By Benedict Ulluwishewa –
The Editor,
Colombo Telegraph, Opinion.
Dear Editor,
Correction to the Article appeared on 3rd January 2013 under Caption Siripala, Wickremasinghe and the Validity of Parliament’s Interpretation of the Constitution
I refer to the e-article appearing in the Colombo Telegraph of 3rd January 2013 under the caption “Siripala, Wickremasinghe and the Validity of Parliament’s Interpretation of the Constitution” by Elmore Perera.
In the last paragraph of the said article the writer has stated, among other matters, that “OPA earnestly urges the President,..” The reference to the OPA is wrong and incorrect as the OPA has not made such a request or ‘urged in earnest’ on the subject referred to. I wish to add further that the views expressed by the writer are his personal views and not the views of the OPA. Views of the OPA can be expressed to the media only by the President of the OPA after obtaining approval from the Executive Council and no other person, whether such person is a past president or a person who ceased to be the holder of the post of president due to a no-confidence motion been passed against him can express the views of the OPA.
I shall thank you to correct the reference made to the OPA.
Thank you,
Benedict Ulluwishewa,
Organisation of Professional Associations of Sri Lanka
Yehiya / January 6, 2013
Thanking you.But what is the OPA view? OPA can,t be silent.There are some comments related to the provincial council are not fair.Its shows the weakness of OPA.
Anton Pererai / January 6, 2013
The OPA President is dead right.He cannot and should not have involved the OPA.
Upali Wickramamsinghe / January 7, 2013
Mr. Uluwisihewa, this had been the bane of this country. From 1948 on wards this is what our so called professionals and the Buddhist Priests did.Behaved as ostriches hiding their heads or supported extremism.I was a supporter of the UNP until JRJ started his “kunu weda”. In 1947 if the priests ( I cannot speak about the professionals of that time) did not support DSS claim that the marxists were out to destroy Buddhism, the LSSP would have come to power.In that even the Tamils blundered.The leaders of the LSSP were much younger ( in 1970 they were old and frustrated to back another extremist Mrs B)and they would have delivered.This country would have been a better place for all of us.Uluwihewa if you or your group cannot take a stand on this liquidate your organisation please.
Upali Wickramamsinghe / January 7, 2013
Uluwisihewa – have a back bone to take a for or against stand on this.It is what the country need.Not ostriches.This is similar to what the present day economists are doing to the economy. They know that Jayasundera is sending us into a drain but they do not have either the knowledge or the knack to speak out.
LK Perera / January 6, 2013
This letter from OPA may appear so mundane in the context of current crises in the country. It’s a shame that someone who is upright and clearheaded and most importantly committed as Elmore P’s position is undermined by his reference in that great piece of writing a few days ago.
I don’t think I am overstating when I mention here, Elmore p. doesn’t have stand up on OPA’s metaphorical pedestal to make himself heard, among those who won’t hear a clear voice of a person who care for the country and doesn’t want to a be a passive old man when it is going down.
It’s such a shame and inexplicable misjudgement that he made a reference to OPA. I hope he comes clean ASAP by admitting that and standing up on his own and I’m sure he won’t be alone but OPA will be “alone” and aimless.
Secondly, and extremely more gravely, this OPA (not just president as an individual) “see no evil, hear no evil….and obviously do no evil” about the ongoing multiple crises (and most of these professionals got education was funded by the common people’s taxes) in this country and they don’t seem to have anything to say about what is happening around them….need I say more ?
Chandra G. / January 7, 2013
LK Perera, you have put the matter very well. Elmore shold not have relied on the OPA. This is a bunch of spineless cowardly characters.
Bernard, history will judge you and your organisation’s craven cowardliness on this matter that will be the end of Sri Lanka as we know it. Shame on the OPA. Shame, Shame, Shame!
vishvamithra / January 6, 2013
The statement made by the head of the OPA is appauling. It clearly suggests that it is nothing more than a bunch of puppots with some paper qualification lacking any insight or integrity whatsoever to put things rights when completelty go wrong. Who knows, probably they may have promissed tax free permits to import cars in recognition of their total silence on a issue of national importance.
Park / January 6, 2013
Is OPA in the back pocket of Rajapakse? Why won’t they come out and say where they stand on this issue. May be the President of OPA is waiting to be appointed as the Chairman of a Govt body!
punchinilame / January 6, 2013
Sri Lankas decline must be placed at the footsteps of OPA, for their
silence in all anti-democratic activities of the State. The Voters
did vote this Government in keeping with the promises held out,
but Governance checks and balances is with the intelligentsia – OPA,
who are a dismal failure in this respect.
S. Jayasinghe/Australia / January 6, 2013
The important issue is why is the OPA silent on this matter of national importance. By shying away from the impeachment and the palpable threat to judicial independence OPA is indirectly lending support to the destruction of the nation. Are the OPA bigheads waiting for some bones thrown by MR? One has to give credit to Elmore for fighting single-handed at great personal sacrifice.Only fighters like Elmore can help save the nation and not the pundits of the OPA who prefer to be politically illiterate
Transparent Lawyer / January 7, 2013
Why are all the anti-government, anti-Sri Lankan operators in Sri Lanka are past-this ans past-that?
Chandra Jayarathna has been a past, someone. Elmo Perera has been a pat someone. Are they still trying to hold power after their term expired?
