15 September, 2024


Palestine, White Supremits & Sri Lanka’s Hypocrisy

By M. A. Sumanthiran

M.A. Sumanthiran PC MP

Thank you deputy speaker for the time allocated for me to speak on this very important, adjournment motion that has been moved by Honorable Rauff Hakeem. I wish to approve of and support the sentiments expressed by the proposer and seconder of this motion. The situation that prevails in Palestine today is horrible, a very serious issue and cannot be ignored by any civilized country or people.

But while I speak on that issue, I will also later in my speech refer to the double speak and hypocrisy of the members of this House as they debate this issue.

Much was said about the hypocrisy of the West, White supremits and I concur with those sentiments. The world is aghast at the blatant hypocrisy that the Western Nations that promote or pay lip service to Human rights, International Humanitarian Law, Genocide, persecution and international crimes of that nature. They are turning a blind eye, not only just turning a blind eye, but they are supporting the state terrorism that is being prosecuted by the state of Israel on the hapless people of Palestine.

The political situation of this issue is rather complicated as I said at the last motion that was discussed in this House, I don’t wish to go into that aspect, but only limit myself to the concern for the humanitarian issues. People are being killed in mass scale. A disproportionate number of children have died already. Women and children who have died account for more than half the number of the dead and that demonstrates the injustice of this whole operation.

It is also important to note that there is a complicit arrangement between Hamas and the state of Israel, much the same way the Easter bombing happened in this country.

It is always useful for leaders of countries whose popularity is dipping to show an enemy of the State and then become popular on that. This is the most heinous way of remaining in power. We have seen that happening in this country, too. But what’s happening in Palestine has been exposed by right thinking people in the western nations today. Not only in the western nations but right thinking jewish people. I’ve seen a video of a holocaust survivor who says “not in my name; not in our name”. And he explains that what is happening today is very similar to what he and others had to undergo under the Nazis regime. He cites similarities and says, how can I support this? This cannot be done in my name. Yes, the holocaust was a horrible thing that happened to the jews. But what they are doing now to the people of Palestine is exactly the same.

A lot of people even in this country choose to support Israel and many of them belong to the Christian church. I can criticize this, being a Christian myself. They somehow think that since that is the promised land, nobody else should live there. That is contrary to what the scriptures of the Jews and the Christians say. There is repeated exhortation in the “Torah” the holy book of the Jewish people to treat the others well in their country, to treat the aliens very well reminding them that they themselves were aliens in Egypt under bondage. I’m not suggesting that either the Palestinian people or the Israelites are aliens in Palestine. No, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that the exhortation to them is “don’t treat the others in this way that you, yourself were treated. Remember, how you struggled for your freedom; remember the injustices that were perpetrated on you. Don’t repeat that on others”.

What is happening today? It is so sad that a race that was almost annihilated-

6 million of them perished that gave rise to the concept of genocide -themselves are now doing this to the others. This must stop. We who are so far away from that theatre are concerned and we must be concerned. This is not an internal affair of Israel as much as what happened in this country is not an internal affair of Sri Lanka. When International crimes are committed it is an international concern. We are hypocritical when we say what happened in Sri Lanka is an internal matter for Sri Lanka, but what happens in Palestine is not an internal matter for Israel. That is the double speak that I want to expose also, not only the double speak of the West.

And I am referring to this particularly during this week. This is the week in the month of May that we commemorate large scale of civilians who were slaughtered in Mullivakkal by state forces knowingly that there were more than 400,000 people in a war zone; trapped in a war zone without any regard for their life or their safety. And that is why we use the symbolism of the “Kanji “and we will commemorate it through this week, solemnly remembering what our people had to undergo under state terrorism, under Sri Lankan state terrorism that was unleashed on our people. We have a right to commemorate that. The Israelites themselves do something like this: the Passover meal. They celebrate the Passover festival by eating unleavened bread, to remember that they had to hurriedly make Roti before the dough leavened and hurriedly leave Egypt from bondage. They’ve done this for centuries, more than a million years, to remember that. And as an oral tradition pass on the story to generations. And we will do that! We are doing it. It is a solemn occasion where we remember that our people during those days could not even have access to kanji. So desperate was the situation.

And Internationally a Commemoration has a very important place. To stop a commemoration of that nature itself exposes the face of the state and that is what happened 2 days ago in Sampur, where few women were commemorating this event by cooking kanji and distributing, remembering their own dead in Mullivaikal during those times. And what does the police do? The police gets an order from the Magistrate. I can’t even begin to wonder what that magistrate was doing giving such an order? But the police got an order. And then later in the night male police officers went and we have seen video footages of females being dragged away kicking and screaming. They were dragged away by the police, all for what? For drinking kanji! All for remembering their dead. Just the same way people are being bombed in Palestine today and this House is expressing concern.

You did it! you did it to our people and today you won’t even allow us to remember that occasion in a solemn way. So what are your standards then? Isn’t this double speak? Isn’t this utter hypocrisy? That you are so concerned about the people of Palestine and so are we. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine because we know what it was to suffer at the hands of state terrorist forces. We know it. So we stand in solidarity. We can speak about it. It is a matter of regret that the mover of this resolution Honorable Rauff Hakeem was the Minister of Justice who went to UN Human Rights Council and defended the state of Sri Lanka. Today he is moving, that Netanyahu will be tried before the ICC. Why not President Rajapaksa? Why not President Gotabaya Rajapaksa? Why not all those who are in the chain of command who perpetrated this violence? These genocidal acts? The persecution on our people? You want Heads of States of other countries tried before the ICC. ICC is good for you when it is for the other person.

International intervention is good for you. A UN intervention you call for, for the others but not for yourself.

Not for yourself. What happened here? Blatant International crimes that were committed. There is no clean war anywhere in the world. No war is clean.

No side fights a war cleanly. And in such a context when it has been revealed that violations took place, that international crimes happened, let there be an independent inquiry. For there to be an independent inquiry, it must necessarily be International. This is the reason why we are opposing any domestic mechanism because domestic mechanisms would mean that one side, one faction who fought the war is going to be sitting as the judge. And that’s not independent.

