By Emil van der Poorten –
I will now take up where I left readers last week – unconscious on a hospital floor after unsuccessfully seeking assistance from the nursing staff of the ward.
As I understand it, a cardio-thoracic surgical team took me in their care and performed emergency open-heart surgery in order to clear out all the blood and other material in my chest cavity which was threatening to choke me to death. I was put back together with a stainless steel wire cage, as the surgeon subsequently described it to me. I was unconscious for a period of five or six days and my partner was instructed to inform my next of kin as I was not expected to survive.
Survive I did, I believe to the consternation of those responsible for putting me in that predicament and I suspect, particularly to the discomfort of the person who had “out-sourced” the procedure to someone obviously lacking the skill of a “pacemaker-installer.” Reverting to the matter of that installation, I believe that the damage was done at the time the tube connecting the pacemaker to the area of the aorta was violently forced in causing a rupture and very serious haemorrhaging.
The speed at which the surgical team was required to work can be judged by the fact that they didn’t have time to remove the pacemaker and the tube and had to go in a second time, when I had recovered to some extent, to get those two pieces of hardware out!
Once I regained consciousness, the surgeon warned me that I should not even think about twisting my body in any way because to do so could cause internal problems serious enough that a second surgical intervention would not be of much use.
This presented an interesting dilemma for someone hooked up to all kinds of “drips” through canulas etc. when the attendants ignored my requests to leave an urinal by my bed so that I could pick it up, use it and return it to the ground for removal in due course.
The result of that refusal to respond to such a simple request can well be imagined. I woke up in a bath of liquid with a significant ammonia content more mornings than I care to remember!
Sponge baths? Forget it! Despite bribes to some of the attendants by some of my visitors, this happened so seldom that when I was ultimately moved to a private health care facility, it took four changes of water before the end product was less than a darker shade of brown! I suppose the good news there was the fact that I didn’t end of with bed sores!
In addition to this, a lasting memory I will carry to my grave is that of an old Tamil man transferred from some district hospital many miles away from this Teaching Institution. Not to put a fine point on it, he was subjected to gratuitous cruelty. If his sarong so much as inched its way up his thigh, he was shouted at by the “angels of mercy” in whose care we were as if he was some kind of exhibitionist! You didn’t have to be a medical genius to see the man was old, feeble and probably in the early stages of dementia and this gratuitous cruelty seemed to confirm my impression that the prevailing culture of this ward was one of racism/communalism. This was something that was constantly reinforced by my being compelled to convince my listeners, in my more-than-passable Sinhala (both my grandmothers came from peasant Sinhala stock in what used to be the Kandyan Kingdom), that I wasn’t a “white foreigner free-loading on our free (?) medical care system!”
Of course, from time to time our consultant, would sweep regally through the ward with minions trailing and when I demanded that I be discharged because the stress and pressure I was subjected to was counterproductive in the matter of my recovery, the response was yet another regal gesture accompanying the information that “all the staff in that ward were at (my) disposal!” This was beyond the comprehensible given the fact that the staff were absolutely over-worked and even those few who had a Florence Nightingale-like devotion to their tasks, were powerless to overcome the fact that there was only so much that they could do for those in their care. If a very senior medical practitioner wasn’t aware of this fact………………………….!
On another occasion, when I demanded that I be discharged, this same consultant said I had to continue in that place so that me and my medication intake could be monitored and stabilised. This was in a situation when, on several occasions, the attending nurses would inquire from me whether or not I had taken a drug of some kind!
Ultimately, I escaped this hell hole.
The icing on the cake has been that so much as a mention of the consultant’s name to members of the legal profession in this jurisdiction had them, metaphorically, screaming “conflict of interest” and trying to disappear into the hills as fast as they could! One of these legal eagles, however, before taking off, advised me against even seeking the legal assistance I required in this provincial capital! Place that in the context that, if I secured legal representation for a malpractice suit from a lawyer in another town, there would be the additional cost involved in travelling to the town in which the action had to be filed each time the case was called. A no-brainer? You bet!
While my physical recovery has been slow and there appears to be a (negative) residual effect from all that occurred in that month following a “simple, non-surgical procedure” going wrong, I will neither forgive nor forget the lack of humanity displayed by many of the so-called care-givers I encountered in that little adventure. What was reinforced for me was that the culture prevailing in this or any other institution is dictated by those controlling it. Fish rots from the head as has been established over the years and god help anyone having to put up with such circumstances.
