the country from falling even deeper. . Alone that was a great thing that she has done.

        • 2

          Simon, You have double standards. You are willing to forget looting done by CBK (Please read ‘Bandit Queen’ by Victor Ivon) because she liberated the country from MR. MR did a greater service by liberating the country from LTTE terrorists and eliminating underworld thugs. If it is not for MR probably now you could be six feet under. I do not know about the other things but the economy is a complete mess after the ‘Yahapalan’ government came to power.

    • 2

      On one hand its better to break away from Rajaakshe criminal clan.

      Then President led UPFA can become cleaned – with convictions of most investigations on all high profile allegations levelled at Rajajapkshe men being revealed.

  • 13

    There are tricks in INsect control with COCONUT plantations for the researchers. There are also periods they introduce one another insect to bite and eradicate the other. Likewise, in lanken politics, we need to use the track record bad guys to tame the all track record bad guys. MR is the most devious of all kinds as we many of us are well aware of. He would do even high crimes if anything to be achieved.
    As President made it clear in his speech, even if MR cuddles and show off to people, his real nature was not known to the people. Cabinet ministers were then so silent allowing them Rajaakshe siblings to make and take decisions in ther dining tables.
    Actually those ministers should be shame on them to have behaved as if they have nothing like a spine.
    I trust Mr President, you risked your life as no other not even thinking yor life. For IN TERMS OF WINNING THE WAR; Sarath fonseka is the hero… and the second hero is Mr Siirisena basta. And also I dont forget golden son of the nation – WHO fought to the end – Late Rev. Sobitha Thero.

    • 1


      But, more than all these guys you mentioned, SB should be worshiped as a hero, not only for just simplify MR’s woes so eloquently but for adding one more responsibility to the good governance to fix it, especially having sneaked to the cabinet through back door. He doesn’t seem to find any issues with what had happened in the MR’s regime, is happy to see MS and MR hand shake and walkaway, that is what he meant to imply.

      This is SL, and heroes are everywhere, one does nasty things and other comes and fix it, hmm….he becomes hero overnight. All internal, nett gain is nothing, if not negative for ordinary folks, we identify goods among bads, are they all real hero.

      • 1

        AIA.. uncivilized creatures has raised their head… and destroyed this nation.. that is what we see today. Can also be possible the long held war created this misery.

        In 70ties, only the radios passed the message about politicians. They were held like high powerful men and women. I had the respect to them as no other. Today, the media has more supported the crime doers painting the picture in majority folks the other way around. Then it spreads like viral – consequently wrong parties get more support rather than the others.

      • 1

        Yes, that is the reason Presz Sirisena gave him a chance.

        Actually, as some say athuwath bari nathuwath bari type – there are lot in SLFP and also UNP. Their participation for party politics is mandtory since this is still one another hungry nation though for some reasons the politicians in power label it as ” midincome earning countr”. For europenas that visit the country as tourists, see no distinction that srilankens are econimically far better off than the indians. Just looking at 130 km long highway in the country, some locals may be proud of being srilankens – but the category of people are the gullible and easy targets of greedy politicians. Lately, I happened to visit the country there I heard some commuters travelling on Southern way high way saying ” this is really a wonder that Mahinda Rajakashe brought it a reality to this country”. That means the kind of commuters are blind held by lanken media – pumping them the same news that Chinese or koreans build highways of the like only in Srilanka.
        Kenya is also a coutnry that Chinese are investing a lot. There several other african countries where Chinese and other investors have already developed a lot.
        Media men and women should finally clean lanken average mind sets, so that each of the population can really contribute their part to the development of this country – that is what I think is seen missing inthe country EVEN today almost after 18 months since the new govt is in power.

  • 12

    SB. Stop giving him false hopes . Just because you came through the back door to our present government the door is not opened to your Past Master who was REJECTED by the Voters,

    Remember that there’s no job for him to CLEAN THE PARLIAMENT LAVATORIES EVEN.
    General public has power , The president should respect the majorities wish when he was given the absolute Mandate by the Voters.