So as we condemn what is happening in Palestine right now, as we condemn the state of Israel in committing acts of genocide on the people of Palestine, we do so with the consciousness that identical matters happened in our own country in this month, this week, 15 years ago. No one has been taken to the ICC. No international prosecution has happened. Members from both sides keep shouting saying this is an internal matter while expressing concern about Palestine. How blind can you be to your own hypocrisy? Wake up! If you are true to what you are saying here today in this House: Sign the Rome statute

If Netanyahu’s prosecution before the ICC is good for you, sign the Rome statute. Don’t fear! If your hands are clean go before the international criminal court and show yourself. Thank you.

*The speech of M. A. Sumanthiran in Parliament yesterday(14th May 2024)

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Latest comments

  • 29

    There are so many wrongs in Sumathirathne’s speech.

    • 16

      No, anonymous Tony,
      He’s bloody right
      in all that he says.
      My own background is Anglican. “Background” only. Even half the Anglicans have now become Evangelicals, and they all think that The Book of Revelations says is coming right!
      I’m resigned to dying – dust to dust! I will know if it’s different after I die.
      But, ah, say those who are “assured of salvation“. Then it will be too late because salvation is only through the blood of Jesus.
      Let’s see what “davidthegood” has to say about this. The minor tragedy with him is that apart from these aberrations he’s a good guy.
      The Real and Major Tragedy? The excruciating sufferings of the Palestinians, who have more Jewish blood in them than these “Europeans“.
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela

      • 0

        Sinhala-Man, “assured of salvation” is what is in the bible as that which will happen, and without the word of God, you cannot know truth. The book of Revelation has 7 blessings in Rev.1,3 and Rev.14,13 and Rev.16,15 and Rev.19,9 and Rev.20,6 and Rev.22,7 and Rev.22,14 My wish is to state that there is no tragedy in the life of a child in God’s kingdom family.
        I am not looking at the inaccurate statements Sumanthiran politically spoke in parliament, but he said one thing right. “There is no clean war anywhere in the world. No war is clean.”
        Fifteen years ago, our war ended as the terrorist leader VP was killed. Unless Yahya Sinwar the deceived Hamas terrorist leader is put out of action, no amount of peace treaties and two state solutions will stop this war. The bible warns against anti-Christ false peace treaties.

        • 19

          “The bible expert/ Religious bigot/ fundamentalist”
          Please explain the following 3 contradictions in the bible if you can😂
          Creation Order: In Genesis 1, plants are created before humans, while in Genesis 2, Adam is created before plants.
          Genealogy of Jesus: The genealogies of Jesus in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 differ significantly.
          Death of Judas: Matthew 27:5 states that Judas hanged himself, while Acts 1:18 says he fell headlong and burst open.

          • 19

            When you are done with that please follow up with the following blatant contradictions.
            The Fate of the Wicked: Proverbs 24:16 states that the wicked fall seven times but rise again, while Psalm 37:20 says they will perish and leave no offspring.
            Number of Animals on Noah’s Ark: Genesis 6:19-20 says Noah was to bring two of every kind of animal onto the ark, while Genesis 7:2-3 suggests it was seven pairs of clean animals and one pair of unclean animals.
            Circumcision: Acts 15:1 claims that circumcision is necessary for salvation, while Galatians 5:2 argues against it, saying it is not necessary.
            God’s Relationship with Time: Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8 suggest that to God, a thousand years is like a day, yet Genesis describes the creation of the world in six days.
            Divine Justice: Exodus 20:5 says that God punishes children for the sins of their parents, while Ezekiel 18:20 states that each person is responsible for their own sins.

          • 4

            Human Touch, If you want to understand the bible, better join a study group after joining a church. Bible says cant cast pearls before swine. Mat. 7,6

            • 15

              Just tell the truth and shame the devil will you?, instead of quoting grammar that you don’t understand yourself.
              You carry the bible on your head, and refer to the bible for everything, yet you cannot answer my questions.
              Shame on you.

              • 3

                HT, he tells you to join a Bible class because he cannot explain the contradictions. There is much more, both good and bad, for him to explain. https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/says_about/index.html

                • 2

                  Paul, Do you know that you are wrong. Hasty decision?

              • 1

                Human Touch, May be you really want to know and that is why you are calling me names. Matthew genealogy, Jewish messiah through Soloman, Kingly line, Joseph up to Abraham. Luke goes back to Adam, includes gentiles also, ancestry through Mary.
                Gen.1,11 grass, herbs, seed and fruit not requiring man, But Gen.2,4 specific Tree of Life and Tree of knowledge of good and evil needs man to be led in the right direction and this is where Adam and Eve sinned through disobedience and humans fell.
                Judas hanged himself, and when they cut the rope, he fell headlong and burst open

                • 1

                  Human Touch, Prov,24,16 quoted wrong. It’s the righteous fallen God raises.
                  Noah’s ark pairs are for multiplication. Clean animals for sacrificial offerings.
                  Men from Judea, Mosaic custom of OT. Paul in Galatians gives NT freedom.
                  Like a day is not equal to a 24 hour day of creation
                  Generational sin is called iniquity, to be broken. Sin is personal and accountable.

            • 7


              I am sorry to tell you we are hiding in CT from all those religious nutters.
              Now tell us the best place to hide away from you lot.

      • 7

        Hello SM,

        “I’m resigned to dying – dust to dust! I will know if it’s different after I die.”
        No you won’t.
        Best regards

    • 20

      Tony, Let me hear your arguments.

      • 19

        Tony should try writing a paragraph in simple English before finding holes in MS speech. Lanka is full of Hakeems and Ranjith. MS had the guts to tell things as it is. Haven’t we seen enough of Hakeem’s politics? Then we have the SB humanitarian mission
        ( saving MS ) expecting him to be another Hakeem. ( subdued, humiliated, victimized……..) Today Haleem can’t even go to his own community and tell his BS any more.

        • 21

          For hypocritical Lankans Palestine is an international matter but SB killing minority is an internal matter.. This scum Hakeem didn’t move one resolution when his own people were killed by SB goons. Never uttered a word in support of Dr . Shaffi . After getting ministerial power and getting paid ( large some of money ‘) denied all injustices caused to Tamils by SB Government. Now trying election stunts for few votes. Sorry to disappoint, MS is not Hakeem.

        • 2

          Sumanthiran also cannot go to his community and tell his BS any more. Sumanthiran is a darling of Sinhala people who was rejected by Tamils at the last election, but found his way in due to the help rendered by government. Sumanthiran never took part in demonstration by Tamils regarding missing persons, release of lands held by armed forces and other racist actions by government. One of my Sinhala classmate wrote in our forum that Sumanthiran is behaving in a condescending manner, because he has no pedigree. This is absolutely true. Sumanthiran was driven out of Canada, France and Australia and is unwanted in the UK. Sumanthiran lost the contest in Federal party, but could not accept defeat and is trying to undermine the party. Tamils in Srilanka are not going to get carried away by his hoodwinking exercise.