This is the final instalment of my “hospital narrative” and I count myself very fortunate indeed that it was not the final instalment of my life!
Spring Koha / July 9, 2017
A salutary warning to all who by accident or lack of choice has to use the Kandy General. Things can only get better.
But that EvdP remains with us is evidence there is a God after all.
May the remainder of your life’s path be ever gently downhill, with a cool breeze on your back.
old codger / July 9, 2017
I suppose these are the high standards which the GMOA wishes us to believe it is protecting from SAITM doctors.
Who to tell aney?
Garuda / July 12, 2017
old codger :
They are holding the citizens to ransom like the underground strikes or farmers strike of UK.
Private medical colleges evolved in the UK because of a shortage. Shortage because libtard administration started a floating system of registrars (surgeons 3-6 months) so it’s difficult to become a consultant in a fixed place. Its a catch 22 and only abundant supply can help the citizen.
LKY answers: Singaporeans, if I can chose an analogy, we are the hard disk of a computer, the foreign talent are the megabytes you add to your storage capacity. So your computer never hangs because you got enormous storage capacity,
On accepting foreign talent (Straits Times, 22 April 2007)
Mano Ratwatte / July 9, 2017
A niece of mine is suffering from Dengue. She was admitted to Sri Jayawardenepura Teaching Hospital. I heard the war is over crowded with over 130 patients infected with severe Dengue. Here are the mother’s words
You wouldn’t believe it.. 130 patients in one floor.. at Sri JAYAWARDENApura hospital But their management is so great..excellent service.
But I heard from her mom that the doctor care was excellent. Sad to see wards being so overrun and to hear of stories of having to sleep on the floor. I paid a premium one time at a Hospital in Kollupitiya when my mother suddenly fell sick in 2008. Her consultant was Dr. and Professor Janaka DeSilva a wonderful human being and brilliant I am told. But she was given a bed on the hallway before a bed became available. She finally got a room the next day but she was just left in a hall way ward. I forget the name of the hospital but it was off of Bagatalle. Sad; what to do men? When all the politikkas go to Singapore, US or England for treatment what to do men? I know if I fall sick, I want to go out like a light bulb the way my maternal grandfather and my own father went rather than suffering pain and bankruptcy here in the USA. If I did not have insurance, I will be ***ked here too. Even with work provided health insurance I have an out of pocket deductible. I just paid over a $1000.00 for heart related issues out of pocket.
Guess what my South Asian doctor did? He wanted me to go for the most expensive option of angiogram; but I emailed my results to a good friend who is a cardio thoracic surgeon and told me to go for less invasive far less expensive tests. So I approached my Indian doctor(the US is flooded with greedy Indian doctors nowadays and one of these days under Trump there will be a backlash against Indians who do not integrate at all; like some Lankans too both Tamil and Sinhala; inevitable!!). If I were to go, I want to go as in go men go now. Rather than make my family of middle middle income Americans broke because of me.
chinchinatu / July 10, 2017
“”most expensive option of angiogram; “”
Its just a mole probing and installing a stent where necessary while you watch the process on the screen all in an hour – they just pierce the gorin and the mole just walks straight to the heart probing the valves.- its more an industrial engineers marvel. -It offers 99% accuracy of investigation. BARTS of London has a 1000 bed for heart only (just started so 5 departments work differently- if you are poor or tourist its free) (of course as in any other operation one has to sign that death can occur but its rare- its nuclear medicine) the Hong kong consultants are talented but the indians pakis lankans africans are filthy bringing their way of doing things)
75% probe is the MRI scan – that is the size of a cylindrical bed and sound emission etc
45% scan is an ultra sound which one can have with a laptop program and the microphone type scanner (need to apply gel on head) – very simple to operate its like a digitizer used by CAD in industrial engineering.
BTW the Indians and Pakis went to court at London because they were not accepted by UCLH and won just under human rights which was- sic way of hiding their weakness- because they are here just for money and not caring and have their ass hole ways of doing things working in 3 hospitals in a day like coolies for the money.
It would have been cheaper to call over to UK ;)
chinchinatu / July 10, 2017
sorry MRI is magnetic waves not sound.
