14 February, 2025


Petition Seeking Writ Of Mandamus Directing An Inquiry Into Maithripala Sirisena’s Mental Health

A writ petition has been filed in the Court of Appeal seeking a mandate in the nature of a writ of Mandamus against IGP Pujith Jayasundara and the Fort Police HQ OIC directing them to institute judicial proceedings in district courts by virtue of section 2 of the Mental Diseases Ordinance for the purpose of inquiring state of mind of President Maithripala Sirisena.

Maithripala Sirisena

A person by the name of Thakshila Jayawardena has filed the petition as a matter of “public interest.”

Speaking to the media from the Huftsdorp courts complex this evening, Counsel Sisira Kumara Siriwardena, a lawyer representing Jaywardena said many citizens in the country had already come to the conclusion that President Siriena was suffering from a mental disability.

He said there were three possible reasons to suspect that Sirisena was suffering from a mental disability including A) The stress stemming from his natural inability to meet the demand of the job B) A history of mental health issues in the family C) Inability to cope with the stresses stemming from the arrest of I.K. Mahanama, the President’s former Chief of Staff, over a bribery charge.

Siriwardena also said Sirisena’s biography, written by his daughter Chathurika Sirisena, indicated that the President had a “family history” when it came to mental health issues.

He said the President can only enjoy his immunity only if he is of sound mind. “If he is suffering from a mental disability he can no longer enjoy presidential immunity.”

The Sri Lankan Constitution bars a person with a mental disability from functioning as the Executive President. “Any Member of Parliament may, by a writing addressed to the Speaker, give notice of a resolution alleging that the President is permanently incapable of discharging the functions of his office by reason of mental or physical infirmity,” the Constitution stipulates.

Latest comments

  • 9

    ‘Psychiatrists’ are prepared to give a clean certificate ‘mentally sane’ for trade value of SLR 1000million. If MPs can demand Rs 500 for cross over then why can’t the doctors ask! Corruption starts from the top!!

  • 6

    We. lay-Lankans have got used to accepting that the Judiciary is not for us. The elites used the Judiciary to cover up their wrong doings.
    Unwittingly the 26 October sack has woken up the Judiciary from the induced coma.
    Thakshila Jayawardena has filed the petition as a matter of “public interest”. The long term effect will be indelible mark.
    The short term effect is the encouragement to Thakshila-likeminded.

  • 9

    Dear Takhshila Siriwardana,

    May be Sirisena’s mad behavior peaks with the phases of the moon, exhibiting lunatic tendencies. This additional data may convince the court that the safe place for Sirisena is the Moon, only about 240,000 miles away.

  • 0

    If UNP wanted to search that President MS mental health was too late. This could have done 2015 January 8th the day that MS an appoinmented Ranil Wicks as Primer of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri lanka.
    There are very many reasons out of that one-reason was of that 41 members in Parliamentary minority how was that he became Prime-Minister of Sri lanka.??? $$$$$$$$ !

    We are now believed that President of MS make a mishaps by politically only look at Position of Island to become FIRST CITIZEN! Role played by President of MS that connected to the politics of UNP was another failure of system of bourgeoisies corny capitalist democracy.

  • 4

    I should have responded to this earlier. My concern was when, some three weeks ago, . a friend of mine with no medical training asked me, “As a Senior Specialist Physician what do you think of President Sirisena’s mental state?”
    I have been too long in Medicine to fall into the trap of making a diagnosis without personally assessing the person. That said, I am seriously concerned at the events post October 26, 2018, especially President Sirisena flouting the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and doing things he does not have the power to do.
    However, before Sirisena is dragged before the Courts, I think it essential that he be checked by specialist Physician and a Psychiatrist. There are outstanding doctors in Sri Lanka and I do not need to tell them what to do, but a CT brain scan, preferably a magnetic resonance scan, and even more important, a clinical consultation with a Psychiatrist is a must.
    I am told that Sirisena is a diabetic. If this is true,and the sugars are out of control, he could possibly make these absurd statements. Even more so, if he has diabetic complications such as occlusion of the small arteries in the brain that can seriously affect decision making.
    I have also read that in Sirisen’s biography written by his daughter, it is stated that the President has a “family history” of mental health issues.
    All of this makes it essential that Sirisena be properly checked medically and psychiatric ally. To just say “Sirisena has gone mad” as SKM stated on December 10th, is unacceptable.
    I have been down this road with Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the previous regime. If you google my name and type “Psychiatric Disorder: An analysis of Gotabaya Rajapkasa”, it is all there. Briefly, Gotabaya wanted to import a puppy from Zurich for his wife. Frederica Jansz, Sunday Leader, called Gotabaya to get some details.

    • 1

      You have been known as a mad bugger (medically qualified or not, for a long time!
      So don’t pass judgement on others please.

      • 2

        Brisban Lankan

        Why don’t you have the guts to put your name? This is not Sri Lanka

        Brian Senewiratne

    • 1

      My diagnosis is that the Souls of the 100 000 killed, the white flag incident, the disappeared are still roaming in his head and causing distress in his mind.
      If not treated, it may eat from inside and may lead to suicide. The karma and his conscience need to be balance, otherwise it will follow on to his family as per his history.
      He needs to tell the truth and point the finger who was responsible for the genocide, as the best cure,for peace and stability of mind.
      For the time being, take two paracetamol,and if pain persist,seeDr Brian S.

  • 1

    This woman is a sad case, working for a British ‘software’ company associated with MI6. Her motives and backers are really doubtful for this reason alonee. This is the way the British MI6 and CIA orchestrated the 2015 conspiracy mainly by using local agents. The thing is, our people are too smart for their operations and ultimately their plans come the cropper.

    This woman needs to get her own brain examined before she goes to court on Sirisena!

  • 5

    Sirisena style-
    Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one’s view’s and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one’s valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.

    • 1

      Dear Athula

      I agree, wholeheartedly!

    • 0

      Dear Athula

      After carefully considering everything you say, I have also forgotten what I was going to add!

  • 1

    Trump, May, Macron, Putin, Xi, Scott Morrison, Aung San Suu Kyi, Modi are examples of leaders under stress. Modi (the Ramayana Ram), by the recent poll result. MS is no different.
    We, lay-Lankans, are mentally fatigued by the washing of linen in public.
    One wonders as to whether or not MS was led into the RW-removal and the subsequent ‘happenings’. Are the backers, prodders using the media well?
    At the end of the day, SLPP will front up with the language/religion-divide. The horse/auctioneers/bidders will cheer like hell. We, the voters, have to decide.

  • 0

    It’s natural, let me remind that Sinhala saying; it’s upon fruit bearing trees, stones & sticks are thrown.

    Stay unmoved Mr. president, you’re not so bad even though you’re not perfect.

    People like your action upon RW even though you might be compelled by the circumstance to make him again the PM.

    Try your best not to do it, we love it.

  • 1

    A simple blood test at MRI will prove MS’s mental state but why the people want to find this out so late
    as they could have judged his state of mind when he took his son Daham Sirisena to the United Nations assembly and allowed him to mingle with world leaders in the inner chamber.

  • 0

    Maithreepala came to power by deceving the people to believing that he was going to bring all the foreign money that MR and his croonies have collected abroad after a due investigative process.instead he has in his self interest gone back on the promise and, unconstitenially appointed MR as the new PM .Thus proving to be a, imbesile

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