          • 6

            GS, fyi, I just returned from Lanka after weeks of stay. May be you too should visit before typing such comments. FYI, Sumanthiran seems to be going to all parts of the country and meeting his community, almost every day. He is also frequently travelling and meeting people living in Canada, France, Australia . . . . . . . Unwanted in the U.K ?? Very funny. Does one patient’s dissatisfaction, make you a bad doctor ????

      • 0


        Tony is right even though, judging from his silence, he may not have the knowledge and ability to articulate what is wrong with Sumanthiran’s article.

        In a few comments below I have pointed out some of the problems with the article. No time to fully respond to all that I see wrong in the article.

        Please respond to the comments, if you can, or, if you can’t, just give a dislike like others. 😊

        • 14

          Leonard Jayawardena, I thank you for a response.
          I’m ready to spare Tony. Do you have reasons yourself?
          Click the dislike button serves no purpose, in your case.

          • 0

            “I’m ready to spare Tony. Do you have reasons yourself?”

            Well, I was ready for deafening silence to my comments or at most a b.s. reply but I didn’t expect that I was writing to one who was so feeble-minded that he couldn’t even find my comments.

            I have posted my comments on Sumanthiran’s speech as SEPARATE comments below (about five).

            • 7

              Give me your your reasons why and where Sumanthiran is wrong without BSing.

    • 26

      The funny part is, Sumanithran was saved by those he accuses of “genocide.” He was even made a member of their Parliament!

      • 27


        ” Sumanithran was saved by those he accuses of “genocide.”

        When, where, ….. and how?

        “He was even made a member of their Parliament!”

        Which party (out of SLFP, UNP, SLPP, CP, NPP, …. ) made him a member of their Parliament, ?
        By the way whose parliament are you talking about?

        “The funny part is”

        You are pathetic indeed.

        • 12


          If you don’t know the facts, it’s best to keep the upper area closed rather than speak through the lower orifices. The LTTE tried to assassinate Sumanthiran multiple times. Parliament, there is only one in Sri Lanka.

          • 16


            Let me try once again.

            ” Sumanithran was saved by those he accuses of “genocide.”

            When, where, ….. and how?

            “He was even made a member of their Parliament!”

            Which party (out of SLFP, UNP, SLPP, CP, NPP, …. ) made him a member of their Parliament, ?
            By the way whose parliament are you talking about?

            • 12


              Did you attend history at Wilpattu? History of papol and mango. In the normal history class, they will teach you that Sumanthiran is part of TNA and TNA is a Sri Lankan political party. All Sri Lankan political parties are members of the same Parliament.

        • 0

          Native Vedda, All this talk after Sumanthiran’s daughter married a sinhala son.

          • 17


            “All this talk after Sumanthiran’s daughter married a sinhala son.”

            Whats wrong with his article?
            What has it got to do with his daughter marrying a Sinhala Son?

          • 18

            What does Sumanthiran’s daughter or Wigneswaran’s sons marrying Chingkallams got to do with them. Sumanthiran and Wigneswaran are still full blooded Thamizh, and they are not the keepers of their grown-up children, their views and what they do. They are all different people. Now even adult members of European and Asian royalties are marrying commoners not only from their own people but from other races. The world is changing. Even I will soon marry a Half English half Sikh Punjabi man, much to the disappointment of my parents, who are still trying their best to match me, their only child to various Vellalar Jaffna Thamizh Protestant Christian young men, with a good income/Profession.

            • 20

              . This still does not stop me being proud of my Thamizh heritage and culture and most probably will bring up my children to appreciate their Thamizh Christian culture and heritage. Punjabi Culture can take a back seat and I do not think my future husband will even care about this. His English mother is also a strong Christian and Anglican like me. These children are adults and can do what they want to and most probably the Chingkalla men and women they married are very nice people, unlike bible thumping bigoted racist you, constantly using the bible to justify state sponsored Chingkalla racism against the Thamizh and Jewish racism against the Palestinians. I am also Christian and Anglican and have read the bible in English, the St. James’s version and the good news for modern man version and the Bible in Thamizh. Looks like you and I are reading and interpreting two different versions of the bible. Even the devil can quote scriptures to justify its diabolical prejudiced views.

              • 12

                Pandi Kutti:
                I am really taken by surprise. I always assumed you were a man!

                • 5

                  Let s 🙌 go for a genetic test. That can definitely clear the doubts.
                  I wonder why PK seems no different to boomers when it comes to race based issues? 🤔

                • 6

                  Hello Captain,
                  I always assumed you were a Sailor, however most Sailors wouldn’t mistake a woman for a man (with some exceptions). So maybe you are ex Army/Police but not CID? A man would not call himself “Piglet”
                  Best regards

                  • 0

                    “A man would not call himself “Piglet “
                    That is Hitlers’ sheer Arianism.
                    All over the world pets are allowed to own properties and servants- Employees. The UK recognized equality for women folk only in 1917. But When Dutch invaded Ceylon, they were surprised by the Thesavalamai practiced by Tamils. Kanagi walked into the King’s court and demanded justice. That is the biggest literature of Tamils. A true Buddhist does not differentiate between two lives. It is only for Sinhala Buddhists that difference is visible.
                    Scottish Atheism and Sinhala Buddhism are two sides of the same coin, man! You didn’t disappoint me, because Piglet always advocate for Tamils’ cause unlike your Munthanai Holder, who advocate only SLFP’s interests and Putin’s interests. It is your own right to like somebody who resembles you or feel jealous of them when you feel threatened as they are competing with you. They register their facial shape at the copyright office so someone else would not duplicate nature’s creation, As per atheists, “Birds of a feather flock together”. I believe it is not in DTG’s bible, so you can safely accept that.

                    Here is a comment from another commentator: “Why do some people get strung up about what others may think about their personalities? “
                    You may recognize it.

                    • 1

                      Hello Mallaiyuran,
                      Pandi Kutti is nobody’s pet, let alone yours. Let her speak for herself about her nickname. As for your logic, it defeats me. I have tried hard to understand your ramblings, but I have failed.
                      “They register their facial shape at the copyright office so someone else would not duplicate nature’s creation”.
                      Is there a James Prinsep amongst the CT readers that can decipher the above?
                      Best regards

                • 15

                  Captain Morgan,

                  It’s indeed a man with 3 other (male) IDs. Enjoy the show.