Mano Ratwatte / July 9, 2017
Tipping or gratuities are expected by Attendants and even nurses for a long time no? Even in the 1970s at that small hospital on Wijerama mawatha close to Rosmead place, where I had my tonsilectomy my father gave thank you gifts to the attendants and the nurses; one of them was a lovely nurse I developed a teen crush!!
Back then you are kept overnight or for 2 days after a tonsilectomy. Luckily my old man being a doctor, back then we did not get charged by any doctor for anything; we just paid hospital costs.His friend Dr. Fazealabas did the surgery. Wonderful ENT guy who had his clinic on Dickman’s road. He and his friends who were doctors treated patients for free as well and all of them hated the money money money doctors. But those were the old days. I think everyone has to “tip”/Bribe these people to do their job; it is part of the culture no? Here in the US I am a darkie so in a way I prefer the fellow Darkie doctors but I must say when I had my prostate surgery, the Head of Urology who did the surgery was very nice and professional. But thanks to insurance back then my out of pocket was only about $3000.00 I paid in installments. Insurance and Hospitals are engaged in a racket here over pricing mechanisms. I know this because one of my closest friends knows the game as he i in Healthcare IT and knows the codes and how insurance and hospitals play the game.
Nalin / July 11, 2017
” money money money doctors.””
After the Libtard papa brought a boat load of race and religion differentiation from oxford in his sarema the Rats grew big.
While our one and only Desmond de Silva of Bamba brought a boat load of Baila from London. His music was intercultural- food for thought.
Mano Ratwatte / July 9, 2017
So my friend went to the doctor who is a top GI specialist. He told my friend if he does not have insurance, the entire procedure he had to remove a nodule in the gut will cost $1,500 in CASH. But as he also worked for a hospital and practice, he was seen with Insurance and that was charged over $10,000 or at least billed over $10,000.. It is a damned game here. So then the Insurance will tell the Doctor “No we will pay $6,000.00” and doctor says ok and still gets a lot more money via insurance for the same procedure he offered to do for only $1,500. The doctor was an Arab immigrant doctor. So go figure, everyone smells and loves and worships money..
Agnos / July 9, 2017
Mr. Ratwatte,
Whatever ails the medical industry comes from the broader, distorted capitalist system that has created perverse incentives and made deceit and dishonesty the norm.
If you go to a few different dentists for a dental problem, you will see a wide variation in their quotes, with some sticking you with unnecessary procedures. A few years ago, I had one funny dentist pushing expensive crowns for my little son whose teeth were going to fall off anyway. And another ENT specialist who asked my son to come repeatedly for nothing so that he could charge the insurance. The dentist was of Indian origin but the ENT specialist was a Jewish guy, probably of Eastern European origin. I have seen this among doctors of all ethnic groups, so unlike you, I wouldn’t just blame ‘greedy Indian doctors.’
Moreover, cardiologists, radiologists, anesthetists and other specialists are paid high fees, simply based on the claim that they have refined expertise, even though most of the time they do the same darn thing repeatedly; reading an X-Ray, MRI or mammogram, and telling a patient there is nothing, is something even self-taught people with basic training, e.g., electrical or biomedical engineers, can also do, but the system wouldn’t allow them to do it.. Neurologists and Psychiatrists cannot provide any real solutios, but most of the time peddle useless medication, and are paid well anyway. Pharmaceutical companies keep advertising expensive medicines that have dangerous side affects and do not really help patients.
While these problems arise from the current capitalist system and are hardly unique to the medical profession, it is more glaring in that profession because healthcare is needed for everyone, not just a subset of people.
stop20 / July 10, 2017
you are preaching your libtard jargon. the whites are confident lot from birth and don’t need to think sideways. they from the west come to usa because training is not offered under the libtard governments as nurses wear the pants of consultants. then when trained they get back to base as life in europe is more cultured than america and money is not their issue.- they live they spend they earn unlike you perhaps seating on money getting paid less than white because your wants are less. gujaratis are famous for it- sitting on pots of money and pooing close by.
Anita Hill / July 10, 2017
Where did you pick up this language? Sitting in your gated community singing prayers ? Libtard? This is not even the appropriate for your dark brown thick lipped curly haired short people who have gone to the US to worship mammon to comment on something totally unrelated to politics.