What this is showing is that htey have been ousted from their “past” positions by popular revolt. The whole country reflects the same, the people support the government.
Accept democracy, you corrupt morons.
Wuliangguobinjiu / January 7, 2013
Modaya- if you forget the lesson of experience the purpose of life is lost.
Asslicker you never known the meaning of freedom to talk of democracy.
Lover of Justice / January 7, 2013
Transparent Lawyer @ above: You have all the reasons to be angry at what Elmo and Chandra have been doing.
They are simply fighting for the restoration of the Rule of Law in SL which people feel has been lost here now.
You will start appreciating what they do now only when your civic rights are violated (your body, your property and your right to think and express what you think as you have done above)by irresponsible and crafty politicians in whom you had faith and voted for them.
Then you may start cursing your present or even the future and cry for that ‘past’ which you have condemned.
Chandra G. / January 7, 2013
Gon booruwa Transparent Lawyer, there are plenty of ‘present’ people who are against this as well. Foremost are the Mahanayakes! What do you have to to say to that???
Kiri Gamarala / January 7, 2013
“Sometimes they surprise you with fees that are not clear upfront – but its no different than any other profession. Some very transparent, other not at all and some in between.” (from Wikipedia)
Safa / January 7, 2013
I think OPA is an interested party as it comprises many professionals employed in the public sector as well as those involved in govt contracts. So remaining silent is the preferred option or they may even be coerced into giving a pro govt statement.
It would be courageous of them to at least speak out for the good of the country. As pointed out they are the beneficiaries of free education at the expense of the masses of this country. Similiarly other bodies such as the GMOA chose to remain silent other than to get their pound of flesh. At least speak out in your individual capacity.
Wuliangguobinjiu / January 7, 2013
As I have said before in this forum.
Even in jazz one man takes the decision.
This ambitious president is holding forth.
He gives a dam about the country but cares for the dictator.
nimal / January 7, 2013
Hey Bendict,
What is the professionalism of the OPA?
Aney / January 7, 2013
A technical officer . JTO Moratuwa now Memeber Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (sic). Bashed into car near OPA and came to a setllement to pay for repairs as he was in a state of sporting a liqour smell and could not go to the Police. Never paid the amount and challenged the dentist who was the mediator to ask his friend to go to the Police. That is the Professional he is . If OPA impeached ELMO they should do the same now.
Aney / January 7, 2013
This is what happens when the OPA goes down the drain. Diplomates of Katubedda when they become professional and enter OPA and have to save their skins. This Old Peoples Association are a bunch of muppets and it would have been better for the President to keep mum as they have been so far.
NEMO / January 7, 2013
May be a back door entrant without professional qualifications and dependent on plagiarism to express opinion.
Don Quixote / January 7, 2013
They don’t care for the Country. They are more interested in getting duty free permits for cars for their members.
What a bunch of deadbeats.
No wonder we have a leadership crisis in this Country !
Aney Apochchi! / January 7, 2013
Exactly, Don Quixote!
Grease Yakka / January 7, 2013
Transparent Lawyer is talking to the mirror.
Ayanthe / January 7, 2013
OPA Position is very clear; NO POSITION. Still it claims that it is an association of professional organizations. What a sad state?
Nagananda / January 7, 2013
Idiotic organisation with bunch of puppet paper qualified professionals with an iota of knowledge of their social responsibilities at a time it matters most. That is why right-thinking true sons of mother Lanka pay scant respect to this so-called ‘professional body’.
Nevil Perera / January 7, 2013
It is a shame to have OPA like this
Srilankan professionals are like this
All these people are work think only about themself
not about their children’s future or country’s future
What a shame
You can see the GMOA Or otherwise CEB engineers how they act for their own rights
But for others they dont care
These people are not reading
Although they have passed examinations like parrots
they dont read books of litrature etc and no vision or depth
NEMO / January 8, 2013
Current President of the OPA does not appear to be a learned person nor does he appear to be reading newspapers. The OPA position was published in The Island in September (?) 2012 and may be that the President, OPA thought better to remain silent after that fearing a WV abduction.
He is a council member of a Professional Group affiliated to the lead party of the ruling coalition. So he does not have to have to scared of WV abduction.
It is well known in the NEMO circles that he was sacked as the GM of Lanka Machine Leasers Ltd, a.k.a NEMO, over forging the signature of the Chairman. (The new Chairman appointed after a government change, found about the forgery and sacked him immediately.)
Aney Apochchi! / January 7, 2013
The OPA is yet another part of the repressive coalition that has destroyed democratic practice in this country, even though it might have been by omission rather that commission.
These are gutless people whose sole concern is the “bottom line” of their enterprises. They don’t give a damn for the people of this country whose bank balances might not be on par with those of the OPA membership.
This Ulluwhatever’s disclaimer says far more about him and his organization than it does about Elmore Perera!
Anuradha Pieris / January 8, 2013
Damn OPA that has no sense, view, stand, opinion, or anything about current collapse of democracy, democratic institutions, and rule of law other than using its name. What professionals do this organisation have, who truly belong to this country?
People would not need mere name only institutions.
Kiri Gamarala / January 8, 2013
The comments are indicative of a new definition: “Odd People’s Association” and what more can you expect from the President, “OPA”.