                  • 9

                    Hi my London Kunju may I should dress up like a man and dance with you like this. Please Jester humour me. Hope you like wearing heels and black leather

                • 3

                  Captain Morgan, she was.

            • 4

              Hello Pandi Kutti,
              Good luck, you sound like my Sri Lankan Niece. She says the same “The world is changing”.
              Best regards

              • 10

                Thanks Lanka Scott Amavan. If Inwas a racist I would not have fallen in love with a man not belonging to my people or religion. His mother is Christian but he is not, but would have consented to finding a life partner within my own people , just like the way my parents want me to, like a coy 16 year old girl. I am not coy and not sixteen but 19 . If I was 16 I will be still in school not in a university. I am old and mature enough to know my own mind , decide what I want and form my own opinions.I most probably will marry my current boyfriend but who knows what the future holds and life has got in store for you. Nothing is sure in life and I know this .

                • 11

                  “If I was a racist I would not have fallen in love with a man not belonging to my people or religion.”
                  In my opinion, Mahinda Rajapaksa is not a racist either, because he did the same thing. Nor CVW. But that’s different from using racism as a political tool.

                  • 1

                    Does S****** M** have a double?
                    Why do some people get strung up about what others may think about their personalities?

                    • 2

                      Why do some people get strung up about what others may think about their personalities?

                      You are correct person to answer ill wiil the questions you create. What is your answer for your question.

    • 21


      “There are so many wrongs in Sumathirathne’s speech.”

      From whose point of view?

      • 1

        There is definitely one thing wrong about Sumanthiran : he entered parliament surreptitiously. The curse of the widow will befall on him soon.

        • 0

          At the last election, after counting of votes were over, the position was Sritharan, Mrs Raviraj and Siddharthan.
          For unexplained reason the result was not announced.
          Then Sumanthiran arrives with STF escort.
          All polling agents were asked to leave and those who refused were bundled out by STF.
          After sometime, result was announced. Sritharan, Sumantiran and Mrs. Raviraj.
          They thought omitting Siddharthan will give rise to problems and since Mrs Raviraj is helpless and decided to knock her out.
          Little later the result was revised : Sritharan, Sumanthiran and Siddharthan.
          Does this not show that there was some jugglery.
          it is a shame on Sumanthiran to be in parliament.

  • 23

    “There are so many wrongs in Sumathirathne’s speech.”
    Why don’t you correct the right things? It is you who brought the Gota with majority but it is you who chased away Gota. What is wrong with Gota and Mahinda? It is your Supreme Court said that Gota and Mahinda robbed? What is wrong with you?

    • 1

      “Why don’t you correct the right things?”

  • 2

    Title: “Palestine, White Supremits & Sri Lanka’s Hypocrisy”

    White “Supremits”?


  • 2

    Author: “It is also important to note that there is a complicit arrangement between Hamas and the state of Israel, much the same way the Easter bombing happened in this country.”

    So saying, Sumanthiran has lost all credibility in my sight.

    Is he saying that there was a conspiracy between the then government and Zahran’s group to carry out the Easter Sunday bombing or that the government allowed it happen through inaction, not arresting the bombers before the blasts, etc., despite knowing that they were planning to attack?

    What happened on Oct 7 to Israel is of a far greater magnitude than what happened to Sri Lanka on that fateful Easter Sunday. Given the fact that Israel’s security and intelligence apparatuses are far more advanced than those of Sri Lanka, how did Oct 7 happen?

    Unlike our idiots and ignoramuses, no one, to my knowledge, within Israel has suggested that there was a conspiracy or “complicit arrangement” between Hamas and the Israeli government. Indeed the The Israeli spy chief Aharon Haliva resigned recently for failing to prevent the October 7 Hamas attack. It is thought that Netanyahu will pay for the security lapse in the next election. Right now he is busy–quite rightly, I think–prosecuting the war with Hamas to extirpate them.


    • 1

      “It is also important to note that there is a complicit arrangement between Hamas and the state of Israel, much the same way the Easter bombing happened in this country.’

      On reconsideration, I think the parallel Sumandhiran meant to draw between the two may be the Netanyahu government “helping” Gaza–and so helping Hamas–by allowing funds from abroad (e.g., from Qatar) to get through and issuing Gazans work permits to work in Israel, and the way Sri Lankan government at the time of the Easter bombing is alleged to have dealt with Zahran’ group (allegedly not carrying out arrests, etc.).

  • 2

    Continued from my last post.

    Russia ignored clear prior warnings from the U.S. government of an impending terrorist attack and when that did happen, the I.S. claimed responsibility. Putin, as was predicted, blamed Ukraine immediately, but later grudgingly accepted that it was the I.S.’s doing while still maintaining, without an iota of evidence, that Ukraine was still behind it in some way, because it was politically expedient to make that claim.
    Putin had even dismissed the warnings as interference by the U.S. in Russian internal affairs.

    Again, was there a conspiracy or “complicit arrangement” between Putin and the I.S.–and Ukraine–in regard to the terrorist attack, which happened right in their capital Moscow with prior warnings?

    • 7

      Whatever, you say, the Sinhalese people felt Rajapaksas like people are responsible for many crimes including robbing this country. That is why they chased away them. It is a well proved fact that Saharan was paid Rajapaksa government.

  • 17

    Sumanthiran talks with an interest of all Sri Lankan citizens. It will be good if contests for the Presidency!

    • 2

      You mean as the Tamil common candidate about which matter the debate in the North is in On/Off mode?

  • 1

    “A lot of people even in this country choose to support Israel and many of them belong to the Christian church. I can criticize this, being a Christian myself. They somehow think that since that is the promised land, nobody else should live there.”

    What is the relevance of these statements to the motion tabled in Parliament? Many professed Christians I know of, both in this country and abroad, support Israel in the present war with Hamas because the latter attacked Israel on Oct 7 and like all right-thinking people they recognise Israel’s right to defend itself against an enemy that is sworn to Israel’s destruction in their very charter and have said that they will repeat Oct 7 “again and again” if given an opportunity.

    With regard to the last sentence quoted above, the vast majority of Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank think that Israel has no right to exist as a state, so it goes both ways. Many perceptive observers recognize that that is the real reason why Palestinians have not agreed to any of the two-state solutions proposed to date.