Emil writes with wit and sounds like a wonderful gentleman of the old school not some conjob like you who writes the same rubbish using the same words inappropriately on other pages on CT. As far as we are concerned after touring India and Sri Lanka, all of you are alike, look closer to Africans and all of you crave money and fame in the west. You demand respect because you made it in the free market CHRISTIAN nations of ours and not in your dengue-lands with indisciplined drivers, body odour and other issues including perverts. I cannot go anyway without your colored staring and leering at me. Muslims or Sinhala all the same on the beach or at shopping centers. Sad repressed backward people: all you hindus, buddhists are the same too. Time to accept Jesus and get rid of your hate.
stop20 / July 10, 2017
English is just for the English like Brexit its Libtards!
We lead you follow! William Hill are the bookmakers over here.
We design you copy……
A dog stepping on the paws of a cat that catches mice.
The rest of your garbage does not effect me the least please take it to the relevant dumping station. Phew!!
Boom Boom / July 11, 2017
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ramona therese fernando / July 10, 2017
Ooooooooh EVDP! That’s the price humans have to pay to live longer with advanced medicine, minus basic training towards nursing personnel. Pay your money to keep yourself alive indefinitely, and it all goes towards the latest commercialized technology, fulfilled on the global stock exchange. But we wish you a good long life.
Emil van der Poorten / July 10, 2017
ramona therese fernando:
You should, if you haven’t already, add to the list of your accomplishments that of absolute insincerity in wishing anyone well!
ramona therese fernando / July 11, 2017
Oh dear…..We are very different people EVDP. I tend to feel empathy when I read about one’s pain and suffering one chooses to air to the world. Hope your rancor gives positive benefit to you. May you be Well and Happy.
donald / July 11, 2017
“I tend to feel empathy when I read about one’s pain and suffering one chooses to air to the world. “
The opposite of sociopath is not just empath it is Yes and No!
school dropout- need to study advance psychology to understand it.- Carl Jung made it clear in his early essays.- Impossible method.
that is what makes you(classic have not) shift like a chameleon when cornered.
ramona therese fernando / July 11, 2017
. Your psychological analyses are all mixed up Donald.
donald / July 12, 2017
A rat who gnaws at a cat’s tail invites destruction.
At least I my knowledge of sinhala and culture is far superior to yours
Now go away foul mouth.
Emil van der Poorten / July 12, 2017
ramona therese fernando:
How about adding “self-righteous b.s.” to your list of accomplishments? Some fakes can be smelled a mile away.
ramona therese fernando / July 12, 2017
Well, I don’t know you personally, so I really can’t say, can I EVDP? I shudder and empathize merely on the gory details of your sufferings. I wouldn’t even want a person I disliked in real life, to undergo such horror. Now, you do not need to hate me so. Just ignore me and *Get Well Soon.*
donald / July 12, 2017
life in a legal skunk state as illegal? Watti amma jerk.
K A Sumanasekera / July 10, 2017
Emil Aiiya, I feel sorry for the trauma you have been through…….I hope you recover 100 percent……On thing though, those Cardiac Surgeons must be world class to get you out of that situation, and bring you back to normal with the limited resources which they have….. Plus you must be one heck of a tough old bugger too…… I just read that the Kandy Teaching Hospital has done its firstt Heart Transplant Surgery on a 34 year old woman……fantastic news….. Also I read in he same paper, that Negambo Hospital has to put 3 people on a bed to accommodate the Dengue patients…..Hope Yahapalana Dr Rajitha will help alleviate these problems which our Dalits face, by opening SATMs in each Province with Dr Neville Fernando Teaching Hospital attached , when Dr Ranil take us to his Federal Land……
Native Vedda / July 10, 2017
KASmaalam—-Where is Bandula Jayasekere? Is he a friends of the public racist HLD M? Is he a member of the redneck SPUR? Is he a close relative of the most unhappy female Shenali Wadige?
kurakkan / July 10, 2017
Native Vaiko Vedda
“Is he a close relative of the most unhappy female Shenali Wadige?”