    No way !! They’re trying through the Mouth piece Medias and through the ones who got in through the BACKDOOR in to the government due to the Good will of the President to sabotage our Government .

  • 15

    Is that why you sided with my3? I mean, hide your dirty things in the past?

    • 11

      Max, if I may say so, once upon a time he was your higher education minister though not even able to hold a small talk in English.

      And to remind you he had been appointed by YOUR GOD FATHER MR MEDAMULANA the most abusive man of lanken active politics.

  • 10

    “S.B Dissanayake today declared that only President Maithripala Sirisena can solve the problems faced by former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and his family”

    Justice is NOT in the hands of politicians (or even the judges) it is in the hands of individuals themselves. It is they who should protect them from committing any wrongdoing and if they do, they have to face the consequences.

    These politicians have no idea of the ‘rule of law’ and they have in their mind justices are handed out by the power elite. This is the quality of politicians we have and what more can we expect from them.

  • 11

    Maithri does not have the right to pardon this family as they hold the wealth of this nation in their own bank accounts throughout the world.

    We did not elect MS to help a criminal family go Scot-free.

    SB should not be giving such advise as he himself is living on borrowed time (politically speaking).

    • 7

      Barus, you and me are tellingthis how many of the stupid population see it otherway around. What matters are the numbers. Even if their lovely ones would have been raped on the stage – they the fools would not change their mind sets easily. They further believe, only magical powers of meeharaka liberated the country from Ltters: As if the mice injected for experiments, they would stay years further not giving current politics a chance.

      Over 58 lacks of people voted for him. over 3 lacks voted for Buruwanse. Buruwase could attack anyone and turn their minds in favour of meeharaka. He was like a bone licking dog at the time, Buruwanse joined lanken politics. Now him and his wife to claim millions worth assets shold be a wonder if lawful bodies functioned in the country.

      Even today media men would never attack him even if all the allegations being levelled at him are beocming real facts. Like for example Billions losses made to SRILANKEN – was known to him, but he further abused it as nothign can go anymore.
      Our sinhalayas are born idiots.
      They would only concern the surface values.
      Show off life styles – no matter kids could get addicted to drugs, but the parents go on support to a leader who gave a life to DRUG KIN PINs, other criminals, not holding any kind of investigations.

      SB should be hung by his balls for all what he has made to lanken youth during the last few years alone.
      He is just appropriate to run a fish market, but became minister of high education under Most abusive man of the lanken politics.

  • 6

    My3 will have to protect his ears with earplugs to shut off the booing noise rather than worrying MR. MR is protected by the people SB is a reject that got currency from MY3. MY3 will land in the dustbin of history. It just a matter of time.

    • 10

      Mahinda has owned up to his mistakes. He has said ‘bale thiyanakota mole ne, mole thiyanakota bale ne’— when one has power one has no brains and vice versa.!

      References have also been made to the late Indian President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam that he entered the Rashtrapathi Bawan, the world’s biggest residence of a Head of State with one suitcase and he came out of the residence with the same suitcase, when he stepped down from his position as Indian President. This is fairy tale to MR.

      MR has been alleged in these two Cases as accountable: i) B/663/15 at Fort M.C. on Bank of Ceylon, Seychelles by M. Rajapakse & family ? ii) Greek Bonds purchase with names of Cabraal & Rajapakse in Petition Colombo M.C of 15.8.15 involving Rs. 1257 million ?

  • 2

    MS’s buddies! Old wine in new bottles!

    • 11

      Anyway, you will see, buddies or not… these are all political tricks to get the things done. SB has to face it now or later for all the crimes he was complicient being in the same boat of Meeharaka Ge madawale. Meeharaka led former administration was as MS revealed yesterday, very authoratarian. You guys, though live further in UK, seem to know nothing but to polish the balls of Meeharaka further.