    • 1

      By the way, do the readers of CT know the meaning of the slogan “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free,” which moronic protestors all over the world chant?

      Upon its creation by diaspora Palestinians in 1964 under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, the PLO called for the establishment of a single state that extend from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea to encompass its historic territories. (Source: Al Jazeera.)

      What this means is that between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, there will be one entity and it will be called Palestine with no Jewish state, and the status of Jews in that entity will be very unclear. Some even interpret “free” to mean “free of Jews,” which means the Jews would be removed from Israel to wherever they came from.

    • 0

      Leonard Jayawardena, The bible too warns against false peace treaties and 2 state solutions as terrorists will not be allowed in Israel when Jesus comes, but they will be destroyed. Many Palestinians live peacefully in Israel today as 1st class citizens and that is how any should live. Rabin was killed and Ariel Sharon in coma, when trying to please terrorists. Jews will accept Jesus as their Messiah when he comes.

    • 0

      Leonard Jayawardena, Any including Palestinians who say “Israel has no right to exist” are like Eve being deceived by the devil. Better to burn that charter.

      • 0

        Leonard Jayawardena, If you read Psalm 83, 3-4 it says” crafty counsel together, come let us cut them off from being a nation that name of Israel may be remembered no more” OT writing.

        • 0

          LJ, Having written what crafty counsel said about blotting out Israel, and telling all who say that “Israel has no right to exist and hence to burn that charter”, I was shocked at the news next day on Pentecost sunday which said that the helicopter bearing Iranian president had burnt out.

  • 0

    Sinhala-Man, What do you mean by major sufferings of Palestinians who have more Jewish blood than Europeans. Only the sinless blood of Jesus will matter. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, but all one in Christ Gal.4,28 and repeated in Col.3,11. My addition would be no Methodist or Anglican as a visit to Jerusalem church of the Holy Sepulcher would confirm that it is Greek Orthodox, Latin and Armenian, the building held by Muslims. All are free to walk in and hold their different services. Anglicans then opened a garden tomb at face level, whereas all activities of via Dolorosa and tomb are about 10 feet below current ground. When Jesus returns to Jerusalem, and visits Temple, His kingdom and power are revealed as the New Jerusalem, all things new. Rev.21. Anyone not in Lamb’s Book of Life, will not be there. Rev.20,15. No temple in New Jerusalem. Rev.21,22 A lot more wonderful things.

    • 15

      “Only the sinless blood of Jesus will matter.”
      But Jews don’t recognise Jesus. They aren’t Christians.

      • 0

        old codger, Rom. 5,8 says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We all still sin, but the pledged blood shed at crucifixion, when we accept him and repent, takes away our sin. Again 1 Jn. 1,9 says that when we confess our sin, he forgives and cleanses. Only foolish people like atheists think they can cleanse themselves from their sins and be nothing. Let them try. See picture on cross, sinless man with 39 stripes. On cross his own sinless blood covered him. Father resurrected him as he had no karma. Ascended and crowned, sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to live in believers, empowering them. Now, no jew nor gentile. Why your concern. May 19th is Pentecost Sunday again.

        • 12

          None of the above applies to Jews, because they don’t accept Christ. They aren’t Methodist, Anglican, Catholic, or even Pentecostal like yourself.
          “Anyone not in Lamb’s Book of Life, will not be there. Rev.20,15”. So, no Jews will be there. You said it yourself.

        • 3

          Hello DTG.
          “Only foolish people like atheists think they can cleanse themselves from their sins and be nothing” Do you know what Atheists think? Do not confuse us with Buddhists. I am aware that Religious people do not need Evidence to believe, they just need “Faith”, Atheists are a multi-faceted group, some good, some bad, but none of us ever dream of cleansing our sins. The whole concept is anathema to us. Throughout the Bible people were constantly seeing and speaking to Gods and Angels. Now that we have Mobile Phones with Cameras they seem to have disappeared.
          You said “Father resurrected him as he had no karma.”
          “the idea of karma is totally incompatible with Christianity and the teachings of Christ.” so why did you use the expression? Tainted with Buddhism/Hinduism?
          Best regards

          • 1

            LankaScot, I thought using karma instead of sin will make it clearer for non christians, but sorry it seems to have caused confusion. Karma may suggest inherited generational sin.

            • 2

              DTG, ‘Karma may suggest inherited generational sin’.
              Good grief is that what you think? Karma has nothing to do with sin, let alone inherited sin. ‘As you sow , so shall you reap’ is closer.

      • 10

        Jews don’t recognise Jesus, but Christians like DTG worship Jews like there is no tomorrow.
        What a Joke.

        • 0

          Human Touch, I worship God and not Jews. However, the bible says that in Rom.11,26 All Israel will be saved as they accept him when he comes. That is the reason the Jews are coming back to their homeland in Israel to the place where Jesus will come.

          • 7

            “All Israel will be saved as they accept him when he comes. “
            Would you tell me, with evidence, how many Jews so far have accepted Christ?

            • 0

              old codger, Classic example is all disciples and book of Acts say Peter baptised 3000 in a day. Then for 2000 years jews all over world called messianic jews. Classic eg. is Netanyahu but for politics in Israel they remain Jews. Surely you know all this.

              • 5

                Let me try again. How many Israeli Jews have “accepted Christ” by being baptised?

          • 2

            If you know the first thing about the Jews, you should know that they do not recognise Jesus as the Messiah.
            They are not waiting for Jesus’s return in any respect.
            These are fundamental facts you should know.
            Please go back to school and learn these things before using the name of God in vain.

        • 12

          DTG should be supportive of the Palestinians, if only because Muslims, unlike the Jews, accord a special status to Jesus Christ.
          DTG also needs to know that Christians have been sworn enemies of the Jews until recently.

          • 6

            You are very correct OC.
            Unfortunately David the good is not grounded in what he is preaching.
            To my understanding DTG is a blind faith fundamentalist who thinks he can deceive us all by quoting a few bible however much it maybe out of context.
            The more he does that the more he is exposing is extremist irrational quality.

      • 7

        old codger

        “But Jews don’t recognise Jesus. They aren’t Christians.”

        However, among them there was one who betrayed Jesus.