‘Rajni can kill a living room’
What will happen to the EVM when the Election Commission asks Rajnikanth to tamper it with.- ‘Rajni can count up to infinity twice’,
K A Sumanasekera / July 10, 2017
Dear Native…….Poor Poorten Aiiya missed meeting St Peter by a whisker…..And you worry about HLD, SPUR and Shenali Wadige……….Who is Snelai Wadige BTW…….
Native Vedda / July 10, 2017
KASMaalam——My questions are about Bandula not about Shenali or HLD M the two public racists. Shenali is the most unhappy women that whomever knows her. Bandula must have known her and worked closely with her. Does she like making love? I don’t think she does. You too sound very unhappy. You should get together sometime with Shenali. Best of luck. A word of caution she looks like a man hater rather than a man eater.
Emil van der Poorten / July 10, 2017
Native Veddah:
I believe Mr. B. Jayasekera who was once suspected, in certain quarters, of sending me threatening SMSs when he was some type of diplomutt in Australia, courtesy of his patron, Mahinda Rajapaksa, is a TV Journalist of sorts co-hosting some talk show in one of the Maharaja television enterprises.
Simply goes to show that a total lack of principles is transferable from one occupation to another!
Native Vedda / July 10, 2017
Emil ban der Poorten, thanks. Informed sources tell me our KASmaalam is a close associate of Bamdula. I suspect Bandula and KASmalam are one and the same. My suspension is based on both of their typings.Whenever I ask KASmaalam about Bandula KASmaa takes a side walk like a crab.
Heart Surgeon / July 10, 2017
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Mano Ratwatte / July 10, 2017
Then there is a case of a very close friend of mine; double transplant: Heart and Kidney at 51 years of age. The EMT team had to put him on a Helicopter to take him to the heart institute. The team never gave up after he coded 3 times and kept giving him CPR. He has a second chance in life. As there are so many people on the waiting list for transplants, he had to make his own case for it and he did a brilliant job with the doctor’s panel in Dallas. A Sri Lankan lad and extremely smart and accomplished guy, and a wonderful friend of mine. The helicopter ride alone was billed at over a $100,000 dollars but insurance covered most of it and the costs of heart and kidney transplants is over a million dollars; but he is getting best of care. It was nothing short of amazing because we thought he was a goner. He was lucky there was a state of the art brand new heart center close to his home. He is such a witty guy; now he jokes that he got a 25 year old heart and kidney that he should get a 25 year old dick too. Emil, I do not know you from Adam or Eve but enjoy your stories.
I wish people would not be so nasty and insulting and enjoy or disagree with class and facts rather than unloading their inferiority complexes and rage here. Hippocratic oath ?
chinchinatu / July 10, 2017
“”He is such a witty guy; now he jokes that he got a 25 year old heart and kidney that he should get a 25 year old dick too.””
Asians on principal do not donate body parts for free and north indians very rarely donate blood.(superstitions) surprised after that long sojourn at punjab now in pirates paradise. Will you donate your body for research or pay to cremate?
Your former PM DM Jayaratne was taught (at Johns Hopkins) how to prepare manioc and eat it so he stays alive with his mental illness. There are many an asian there and most are talented.- but the place is frightening.- its where the slaves were brought in.- tropical disease centre.
We prefer paying 40% taxes because there is culture than paying 25% at USA
Emil van der Poorten / July 11, 2017
Thanks for that, Lasantha.
I notice that I had contributed a comment at the time your piece was published. Typical of someone of my vintage, I had forgotten that I had!
Incidentally, for the benefit of those trotting out the story of the recent heart transplant at Kandy hospital to counter what I had to say, I owe my life to the cardio-thoracic surgeon and his team to did damage control after the “non-surgical” pacemaker implantation! That fact does NOT contradict the totally unacceptable conditions prevailing in the ward in which I was prisoner!
chinchinatu / July 11, 2017
stay with the wires than wireless. Emil do not go for a pill sized pacemaker as hackers could get you. there is a new eco-technology that uses light rather than lithium batteries it needs just a few seconds of light to run a wristwatch for 6 months at a time. Here is the top cat in the world having the very best the world can offer- understand principals that run technology.