    • 6

      Problem is lack wine in the country even to fill in new bottles- that make it worst today when focusing on the development projects. So you need to rely on the ones available – like or not…honest or dishonest…. meeharaka led world has manipulated the masses turning them all fools…
      I think University dons should work closely to the development projects as it is the case on the western countries. For their know how they should be given higher facilities for their researches. That we one can shoot several targets excellarating the projects towards the developments of varied secions.

  • 10

    “Only President Maithripala can sort out Rajapkse woes and family” -SB. YES this is well tested medicine for such ailments. That MEDICINE is functioning very well and SB and few other ROGUES who joined Maithri are living examples.

  • 5

    SB is struggling and dangling for votes in future elections.
    He has a son in politics but a real M.ron who he needs to cultivate to get votes to get him to enter parliament as he sees that is not even remote possibilty of him gettin votes leave alone the parliament.

    Then SB himself is greedy. See what happened to him in his own electorate at the last General Elections.

    This eel is twisting and turning with a wagging tongue and wants to eat the cake & have it as as well.
    His greed knows no bounds.


  • 4

    MR will say on May Day rally that the purpose of his visit to Thailand is to support MS. SB What will be your answer?

  • 5

    SB shopping for MR…! Better for MS to ignore those advice. Accept MR’s fake support, MS would not be able press charges against MR for all the criminal activities and mis governance for which MR is accountable.

    • 1

      Best for the moment would be to send MR et al anywhere they can stay exile.

      THat way, the state can save billions over the years.

      I think President is right – that he confirms, that we have to move on the same muddy and roads filled with pot holes … besides this is backstabbers filled srilanka…

  • 3

    Is this the dude who tried to root a Srilankan athlete , using his power as a Minister?..

  • 0

    Even SB is one of those opportunists who has been changing sides and twisting tongue for his own persoanl gains and has no stutus to comment on what should be done about MR. Whoever the offender be he should be brought before justice irrespective of his status or popularity. Otherwise justice will not be done to the people.

  • 1

    You are a worse crook than Mahinda Rajapakse who turned tables on Chandrika and then came back to the SLFP with the blessings of MR.You must be grateful to President Sirisena to have given you a portfolio after your defeat at the last general Elections.You turn coat should Rest in Piece at home with the treasure you have unearthed buried under your garden without getting involved in the scuffle between MR and MS.!!!!

  • 3

    Most Srilankans always lament that the country has gone to the Dogs!

    Its worse; It has gone to the likes of S.B.Dissanayake!

  • 2

    It is neither Sirisena and not even God can save Mahinda Rajapaksa and his family for the sins that they have committed both collectively and singularly.The Sri Lankan people have to wait and watch justice taking its course. Bensen

    • 0

      there is a truth of what President adding that there exists an info block between the current govt and all level party sympathiser. Much is done by current regime towards restoring democratic values but rulers have not sent the message across to the sympathisers. Not enough awareness programs have made allowing the sympsthisers getting the information across. Media men have further worked for the benefit of defeated parties rather than the rulers. SO nodoubt, people get fooled by the current info lack.

      • 1

        Simon Gunasekara ,

        ” between “the current govt“ and all level party sympathiser.”

        the common candidate was high jacked by a former terror Sobita.

        current started with a lie- 100 days and continues to lie- he is in a world of power where there is no gravity (Moon- Hegel Egghead)

        the all party government has clear conflict in ideology-

        The people though uneducated have emotions and senses.

        Go away moron and don’t litter every thread of the newsroom with audio video links of a warlords and butt licking cronies.

    • 0

      Yes not even Shakraya can stop them being convicted for all the crimes deliberately carried out by maharaja during his high days.


      Presidents speech make it clear but this should have happened long ago. Then peoples attitude could change a lot towards the support for the current improvements.

  • 0

    This [Edited out] wheeler dealer should be the first to be punished by the FCID for cheating the students of the Malabe medical collage to the tune of 1.2 billion rupees. SB, who has been given 20% shares (for nothing) is the cause for the JVP led student unions to protest. Hang SB before he hangs himself. He probably has cut a deal with Maithri and is probably hoping to broker one for the Rajapaksas. Why the heel are people tolerating

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