  • 10

    This article or essay base on two wrong assumptions. first river has only one bank. second is so called Palestinians are Arabe. every river has two banks (Iuru) Palestine means place where very rare metal can be found and very fertile land as per that It should be either east or west bank of JORDAN RIVER. West bank was Jewish or Hebrews land where It was. said to be the birthplace of Cristiani religion founder. as such palatine should be in the east bank that is Jordane. Gazans s are Egypt famous Gipses type tribes plus European mixture.so called west or East bankers were Jordanian tribes plus Persian occupiers

  • 10

    Do you know who was the REAL culprit behind SL Easter Bombings?
    Don’t you think that the Israeli Intelligence Service was not aware of the impending Hamas attack?
    They could have prevented it but failed to do so. This is because Netanyahu’s government in order survive wanted a big assault on Palestinians. For the economic necessity SL has to support Israel and the USA

    • 1


      “Do you know who was the REAL culprit behind SL Easter Bombings?”

      Yes, I do but who do YOU think was the real culprit and what is your EVIDENCE for it?

      “Don’t you think that the Israeli Intelligence Service was not aware of the impending Hamas attack?”

      What is your evidence that they were of it?

      “They could have prevented it but failed to do so. This is because Netanyahu’s government in order survive wanted a big assault on Palestinians.”

      Again, what is your evidence for this?

      • 0

        Correction: “What is your evidence that they were AWARE of it”?

        Nathan, I just realized that even your statement to which I responded is wrongly framed. I think you meant say, “Don’t you think that the Israeli Intelligence Service was not UNAWARE of the impending Hamas attack?”

        • 0

          Hello Leonard,
          Yes the Israeli Intelligence were aware of the impending Hamas attack. Please read this – https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/04/podcasts/the-daily/israel-hamas.html?showTranscript=1
          This was an interview by NYT (New York Times) that is well known and for CT readers this is the Salient point from the interview –
          “Thank you for your work. It’s very impressive, but your worries are misplaced. And the analyst comes back and says, no, no, no, no, no, you are wrong. They can do this. This isn’t for show. You should be very worried about this. But ultimately, his view carries the day”.
          So yes they knew but for whatever reasons chose to ignore it.
          Best regards

  • 7


  • 13

    Anyway, there is one point on which I expect unanimity. Everyone will agree that Rauff Hakeem is a “Thoppi Turner”!

  • 13

    They are of different scenarios.

    Israel, of which over 2 million are of foreign blood, have displaced from their ancient lands, the Palestinian people of 75% and more of Israelite genealogy. They are continuously doing so so.

    Sinhalese merely want the minority Tamils to stop attempting to take over the whole of Sri Lanka, and work with them instead. They are not trying to displace the Tamils from their homeland, but trying to ensure they won’t be disadvantaged by Tamils with their drive to empower themselves via Tamils on the subcontinent.

    Tamils deliberately assembled their people into war zones away from their usually dwelling areas. Israelis squished over 2-million Palestinians into the small area of Gaza, and are bombing them for retaliating in their misery.

    • 19

      Ramona, please stop telling fairy tales to justify your Sinhalese state sponsored discrimination, war crimes and systematic structural genocide against the island’s Tamils, as this even makes you and the rest of the Sinhalese look worse with your pathetic attempts to whitewash, what happened and what is happening. Sinhalese merely want the minority Tamils to stop taking the whole of Sri Lanka. Minority Tamils, this itself implies a lot. Why minority Tamils and not just Tamils? Shows your inbuilt anti Tamil bias, that too coming from a person from your origin. Tamils are not trying to take over anything, it is the Sinhalese and their Muslim accomplices, who ironically again are ethnic Tamils, of largely South Indian immigrant origin, who converted to Islam but now conveniently claiming to be something else for perceived economic and political benefits, who are trying to take over everything, in the name of Sinhalese Buddhism and Fake Arab origin Wahhabi Islam, especially from the things that rightfully belongs to the island’s Tamils.

      • 18

        Their land, history, heritage, destroy their language, culture, deny what rightfully belongs to them and use the power of the state to steal it from them. Stop denying this truth. Why are you trying to involve the Tamils of India into to this? Strange because it is not the indigenous Sri Lankan Tamils. but it is most of the present-day Sinhalese and so-called Sri Lankan Moors or Muslims, who are largely descended from South Indian Tamils and most of them from post 15Th century South Indian immigrants. Your own family name reflects this origin, yet so much hatred tor the Tamils.

        • 18

          Tamils did not deliberately assemble anywhere, they voluntarily fled to certain regions to escape Sri Lankan armed forces atrocities in the war zones and from what happened rightfully so. Stop lying and trying to deliberately rewrite history, from the comfort of the USA shame on you and then use your Christian religion to justify this. The Sri Lankan armed forces and the war cabinet deliberately told to the Tamil civilians to assemble at certain places, where they will not be attacked or bombed, and the UN gave them the coordinates of these places too. However, once the Tamil civilians assembled where they were told to by the Sri Lankan state, the Sri Lankan armed forces, with the full knowledge of the then Rajapakse government and army, navy, Airforce top brass and with the full knowledge of the then Congress Sonia Ghandhi government, who are also complicit in this war crime, started to deliberately bomb these centers, including hospitals with red cross symbols clearly to be seen, using the army, navy , Airforce and many banned weapons, killing thousands of innocent Tamil civilians. The west knows this and have evidence of this, India that overtly and covertly aided and abetted this war crime and genocide also knows the truth, but they are all keeping quiet as they are all complicit in this war crime, so want to bury it.

          • 22

            Israel is now using the same tactic. Asking the Palestinian Arabs to go certain safe havens or designated areas and then bomb these areas. A very good lesson learnt from the racist Sinhalese Sri Lankan state. Funny how you, most of the Sinhalese, the Sri Lankan state and the island’s fake Arab South Indian origin Tamil Muslims are shedding tears and denouncing what is now happening to the Palestinian Arabs but are still denying whitewashing, and defending what the racist Sri Lankan state with the help of India and many other states, including many western states, especially the UK, Sri Lanka’s last colonizer, who is the creator of all this nightmare for all the island’s Tamils, native and Indian origin, did to the Tamils. What Sumanthiran stated is correct double-talking hypocrites.

            • 20

              You and most of the world, especially India, do not see the humanity in us, but selectively see the humanity of the Palestinian Arabs and the suffering of others, which is even worse. Tamil women are not even allowed to cook Kanji to commemorate, remember their loved ones who died in Mullivaikal in May 2009 but are brutally abused and arrested by the occupying racist Sinhalese police and many pathetic hypocrites are coming here and trying to defend these racist actions, whilst crying about Palestinian Arabs.

              • 20

                Eelam is a Tamil word and is one of the oldest words to describe the island and Eelam only refers to the island and has nothing to do with India or South India/Tamil Nadu and Eelam Tamils are only interested in fighting for their just rights and for their self-determination, in their own land and not in Tamil Nadu or anywhere else, like some racist anti Tamil paranoid neighboring state is imagining to justify what it did to the island’s Tamils from the time of the IPKF. which is a basic right, as per the UN charter, especially when an indigenous people are facing discrimination and genocide at the hands of the state and asking for self-determination in your own land, is not a crime or terrorism, and threatening other people and other lands, Then the Scottish, Catalans and many other people are also terrorists. It is not the Eelam Tamils, but the Sinhalese state that has always been threatening the sovereignty of India, even now by flirting with its enemies China, Pakistan and many others and inviting them to its soil

                • 13


                  No….Tamils were forced from their homes into the southern areas of the Northern Province when Sinhala government was attempting to move into those areas to eradicate the terrorists.

                  • 16

                    Ramona Fernando,

                    Tamils escaping the civil war were denied Indian citizenship when they went to Tamil Nadu. Probably because of caste. But all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship. So who are the real racists here?

                    • 15


                      I agree. It is all about their so-called high-castes who won’t relent even for their own people who are 90% of their population.

                    • 18


                      Also, regarding the “traditional homeland”, if Tamils can prove it, then they should have full independence. But the demographic data speaks otherwise. In 1921, there were only about 471,000 Tamils of non-Indian origin living in Sri Lanka. At the very same time, the population of Tamil Nadu was 41.4 million. While the population of Sinhalese (1921) was 3,016,200. The point is that Tamils never had a majority on the island, which brings the whole question of “traditional homeland” into doubt.

                    • 9

                      Lester the liar
                      “Tamils escaping the civil war were denied Indian citizenship”
                      “But all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship. “
                      Will you never stop lying?
                      “In the 1970’s India and Sri Lanka entered into a pact where India agreed to grant citizenship to 600,000 Tamils who wanted to return to India; “

                    • 17

                      The cut-and-paste liar Old Codger forget to paste the whole quote:

                      ” In the 1970’s India and Sri Lanka entered into a pact where India agreed to grant citizenship to 600,000 Tamils who wanted to return to India; Sri Lanka agreed to grant citizenship to those Tamils who decided to stay on.”


                      It’s easy to spot a liar with the Internet these days. Old Codger is at the top of the list. Never believe anything this Ranil supporter spouts.

                    • 11


                    • 7

                      Lester the liar,
                      I suppose you will say the Indian Express is lying too:
                      “As of October 30, 1964, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), the estimated number of Indian-origin people in Sri Lanka was 9,75,000. Among the close to a million, 3,00,000 were granted Sri Lankan citizenship. India accepted the repatriation of 5,25,000 stateless Indian-origin Tamils in Sri Lanka. The repatriates were later displaced in the southern states of India and the Andaman Nicobar Islands”
                      Given your past performances re the application of oscilloscopes in sh.t collection, no big deal.

                    • 10

                      Lying Lester,
                      You wrote “But all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship.”
                      They weren’t. 525,000 went back to India.
                      You lied , you got caught, case closed.

                    • 11

                      Old Loser,

                      Learn how to read.

                      “Sri Lanka agreed to grant citizenship to those Tamils who decided to stay on.”

                      Tamils had the choice to remain in SL and get citizenship.

                    • 9

                      Lester the illiterate,
                      “You wrote “But all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship.”.

                      “all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship.” is not the same as
                      “Sri Lanka agreed to grant citizenship to those Tamils who decided to stay on.”
                      You lied, got caught, and lost.

                    • 10

                      Old Loser,

                      Try harder. You missed the word “eventually.”

                    • 6

                      “But all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship”
                      That’s a Load of BULL Excreta!!??? In normal Parlance it is A ‘LIE’!? Accept it!!
                      650 K + Plantation were deported or sent back 1973 to 1978!? So what you are claiming, is wrong, WITH OT WITHOUT the Adjective Eventually ALL didn’t REMAIN and were DENIED Citizenship!!!???

                    • 6

                      Lester the slow,
                      “You wrote “But all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers were eventually granted citizenship.”
                      They weren’t, and I proved it. You lied, got caught and now trying to wriggle out.
                      Now, don’t tell me that you meant Indian citizenship. What a sore loser.

                    • 8

                      Old Loser,

                      “In 1988 the Sri Lankan Parliament passed the Grant of Citizenship to Stateless Persons Act which granted Sri Lankan citizenship to all Indian Tamils who hadn’t applied for Indian citizenship under previous agreements.”


                      See the word “all?”

                      determiner, predeterminer, pronoun
                      /ɔːl/ us
                      Add to word list
                      every one (of), or the complete amount or number (of), or the whole (of):

                      You’re a bad liar, Old Loser. Take some lessons from Ranil.

                    • 6

                      Dim Lester the sore loser,
                      “all Indian Tamils who hadn’t applied for Indian citizenship under previous agreements.” is different from “all the Tamils who came to Sri Lanka as plantation workers “
                      The fact that you work in a crap mill doesn’t mean you can publish it on CT. Learn from your ex-pal Ruchi.

    • 0

      rtf, There are a lot of Palestinians in Israel today who live as 1st class citizens and paying taxes, in courts too, not as terrorists. That is the way to live, instead of trying to dispute Creator’s land.

      • 11

        25% is all that is allowed to remain, David. 75% of the Palestinians have been forcibly displaced off the Creator’s land by the Israeli occupants. In fact, 25% is the same percentage of Jews that remained in Europe after WW2. But many have immigrated to Israel in recent decades as Israel opened up immigration to them as the Palestinians were so easy to displace. European governments should open up a way for them to emigrate back to their home countries. Germany welcomed them back with great repentance.


      • 2


        Can you be more specific and back up your claim with facts and figures? Please be specific about who are considered “1st class citizens”. their number and percentage in relation to the population of the Palestinians in Israel and also in relation to the population of Jews in Israel.

      • 4


        “Tamils had the choice to remain in SL and get citizenship..”

        Are you sure Sri Lanka gave them the choice?
        It was Hindians who caught JR by his b***s forced him to grant citizenship to all remaining stateless upcountry Tamils.

        Sri Lanka and its leaders never did anything right hence were forced to do ….. ….

        When are you going learn right from wrong?

  • 17

    “Sinhalese merely want the minority Tamils to stop attempting to take over the whole of Sri Lanka, and work with them instead. They are not trying to displace the Tamils from their homeland, but trying to ensure they won’t be disadvantaged by Tamils with their drive to empower themselves via Tamils on the subcontinent.” Really! Another Mahavamsa fairy tale. From the time of so-called independence, Chingkallams are doing everything in their power to marginalize, dispossess and commit genocide on the island’s Thamizh. Stop trying to tell fairy tales South Indian Thamizh origin Karawa [edited out]

    • 13

      PK and R25,

      I am of both races. The Sinhala part gives me the legitimacy to care and support my Motherland better than most, as I can see the situation very rationally and critically.

      Cast demeaning and discrimination towards your own people only shows off your abject racism, putting you both in an even bigger hole. All these castes that you mention are 90% of your people anyway, and yes, they do support the Sinhala cause. Karava Sinhala is where my married blood comes from.

      • 11

        Still, I agree that the Lankan military would have done many atrocities. There was no easy way get rid of the terrorists, but if it can be proved that the military deliberately targeted protective areas, they should be prosecuted and convicted. Terrorists got their due punishment. It should be the other side now, that has to face the consequences of their actions. The number of people killed were too many, and could have been avoided with better strategic planning.

        • 2

          Hello Ramona,
          You said “they should be prosecuted and convicted”. How will they be prosecuted and by whom?
          Best regards

  • 0

    “White Supremits”

    That’s a hard lot to crack into ………. a billion dollars and he still can’t ….. belong ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ywayNb-PHk&t=95s

  • 5

    “It is also important to note that there is a complicit arrangement between Hamas and the state of Israel,”
    What an easy escape route to avoid denouncing the Zionists and their imperialist patron!

  • 0

    “It is a matter of regret that the mover of this resolution Honorable Rauff Hakeem was the Minister of Justice who went to UN Human Rights Council and defended the state of Sri Lanka.”
    A matter of regret? It goes on to show the hypocrisy of the so called representatives of the prople, including of the one that has delivered this speech in the Parliament.
    Ealam war went on for almost 30 years. Why focus on the last stage of the war? Besides non-state actors aren’t immune from war crimes. Indiscrimate targeting and killing of Sinhalese people in the Souhthern Sri Lanka by the LTTE are war crimes. If the perpertrators of of war crimes needed to be taken to the Hague. All war criminals should be, and that includes Blair and Bush too. After to 21 years of illegally invading country and causing much death, destruction, and suffering, no one still has held the perpertrators accountable nor they had been trued in the Hague.
    If taking perpertrators of war crimes committed during the final days of the Ealam war is the precedent we need to take all war criminals to the Hague, so be it. I look forward to the day that all criminals are being punished, including the ones who give eloquent speeches in the Parliament, while secretly violating the lives of innocent children.

    • 0

      Continued from above…
      Firstly an international investigation is needed to ascertain the death toll during the said final days of the Ealam war iv, the estimates of which range from few thousands to few hundred thousands, which appears to be the primary basis for alleged war crimes.
      Secondly, it is wishful thinking that war criminals would be identified and tried either through an internal mechanism or an international one, when the alleged victims now seem to be colluding with the perpertrators of the said war crimes. I am refrring to the LTTE colluding with Wickremasinghe govt and thereby Rajapaksas.
      Thirdly before any one is being tried for war crimes, those who funded a war for 30 years with moneys raised from various organised, international crimes, committed across jurisdictions, need to be identified and brought to justice first for the crimes they had cimmitted, then aiding and abetting the crimes that the LTTE committed by way of financing them.
      We could start with KP or Kumaran Pathmanathan, that is wanted by several law enforcement authorities across the world including India’s and interpol for violating international laws. Then his supporting international networks that are still active needs to be traced, taken down, their funds frozen and assets seized.

      • 2

        Ruchira, Have you heard of the term called “wishful thinking?”

        • 5

          You are right person to talk about “wishful thinking”, as you are full of it.

        • 1

          davidthegood – Yes, i have. Have you heard the expression: “Be careful what you wish for?”

  • 0

    Mr. Sumanthiran

    You have stated:

    “It is also important to note that there is a complicit arrangement between Hamas and the state of Israel.”

    Can you please give more details about this so-called “complicit arrangement” as this is the first time I have read about such an arrangement. If anyone else other than you mentioned this, I would have poo pooed it without batting an eye lid. I have a lot of respect for you, and therefore, I would like to know more about the “complicit arrangement” from you.

    Thank you.

    • 1

      There was a time that Israel considered that a strong Hamas will divide Palestine. But all of it changed after Hamas won the elections and the PLO refused to let Hamas rule.
      This complicity story is promoted to discredit Hamas.
      I doubt if Sumanthiran is repeating the tale in all innocence.

      • 0


        That means, it was an Israeli plan which has NOTHING to do with Hamas.

        • 2

          I reject the theory that Hamas was an Israeli creation.
          But I do not rule out Hamas taking advantage of anything.
          But Hamas was a very popular force in Palestine that was denied the right to form government by the PLO and its patrons.

  • 0

    M, SJ,

    The complicit arrangement is that Netanyahu wanted to keep the Palestinians divided, wanting to show neither Hamas nor PA could ever be a partner for peace and form a state. His aim in doing so was preventing a two-state solution, which was being discussed by the US and other powers, but which is anathema to Likud and Netanyahu. They never want a two-state solution but only a solution where the Palestinians would live subjugated lives under Jewish Israelis.

    • 0

      In other words, Netanyahu allowed colossal amounts of money to come into Gaza Qatar, Iran, etc., knowing well it would strengthen Hamas over PA, believing that still Israel would be able to keep Hamas bottled up inside Gaza.

    • 0


      If the “complicit arrangement” is what Netanyahu wanted, then how can Hamas be a party to such an arrangement?

    • 1

      “But the national movement formally split—politically, geographically and strategically—after Hamas, an Islamist party, beat Fatah, a secular movement, in the 2006 Palestinian Legislative Council elections. “
      The PLO and its sponsors did everything possible to keep Hamas out of the West Bank.
      As for the US it is now led by the nose by the Zionists, the tail that has been wagging the dog for some time.

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