Mano Ratwatte / July 11, 2017
I first gave blood in SL when the Airlanka plane was blown up on the tarmac and there was a call for blood. I gave regularly in the US Too until a certain medical condition to do with thalessemia made it not possible. I was disappointed. Just for fun I also gave plasma. That is more fun because you have 2 or more hours and you can watch movies! Enjoy your expert commentary based on nothing. Everyone I know who are buddhists or catholics are body part donors as we have that on our driver’s licenses. Enjoyed your really intellectual holier than thou lecture. We all have a living will on how we will be processed and that is not your business. I wish you would not hide behind pseudonyms when posting expert opinions. Emil good luck dude. I do not know you but sorry to hear about your tragedy. Another area SL is woefully under-prepared and ill informed is in treating mental illnesses such as psychotic breakdowns, bipolar depression etc. Lot of the psychiatrists from SL moved to the US during the socialist stifling days and filled a category of physicians in the US that was not attracting too many American citizens. I am glad to see they are flourishing and doing extremely well in this field too now for over 40 years. A lot of doctors, Tamil or Sinhala who moved away in the 1970s are extremely successful. They are amazing.
Nalin / July 11, 2017
“”We all have a living will on how we will be processed and that is not your business.””
Wisdom (Buddhism) begins when you use the correct word not your twisted thieving raddala paddai.
When you are guilty and blue you sing a defensive song for sympathy- Coward!
Badda familial the prime `monopoly thieves` you can’t hide under goni billa culture who are bigger thieves of the island.
When your aunt plucked king coconut’s it went never ending – 3 months back to base over again – while the bitch took our estates.
“”I wish people would not be so nasty and insulting and enjoy or disagree with class and facts rather than unloading their inferiority complexes and rage here. Hippocratic oath “”
White meat better you go colour blind. For a moment I do not believe you donate body parts even when dead –
Donate blood because kalla thela and easy way of reducing fat like Gandhi the pedo who thought he would be young for always if he did what he did.
“”he should get a 25 year old dick too.”
Like you viper CBK always in denial after theft does not know diplomacy though she stole all those scholarships.
1971 a movie was screened at Ceylon named `PERCY` so you could have used it than your crude dicky bird story.
An off shot for always from Banda island DNA that has placed our island in the precarious fraudulent situation
You spoke ala battala at home Your parents and CBK never studied latin or greek Still limited in the fineness of diplomacy- CHIT eka Kolla for education, funding travel, that was your way around the world at the expense of the poor citizens taxes.
Pity gotabaya did not finish it like a sooriyarachi then one less for the road.
Agnos / July 12, 2017
“A lot of doctors, Tamil or Sinhala who moved away in the 1970s are extremely successful. They are amazing.”
Amazing? Can they provide solutions to people with mental illness when decades of medical research has not resulted in any serious understanding of the working of the brain, or effective medications to address many mental health issues?
Psychiatry as a profession has been a dismal failure; there have been articles after articles on The NY Times by psychiatrists themselves about the limitations of their field. They might help a small number of people with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, but most mental health problems remain untreatable even via medications, let alone psychotherapy.
The same is true of neurology. But some doctors do get rich by seeing patient and after patient they cannot help in any meaningful way.
donald / July 12, 2017
That is because the medicine is manufactured to the research of neuroscientist and the psychiatrist is a mere `prescription dispenser` who on maximum discusses with a pharmacist who deals with the supplier wholesaler.
talk of bipolar and lithium there are blood test done to prescribe the relevant dosage The drug leaves the system in 24 hours via urination- it s called `shrink` all tendons and ligaments then the patient has to exercise daily to keep them tuned and on top the effects on thyroids, kidneys (so take preventive) diabetics etc around 20 tablets a day- trillion dollar business. So in comes the skunk legal states and folk even most of america’s writers are on mari in their own confessions – now take the skunk and it relives the system of shrink effect so one becomes a hohner piano accordian from 60 base to 120 base to 240- see them on the streets. The latest is a smart neuroscientist from vancouver who comes out with a drug using the poppy as afghanistan is now 100% opium – business as usual trillion dollars.
It takes 14 years of study to be a consultant psychiatrist in the UK – the subject studied by the dropouts of medical practice of specialist surgeons and GP’s.
Only way out of is – Cure suicidal depression using the cognitive therapy- meditation tai chi.(easier than yoga.)
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / July 10, 2017
At the writer’s request, I would like to embed a link to my CT article on the horrors of Ward 30 at Kandy Teaching Hospital in July 2015. So, here it is: